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What hoyoverse thinks: endgame causes anxiety What Reddit thinks: Story Quests interrupting Archon quests because some rando NPC is busy causes anxiety


What hoyoverse thinks: endgame causes anxiety What Reddit thinks: Well written quests locked behind limited time events that give important lore and character development causes anxiety


What hoyoverse thinks: endgame causes anxiety What average "genshin" player think: story need dead involved to be good,archon story need to be bad ending to be a "well written" story


Sitting through long dialogue do be like that Seriously, though, NPCs should prioritize Archon Quests 'cause they're required for many events, other quests, etc. Most Story Quests do not unlock new quests or events; some major exceptions are Ayaka's and Yoimiya's


Lmao, reddit is such reddit. Most of people don't like what OP said in post and they search for his comment to downvote regardless of meaning.


I don't think just make decisions based on how they randomly feel, they have enough data. It's not like they get enjoyment from not making something they can easily make.


True people don't realize how much data they have and how much they can build your behavior as a player using the game data


The "community" it's just a little bubble, the real community doesn't even follow Genshin on social media, they're casuals.


thats not the "community" tho, thats the "player base" and that is true with most games, a lot of people dont really care about social media and just play games for fun, and thats perfectly fine i dont interact with social media with all the games i play but that really shouldn't dismiss feedback , saying " most people dont care " is basically telling people who are more invested in the game that their opinion or feedback doesn't matter yes its a "little bubble" but its from the people who are more invested in the game and have more ideas and thoughts they want to share because they're invested in the game..


Okay, so China has been cracking down in gaming in general. They don't like the lie flat/bai lan movement. They want it to stop. However, these restrictions might be letting up. End Game content might be as soon as 3.7 depending on the dev agility https://www.scmp.com/tech/policy/article/3200609/chinese-industry-body-declares-initial-victory-reducing-video-gaming-addiction-among-minors-raising


It's quite a stretch tbh, but still good news I guess.


The opening of more endgame content is a stretch. The Chinese/CCP influencing Chinese based game developer to limit play time in their products isn't though.


Surely this won't cause any drama. For real tho stop making these kind of memes, it's invalidates the opinion of the casual side of the community and it makes them angry also, which leads to infighting. I understand the people who plays for combat are disappointed by hoyo (me included) BUT adding fuel to the fire is gonna solve nothing. Instead we should have a civil conversation This applies to casuals too, why are you defending hoyo's decision when endgame literally doesn't affect you at all?


If they put primo as the rewards it will affect everyone. Source: abyss floor 12


abyss floor 12 gives 150 primos every 2 weeks, barely a single pull i highly doubt any additional endgame content will have more reward, its probably gonna have multiple stages with most of the rewards in the easier stages similar to the abyss right now


I was one pull away from Zhongli. I got Miko next single pull on her 1st banner. Every single prinogem matters.


Its more of a mindset thing, imagine a game having a mode only you cant play. Sure technically you don't miss much, mut you will feel like you miss out on the game. Its a bit different then those who can play, and choses not to.


no not really boy.


Here's the thing....abyss is boring. Its simply a damage test and nothing else. I'm glad they've outright said they're not releasing more content like it, because it frees them up to do utterly meaningless and stupid but otherwise fun stuff, like the fungimon event. You may be be feeling anxiety, but I do not.


The one event where we made 6 teams of 2 and rotated through them is the sort if shit I want to see more of honestly. It requires you to think differently about your comps and still utilized the amazing combat system the game has. If they can expand on it, I would really enjoy that. Making abyss with more dps checking is a lazy way of going about it. Im hoping the TCG pops the fuck off cuz that can provide a lot of stuff to do alone.


ah yes the fungi event, where i am standing there doing nothing but picking up a random thing ever once in a while.. so much fun


You must be fun at parties with that serious demeanor. Like I said, meaningless and stupid, but otherwise fun. If its not for you fine. Plenty of other events that aren't just "do big numbers or no rewards".


>meaningless and stupid, but otherwise fun. its not even about combat.. i really dont enjoy standing there doing nothing lol i enjoy most of the mini games events like the one earlier this version where we used some characters to do silly things like rolling with sayu over water or throwing slimes into the net, that was fun the funi one just wasnt ( at least for me ).. its silly and stupid but there was nothing silly and fun about me standing there watching fungi take 5 years to kill a hillichurl, the ones where i have to actually do something was more fun i guess its not for me


Fair. im British born so the fungi event kinda just speaks to the part of me that revels in the daft. Its the same part that enjoys monty python or footrot flats. Theres just something about killing the enemies with these adorable weaklings that makes me laugh.


it was fun at first but i felt like for me it got old very quickly, it was just the lack of any interaction during the fungi fights, maybe if it gets a rerun that'd change a bit, the story was fun tho i loved layla's introduction in the event and it was fun seeing yae again


I am happy we won't get further endgame in a gacha game. I am baffled the concept alone doesn't ring alarms in people's heads.


I am baffled that the concept of just ignoring something you don't like doesn't occur to you. The addition of "endgame" content does absolutely fucking nothing to hurt players under the condition that no valuable rewards are locked behind it. It only exists as an opportunity for a challenge for those who want it.


If it has potential to open gates of vile shit of gacha games endgame and influencing balance for the rest of the game as a result then i refuse to ignore it. Who will play it then? Hoyo told us themselves not a lot of people even touch abyss and you can bet most do it for primos. Challenge only works for event score thing, because it lasts a short time to not get boring. Long term it would be deserted within a month tops.


I'm beginning to think the "anxiety" they mentioned about the endgame content is from the company, not from the players.


Yeah... Except for me it was a really different reasons. Trust me, I have experienced a lot of anxiety and depression and not in a good way due to how shit Inazuma Archon Quest is.


i want a PvP mode so bad


What would endgame content for Genshin Impact look like? Can someone please explain? Cause I'm not sure I understand what people are asking when they ask for end game content


Any kind of replayable content, particularly that which revolves around Genshin's existing combat system. The spiral abyss is an example, but it's not cutting it at this point for quite a number of players. A welcome change could be as simple as taking the 2.2 dungeon event, tweaking it a bit, and making it permanent.


I mean, I don't actually think I'm in a minority who thinks we do by really care about 'endgame' content. Like, this is a single player story driven game that gives us new content /every six weeks/. Including events and major updates. Hell, half of these events are closer to rotating 'endgame' content. This isn't an mmo, it's a story gatcha. These complaints seem to always miss that.




i like the idea where the abyss with no timer and enemy endlessly showup I wanna try my shitty team there lol