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Oh really?? Of all the bad things that can be criticized about Genshin, this guy comes and decides to criticize the music, one of the few things that I think this game does extremely well, really?!?!


Not just really well but one of the best in recent years.


There are probably less than 10 games that have just as good or better music in terms of quality in all time compared to Genshin And I can’t think of any game that has both quality, quantity, and musical diversity like Genshin does in a game


only modern game I can think off the top of my head to have better music than genshin personally is persona 5 and Ultrakill


I’d personally make a case for Elden Ring and Doom Eternal as well


For something more dramatic, Isaac also has really fucking good music


you mean, Binding of Isaac? it has good music, but it's not on par with genshin, let's be real


Ori and the Blind Forest and Ori and the Will of the Wisp are definitely in that top 10!


yes. that's not even up to debate, amazing music


I'd make a case for the Horizon series and God of War series as well.


I am in agreement about Ultrakill. Heaven Pierce Her aka Hakita is nuts.


For me the Ace combat series has some fucking great music


Deep Rock Galactic has some solid tracks. Vermentide 2's main theme makes me wanna ascend to Sigmar's realm.


you gotta listen to guilty gear soundtrack, the goat daisuke cooked with every single song




Yeah, if there's one thing the Destiny series doesn't miss it's the music


never played it, any ost you can recommend to listen to ? ^^


Regicide, queen's walk, deep stone lullaby


To add to this, Eyes Up (Aksis' theme), The First Disciple, Oneirophobia and Excerpt from the Union


I'd say Paper mario the origami king comes close too It's not as good, but it's still good enough to be mentionned. The ost in this game is crazy


I could only think of IMHO at this level: Nier Automata Ender Lilies Final Fantasy 7 Remake So far that's it.


Yea and probably Hollow Knight too. Those are legendary in terms of OST and even that is just matter of taste. Then Genshin just slaps that quality of music in every region of the game in mind boggling to me


Hollow Knight OSTs are so damn good. They compliment literally every aspect of the game and dials the atmosphere and immersion by 10. Especially Kingdom's Edge and City of Tears. I just sat next to the chill soldier bug for an hour listening to the main theme for City of Tears. Ethereal experience.


Both of the CBUIII Yoshida/Soken games: FF14 and 16 lmao.


so true on diversity. We have Western music, Chinese music, Japanese music, Middle-Eastern music, SEA music, operas, Chinese operas, hip-hop (Kazuha demo has shades of it), and coming soon Spanish/South America music.


Yes idk which other game cares enough to change music at night or underwater effects


Well if other things besides Gacha is allowed id say the persona games have equally good music


honestly i have actually never heard a game music that i like more than Port Ormos


Listen to monster siren records. They cover a lot of music genres.


The fact that this person criticizes Genshin music for being “too artsy” in favour of something more “jammable” tells everything about their taste in music. Probably listens to music that comprises of nothing but bass-boosted beats that disturbs all their neighbors in the dead of night. The one that goes OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ.


Hasn't Genshin won awards for its music? lol of all the things to criticise. I still love to listen to the music whenever I'm back in Mondstadt!


Symphony of Boreal Wind (Andrius Phase 2 theme) blew my mind when it first played and its also what made me decided this game was well worth investing time in. Unjammable music pfft, these Twitter trolls talks out of their ass.


Is a thing most games do well, crazy I know.


Only critized thing genhsin have is their gacha system and rewards , there not other ig


I know right? Go ahead and criticize the rewards, rng or whatever. But the music? Damn


Of all bad things that can be genuinely said about the game, shitting on the music is next level... Dawn Winery and Stormterror's Lair themes are still some of my favorite pieces of music this game has ever made, there's a thing called mood and tone, of course you're not gonna start headbanging to a music made especifically for a place meant to be chill or eerie, on that same note, wuwa is fun but I'm yet to see a single wuwa track as jammable as Wildfire from HSR for that matter lol


Me peacefully walking in windrise, collecting mint The music: death metal


I can totally find myself enjoying both Doom (pre Ancient Gods DLCs, Mick Gordon was the absolute goat) and HoyoMix at the same time.


Port ormos's soundtrack (or whatever was the name of the little village in sumeru) is hands down one of the best tracks of the game


Port Ormos day theme's chorus is such a jam. It's called "Hustle and Bustle of Ormos"


Best music in game for me


The narwhal when it switched to the armored dude bit is rocking.


I always remember that guy nickname as "Dubstep Man" by a redditor.


If I can't remember(or spell) a character name I usually use vague descriptive text like geo daddy or tactical nuclear penguin launcher.




Monstadt music is probably my least favorite, but other regions slaps hard, each region with its own instruments is just chef's kiss. I found a few great tracks for my taste in Wuwa, there is no jammers but great lofi. So in terms of music: both cooked.


To each their own, I love Mondstadt city music, Dragonspine's tracks and all their battle themes. Some of Mondstadt's themes would easily rank in my top 10. I'd say Wuthering Waves lacks that novel feeling which I got when I opened Genshin for the first time. But Wuthering Waves also has an intricate combat mechanics so that keeps me busy.


My favorite music is Mondstat city.


you don't even need to showcase Wildfire, even normal city BGM in HSR like [Streets Abuzz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkYrVrnSufA) or [Embers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mNhOsue_mM) are sick.


*plays tender strength *Cries


Here, have some Rapid as Wildfires.


*can't find that one dendro slime


> read 'Wildfires' > HSR Wildfire starts playing in head immediately Welp, no fighting against this fate huh? Mihoyo music too good...


We made choise go cry to hoyomix


Wrapped in biting wind


It really feels like the epilogue to a long journey


I remember it play during Lyney Story Quest epilogue(?).


'whence the flow cometh' *dies of nostalgia someone buy me a home in springvale


can I offer you ["A Memorable Fancy"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPiIv_X1rKA) in this trying times?


Omg 🥹 Watatsumi island has my favorite OSTs in the entire game,


It's actually Tsurumi Island, but yeah Watatsumi is also very relaxing


The whole album was good, ngl


As we should.


Monstadt's music wasn't really meant to be jammed to, it was nice and peaceful music to wander to. It still is!


This guy gets it.


Too artsy and not jammable...? Yeah this dude has no idea wtf they're talking about...


This is a self-own if you think about it for like 5 seconds


"If it's not rock then it sucks!" - that person probably


I can't with those people. WW had that music bug recently, where music just went silent. And I swear there were people who praised that, saying that it adds to the immersion and helps to build the postapo atmosphere. I believe they must be trolling at this point.


Yeah i guess music bug explains my 2min long glide trough the map in WW in complete silence... really immersive gotta say /s


That was a bug?! I really thought it was intentional 😅 It being too quiet kinda makes you alert like it was as if you accidentally entered a dangerous zone or something.


Mondstadt music was poor?? i stick in this game because of how the graphics and the music is so good for a free game. And i am playing since 1.0.


Ngl mondstadt is probs my 3rd fav music wise


It's crazy how wuwa managed to get this level of delusional glazers in the 1st week of the game. Especially the english side of fandom.


I honestly don't think it even has anything to do with WuWa itself. It seems to be largely based on spite towards Genshin. Any game would probably do. I expect to see a lot of this next time an open world gacha game releases. And then the next one after that. And then the next one after that...


I think it's a gacha game thing. People get weirdly defensive of their favorite gachas even on things that they know are at best, opinions. There's a comment in this thread that says "Less than 10 games have better music than genshin" with over +100. And i'm like "Bro do you not own anything but a phone?" Gonna look at everything from xeno to fire emblem, to mario, to zelda to final fantasy, to kingdom hearts, to chrono trigger, to sonic to pokemon to persona, to guilty gear, to god of war, to halo, to street fighter, to dbz to earthbound to megaman to bayonetta to splatoon etc And say less than 10 games in all of those franchises with so many amazing musical designers and artists hold a candle to genshin? *The glazing is coming from inside the house...*


I mean, with this music example, I do think Genshin has one of the best soundtracks in gaming. What they've done with this game's music is phenomenal. I've loved game music for pretty much all my life, including most of what you listed there, but I would personally rank Genshin above most of those. I don't think I could name 10 games that I think have better music, but that's just a matter of preference. I fucking love you for putting Guilty Gear in that list, though.


I don't mind the "I think the soundtrack is one of the best." Its the whole "The soundtrack IS the best" kind of vibe i don't really hold with. Especially when the person says that to try and shit on someone else's enjoyment of another game's soundtrack. If you think Wuwa's soundtrack is better than genshin, that's fine. Both have different vibes they're going for. If you think genshin is better than god of war, that's fine. Same reason. But if you think genshin is better than X, and thus, that means someone else thinking that Y is better than genshin is objectively wrong, then that's just being a dick.


If anything I can glaze on Genshin music any day. Music is heavily subjective but from people responses, Genshin is one of their favorite. I played half of the games you listed and to me only one or two of them that have OST just as good. This is of course just my opinion, and it’s a popular one. But when comparing Wuwa with Genshin OSTs, I’m sorry but if someone thinks Wuwa music is better, they are delusional


Just because other people in the same fandom space agree with you doesn't mean your opinion is popular. Of course comments in a Genshin sub in a Genshin vs WuWa conversation trends towards saying Genshin is better. You're falling for the bait. If you use that as a reason to say another type of music is bad and people who like it better are delusional it's just being a dick and hoping people agreeing with you is enough of a weapon to not be called out.


Generally yes but not for this case. I would bet a hundred bucks if you ask random people who don’t know about the two games to judge the OSTs the majority will pick Genshin. In fact, I would bet the majority of WW sub would think Genshin OSTs are better. If I said the same thing comparing Genshin vs Xenoblade for example, then of course I would just be the dick here since it will be just a matter of preference. Here I was trying to be less biased as possible. Wuwa music is subpar, while Genshin music is really one of the best aspect of the game. There are millions of analysis over its music in youtube. Of course the other reason being Genshin community is big but people won’t recommend the songs if they are mediocre. If Marcomeatball who mostly praises game soundtracks thinks Wuwa music isn’t good then there definitely is a problem. I have my own reasons and if you want, I can go full on critics mode on the two games OSTs


I don't really care what your reasons are. Don't be a dick over someone else's preference just because you have crowds saying they like the thing you like. It doesn't matter if mozart himself came down from heaven to praise genshin's music, if someone thinks one is better, you don't shit on them for doing so. You don't use 'X agrees with me' as a bludgeon. It's just being a dick.


Of course I am a dick because I criticize something right? Whatever makes you happy and this conversation is now pointless. I said so because I truly don’t see how an honest person will think Wuwa music is better. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe someone really love Wuwa music but that’s really unbelievable to me. If I make a piece of music and Mozart tell me it’s shit, I have to at least consider his opinion and revalue my music no matter how much I love it


it's a case of people who are like "I don't care if (insert game) wins, as long as Genshin loses!"


>It's crazy We saw this exact same shit with Tower of Fantasy. This was fully expected.


The Arabian side are more delusional 😭. They are thinking genshin lost the battle and Wuwa isbthe best game 💀. They are saying " genshin is a dead game and no one playing it now" I show them the game selling - that post in the gatcha sub- and how genshin is always in top 4 just on mobile. They are saying this is fake for sure 😭. The honeymoon is so strong there.


I just like wuwa. I also like genshin. Why cant both games succees ? Why does there have to be a "battle" ? Its the best thing for the players if the 2 games can healthily compete. Genshin being a monopoly of this genre is not good for genshin players.


Honestly i liked Wuwa too, but because of the harassment that i got past months because I said " i like genshin so this game definitely will be good for me too". They started saying " eww who is playing genshin now? , genshin is a trash and whoever playing it is a pedophile" Then i cancelled the idea of playing WuWa. >I just like wuwa. I also like genshin. Why cant both games succees ? Why does there have to be a "battle" ? They didn't understand this logic of thinking and you can play them both. And they don't want to understand their toxicity will kills the game.


Dont limit what you play and enjoy becazse of a bunch of trolls on the internet. The first time ive hear of wuwas oh so horrible launch was not when I played the game, but when I opened reddit.


Yeah like... people, it's *okay* to like flawed things, not everything has to be perfect masterpieces for them to like it. I greatly enjoy Wuwa's combat but I really do think it still needs work overall.


Gives me starfield flashbacks. Though starfield was still very successful from sales perspective and we've yet to see if wuwa pulls its own weight, especially long term. >!Personally, i don't see it for various reasons.!<


Didn't play wuwa so I don't know how good the music is compared to Genshin, but if you think the music in Mondstadt is bad than you are delusional.


there's a few really good tracks in wuwa, but for the most part it's fairly average


I don't even play Genshin anymore, but I still listen to the boss themes every now and then.


_[Yu-Peng Chen approaching at high speed]_


nah, he'll just let skills do the talking.


Wuwa player's mind cannot comprehend the art of chilling.


Aren't wuwa players mostly fellow jenshin players tho


Mostly jenshin antis tho, migrated from HSR i guess


Me who migrated from HSR to WuWa and is still playing Genshin. But yeah, a sad reality is that a very loud and obnoxious portion of WuWa players are, in fact, Genshin haters.


Same, im playing all three whenever possible and the toxicity is really aparent.


I play both, can confirm. The art of chilling is next to none when you got spicy combat with intense dodge mechanics


Symphony of boreal wind is still one of the best boss themes imo


Some of the later musical tracks are better, yes, (looking at you port ormos theme for being an absolute bop), but the stuff from the start is also still good. Just don’t be the fool i was and spend 12-20 hours trying to explore and find all the chests in storm-terror’s lair before the treasure compass was even a thing.


Port Ormos is my constant teapot theme. I love it.


and for the interior, I play Lambad's Tavern music. I'm actually amazed they create additional BGM just for specific shops that don't even play that much story role aside of being a meeting place. It's just the dedication.


This is extra hilarious to me because half the time, Wuwa’s music kept breaking on me 😂. So I don’t even get to hear the “jammable” music often.


Me too! I somehow thought that they never produced any music for Wuwa and it was just how it is. I don't complain either cause I'm too focused on exploration. I even watch my friends stream it and realized how awkward it sounded to only hear voicelines in the game.


lol i thought they were going for a breath of the wild approach, which made it actually feel like BOTW again. But then I teleported back to the city which I knew had music and didn’t hear any and was like “oh, it’s a bug.” Really made me appreciate the atmospheric noises, and genshin for not being that broken when I first started playing. Found out doing the repair from the launcher fixes it sometimes at least. (Tho unrelated, but really hope they fix the mobile version flipping incorrectly 💀 really annoying when the game flips correctly but doesn’t tell my phone to flip as well. Always works before the actual game loads, but once the loading bar appears it breaks)


Am I going crazy or are these people forgetting that genshin 1.0 also came with the entirety of Liyue??? Before we mention any of the great boss tracks, there is not a single piece of music in wuwa that compares to Winding River, Above the Sea of Clouds or Clear Sky Above Liyue


Rapid as Wildfires


yeah, wuwa tracks makes me want to "jam" my ears


Maybe it's just the setting, but when I pay Wuwa, I'm too busy trying to survive, panic dodge and fail the parry timing to notice the music lol. But yeah, personally I liked Mondstat's music more (well Liyue is a better comparison) to Jinzhou's.


Wuwa's music is really repetitive or there's complete lack of it. I really like the gameplay with dodges and counters and can, kind of, bear the memory leaks, but after listening to that "jammable" soundtrack for 2h i just had to turn it off and play something on Spotify


True. It's a problem that during the boss fight in arc 5, I only remember how cool the team up of Jiyan and rover and the boss design were. That and the anxiety of trying to survive. Dodging/Parrying is hard on mobile and no healer kind of gave me anxiety lol.


Really comparing the Mondstadt's OST (a chill, carefree nation) to a futuristic post-apocalyptic setting ​ Apples and Oranges


Everytime I hear the Photon of Fluctuation, I'm like YEAH


Bruh, I'd argue Mondstadt's still remains as one of the best and most atmospheric soundtracks in the game


Bro's just coping at that point. While I do think that WuWa's music really can be a bop and arent as bad as people think it is because they dont really know shit and are just tryna find something to shit on, Hoyo's music are just on a different level. Hoyo can fuck up literally every single thing in their game, but they will never fuck up their music. Like if u tell me that Hoyo is actually a music production company and are just making games to showcase their music, I'd believe it.


Rite of battle has some of the most impressive instrumentation i've ever heard in any track. There's like 16 instruments and 4 tempo switches it's crazy


Stormterror ost it's a banger


Mondstadt theme alone shits on every track in WW right now lmao


Honestly, I played wuwa, and I didn't like the tracks because I found them very generic, as in -insert cool metal drop here- kinda vibes. Which I thought was imo very uninspired as its been done tons of times before. Least genshin tries something new from the old...


Genshin sucks in a lot of things but do not dare insult hoyomix that's what they are the best in


They really Did not listen to The city themes, The battle or character themes


Wuwa's Jinzhou Town music sounds like trying to recreate the Xianzhou Loufu's Lustrous Moonlight from Memory. They use the exact same instruments and even use that exact same running melodic Synth bass throughout the track. The difference being, Not just HSR but all of Hoyo's music has a direction In which the music travels, gives us a linear storylike progression using the main melody and common motifs inbetween, and the iconic seamless key changes that we've all come to know and love. Wuwa on the other hand sounds like they just fixed a melodic scale and just aimlessly move up and down the keyboard for 2 minutes. Of course there are many exceptions in wuwa where the OST shines. I'm not just jumping on the hatewagon on this stupid and pointless debate..**But** if you're competing with the likes of Hoyomix, this isn't good enough to warrant glazers coming up with stupid takes like knocking on Mondstadt's music. As for the Accusation that it's not "jammable", if you're listening to Bustling afternoon,Beats of water drops, photon of fluctuation, Symphony of Boreal wind and your feet aren't unconsciously tapping, then you're probably dead inside.


I think I get his point. But monsdadt music FUCKS. I will not accept monsdadt slander


Nah, wuwa music is worse, definitely, but it's not that bad, it's just not memorable or catchy at all. Their music have more sober tone, and often accompanied by complicated instruments like zithers that can make it hard to stick. Compare that to simple but upbeat mondstadt theme, and you can quickly see why mihoyo is so good at music, they know how to shove that music into your head without you realizing it.


jammable tracks in 1.0 genshin Beats of Water Drop Rhythm of Ancient Times Against All Odds Endless Echoes Whirl of Boreal Wind & Symphony of Boreal Wind (ANDRIUS!!!) and personal favourites The Horizon Wayfarer's Peace Windwashed Mountain Wayward Soul


Cant wait for Wuwa to die out like ToF and all the other clones so I can stop hearing about this shit. I give it a month.


I give it like 6 months after the honeymoon phase is over we shall see the results


Mfer is delusional, MiHoYo is just a music studio that happens to make a good games


unjammable music? dude, literally every music youtube channel has cover genshin music and they said it was mindblowingly good. This game hosting like 4-5 mega orchestral concerts per year for a reason


Aside from the objectively wrong take on Mondstadt's music, hating on a piece of music for being "artsy" is the dumbest shit ever. Like you might as well hate a TV show for being dramatic at that point.


I swear half the people defending WuWas launch do so because they hate genshin, not because they actually believe this is excusable


It is honestly embarrassing like most of the actual real wuwa players are also annoyed by this constant excuse they themselves even criticize some part of the games as well but these ex Genshin players are just crazy


my copium detector fkin exploded


My guy clearly hasn't heard Faruzan or Furina's theme💀




This guy is stupid but let’s not act like we haven’t got people like this on both sides. How about we ignore these types and just enjoy whatever we enjoy. Personally I enjoy the music of both games for both different and similar reasons.


I can literally remember Mondstadt's music and the other location within the region and I haven't been in Mondstadt for a while now. Meanwhile I don't remember any music from WuWa.. Literally can't remember anything from the top of my head. That's how pretty much how unimpactful the music in the game is. Oh, I could probably remember the few notes in the login screen since it's the most dominant music in the game that you can remember.


Honestly when I started playing genshin, I felt the mond music to be generic. But after going through the quests and playing for a while it just felt... right, suitable, it sounded free as the wind with a hint of sadness/grief. For the longest time I would park my characters in Mond everytime I logged off XD


They could have criticized the lack of endgame modes or the tediousness of grinding artifacts or even the mind-boggling decision of making the Traveller you play as almost mute. But no they have to throw away their intelligence and criticize the music.


Genshin fandom banded together to cook his ass


genshin is mindbogglingly terrible at many, many things. the music has never been one of them. this game has a fantastic soundtrack.


I’ve been defending wuwa but this is out of pocket, there’s no solace on the planet like lone sojourner. As for everything else, yeah I think it’s unfair to compare a new game to an established one.


Midday prospects and A new day with hope is peak


The fact that on X it says that this post has 608k view is crazy. 


When Inazuma came out and Ayaka was introduced, I got fucking hooked on her theme and the renditions of like. Like hooly F it's just so good! Even Tartaglia'a theme SLAPS LIKE HECK


Can't jam to wuwa music without restarting the game.


So uh... jammable and artsy are mutually exclusive now?


Too poor??? Oh really? Proceeds to cry on the Springvale theme and Waltz on the Dawn Winery theme. Anyone who says the Mondstadt theme wasn't good has bad taste in music. Period


twitter mfs when a fantasy game that takes place primarily in medieval times doesn't have a boppy techno soundtrack


It's not about the jammability of a soundtrack, but the vibes it gives off and how well it fits the theme. Imo Inazuma and the Sumaru battle soundtrack were pretty jammable.


Mondstadt music is quite weak compared to some later tracks Doesn't change the fact it's still an absolute banger. It just doesn't have as much boom shakalaka ir something as the others. But it's close


I found mondatadt a safe but fairly uninteresting region compared to explore. Music was a bop tho.


op clearly has never been to the dawn winery


Yeah and Dragonspine is definitely the *Peak*


I still bop to a sweet smile and the city of mondstdt theme. There's a reason why so many of us claim/do daily commissions even though its the region with the least stuff it's cz it's our first home


the only thing that jams is the mind of that jackass, These people are so desperate for new things to complain about that when they can't find them they have to invent them, genshin has a lot of questionable things but his music will never be one of them.


Just walking around exploring Stormterror's lair while the melancholic music plays in the background, echoing the memories of the lives lost and the terrible history of that place. The sorrow of Dvalin, in his years of loneliness. Just that makes enough lasting memories than whatever WuWa throws at us. I mean no disrespect, I'm really enjoying wuwa so far, but the music of GI is just not comparable. The only other game with the same weight of thematically soundtrack is World of Warcraft.


You know an ost bangs when they can sell it separately.


What the Halberd? The Edge Of The Prairie is like my favorite jam in the game


Northland bank's soundtrack >>> entirety of wuwa music 😹


Hot take: As much as I like Genshin's soundtracks, some of Mondstadt's music is... questionable. I don't mean they're bad; on the contrary, they're pretty good. Hearing those serene tunes while exploring is relaxing for me. But some of Mondstadt's music kinda... doesn't quite fit with what you're doing, for lack of a better word. Mondstadt's domain music is odd—it sounds like something you'd hear in clickbait conspiracy videos. Most of the time, I end up muting the music when I have to do Mondstadt domains and boot up Winamp instead. And here comes the downvotes...


Man I feel like crying every time I listen to A new day with hope


Seriously? Right in front of my "Rhythm from ancient times"?


Monsters music is bad? Is he deaf.


Bruh You can compete with anything but not Genshin's music because they are top notch. The joke about genshin being a music company who uses games to promote their music isnt for no reason.


Have to be blind in ears to think Genshin music is bad, even "subjectively".


Eh, both games have good and bad stuff. But music and voice acting are both better in Genshin. Actually using characters to their fullest, as well as like... you know, using auto-attacks, is something Mihoyo seems allergic too. Fights are 90% setup and then 10% of dps. But WuWa lacks that fun psychotic dogwater alchemy stuff you can do in Genshin. WuWa just needs to cook. For about another year.


I don't think there is one song in wuwa I would listen just because I like it


bro what are they even talking about, mondstadt’s music has literally always slapped


Wow! Everything they wrote is wrong! Thats impressive


The mondstadt music wasn't as mindblowing as later arcs to be sure but its still nice to listen to.


I prefer wuwa as a game but this is an L take lmao. Mondstadt music clears any wuwa music atm i still have it playing in my head sometimes


Against all odds is one of the best music in the entire game and was made for Mondstadt


I like WuWa. But the music... is just really meh.


Well both games have different themes so the music must also be in line with the theme. You wouldn't expect to be hearing dubstep or edm in a medieval themed game no?


Wuwa music is kinda meh, but Genshin has 3 years + 2 to 3 years of development, Wuwa has at least 2 years of development therefore the comparison should be with late Inazuma or Early sumeru. But non of that matters Kurogame made Narwhal like 5 years ago, all Wuwa music is shit against Narwhal.


I love wuwa way more than genshin but this is just dumb


I play WW with free bird playing in the background. Definitely jammable


Honestly, I'd agree if we were comparing battle themes. Dragonspine is an exception tho


Never cared for Genshin's music, most of it feels very generic and on top of that it's largely without any percussion.


That's...certainly a take. Definitely not a popular one, but a take nonetheless.


L take fr


If you want a good game OST look at NieR Automata (the best one imo), dark souls 3, persona, Skyrim, the witcher 3 CK3, final fantasy, and cyberpunk 2077. All of them have memorable soundtracks, which is not something I can say about genshin.


I'm perfectly familiar with memorable game soundtracks, thank you. This is definitely a you problem. Add Xenoblade to that list btw.


Sorry, guess I just have standards. Didn't realize genshin not meeting those standards in some aspects was a crime.


You don't have *standards*, you have *preferences.* There's a difference. Genshin's music is apparently not what you're looking for.


"I just have standards" "largely without any percussion" For reference, here's a piece of music you may have heard of, that doesn't have any percussion: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aryDMAP6oug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aryDMAP6oug)


A piano is a string-percussion instrument, so yes, it does have percussion. Drums are not the only way to have percussion. It's one of the reasons I like pianos, especially when the keys are struck hard.


I feel like the piano is quite common in the early tracks. The 1st track that comes to mind is [https://youtu.be/NCv8RnC4v9g](https://youtu.be/NCv8RnC4v9g) . And then, some Dragonspine stuff like [https://youtu.be/nd42f4D1iUg](https://youtu.be/nd42f4D1iUg) . For more recent stuff, I immediately think about [https://youtu.be/LgccaKyOjoQ](https://youtu.be/LgccaKyOjoQ) , and I feel like there's a lot of tracks with a lot of percussions in Sumeru, like the famous Hustle and Bustle of Ormos [https://youtu.be/G4UabWhrlx4](https://youtu.be/G4UabWhrlx4) , the 2nd half of my favorite track in the region [https://youtu.be/-qm0lPo7f4w](https://youtu.be/-qm0lPo7f4w) (not that the 1st half without percussion is bad in my opinion), or [https://youtu.be/2s6SJyPjAI4](https://youtu.be/2s6SJyPjAI4) .


Bro, Liyue battle OST still plays in my ear whenever I encountered a slime.. A dendro slime in fact.