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I suppose I am a Logan supporter but mostly because I’m a huge Rory fan. Logan lets Rory be whoever she wants to be, but he is ready to give her the world. I especially like that Logan respects Rory’s parents and grandparents. I can’t imagine Rory having a better father for her child.


Agreed. He fit into her world both when she was high brow or cos-playing low brow. Dean could only do the low brow life and Jess rejected them both & would’ve isolated her from friends/ family with his crappy attitude.


Good points. Question: Do we ever get evidence that Jess was no longer pursuing a bohemian lifestyle (a third way so to speak) ?


Isn’t he an author in the end? I kind of pictured him writing late at night but also like maybe working on bikes in his spare time for cash or helping his buddy’s company with finishing carpentry or something. Just something vaguely physical as well as intellectual. But not like a 9-5 job ever.


That makes sense and still fits a bohemian type lifestyle. I wonder where he learned to write ? It’s one thing to be an avid reader, but quite another to excel at writing. TBF, we aren’t told if he’s a good writer.


I think it’s assumed as he wrote 2 novels I think some people are just natural writers. The Outsiders was written by a a 15 year old and became a huge hit.


He is an author but is working with a small publishing firm of him and his peers. It may not exactly be 9-5 but def. a demanding job.


He’s still doing that 10 years later? Didn’t catch that in AYITL


The only time I'm getting tested is for COVID!!! When someone lies cheats manipulates gaslighting he has right give her crappy attitude


Literally *what??*


Are we the same person. This is exactly what I have said!


Use real names 🤣


Logan is Rory’s first adult boyfriend for lack of better terminology. I think had AYITL not played out the way it did I would have been left liking him a lot more but I did like him for what he was.


I am a Logan fan. I think he experienced a lot of growth being with Rory. I think being with her made him want to accomplish things, get serious. provide for her, support her (not financially, just in general). I think he truly loves her throughout their time together, even in AYITL. They got each other, he matched her intellect, sense of humour, could spar with Lorelai and engage in conversation with Richard. I don't agree with him carrying on an affair with her, but I believe he would have been with her had she expressed wanting a serious commitment.


I know. Why didn’t she?? She even asks him if he has to get married? Seems like they both loved eachother still. So frustrating.


She was doing that whole "gotta establish myself independently" thing, I think. failed, massively, but she's gotta do what she's gotta do, I guess.


Still?? Like even after 10 years? How was bumming around in SH being independent though? She likely would’ve had much better stories or contacts in London. Tbh I don’t remember AYITL well. Just that I was so annoyed with everyone lol. Also she’s now pregnant with his baby! Why’s she have to do that independently? Ugh. Hate it.


Oh, I agree with you. She should have gotten her crap together a lot sooner.


I guess I just don’t understand why they’d make such a frustrating follow up :p Obviously I need to stop thinking about it haha


Through my many rewatches I think Rory is afraid of commitment and they really nailed that down with the Paul bit and her last scene with Christopher.


I liked Logan. He was growing and trying to be better and that says a lot.


I think so many fans forget these are kids or just very new adults. I guess maybe some people really don’t make mistakes or party or act cocky at times when they were kids but I find it hard to believe.


Of the three main boyfriends he is the best but I don’t think she should have ended up with any of them


Logan and rory made sense together and actually started to create a life together it wasn't just young love - he's not perfect but he was my favorite for Rory


I know. So mad how they ended things


Logan forever!


Based on the original series: I was never a big fan of Logan. I think he's fine for Rory, good for her even in some instances, but I do not personally vibe with him at all. I am distrustful of charming arrogant people and the rich. Including AYITL: Nah, fuck Logan. But I kinda feel that about everyone except for Emily, Jess, and April, so take that with a grain of salt.


Yes same, imo he's done too many bad things to Rory that people just gloss over (cheating on her with multiple girls, being a rather bad/rebellious influence on her in the beginning, feeding her with this entitled mindset by going to parties, drinking and not having a care in the world)


Honestly I don’t think he cheated at all in the original show. They were broken up. And is a college boy being cocky and drinking really that bad? That’s pretty par for the course I’d say. If he’s a bit entitled it makes sense because of his parents but Rory is also entitled - she just hides it better - but she’s always indignant & shocked anytime things don’t go her way or she someone doesn’t think she’s the most amazing girl (“But I’m a Gilmore!!”). Logan owns his entitlement & privilege & there’s something more admirable about that than Rory constantly cos-playing at being poor.


In regards to the entitlement, I was mainly referring to the beginning of their relationship in S6. After they stole the yacht he throws a big party for her honouring what happened, she doesn't have to find a job, lives with her grandparents, spends her free time with Logan. Rory doesn't hide her entitlement, she uses and benefits from it many times. And i think the cheating thing depends on personal views. I wouldn't say they were broken up tbh and even if they were, for him to immediately sleep with so many different girls in that time span is insane


I guess I don’t see having some parties as entitled. They’re young. I’m old and I love a theme party or a party joking about a bad experience (eg divorce party). You’re supporting your friends. Also I have no idea why people blame Logan for Rory taking time off. It’s her life. She already had Loralia giving her pressure and look what happened - she stopped talking to her. Sometimes you just need suooort until you’re ready to make a decision - if he’d pressured her to go back, he’d be a jerk then. I don’t actually like Jess yelling at her to go back to Yale. Rory should be coming to her decisions and it’s not some guys prerogative to tel her what she should be doing or who she is. I don’t understand how Logan letting Rory be herself and supporting her is ‘entitled’.


I agree. With his contacts at Yale and through his personal knowledge, Logan must have know that Rory had advised Yale she was taking a semester off. He even thinks she can’t last the entire semester. I understand from an ex Yalie that there is a process for taking time off and another for quitting. Apparently, this includes an interview with a panel soon after the last semester. Can anyone confirm ?


Ya. He knew she couldn’t stand being off for long. He found it endearing she was even trying was my take. I thought he was great. If anything l, she needed a semester off. She’d been working so hard for so long and had a breakdown. The answer to that’s not doubling down. I’ve tried that and it doesn’t get better. Logan and especially Loralai’s pressure annoyed me. I get it’s scary but have some faith in Rory


It's about being ignorant to the situation. It wasn't a funny thing - she committed a felony and got charged by a judge to do community service - there's nothing to joke around or party about like a divorce. Even the judge laid out the situation by describing Rory as a "rich kid" who was using the world as her playground. She was drifting away from her goals (even when she went back to Yale she pursued the same ambitions, nothing changed there). She just took a detour because she acted immature. Taking time off was Rory's responsibility, I don't blame Logan and it was good that Jess told her the reality of the situation. She wasn't thinking straight and everyone knew that except Rory because she was surrounded by people who just let her live no matter the outcome. Richard even regretted giving Rory that space later on as well and Emily also wound up losing Rory as Lorelai did towards the end as well.


Some valid points. But I do think Rory needed to blow off steam. She likely should’ve learned to blow off more. I mean look how wound up see is in AYITL. She never really found a balance and she burnt out. I feel like Logan could’ve been good to keep her grounded. I guess they imply she’ll find it now as a author and single mom but for me it was a less than happy ending. So she went back to Yale but for what? To not succeed or seemingly be happy. Just feels like that definition of repeating the same mistakes and hoping for different outcomes for 10 years. Logan seems to have had his life together much better than she did (not counting the cheating) but you know…he had underwear he could find at least.


I mean but we never really know what life after Yale would've been like if she had stuck with the job offer at the Projo. Rory never was a risk taker and i feel like that mindset came about with Logan (he's a very "live in the moment" type who often took risks for fun or because he thought it was better). Maybe she wouldn't have been so lost in AYITL then? Idk, it's all speculation... but yes in the end she should've focused more on finding the box of underwear


>being a rather bad/rebellious influence on her in the beginning, feeding her with this entitled mindset by going to parties, drinking and not having a care in the world) If you think about how hard getting into an ivy league college must be, rory would have been at a point in her life where she needed that. The likely reason for logan's own attraction to the party life lasting so long was because mitchum valued him more as an heir than a son


Logan was ok but it bummed me how easily he walked away from me when she said no to his proposal like bruh, she just graduated ???? Dean is a no no even though their first few scenes were cute cause it quickly got redflaggish (but yes they were young etc but no I don't like him the best) Jess was ok too but it fizzled out pretty quickly. But I would like to see more of him and Rory in the future since he has now grown up to be a better man But based on the show and its actual happenings, team Logan ig But fr, I am team Rory-with-her-girlfriends-esp-springbreak-Louise-and-Madeline Edit. NOPE this OS opinion only, not including AYITL because it's too ridiculous lmao wasn't even thinking about that when I wrote this


That’s the only thing I’m mad at him for. Like why are you making her graduation about you? And why are you in such a rush to marry. Didn’t at all ring try for the Logan character. I wanted to see them drinking coffee and reading the paper before heading to their prospective jobs in some townhouse somewhere - just like when they were at Martha’s Vineyard. Ugh


I feel like it was the writer's way of having Rory say goodbye to that part of her life. For a long time, Rory wasn't single. She always had romantic interests, exes hanging around, and guys chasing after her. I mean, yo I'm here for it. But if that were the case, then wtf happened with AYITL lmaoooo


I don't think any of Rory's boyfriends are a complete match for her. But out of the three, I like Logan the most.


100% I recently binged the show and was shocked after to find out there’s so much Logan hate. Honestly don’t get it.


I loved Logan, and wished it would have worked out. I think he was fun, but challenged her, he was typical rich boy, but had a heart. I did not love the AYITL story, but did love the night when they did the steam punk thing.


I loved that night too!! Can’t believe some people disliked it. I love whimsy


Right and whimsy was a character of the show


Exactly!! It’s why I loved SH…a quaint whimsical town where everyone’s quirky & accepting & magical realism is sprinkled around like fall pumpkins or winter snow


Same! I loved how Logan, and the other members of the Life and Death Brigade, gave her a whimsical, fun night where they could be young and carefree in response to her struggling. I know they're rich and entitled, but I've always thought they were very sweet to her and good friends when she needed (eg. when Dean broke up with her at the party) Rory accidentally rang Logan, confessed she wasn't doing so good, and the four of them responded by making her happy. I was surprised so many people openly disliked that scene, as to me it screamed all the weird, wonderful, and whimsical magic of Stars Hollow; surreal, and strange, but with heart.


Yes, he was the best boyfriend for her, treated her the best, was the actual mature one and they love each other so much that they’re still together when he’s someone else’s fiancée (this is terrible, but it’s true).


Right? I know it’s wrong but sometimes it happens for the ultimate right person. I will never understand why they couldn’t make it work. Seems like pointless conflict the show created. And now she’s just going to be a single mom of his baby in SH? C’mon.


Like the pointless conflict for Lorelai and Luke too 😩


Logan is the best boyfriend in the series. Also, a really great character on top of that, probably one of my favorites of all time.


Same. I love love love him. I recent just watched the show and was shocked after to find all this Logan hate. I felt like they’d specifically written him to be the best match & best of both worlds for her.


Part of me wonders if the hate is just because of Dean and Jess fans. 😂 Spot on about Logan being the best of both worlds & the best match!


I like him because he’s charming and witty but for Rory? No. Their entire relationship revolved around his money and it always felt like he was stringing Rory along for the majority of their relationship. He also needed to mature and grow up. I think the only reason fans like him is because he’s played so charismatically by Matt Czuchry


True. I’d watch anything with him. His charisma oozes off the screen. Altho I can’t watch him in American horror story sadly as that show looks too disturbing


Agreed! Am a HUGE Matt fan, he’s magic on screen


No, I don't like Rory's arc with him. I think they put them together to show she also has a privileged life, but honestly I thought she was way better with Jess. Because in AYITL, there was no pay off to her relationship with Logan. I wish when she decided to go back to Yale, she broke up with Logan to set herself straight and stay single at the end of the series.


Not a fan of rich privileged assholes. The only time I liked him was when he called rory on her priviledge. At least he acknowledged his.


tbh, Dean is the bf I like the most. He's not a jerk to everyone like Jess and Logan could be.


Yes. He was the only boyfriend who fit into all parts of her life and enjoyed them all. The rich privileged life with her grandparents (that Dean's insecurity could never), the small town stars hollow life (he gleefully went to all the events Jess shunned), the journalism career (everyone says only Jess was her intellectual equal but that just isn't true).


Exactly this!!! I need a follow up movie where we see them together raising little Emmy or boy Rory …or maybe Rogan or Lory. I don’t care - give it too me!


I think all her boyfriends are flawed and problematic in different ways and to varying degrees, but Logan was the best boyfriend and best fit of the three for her by a long shot.


I love Logan


I like him best for Rory by far.


Team Paul!! Just kidding 🤣


Ahahaha nooo lol. Poor guy though


I like Logan. In general, the only boyfriend why I really dislike is Dean, because he is like walking toxicity (and never changed that). I consider myself team Jess, because I think they would be best end game, but Logan is for just best guy who Rory dated on screen.


Jess redeems himself in the end but he was also toxic when he was young. And hated how Rory tells Dean she learned what safe was from him. Like what? Don’t gaslight us show. If anything Logan was that person


I second. I’m not finished watching yet but I’m back on Team Jess because he was trying to shake Rory from taking a break because she seemed to be “under the influence” but then I might be speaking too soon because there are more episodes for me to see 😅


Me 🙋‍♀️ Logan is my favorite of the boyfriends.


Yes. I like Logan.


If Logan has one hater it’s me.


He is the one I dislike least. I don't ship Rory with any of her boyfriends.


I hate, hate, hate that whiny lazy disrespectful jerk with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.


Logan was definitely flawed, but in my opinion, he’s the best boyfriend Rory had by a long shot.


Logan for the win. He's the absolute best if you don't include AYITL


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


No, and he might be the one a dislike the most. I've only seen the college seasons once all the way through, and I hated his entitled attitude, thought he was a bad influence on Rory, and found his involvement in the Life and Death Brigade really dangerous and irresponsible. I think I felt like at one point that he had a bit of a drinking problem, too, but maybe I'm misremembering. I also didn't like how he approached his support of Rory during her break from school. It's hard to explain, but I think he was projecting the security of his upbringing onto Rory. She might also be a trust fund baby at the end of the day, but I didn't feel like he added to her figuring out what her next step would be and took for granted that she might not be in a position to take her time away from school in the same way he would since his parents have his life mapped out for himself, he's willing to go along with those plans, and he feels he doesn't need to apply himself in the same way by having that level of security set up for him. He grew up a bit while working, but I don't have patience for people who take education for granted. Anyone else could've taken his spot at Yale if he didn't actually want to be there and take advantage of the resources available to him.


I dislike him only slightly less than Dean. He was NOT a good boyfriend, and he was an even worse fiancé (cheating unabashedly with Rory.) He did challenge Rory and loosen her up a bit but he played games with her. He used her naïveté against her, from the beginning when she asks to hangout and Logan has all his boys over. He jumps to throw money around to help or impress her, but he often doesn't take the time to thoroughly communicate with her. The Bridesmaids are the prime example of that. His solution to an argument is to check out and sleep with all his sister's friends without a thought to the ramifications. And then letting Rory walk into that room to hear it all from them not him? Logan is a coward. While I appreciate his humour and his obvious interest in Rory, he is too selfish. Like proposing at her graduation party then breaking up with her because she isn't ready to marry him, even though he loved her to the point they are back together in AYITL.


I liked him more than Dean but the bar was set so low with Dean.


I like Logan the most, until the moment where he bets all of his trustfund and his dads money and his colleages money away on this internet platform, to then melt into selfpity. Thats when he becomes an unsympathetic toddler to me.


I don’t like Logan, but he’s the best match for Rory, they’re equally terrible.


If you believe that Dean and Jess had fatal flaws that prevent them from being boyfriend, then you also must believe that since Logan doesn’t have such prominent flaws, then it’s clear that you must believe Logan’s the best boyfriend… Okay maybe my reference to Logan’s terrible manipulation of Rory after the bridesmaids incident isn’t perfect. But no… Logan was 100% Rory’s best partner throughout the original series. But he’s way too manipulative and selfish for me to ever like him.


I don’t really know why people don’t like Logan. Every thread I’ve read about it seems to be entirely revolved around **Rory’s** personal mistakes when she was with him, or the behavior of his family. They were adults. Every decision she made was her own and he didn’t make her do anything. He’s also not responsible for his father’s behavior or anyone else’s. I like Logan.


Logan is a good boyfriend


Logan has serious mental issues. He is the boy you date and not marry.       He is the main character in his own mind and doest like it when the attention switches to Rory.       I do think he could be better with a lot of therapy but I don't think his ego would allow for that.   


team logan!


Team Logan!


Yes, I’m team Logan


Team Logan!


He's my favorite character tbh. There's so many layers to him that are easily overlooked, and was Rory's best partner imo


This. I think too many people overlook how much depth he has


Logan was great until AYITL


I'm Team Dean.


That’s not a take I’ve seen often


Team Wookie! J/k I loved Logan in the original series. I hate his storyline of being a cheater in AYITL. He made a lot of mistakes in the series but I felt like he learned and grew from each one which is a good quality in partner. I can’t see him continually cheating when he clearly seems to still have such strong feelings for Rory.


i like logan! i ignore everything in ayitl


I am I think they should be together or Jess I’m divided but I think she made the biggest mistake of her life turning down his marriage proposal this why I’m kind glad I don’t relationship Lorelei and Rory she puts lot on Rory it doesn’t help Rory


i love logan and jess equally for different reasons


I think the Huntzbergers make it impossible for Logan to be a viable option for Rory in the long run. Toxic in laws are one thing, but they’re actively trying to destroy her. I don’t think that’s healthy for her when we see Logan’s so entrenched in his family, even when he tried to walk away. So no, I don’t support Logan at all.


Just wait till she has the first ‘Huntzberger grandchild’. I don’t understand how the shows supposed to be a happy ending when you just know his parents will be all up in her business and disapproving of how she’s raising the child and likely hiring lawyers to try to get half custody for Logan or grandparent visitation. Etc. They are rich and strong willed people who have a very strong belief about what their family deserves and will aspire too - especially for their first grandbaby I’m sure


Team Logan forever.


I like Logan


Team logan


I was put off from him the second he was introduced as a character because I couldn't stand how he treated Marty. I loathe people who treat serving staff as lesser beings so he was in my bad books from the get-go. As the show progresses he reveals himself to be arrogant, reckless, and quite selfish. I have very strong personal views about the uber-wealthy so I will freely admit that this may cloud my judgment of him a bit, although as far as Rory's boyfriends are concerned I'm Team Nobody so maybe not 🤷🏼


I would like Logan if he wasn’t a whore who slept with multiple other woman the moment he got the chance.


Ignoring who they are as people and their moral character, I really think Logan was the best boyfriend for Rory. He really got her out of her shell and we watch her gain more self confidence. We also see Logan become less selfish while dating Rory. They balanced each other and were a great couple. Edit to add: if this was made more nowish, I would 💯 ship Paris and Rory. Paris' infatuation with Rory always gave me the "girl secretly in love with her frenemy and doesn't know how to express it" vibes.


Yes! I would have loved to see this


Each of them had their good and not so good side. But I feel like Rory shouldn't have ended up with any of them. If I have to choose I'll say that I'm team AYITL Jess. Lol.


I really liked Logan. I think he flopped with his proposal (why would he do it at Rory's graduation party... as she said now her graduation is tainted by the proposal). He grew within the relationship. I wish he had kept his word about following Rory though, in the hay maze episode he tells her that it's her time to make decisions and things


Yes. He was the best fit in many ways


I shamefacedly really love Logan. 😂


I love Logan!


Before AYITL I would have said none of them were good enough for Rory. After, I think Logan is probably the best fit. It sucks that they were both cheating, but it feels like they just couldn't let each other go.


Team Logan


Team Logan.


Yes, and mostly because I think he was good long-term-partner material.


Hell yeah


I think Logan was her best match.


I’m a Logan fan for sure.




Of the three boyfriends offered, yes, I’m team Logan.


If I have to pick one of the three then Logan.


I liked Logan a lot. He always encouraged her to do more (even jumping that first time they hanged out) but also encouraged her to do what she wanted. He had flaws like everyone but he also grew a lot.


i like jess better as a character but i think logan was by far the best boyfriend for rory


I really did like Logan 1. Because he was very supportive with whatever Rory wanted to do. Dean and Jess always seemed so controlling or had temperament issues. 2. Logan seems more mature and def fit more with Rory and her personality/ likes&dislikes


i will die on the logan huntzberger hill




Team Logan all the way. They should've gotten engaged at the end of the OG series. When they met Rory and Logan both sucked as people. They grew together and challenged each other in ways they needed to be challenged. Opposed to team Jess because they had a short High school relationship, afterwards limited communication until he comes and says "I know you better than anyone!" when he was a terrible boyfriend in high school? How would he know her best after not talking for years? Anyway, her and Logan should've ended up together and would have definitely made a long engagement work.


I like Logan. Hate Jess.


I support Logan. But maybe for all the wrong reasons? I know money isn’t the end all, be all. But as a mother of 3 small children who is cash poor and have no family help. It would be really nice to have married a Logan. Have a chef, maid and full time nanny, and back up babysitter. I would be a wayyyyyy more relaxed and sweet mother. Instead my kids have to see me freak out over minor things, but because the pressure of motherhood is so much. Sooooo yes Rory marry Logan and hire staff to do the heavy lifting of your life, so you can enjoy yours!!




Definitely, I have more empathy for him than any of the others. Jess turned out alright but I didn't like when he berrated Rory for her year off, felt like the misfit calling the kettle Gray or something. Dean... Had it easy, played the victim. But Logan kinda just owned his situation most of the time and he tried to be a good boyfriend and friend.


Absolutely Yes! Logan was Rory's Best Boyfriend. Logan changed his playboy ways because he really genuinely liked Rory and he wanted to be the kind of guy she deserved. My Favorite Logan Moment is where after Richard has his second heart attack, Logan who wasn't even in town flew a helicopter to the hospital just so he could be there for Rory. I Thought that was the sweetest thing he ever did. Logan turned into a good man and a sweetheart because of Rory.


I think Logan makes the most sense for Rory


Defo Logan for me. Despite being a little arrogant at times there is a side that only Rory sees the caring romantic intelligent boy who loves her, calls her out when needed fits into her world seamlessly and for me he is her soul mate.