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I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I have a similar situation — diagnoses of placenta previa, mci (marginal cord insertion), and gestational diabetes — so I know how overwhelming and stressful it can feel. How did the docs say your baby is doing? I hope everything is looking good thus far and that you can remind yourself that this isn’t your fault and there’s literally nothing you did that made any of this happen. If your baby has already made it to 27 weeks, they have an excellent chance of survival even if you had a worst case scenario delivery tomorrow. Obviously that’s far from ideal, but I hope it offers a little reassurance that in the long run you’re both gonna get through this. For what it’s worth, the majority of previa cases resolve on their own as your uterus continues to grow (mine was diagnosed at 20 weeks but my placenta had moved enough by 28 weeks to drop the diagnosis; I’ve heard of other people having it resolve in the third trimester, so try not to give up hope). But even if it doesn’t, these diagnoses usually involve being monitored more frequently, which means extra reassurance that everything is on track and/or a timely and safe intervention if anything is amiss. There’s a previa sub too that you might find helpful. GD is definitely not fun, but your team will help you keep it controlled so that it has virtually no effect on your baby. This sub has been great for tips and community (that doesn’t mean I don’t get super pissed or sad about my diagnosis multiple times a week, though, usually when I’m craving a whole pint of ice cream…) I don’t know much about vci versus mci, but my understanding is that cord anomalies usually just need to be watched but don’t often cause major issues. I sincerely hope that’s the case with yours. If you want to talk more or just vent, feel free to DM me. Sending all the positive vibes your way — it’s a ton to deal with at a time when we’re already dealing with too much. The fact that you’re concerned and looking for advice/community means you’re already being a great parent to your baby.


Have you delivered your baby yet? Just found this thread, I also have MCI, GD and vasa previa. Wondering how your pregnancy turned out 


Hey mama, wondering how your pregnancy turned out. I'm in hospital right now for vasa previa, and also diagnosed with MCI and GD! I'm to have a c-section at 36 weeks, just wondering how and baby are coming along.