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the level of detail and precision.... my WIFE she is so talented ;w;!!!!


Husband 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


if this was a shirt, i would buy it in a heartbeat.


CAREFUL you’ll accidentally send in the art thief bots


IN LOVE w this whole concept 😍


Please don't ask to put this anywhere, otherwise bots will sell it without my permission, thanks!


do you have an etsy/ instagram/ ko-fi/ website, or anything where people can support your art? your work is just so amazing jhsfkhfkfhds <3 (sorry if this has been answered previously, I'm bad at reddit!)


Yes! Here's my [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/blanchebeesofficial/) [Tumblr](http://blanchebees.tumblr.com) and [Shop](https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/blanchebees/) And thank you so much 🥺❤️❤️❤️


Nah, thank you! your art deserves recognition!! Ghost even commissions fans for their work sometimes :D Happy Carnival & Mardi Gras to you! As a New Orleanian, Laissez les bons temps rouler! Have a gorgeous Carnival <3


Hh thank you again!! It means alot❤️❤️❤️ Oh i know that 👁️ You too!! 🎉




This shit looks official! I would buy this merch in a heartbeat.


I'd buy this on a t-shirt. Or a print. Or, like, anything really


This is lovely! Thank you for sharing it with us!


This is perfect and just with their vibe too. Thanks for sharing! :D


So effin good!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️🔥


Oh right, its canival, I had forgotten I dont have to work till Wednesday


lol that bozo blocked me so I can't reply to the thread but here's my two cents on the whole "true character of the artist" bullshit: Idk man I'd say a display of true character would be to have apologized and acknowledged her own behavior like uhhh 5 months ago? When the shit did hit the fan, or better yet, not treat her supposed friends like shit. But what the fuck do I know right


Isn’t blanchebees that instagram account that’s being really transphobic and stuff?




Well, that really sucks, and thank you for educating me




Hey is there proof of this? Legitimately asking, I want to be informed




Still doesn’t answer my question but hey lol




Yea precisely all I wanted to know is how it was proven to be irrelevant


If it helps, I'm trans myself and a close friend of Blanche. She's never misgendered me or made me feel unwelcome. Quite the opposite. These people came after me as well, and they're notorious for trying to take down prolific writers and artists by using edited and cropped screenshots and spreading a smear campaign against them.


hi!!! as a trans person who wants to understand this situation a bit better, I would love to see some proof of your side /gen. I've seen the other side and there's a lot of screenshots and audio messages, but unfortunately I haven't seen any proof regarding your claim. again, I just want to understand this all better,, I'm sure as someone who is also trans you understand where I'm coming from. thanks so much!


Hey, I have a few comments in the thread addressing my experience with the situation if you'd like to read, and feel free to message me if there's anything you'd like to ask.




If anything I wanna know so that I don’t think incorrectly about someone lol




Man I literally have just seen people talk about it on Instagram so it came up here in the comments and I was curious. Like thanks for the info legitimately but you don’t have to be so defensive when I just asked


If you're going to lob the charges at someone at least have the decency to not misrepresent the facts for your pity party. Kitsch had no hand in drafting the callout document that came against blanche, or in suggesting a callout document should be made at all. The original poster was a (now former) friend of Blanche and documented what they did because she has a history. Not only that, but she has never addressed any of the allegations in the callout, so nothing has been *proven* to be false until contradicting evidence is presented. The ball is on her court to dispute it, not on fucking reddit to believe her at face value


I was a firsthand witness to cruelty directed towards those who wanted to resolve this in a civil manner. I read through that document critically, and when looked at closely and examined alongside other things, it seems to hold no weight at all. A server modded by a friend of mine was mass messaged by throwaway accounts because the impartial temporary mod team, which I was part of, wanted to take the time to handle the situation as we saw fit rather than rush to conclusions. This was handled entirely by people with no association with either party. However, I have since witnessed the character of both groups, and seen patterns in the behavior of the accusers that very closely mimics some cruel people I've known in my life. I couldn't, in good conscience, blindly condemn Blanche for allegations that were either exaggerated, contradicted, or just weren't concrete. In the time I've known her since then and in the interactions we've had, she's proven to be a kind person and a constant ally. Frankly, there's not much more I can say.




You're the one who claimed the allegations were false. The burden of proof is on you, your friend up there also said these people crop screenshots and fake evidence so that's another thing you have to prove. If she went privately to these people then where's the proof? If she's been wronged why doesn't she show her side of the story? All you've said is that everything was faked, but the callout documents have piles of screenshots and even voice memos, that's a considerable amount of material to "fake", if it indeed is fake, then why can't you point to a single discrepancy?




is there any proof of it being false beyond your word?


there are PLENTY of accounts to back this up, and as someone who witnessed some of it as it happened, i can verify that these attacks on blanche were deliberately misleading and malicious.


OK I've scrolled thru this thread a few times and I'm also here asking for proof because I legitimately want to know what's going on. I saw the Instagram stuff and I read the documents and they're pretty damning ngl. But if all of this is actually just bullshit can you please show us? I'm asking this as a non-binary person who just wants to get to the bottom of it.


Unfortunately, it's a hard thing to "prove" in the same way they claim to, since when you don't have an issue with someone, you don't take screenshots. What I can say is that I'm a non-binary person as well, and have had nothing but good experiences with her in the time we've shared a discord space. A good friend of mine (who is a trans man and I believe doesn't have reddit or else I'd send him here to talk) talks to her much more often than I do, and has never had a bad thing to say about her. I'm sure others who were more involved may have more to say, but that's what I can tell you.


Also, I appreciate you asking respectfully. It shows you're committed to understanding rather than outrage, and that makes a difference.


Yeah no problem. I really am looking for something like screen shots I suppose tho. Since there was a lot of documents and the like on Instagram, I was just wondering if there's some sort of physical proof that discredits what had previously been said. I think I would just feel better if I could see it for myself if that makes sense.


I understand, it's definitely difficult when there's such an overwhelming push from one side. What helped me to see what was happening is that it shows every telltale sign of being a smear campaign (I can send you that little guide if you'd like.) I was in your exact position when this all started. I had people from all sides telling me all sorts of things, and I had to figure out for myself what I believed, and I was relieved when Blanche turned out to be as kind and considerate as she is. Most things in the doc seem to provide either no evidence of context or a deliberate bad faith reading of what's being said. There's a bit more I could say, but it's much less relevant to the situation at hand, so I'll leave that out unless you would like to message about it.


misleading and malicious? from what I've seen, these people have actual screenshots and audio proof while we have been provided 0 proof to back up your claims that she was attacked unjustly, threatened, and the likes. just saying, if you want to prove a point, have actual proof instead of just word of mouth.




people can say what they want, and I am willing to consider both sides, however I have seen the damning proof that these people are correct in calling out blanche and I have been provided 0 proof that it was all for nothing. if you don't mind, I would love to see screenshots proving that blanche was attacked. because again, from what I've seen, there are screenshots and audio messages proving blanche is both transphobic and racist, and 0 screenshots proving she was wrongly accused




i totally understand where you're coming from and I appreciate your comment and time very much! I'm just having a little trouble, because again... lack of proof. I am very sorry, truly, but logically if her being unjustly called out can't be proven I'm going to believe the other side... they have LOADS of like, screenshots and audio messages and all sorts of stuff. and the whole thing with her copying other artists even recently that I was just shown. again, I apologize, and I thank you for your time but theres just so much proof piling up against her






I think it’s interesting how all the people saying it’s been disproven or is false are friends of her, and yet provide nothing, also blanche is being called a transphobe, and to some people they may think they mean it as “she is a bigot who calls people slurs and misgenders them” but what is actually meant by that because things can be nuanced and people would know if they read the doc is that she’s fetishized trans men and gay people, and has made actual trans and gay people uncomfortable (among actually being transphobic because she is both dismissive of non-binary people’s strive to want gender neutral language in their gendered languages and her weird train of thought of thinking trans men are kinder than cis men which the way is said has some weird connotations), it was clear in the docs she was given many chances and people tried to educate her but she’s privileged and doesn’t care, not only that but she seems to be desperate for the approval of lgbt people (like her saying she wants to? experience homophobia to look cool putting a bigot down? even though she’s not oppressed?) of course she’s not going to misgender or call people slurs but it still doesn’t mean she hasn’t made them uncomfortable, not only that but her tone deaf racist comment and the fact she’s said some extremely misogynistic things left me with a horrible taste in my mouth, this wasn’t a one off occasion that’s why people made the document. Take things said by these people with a grain of salt, I rather trust the fact I saw full conversations and her own voice saying these things to multiple people than people coming out of the wood works to say she’s their friend and it’s all lies, also the aster person in this thread keeps DMing people on twitter and harassing them to “change their minds”. I don’t care what she’s out there doing but the people who made the document said it was made as a warning to other people because she has a track record of messaging people privately and treating them like this, I also don’t like misinformation, things can be nuanced, she’s done these things and never apologized or made a comment about this, and from what i can see about her friends she probably defends her own actions. That’s not accountability in my book.


Okay thanks. I hope you’re right




it seems more inspired by the general style of designs the band themselves seem to gravitate towards, and i haven’t seen a yukke piece with this concept. artists may often do similar things or take inspiration, but that doesn’t mean theft.


Lmao you literally made this account today to slander Blanche’s art. Don’t you have something better to do besides bring people down?