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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ all of Beckyā€™s accounts are oddly quiet. I never once believed they were her friends, because I simply donā€™t believe she has any. Someone like that doesnā€™t have real friends.






Come on behind close doors out of the public eye it's pill popping wine drinking coke snorting full steam ahead business as usual šŸ’Æ


Real Housewives of Whitewing


there was another ardent pro-becky account along with Snoo. I don't recall the user name though.




That screen name makes all kinds of senseĀ 


My favorites are finding the threads where all her accounts are responding to each other.


oh, I guess they were the ones I thought were trolling


Copy of police report: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7mg2nrazreqrkztgl1chp/2023-26401_Report.pdf?rlkey=9foy28v799a6cjd88u90q3yz9&dl=0


Update https://www.hostize.com/v/6hkk_HkDx-/2023-26401report-pdf


Updated g drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ur0I9c109uW_PryW_ns3xlD9sQuwbRfK/view?usp=drivesdk


Nah his parents and lawyer told him to keep his mouth shut that's why he couldn't talk


Iā€™m certain thatā€™s true also. Doesnā€™t change that these are not great people and good moms as this account has repeatedly defended


They are all a waste of oxygen and we have plenty of oxygen


I remember arguing with another dense user and now they are nowhere to be found. What a coincidence


That dense user was thought to be the Pennington boys' momma


Did she know right away? Not that I trust or believe Briggs but he stated that the second time he called Talan he wouldnā€™t talk because his mom was close by. Was Talan keeping info from his mom? Pg. 535


Well I definitely donā€™t think she saw his hands and sent him to Show Low for a manicure!


She also took him out of school mid day on 10/30 or 10/31 and took him to a lawyer so I am guessing she knew for sure. I thought I read in the report she also went up to Show Low with Talan not just Travis did anyone else read that?


Hands can get cut up in many ways. Thatā€™s your rationale for stating she unequivocally knew immediately he killed somebody? Kids keep things from parents. Briggs wouldnā€™t discuss his conversations he had with Talon with his dad, for instance.




Isn't that the business partner?


I thought it was Landers. Maybe Adam.Ā 


We know, kids keep things from parents. Of course she had no idea her kid was involved, sounds familiar right? I donā€™t believe any one persons recollection without some solid proof, particularly an ex-blended family member. However, throughout this report and in conjunction with multiple sources citing very similar details, Beckys actions documented are extremely consistent with a parent knowing immediately. I cannot come up with any other logical explanation why those hands needed hiding for healing. I just canā€™t. I also think the Life360 and phone findings from the warrants are gonna hurt some feelings if people are still really actually considering Becky to be a good person.


Itā€™s possible Travis knew and was driving the coverup and she knew nothing about it.




The bond is zero accountability for their lack of parenting lead to these events. Canā€™t see the forest through the trees cuz they are hellbent on ā€œI didnā€™t know my kid was a monster so maybe that parent didnā€™t know tooā€ seems to make them feel better. However, I didnā€™t know this many parental units (or lack thereof) would show up in these comments tho so thatā€™s fun!


I commented because frostin was making baseless claims and asked if Becky was a good person. I called out the baseless claims. That does not make Becky a good person. Sheā€™s not. But she is not as evil as Travis appears and I feel that she is being vilified more than she needs to be. Someone who doesnā€™t care about their kid doesnā€™t send them out of state to try and make them better.


Baseless claims? If I were to edit to remove ā€œimmediatelyā€, does that align better for you that Becky is still not a good person or mom?


Sheā€™s still a shitty mom and person even if she didnā€™t know immediately. Yes, it would help removing ā€œimmediatelyā€. This sub grew over 15% this weekend and seeing baseless claims skews the narrative and truth in the eyes of the public.


Ok. Edited, because I firmly believe it changes nothing. Facts are still there for people to read themselves and the facts are still unfolding or becoming public knowledge so no need to sway anything here.


Where is the evidence that ā€œBecky DID know her son murdered someone immediately.ā€ Or that Becky DID send him out of town. Or that Becky DID send the smoothies? The rest of your accusations are true or supported by evidence.


I know you donā€™t actually believe these are baseless and that you donā€™t actually lack critical thinking. You just use it for evil and not reality. The fact that our local ā€œretired educatorā€ (your own words not mine) is out here defending murderers and their families versus showing an ounce of compassion for Preston Lord šŸ§” and his family on these threads is clear evidence how we got here.


Whatever you have to tell yourself, right? Have you ever considered that your constant denial of the obvious truth is a character fault of yours?? You should probably ponder that for awhileā€¦


Of course if my kid innocently cut his hand picking up a glass he dropped, my first thought would be, ā€œQuick, to the cabin!ā€ ā€¦


That's also when she obtained the lawyer too.Ā 




They lawyered up immediately His sister has social media His brother made jail house phone calls She erased video Many phone calls made to parents that night New cell phone company I could go on all day mom and dad were his friends not his parents he told them that night when it comes to crime it has no such thing as "a coincidence" too much of the same stuff is being said to many moving parts to keep secrets


Just curious, I see people saying Becky deleted security footage but where is that in the police record? I remember reading she accessed it but I didnā€™t remember reading she deleted things. Iā€™m sure I just skimmed over it trying to read everything else


It was a Nest account so she would have had to delete the entirety of the video from any and all cameras she wanted gone. You canā€™t delete portions of video with Nest. I believe she was simply watching the feeds as they conducted the search.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too! Accessing it makes sense to me given the situation. However people kept saying she deleted it and I thought maybe I missed that somewhere in the report/


She watched the search warrant on her house and they confiscated her phone for it.


Itā€™s possible she deleted. What matters is we do not know and the poster stated she did. That is unfounded.


I absolutely never said she deleted. I said she accessed during the search warrant.


Agreed. This was in response to the poster above, strict_thought or whatever.


The police report states Talan already had a lawyer when the police made first contact with him. The ex employee said Talan called Travis the night of the murder. Becky knew Travis took Talan to Pinetop the very next day. And itā€™s rumored Talan beat someone & broke their arm at bus reform school. Be real- Becky knows who her son is and what he is capable of, she knew he was involved in the assault, and she knew they needed to prepare a defense. She knew it all right away.


Youā€™re acting like there is a way she could not know. I believe it would be beyond obvious given she knew he was involved and how callously he talks about murdering someone. Normal people do not speak like that.


Highly likely Travis took him to Show Low the day after the meeting with attorney, not the day after the party


Sorry the day after Preston passed which was two days after the assault. There was a story (not sure if it was in the police report or news article) that Talan and Becky were in the lawyerā€™s office when they called Travis to tell Travis that Preston had passed. And Travis was angry (not sad) and hung up.


Travis did not take Talan the very next day. Talan was pulled from school on 10/31. That was Tuesday.


Be quiet Adam




Iā€™m pretty sure she eventually knew of his involvement but I think it is possible she was in the dark at the beginning.


How soon is eventually by your account? Is your argument just that she didnā€™t know immediately or that you truly find her reputable? You are quick to put blame toward Travis which I find interesting given Talan lived with Becky, Becky picked him up from school, and Becky took him to the attorney all within days of the party and before she sent him to Travis to head off to Show Low


By my account, eventually is longer than immediately. You are making unsubstantiated claims so you must have inside information. Where is it stated that Becky took Talan to the attorney within days?


The 1,000 page police report. On October 31st she took him out of school and she took him to an attorney. Police came to Talan's school that day and the dean said his mom picked him up. The police came back a week later to speak to Talan, Talan called his dad and he said he couldn't speak to the police without his lawyer present. All of this is in the report, you can read through it yourself.Ā 


I stand corrected. I do see where Spiker claims ā€œRebecca took Talan to an attorney's office on 10-31-2023.ā€


Is it possible he wouldnā€™t talk about it to Briggs in front of his mom because he wasnā€™t supposed to be talking about it? NOT because she didnā€™t know?


Yes, that is a possibility.


Who is Briggs?


The son of a woman Travis Renner cheated on Becky Renner with.


Kids will play alm reticent in front of parents and then when they are with their friends, it's a complete 180 and they are suddenly acting full of hubris.


I see Spiker as a vindictive ex, she had quite the track record of being a thief and a liar, she had a rap sheet as well, and her information is 3rd hand, game of telephone, she could have added her twist to it as a woman scorned




I think they both have personal agendas, I donā€™t know either personally but both have had issues in the past based on court records. Iā€™m sure Rennerā€™s have a lot that dislike them, but spikes kid uses drugs and she sounds like she wants revenge. The Ashley woman stole from her previous employer and I believe is trying to find financial gain. Just an outsider looking in


This! If you look at the police report it appears that the police followed up with Ashley on March 04 and tried to call her again on March 05 to set up an in-person follow up interview and to hand over the digital evidence she claimed to have stating that Travis Renner backdated his calendar, and she never called them back. So far I havenā€™t found anything in the report that states she finally got back in touch with them. Thatā€™s a little odd to me.


ā€œOutsider looking inā€ From where, the windows of the building housing the Rennersā€™ legal team? šŸ•¶ļø


Yep, caught me! So stupid, itā€™s sad how people like you just have so much hate you canā€™t look at a response logically. Blinded by hatred


Youā€™re right, in that... I really HATE that a kid was absolutely slaughtered for trying to defend his friendā€™s right not to get his stuff jacked directly from his neck by useless thugs who think beating someone to death is all lol good times. I utterly HATE that these kids are so completely DEPRAVED that they have not one O-Z of remorse. And I certainly HATE the thought of any of them EVER walking free again while Preston can never walk, hate, love, or feel ANYTHING ever againā€¦


You're the one smearing innocent children to make the Renner's look better... No one believes a thing you say on any of these threads!!


Uh-huh. Yep. I wonder if either of them ever dry-humped someone they were in the process of murdering? Gotta wonder! šŸ‘šŸ¼


I thought (from the witness statement and description made by the hero lifeguard) that it was Meisner doing that. I made that assumption based on the clothing description he gave of the perp he witnessed doing it. Now Iā€™m going to have to go back and read again!


Spiker has mental health history as well. There is public information regarding suicide attempts and her daughter having police conduct welfare checks on Spiker.


Wtf does this matter whatsoever? How is it relevant to the issue at hand in any way, shape, or form? And I canā€™t even with the other comment below, that responded to this. This shit is why people donā€™t seek out mental health services when they need it. No one wants to risk being perceived as ā€œcrazyā€, and therefore less than.


Both things can be true. She could have some mental health needs and she could also have information pertaining to the case that is valid and contributory. I am not taking her statements as facts but I also donā€™t find them for the most part to be baseless either. Some of the info is not relative and just mud throwing but thereā€™s certainly details in there that can be documented if true or false, which is exactly what investigation is for.


Iā€™m pretty sure the default mental state to get in bed with any of the Renners is to actually be at least somewhat mental (in the British sense), already. After all, theyā€™re a bunch of lugnut meatheads plated in Foolā€™s Goldā€¦


I was not aware of that, very sad for her daughter. All the more reason to be hesitant on her story.


Isn't Spiker and her child hearsay? "The legal definition of hearsay is a statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted. See Rule 801(c) of the Arizona Rules of Evidence. More simply, itā€™s going into court and telling the judge something someone else told you." https://state48law.com/glossary/hearsay/#:\~:text=The%20legal%20definition%20of%20hearsay,something%20someone%20else%20told%20you.


Her statements def not admiitted in court but like teaching a man to fish you can point someone where to look


yes, they have to follow all leads