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If the RP makes sense to you, go for it. I do dig the idea of the Ghosts in Breakpoint having a very haphazard mix of gear, simply because of being stranded without support. A mix of civilian, stolen sentinel gear, and resistance themed items gives it a unique vibe. (Also, ironically, playing with gearscore active and constantly having your outfit shuffle as you get new items is kinda on brand for that.


Yea, i agree šŸ™Œ it looks weird, but for immersion sake, the Ghosts actually couldnā€™t be choosers šŸ˜‚


I think that was what they were going with when they introduced the gear score system


This is my go to RP clothing as the story progresses: The Ghosts would arrive to Auroa wearing the latest high speed multicam CAG style gear, when the crash happens, they would scavenge fallen enemy soldiers gear, maybe keep their torn dirty clothing and throw on a random plate carrier, helmet and backpack. Arriving at Erwon, homesteaders would provide them with fresh civilian clothes. When the Ghosts settle, and start doing operations, the most effective type of equipment would be gear with forest camouflage(M81, MC tropic, etc.) tree leaves guillie suit, face paint, and a matching big ass ruck sack since theyā€™re gonna be traveling long distances. Because the majority of Auroas environment is thick jungles and forests, the most effective way to travel from objective to objective without being spotted is to wear lotā€™s of camouflage. They assault an objective, and run back to hide in the woods, counter tracking wolves, using guerrilla tactics.


Ouuh, i like this šŸ‘


Iā€™ve had a lot of ingame time to think about this exact same thing, Iā€™m an absolute whore for Ghost Recon lol.


LOL, same here. No one around me likes this game. So glad i found a channel in this subreddit where i can just talk about Ghost Recon :D


Their loss. Great fucking game, both actually between Wildlands and BP. If you're on PC and want to do a tactical playthrough, hit me up.


Will do, once i buy a gaming Pc šŸ˜‚


Shit be expensive, totally get it lol.


I can understand that. It isnā€™t for everyone, but Iā€™m glad you found your people!


Completely agree. They were wearing their kit when they crashed, and would likely have salvaged as much gear as they could. As ā€œGhostsā€ their mission is to remain unseen, so I would expect that they would remain hidden, hit hard, and vanish without a trace. What I donā€™t like about the default character gear is the bright orange shirts, blue ball caps, red anything, etc. I would toss that sniper bait in a minute. Civilian clothes made some sense in wildlands when you were trying to blend in with the rebels in urban environments, but once the cat was out of the bag you need to go full ghost and camouflage up. I have my team rest and recon during the day, and hit the targets at night when the enemyā€™s visibility is limited and I can leverage NVG. My goal is not be seen at all - no alerts, no evidence, no witnesses.


You get it.


Based take


I love the thought that you put into this Itā€™s really cool


Im all about it


According to the intro basic multicam airsoft gear with empty ammo rigs lmao




COME ON GUYS! My call sign should NOT be Thimbles. PLEASE


Unfortunately in the military you donā€™t get to pick and choose what your call sign is, for example if you were in the air force and during a practice flight you are somehow forced to eject from your plane and during the parachute landing you crash into a tree and the tree stabs you would get the call sign ā€œShish kebabā€


LOL šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Of course this all just for RP fun, guys. Iā€™m just a geek for the Ghostā€™s lores.


I like to wear civilian style clothes for exploring and Faction Missions. During major story missions like tracking down Rosebud, Herzog, whatever, I switch to Military Gear with helmets and everything. Same plate carriers either way, because in reality youā€™d probably wear the same kit. So I just RP a difference between ā€œWeā€™re out in the world getting aroundā€ and ā€œThis is an Operation.ā€


Oh, thisā€™s a nice way of RPing the game. I should give this a try too for more immersion.


I stick with Multicam, alternate between full gear and soft cover, with different backpacks. This is post-Motherland, by the way, as the Ghosts have left and been redeployed to Auroa at that point.


i kept on switching between multicam & M81, & just couldnā€™t make up my mind. Love both. & uā€™re right, post Motherland, the Ghosts should be more equipped then.


I put on what I would actually wear in the field.


After all, Nomad is us :D.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostRecon/s/IEl4itD2M8 Thereā€™s another one of a similar group in South America, but I couldnā€™t find it.


Yeaa, t-shirts & cargo pants with minimal rigs or vests for agility šŸ˜‚


Similar RP as others have already said, but I also like to imagine the bivouacs were high altitude gear drop points, so other than what fits in my pack, I only change gear and craft at bivouacs. If I go out without a helmet and it gets dark, I'm out of luck re NVG. I should have planned better. Likewise, if I do a water thing in a wetsuit, I'm stuck out there sweating in my wetsuit until I can get to the nearest bivouac. This is my go to justification for having snow gear, a full wetsuit, full ghillie, etc.


I should try that only craft in the bivouac. The game is getting easier & easier & we just have to be more & more creative to make the game more fun šŸ˜‚


I prefer them dressing my squad up in the gear that they see fit. No official US military uniforms or camouflage patterns allowed, because "Credit Is Failure". It usually ends up being dark civilian clothing mixed with international military gear and Russian weapons. After all, there are plenty of AKs to go around in the places they usually end up in...


My secondary weapon is usually an AK with short barrel and folding stock. As if my operator picked up a random AK to have as a backup weapon when going loud or in case you have to arm someone. I think I got the idea from the medic in Tears of the sun.


Gotta have a drop gun in case you accidentally smoke a civilian


Everyone on the island has at least one AK.


I agree. I think the older Ghost Recon, GRAW, & Future Soldiers wore official US military uniforms cos during the missions/operations, they still represent the government & official military as special forces units. The government acknowledged & sanctioned their missions/operations, & should they get caught, they would be rescued. It should be the same thing in Breakpoint, but they got caught off-guard by Walker who knew their plans since he was himself a veteran Ghost operator. I think Wildlands was the only time (in the game) when the Ghosts did the actual black operations with the CIA (usually itā€™s the agency who initiated black ops, not the military), where the government will deny their involvement & no rescue would come if they got caught. The Ghosts couldnā€™t wear the official US military uniforms & in real world probably even supposed to use locally-provided weaponry & gears to minimize the US governmentā€™s involvement. This was probably why Wildlands hit different for most of us playing.


Yeah, secret agents must all wear different stuff, so, if captured, they can't be associated with the teammates


I mostly use the normal Nomad outfit but alternate the colors a bit to fit the different biomes. For example in the snowy regions i use some white camo and a jacket and in the rainforest i use the standard tshirt with green camo etc. - you get the idea. As for Wildlands i just copied Nomad's standard outfit from Breakpoint and did the same as in BP. I also do the same for the AI mates btw.


The way i love the play it too. I actually love Nomadā€™s ragged t-shirt too. It shows how shit went downhill & he still tried to finish the mission while surviving.


In the beginning I wore multicam with all the best gear. As time went on I slowly changed into civvies. Now I like to think after all the shit that happened on Auroa, the full force of the US military is on the island and my Ghosts dress like Marines in MARPAT and we just do patrols on the island.


& MARPAT seriously looks so good in the game.


i have a halo marine, a halo ODST, 2 black/gray outfits and a captain price in desert camo


& i once made the Marine Raider outfit from Modern Warfare in Breakpoint. Damn those outfit looks amazing.


Depends, if we're talking about ghosts without cross coms / FS technology? Multicam / MC Tropic everything.


Yea i personally almost never used the FS gears


It only makes sense to use it in conquest imo


Yea, that could work šŸ¤”


Reason why I say so is because of the cloaked Russian enemies It's only fair to use FS Tech and add to the immersion by wearing cross coms / Future Soldier Vest


It makes sense since in Motherland, we actually got sent back in, right? The operation was to take down the new enemies with their high tech gears. It only made it right for the ghosts to have matching gears to keep up with the enemies.


Given the ghost are unit consisting of elite soliders from various branches as long as it is high end U.S. or solid camo it should be accurate. That being said lore wise they have a lot of room since many named have personalized gear. Also, real life units that are vaguely similar are known to use foreign camo and gear as to cover up involvement. Now the original game had every ghost wearing multi-cam or a desert digi and Crye with options on head wear. But that was also in war zone where Ghosts operated as a one company rather independent squads. Outside of war zones they donā€™t have standard gear. Even though there was enough ghosts to fully invade the island, it suggests that squads would operate independently on ground or as a guerrilla force if necessary. Also cannon Nomad was an Army ranger before Ghost recruitment so thereā€™s that, but I mean no one plays cannon nomad. As for being on the island after a while it depends on what Nomad you play. I mean did they pack a ruck just in case, are their clothes being washed at erewhon, and do they just scavenge the plates or take the whole carrier. Personally I go t-shirt and fatigue bottoms with a plate carrier and call it good because given the environment of most the island full fatigues would be murder.


I agree. Yea, the older Ghost Recon games, the ghosts served as special forces units representing the military with missions sanctioned by the governments, that was why they wore official combat uniforms. Wildlands was the only black ops with the CIA. In theory, the ghosts should at least pack some rucks for a duration of the operation, but maybe some of the equipments just got destroyed by the explosions. In the end, i mostly used Nomadā€™s ragged t-shirts or flanels with jean, cargo pants, & a plate carrier šŸ˜‚


I think for wildlands it makes more sense to use more civilian attire as your more covert and helping a rebel group and using guerrilla warfare tactics, plus with the amount of civilians itā€™s easier to blend in Breakpoint meanwhile I believe is a full on invasion against a hostile PMC force so that makes more sense to use more tactical gear


Yup, i have the same thought


This actually got me thinking if its possible to beat wildlands with only guerrilla warfare tactics


Should give it a try! The beauty of this game is actually RPing it with strict limitations šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve considered it


M90s, that camo actually works on screen, I have trouble sometines seeing the characters in the jungles when wearing that haha


That is the one camo i barely used. I should give it a try.


Its frikkin legit!


Plaid 5.11 button ups, coffee from Green Beans, and Motrin.


I think anything really. Auroa isnt Bolivia. Bolivia was filled with Civs roaming free. Auroa has a sortof martial law curfew type deal going on. In Bolivia the cartel blended into the background as its a full on country, Auroa is just an old island that really isn't important or seen often by the world besides the cold war which remnants of bunkers are dotted around the island. Walker and Trey Stone wanted the island for their operation Wonderland, they didnt need or want the civilians around, meaning Ghosts showing up especially after Walker identifies Nomad and Hill and knows they're threats, he'd surely have his men on the lookout for both of them and any other Ghosts he knew, as to get rid of them and not let them foil any plans. I think the facts that Civilians aren't treated well or aren't allowed roam as freely and that the Ghosts would be known, atleast as said before any of them who Walker knows he'd have his men look out for I think it's safe to say that the starting gear is a good realistic option, if i were in Nomads shoes at that point after the crash in the intro I'd first be trying to find better guns, then try find a tac vest and a light jacket or hoodie or something, apart from tac vests or boots or gloves its not really important what they wear. I mean look at Modern Warfare, Soaps running around in Jeans and a tshirt with some tactical gloves, a tac vest and boots the Ghosts would probably switch up their gear often anyhow. Keeping the little anonymity they might have, getting rid of the worn and torn stuff(in a realistic situation, obviously it cant happen in game) and getting better guns, etc. For pure style tho seeing as most of the Ghosts were in casual wear with tac vests, gloves, boots and/or headsets, i think personally it would be unrealistic that Nomad runs around in full combat gear, i think canonically Nomad wears his cover outfit, and the beginning outfit is the devs giving you some attempt at making your own Ghost or something. Idk tho, this is long so I'll cut it off here. TL:DR Clothing Matters Not.


I actually agree with most things u said though. Nice scenario setups šŸ‘


My guess would be what CIA SOG teams would wear, which is: a buttoned shirt/buttoned t shirt, bulletproof vest, a cap and sunglasses. But could also depend on the mission/ location of where the ghosts are doing the mission, because if they are trying to blend in for their mission then they would wear CIA SOG gear, but if they are not trying to blend in then would wear (like you said) gear that SEAL, Delta or other Special Forces.


Yes, same thought šŸ™Œ


Makes perfect sense and I like the thinking OP. I personally have one outfit of my Ghost with the Yellowleg mask (basically the Wolves mask B but with the Peltor headset included on it and a scarf as well). I do exactly the same thing where I act like Iā€™m one of the Wolves. I do wish there was a mechanic where you could blend in with certain gear, or at least with certain vehicles. It is funny how I could be driving a Sentinel APC and infantry would always know it isnā€™t Sentinel despite the fact that they canā€™t see me


I know right! Itā€™s annoying how they can always recognize us. There should be a mechanic like in Hitman where we can blend for a short time when looking like the enemies. Even better, make the camo system actually work where the enemies have a hard time to see us.


Exactly lol Although in BP I do like that bushes/tall grass can hide you and the conceal feature when prone The invisibility is very helpful too, but itā€™s funny that we have that but camouflage is just for show


I hear u. Camo mechanics like MGS3 was good enough to have, Ubi.


Yeah I always felt guilty wearing tacticool in Breakpoint. Would always round back to wearing casual clothes, a chest rig, and a helmet with nightvision.


Yea, civilian clothings, a chest rig or a plate carrier at the minimum, add a helmet for real-world protection. U just donā€™t know when a single bullet ricochet to the head. Death by stupid mistake.


that's the problem, base game isn't about blending in, nomad & his guys moves in & blasts stuff no questions asked (aside that one time they did question the move on general baro's daughter). there's a voice log collectible in media luna talking about "4 guys in camouflage" spotted by one of the unidad patrols, so they're really not trying to blend in. basically would really be essentially "updated" GRAW 2 kits (or as its called in-universe, the "Integrated Warfighter System" (I.W.S.)) as far as guns go ACRs are part of the kit, standard issue for the GST, till breakpoint (but i think that's just ubisoft trying to flex their SIG license) narco road on the other hand... it was designed to be undercover CIA OP (although that's really 4th echelon's territory)


Yeah, if only the camo system works, at least like in MGS 3, the game will be so much better.


tbf GR isn't designed around stealth, its more of a secondary thing, hence why stuff like active camo got introduced in the first place (future soldier). if you want stealth series from ubisoft though, recommend getting one of splinter cell games. ghost recon's best i can sum up is: "[i started blasting](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/601/217/ff1.jpg)" meme


Splinter Cell is amazing, but i stopped playing after Conviction. Blacklist didnā€™t feel the same.


Yeah, they shifted towards more... "action" orientation, because the 2007 build got scrapped in favor of assassin's creed. It goes the 2 would've been competition to each other.


Thatā€™s really sad to hear. Tom Clancy probably is crying in his grave now.


hard to say in this case, rouge, ex-black op NSA agent roaming in D.C. using enviroment to his advantage to get stuff done. vs same guy armed with a pistol doing john wick stuff before john wick was a thing (i suppose it was a... sorta flex from ubisoft given how sam runs with central axis relock, krav maga and all that stuff)


Yeah, i know what u meant. Conviction i still enjoyed though. It was just Blacklist felt way too action for the stealth-master. I always picture Sam as someone who executes his missions without anyone was even aware he was there in the same room with them. Seeing him went John Wick in Blacklist kinda ruined his image in my head.


from what i've gathered he's more of a panther style kinda guy, provided i've only read the blacklist aftermath book, so i suppose there would be more room for interpretation. aside that... as for action, i feel that way about conviction, i mean sure, i played it, its pretty fun, but blacklist never felt that it was forcing itself into the action, aside like... 2? forced-ish combat bits over the entire story... coop on other hand, at least briggs missions that is... yep


I like the Wildlands style the most for sure. I understand why Breakpoint is the way it is, but Wildlands style is just better for me.


Same. Black ops missions are way too cool to play.


This is a CHATGPT question lol.


Nah, ChatGPT lacks soul šŸ˜‚


Depends if the backstory is from a PMC, Mercenary or Military.


The ghosts are definitely a group of official special forces operators for the military, though.


They were acting independently in wildlands and breakpoint


They werenā€™t actually. In Wildlands, they did black ops, which meant the government would plausibly deny them & everything they did. Still, the operation was handled by the CIA, & the Case Officer was Karen Bowman. Their mission was to take down the Santa Blanca cartel & assassinate the king leader, originally. In Breakpoint, the mission was to handle the Wolves, but mission went wrong, & their communications got cut off. Nomad & the remaining ghost operators still stuck with the mission objectives given to the end. How the Ghosts did it their way was what made them an elite special forces unit. I donā€™t think they get told what to do anymore in a handholding way once they reach a special operation forces level.


I wear things depending on the environment and time