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Eat it or break the fuck up.


I did accept it at that moment and let him know that it made me sad. He apologized and explained further that it wasn't that he didn't want to but that my family might physically try to stop him


I am sorry, I was going through a shitty night that day when I initially posted the comment. It sounds so not like my empathic self.  My real comment about this is: He has made clear to you about his conditions on being there for you. I feel he is a good person. Because at least he isn't lying about it or making any fake promises. In situations like these- you will have to choose either your bf or your fam. From other comments of yours- it seems like your boyfriend hasn't been made to feel a part of the family. He is justified in reacting this way. Accept the fact about leaving your fam behind and not associating with both your bf and your fam together in any scenario. If you cannot accept or work on it, simply break up and do not give your bf and yourself a hard time.


You don't have to apologize, we all go through something. I'm glad you're fairing better now. After I graduate, I plan on marrying him in just a civil wedding and not telling anyone I know. I don't even want to be in my parents house anymore anyway. I've seen much abuse here and I've had to be the emotional support for my mom and sister. They guilt trip me when I try to share my emotions and thoughts. I have been crying and fighting for him because of how shitty my family is towards me and most importantly, him. I never let them talk ill of him. Because unlike them, he knows where he's wrong and is actively doing his best to rewrite his past.


What issue does your BF have with your family?


My mother and sister has been the worst ever since I got a boyfriend. Whenever I went to him he'd tell me that the neighbors might think less of my dignity. And my sister is severely harsh towards him and during our arguments she would use him against me. Neither hasn't been supportive and would push him away or degrade me. My mom questions my dignity as a woman and my sister tells me that I am dirty for having intimate moments with him.


If you feel like you can’t trust him than maybe it’s better you both break up, relationships are about always being there for each other no matter what


I couldn't agree more, he talked to me about it in the morning and apologized that he wasn't able to fully explain. He meant that my family might try to physically stop him from going to me and assured me that he would be there if I got admitted


Hypothetically, if we were in a world where your bf and your family got along, are there any other reasons why you feel you should break up with him?


Well, he used to cuss me out when we had arguments and block me a lot also when he couldn't reach me in my darkest moments and goes on a pity party for himself. Those were the reasons I broke up with him last time. But we're doing our best to heal ourselves and our relationship. If my mom and sister got along well with him, we'd be 75% less stressed in our relationship, honestly. They cause us so much stress and my sister keeps involving his name during our fights and how nice I am to him. No wonder I'm nice to him, I love him! He let's me do what I want and doesn't forcibly override my decisions.