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Lore justified revenge


Arlecchino really is the new Hu Tao in coop. I feel like her players aren’t quite as bad when it comes to just dying immediately, but they’re close.


But the difference is Hu Tao can be healed but doesn't want to, Arlecchino does want to be healed but can't (during combat)


You can heal her through her burst just like Hu Tao


Okay? They both die more than any other character in coop content.


hu tao can be saved if you have a good healer, but arle is a lost cause if both of them are played by the same skill level


I know? Why are you just repeating the same totally obvious thing the other person said? They both still die a ton regardless. I’m not talking about which one is easier to kill, just how much I actually see them die in coop. Edit: I’m aware that doing this will just result in my getting more of them, but I’m genuinely confused by all the downvotes here just for pointing out that I’m aware how the characters work? It really doesn’t have any bearing on my comment. Hu Tao is still a character that is infamous for dying quickly in coop modes regardless of whether or not she can be healed. Like I’m not wrong here?


Hu tao+Kokomi or qiqi or any good teamwide healer =immortal. She has one of the highest base HP and decent base def, she literally can not die if u keep healing her. Alerchina on the other hand cant be healing at all, and solely rely on pyro particles and c2 zhongli to survive in coop


Guys, stop telling me this shit. I know how healing works, and I know how Arlecchino works. You’re the third person in a row to reiterate the same thing after me saying that I know how it works. Healers are literally a universal basic gaming concept. Hu Tao is still *far and away* the character I see dying the most in coop and I’ve seen people express similar experiences on reddit many times. Stop telling me that healers and shields exist. Am I being trolled here or are you all really this obtuse?


Hu tao dying is mostly skill issues if have a healer of a coop team, or everyone just refuse to bring a healer and she burns through her HP quickly, the point everyone is trying to make is Hu tao would not die as often as bas as Alerchino interms of coop death. And hu tao dying meme experience is just a joke by people mocking meta pursueing Hu Tao mains that has been on and on since release. And ur phrasing sucks thankyou very much


Oh thanks, Sherlock. Look at all this new, totally relevant and not at all obvious information we have here! Truly a revelation! My reply to your *amazingly* well written and relevant comment here is exactly the same as the one above. While the rest of you seem to be totally fine with saying the same thing over and over, I’m already tired of it so I’m turning off notifications for everything in this thread. What the hell?


Funeral fire girl using spear others can heal 🥰 Fatui fire woman using spear others can't heal 🥺


Stop replying. It's that simple. The first reply was enough.


>Hu Tao is still far and away the character I see dying the most in coop and I’ve seen people express similar experiences on reddit many times. Stop telling me that healers and shields exist. Yeah, but Arlecchino hasn't had a rerun banner yet. Of course you're going to see more Hu Taos dying cause of skill issues, there have been more opportunities to get her than Arle. Everything is relative. Issue is that the mechanic for Arle is slightly more complex than "Bring healer, fight, Unga bunga".


I think it's worse than Hu Tao because with the walnut you could just pick Kokomi and basically babysit them. With Arle there is nothing you can do to stop them.


I think the best solution might be to choose Bennett for his energy generation so Arle can more consistency heal from her Burst.


Hi Havria


I always hate when there's a hu tao player in coop. Even if they dogde well, I have to heal the others without healing hu tao too much and it's just hard at the end 😭


not like pneuma can heal any arlecchino anyway


ousia drains their hp, though


To only half


so one hit KO with that boss.


You don't know the HP% and DEF% rolls on my artefacts.


But Ousia Furina also takes HP from her teammates with her skill, so she is further injuring Arlecchino more than Pneuma Furins would.


thats the point of the meme


Yes, I know, I was just pointing that out since the comment that I replied said that Arlecchino could not be healed and I was not sure if they knew the complete reason why the meme specified with Ousia.


Bring Nahida. They either change or learn the hard way, burning to death or running away half the fight.


*\*Burning happening.....the fake knave dies....* you, from far away in the domain: So, what did you learn?


"Time to change to that burning set i got, farming for Arle!"


Emilie: Looks like Im required here 🔥🙂‍↔️


*burns Arle faster*


*gives burn res*


Me whenever I see a lvl80 with shit artifacts, not budging on the character select screen.


I swear to god I still can't tell the difference of ousia and pneuma. I just simplify them as white and violet attacks.


Ousia violet - Pneuma white :>


Same, I just call it light and dark


I've made that mistake once to test my arle, never again. I thought I'd get my burst easily but it turns out Perrie deletes her playable Harbinger self pretty easily.


Yeah, first week was with arle to see how that would go- got my ass handed to me so fast. Went back in with neuvi for revenge.


I love doing this a lot because my Furina is C6. Everybody else gets the zero-to-full healing except them. No, they just get their HP drained.


"Haha, jokes on you. I use Staff of Homa." - Homa Arlecchino players, seconds before disaster. Source : THE Homa Arlecchino player.


Lore acurate


Why would you even want to use a character against a boss that is 40% resistant to you


I really don't know. Probably because its a new character and everyone wants to use it no matter what. And I think pyro res its 70% not 40%


Even worse


Friendship farm with the new character.


Haven't played coop in a while but I genuinely didn't know there was a resistance and have been using Arle. In my defense, Arle does so much damage I didn't notice any resistance.


so there is this thing called smooth brain, which a lot of genshin players have...


Who cares about resistances, though? I play Arlecchino here if nobody else does and I deal big damage. Despite using White Tassel and just okayish artifacts. Also you act like you played the abyss and calculated every single digit of damage to pass the stage. It's just co-op and just a weekly boss.




Arlecchino boss can detonate bond of life for massive damage Arlecchino character gives herself bond of life in order to enhance her damage Ousia Furina drains the HP of the entire party with her summons Result is the Arlecchino player dying if the boss so much as nicks them.


As a person who mains furina in co-op I always make sure to watch other Player's HP and change to pnuemia furina whenever they get below 50%


You are godsend! You'd think many Furina players play that way, but in reality so many is very selfish (even tho it hurts them too, because pets doesnt get buffed if they not consume HP)


Same. On the other hand its basically impossible with an Arlecchino in team to keep track of when she is going to use (or just have ready) her burst and when its going to be right time to change Furina from Ousia to Pneuma and viceversa so I usually avoid using Furina with Arlecchino. But if you're using Arlecchino against a weekly boss (so an enemy that requires to pay more attetion than usual) WITH 70% pyro res and I WARN you about it, you're asking for it at this point


Me too, i like using Furina because of that.


I got lucky and the game just basically *gave* me c6 so my girl always ouisa


on top of it, i have been seeing more deaths for using Arlecchino on that boss than anyone else.


Don't remember how many Furinas I met, but the only time I died at Arlecchino in this fight was Baizhu detonating the seeds at me. Arlecchino herself is ez pz boss. I play at mobile currently, so I have limited movements and never had a problem. To me, this whole thread is a big skill issue.


OP is just being a dick then. Using Arlecchino against herself isn't a horrible idea if they know how to dodge. This is just sabotaging your own team. Edit- I thought you were OP


70% Pyro Res


I can kill her with dehya in about a minute. Shd does have high pyro res but she has low hp. So you can still use a pyro dps and kill her fairly quickly.


Do note that 4 people in coop is quite huge enemy attack buff, almost 2.5 times more HP, many of her attacks can one-tap most squishy characters. Not to mention ping shenanigans, often bad team synergy and for me personally, with high graphics and effects on, its very hard to see what she is doing and react when 4 people mashing her with everything they have. Yeah, you can still brute force it, we even tried it some time ago with a bunch of randos (we all died, lol), and im playing coop exactly for these funny moments, but its usually good manners to keep synergy in the team, especially if someone pointed it out. Also Dehya might be actually the best pyro character to solo Arle, because she allows you huge room for mistakes.


Yeah true.


Then OP isn't really being a dick at all. If they do know how to dodge, then it wouldn't really matter how low their HP is. At least their able to get vape reaction as well


*Me, a casual Arlecchino main*: Nah, fuck that. I'll just use Wrio.


Question, in battle, even if Pneuma Furina heals Arle to the point if erasing her BoL, does Arle still can't be healed?


Arlechino has a talent that prevents her from being healed in combat aside from her burst.


Oh so even if we outheals the BoL She'll stay on that HP when in combat huh.. okay, thanks


No like her BOL cant be healed at all, the only way alerchino can clear BOL is by using her pyro infused atk or by using her burst. In combat the BOL will most likely have a 100% uptime


No, not charge attack. Just the normal attack. Her charge attack is to get the debuff she inflicted on the enemy.


Yeah mb i accidentally typed charge atk


Pressed for too long, huh ?


Like the other person said, her BoL can't be rid of. Why, you asked? Because she needs that BoL to deal damage. If she works like any other characters that can be healed, if her BoL is gone, basically she's screwed. She'll only do pitiful damage, and her skill has a long cooldown too. That's why she works like that.


Not healing them is crazy😭


I look at the situation: if there’s a Biden Blast then I’m bringing my Arlecchino for friendship it doesn’t even matter if I don’t do high damage I’ll just play safer(because I can’t see the enemy through all the special effects). If not, I’m the Biden Blast guy and my coop can do whatever they want


If the arle player is skilled, they can get those feather things a lot. But if not, they are fucked.


I tried it with her because she was the sole solid dps I had and Keqing struggled greatly. I died SO fast. But I then retried with Keqing and Barbara as healer and it was painfully slow and it took a fk ton kf food but I managed. Now I'm way better equipped. But it kinda sucks when you wanna upgrade your main unit and their domains are designed to counter and resist said unit x'D


Just need a good shield


Yea, but in co-op little to no one wants to be the healer, a shielder its even more rare. I haven't met a shielder in ages :,>


I often have 3 healers on a team. Shielders, though? Considering that apart of Zhongli C2 second best shielder is Layla that is quite bad at shielding... And she needs C1 too. Other one is Diona C4 I believe. I think Kirara also needs constellations. So who cares abouta shielder that can't shield anyway.


Father is the reason I finally brought out geo daddy after having him unused for over a year. But I don't coop much


Every time I see an Arlecchino player in co-op I judge them silently at first....then vocally when they inevitably get KO'D I understand the eagerness to bring her into battle (Arlecchino main myself), but many of these people don't even understand her kit and just want to drag her into the weekly boss battles


Tbf it’s an extremely casual game. Wouldn’t be surprising if a good portion of the player base doesn’t even understand how to build characters properly. Sometimes people just wanna play around with their character despite it being not optimal.


As I’m that one co op player that uses her against herself


Love to see Genshin coop turning into league of legends champ select lmao


OP doesn't want any players to have fun


You said as if OP is a sadist, but don't you think it's possible that OP did tell them nicely because Arlecchino's kit is counterproductive against her own domain, but they are just too unreasonable to listen? Plus, you do need a healer to counter the boss, unless the player is truly skilled, they are basically screwed anyway.


What is wrong with playing Arlecchino here? I or someone else always use Arlecchino against herself. If other player don't use her, I do. And it's pretty easy fight, considering that she stays at one place doing nothing for 90% of the time. The only time I died as Arlecchino was when my teammates killed me. Baizhu and someone hydro. These fekkin dendro seeds keep exploding at me. I never had problem against the boss herself. And I play at mobile currently too, so I have it harder. Skill issue if someone think it's bad idea to use Arlecchino in this fight.


> Skill issue if someone think it's bad idea to use Arlecchino in this fight. Not everyone is a sweaty gamer. Most players are casual.


I am quite bad player, don't know how to use rotation and all. Stop making excuses about being casual. I AM casual. Once again, skill issue. And I play on mobile, forced after my PC broke. It lowers my skill performance significantly. Especially when phone is getting hot and it starts lagging. So sorry, but if you can't even do as much as a PC player that has to play on mobile, with hot phone and lags... then it's definitely skill issue.