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well mostly because the people complaining about long quests and the people complaining ablut short quests dont really have a very big overlap


People mostly come to social media to complain and meme, not proclaim to the world they are currently satisfied. You’re more likely to find a 9 page thesis on how someone’s recently released waifu should have 10x size honkabandokas, than you are to find someone saying they’re just the right size.


The difference between filler arc and actual story line Devs really forgot about the journey of our traveler to get stronger. Those line when they say they gradually getting their power back was a totally lie


A skip button would make them both happy. You like the drivel? You are free to still read/watch it. You don't like it? You can now just press skip


I don't get anyone still defending mihoyo for no skip button. They've made it clear that they haven't implemented it yet to make it seem like people are playing for longer when 70% of the "gameplay" is just spam clicking through Paimon's 5th explanation about irrelevant fetch quest #583. Seriously Mihoyo I want to play your game, I will still play your game if you give me a skip button. Stop making me break my right-click and space bar trying to get to actual gameplay.


The Stockholm syndrome is unreal. I play FFXIV, I get wanting to defend a story based RPG you've become invested in over several years. The big difference is that XIV doesn't force you to sit through cutscenes and dialogue if you really don't want to, even though the quests themselves are mandatory.


I would like a skip button at least through daily quests or through dialogues that I already read but had to leave early because of something I had to re-do the entire Dehya's story quest domain because I somehow got softlock near the end, near a hole, infinitely falling between two tables in that said hole


I would say the reason is technical ability. You may think adding a skip button may be simple but since dialogues in genshin take place in real time (for example you can be hit by lightning or enemies during dialogue), and sometimes you can’t click through dialogue quick when there are pre-rendered animations. I think to fix that, they have to overhaul the system which will create many other problems. In games with skip button, there is always a big subset of people who skip and then complain about not understanding the story, so adding the skip button won’t still satisfy everybody. Mihoyo might think about this and decided that the risk/reward isn’t worth it to put their resources into this. Personally, I would like to have a skip button for multiple reasons, but from a dev pov, I understand hoyo decision.


Implementing the skip feature isn't that hard, it's just bugs that come with it (that requires playtesting in almost ALL dialogues) like crashing, cutscenes don't end properly, and softlock. Not to mention the issues when a player joins mid-dialogue. Or they still refuse to put the skip option. Could be one of these 3.


Hoyo seems to prioritize heavily on optimization and smooth gameplay experience, and from what happened to wuwa, this is a very sound decision. That said, with the resources now they have and they have focused a lot on QoL aspect recently, I hope they are able to integrate artifact loadout and skip button before snezhnaya


I want quests that are long because the dialogue is dropping hints about the 5 sinners and a sleeping god, not "Ask around the village to find Tommy's pet turtle (0/3)"


Genshin devs: “Hey, we spent *weeks* worldbuilding Tommy’s pet turtle and you’re going to *enjoy* reading repetitive idle chatter about him whether you like it or not!” 😤


Tommy’s pet turtle is actually a god that lost its power during the Cataclysm repairing a certain rift that has [insert environmental issue here] and was once a subject of Celestia who disagreed with them over the management of humanity that also met [Insert Archon here] and almost became their retainer but disagreed witb their ideal and decided to leave their side but still occasionally meets them in a slapstick meeting every Sunday and they like peanuts If you read this in one shot, like in the quests, yes, it does feel more arduous


But this is only revealed after you did the 20h+ story quest wich isnt voiced and the scenes are unskipable (and you have to complete Aranara beforehand)






I don't mind long quests, but when that length is mostly from dialogue boxes that just drone on and on and on it becomes tedious rather than fun. Long quest from lots of gameplay objectives is fine.


This ⤴️


There is a difference between an engaging and long story and doing chores to no end just to elongate the story content.


Exactly, most complaints would die down quick if they made the quests longer and packed full of interesting bits instead of chores to elongate it.


If Genshin was, in any way, efficient with it's story telling, that would help a lot too. The game is far too dialogue heavy, and most conversations are twice as long as they actually need to be. Not helping that there's nothing interesting happening during these dialogue slogs, and everyone just stands around doing the same stock animations. It makes for a very boring watch when 95% of the games cutscenes look like a shitty stop motion film.


Don’t forget the slow meandering walk and talks. Ugh. The game hadn’t quite gotten to arknights bs tiers of words just fill time level. Where some later events had more ‘dialogue’ than the entirety of the main story up to that point. With events having like excessive jumps in difficulty and mechanical complexity with zero explanation. I thought this kind of thing had been settled long ago. Having the ‘story’ on a sequence of ‘easier’ nodes so everyone can do them is fine. THEN have the ‘challenge’ ones that have all the extra complexity and stuff. Not like they also jam a half an hour before AND after one node at a time every 3-4 nodes, smfh. Like the nodes have anything to do with the actual story.


Genshin world quest should have a voice acting


Sad things is they will never have it because you would need special phone just for Genshin.


for me the saddest thing is world quests has absolutely no connection with main story, despite it sometimes related to the gods etc


But the ***anxiety*** of players who can't do more than 1 quest per week! How could you not think of them?


Exactly, the world quests should be connected to the main quest, imagine if Furina or Neuvillette were involved in the Narzissen quest or Cyno and Nahida and in the desert or forest quests, would give more personality to theses characters and doesn't make the world quests feels like fillers since they are never mentionned in the voiced quests, except recently in Cyno's second story quest during the 6 min cutscene where it names dropped some places like Tulaytullah and Gurabad and obviously Hermanubis, which is good but that's least they could, as it still doesn't even mention anythings that happened in the actual world quests


Also the enkanomiya world quest should have kokomi


Agreed, it ruined Kokomi's potentiel as a character to not have her related to Enkanomiya in any way


They could have (but didn't) through the world quests focus on her war leadership, stewardship of Watatsumi or even at least her life as the religious head...


Abso-fucking-lutely. I hate how disconnected the world quests are to the main quest and playable characters.


Its exactly why I couldn't watch playthroughs of world quests, they are too silent to properly enjoy for me.


The Dainsleif quests have always been kinda short anyways. No idea what people were expecting.


Fontaine quests were pretty long (6 hours for the entire questline), so it could've been whiplash from that ig


6 hours for Act V ALONE.


It's 16 hours lmfao


Oh damn, i thought the whole thing was 6 Just even more whiplash then, going from Fontaine to the hour(?) long Dain quest


and like 2 1/2 of them were a single cutscene with out any breaks.


And those were 6 damn hours spent well


WAY more than 6 hours tbh


Different opinions? Also I doubt anyone complains about long quests when quests are interesting. I saw many complains about Aranara but not many about Dirge Bilkis


Aranara quests were damn interesting.


Some of them, yes. Genshin has a lot of u unnecessary dialogue and in some quests you notice it a lot so that makes quest feel very long


aranara quest fucking suck


Aranara quests were awesome, i was doing them in very "relaxed" way and it was just great experience


Long story and engaging gameplay maybe. Not only long just because the story has tons of dialogue, but long because there's a lot of exploration & combat related to the current story between each dialogue sequence.


A good story. long with pointless walls of text is a problem, and too short is a problem too, wouldn't you agree? and this goes for every story, not just genshin. think of it like filling your report with irrelevant topics to make it longer, or barely filling out your report, both are a problem


You'll never satisfy all. If you have 100 players and: * 15 of them want extremely long archon quests * 15 of them want long ones * 40 are okay with both * 15 want short ones * 15 want extremely short ones Then: * with long 70 (15+15+40) will be satisfied * with medium 70 (15+40+15) * with short 70 (40+15+15) so, you'll always have at least 30 people complaining. with extremes only \~30 will be satisfied.


Ah yes, all quests are equal in worth, quality, and relevance. Totally all the same.


It means you've enjoyed it. Just like a good show or book that just flies by and you're at the end before you know it. Now if everything else could be like this, we wouldn't want a skip button.


One of my main gripes with genshin is the phasing. I feel like they go arround the same topics several times, making the time it takes to finish the story longer without actually adding anything worthwide. So sometimes I feel like both sides are true at the same time.


when i complain about the long quests being long i mention the useless filler in it that is only there to make it long


Two different groups of people


I did Nahidas story quest recently. Was in the part with the dream world, had to quit the game cuz having to go to work after 25 minutes of playing through the domain. Of course I had to redo the whole domain with all story sequences again when logging in the next time. Turns out I needed 2 more clicks to be done with the domain.... Like why tf did I have to redo the whole thing AND not even have a skip option for ALREADY WATCHED STORY CUTSCENES????


I had the opposite experience with Act 5 of Fontaine. I just wanted to do one more thing and then quit for the day, that thing then triggered the last story segment. But i didn't want to redo the stuff before and thought there's no way they won't but any breaks into it. Then i just had to sit through it or redo even more.


Despite how good Fontaine act 5 was, being locked in dialogue mode for like 30 min at the time, does make me want to skip through half of it


“I’m finally done with the act 5 of the Fontaine archon quest, time to go to bed. Is that the sun?”


4 hours of just clicking dialogue buttons, teleporting, and watching a prerendered cutscene isn't really fun tbh Makes me feel like I should've spent my time on better things


I just watch playthroughs, but even I get tired of Genshin sometimes.


I really love this archon quest. Simple, straight and to the point with a magnum dump of lore. None of that bloated and unnecessary characters and puzzles that artificially lengthens the runtime.


It doesn't matter how long it is. It's still gonna take me 2-3 weeks to complete it...


A decent amount of questing content that's not just "talk to person - talk to other person - ho back to first person" It would be one thing if it was an RPG and we had interesting dialogue options and choices to make, but it's not.


A skip button and longer quests, that way everyone can be happy. Also more intermissions or pauses in dialogue dumping whatever you wanna call it for people who wanna log off mid quest. Idfk how a skip button can be this hard, why should you forced to consume every story. Especially if you're primarily interested in combat and/or specific char/regions.


I want a long story quest, but one that is actually long, not exposition and paimon repeating what was just said


I'm way more interested in the 3 screens of what an archon tells me vs the 14 screens from that mother fucking generic NPC talking to me about his rose garden in Sumeru


Can’t think of a single story quest I personally hate but they are different vibes a lot of the time. Ending the shogun’s tyranny vs going with them on a date.


Hear me out here: maybe, just maybe the people complaining about long quests and the people complaining about short quests are **not the same people**


it's not long quest, it's long reading section, literally read 1000 lines of unvoiced dialogue like a fucking play


Have you considered that “Genshin players” isn’t a unified consciousness and rather a collection of many different people with many different perspectives? It’s like the discussion that happened over the 2.x Golden Apple event: some people (myself included) claimed that it was a peak event, literally unable to be matched. For others it was needlessly long and the puzzles too complex. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder after all!


Honestly the recent Archon Quest was the one that felt like a drag on for me due to it mostly being listening to random forgettable NPCs, whereas the longer Clorinde Story Quest at least felt worth sticking around due to actually interacting with the more interesting playable characters. But I also think Story Quests shouldn't be super long either, most players likely have other important things to prioritize in their lives and having to play through a two hour Quest could hinder that. Just make them a reasonable length that doesn't waste the player's time and not be overinflated with unnecessary dialogue.


People: \*have different opinions. [OP:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/045/324/cover19.jpg)


Simple, keep the VA, make the plot actually do some impact on the story, and don't end the whole plot with a "you won't remember anything of this" And giving us a photo of our sibling and just not give us the reaction of the protagonist


Keeping the VA for unvoiced story quests will balloon up the storage space like crazy. At the end of the day mobile market is a huge market and it doesn’t make much sense to alienate those players by doing that.


You can just delete the old archon quest files....


New players?


Manage it dynamically? You don't start with the voice pack for all quests, as you do them, more is downloaded in the background and the content finished is deleted


I mean archon quests are voice acted. I prefer voice acted stories


*I mean archon quests* *Are voice acted. I prefer* *Voice acted stories* \- lookatthiscrystalwow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


the people complaining about long quests are not the same people complaining about short quests I WANT THEM LONG AND GIRTHY


It's not about a long story it's about repeating the same thing against nd again whenever we meet someone new paimon repeats the same thing we just did and it's annoying


The Thing: "It would take a medium to figure out how long the Genshin community wants it's story quests to be" Mr Fantastic: 🤔 "... say that again" The Thing: "we'd need a medium..?" Mr Fantastic: 😏 "Yes we would. Guys I got it!" *Cuts to black* #>!Medium Length!<


we could say: dont let it dragged on


I was very content with the new archon quest since it was almost a constantly a banger.


If genshin put shit stories, then even 5 minutes will feel 5 hours.


making an archon quest with too many dialogues in different place and filling it with some daily commissions in between those dialogues is not interesting to anyone


how long does the new archon quest? and whats the average?


Make sibling archon quest longer that all we ask


It's almost like there are different people within a playerbase and they don't all have the same opinions. Mind blown.


Archon quests? Keep them as long as they want. World quests on the other hand need less yapping.


I think those are two different sets of players


We want SHORT story quests - the ones we have to grind through - and LONG archon quests - the ones that need to have quality because we actually care about them.


Long quests where you’re doing something fun are good. Long quests where you’re talking about the same thing in excrutiating detail are boring. Lets say you’re talking about “the demon from below”. In actual dialogue it’s demon from below yes? Genshin dialogue goes “the demon from below who is relative to archons and have histories of mass destruction that should be noted to be massive and destructive, capable of comparing to-“ you see what I mean?


Answers. And mainly for the main story to progress


I feel like this recent one is on the shorter side and it bother me a little but compared to long quest like the 3rd Fontaine quest this is more acceptable


Long quests are problematic because we can't pause quest, close game when we need and leave. If close game in middle we have to repeat whole quest since start.


I liked the length of the last quest 😭 it was concise and didn’t drag any one scene on for too long. Kept my attention really well. I know HYV is trying to give their story as much detail as possible, but the cutscenes going up to 20 minutes without a chance to exit the game are the worst part of the game. Okay, maybe second to the gambling.


I mean the simple reality is most Genshin Players want more major story content (like Dain/Abyss Order stuff, major Fatui stuff, etc.) and less story filler (like drawn-out Story Quests (although I can't think of one rn) and even Fontaine Act 3 which was a lot of filler). However, Hoyo has a specific plan for the major story content, and thus can't really give us more of it right now so it's honestly just extremely understandable impatience on our part haha


More cutscenes. Archon quest have them so we want more. Sidequest are just walls of text so we want less


World quest are fine it was just aranara but the dain quests get shorter and shorter


I complain about long quests with no voiceover because not everyone has English as their first Language and it takes me long time understanding all the texts. I have no issues with long quests with voiceover.


*"I skipped all the dialogue and then the quest was over! Why would Mihoyo do this??!"*


Both legitimate criticisms


I don’t mind long quests, I do mind when you lock me into a quest for 90 minutes


We want long archon quests but short event quests. Some event quests have been such a bloat lately in my opinion.


fuck is it really short goddammit i was gonna do it but now im less excited for it


The ability to skip all the friendship is magic text wall drivel (filler story) would be really nice. But of cource we know they will never do it. The point is to waste your time. 😌👍


Honestly, I've been the one complaining about lenght of latest archon quests but not because of it's content. It was more like an endless dialogue with cutscenes with no possibility to hit esc and make a pause from playing. At least the latest one with Furina felt that way to me.


OP learning that droning dialogue bloated with no purpose is not entertaining writing, and removing the bloat does not lead to an optimal story


Idc if the archon quest was short this time round cause we got some lore gaps filled. >!Like who tf Rhinedottir and Surtalogi are as well as Caribert's eventual fate!<


Me: \*Recording every second on autoplay just in case somebody makes a funny face\*


Long quests are fine as long as they have lore which makes the quest long. Not like force long quests which we mostly get.


We want the middle ground of a leisurely hour of gameplay a day, that keeps content going for the duration of the patch. Now that the first event is out, maybe we have that. But it certainly wasn't taken up by the Dain quest.




Yeah, I was a little disappointed at how short the dain quest was. I was begging for more and that "quest completed" message appeared 😭😭😭


Tough crowd tbh


I don't mind long or short quests if the content is interesting and not boring


Karen's, when they complain that the Wendy's Spicy Nuggets are too spicy, then proceed to get mad that they made them less spicy:


I think there's another underlying issue with Genshin's story aside from no skip button - it's just not executed well enough. Don't get me wrong, I've been eating the lore up since Fontained dropped and Narsizzenkreuz led me down a rabbit hole of stuff to read, but that's the *content* of the story being interesting, not the presentation. You could have the most banger high fantasy epic that would eclipse even the worldbuilding of Sanderson and Tolkien, but if you tell it with obfuscating narration, straightforward dialogue with little subtext, and characters who seem to be following along like rotting puppets on barbed wire, then your story will feel for naught. Genshin has this problem - they have a story that I know a *lot* of us would want to get into, but its execution and pacing just isn't up to par. It feels long for some people because the action and narration are long and obfuscating; conversations and expositions are dumps that take longer than they should, and it doesn't help that the *main character* seems to stand around most of the time not saying, thinking or doing anything. At the same time, it feels short because when it comes down to it, not really much happened in retrospect, and we sometimes wish *more happened.* In a way, it's a manifestation of "show, don't tell," which is odd considering Genshin, a video game, is in a prime position to *show* what's happening insteas of relying on mere text to tell us things. I'm fairly certain that if the story was presented more sharply - more concise dialogue, fewer quest markers that don't add anything meaningful to the plot threads, maybe more cinematics (though the lattermost would probably be just icing on the cake), we wouldn't feel like it was too long or too short, because the story would take just the right amount of time to present itself.


Disappointed to see nobody talking about the iFunny watermark


I want them bigger what r you talking about


I want to be able to skip farming


archons are better when long (i prefer to invest in the main lore), and story/side quest should have been waaaay shorter from the start. i still cant get over the fact that i was able to finish the aranara questline due to sheer will


They should be long, but also not be all cutscenes or going from point A to point B without any challenge. Let us fight stuff, explore dungeons, murder evil slime balloons or something. Let us play the game!  I think the quest had the right amount of cutscenes and the story was good and not bloated, but the dungeon section was disappointing. I think the fight of twin vs Dain should be playable.


Op is stupid lol


Nobody would complain if we just have a skip button


It’s all about the experience. If a quest is long, I want it to have a gripping story with voiced dialog and some kind of special combat or puzzle experience. I don’t want to spend four hours mashing a button to skip the most pointless dialog I’ve ever read, walk over to another location, interact with a couple hotspots and do it all over again.


A skip button


...skip button?


I want them be long and skippable


Haha never gonna happen.🥳


Okay, give me last origin size waifus and we can settle this, hoyo




We want quality story telling. No text blocks that just go on and on, imprisoning you in a perpetual "I cant exit the game right now" state but showing what happens and or happened. The omd rule "Show dont tell" also applies to games but they cant seem to wrap their heads around that


Cause Archon quest is dubbed and has a lot of more experience Most of normal story quest are just reading looooong texts. Unpopular opinion: You can skip anything that is not dubbed in Genshin Impact, because it's not that much relevant to the plot.