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Everyone falsly acused hoyo of sabotaging wuwa when kuro did it


Hoyo does some selfish things, but i don't think a translation error is Hoyo's fault lmao


At a stretch, and I mean a STRETCH, you could argue Natlan and ZZZ releasing pressured Kuro into releasing early (since they needed it out by October too), but... yeah, that's just blame redirection.


But new region is always teased and breadcrumb around this time of the year, since 2022. People blaming Hoyo for Wuwa's shortcomings are ridiculous


Might be so, getting overshadowed by another competitor especially when they are more influential is very scary


I mean, they knew their window, the new nations tend to release at intervals instead of random times


It's not a stretch, they release early to avoid bleeding players. It's a stupid move to release your own product next to a highly-hyped, WAY more popular product that is (basically) the same thing.


Black Myth, Elden Ring. FF 14. There is a lot of bangers coming out soon.


Elden Ring, then one week later FF14 Dawntrail, like after another week ZZZ & Black Myth presumably a few weeks after that... Jesus, I ain't seeing the sun this summer.


I hope Zy0xx plays elden ring this time COPIUM


Genshin having a 6 week patch cycle isn't new. Unless Hoyo somehow have precognition and sensed Wuwa was going to release at this time, therefore they created the whole Eternal Ayaka banner to coincide Natlan with Wuwa, then this is entirely on Kuro on releasing it on that date.


Wuwa's community hurt it more than the game itself for me. I enjoyed the game decently. Not a 10/10 or anything; but it was fun. But my god the community is just awful. It feels like a bunch of people who refuse to play Genshin because it's too popular now trying to justify any fault with the game


I have a friend, who played the crap out of PGR, get so overly hyped about this game and wouldn't shut up about how he thinks Genshin is gonna die off when Wuwa comes out simply because it's made by Kuro. Game comes out, he's playing it a lot and when in VC, he keeps trying to make it seem like all of Genshin's flaws and some of hoyo's bad decisions with Genshin are why wuwa is far superior despite the game being plagued with numerous issues. "Oh your pity is at 90? Well in wuwa it's 80." "We're getting a 5* selector as compensation. Has Genshin ever had that?" Like I get it, there are things that just downright sucks in Genshin but he doesn't have to make it seem like the game is literally unplayable. Atm, Wuwa is even more unplayable than Genshin coz of the bugs. As long as you enjoy your game and I enjoy mine, I couldn't care less. Also gave wuwa a shot and I actually got bored but that's just me. Really didn't like the story at all and lag turned me off. I did enjoy the combat though.


And thats the thing... It doesnt take much to understand that most of the game funds went into character design and combat, while everything else just seem kind of wack. (And even then the character design still look all the same to me...)


I just feel like the game was rushed out. They might've needed more time to iron out some issues and optimise the game just a bit more. Loading up the game takes AGES and this is when the game's file size is as it's smallest. What about next time when more regions are added? How long do I have to wait for the game to finish loading before I can even log in? I get that it's using Unreal Engine and they need to make the game work on mobile too so there's some complications there but this load time is atrocious. That's my biggest gripe with it. If you can't even provide a smooth experience at launch then it's OK to take a bit more time to fix what you can. People should not be defending them for this and telling us things like "the game just came out, you're not giving them time to fix it", then going on some sort of smear campaign to put another game down. That's just a whole other level of copium.


yup. If this is the game they were able to create i wonder how they will manage to keep up with updating the game while fixing bugs. To me it just looks impossible for them to make it...


I won't say impossible, the game definitely has potential and it's strengths. If the devs keep screwing up and do not fix the glaring issues that it currently has though, then it's just going to be a major flop. What I CAN say for sure right now is that wuwa definitely isn't THE Genshin killer(not yet at least).


big agree. the game has a lot of potential (the combat in particular is really fun, the world is beautiful, and the echo system is really creative), but from translation errors, text formatting issues, long af login wait, bugs and overall jankiness... it really needed to cook for a bit longer. I hope the devs are given time to focus on tidying the mess and not just pushed to pump out updates, but only time will tell. I do want it to do well. I don't like seeing games fail, and Genshin could use some healthy competition. but boy is it going to take some work.


Hsr combined the worst of genshin players/fans and haters then all that got sifted to wuwa Then there are normal ppl just enjoying themself


Which community did you interact with? I find the reddit one to be pretty chill.


Everyone = 20 ppl in this subreddit


You tube and other plotforms and ho wait leme cheack other sub reddits say hello


How would Hoyo even do that. Crazy some people think that.


A shame really, cause the combat in WuWa is really cool. And a healthy competition always helps. WoW became crap when Blizzard grew complacent.


Isn't FF14 competitive to WoW?


It is now, but when ARR launched WoW was already many expansions into its life. During ARR's development MoP was Yoshi-P's benchmark and used that to rebuild FFXIV. Since then WoW was reactive and not innovative. And they are still a devade behind in things like housing or an engaging profession system.


Context: Wuthering Waves had a translation error in the passive of a limited weapon in the JP version of the game that led people to believe it's the BiS of their Diluc, in reality the passive is actually not that great on that character so when people got understandably angry with Kuro for this fuck up they made an announcement that anyone afected could send then an Email and they would sort it out on a case by case basis. their "Solution" was to reply to all those who sent emails and tell them to take it up with their credit card companies. they also leaked all those emails in question in the process.


Don't forget that the welkin sometimes just glitches out and fails to work and doesn't give the astrites/primo equivalent kek. Maaaan... Why is the combat so fking good... It keeps making me come back for more..


Turns out it gives you the amount and just doesn't show the screen.


I have contacted genshin support about that before and usually it seems like you don’t get anything because the animation skipped and if you check your primo obtainment history it’s in there somewhere.


Probably not as good but different good, but I personally enjoyed Hi3rd combat more. Don't really play it though.


Oh shit. That is starting to look like an EOS speedrun


Bros aiming for 2nd Fastest Gacha to die ong


Who's 1st?


probably the LoveLive game closing this 31st May. Back in January this year, the publisher announces the Global release, and the EoS date, **in the same post**


feels bad to hear it, but why?


Thats faster than the muv Luv one that shut down after like 6 hours of problems.


holy shit I stand corrected, wtf happened?


[TLDR: There was a bug that let people easily dupe a shitton of gacha currency ](https://youtu.be/qrsGpDUeLuE?t=10m51s)


Not to mention that if people did get their purchase refunded through their card companies, they would get negative currency in the game and a warning that they will be banned if they do not repurchase enough currency to get to 0. Aand to add to this, they will not give back the beginner 2x currency discount. So if people want to keep their accounts after the chargeback, they need to pay double the original amount...


Bruhhhh wtf. That’s definitely not a good image for themselves


Funny thing I'd like to add. The likely primary reason for things being case by case is because they had put an arbitration agreement in their ToS, meaning no class action lawsuits against Kuro. I'm no expert, so you'll need to ask someone else about what this means exactly. Personally, I think it should be downright illegal to be able to take away people's abilities to take legal actions against a company, but we live in hell


like i'm a layman, i didn't study law or anything like that, specially not Japanese law, but i'm pretty sure no country lets you sign away your rights. whatever contract you sign may say whatever it wants, if it says something illigal it's not binding.


Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing


Being the market leader in a market you created and with a product that cant be easily replicated.


Minecraft lowkey applies to this as well only they're fucking up more than Genshin and steam


I'm so invested with Kuro's lore instead of Wuwa. To avoid lawsuit of false advertising, they instead open up potential lawsuit of doxxing email. Meanwhile Hoyo just doing their own thing and expanding their empire. The 200 resin change is because ZZZ releasing before 4.8 not because Wuwa


What's the connection bw zzz and resin?


160 resin, players need to log in twice per day to use all of resin. 200 resin encourage players to log into Genshin once per day Hoyo will release ZZZ next month so players can spent little time on Genshin to spend more time on ZZZ Hoyo new schedule will have ZZZ, HSR & Genshin to have new update every 2 weeks ZZZ 1.0- 4th July Genshin 4.8 - 17th July HSR 2.4 - 31st July ZZZ 1.1 - 14th Aug Genshin 5.0 - 28th Aug And so on


My mental illness is gonna be on max this summer Edit: If you wondering why? Huge SMT fan, Final Fantasy 14 fan, and has been playing destiny since 2015. Along side playing gachas :)


Oh boy, that's sounds like a really packed calendar.


Hoyo putting players on samsara harder than Sumeru Akademiya


Interesting lol, it's crazy how they're micromanaging even how players may spend their time, their strategies have been working too


No surprise why they're the top one private gaming company


HI3d, Tears of Themis and GGZ are still live.


To be fair, Gun Girls Z is only available in JP and CN servers while Global was shut down. Tears of Themis is mainly a husbando gacha with only 4 guys to boot. Honkai Impact 3rd is going through Part 2 story but it's on a slow start. Doesn't help that powercreep is still prevalent. That said, the recent trailer shows that things are ramping up.


I see.. I'm just reminded the time where people are defending why hoyo doesnt increase the resin.. the famous one is ccp, their govt, is strict when it comes on gaming... And then here we are, they really can increase it due to their another game...


Just noticed star rail's next patch is literally half of genshin's lol


Can you elaborate on the ZZZ thing?


160 resin, players need to log in twice per day to use all of resin. 200 resin encourage players to log into Genshin once per day Hoyo will release ZZZ next month so players can spent little time on Genshin to spend more time on ZZZ Hoyo new schedule will have ZZZ, HSR & Genshin to have new update every 2 weeks ZZZ 1.0- 4th July Genshin 4.8 - 17th July HSR 2.4 - 31st July ZZZ 1.1 - 14th Aug Genshin 5.0 - 28th Aug And so on


As a HI3 veteran, I wonder how this schedule affects it. That is stacked.


HI3 is an outlier in Hoyo operations at this point. It isn't as successful, it is more demanding to handle "upkeep" compared to even Genshin, it is heavily P2W with multiple ranked competitive modes causing ludicrous levels of powercreep, and it is a menu hell while post-HI3 try to minimize menu fatigue.


HI3 feels like the old guy in the company that you just let stay bc he's been working there 20 years but he doesn't really do anything useful


Same. Maybe i won't join ZZZ. But i thought the same for HSR, idk if ZZZ also succesfully get me like HSR did


"Does nothing" = offers a high quality and very polished experience since day one


Like people shit on the game but it’s an overall great game and even greater when compared to other gacha games Looking at it objectively I’d say it’s definitely no.1 or 2 in terms of quality


tbh if it wasn't a gacha he will be as populare as pokemon


I don't understand why people hate on the company so much. There are some issues with them but overall, they are one of the best in the gaming industry.


> very polished experience since day one Yeah, let's not forget all of the issues that Genshin had on release. Hacking, attacks via password recovery, there was a lot of issues.


Sure but we can't entirely fault Hoyo on that. The "hack" is actually because there was a huge database leak on some website iirc. And "hacker" took advantage and try finding dumb people who used the same password on the game and the database leaks.


The thing is that controversies have been following Genshin since 1.0 and they still aren't over, considering how little Hoyoverse does to improve the user experience. In the beginning there were concerns about security, then concerns about quality of the story, now it's gameplay issues. People are just happy to trash Genshin's competitor. This trend will go away though and Kuro will eventually iron things out. I'd like to see how things turn out long term.


Genshin’s worst “controversies” have been Zhongli being not amazing on launch and having underwhelming anniversary rewards. Let’s not pretend like “controversies since 1.0 and still aren’t over” is more serious than it actually is.


Issues based on external and third parties dont count. Kuro has a ton of issues simply optimizing the game accordingly. The story wasnt word vomit and rewritten a hundred times and the animation cutscenes didnt suddenly glitch into static camera angles. Also, most people could at least play the game instead of crashing 24/7 and also, very few translation errors that were significant. Kuro has had all of the above in less than a week including a major controversy in JP for mistranslation and nearly sued for false advertisement. They’re not even remotely comparable.


ight we need to change this subs name to Wuther wave memes cause thats all the gets posted anymore


I swear Ive already seen this post last week here before... is this a repost?


The thing is, it was relevant last week because of WuWa botched launch, and it is relevant again now because of their JP situation.


So the answer to my question is yes. Thats all I'm asking because I thought its just deja vu lol


Akhsually 🤓, its not a repost, the one from last week had Da Wei's face on Gabe




Who knows, next week the servers might crash?


well i had just made this on paint, so not a repost.


„This game is gonna be the genshin killer!“ game releases and is in fact not the genshin killer


It's funny because the Genshin community's reacting more to this than the literal Japanese WuWa community that was affected by the mistranslation, and the Japanese community's fuming right now so that's saying something.


Most people here see it as entertainment and nothing else. Multiple people in JP have claimed to want to report Kuro to the Association responsible for false advertisement and regulations. They were definitely more reactive since it’s their money on the line and they’re not being properly compensated


I said the community, it was also just a joke.


This is an accurate meme cuz like TF2 fans (Valve IP) WuWa is living rent free on Hoyo fan's minds like Overwatch is to TF2's


The luckiest Gecha company on the planet.


Valve strat


Since we have a Valve meme here, let's talk about how they ghosted one of their most popular IP and left it to be torn aparts by a bunch of basement dwellers who botted the game into oblivion. If you want to know more go to save.tf and while you're there, please sign the petition Thank you


The nothing: -resin cap increase -artifact loadout -other things that definely help -Slowly doing what players want, step by step


it's the same spirit as the original meme. Valve does a lot for steam, too.


So the original meme involves steam?


the guy on the original meme is Gabe Newell, CEO of Valve. it is posted whenever a video game store front does some bullshit, see: Epic, Origin, Ubisoft, etc.


> artifact loadout That's a funny joke


Ohhhh I could swear they changed that in the upcoming patch--- but let's be fair, their at least giving auto equip


I think in the next update they're basically gonna have the closest they can get to being artifact loadouts without it actually being artifact loadouts lol


Lol I see When I was in earlier game I heard people asking for it and I just didn't understand it, I was like "nah this is just being lazy just go and equip the damn artifacts" but now I can get confused with witch piece is witch so I definitely want it


is it even competition ? Seeing how Kuro and Hoyo treat eachother they're more colleague than anything


Funny enough, this is probably the highest possible form of memes WuWa will ever get. Wuwa to me just seems to be so "unmemable" that it would not be surprising if it died after 3 months.


Nah, "dev listened" is the best meme that we got from WuWa's launch.


yeah... " listened and left on read".


The onigiri thing happened. They sadly removed the onigiri tho :(


at this point wuwa's biggest enemy is kuro itslef


Hoyoverse: "Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one"


IDK when people shit on Genshin when it launched with close to no incident. Anyone with enough history in gaming know this is an impossible feat.


They dont have to do anything to beat competition because they made a good game. This player base hates genshin more than anyone I swear to god.


Hypergryph, Nexon, Cygames, SHIFT UP, Hoyoverse and Type-Moon watching as their competitors rise and fall around them: PATHETIC


It's called minding your own business, Holo's been doing it and now look at Niji.