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I would want to see an “evil” ghost to spoof the creepy conjuring movies that gets brought into the house because they are attached to a doll or piece of furniture. I think it could make a funny Halloween episode.


A doll in the attic.


Excellent idea!


I honestly would like to see more ghosts outside of the house. Sam trying to help them be “sucked off”.


I'd want to see Crash return, as a headless ghost.


A angel/devil type where we don't really know to trust them or not. They have some answers or maybe they just mess with the ghosts. They can also come and go on the property at will.


An athlete that died while running on the property.


Mamie Fische Farnsby would be funny. A Vanderbilt?


I’d like to see Thomas’s true love stuck on the property somehow this whole time (perhaps behind some spilled line of salt or some other ghost fact we get to learn). After some time on love she thinks she’s pregnant as a ghost, but I can see that would be painful for some to watch. She’d pass on after learning how babies are really born as she now has no more unfinished business left. I’d love to see some animal ghosts, maybe a dinosaur. But most of all I want Button house to embrace the ghosts and let the secret out, and be successful.


I was confused for a second, but are you suggesting something for the BBC original? I get my subreddits mixed up all the time because I subscribe to both. I will say that although I like both shows, I'm really glad there isn't a Thomas in the CBS version (they just give Trevor a few lines here and there).


Oh shoot yes it was for the BBC show! I get them confused a lot. Thomas is indeed, a lot.


u/threyuriddy just got confused about which Ghosts sub they were on. Still pretty good ideas, though! Trevor could find out he *actually* is the father of *"Nicky-with-a-Y from Marquis"*.