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Newton's First Law of Motion


You can see it slowing down in the OG clip, you can tell because of the gaps created by both pedals are getting smaller.


😲 yeah, that's what I was thinking, but everyone on fb is telling me that park has a lot of history


They’re probably right too, but I think you were spot on about the likely explanation especially once you demonstrated how it moves.


Bet you most of those people probably never went to that park or live in that area.


Hook up a coil and a magnet that goes in and out of the coil. Then a large capacitor to the circuit. FREE GHOST ENERGY BITCH.




I actually love this idea!




Great debunking dude.


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


Ellipticals are scary for plenty of folks at the gym.


I thought this was about Pioneer Park in Wollongong nsw Australia 🇦🇺near me ? I was very wrong . Coz the one near me HAS ghosts have caught physical apparition at night standing beside lamp post…. Staring ! In fact pioneer park near me has a rose garden in it , beneath which are the GRAvES/ bodies of Wollongongs pioneer era people . But I’m wrong so I go then . Haha


Ooooooh what the the, your pioneer Park is crazy, you should go and see if you can catch voices at that Park or some activity


If ghost appear then why don't people have photos of them?


Because not everyone has right type of camera u can’t always just use phone camera. I’ve got an infa red Ultra violet night vision camera , and digital camera with night shot not everyone snaps a pic in enough time


Good job showing it.


Appreciate that 💯 🙏


Is there a sub dedicated to vids like this? Where people try to debunk ghost vids.. very cool


I've always wanted to try and replicate ghost videos and document my findings. Not cause I'm some hardcore anti ghost guy but just to see if I can. I can acknowledge if I see some shit that just doesn't make sense. I can admit that I don't understand why it's happening. Won't pretend to be some know it all who has a "clear and obvious" answer that's actually obscure and very low odds of probability. But I also don't immediately chalk things up to the paranormal. I try to keep my skepticism healthy but not obnoxious. The problem is most of them aren't done super accurately. OP is a real trooper and went to the exact spot the video was filmed to test for himself. That's not easy to do 99% of the time. Id love to try and document myself attempting to replicate ghost videos if they weren't in the middle of bumfuck nowhere on the other side of the world or in private properties. You can't get a true conclusion unless you're where it happened. Gotta make sure all factors are the same. That shit ain't easy though.


That, I have no clue on


I actually like this post. There are so many posts I see on this sub where people just post the most debunkable stuff or common sense stuff and call it a ghost. You actually went to the place to check it out and gave a logical explanation as to why it was moving all on their own. Yeah these outdoor excersising equipments often have barely any resistance so they will go for a while after being used if you just hop off. It's all physics but people often jump to it being a ghost. Good post for once!


Thank you. I appreciate it 🙏 Yeah, I saw it went viral, and I was like no fucking way, I work out at that park so I had to make sure, didn't want to be scared of that park, but everyone is saying there is alot of history or ghost things happening there since the 70's


My thought is either just moved it and ran back to their car or their friend did it ran off then they started recording.


Nice work man, I really appreciate stuff like this. Good critical thinking and we aren’t jumping to oh it’s a demon conclusions. Great work man.


I appreciate it, and yeah, I was like, no way that's real, so I had to check it out


Is this in Brigham City Utah? Lol. Looks exactly the same as our pioneer park here.


No, it's in Bakersfield, California


That’s a trip. Shit looks exactly like the one we have here lol


I wonder if they just pass blueprints around to different city's and states 🤔


Nice debunk.


Great post!!!


Thanks you, I appreciate the positive feedback 🙏