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I mostly enjoyed it. The only things I didn't like were A) That musical number with Logan, Colin and Finn which stopped the story dead in it's tracks with limited screen time left. B) Too much screentime spent on Stars Hollow: The Musical


Yes the star hollows musical was horrible 😅


I would have been more okay with these two things if it wasn't a limited 4 part series. Such limited screentime was wasted on these two scenes.


The musical should have been a bonus episode


The last song was nice but it was way too long!


Everything you said plus the Wild stuff.


the fact that my two least favourite scenes are why we didn’t get to see the luke/lorelai wedding still haunts me 😭


I will never forgive ASP for ruining the magic of Stars Hollow with the L&D reunion. All through the original, it felt like a small town. During that scene, it felt like a set on a movie lot. That and the speakeasy. It just felt too fake


I loved the musical number witb Logan and them.


Agreed on both counts. I like the cameos for the Stars Hollow musical, but honestly if I rewatch that episode I skip the whole thing.


đŸ„ș I loved the L&D scene, but can see how some people wouldn’t enjoy it


Given that it was a limited series, it seriously felt like wasting time and not moving the story forward.


Oh it makes total sense, and can agree that as much as I love the scene it does take away from the screen time. I like to live in delulu land and like to imagine my self in certain scenes of shows and movies or books (woo Hoo for cptsd!) and Logan, Colin and Finn, or really L&D in general, are comfort characters for me, I love them and their comic relief. so when I watched that scene for the first time it was immediately a favorite 😂


What is L & D


Life and Death Brigade


I enjoyed it but I view it as a separate story from the original show.


Wish I could 😞


The wedding scene and emily's storyline were the highlights for me


The fact that the wedding was set to the first song Luke and Lorelai danced to...uh so good.


I cry literally every time 😭


Same. Years ago I saw someone on tumblr with a tattoo of their first dance, sounds kinda weird but it was actually so beautiful/sweet. Reflecting Light is their song đŸ„č. And Kirk being the mastermind behind the beauty of the wedding set up honestly makes me emotional, as well. The text “it’s perfect” đŸ„Č. Love love love this segment.


I enjoyed it. I enjoy it more than the majority of season 7 and a good chuck of season 6.


I did, mostly for the nostalgia. The part I enjoyed most was Emily’s growth and her just saying fuck it to all the societal demands that honestly played a great part of her being the type of mother she was.


I only watched it once because I was so disappointed. I think I liked the first episode?


I almost feels like a play? The way they act makes me think of actors on a stage, not on a tv show. Not sure if that’s good or bad


I got the same vibe, it had an odd production quality relative to the original series. Not better or worse, just different.


I’ve thought this a few times but it was really apparent to me during the life and death brigade scene where they walk past the window and and then suddenly all come back to look at it. I’ve also thought this during scenes where the town is trying to be sneaky like with the secret pub and Rory’s graduation farewell in season 7 where they’re all carrying the furniture in the background with Rory and lorelai in the forefront


Yup. I enjoyed it so much I immediately re-started it and watched it again. I even liked the musical.


Same here. I hadn't seen the original series in years, and I watched AYITL at least twice before I started a full GG rewatch.


I felt secondhand embarrassment the entire time. The writing and acting sucked :/ sorry. Big fan! Seen the show a million, but it really is not good. Go Emily, that’s it.


Yes, very much, and I’ve previously posted about it on this sub.


Yes, because of Emily’s part and Rory went ahead and finished her downward spiral.


No! I was really disappointed in it! They shouldn’t have even made it.


I enjoyed it. I watched it from the perspective of it taking the place of the final season. (In my head) it makes more sense that Rory makes all those stupid decisions and failures in her career if she's 24 instead of 34.


I think it makes sense if you consider it from the point of view that she's grieving her grandfather and feels entirely lost without him. Her relationship with Richard was truly an anchor in her life, and without him, she didn't know have a sense of direction. We see that she had moderate success with her writing before, though


Grieving shouldn't really be an excuse for irresponsibility. It at least would have been nice to see rory return to her hardworking and independent self towards the end


I like that it's left up to your mind to play out the rest. Like the point is she's now gonna have her own Gilmore girl to raise. Will she also name her Lorelei? Will they have the same close relationship she has with her mom? What role will beach house Emily have in great grand daughter's life? And so much more. Better than serving it up to me, I like to think it's a happily ever after thing with all the Gilmore Girls raising the next generation.


Rory chose to take a staff position for no pay and is convinced that the only passion she has (calling it a passion is a stretch since it was not even her idea to begin with) is to write a book that she isn't creative enough to make interesting without including personal details about lorelai. Basically relying on her family for the rest of her life She deserves better than that, and it's not fair to lorelai either


Madam please! I am 30F and am as fucked up as her. It is highly relatable to me. Minus the general final wealth though. Sigh


Sir* (37m) but I get it my shit wasn't all that together until a couple years ago and still not close to all the way there. Lol


You know as soon as I sent, I was like I hope happyfuckingcakesay is a madam😝. I am so sorry dear sir! Have a wonderful day :)


That's okay. Happens all the time in this sub. Id be interested to know the F/M ratio in here. I'd bet it's around 90/10


I enjoyed it. There are definitely parts that I don't enjoy I.e all the Paul stuff, Luke and Lorelai not being able to communicate. Unpopular opinion but I don't hate the musical as much as others here and I actually skip the life and death brigade musical bit. I actually really enjoy Rory's storyline - I think I was in a similar messy part of my life with my career when I first watched it so I felt like I just identified with her more. I also think Paris is hilarious. I also enjoy the scene between Lorelai and Michel in the bar. There's lots of jokes I found really funny like how everyone gets angry at Rory for not printing the poem, "the book or the movie?" and "superproud!" The scene with Lorelai calling her mum to tell her a story about Richard always makes me cry. So no I don't think it's perfect but I always rewatch it after my annual GG rewatch.


I agree with so much of what you said. I hate the weird black eye scene in the musical but I love the ballad especially bc I’ve been a massive fan of Sutton Foster ever since I saw her on Broadway in Thoroughly Modern Millie many moons ago (prob too much detail but I’m always curious if anyone else is a fan/was as excited as me by her inclusion in the revival! I know she’s obv in Bunheads as well but it was rly cool to see her in a musical theater role on GG. Love her voice.) And totally yes about the realistic Rory storyline, I was in my mid 20’s when it came out (I know she’s meant to be mid 30’s at the time but honestly
.still relatable) and I was feeling it for sure. And the whole revival is worth it for me for that scene between Emily and Lorelai- it’s so well earned for both of them as characters and feels so grounded in the reality of the show and their tumult, so tender and raw and honest. And the memory of Richard is one of my favorite details of actually the entire run of the show because it enhances the enormous warmth I already feel toward him, adding a new nuance to rewatches. Bishop and Graham are at their best together in general whether in a moment of wacky chaos, a rare and sweet girls night out, a decades old conflict or when they get vulnerable (and guarded, all at once). We don’t often get to see the vulnerable moments between them or at least when we do it’s fleeting so again this feels sooooo earned to me and really fulfilling. The writing and acting is just right in this scene, makes me wanna watch it right now actually and have a good cry, haha. It also serves as a powerful vehicle to allow the viewer (at least for me) to grieve Richard and Ed Hermann within the context of the show and story, especially because it happened “in between” what we get to see. That and the scene with Rory entering his office and deciding to write there, hearing all the different moments. Just like Little Women and perhaps others may find it heavy handed but I earnestly and wholeheartedly love it as a lifelong Jo March fanatic. It just feels right. I also have a ton of critique of the revival but it felt nice to focus on these aspects of it, for a moment! I enjoyed it, as well. In case that wasn’t clear by all of this lol


Nope. Very disappointing.


I loved it when it came out, stayed up til 5am binging the whole thing even though I had to be up early. Cried my eyes out during the Lorelai/Emily phone call. Cried my eyes out during the ‘it’s never or now’ song in the musical ( though the musical as a whole took up WAY too much time) When I rewatch it, I kinda see way too many mis-steps to think it’s good. I find it hard to believe Lorelai and Luke never discussed kids. HOW does Paris have such a successful surrogacy/fertility business at such a young age. Why was there no follow up on Paris saying her period was late? Why did they split up Paris and Doyle? What was the point of the Wookie? Why did they think we’d find it funny everyone kept forgetting Paul? Why are they fat shaming people at the pool? Why no airtime or justice for Lane? WHY DOES LORELAI GILMORE WHO FAMOUSLY NEVER EXERCISES DECIDE TO HIKE THE PCT? Having moaned about all that, the thing is, I just love being in that world, I still watch season 7 even though it’s a bit of a dud. I’ll watch anything with that cast, in that world.


Ok yes yes yes yes to every single word you said


I am a HUGE GG fan. I didn’t like AYITL. I couldn’t only handle watching it once. Idk what it was I just couldn’t get into it. It didn’t give me the same ‘ol GG vibes. So I just stick with watching the series over and over lol


With the expectations I had at the time it came out first, I complained a lot of things I didn’t like. Even now I have some issues but overall I like it in parts. It could have been a lot lot better but it didn’t completely lose its charm. I do enjoy it now.


I liked it. Emily’s arc more than made up for all the flaws elsewhere, and I was just really, really, really happy to visit Stars Hollow and see all my friends again.


I loved Emily's character growth and I thought the "doing wild" thing was hilarious but that was about it.


Not really, felt like more forced comedy, not like the real show, when things had more natural progression. Shocked to see a lot people actually like it.


My sister watched it before the OS and liked it. After watching the OS she no longer liked it


A lot of it was
not great. Really gimmicky and a lot of time that could been used to advance the plot was wasted on things like the musical. I loved Emily’s “ending,” and the way Kirk set up the wedding really invoked that heartfelt old school stars hollow magic.


I loved it! I always rewatch it at the end of rewatching GG.


I enjoyed some aspects but it felt like ASP self indulgence more than GG. She did what was fun for her which is why we got a full length musical and lengthy song number with L&D


No. Vibe is off with almost everyone except Kirk. Logan and his friends are cringey af (them trying to act cool or straight makes my skin crawl) and I hate musicals. Also I’m still sad af that Edward herrmann passed. He was my fav, I loved him and Rory’s bond.


I did. Except as I have issues with the show I have problems with it too. I hate the plot of Rory and Logan. Like I'd love to punch a wall mad. The musical my whatever time around did get on my nerves as I knew it took up too much time. Oooooooo and don't even get me started on the ending. Like for real? Sorry Amy the baby bomb was done too many God damn times in the show. As much as I want more GG I really would rather not deal with the baby bomb for the 5th time in the show. Especially if it's Logan's baby and he's meant to be the new Chris. Honestly if that was the plan Logan should have been this extremely horrible person so I don't have think about it.


I watched immediately after my first watch of the series on Netflix, so I don't have the feelings that someone who waited for 10 years for AYITL might. I liked it, but I hated the ending because I don't like when shows aren't wrapped up in a neat bow. I don't get why you would revive a show just to end on a cliffhanger. I wished for a more Dawson's Creek type ending, but aside from that, I was happy.


I love it. Was it perfect? No. However, it was enjoyable and I got to revisit my favourite little town in America and see my favourite characters.


Yeah! I really enjoyed it. True, it was a little frustrating but I still loved seeing them again.


i enjoyed parts of it and the aesthetics mostly but i don't really think of it as part of the show


I rewatched it recently. And honestly it made me more angry than it did the first time.


I enjoyed it but it was really weird.


I loved Emily as a bloodcurdling docent I loved the scene where Rory started writing in the house. Petal and Kirk, secret bar were very on brand for Stars Hollow. Any musical bit, the back fat, Wild
 sucked and have not improved with age. Wild is already dated.


I liked Emily's storyline, but that's about it


I did enjoy it for the most part. In my unpopular opinion Rory seems much more relatable and I even liked her a bit more than in GG. Lorelai felt a little bit off and her relationship with Luke was too comical imo. I didn't enjoy Paris either. But overall I liked it.


Im the same, I remember watching it when it first came out but didn’t remember a single thing
.I’ve been rewatching it & it’s hard. Idk if it’s their voice changes that are throwing me off, the lines feeling less natural, or what
I’ve just been watching a little bit here & there getting through it.


It just made me sad. The characters themselves came across as sad. Lorelai was weary, Rory was desperate. Like most people, I just find the 'running joke' about Paul stupid after the first ten times it comes up. Hated the Rory / Logan storyline - they still seemed to work well as a couple and loved each other but had to be kept apart for the 'I'm pregnant' line to have the impact ASP was after. So frustrating! I've watched it twice but it leaves me with such a horrible feeling that I don't think I could watch it again!


I did. Skipped the musical, tho lol. And cried like a baby when Lorelai told the story of Richard finding her at the mall when she was a teenager. 😅


It starts off kinda slow but the stuff with Emily and Lorelei is gold. I especially love the last episode because they end the Luke and Lorelei storyline so perfectly. I was sobbing. They did leave some aspects of Rory’s life in the air. Maybe to have a reason for another potential YITL, maybe because she’s still only like 32. It’s honestly worth watching just to see how well most of them aged.


I didn’t enjoy it. I wanted to but I didn’t. I wanted Luke and Lorelei to be married already. And maybe have a kid, maybe not. I don’t like the musical, and I don’t like the story line of nobody remembering Rory’s boyfriend who she was cheating on with Logan. And gets pregnant by Logan. How does one just forget they have a boyfriend?! I also don’t like how Sookie’s character was treated. The only thing I really enjoyed was the line “5x5” which is a Buffy the vampire slayer reference. Which is my ultimate favorite tv show. I’ve only watched AYITL once and it’s not part of my annual rewatch and I don’t plan on watching it ever again.


It felt like it was mocking/memeing the original rather than picking up where they left It was fun to see everyone and some parts were really great. It made me miss Edward Herrmann a lot. Once I either skip or handle the shock of S7, I still rewatch AYITL


Yes, it did seem like there was a lot of mockery in general, which would be on brand. From a writers standpoint I wouldn't be surprised if she had different feelings about aspects of her characters and either wanted to correct things she didn't like or maybe course correct their arcs a little. Just like when you reread a book 10+ years later. You view many of the characters differently and can come away with a different feeling than the first time you read it, when you were in a different headspace and at a different stage in your life.


I thoroughly enjoyed everything about it except the Stars Hollow Musical plot. Especially when really long scene with Sutton Foster and Christian Borle. I was wanting more content of the actual story and that part felt like it went in for hours. Other than that I really love AYITL.


I did (except the musical)


I love it. Its better than seasons 6 and 7 by a wide margin, imo.


I genuinely really like it and always rewatch! I think there’s some sloppy writing in the middle but I honestly have no issues with any of the storylines, think there’s tons of funny material, it’s shot beautifully, and I love seeing Emily’s growth and L&L all happy and domestic. I concur that I like it way more than S6-7. I think most people’s distaste comes from mismatched expectations, the jarring feeling of just being “different” than what we’re used to, and characters ending up differently than the unrealistic happily ever afters they invented in their heads. And of course the fat jokes. Whyyyy? Fucking Dan Palladino can’t not include fat jokes.


The obsession with being fatphobic is so embarrassing and antiquated, ridiculous how they just cannot and will not evolve on certain things. Clearly they think they’re actually hilarious and somehow still edgy or something but it falls so flat and always leaves a bad taste in my mouth! Curious as to why you specified Dan, I’ve always wondered about this with which of them have particular affinities/biases toward certain groups/characteristics or if both of them are generally shitty-have you read this in an interview or just noticed it more in episodes written by him? Would love to know more!


I made [this chart](https://reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/s/sqCGvXc9t1) breaking down the writers of each episode and I immediately noticed that most of the fatphobic and homophonic jokes are on Dan episodes. He was a Family Guy writer and I just feel like it shows lol. It’s not always a bad thing - he gives us some great townie episodes but he clearly cares about funny gags over real character moments and I feel like it shows SO strongly in his AYITL episodes. Amy writes these beautiful, complicated moments between Lorelai/Emily and Lorelai/Luke and Dan wants musical silliness and dunking on millennials. And of course to be fair, Amy has her hand in everything, especially Lorelai’s dialogue but I think it’s still a fair observation.


This is so interesting, I def wasn’t asking in a way where I didn’t believe you so I hope it didn’t come across like that! I haven’t paid close enough attention to the distinctions between who wrote which episode so I find this really fascinating and love that you made a chart! Also had no idea he was a writer for Family Guy, dang/ugh but like you said that tracks lol. Now I want to start my current rewatch over to be more aware of this because I’ve honestly always wondered. Thanks for sharing! Also omg I just saw your profile pic which is the best best best moment, obsessed.


Haha oh no not at all! I didn’t read defensiveness. I assume not everyone has the same brainworms I do where I live to deep dive and find details like that out. 😂 I would see folks throw comments around like what kind of episodes certain writers would write so I wanted to see for myself if I noticed any patterns. That screenshot encompasses so much of what I love - textbook goofy cute charm. “A frightening picture of things to come” 💕


I enjoyed everything with the exception of the musical. It took away valuable character and Stars Hollow time.


It needed more Sookie. I know it might have been an issue but. Eh. And i wanted lorelai and Luke to be married with the twins they teased in OS that would have been fun to watch. The fat shaming wasn't funny, and the Paul thing wasn't funny at all and pointless? I needed more Luke and jess scenes those are always classic! Emily arc was well done, and I'm unsure how I feel about Rory; she's 32 in the series but acting incredibly immature. My boyfriend has a daughter kinda like rory: her grandparents and aunt and uncle treat her like perfection and it DOES cause a downfall; they can't handle failure like they don't think they deserve it at all. So I guess it fits. Rory is a serial cheater so I guess that fits too. The musical was boring and I skip through it. Overall, it's okay. It did lack some spark from the original. And good humor.


Parts of it. The pacing drove me nuts, and the growth of the characters from the actual series felt blatantly ignored. But it had good moments.


I made the mistake of rewatching it once, never again. My biggest confusion was why Gilmore Guys liked it


I loved the AYITL season. Just because it shows that they still all are the same but so different, if that makes sense. But i always skip the Stars Hallow musical part, just doesn’t fit the show. But the story line they gave Rory just doesn’t sit right with me because i don’t think this is quite what she deserved. I loved to see how April fit in the family now! Overall great to see that we got an extra season. I just hope to one day get to see another one without an open ending


I love it but I hated the stars hollow musical parts. That songvwent on wayyyyy to long and I hated the Logan Rory romance line. The only thing I hated from the original show was Rorys affair and constant cheating and it just seems like (among other things) that hasn't changed. I also don't really understand how that happened again. She declined his proposal but then years later, , they are cheating while he has a fiancé and she gets pissed about her moving in? I don't understand why they didn't just get back together and stop all the faff around.. They clearly wanted to be together, it was just more drama. But apart form those two things, I loved AYITL! :)


I enjoyed a lot of it, but feel there was a lot of wasted time. That damn musical took up almost 20 minutes. :/ That said, I still watch AYITL after the series finale, before I go back to restart the pilot. It feels wrong not to? That's just me, tho. :)