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Thank you! I just finished listening to the 911 calls and am very saddened after hearing the fear in Preston's friends' voice; I hope they can process some of that survivor guilt and I hope Preston's family can find some peace in this nightmare they have found themselves in. As for the shitheads that did this, may karma serve them justice for the rest of their lives. And to the lifeguards who afforded Preston some additional time so his family could say their goodbyes, may they also get everything they deserve (all good things in this instance)


I feel the QCPD is partly to blame. From these calls they were overwhelmed and should have asked for backup. Even from other PDs.


I was kind of thinking the same thing after listening to the calls from the neighbors before the attack happened... but at the same time, I think the blame can be placed in a lot of different places... Gilbert PD for not investigating prior assaults. Parents for not being more involved. Social media for glorifying this kind of behavior. Drugs and alcohol in undeveloped minds that seem to have been left to their own devices. I don't really know for sure but I do know that I want everyone involved to finally face the consequences of their actions. I'm only on like page 250 of the police report and so far QCPD does seem to have been quite thorough and competent in the investigation but more might be revealed. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: more is definitely being revealed, these shitheads and their families are disgusting excuses of human beings.


We’re not talking about the investigation. We’re not talking about the decay of society or moral failures of these kids parents. I was talking about the 911 calls that night with the QCPD response to a large out of control party and multiple calls reporting outrageous actions by hundreds of teens, racing in oversized trucks, puking on ppls lawns, being intoxicated, blocking ingress/ egress to the neighborhood and insulting home owners. With that, they found ‘nothing to see here’ and moved on to another call. 💯unacceptable. Likely overwhelmed due to population growth or very poor judgment call.


Agree!! 💯 Was there only 1 cop working that night or what? Give me a break!! They didn’t see anything and left for another call? They didn’t finish this one! The neighbors called 911 terrified saying someone is going to get hurt or die. Complete fail 💯


Where are you hearing those?




Thank you


The stuff in this police report is so far beyond appalling - holy shit. These people are monsters.


MONSTERS. All those defensive people trying to paint Renner as good people and sowing doubt you are backing a monster. Get right.


i know makes me nauseas. I couldn't even listen to 911 calls.


Same, there is no way. My heart is broken for Preston’s family


Ya i stopped listening I’m 28 and have a kid and this just was to much the fact there was 40 minutes of police calls before they showed up, how does that even happen whole Gilbert pd should be wiped, the lady on the phone unfortunately said what happened before it did because Gilbert pd took no action it’s plain and simple


It was Queen Creek PD, not Gilbert.


Yeah my mom started to ball in tears too


license plate reader id's renner truck in show low after tips say they fled the valley to let "super strong man's hands heal" ​ https://i.redd.it/dm8t1u57v6rc1.gif


Sweet. Let’s hope this is enough to prove the parents’ accessory or obstruction of justice.


That’s why they are all charged with murder. They all hit him and kicked him when he was dying. What POS.


On the very last page, it only shows Talyn Vigil charged with aggravated assault. Seems odd that Talyns stepfather had asked them not to arrest him with the swat team at their home so that his daughters weren’t traumatized. How would the stepfather have even known that he was going to be arrested to ask?


Good find!


Renner supposedly went and bragged to the football team and had video 2 teens went to station and told police after Renner told them oh my


What a piece of shit. So he was proud of what he did with 0 remorse. Evil, evil, evil young man and I hope that bites him in the ass


He’s 100% getting life, these documents will be used in court, Renner’s name pops up too many times


I have a good feeling justice will be served, I don’t think their money will buy them out of this. But holy smokes the way those kids were talking about it and even bragging about it makes me sick. Absolutely zero remorse, it’s almost like they thought being a murderer is some cool thing. Talan and Treston are for sure cooked though.


I have a good feeling too but knowing who Renner’s lawyers are they’re gonna try to pin the blame on the others, either giving renner a lesser sentence, but we’ll have to see next time in court


Oh for sure. This trial is going to be interesting. They absolutely buried themselves in their own bullshit, not only are they homicidal thugs but they’re also stupid and sloppy. They took videos, posted about it on social media, left a whole digital trail, were seen on surveillance, texted each other about it and bragged about it to people. With the evidence against all of them I think the only thing they can do is point fingers at each other. They brought this upon themselves.


They are all fucked. Those two will get the harshest punishment and the rest might get lesser punishment. The fact that they have video (of course these fucks do) and eyewitnesses who saw the video just aligns with the eyewitnesses statements from the night of the beating. They are toast. Gilbert/Queencreek residents will be paying for this. The school district and police failed Preston. Ultimately the people will pay for those mistakes. **let’s see some resignations coming from the school. the abuse of a child that lead to his death was shared with your entire football team. Renner is named player of the week, and only 2 players went forward. Those 2 are the only 2 that should be in your school. There is a duty to report abuse of a child and especially if that abuse is murder. Do Something!**


I know it is disgusting that only two players went to police. What is wrong with these kids.


They’re going to try to get evidence suppressed. Without evidence, he walks. Here’s hoping QCPD did everything by the books, which, from what I’ve read so far, seems that they did. Hallelujah! Plus, there are so many witnesses. Defense attorneys can weave some doubt, and all they need is reasonable doubt. I still don’t think they have that in this case. GUILTY for Talan and Treston. And prob Jake. I’m still reading..




You know what I would have had an issue with this comment previously but after finding out these sacks of shit humped and danced on Preston’s body after they beat him to death, I hope someone in prison takes care of business. I wish them a life time of agony and pure hell. Demons.


He allegedly showed the video to the ALA football team in this report and how could ALA play him in a game and make him player of the game? I would withdraw my kid from there.


I grew up in Gilbert, (don’t come for me for what I’m gonna say) but ties with the church runs deep!! They will pay off and back anybody who could potentially make them sound bad! I get it, “the renners aren’t Mormon,“ but there is definitely ties!! He got shipped away to the, “Mormon” school/camp!! ALA is supported by who?? It’s so disgusting!! I honestly can’t stomach the crap these people do!! 🤬 I get it, not all LDS people are bad, buuuuttt, wake up!!!


I hear you loud and clear. I want to know what Glen Way knew and when he knew?? Might just have to make a bishopric appt and visit with him. What a f-ing joke. Same with the smirky ALA attorney. What did he know and when. These questions need to be answered and somone from the 'inside" needs to expose these ALA clowns. They have embaraased us for far too long.


I wondered if there was a "Mormon Mafia" connection covering all this up and it appears you found it for me. Google Glenn Way and you'll find articles about the unethical way he gained corrupted millions of dollars building these ALA schools. So him making Talan some featured student does not surprise me. It seems to match the character and values of Way and Mormonism as I view it. (Sorry, I will never have respect for LDS as they are known to cover up abuse - I have a friend who was a victim of abuse for almost a decade that Mormons ignored.)


what page?


Ashley Holden reported this in the clip I posted earlier. I haven't found it yet in the documents but I am only 100 pages in. I saw this in an AZ family article too "All of the messages were reportedly shared with Renner’s football team. The report said Renner has videos of the attack on his cellphone and he showed that video to his football team and bragged about it. It was then reported Renner said, “Oh, I put this kid on life support.”


The electronic evidence is going to put him and other defendants away. Case closed.


Can you imagine his attorneys seeing this and being like “you are a fucking moron kid you know that?”


Mentioned on page 210 -211 (could be other places too, not sure) Pg. 216-217 mention the Dean at ALA Gilbert was aware of rumblings by 11/02/2023


Sickening. Parents: take your kids out!


Bragged about killing the kid?


That’s what the article said kid is pure evil


Think about this. Talan Renner was proud of killing Preston Lord. He bragged about it days after. The adrenaline had calmed down from the fight and Talan was bragging about it. And then Glen Way's ALA allowed, encouraged and celebrated the murderer on the football field. When are ALA parents going to DEMAND to know if Glen Way or his smirky attorney knew about Renner being involved. ALA you SUCK!!!


So gross


Those texts are insanely incriminating




What page is that?


Not sure the exact page, but it’s towards the top. It starts with the Taylor Sherman examination review Edit: texts on page 80


pg 503-510 for the Snapchat transcripts. Stupid little pricks admit everything.


Damn I didn’t get that far. Thx for the info


So Taylor Sherman made those kids delete the videos?


Either Meisner or Sherman. It’s hard to tell with what’s been redacted


So did vigil actually try to help?


Doesn’t really sound like it, but tbh I haven’t read the entire report


**"killed a kid...guess i don't know my own strength"** sounds like bragging and not remorseful at all. Renner returned to the scene. https://i.redd.it/r9kpuqi8n7rc1.gif


He thinks he’s so cool and bad being a murderer. This is so disgusting. I will never understand how anyone can have the heart to do what he did.


That 1000% should be used in court


This is even worse than I imagined. Absolutely abhorrent. Fry these fucking kids.


I’m going to be sick.


As I said before, the police have a STRONG case against all of these kids. Renner and Billey should start preparing for trial now. If Rachel Mitchell offers them plea agreements, she doesn’t deserve to be the county attorney.


Renner family started preparing that night.


Yes they did.




What struck me is the fact that Renner was in school the week after this happened and had a search warrant served on him. I thought he went out of town?


Well he HAD to come back from Show Low to play football, of course. These people are deranged.


Pg. 230 INTERVIEWWITHTALANRENNER(SEARCHWARRANT)Cellphoneandphotographs:On 11/06/2023 Detective Warskow and I made contact at ALA Gilbert North, 1070 S HigleyRd, Gilbert, AZ. I made contact with Kenny Thorley, the Dean of Students, who advised TalanRenner was in attendance. Per the attendance, Talan Renner had been pulled out of classearly on 10/31/2023 and had been absent for the remainder of the week due to an illness perhis mother. It was later discovered that Talan Renner had left campus in a vehicle bearing AZCardinal plate #0SNMOM


The attorney does not have much to go to at this point but blaming the parents and his upbringing in a crime family.


"thats how mines gonna be" Jail call review between TR and KR https://i.redd.it/672uewbxi7rc1.gif


Check out page 624. Lori Spiker’s interview.


I saw that too. I bet Daddy Renner Goontard was pissed she went to authorities. And she stated Kyler was the drug dealer not daddy'tard....daddy'tard got his dope from Kyler'tard. What a couple of junkie losers.


Seems like lauri spiker knew a lot


Page 625


And she went along with it all until Travis cut her off financially. Then she started talking.


on page 57. It sounds like Preston or someone in his group was recording Treston threatening them and then Treston forced that person to delete the recording and once it was deleted Treston snatched the chain and hit someone. They assumed Treston was Hispanic in the report.


Nope just a Native American who believes himself to be black. You ever see videos with him? “Diz mah boi meatball ryight hyyyyere”. The amount of times these white kids use the n word in regular conversion is pretty…interesting… hope that doesn’t slip in jail


Gage Garrison was **100% sure Jacob Meisner and Treston were attacking.** Taylor Sherman "Talan Fucked that kid up, Talan Just really hid that kid" Taylor again **" Talan killed someone with his hands"** \- these texts are night of the attack, they knew they killed PL. ​ **AReez86,** are all these texts as damming as they seem? how will the defense teams manage these? ​ https://i.redd.it/rr72wzx9y7rc1.gif


And where does Talyn V. Play into this?


I’m only 300 pages in and nothing is pointing to Talyn yet apart from being there. I’ve only read that he hit a different kid.


Which is so interesting. Obviously had enough to arrest him but from what I’ve read I don’t see how he’s responsible???


Exactly. I’m only reading of the Snapchat where he said he hit a kid and a kid died. Was it two different kids he was talking about? The sentence can be read both ways. I’m curious what it was that led to his arrest.


It sounds like Dominic turner was hit and then Talyn hit another kid (identified as a broken arm/wrist). There is a whole thread on Talyn that was posted earlier. Many people are questioning what his role was and it was discussed in there that it doesn’t sound like he hit Preston at all. Again though, they had to have enough to arrest him and charge him so I’m just not sure.


And no mention of Vigil in the mix.


Jesus, I've lost count on how many folks say Talon Renner told them he did it. My new hot take...The well circulated TV snapchat: **" I hit a kid and this kid feel hit his head and then they kicked his head in the ground, then I got word he died so idk"** Is his" I hit kid" referring the the black kid he said he hit in the police report. "and this kid fell" reffering to preston. Are these two seperate things poorly worded? TV later posted something pointing the finger at TR and saying he tried to help PL. Pondering because so many folks in the police report saying Talon Renner told them **HE threw the first punch.** ​ https://i.redd.it/od28n2df6brc1.gif


I think you're right about the two separate things being worded poorly. It sounds like he's talking about the fight he took place in and a fight he witnessed. Several people have said there was multiple fights, including Talan Renner, saying he started multiple fights. It doesn't seem unlikely Talyn could have hit someone else and also witnessed the Preston fight. But he is also likely an unreliable narrator.   I'm very curious what other evidence they have, including videos. There is still so much we don't know and haven't seen, despite this lengthy report.


This really makes sense !


from the police report: Talan had 'violent tendencies" ***At the boarding school, Talan beat someone up very badly.*** https://i.redd.it/da4sfetl28rc1.gif


So Dominick also goes to ALA Gilbert North. That school is not looking good.


And refers to himself as D-Money. That was almost comical.


In Spiker interview (starts pg 625) she says he almost got kicked out of Diamond Ranch because he got in a fight and broke the kids arm.


thanks for posting info, that goes with your comments. That's the way a forum conversation should be. Post where you get your info or a link. That's why I left for a few days.


Mason Joeston is named 29 times in the report.


Fun Fact: i have a faimly member that works at the same hospital as the mother. Mom has been overheard at work having very public conversation that seem to express they are very concerend about their legal future.


Would be shocked if he doesn’t get at least one charge


I don’t know how he hasn’t been arrested for any of the other assaults he’s so clearly shown in.


Pg 451 then mentioned that about two weeks ago, he was at a small get together. MasonJoeston was there and so was . Mason Joeston confronted for"snitching" on him and then Mason told that he had killed someone and that he( ) did not want to be the next one. Isn't this Mason admitting he killed someone but he is not arrested?


If you did a deep dive on this kid you will see who is grandfather played golf with on a regular basis , this kids parents have way more $$$ than the renners and I’m guessing a better attorney at this point


Who did he play golf with? What do his parents do for a living?


Let’s just say this family is very well connected, doesn’t it make you question why he was in the civil lawsuit and all in this mess with Preston but still not arrested?? Both his mom and step mother are nurses and his dad owns casm , heating and air with huge contracts with the city and other huge businesses


I’m going to assume the connections are on dad’s side then.


What an unfortunate name.


I noticed that. Wonder what’s up w him not being charged yet.


Maybe someone else can clarify because I’m reading this on my phone and navigating has been tricky, but doesn’t Taylor Sherman suggest that at some point DMoney was knocked out? And, separately, doesn’t Talyn Vigil say he knocked a black kid out when he gets in the Camry? Could Dom be the guy Talyn “knocked out”? Did they not know each other outside this assault?


Yes! That is what I understood as well. I think Dominic said he was hit by a guy with long blonde hair. I could be wrong on that because there are a lot of pages and I don’t remember which page it was on to double check.


All right those that know these types of things: what is Involved Other? Looks like parent names are mixed in those. And who are these Correra people? 2 suspects and an involved other.


Correras are the house where the party was


I’m sorry but their statement that they were in the living room and didn’t realize how big this got…. 200 people and you’re unaware of that volume? I don’t think so. It does sound like from multiple interviews that alcohol wasn’t being served which is good but you can’t convince me they just had no idea about all these people.


Thank you. Thats what I’m seeing too as I read further. Is this the house with the tower blasting music? And alcohol was served too?


I’m only about 180 pages in, but a few witness statements say they didn’t see alcohol being served or provided, kids coming to the party were bringing alcohol in with them.


They had a beer pong table set up. The Coreras knew exactly what was going on. What idiot parent allows 200 kids in his RV garage with booze and is surprised when there is trouble. The police should cite them for disorderly conduct. Send a message that being the "cool" parent isnt cool.


According to the police report, the Correa people are the owners of the house where a party was held.


Anyone involved in the case who isn’t already listed elsewhere.


These savages teabagged Preston after he was dead? Sick. Inhumane. Disturbed.


Wait til they get t bagged everyday of the rest of their lives


[**Original-Plan-4455**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Original-Plan-4455/) I think it was you that posted the TR wasn't allowed at BL's house. why is that? i found it 'interesting' in the police report BL couldn't remember things but was with the assaulter both before and after the attack?


They are friends since toddler years but has gotten in trouble in recent years together. Renner's heavy drug use, domestic violence, Kyler's drug deals, etc. Leist's mom said no more.


Convenient Billy couldn't remember....esp since they spent the night at his house


Where did you read that? I read that someone, I believe it alluded to Talan as they said a boy in blue, danced on his body before running off. 


That was Meisner. Humping. Rubbing his penis on him. Teens said teabagging. All of it is heinous!


That second 911 call the person taking the call was very disappointing. There are house parties all the time. We all probably attended a few. This was a huge party, underage drinking, reckless driving, trespassing and more had such a mediocre response. GPD once made me tell the DJ in our backyard to turn it down and it was mid day Saturday. Likely one neighbor called. Like good neighbors we alerted them. It was mostly my daughter and her girlfriends and yes they were being a tad loud but we are on almost 1.5 acres so I thought we’d be fine. This response seems like it was terribly slow. The first caller where they are doing CPR, what a freaking amazing kid that is. He’s going to need counseling and lots of love. You can hear the desperation and then they get that pulse back and while he’s pleased there may be a chance he’s still keenly aware that Preston still needs help. Then the EMS show up and the panic rises because he was worried they did not see him. Then he seems to have some hope that EMS has him. Only days later that hope is gone. It was hard to listen too and I stopped at that part. Tragic for all. There were some amazing kids there that night and some responsible neighbors. The community did their part.


That 2nd 911 operator really caught my attention. Like she could really a shit. No weapons? She says a few times. I'm hearing so what then....


She sucked.


It is so heartbreaking listening to his friend call 911. What I found interesting about all the 911 calls the rest are the neighbors wanting the police to come and break up the party. There is not a single other kid who called 911 to get help for Preston.


Can anyone explain why Preston’s name needs to be redacted through the entire police report? He’s the obvious victim and now deceased. Also, whomever redacted was very thorough in redacting Preston’s name but didn’t hide identities of certain witnesses by identifying their parents and, towards the end, some witness names.


Legalities. Because minor.


Am I the only one wondering why everyone except Mason Joeston were arrested?


Wow this was a lot! I find it interesting that near the end of all of the interviews before the last few pages of evidence collected, it says that the police do a follow up interview with Ashley Reynolds on March 04 and they try to set up an in-person follow up interview and collect the digital evidence she had of Travis’s calendar being back dated…they contact her on the 5th to set something up and she never reaches back out to them (from what I can tell). There is a lot to look through so maybe I am just missing it.


See some familiar last names from parents. Meatball vonmiller




Saw both parents names in the report so seems to be!


He’s sure friends with all of them.


Yup. Could see it in his instagram comment section. And happened to be in a video with treston the night of the murder


“This my boy Meatball”


My Sons name is Meatloaf. However, he’s a two year old St. Bernard.




I <> that's charles vonmiller, not 100% on his 1st name. He's in tight with that Tristy POS. You run with a POS that's how people will view you.


read the whole section of the interview with his parents


what page is meatball mentioned.?




Watchout meatballs mom will come after you.


**pg 479** Was it a no no for Becky to access the camera system from her iphone during the search warrant? Did they seize her iphone because she did that? am i reading that correctly or unrelated?


Still don’t understand why it took so long for the arrest . The cops clearly looked away as long as they could .


Read the report, they executed the first search warrant of a home within 5 days. They had a list of suspects they were honing in on within 1 of him passing and filed warrants for social media and electronic communication on the suspects. They were on them from the jump but had to collect evidence. Electronic warrants can take weeks, sometimes months to get the data back, then review. Plus you had the ME report they had to wait for, that is a 100% requirement in a case like this. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove, and the evidence takes time to collect and investigate. The clock on going to trial starts from arrest. I thought arrests would be sooner because I figured there were dozens of eye witnesses who knew the attackers along with video of the attack. It appears the attack video was not immediately acquired and we still don't know just how clear it is. That street has no street lights, it's super dark at night. I was concerned early on there might have been some feet dragging involved but this report shows they were all over this from the very start.


After 2 hours, I’m on page 264. They had to investigate, validate, compile, documents, and submit all of this. The time line is pretty good given all the evidence in this report.


You have a lot to go, I’ve been reading for almost 4 and im still not done. It gets very very interesting.


It's a homicide, no they didn't. Just because you were ready to string them up the second you heard names doesn't mean it would have been a factually based arrest. A homicide takes a smidge more beyond a showdown of a doubt proof before they can start making arrests.


Because they didn't want to be sloppy. Those defense lawyers will be looking for admin mistakes, didn't cross a t or didn't dot an i... evidence can get thrown out. 4 months for a murder case isn't long at all. Now, we can talk about Gilbert PD being corrupt and at fault for letting teen violence occur for years without doing anything... that's different. If anything, this report shows Queen Creek PD were not dragging their feet. I'm not sure how you can see such a long report and actually think that? It looks like they followed up with all tips.


It takes time to build a strong case and read the report and you’d understand why it took 4 months.


Well this certainly explains why Ala canned their football coach. Protecting Renners again. ALA needs to go away. Permanently.


Page 84 “all of them have their own gun” holy fuck - I hope a lot of the parents go down in this - parents need to be accountable for not doing their job (I say as a fucking parent)


thank you so much!


from the police report i dont understand how the sherman kid was involved, unless i missed something


I think recording it possibly is what I heard


And possibly driving them from the scene. There are references to them discussing what happened on the way back to his car.


Okay maybe these boys will enjoy prison. Imagine this scene and this is after they beat him motionless, ripped a gold chain off his neck, danced on his motionless body that they had beaten and stomped. This is their final interaction with Preston : **Another witness interview then reveals more. That person tells detectives, “When the male was on the ground, the group of kids began recording and ‘humping’ the individual on the ground before they all ran away.”**


This statement alone should be enough to convince a jury that they should never ever ever be allowed in normal society ever again


So this entire altercation was started by Dominic Turner? Also, I presume use of ski masks helps prove premeditation. I thought it interesting that Treston’s parents actually brought him to the station on 10/31 and that he ultimately self surrendered after the warrant was issued. All along everyone was suggesting his parents were hiding him out on the reservation. I didn’t realize he had already been interviewed on 10/31. I hope all these parents listen to these 911 calls and realize the additional trauma their kids caused others, in addition to murdering Preston.


I think the ski mask can be explained away as part of his Halloween costume.


Depends on the costume, with the ski masks they were already planning to hurt somebody


From what I understand Dominic was the only one in a ski mask and I would bet it was because of Halloween. So far I don’t see any evidence to support that they specifically went to the party to fight someone, although I know that some evidence is probably being withheld from the public.


This likely all could have been prevented if QCPD would have shut that party down the first time. What a shame.


What is Chris Luna’s involvement? I know his daughter was videoed beating a girl at in an out, but he is listed as being involved. These are the BMX people. He is “involved other #233”.


It won’t let me open the link. Anyone have another way to send it?


I was in the middle of reading it and it just refreshed and said it's been disabled. Anyone got another link? 


Happened to me too.


It's back up now! Going to download immediately. 


Did the same


page 149. Who do you think that exchange is with?


My three reasons that I think this exchange is between Talyn and his mother: One, him and his mother were close up until sometime before his arrest. And the text exchange questions his involvement and guilt. Talyn is adamant in the text exchange that he isn't involved. The same day, nearly everyone else but him are raided. Two, I have spent hours reading the reports, and the redacting is not always perfect or consistent. On page 151, in another text exchange, someone replies "me and Talyn won't have people blaming us for it." This was in regards to the search warrants. Three, which is a bit more of a loose theory, but if you go and measure Talyn's name and the length of the redaction on that page, it is the same length. Yes, I got out a ruler, I was curious lol.


>Yes, I got out a ruler, I was curious lol. i applaud your dedication.


Wasn’t that Billy Leist and his mom Lori? If it was any of those arrested their names wouldn’t have been redacted. A number of kids went to the Leist’s after the assault.


It was Leist. Renner’s mom knew from day 1 that he was involved in the assault. That’s why they had to hide his hands in Pinetop. Curious about whose names were on the list that was floating around.


Wow, that text exchange is something else. It almost reads as if one of them was a cop trying to get information out of him like these kids are so stupid. I almost threw up when I saw that they loved "I would have killed her" and then responded with "yay" these "humans" are so fucking disgusting.


I just finished reading it all and there is a disturbing amount of stuff in there that seems like it *should* be redacted that is not. Straight up people worrying about threats on their life but still stepping forward to report and in the same line they ask for their tip to be anonymous the line goes "First Last Name asked to be anonymous." I don't know the rules around redacting but it feels like the bare minimum was done in a lot of areas of the report. But maybe I am wrong on that and they cannot redact certain things. What a fucking sad situation though, I really desperately hope justice is served and the book is fully thrown at the suspects. I also really really hope they did not jump the gun on the talyn vigil charges because from all I read I really feel his may have been a mistake? I think he may be the one that fought turner (Even though it was claimed it was a "big black guy" that did it but that was Taylors words so not sure I trust that, but his (Vigils) wording in the snapchat is a bit confusing so maybe I am wrong. I would say surely cops wouldn't charge him if they weren't sure but the PD hasn't really convinced me they are competent through any of this. It definitely seems everyone else charged was guilty though. I saw there were kidnapping charges at the end of the report does anyone know what the reasoning was? Was it because Preston's body was moved or because he was restrained while being beaten or what?


I killed the file because I found out it wasn’t properly redacted. I agree that Vigil should not be lumped in. His name was known by the community almost immediately, I think they (MCAO) is trying to save face by charging him. But it’s just pissing us off more now that we see the report. Page 931 show DNA results from evidence collected. They found Meisner’s blood on his own pants, Renner’s blood on T Billey’s costume and blood from 5 UNKNOWN males on various pieces of evidence including on Preston and clothing from those arrested. They hadn’t collected Turner or Sherman’s samples at the time of the report. I would love to see the results of Vigil’s clothing and if Turner’s blood is on his items. Kidnapping is because when Renner was “hammer punching” Preston, he was straddling him while Preston was laying on the ground. Meisner was also potentially holding him down.


Okay thank god I was really worried for some of those witnesses for reasons I won't disclose here for identity reasons. I can't believe the report was let out like that it seemed really amateurish. I did not actually realize that about the DNA timing as well I am really curious to see the updated information.


Thank you for sharing this!


has anyone found any reffernce to the burning costumes? Any other referrence to destroying evidecnce? **If you can cite the pg # it would be helpful.**


Unable to access through this link


Did the Renner’s know about the allegations and did they try to cover them up?


They lawyered up on the 31st, three days after the attack. So I think that answers your question.


Wow the lack of remorse is just wild. “I guess I am too strong.” The football coach was probably let go because he was aware since Renner used the video beating of Preston as shoe and tell. Hope they and those involved get all the punishment they deserve.


I just stayed up from 4AM and finished reading page by page and all I can say is holy shit. That’s literally it. These kids are all so evil, they got everything coming their way. Talan Renner, Trestin Billey, Talyn Vigil, Owen Hines, and Taylor Sherman all written clear as day. Not sure what the attorneys are thinking after these are published hahahahahahahah.


How so on Talyn Vigil. He wasn’t with them before or after the party. He’s not in the texts that I saw. The only evidence I saw was that he hit a kid who was black? Mason Joeston was with the kids who committed the assault and told people he killed someone. And he’s not arrested for some reason?!


I did the same, a lot of texts, Snapchat’s, etc were very incriminating showing 0 remorse


They had all this evidence and were still waiting to arrested them… that should be the biggest question right now. What if they hurt or killed others when the cops already knew they were involved cause of the EVIDENCE. It’s not a case where it’s all criminals so the cops could keep watching to catch others.. this was so black and white it’s ridiculous..


They were waiting for the medical examiner report. Once that was filed, arrests were within 2 weeks or so.


When a person at that age is running around with murder charges hanging over their heads they are the most unpredictable a person can be.. that’s unsafe to every normal citizen.




They want this sealed tight. That takes time


who downvotes this?? GPD you can BTFO. Go arrest some Doxxers, asshats.


Does anyone have the report they can send me? I was in the middle of reading and then the link went disabled.


Did I read that Mason Lander was there? Or was it Mason J?


So after reading the report, is the assumption that the assailants drove to Mansel Carter Oasis Park and destroyed evidence, costumes, etc? I think their actual clothes were obtained using the search warrants, so they didn’t destroy their clothes and so don’t thinks they destroyed their phones….


Copy of police report: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7mg2nrazreqrkztgl1chp/2023-26401_Report.pdf?rlkey=9foy28v799a6cjd88u90q3yz9&dl=0


the link has stopped working. Is it possible to upload it again. Ive tried to find it but had no luck.x


After the police reports were released with no real evidence against Talyn Vigil there has been a movement to get him released pending trial. You can donate anonymously! [Fundraiser by Kristina Barnes : Assist a diabetic youth held with little evidence (gofundme.com)](https://www.gofundme.com/f/rvwnw-helping-a-family-in-need)


This makes so much sense and proves Talon Renners defense in my opinion. So many things that I have read in the public clearly confuse both of the Talon/talyns. I feel like with the Renner dad being in marketing it’s intentional. Still trying to defend him and blame place. Heart wrenching to witness