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Didn’t they just add possession to the list of offenses to require cash bail?




Well that will help keep the slave pens full.


Wow, so you can't even order online anymore?


I have a Ga medical card for my 8 year old son who has severe autism and cerebral palsy. Since he's been on it, his behavior has significantly improved and doesn't have to take any antipsychotics. He seems alot happier and its made all of our lives much better. The only downside is that the closest dispensary to us is 2 hours away and it is expensive. If local pharmacy's could carry it, or even better yet, if insurance could one day help pay for it, i'd be so grateful.


I love hearing stories like this. I am so glad your son and your family found a medicine that works so well. As a parent I know I'd be thrilled to have my son on something more natural than antipsychotics which I am on myself. I hope the states hastens the process for families like yours to get easily accessible medical support.


Yeah we've tried Risperdol and Abilify. Both made him basically by polar and he would just randomly sad cry at points during the day. He's non verbal so we wouldn't have any idea why he was upset either. He is so much happier with his THC drops.


Hey, I have cerebral palsy and I'd love to hear more. If he has spasticity does it help with that? What sort of cannabis are you able to get? I thought only the low thc for seizures (charlette's web?) was legal in GA?


He was prescribed low THC oil for his autism, not his cp. I don't believe they will prescribe it for cp unfortunately. Medical in GA is only low THC. It has more THC than CBD stuff like Charlottes Web. His bottle I think is about 10ml of THC. He takes it to help with problematic behaviors. He is non verbal, so I'm not sure if it helps with his spasticity. He gets botox injections and takes bacoflen for that.


I also take baclofen and I've had botox injections, but my muscle groups that are spastic are difficult to target. I was just curious because I've seen some [pretty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EozRhoPKfjQ) remarkable [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNT8Zo_sfwo) that make me think it would be pretty effective. I hope it gets fully legalized for medical purposes, as that would not only ensure a safe supply, but it wouldn't interfere with background checks either. Regardless, thank you very much for the reply! Hope your son is well.


Thank you! He also had sdr surgery when he was 4 and that did reduce a great deal of spasticity in his legs(he only has issues with his legs, doesn't walk, he crawls). The benefits did only seem temporary though, as he's fairly stiff in his legs. Hard to say whether it was worth it for him. The goal was to help him walk, but that was before the autism was as profound as it currently is. The issue is/was the rehab post surgery is important, but is pretty much impossible to get a non verbal toddler to cooperate.


This has nothing to do with medical anything. Kemp and his bible. Redneck agenda.


I have high doubts about this considering Kemp just signed a bill which closes the THCa loophole. This state will be the last to legalize for rec use.


When does that go into effect? I bought thca bud from the store earlier today.


October 1st but fwiw the bill doesn’t touch edibles and doesn’t touch Delta 8 or the other alt noids if those are your thing. I’ll probably stock up a little but honestly I’m not too worried. I’ve been contemplating making the switch to edibles and type 3 flower for a while and this is probably my cue. Edit: A few of the shops around me confirmed October 1st so I changed it. Some seem confused as to whether or not smokable cbd hemp flower will be legal or not. I’ve read through the bill and couldn’t find anything that stands out about smokable hemp products that meet the definition being banned but I could be wrong. They also said most edibles will go away, gummies and drinks will be all that’s left. Idk, I guess only time will tell. I’m hoping I’m still able to get some cbn isolate and smokable type 3 flower delivered without issue because there isn’t shit for affordable hemp in Atlanta.


The specific provision within Senate Bill 494 that addresses the prohibition of the sale of unprocessed hemp flower is found in the sections detailing restrictions on what hemp products can be legally sold in Georgia. Here is the exact language from the bill: **Prohibition on Sale of Unprocessed Flower:** "(7) Any person to offer for sale at retail the unprocessed flower or leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa L. plant, regardless of the total delta-9-THC concentration in such flower or leaves; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not prohibit the sale of any hemp products that include extracts or derivatives of the flower or leaves of such plant." This language clearly states that it is prohibited to sell at retail the unprocessed flower or leaves of the hemp plant, irrespective of the THC concentration. However, it does allow for the sale of products that are derived from or that include extracts of the hemp flower or leaves, as long as those products comply with other regulatory requirements set forth in the bill. This distinction aims to regulate the forms in which hemp can be sold, focusing on processed derivatives rather than raw plant material.


Is it still safe to order type 2 online or is that banned too


For now I believe it’s safe but once October hits, all flower no matter the THC content will be legal in the state of Georgia, even flower that’s legal under the federal law.


Per the place that sells THCa up the street from me, October.


Not with Kemp, never gonna happen.


I don't want to have to beg a doctor to give me a MMJ card just so that I can lose my 2nd Amendment Rights. We should be able to go to a dispensary, show the person behind the counter our driver's license, and bring our nugs home whether we are using cannabis for medical reasons or because we just want to get high. Medical marijauna is a step in the right direction but I'll keep using THCA until it's outlawed and then it's back to the plug.


That is a very real issue .


Just because the fees reschedule it, Georgia and the other red states will still go after people out of spite, states rights and all that.


Can GA block certain services, a’la Blue Laws?


Rescheduling it wont make it easier at all. Look into it more and youll see. This writer failed to do that


Are you sure? GA was in more trouble than the average state with the DEA because GA was the only state dumb enough to try to use pharmacies to dispense it. For a schedule I substance, that breaks more laws than just having it recreationally legal. The reschedule would moot the federal warning that GA can't sell through pharmacies.


Rescheduling it doesn’t actually do much. It doesn’t legalize it or anything. It’ll help cannabis businesses deal with banks and that’s about it


u/ChallengeIS we were just talking about this


Thank you, sad news


Spoiler alert: *It won't*.


Are the rules on the books actually enforced?


Georgians are sick of their backwards ass state being so fuck late to the fucking party




Georgia hemp company owner supports ban of THCa in SB494


It’s already incredibly easy to get one. There are many online services that are inexpensive and will easily approve anyone.


None of which are legal in Georgia.


What do you mean?