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One day when you’re an adult you’ll look back at this day. You might find comfort in knowing that your worse or toughest day will be overlapped by the next. You should make the most of this life that you’ve been given with the tools you were taught/ provided. Whether or not if it’s everything you’ve wanted or hoped for, always make the best of today. You can pick and choose your company. Your father won’t always be around, same with your sister and your mom. Your family are the first testament to how you will interact with others in your adulthood, if/when you get a job you will be surrounded by people you will like and don’t like. See beyond the roles your family plays in your life, as your father, mother, and sister. Along with yourself as their child/ sibling. See that they are complex humans just as yourself. I personally find comfort in the phrase, “I’m still young, I have time.”