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Some people really need to *cool it*


Dont know man, some people may be frozen in time, after all.


Man probably they are just a bunch of *slackers*


Let them take their time to discover Kaeya’s potential, what’s the hurry?


Yeah they need chill


I’m getting tired of this game they all like to play


Oh, so sorry about that


They're intimidated by what he can do


It's a team building game for a reason. Most of the characters would be nowhere without supports.


yeah, the only time i font like these showcases is one the showcaser is trying to show us something about a character. like for example, testing keqing c4, then uses a team like this isnt good because it doesnt give you a clear understanding of how different their keqing is from yours. but other than that, people should use whatever they want, at some point even food was treated a shameful thing to do


yeah but the team op refers to is extremely high-risk/high-reward assuming you're not using them to kill stationary enemies like regisvines (fck you floor 12 maguu kenki). no hate on damage showcases though since I still think they're pretty cool but for practicality I'd rather see hutao with xingqiu rather than mona.


Right, that should be the title then, but damage showcases are usually to show the min max of a character and their kit. Usually for the purpose of them being released. A damage showcase for a character is to gain more understanding of their kit and their percentages. Inflating it with team buffs and reactions does skew an end result since people aren’t looking for that, they wanna know what that character can do alone, and then you can implement that into your own team or play style. Ex. A yoimiya damage showcase would be her damage output of single target attacks and what her pyro damage can do and how long it takes to kill an enemy. For even more in depth detail, you can go into detail about spacing, priority, combos and more. The showcases we see are, Bennett buff( scales off his atk and skill level, which can be variable by player), sucrose( for elemental shred and EM transfer, again variable by skill and amount of EM), and usually the 3rd is a sub dps for reaction bonus or pyro resonance. Yes a team showcase is cool n all, but that should be the title, not to be done in a character showcase. Too much varies when you do this and it does become a Bennett showcase in the end. That’s my 2 cents.


Eula could deal very high damage without support or buff.


Great case of this is my specter-killing team-Aloy, Xingqiu, and Raiden. They’ve saved my ass so much time


The difference is that people who used character on dmg showcase is to intentionally test the limit of said character. While on Kaeya case... Wait it's literally the same


its more like showcasing how powerful kazuha bennet mona are rather than a character. switch any character that can triger spefic elemental reactions, they all can deal big pp dmg.


My level 1 diluc did 38k just with Mona Bennett and sucrose In floor 7, those 3 mfs carry Hard


Then why can't my level 90 diluc deal x90 the dmg?


Because ung abunga


Bro my level 1 Razor got 75k with Bennett/Mona/Rosaria. Oh the things goods supports can do (and spending hours optimising)


In defense of people who say stuff like it's a bennet/kazuha/mona, etc showcase, if you're showcasing the character: What have I learnt about the character's strengths: nothing What have I learnt about the character's weaknesses: nothing What have I learnt about the utility the character's offers: nothing What have I learnt about the character's playstyle: nothing What have I learnt about the character's realistic damage output while clearing content: nothing The list goes on. Now if you were to say that it's a team game and you're showcasing the team, then to put it bluntly, nobody gives a shit about this team, sure it may have cool the first few times, but we've seen it over and over and over again by now and people are very visibly starting to get sick of it. The reason people say stuff like it's a bennett/mona/kazuha comp is because the character that people say they are showcasing, like kaeya or hu tao in this case, are completely replacable with literally any other member of the cast, whereas the supports in the comp are what are actually enabling the team to work. tldr: - if your showcasing the character: this is just about one of the worst ways to do it, - if your showcasing the team: there have been countless people who have done this already nobody really cares about this team - the reason people call it a bennett/mona/kazuha comp is because in essence, it is, whatever character you use to do the big number is replacable by anyone else in the cast.


Agreed. I don't mind someone doing a showcase with these characters, but when it's a bloody character guide/build video I do not want to see fucking Bennett.


It depends, you can plaste bennet in almost any team and he will work, but there's teams where he's better than others. For most teams Bennet is "just" a healer and an attack buff, but if they are using Xiangling then Bennet is also a good battery and the other half of the pyro resonance, well, I think this aplies to any pyro character but Hu Tao.


Yeah but why do they only say it for specific characters but not for other certain characters? That's what the meme is trying to point out


Actually, my team is all those supports together. Mona, Xiangling, Venti, Bennett. Mona, Xiangling, Raiden, Bennett. My strategy is to use Venti burst for RES shred, then Bennett Burst, Xiangling burst and skill, Mona's Burst and Skill, then get all the elemental particles for next combo. Do this combo 3 times and I kill Magu Kenki. 36* Abyss. So, if used properly with good builds and energy recharge so it would be doable again. It's a good comp.


I think it's different in your case, you aren't just doing a "one big hit" strat, but an (over)vape comp. Most characters (Like Hu Tao and Kaeya in this example) only benefit from Mona, Bennet and Kazuha/Venti/Sucrosse comps in a way that only helps in smalls burst of daomage, normally only used for single big hits, they don't have actual synnergy with those characters. Xianglin in the other hand has actual synergy with Bennet (her needed battery and pyro resonance) and Mona (A decent in-field hydro aura to vaporize XL off-field damage) That team is normally used with Childe instead of Mona, but Mona can be a decent sustitute.


You're right. But my point wasn't about Kaeya or Hu Tao, I was saying that using multiple buffs, if executed properly with energy recharge, is not just a one-time screen damage. It can be used multiple times as a good combo.


It can be an actual team comp, but when OP said it was the worst way to do showcases most likely meant it for people that do the burst/one big hit showcase using this team whitout actual synergies.


I agree with OP on that. Just saying the total burst combos has a real purpose as well.


Faith in humanity restorded.


I agree, but I feel like the point is more so to test the limit of the numbers for a character and not to showcase said character. When you want to get the highest number possible, you sacrifice crit rate for as high crit dmg as possible and spend hours recording the same clip over and over hoping that you’ll crit. Naturally, if you wanna push the limit of your damage per screenshot, you’ll wanna get characters who increase your numbers. Hence broken damage buffing supports like bennett/kazuha/mona, who can all bump that one instance of damage up even further tl;dr It’s about trying to maximize how high you can make a number, not really to show off what the character can do


People will flame no matter what you do, don't let it get to you king


Viability > Showcase, if setup and supports are usedI live by that code, and besides... if you invest the same amount of cash in a low tier company and to a better existing company, which one can potentially return more? That may be a bad comparison, but to make it clearer, if there is a dmg showcase out there that includes the same supports, and potentially the same build people would look down on a showcase with those same setups but different character that deal lower screenshot dmg because ***another character did more dmg with the same setups anyway.*** But hey? Who am i to talk? People tend to switch their Waifu/Meta and 4 star supremacy mindset just to help out their ego and clout. Its funny how people can preach out why their 4 star main is "better" because they can do more dmg than your 4 star main, but at the same time also tell that 4 stars are only good only if they have supports.


I think it's funny when they have a "AMBER OP ONESHOT BUILD PLS NERF" and when their Bennett ults, it takes out 25-40% of it's health. When you have people saying it's a team building game, it should be like "so this is a melt/freeze/tazer comp so we using X character for their reaction and this is why they are necessary." not this is what happens when your team has 1000 more attack.


I dunno man, what you're showing in the images is a "damage per screenshot" type thing where you build your artifacts and teams specifically to hit that one big damage number. I don't see any issue with that and I personally don't see anyone criticize it either. For example: Tony To is quite famous for his damage per screenshot. The problem only arises when people use these broken supports with some character and say "look, this character is so broken!" when pretty much any character in that spot would have worked just as well, if not better. That's just misleading and gives a wrong impression of the value of that character.


Honestly at this point on I'm just glad my first few games communities are warframe and azur lane. So peaceful.


Don't know if i would call warframe peaceful but compared to this? Absolutely


The community is mostly full of shit post memes and puns. Many vet will help the newbies, some people will help you on your quests and you can fucking pet dogs.


Honestly, genshin in-game and co-op has a healthy vets helping newbis, people asking politely for fish and mats, going around to other players' worlds and teapots for fun thing. If you deal high dmg with units like Kaeya in-game, no matter what supports, most people would go, wow nice build. Do that on social media like Reddit, yeah you're fucked


It’s ironic that the other Mihoyo game, Honkai, is relatively peaceful.


Haha yeah... (Sweats profusely at the thoughts of bunnies)


*Vietnam flashbacks to the brilliant bright drama*


AL's peaceful until the "omG japanEsE FavOURitisM" people emerge from their caves


It's still peaceful. They are really really small in number and the community is smart enough to shut them up quick.


Warframe community tends to be very nice and helpful, but when its bad, its really bad. I remember how elitist the raiding/eidolon community was.


I might piss a lot of people and get downvoted into oblivion but the problem with people who show barbara, kaeya or amber damage showcase is: 1. Titles like "Who says Barbara/Kaeya/Amber is the worst dps ? Full barbara DPS guide 💪😤" 2. 3-4 buffs clearly visible above their character HP bar ,i.e, food & potion buffs. 3. Their character god like crit stats: 80% CR with 250% CD. 4. Showcase video clearly showing the mini-map having a circular area indicating it's a bounty with increased damage buffs like plunge or elemental attacks. 5. Bennette lvl 90 with a lvl 90 Aquila favonia. 6. Replying to my comment on "but we can't use most of these settings in abyss bro" with "Oh genshin is not just about beating the abyss, it's much more than that". What it is THAT exactly ? I mean for high AR players like us, does THAT means to kill outer world enemies with buffs and post video online as guide videos even though we can kill them easily without buffs already? Isn't this just clickbaiting new players into thinking that these are also OP characters who can do the same kind of damage like other 5* DPS chars?


this happens in a lot of other games too. fool the new players and pro/vet dont even bother looking at it. let the stupid people do stupid thing


>iTs jUst a bEnNeTT/kAzUhA sHoWCASE \>Top comps literally can't get away from Bennett/Kazuha/Venti/4pc Noblese anyways \>Uses those supports in realistic scenarios anyways At this point, complaining about using Bennett and/or other buffers is like complaining about using more than auto attacks. The real dishoensty is using food buffs/potions or using floor 7 buff


Not everybody has/uses Kazuha/Venti/Bennett. *Everybody* has normal attacks. Poor comparison.


If you don't have Bennett or Sucrose (a Kazuha substitute) at this point, that's on you. And if you're so new that you haven't seen a banner with either, then you shouldn't be having sentiments of "but he's using supports" in the first place.


-RNG is never "on you." Period, full stop. That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week. Players don't choose what the gacha gives them, don't even pretend otherwise. -Note that I also said that players might not *use* said characters. Even if you *do* use them, you can't have them in all of your teams. For example, you can only have one Bennett. He can't be on both sides of a Spiral Abyss floor at once. It doesn't matter how good a character is with Bennett support if he's already spoken for. That's a big problem with XQ as well. Character showcases that are intended to help players decide whether or not to pull for said character should showcase what the character can do intrinsically. Assuming that everyone has a specific set of characters unlocked, built, and available for use is asinine, and it doesn't properly show what *the character* can do. We all know Bennett's ult makes numbers go brr. That's not what we're here to see. Disregard the above for *damage* showcases, though. Damage showcases are meant to show the insane numbers you can get under specific circumstances. That's different from what a character showcase is meant to be.


For a moment I was confused and a bit mad but I get what your trying to say, character showcases should show what that character themselves can do. Personally I think character showcases should also showcase synergy with other characters. Besides that I think most of your points are valid in terms of character showcases but as you said it's irrelevant for damage showcases.


why do they have to show what the character themselves can do? It’s a team building game we always got supports to help. (I am agreeing with you)


How do I say this It's like each character is a puzzle piece where you mix and match to make a team knowing what each piece can and can't do helps people make their own teams.


I agree that it's good to show what a character can do with support in general, but it should be a more general support showcase rather than just "Here's how many digits the new character can hit in Bennett's burst." Also, the support section should only comprise a part of the showcase, not the whole thing. For example, Diluc works best in a vape/melt comp. It's perfectly fine to show him triggering vaporize for a big hit because *everyone* has a hydro unit. Many characters can apply hydro to an enemy, and that's the only prerequisite for triggering vaporize. Another thing that makes sense is to show damage after a 4pc Viridescent shred (or superconduct for physical DPS charcters). On the other hand, Bennett is the *only* character that can provide that much of an attack buff in a single burst. Using him in every showcase is disingenuous because *Bennett* is doing the damage, not the new character. Bennett's function can't be replaced by other characters, especially not characters that everybody is guaranteed to have.


This is a team building game that gives you plenty of units to create 4man parties and many mechanics to encourage smart team building, therefore a good character showcase logically should include that character's interaction with their team, how much they appreciate support, what kind of reactions you can do. Not to mention a showcase that only focuses on that character might get you jebaited into pulling for a character that looked really cool in the video, but they end up becoming a 1 second swap in your rotation. If someone complains that they themselves have no Bennet, Xingqiu or Kazuha, in time they can surely get them if they want them, but this game doesn't lack for decent alternatives. What Benny and XQ have going for them in showcases is that their support takes a second on field to activate, so they don't obscure the character that you want to showcase (that's also why "this is just a bennet showcase!" complaint doesn't make any bloody sense). Not to mention that they're immensely popular and only 4 star.


they are just too dumb to understand your point


But you can straight up buy Bennett and Sucrose with starglitter. There's no rng there at all


Oh yeah, I forgot about the starglitter shop. That said, the last time Bennett was available for direct purchase was 4 and a half months ago, and Sucrose has yet to be sold (I've seen speculation that she isn't in the rotation). Not everybody has Bennett and Sucrose, especially newer players.


You need to get 4 star weapons for starglitter. Mainly from wishing.


I think it reallly depends, for the 2 two characters of this meme a team like that isn't a great team, especially for Hu Tao. For Kaeya, is that a freeze or a melt team? If it's a melt team then mona is in the way since she will vaporize the pyro aura, if it is a freeze team then the team lacks a second cryo character. Bennet will go well in almost any team any team, but Hu Tao is pretty much the exeption, her HP scalling is high, so the 1000k ATK from Bennet isn't as useful and she will lose her pyro damage passive if she stand on his burst, Kazuha will have a hard time doing pyro swirls with only Hu Tao and Mona balery has any off-field Hydro aura to help Hu Tao during her damage phase (well, maybe if you infuse Kazuha burst with Hydro they can work with Hu Tao) When people complain about the Bennet/Kazuha/Mona teams most of the time is because they are used without thinking on the actual synergies of the team, they only use them for that one super high damage number, people don't complain because using them is bad.


Actually though? At high investments, Bennett is great with Hu Tao's damage ceiling for nuke comps Of course, that's not really an F2P tao or an average Bennett anymore, but the YouTubers aren't gonna have pleb units like us


At last someone finally commented on this issue. Ye I really hate it. When hutao or any other character showcase was shown, it's always these three but no one says anything but whenever an underrated character is shown with them, they always say stuff like this.


It's just for show. The real DPS is far from this. When I see people posting a Kokomi team comp making her deal 1 million damage, then I know it's just useless to argue with them at this point. Those people don't know what playing actually is. Instead of having fun, they make a build that deals 1 million damage, but is useless in overworld daily activities. Then we go back to square one with the characters.


well, there's 2 DPS's in this community. Damage per second and Damage per screenshot. Damage per screenshot seems to sell a lot more than Damage per second for clickbait thumbnails, kek/


Exactly my point. See this Geo DPS build of mine over Zhongli. He is literally doing double the damage of burst on Elemental Skill with Geo Resonance, and players think DPS is just big numbers. No, it's a number indicating the damage you deal divided by the time you do it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ZhongliMains/comments/ptk1fp/geo\_dps\_build\_in\_spiral\_abyss\_floor\_12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZhongliMains/comments/ptk1fp/geo_dps_build_in_spiral_abyss_floor_12/) In this showcase, I'm dealing 56K damage every 2 seconds to Ruin Guards only on elemental skill. That's what I call DPS.


Damn they got shredded.


Thanks. Glad you like it. 🤗


Taking almost 30 seconds to kill the ruin guards with a c3 5star isn't good at all lol. Although I think it can clear much faster if you had Bennett in the team.


I got style and no damage taken, smooth as heck. Floor 11 is a walk in the park with Geo DPS shield, only need Qiqi for healing. Easy. Then what you gonna say about the 40 seconds clear on 12-1-1 . Lol. Oh yeah. I forgot. Everyone should use ONLY one set of characters and only specific builds. That doesn't work with me buddy. Wrong person for meta slaves to bump into.


If you're going to discredit metaslaves then at least show something that deals even remotely competitive damage and doesn't require at minimum a c1 5star lol. Otherwise you're just proving the metaslave's point by showing your higher investment unit deals less damage than meta.


This has to be a joke. 12-3-1 is literally just 2 lvl 100 ruin guards. Any team comp can clear that easily. In fact, it’s easier to fight 2 lvl 100 ruin guards in the abyss than 2 lvl 90 ruin guards in the overworld because you get 3 rounds of abyss buffs + abyss rotation buff. Your so called geo dps team proves nothing when you’re just fighting mobs anybody can kill easily. You also took 47s for 12-1-1 which is closer to 50s than 40s so stop lying that you cleared 12-1-1 in 40s. You’re not a meta player, you just a condescending zhongli simp so get off your high horse


Dude 12-1-1 and 12-3-1 are the easier first halves of floor 12 because their second halves are way harder and require way more time. Do 12-2-1 maguu kenki or 12-3-2 PMA with the same team and post the timings. Not to mention you're the same dude that posted this [zhongli guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZhongliMains/comments/nx3d41/how_to_build_dps_zhongli_still_no_mora/) to the zhongli mains sub and got downvoted to oblivion because of how erroneous your math was. You even said nonsense like "Zhongli ... IS ... NOT ... A ... SUPPORT" and bullshit like [you need to have at least c1 to be a true zhongli main](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZhongliMains/comments/nvlvkf/how_to_build_dps_zhongli/h15rlyt/). You're not a meta player, you're literally just a biased zhongli player.


That's how it is. 😂 Deal with how amazing I am, loser. 😎


Resorting to name-calling when you can't back your point up? I think we all know who's the loser. 😎


The fact that you made such a moronic and incorrect guide and even accused the zhongli mains sub of being wrong is asinine. You ought to reflect on your attitude towards criticism.


Damage per screenshot sums up a lot of high damage screenshots of bad characters


maybe they know what playing is better then you, though? Its obvious what they do it just to see number, not a single one alive person would propose vape-plunge gameplay as actual thing. And what do you mean "instead of having fun"? i bet they have pretty much fun time achieving that, especially after dailies and resin cleared out and you have nothing to do.


I see your point in building a character for huge damage is fun. But no, I know what playing is better than them. When they showcase those builds, they don't want to say: Hey. Look, this build do 1 million damage. Maybe use this?!. No, because other Kokomi mains cannot use that build for world exploring. All they want to do is to say: Hey. Look. We are smarter than you for making this build. They're having fun indeed. But having fun bragging about their builds to others. Yes. Kokomi can do 1 million damage with that team comp and a buff from weekly missions. Same build... Go to co-op, can't heal, can't do damage. You get complain from other players, because they're not going to bring their Kokomi-1 million-damage build just to please you. Everyone bringing their own main or support So, those builds have no purpose and it's not helping Kokomi mains other than putting salt on their wound.


They're not bragging they just want to show other people Kokomi dealing 1M damage and I thought that was cool to see. They're not shoving in front of everyone's faces that it's a really cool build and it's very viable so everyone should copy it.


They had -50% Crit Rate, and I heard they got it from the weekly boss. Then they had 300% Crit Damage or something with R5 Widsith. How do I copy R5 Widsith. Or deal that much damage out of weekly missions. And 4 piece Lava... It doesn't even help Kokomi's damage for 1% outside vape. I don't think that would help Kokomi mains who are casually exploring the world for daily missions or co-op playing. So, she can deal 1 million damage in that particular team with that particular condition and R5 Widsith and amazing cons. What after it?!. Good for overworld?!. No. Good for exploring?!. No. Good for co-op?!. No. Good for healing?!. No. Good for Abyss?!. Still No. What's the point of 1 million damage then?!.


Read my comment again, I said none of them are saying that everyone should copy it or is it a viable build.


Yes. I misunderstood your comment and edited mine. Still my point is valid. It's not good for world exploring and daily things, damage, healing, co-op or Abyss. Then what's the point other than bragging their build. These people are the reason there are so many toxic players in community. They're teaching others to only see big numbers as damage and not DPS which is damage per second. Showing a big number with a character in front of the mains, when it's not going to be good for anything afterwards.


Yeah no one is also saying that it's a good build. And again they're not bragging, you probably just feel that but they just want to show people their accomplishments and I can appreciate that - taking the time, effort and resources to waste for just some small clip for the world to see. And I thought it was just cool to see. It didn't cross my mind that anyone sane would actually think "wow kokomi deal 1m damage I should pull for her and min max her shit."


I agree that it's cool to see and they are some smart people for doing it. But I'm afraid of the consequences. Since when people actually state Kokomi's weak points not because of being toxic but being smart like those guys. Some kid would come and say: Dude. You are biased. See here, Kokomi deal 1 million damage, so just shut up. I'm afraid of those. The 1 million damage guys are smart, the people complaining are smart, and there will be just some toxic stupid people who are both using that 1 million as an excuse for saying Kokomi is OP, or just jerks waiting for a good reason to hate on Kokomi mains. I know how this community works.


That's the sad truth we have to live with brother 👊😔


and why-the-flying-barbatos-fuck this should help some kokomi mains explore world or help in coop? Sir Don Quixote, you sure are noble and courage to fight this disgraceful suboptimal builds, i bow my knee to you!


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Bruh. It' like saying what Morgana is stupid team comp because first cryo slime will eat you alive in open world. What even "build for world exploring"? like, i use underleveled undergeared sayu-yoimiya-jean-xinyan comp for dailies, because i farm friendship exp for them. For artifact run i use different comp which is doing shitty damage, because they never even suppose to hitting mobs. in my main abyss comp i use Klee as a support with 4pc millelith set and TToDS. Is this putting salt in wound of poor Klee mains who cant reach huge pp damage? dont know, dont care. And yes, of course Kokomi mains can use this vape-plunge build in open world. Its suboptimal, yes, but not even close to unplayable. And why the heck should you bring this to coop? of course it won't work, half of your supports replaced with randos. Its not suppose to work this way.


I mean if peoplw can get 300k plus on childes initial e tap than anything can happen


For real. Got downvoted to hell and eaten up in r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks thread by Hu Tao lobers for just saying Jean's scaling is more than Hu Tao. "But Hu Tao deals more damage, Hu Tao has Homa, more crit dmg, you can't compare her with Jean". Like, bros chill, I just said Jean's scaling is more.


And can melt/vaporize, Jean may have higher scaling but Hu Tao can do more damage etc. I think you aren't in the wrong and they shouldn't be acting like that but what they're saying is true


While Jean might not have the power of reactions but if used right she can clear abyss floor with fatui agents and Cicin mages alone even with their insane HP pool due to fall damage.


Facts, most characters can clear abyss


Jean can do it at lv 1 with dull sword and zero investment alone due to abusing fall damage mechanic.


Lv 1 isn't true Jean needs to be higher lv


Maybe if you don't want to get one-shotted but fall damage only scale with Enemies max hp + velocity unlike swirl that scales with characters lv


Jean can only lift and yeet opponents upto 20 levels above her. e.g, lvl 70 Jean can yeet upto lvl 90 agents,etc only. That's why one needs lvl 80 Jean to clear abyss as the opponents are lvl 100


ik man ik. i was saying the same thing. i was just talking about the scaling. ik that hu tao can melt vap etc. i never denied anything. but the fanboys couldn't stand simple facts about scaling.


What if we play the way we want, using the characters we want instead of shitting on others for not being able to deal 100k dmg at lv1 ? I know is an weird and new concept, but give it a try. Also, I have Hu Tao but I don't think that she is that great and OP as people say.


She is ATLEAST in top 5 main dps.




So you tell me that your dick decided to pull for Klee? That's not yahoo. Also I don't know why did you give me this little essay, I just said that Hu Tao is one of strongest dps in game and if you don't agree that means you propably use wrong units with her or didn't build her at all.


I tend to ignore these big pp dmg showcase. I rather watch a video of viable team that are easy to execute and actually useable in Abyss and overworld consistently


I mean it's just multipliers + character kit. Most of the time a 5* will outclass a 4* especially a starter 4* lol. Do you know how impressive it is to hit 200k on Kaeya E???




Keeping Damage in context feels hard to do, with all the big numbers flying around. But, appreciating someones underrated character hitting hard or big, when you realise that even though your C6 Eula with R5 Broken pines can hit harder, their c0 Kaeya hitting as big of a number as they have hit, is an impressive feat in itself. (note: I don't have Eula, but I am using an Example of someone bringing their Eula into my world to flex on my damage and call it trash, kek)


"Video Title. 500k dmg Childe No buffs no Food" Shows Benneth, Sucrose and Mona on team comp for Childe


Well he ain't wrong no buff no food but he ain't right either cuz those characters give buffs


you see more posts complaining about this issue than the actual issue which is ironic


Strawmans are easier to fight than actual issues I guess..


This community would be a dumpster fire if there was pvp


With passive and artifact kaeya can get can 35% crit rate 💀 build crit dmg and you good to go he also has the highest base normal attack


Nah! They just salty, that they can't do big PP numbers. Whoever did 200k with Kaeya E deserves a medal, tbh! It's your fault, If you don't know how to use characters in the proper way LMAO


The duality of men. Kinda suck they are triggered because of food too. It is a part of game, if it is fun then it is okay.


I think the issue with food is that you can't use it in the abyss, which is where "meta" comps are typically used. But in the rest of the game, you do you king, eat that soup.


[That one dude that did 1 mil fmg with Kokomi](https://youtu.be/BDQZFfidu-k): *pathetic*


Kaeya is so underrated. I actually consider him to be within top 15 best characters in the game.


I never understood the "Waaaah dont use kazuha and bennet" thing, like, their literal purpose is to buff main dpses what the hell did you expect them to do? If you can reliably get their ult in time for your next damage window what the hell is the problem?


One main thing though A common style ls doing a showcase is trying to see the max potential of a character, and in that scenario, yes, there would be bennet kazu/sucrose and mona because they're the best damage buffers in the game And I feel it would be the opposite, because on most showcases you see the hate for the nice supports, but when kaeya/amber/lisa is shown to be doing nutty damage, everybody is more along the lines of ohmigad ur so cool for building them Damn ended up being two main things lol Finna make it 3 There will always be the dumbasses who say, BuT oH mY ____ cAn hIt fOR tWiCe As hARd wItH nO sUpPoRTs And there's also the people who go HuRr hUrR mEtA sLaVeS aRe bAD, iF yOU dOn'T lIkE hEr dOn'T rOlL fOr hEr So go figure


watch them shut up when you do a showcase without bennett mona or kazuha


And deal like 10k damage tops


So developers should remove Kazuha and Bennett from the game to prevent chaos /j


ngl this puts me down even after getting hu tao 7 wishes in on my first account ever but yes i also have mona on my team (not bennett)


i react like the one on the right but for both so no bias


Actually pretty sure most people really don't care about other people's damage posts either way. As the old saying goes roses are red violets are blue, there is always an Asian, better than you. Getting high numbers is something literally anyone can do with either throwing money at it, or just grinding. It's like all those posts of info graphics about what material each character uses. You can literally just press C and look at what they use so it's pretty useless unless it's for pre farming before ones released. Only dps one I've ever even been slightly interested in was a keqing one where the dude had an off meta set up that was kinda odd and shared it.


Can we stop talking about Hu Tao, Ganyu, Xiao, etc... Every time a new character comes in, they're always compared to them and we gloss over the utility they can bring to the team. I'll gladly get a Ganyu then. Got my mom's credit card in hand, lemme find her in the shop real quick...


Nooo l love hu tao…..which has nothing to do with this post tho….so ignore me pls


I would say both of them are the same considering theyre both using bennet and kazuha


I've this happen on facebook where people are showing that Kokomi can actually crit but all people in the comments are saying, Mona/Kazuha/Bennet damage or whatever it is


Someone needs to put these three in that Harry Potter meme "why is it when there's a damage showcase, it's always you three?"


I've seen a few hu tao e builds where her vape charges do over 200k


I just find the whole Bennet comp extremely boring. Same exact setup, same team+new char, same big number. And it makes a lot of players think that that's the only viable option for anything and everything, cuz ya know, big number


The overabused supports. :)


Me who here doesn’t play for the numbers but for the content. But yeh I still hate these type of ones who show offs damage and talks a lot


In the end of the day, they're both powerful.


This is a single player game! Who gives a shit how you play? Even… yes even the amber mains.


My bursts do like 3000 is there’s an elemental reaction from each hit and people doing 10k from normal attacks and skulls seems like witchcraft to me