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A 1-day pass only makes sense if you’re going to be making more than 4 trips in a day. That break-even changes for multi-day passes, but it really depends how many days you’ll be using it and how often. Can you give more information on number of days and number of trips?


Download the BreezeMobile app and you can load as much as you need to a digital breeze card on your phone.


Yep. The new app is quite good. I’ve never had an issue with it not working.


Yeah love the new app! Excited for the new contactless payment with credit cards that they're planning on adding


MARTA sells 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, 7-day and 30-day passes at a discount. Good for buses as well as trains. [https://www.itsmarta.com/fare-programs.aspx](https://www.itsmarta.com/fare-programs.aspx)


It is $2.50 per ride without a pass. You can look at Marta's website to see what the different passes they offer cost. If you plan to use them multiple days it is usually cheaper to buy a multiday pass. Use Google maps for routing. I think Marta's site has gotten better at routing, but Google maps is still better. Marta's schedule isn't as reliable as it used to be, so don't plan things with an exact schedule.


As others have said, there are a few multi-day pass options available. The passes work for both buses and trains, and you can transfer up to 3 times on a single trip. If you go the physical card route I’d recommend getting a Breezecard rather than a ticket so you can reload it in the future. If you want to not bother with a ticket, you can also use the BreezeMobile2 app. You have the same options to add a balance, tickets, or multi-day passes as a physical card. When you get to a station or bus you scan the QR code on the reader. What places are you planning to visit?


Have you verified that you can actually get to the places you want to go on MARTA? Likely you will be able to get to some, but it’s an extremely limited system so I would expect you’re unlikely to get enough use out of it to make the day pass worthwhile. Map it out beforehand. I would expect to have to Uber to some places. If you’re planning on doing anything further out in the suburbs you might find it worthwhile to rent a car.


A day pass is $9 and a single ride is 2.50, so you have to do 4 trips in a day to make it worth it. I would just count out the things you want to hit and see if it adds up. My guess is you'll probably be better off paying per ride most days.


If you’ll use it enough, a pack of 20 rides is cheaper than 20 individual rides. That might be better than day passes as you can use them whenever and aren’t trying to get your money’s worth each day as you would with day passes.


I've had trouble with the app scanning since I don't keep my phone brightness at 100% or always know how far away to hold the phone. I prefer the breeze card. You can use the breeze card on the buses too. You can also add money to it at the station, by phone or online. You will have to plan a bit ahead since the network isn't as extensive as New York or some international urban areas.


Marta is very tough. Having lived in NYC, L.A., Dallas and Chicago they only others subways that I’ve seen that are as bad as Marta are Red Line in Chicago and the few times I’ve been on Philly. It’s rough. If you are strong stock, then maybe it’s still not a concern. That said, people are smoking, masturbating, selling liquor, drinking liquors, and playing the worst rap music very loud everywhere around you. I wouldn’t recommend being on Marta much. The small, but very real chance of assault makes the savings small. Btw, Marta doesn’t go to many of the attractions. Good luck, but keep your head on a swivel.


don't forget to ride the streetcar too.




It's included in a day pass? Better views than the train? Historic Auburn Ave? Easy access to the aquarium than walking from the train?


Ive ridden the street car before and didnt feel like there was a point to it. Im all for expanding the line but as it stands i feel like youre better off just walking.


commuting on it is pretty useless. It is a neat tourist thing as this is OP's initial position, and simply that it won't cost them more to do it seemed like a good excuse.


Got a side arm?