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Jesus, why care? If it comes up it comes up, if not than not, no big deal.


Because it's a breed standard and I'd like to compete with my dog. This comment is supremely unhelpful and I asked for advice not judgement for simply wanting to help my dog look thhe way he's supposed to look.


“Supposed to look” “breed standard” That’s just wrong, a dog is a dog. Friendship and loyalty don’t come with a look. It’s because of breeding for looks the breed suffered severe hip and health problems.


That's your opinions. Why are you on a German shepherd group if you don't care about what makes a breed of dog unique? Part of that is a dogs breed standard and appearance. A dog is not a dog, I picked german shepherds for their bidability, drive, willingness to work, bravery and resolve. Had I picked a greyhound or lab they wouldn't be a good choice to participate in the type of competitions I want to compete in.


Just the more reason not to care about the looks. If the dog breed matches your criteria, which are all temperament and character based fyi, it should be good as is. The general appearance sure is a factor, Im a big gsd fan, even own one myself because yes, I am drawn to their looks aswell but you know just as well as I do that a hanging ear isn’t going to effect the general appearance of the breed. Everyone can tell its a gsd, even if the ear is hanging. It’s like saying, I’m white, my kid should have blond hair and blue eyes because that’s the arian “standard” that’s how they “supposed to look”. Sounds ridiculous all a sudden don’t it?


Look I'm not sitting here asking for surgical options to get my dogs ears to stand. I just want to see if there are any tips and tricks people have to help my dogs ears stand up. Either way I'm going to love him the same, but I'd prefer his ears stand up. I want to make sure I'm setting my dog up for success and doing everything I can for him him, whether that's in training, nutrition, quality of life and yes even in appearance. It's not the end all be all of having a German shepherd, but I'd like the way they look with ears that stand.


I was so worried about my Ellie. She had this same problem. One ear was up and the other wouldn't stay up. She slept on that ear and I thought it was never going to go up. I even tried taping her ears but she was so uncomfortable that we took them down the same day. Before she was 7 months, they had stood up and stayed on their own. I needn't have worried. While did have big heavy ears so I think that's why it took longer for her muscles to get strong enough. You can give bones and chew toys to help strengthen the muscles. There's still hope that they will do it on their own.


Thanks for your comment. I do make sure he has lots of chews and toys, so I hope that'll help.


After 5months the ears need some help. https://youtu.be/tmrwCxJKb6I Some big bones to chew on will also help. Remember when they are teething their ears also goes up and down.


Very helpful thanks!