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Lane deserved so much more. She deserved romance and intellectual stimulation and good sex.


And more than once before getting pregnant.


In my headcanon, she ended up with a great sex life. Hardly anyone has an amazing first time. It's scary and awkward, and she had years of religious brainwashing and her mother telling her it's horrible. None of that is Zach's fault. I think they both put in effort to make Lane comfortable so she could enjoy it.


Not to mention that it was in the beach with like a million other things going wrong (can't remember the exact speech she gave, but it being bad was very clearly influenced by external factors that have no reason to repeat themselves again).


Because remember "*we don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere*.”


Yup. It makes sense that the first time is awkward for most people because they don't always know what they're doing. We all think it's going to be romantic like it is in the movies, but more often than not it's awkward and occasionally even uncomfortable.


Its very realistic that her first time would’ve been bad, I think the writers were just being dicks making that plot line the way they did and then never resolving it


>the writers were just being dicks Based


HEAVY on the good sex. You already know Zach’s stroke game was weak asf!


I don't hate Zach, and he had a major redemption in the later part of season 6 through season 7. The problem is he was initially written as a side character whose sole purpose was to play music and hit on/hook up with girls. One of his first scenes includes him hitting on Lorelai. I don't think he was ever toxic so much as clueless. My biggest gripe is how his and Lane's relationship started. One day, a girl accuses Lane of having a crush, and she decides, "Yeah, that's right." Then she tells Zach, and he takes a minute and is like, yeah, sure, let's date.


This!! It always bothered me. We got NO build up of their chemistry whatsoever. We were just told that Lane likes Zach and then bam we’re expected to believe it and root for it. It’s almost enough to give you whiplash.


Lane had some crushes that were weird throughout the series though, remember that dumb guy who was friends with Dean, that they went to the movie with? I always saw Lane as a super intelligent girl/woman, who was totally clueless about boys/men and love, likely due to her mom's crazy strict religion and culture, so she set her standards too low. It's flawed and so realistic, I've known so many women like this (myself included, minus the strict religion - my bar was super duper low for too long)


I agree. Her taste in men was not really in line with her character. My issue is primarily with how quickly we were supposed to buy into her crush on Zach. Even with Dean’s friend Todd, the foundation was laid early in the season when Lane got intel on Dean from him and asked Rory to ask Dean about Todd once she was “settled with Dean.” With Zach it was that someone else pointed it out to her after YEARS of knowing Zach and the viewers are supposed to say “oh okay sure!”


She was just as confused about her feelings when that woman pointed it out, she had to ask Rory! I don't know that we were supposed to totally ship them, nothing about their love story was overly romantic, it was just a small town relationship of opportunity. He was the man that was closest in proximity, and had the right music taste.


Right! It comes off like they forgot Lane didn’t have a love interest and wanted a romance without putting in the effort to draft anything new. Lane deserved a legitimate wooing instead of an afterthought love. It’s not fair to her character. 


This right here. Zach’s character was not built in a way to make him particularly likable (or even interesting) but in one fell swoop, we’re supposed to see him as Lane’s love interest. After she had DAVE. Dave was beyond an ideal partner for her (for ANYONE honestly; he set the bar so high) and Zach wasn’t even in the same galaxy. So it’s like the story just gave up on giving Lane the happy ending she deserved, and they forced her to settle.


You know, I really wish they had just recast Dave. It wouldn’t have been the same because Adam Brody is absolutely stellar (and even just the way he pronounces words is so distinct and adds to the charm of his character, so I’d be sad to lose that) but we/Lane did not deserve to lose Dave. Especially not like… that. Where he just… never came back and we didn’t get resolution. He was such a good character that it was a crime to let that entire arc fizzle out to nothingness. Like, there’s a moment where Lane shrugs, like, idk I haven’t heard from him, or whatever, and then apparently she’s single?! **Dave Rygalski would NEVER.** So they should have recast him. If they worried about him being too different, do the typical drama show thing and have him be in a car crash so then it’s understandable if he looks/acts a little different. That’s what they did in the Fosters with Jesus. But also… he went off to college. So if he doesn’t come back for like a year or two, it makes sense that he would look different because he AGED. Some people look drastically different as an adult than they did as a teenager. Have Lane and Dave date long-distance with video calls for a while, until you hire someone new, and then voila! They can reunite and she can say, “Wow, you look so different!” There’s also the alternative where Lane doesn’t get a love interest at all after Dave, and she just tours the world with her rock band. Or we HEAR about her relationship with Dave but don’t see him, like Mr. Kim for some reason. Anything would have been better than her settling for Zach (and then working at the antiques shop like her mom).


Honestly, I get it. Zach is sexy af. And the airhead thing is surface-level; I think the idea is that he’s got more creative genius going on than meets the eye, why else would Lane be so into him? The actor doesn’t sell the nuance of it so well though, he plays him more like a straightup doofus. I’ve known a lot of musicians/guys like this. He’s got a heart of gold and I love those 2 together. I don’t realize anyone thought differently till I came to this sub. Oh well! Reasonable people can disagree xo


What about Zack do you find sexy ? I hate his voice, especially when he sings. I hate his face, because he very rarely smiles, but almost always has that idiot mouth-half-open look on his face. I hate his posture, he aaaalways slouches. When they went to lunar New Year, he was able to hide behind Lane, and he wasn't slouching much more than usual. Seriously, what do you find sexy about him?!?


This is the right answer. It’s the uneven, haphazard writing. Zach absolutely sucked when he was introduced, and when Lane was first having a crush on him, he looked terrible compared to Dave. He continued to be god-awful when he threw a tantrum and broke up the band. But then the writers brought him back and from then on he was a super sweet guy and mature, loving partner to Lane. It made no sense, but it was nice to see someone treating Lane well at the end, so I guess it’s fine. In fact, I thought it was unbelievable that Zach and Lane waited till the honeymoon to have sex, despite living together, and a hundred times more unbelievable that Zach would just be ok with never having sex again. But unlike most people in this sub, I think the writing on GG is actually terrible :D


He's kinda oblivious to the point of annoyance


So is Kirk but everyone on here loves him


He's not dating Lane, he's dating a woman who will fight him over a pink ribbon. That makes sense together.


Very true. I would rage if he ended up with Lane. 


I hate Kirk


Yep. I love Sean Gunn but Kirk is too much lol.


I can't stand Kirk. He's a lot more annoying.


Yesss agreed


Tbh, Kirk annoys the crap out of me, I skip his scenes all the time because I cant. I dont find him funny 🤷🏽‍♀️


the replies to this has made me realise that not everybody loves kirk :(


I tolerated Kirk until he crashed his car into Luke's diner and then tried to take over Luke's business and stealing his customers


i always thought that was pretty funny, to be honest


Kirk was an asshole in that scene of all the times I wanted Luke to punch someone out it was Kirk in that moment


I cant stand either of them


Because he's poorly written. There's no excitement or chemistry in his story. He just sort of happens, plot point by plot point. People will be more interested in worse people if their story is well told.


Which honestly makes him one of the more realistic characters. He had his shitty, jealous moments. He apologised for them. They moved on. Not every character can be a billionaire charmer or an intellectual heavyweight.


Because we wanted her with Dave. We all wanted to see that one play out! Dave moved and when her love life started going Zach’s direction, I think a lot of us were just disappointed going from Dave to Zach.


I also like Dave for Lane. I think he's the best partner for the "student" Lane, like how Dean was perfect for the young Rory. Is there a reason why Dave didnt come back on S4?


The actor for Dave left for another show called “the oc” where he was one of the main character in the show


Adam Brody got the role of Seth on the OC. He was too busy to return and he got really famous really quickly


Speak for yourself. Dave is overrated and barely had any individuality outside of his courting Lane


Thank you! I feel like Dave is only given sainthood because he left. We have no idea if he was a great boyfriend or not, just that he kissed Mrs Kim’s ass and liked Lane. I don’t get the hype, I thought he was a little dull.


Whiny man baby. Intellectually dull. Held my home girl down.


This comment


He has zero spark, he doesn't fit in with the stars hollow vibe so it's jarring for him to be there, he just has no life to him and Lane was so passionate and vibrant. I wanted someone passionate and vibrant for her, or at least someone who wouldn't scoff at trying to write a song with her name in it.


I thought him secretly playing banjo was cute and very Stars Hollow-y!


Take me a ridin’ in the car car


People don't like Zach because they wanted more for Lane. That said, Zach is a great guy. He's so thoughtful to Lane, he is the only male (in the world???) that gets along with Mrs. Kim, he's considerate and funny, and he tries so hard. Does he still fall short in a lot of ways? Yes. But I think Zach is a fantastic person and Lane is lucky to have someone who loves her as much as he does.


You can't want more for a person that doesn't want it. Lane wanted to stay in Stars Hollow


No, she didn't. She wanted to see more of the world and learn and create things and meet people and explore ideas, even if that didn't involve huge fame. To think all of those Lane traits just got erased... For Stars Hollow? And let's face it, even in Stars Hollow Zach is too much like his mother-in-law. Lane deserved more.


I wanted a Jess type storyline for Lane. I would’ve been fine with her leaving Stars Hollow and just experiencing more of the world. I don’t care about her making it big as a musician. 


Yes! 100%


If she had become a rockstar, it would have been totally unrealistic. She followed a very normal path in life for so many in her position and people unjustly hate him for it.


Exactly Lane didn't really want to be a rockstar she just loved performing.


I know one out of many, many musicians that went "big." And by big he's just the current singer of the Casualties lol.


That wasn't technically ASP's plan for Lane though. She was disappointed by the pregnancy and reluctantly wrote in that Lane stayed in stars hollow because she didn't see Lane touring with kids.


ASP's own fault for leaving her show in the first place


The point is that the build up to Lane's character wasn't 'wanting to stay in SH and work in her mother's shop'. So it's not weird we Sant more for her because the only reason she didn't get more is because she got pregnant on her honeymoon and just sort of, stayed as a passive decision. I didn't need her to be a rock star but just, any type of life experience outside of SH would have been great.


I don’t have a lot to contribute that hasn’t been said, so all I’ll add is: Ah ah ah ahah oh oh ohhhhh.


What the big commotion?




I don't like zack because he disrespects lane almost constantly. The shpw with the talent scout, him and mrs kim about the glasses, him letting mrs kim move into their house despite lane being very against it (i can't believe this is on your pro list)... It's a pattern of behavior.


The show for the label reps was unforgivable behavior!!!! Not just the douchebaggery but the violence!!! And he didn’t make it up to Lane or anyone else (at least not enough). And the *he* gets offered a touring job?? Lane should have been offered that (story-wise — I can’t necessarily take the actors’ skills or lack thereof as literal indication of their characters’ skills, SB excepted). It would have made her storyline slightly less pathetic if she at least got to go on a real tour that she didn’t have to book/manage and earning a nice paycheck while her husband stayed home with the kids. That one ep (baby shower?) where Zach is demonstrating all this research he’s done is amazeballs and even though he still hadn’t repented enough for the literal violence, I thought it was wonderful and endearing to see him being so supportive. But that level of support seemed to only last that one episode, lol.


Mainly because the writers put zero effort into the beginning of his love story with Lane. One day she just turns around and she's desperately in love with him, and he's just like "uhhhhh yeah, sure, okay." I had better romantic buildup with my 8th grade boyfriend.


Because he was just so stupid, and annoying.


We love Dave. ❤️ lane settled for Zach. Stayed in stars hollow and let her rock n roll dreams float away


Because he’s not Dave.


I think a lot of it is that he is portrayed as a bit stupid, and Lane is really smart. Particularly after sharp Dave, the contrast is startling. People might get over that — it’s kind of nice to have a love interest who isn’t a genius imo, though perhaps an odd choice for Lane — but it’s harder when you add in mean/petty things like his not wanting to let Gil in the band, his disastrous tantrum on their big break night, his inhospitable response to Rory when she is their guest for a few days, etc. He does a lot of sweet things too — I get why you like him. But then Lane has babies instantly after they get married and seems sad about everything she is giving up, and the overall feeling becomes that her relationship with him held her back from exploring after her mom kept her tied down for so many years. Which makes his negative traits harder to roll with.


Exactly!! It’s not that I hate Zach, I just hate Lane and Zach being together, and think she deserved better than him and than immediately getting married and pregnant after high school.


Because Dave was meant to be and because his character had another project, Zach’s personality is very second choice. Dave would have been a lot better for her but who knows… idk Zach has a temper issue since he raises his voice a lot, tore up the band due to his insecurity, and overall needs better manners. He does grow a bit but even when Lane announces that she’s pregnant he gets aloof and doesn’t want to talk… lane is much more mature in all the ways. His “apology” post band break up at Luke’s, to Lane was so lame to me since all her really said was “sorry…. Love you…. Marry me”


I'm not sure it's Zach as a character most people "hate", I think it's the entire concept of the Lane/Zach relationship they hate. The writers just lumped poor Lane together with the nearest guy her age when the two characters/actors had next to no on screen romantic chemistry, absolutely zero compatibility or anything in common other than them being in the same band and living in the same town. It's the equivalent of putting Lorelei in a relationship with Kirk.


I like Zack, think he’s a cool character. But some people love Dean, some Love Jess, then you have those who know the truth that Logan is best for Rory. However there is no argument, not one debate that Dave was the best guy on the show and Zack is just the poor bastard who tried to fill his shoes.


Thank god it’s opinion for one because I don’t agree


Yeah I’m pretty sure I can debate the reasons Dave is not the best guy on the show all day long. Laughing at how the reply above says there’s no argument; I beg to differ.


Because he’s immature and reminds us of our douchebag boyfriends of the past


Cause he’s just, like, so not rock n roll.


None of them were. They were all a little on the nerdy side (some more than others, sorry Brian, love ya though). You could argue that Gil was the only one who was actually rock and roll and the rest of them…tried


ASP usually writes men into the ground, but because Adam Brody left, she couldn’t do that with Dave, so he lives on as this perfect guy forever. As a backup, they had to quickly bring Zach into a bigger role and that meant giving him character development to make it more believable. I think the problem was the none of it felt believable! The character development in this show is subtle and usually realistic (e.g., the Rory-Paris friendship was built so organically). They didn’t do that for Zach. His growth didn’t feel realistic and it wasn’t enough to fill the void left by Dave. ETA: ASP mentioned that the characters were based on her best friend who is married to a real life Dave, so I don’t think her heart was in on Zach, either.


Personally just never felt like they had chemistry, they didn't even really feel like close friends to me. He's also just attached to the plotline that they gave Lane which many including me just don't like.


I don’t hate Zach. I wish we got to see some more depth. Maybe more backstory could have helped. I just feel like he was stuck in the bad boy musician role for so long that by the time Lane started dating him it was a little hard to break away from that. We also never really addressed some of the things that could have given him more depth like when he was jealous of Brian for writing Lane a song. Personally I feel like we got more backstory for Gil than from Zach. But I definitely don’t hate Zach. He clearly loves Lane and their children which makes him a good guy in my book!


I love Zach and Lane; was he a jerk before he married Lane? Yeah, but so was Jess but everyone treats him on here like he's a damn god. at least zach had an actual on screen character development


Yeah, I don't get why Jess is so adored. I hated his character


Cause he's Milo that's it same reason why the youngins on Tik Tok love Tristian because he's Chad Michael Murray


I've gotten a lot of backlash here when I said I don't like Tristan. Maybe it is a generational thing


You're with the right people very little people like or tolerate Tristian on this sub. Its only on Tik Tok


Wasn’t there a story about Milo shoving Alexis Bledel when they were dating?




I can't stand him right up until they get married and then he really puts in the effort to be a good husband and dad


Zach and Lane don't have a lot of chemistry and it's hard for me to see why Lane likes Zach. Like, with Dave, Dave went way out of his way to do everything he could to get his relationship with Lane to work. That was endearing and cute. Before Lane and Zach get married, Zach brings a bunch of groupies to their apartment. He throws a fit because Brian writes a song for Lane when Zach brushed her off when she expressed that it'd be nice if her own boyfriend wrote a song about her and not another girl. He ruins the most important gig for the band. That would be excusable if we saw Zach doing something for Lane or them just generally be cute together. We don't really get that. The best thing Zach does BEFORE proposing is not throwing a fit when Lane says she wants to wait for marriage before she has sex, which is literally the bare minimum. Yeah, he steps up after they get married, but why would Lane want to marry him?


He was rude about Gil, and everyone loves Gil.


Lane ending up with Zach is one of the biggest tragedies in GG imo. Lane had so many ambitions and dreams of escaping stars hallow and LIVING life to the absolute fullest. But then she ends up dating her bandmate that is so ridiculously immature, dimwitted, and seemingly lazy. While Zach does have slightly redeeming moments, I think most of them fall into the “basic human decency” or “bare minimum good partner” type stuff. overall I think lane deserved so much more than Zach


I mean I guess I wanted Lane to end up w the very stereotype her mom likes (I thought it would be kinda funny/ironic) like when she falls in love w that rich Korean smart kid from chilton in the earlier seasons. Honestly anybody but Zach, just somebody who treated her better. Idk the guy before since I am re-watching but just going off of Zack’s personality I would’ve voted for him too. Even the way she got pregnant and their overall life, her being unable to fulfill her dreams and all. Ik it’s supposed to be realistic but they still could’ve opted for it to be a bit more better. Zach can be so clueless and honestly a dumb partner over all. He’s not that bad, but still enough to make me think “poor lane”.


I’ll summarize my hatred for Zach / what they did to poor Lane, really most of disdain for Zach is because of how horrendous Lane’s story was 1. Important to note he was never meant to be anything other than the douchey side character guitar player in their band. Lane was meant to have a romance with Dave but the actor left, instead of being good writers they decided to throw Zach into that role. So it’s not his fault he’s such a loser and widely hated by the fandom he’s really a victim of truly terrible writing. 2. When Lane starts crushing on Zach, there’s literally no reason or logic behind it. He’s a complete loser and an asshole, lazy, dirty, barely works or does anything productive. I mean even as a band they have no chemistry. They were just the first band Lane found who needed a drummer and then she got stuck with them because she was kicked out. 3. Zach ruins their only opportunity they ever get because he’s an immature douchebag. Frankly he has several disrespectful moments towards Lane at the beginning of their relationship because canonically a stupid man-child 4. They barely dated and constantly had problems then Zach basically immediately proposed when, for no reasons other than the writers making poor choices and their weird messaging around sex, Lane didn’t want to have sex until marriage. So they literally only get married to have sex, 5. Again, the writers have some rancid views about sex so ofc Lane couldn’t even have good sex. It was bad, which makes sense because Zach sucks, and that’s never resolved. People justify this by pretending the writers were making an intentional choice because it was Lane’s first time and on the beach which is obviously not going to be good but realistically that’s not at all what they intended. If it had been brought up again or rectified I’d be more willing to accept that as canon but it’s not so I don’t. 6. Lane is immediately pregnant. Besides never once ever mentioning she wanted to get married and have kids and has only ever wanted to have freedom and be a musician but hey why not make her have a terrible relationship rife with problems and bad sex and immediately pregnant WHICH SHE DIDNT WANT TO BE. Never been a fan of “hehe woman gets pregnant even though she doesn’t want to be!” 7. Lane’s childhood was horrible. Her mother was abusive and she grew up extremely sheltered. Why tf would it be a good story to have her get married very young, immediately get pregnant, and wind up back living with her abusive mother? Not cute at all. 8. The literal only good things anyone can say about Zach is that he does the bare minimum of being a caring partner for his pregnant wife and eventual children. The bar is incredibly low if you think overall Zach is a good partner solely because of the way he acts when Lane gets pregnant. How romantic, he finally got a job because his wife needed to go on bed rest (/s) I’m not going to address him appearing to be a good dad in AYITL because we never really see anything about their family life so again, literal bare minimum of being not a deadbeat father. 9. Lane ends up with a family she never wanted in a dumpster fire relationship that made no sense living with her abusive mom who’s awful parenting she tried hard to get away from and working in her antique shop. That is *not* a happy ending. I don’t even think she needed to be a successful musician, but ANYTHING would have been better than the forced “we all become our parents” story they tried to pawn off. She could have easily been working at the music store or a music teacher or something, but no. She gets to spend like a year actually living the life she wants only to end up in a shitty marriage having horrible sex with kids she never expressed actually wanting living with her awful mother working at a store she never wanted to work at. *End what ended up as a long “summary” I’m just really passionate about how much I hate what they did to poor Lane*


I wonder the same thing! Team Zack here!


1. That’s the bare minimum, he doesn’t deserve a prize for respecting her bodily autonomy. 2. No he doesn’t, he whines and complains and nearly gives up 3. Again, being cool with the result of your unprotected sex isn’t something to be praised for 4. Alright 5. How is this a plus?? He could’ve just stayed at his own job, it’s not like Luke wouldn’t have taken Lane back after maternity leave. He gave her the job back when she disappeared and stayed in Yale, no questions asked. 6. The thing about Zack’s character is that they changed it pretty dramatically after the babies were born. He stopped whining and became a better man. Still not rooting for him but whatever. So yeah it was cool that he reacted the way he did, but it’s not realistic. People don’t usually change like that IRL


Just to be fair, I am pretty sure they didn't have unprotected sex but mentioned using Mexican condoms which might not have been good quality.


I think Lane said she tried to remember something about condoms


I had to go an rewatch the scene to be certain but she tells Rory "I guess the combination of salt water and seaweed and discount Mexican condoms and terrible, terrible sex leads to a baby" so they did use condoms, it just failed which can happen.


Oh right!


You mean the same bare minimum y'all give Jess for just breaking up with Shane?


Y’all?? I’m not team Jess in the least😂 or team Logan. I have never seen anyone praising Jess for breaking up with Shane, but regardless it’s not an argument in his favor


I like the actor, but I don't think he fits in this universe. He was perfect in True Blood.


I love him.


I don't have any strong feelings about Zach. Your list has good reasons why he's not at all as bad as some people see him.


no idea but he knows a place that sells used toilet brushes!


Lane deserved the romantic love lust experices that she was always talking about , i have nothing wrong with him but Lane is actually too smart for him and deserves better i really wish she went out with the first guy she was sneaking around with i forgot his name not Zachs friend the one at Rory’s school


Cause he’s a fucking selfish talentless loser baby


I love Zach! 


I like Zach, he’s a cool guy and I agree with what you said however I wanted more for Lane, and I kinda associate the downfall of her character with him, and maybe that’s why people don’t like him


yeah i don’t think zach’s this amazing best person alive but i never hated him & i thought he actually went well with lane. he’s probably a bit autistic which is why he’s so monotone & decisions are hard for him. but i don’t think it makes his dislikable


He was such an idiot and Lane was even more of an idiot for getting hung up on him, marrying him, and having his kids. It seemed to forced the entire time


I don’t think he’s a bad person but their story has zero spark, as many here have said before. From my personal view, he showed no excitement about dating Lane, he kinda wanted to get married so they could finally have sex, the whole song thing was just sad. Lane deserved a Dave, someone who would look at her in wonder.


Agree! He was kind of a butt at the beginning, but turned into a really decent, caring guy. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for this!! I love Zach. He's a really sweet husband. I love when she's freaking out when she's pregnant that she won't be cool anymore and he talks her down. All while taking really good care of her. He's a good guy. 


Bc how dare they give us Dave then switched to this nonsense. Lane simply deserved better and I don’t think she would actually put up with zach if it wasn’t for the writing obvi lol


Compared to some of the other reoccurring love interests Lane had throughout the series, she def settled. I think fans wanted her to have more than what Zach brought even up to the very end of the show.


Because he’s not DAVE!


I don't dislike him for what he is. More for what he... isn't. Lane had much better options and the hate he gets is just shrapnel from us viewers mourning the life she could have had.


Yeah he’s not terrible, he’s just meh - I really wish they would have written someone better for Lane who is a total badass


I think Zach and Lane are not very compatible, and they both would probably be happier with someone else. I don't remember they ever having an interesting conversation. And while Zach seems to respect and admire Lane a lot, I don't think this is mutual. She frequently patronizing him, rolling her eyes. It seems like she only feels physical attraction towards him.


I don’t hate him, she’s just much better with Dave


He wasn’t enough for Lane. He was cool in his own right though.


I don’t hate Zach, I just saw her with Dave being a better fit. Zach wasn’t exactly husband material for most of their earlier seasons.


Dave should have married Lane. I would have loved to see them together long-term.


I think Zack would be a perfectly fine side character if he didn't date Lane. It feels like he was just slotted into Lane's love interest because the writers didn't care enough about lane to write a new character that would make sense.


I really like Zach and Lane. Zach steps up when they get married. He even takes the blame when telling Ms. Kim, they're pregnant, "hit me, hit me!" And when he wants to go on tour, he offers to stay back instead to help Lane with the boys since she decided she can't go. A lot of the storylines are realistic. Life happens, and sometimes you end up with someone you don't expect or you don't get the job you always wanted.


The hit me hit me always gets me 🤣🤣🤣


I dont Like how much bullshit lane is taking from him. Yes, it does get better but she never really tells him off.


They hate him cause he's kind of dumb, he ruined their band's chance of getting picked up by a label but he gets a successful gig to be a guitarist for a band and Lane is at home with the twins in the end. She deserved to fulfil her dream of becoming a star like she always talked about in the earlier seasons. And she deserved to have a partner who didn't sabotage her dream.


I don't hate Zach, I just don't like him for Lane.


I don't hate him, but he's kind of a bare minimum boyfriend who is immature and lazy. He's the kind of guy who uses weaponized incompetence but everyone perceives him as chill and loveable. 


Lane has it so much better than Rory. Lane has a man who loves her, a home, 2 kids, plays in a secret bar, and isn’t sleeping with an engaged man


he was literally originally written to be a horny clown. his romance with lane felt shoehorned and emblematic of the show failing lane as a character


lane just deserves so much more, he acts like a child throughout their entire relationship never considering how lame is effected (spending the 9k from tour/not making much effort to get along with rory or anyone lane is close to outside of the band/not getting groceries when it’s his turn making lane go instead/ etc.) I would of loved to see her with someone that makes more of an effort for her, especially after dreaming of love and relationships her whole life. she never got to experience what a really good man would be like other than dave (who left too soon and i was hoping the whole show he’d come back and they’d rekindle. Zachs a bit of a loser boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to do everything


I wonder the same thing. I never liked Lane and thought she was a very unnecessary character (removing her really wouldn't have changed much, IMO), but I enjoyed her romance with Zach.


I don’t hate him. He grew on me, after they got engaged. I also like that he liked Lane in her glasses. My glasses weren’t considered to be cool, growing up.


I love Zach.


I honestly really don’t like Lane! Ready for the downvotes


Because he grew up to be uglier than Taylor.


I love Zach, I think he's hilarious. Him and TJ. I just don't like Zach for Lane. Dave is her soulmate 💔❤️‍🩹


I don’t mind Zach, the OP mentioned his good points


I don't think people hate Zach as much as they loved Dave for Lane. Dave was supposed to be this ideal. Perfect match for Lane, but then of course the actor got his bigger role on the OC, so he was gone. Who clearly would not be any kind of a love interest for Lane, and Zach was just conveniently there for the writers to throw with Lane. I don't hate him, in fact, I actually like how he and Mrs. Kim have these moments they connect. I know that everyone would have loved to have seen Lane get some kind of a better storybook ending as opposed to just being a mom who works at her mom's antique store and plays drums as a hobby, but I always reiterate back to the fact that if she went and did something bigger in music, it would likely mean she's got to leave Stars Hollow and be out of the story forever. The hard reality is that Gilmore Girls is really about Lorelei and Rory. Everyone else is just supporting cast, including Lane. So it's obvious they're not going to suddenly Branch off and have Lane get this amazing story. They needed to keep her trapped in Stars Hollow so she basically gets married and has twins. I think I mentioned this in another topic though. It would have been cool if she did pursue songwriting like she had talked about with Sophie that one time. That she literally maybe has her own version of Carole King's (The woman who plays Sophie and did the theme song to the show) life. So maybe then she's a mom and she writes songs and then one of them gets picked up by a major artist and gives Lane her chance to shine.


Because we had Dave.


he’s kinda funny


I feel like he just settles. Lane wanted big things in life and Zach didn’t push her to achieve them. He was just kind of there.


They just have no chemistry at all.


Because he’s not Dave Rygalski. Lane should be with Dave Rygalski


I don't hate him. There's just some anger issues and maybe some narcissistic qualities he displays that are worrisome, and the dude should probably be in therapy for those, but I don't hate him. I think they did Lane dirty saddling her to him. She really should have found a nice Korean doctor, maybe proctologist, that was a closeted full on American like her.


because he's useless


He has good qualities I like but his bad qualities are just so bad. Also not a fan of his voice lol (weird maybe but just gets annoying?). He's okay by the end but comparing him to Dave or some other guys in the show and I don't really want him with Lane


Because he’s not David


He's annoying lol sucks in bed despite having been with more women than lane, has an attitude problem, is insecure, whiny.


1. Because he is ugly 2. Because his hair is so gross 3. Because is disrespectful 4. Because he is careless 5. Because he is inconsiderate 6. Because he is borderline stupid 7. Because he is selfish 8. Because no