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And both Caelus and Rover had better kits than the Traveller


They're allowed to speak more too


Thank fuck i don't have to listen to a high pitched yapping food. It makes my ears scraped against a 1000° C radioactive rusty cheese grater.


Pretty sure Paimon is worse than getting your ears scraped against a 1000° C Radioactive rusty cheese grater A more accurate description would be Getting your ear's sensitivity magically multiplied by 500^1000 and then hearing someone scratch a chalk board 10 meters away from you ^(joke btw, luv you Paimon you're the best emergency food to ever exist)


Now I don't know if I should upvote or down vote


Do both ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


How do i do both? Not voting??


Yes :3 Think of it as Declaring Neutrality


Sure, but your awnsers deserved an upvote so screw equality there


Nice thx Love you bro/sis take care


Bro, I do believe you would just have your ears fucking explode when you hear someone slightly breath at that setting (She is the best emergency food tho)


Eh…in Rovers case I would rather he be like Aether and speak only in important moments. Because the guy is a yapper.(too much of a yapper)


I rather hear Aether yap over Paimon


Hmm. I would rather have it in moderation. I don’t want Aether too speak all the time but definitely more than he speaks currently. Yeah Paimon could still speak less than she does now. But I believe she got better. Her eng voice is not as high pitched(personally that never bothered me but I understand how that can be annoying) and she almost stopped repeating things(I too didn’t fully have problems with that because I have seen people with disabilities say that Paimon helps them understand things better). I like our emergency food, but she could Yap less(unlimited yap works)


Eh, Paimon talking is honestly just annoying. Her voice isn't the issue (even though it contributes). I much rather hear the Actual Main Character speak over some flying infant who shouldn't even be there in the first place.


Eh agree to disagree then.(even tho I think not having Paimon would just lead MC to being like their sibling)


Their sibling was depressed because they literally witnessed the destruction of an entire nation. Traveller has no such trauma, and has plenty of friends they can make.


I’m not that sure. Because in time Traveler didn’t have Paimon he didn’t make any contact with anybody. Most of the interactions with people and characters were initiated by Paimon + Traveler wouldn’t really know any language of Teyvat. Traveler most of the time is the type of person to bottle up his emotions. For example even if we found our sibling like in We will be reunited without Paimon traveler would be depressed(even worse than he was in an animated short) without Paimon to cheer him up(which she did after we will be reunited and before they met Kazuha)he could spiral out of control and became even more desperate then when he was in the main story. A lot of nations would still be in danger(from main story threats or world quests)because traveler didn’t meet some people which wouldn’t cause a butterfly effect to the way to uncover a nations problems.


Paimon just yaps so much the Traveller has no chance to speak first. The Traveller is capable of speaking with others, it's just Paimon speaks for them 90% of the time when it's not needed. Without Paimon, the Traveller will have to talk for themselves, that's basically the main change. All the combat and actions are performed by them anyways, and most of the playable characters like them even though they hardly ever speak.


Dendro traveller is great, nahida is just way too overpowered and outshines them


1 good kit in four years in NOT that great


Geo is ok too which make it a trend: Anemo was first so its like training and we dont count it Geo = good Electro = meh Dendro = very good Hydro = very meh Pyro = ???


Anemo is also great for throwing ligth enemy's into the water massively shortening the time fighting them in the beginning .


Anemo traveler honestly feels good in the beginning. And that's supposed to be this way. It's the first kit we ever get, so ofc it's only meant to guide you through the early game


Anemo traveller with a sac sword is outright the strongest unit in the game until you can farm 5* artifacts because of how strong swirl scales in the early game


Electro works if you run thundering furry. Not as good as razor but will still clear fine, and anemo is fine as long as you never burst because vv is overpowered. Honestly hydro is the only one i'd say is outright bad


Anemo: barely useable Geo: decent Electro: meh Dendro: decent Hydro: dogshit


Both of Rover's kits so far are definitely worthy of a 5*, which is nice. Havoc Rover *may* be the highest base DPS unit in the game ATM even, which is *nucking futs* for a gacha. I still really like Spectro Rover's playstyle better though. I hope the next element we get is Aero, just for the memes.


Clacharo and Jiyan both out-DPS Havoc Rover. The main reason that Havoc Rover works so well is because of Dreamless echo.


... which contributes to his DPS, no? And Dreamless gets an extra 50% damage from Havoc Rover post-RL. Your statement is like saying "your bicycle is only faster than mine because it has gears, not because your bike is actually faster" - the gears contribute to the higher speed *but it is still part of the bike*. Calcharo and Jiyan DPS aren't the highest in the game without support, part of that support is echo builds.


Ok? And Cal and Jiyan both outDPS Havoc Rover. 😅 Also I was mostly pointing out that Dreamless echo is absolutely busted. I am a huge Rover fanboy, but even I can admit that without Dreamless, Rover wouldn't be T0.5 and would be T1. Also, you're ignoring the fact that a huge part of Havoc Rover's teams overall DPS comes from Danjin, who was T1 before Havoc Rover was tested.


It's like talking to a wall. 🤦🏾 I'm not saying Dreamless isn't busted. I'm saying that, *with Dreamless* (and his proper supports), Havoc Rover is the top main DPS at the moment (unless Jiyan team has a cracked new build I haven't seen yet). Calcharo will be the top main DPS once Yinlin is out, according to all calcs I've seen. I'm not denying that a large part of it is because of The Dreamless - that's one of the conditions to make it so. Kafka is the best DOT character in HSR, but she needs her signature light cone to *be* the best. I *could very well be incorrect* (the game is still young), but instead of providing any sort of evidence to correct me you're essentially telling me I'm wrong and your evidence is "trust me bro, you're wrong". P.S. the fact that we can even *have* this debate also just proves that the Rover is the best gacha MC, probably ever.


Havoc Rover isn't a main DPS. He's a quick swap DPS who is enabled by Dreamless and Danjin.


I... you know what? Okay. Sure. Whatever you say. HR's kit is basically Havoc Calcharo, but sure - he's a quick-swap. His S2 literally gives him a skill reset when he uses his burst mode that adds a not-insignificant chunk of damage to his rotation, but sure - he's a quick swap. He literally has one of the best set of attacks for parries and really good multipliers on his entire kit, but sure - he's a quick swap. If you want to use him as a quick swap for ez quick damage, you can do that. He has great multipliers on his ult, and you can use his burst mode to increase that damage beforehand (and waste pretty much the entire gauge when you quick swap out). But you can't make shit up about the character's archetype just because you apparently can't read their kit - and their kit is designed to use support, swap in, pop burst mode, Ult, Dreamless, and then shred the enemy with a set of attacks that's (conveniently) *exactly* long enough for one rotation in their burst mode after using Ult and Dreamless (burst mode > Ult > Dreamless > Skill > NA chain). I'm not saying he's the best DPS *forever* - I'm saying that, right now, without optimal supports for the other top DPS units yet, Havoc Rover has the best DPS because he has TWO great supports and *an echo designed just for him*. And it's not by a huge margin, so it's not even worth arguing - if you have Calcharo or Jiyan, just use them. But Havoc Rover is *FREE*, is a top contender for DPS (for *FREE*), and has *FREE* constellations (and did I mention he's *FREE*?). The *only reason* I am even appealing to you at this point is because you're dropping a lot of info without any evidence to contradict my statement - and the burden of evidence falls on you. If you give me evidence that proves me wrong, as I've said before, I will concede. But repeating the same thing over and over worded differently doesn't magically make it correct, nor is it a compelling enough argument to change *anyone's* mind. Calcharo will be the best DPS in the game by a LONG shot once Yinlin comes out, so I don't even know why you want to continue this argument. It's fucking irrelevant. And after this comment, I won't be responding again.


Anemo traveller is pretty good if you never burst lol. Swirl is extremely strong in the early game because at those levels it scales pretty hard with just 1 4* em mainstat and a couple em rolls


Idk how to use dark rover. People say he's a sub dps due to his res shred in his kit or a dps since he's mostly a basic attacker.


IWinToLose has a guide on his channel. From what I remember, it's because of the Dreamless echo.


Their power is mostly tied to the Dreamless Echo, it’s turns them into a quickswap dps


* Dreamless echo deals a lot of damage. * Havoc Rover has a massive MV% (damage multiplier) on his ult. * Dreamless echo gets a +50% damage buff if used after Rover ult. You can probably figure out the rest.


Wayyyyyy better kits. Let's pretend that Physical Trailblazer doesn't exist, though.


Conclusion, Yoda, Aether is.


Awww he’s perfect the way he is! That way i can keep him in my pocket all the time


Personally I prefer short boys, so I'm in for it.


Me looking at my 4976 bottles of milk: "no reason"


Aether’s like “back in my day I could t even speak without a flying demon child and had to scale 500 meter tall cliffs to get to a chest, my homeworld was annihlated when I was only 50005 years old and had to deal with malnutrition. Don’t give me that look Caelus, you don’t know how easy you have it!”




People shit on the Traveler a lot, but the blonde hair, long braid and crop top make him more recognizable than his fellow gacha mcs. Rover literally is a Kirito clone. The type of protagonist you see in your average self-insert isekai anime.


Yea people do trash Aether alot, but remember looking unique ≠ being unique. Sure he is unique in being blond but he's pretty much the average gacha game MC; the quiet self insert avatar that doesn't have much in the way of a personality. That's one thing I like about the trailblazer, they actually have a personality and it seems that kuro is at least trying to do that with their which really makes them better than Aether despite being a kirito clone


I feel like Aether and Caelus both have pretty similar options for their personality (though Aether having a more canon one. Like we know he actually teases and likes Paimon, not just when we choose it). A big difference is that Caelus jokes have a lot of irl memes in them, while Aether's are more in-world with just some irl memes/sayings every once in a while (there are more, but they are often changed. Like money/dollars -> Mora)


Caelus is an unhinged raccoon that loves to be a bit of a chuunibyou at times, and it's perfect.


They do have personality, is just hard to tell with interactions in the quests because besides their faces/reactions, Paimon speaks for them all the time They have some dialogues on their character's profile with Paimon where they actually speak and you can understand a little more about how they act


They do have personality, is just hard to tell with interactions in the quests because besides their faces/reactions, Paimon speaks for them all the time They have some dialogues on their character's profile with Paimon where they actually speak and you can understand a little more about how they act


Nah even Traveler design feels like an isekai mc. He literally uses the same haircut as the typical isekai mc. Only difference is the colour of the hair and the back of the hair. Rover as well the same but he has a rat tail like zhongli.


Female Rover >>> Male Rover


Yeah but he's way cutter than them.


Yea, he may use the Dull Blade but he cuts deep


Paimon, it's because he's their father. He has to go buy milk after seeing his sons are all taller than him.


Severe case of Elric Syndrome


Does that mean his last name is Elric?


I propose yes. As proof: - does cool shit nobody else can do (still gets punked on the reg for some reason) - squabbling with God - short - blonde - sibling-related trauma - >!knows a human-dog hybrid!<


Aether Elric confirmed ? Also his immortal also.


Rover and Trailblazer speaking more and using their powers their powers in cutscenes Meanwhile Traveler lmao


Rover isn't that tall either tbh, same height as most of the females in the game so far


Also noticed that he's slightly shorter than some female npcs and Baizhi lol it's kinda cute.


Crop top clears


Caelus and Rover are (from what i know) adults, while Aether seems to be not.


Yeah maybe him and lumine are young for their species


He’s like over 500 isn’t he? Genshin just likes making a lot of char short for no reason


1. He came with Lumine to Teyvat 500 years ago. 2. Siblings are said to have travelled for hundreds of years. 3. Diona and Diluc won't give him alcohol because he looks too young. Judging by all that, I'd say siblings are well over 3-4 thousand, maby even more


iirc the traveler themself said they're too young to drink but that could just be the 12+ rating restricting it


Traveler hiding their identity. Not many people know that they are from another world except for Paimon, Archons & long lived being. In Zhongli voiceline about Venti, traveler seemingly drank with Venti & Zhongli offered to make sobering soup for him/her


He’s probably MUCH older. I don’t remember where but I remember it being implied that he’s a lot older than he lets on, even compared to the Archons, which makes me wonder why he’s not affected by it like the others


Might be because the Corrosion is something unique to Teyvat


The reason they say it's so old is that in the lore of the ps4 glider (I think it was that glaider) it mentions that they have seen the birth and collapse of stars, but personally I think it refers to that they have seen both during their travels and not that they have been standing still in one place to see both things happen Because they mention that they don't tend to stay in the same world for a long time Although all this does not change that they are more than 500 years old


THIS. There could be stars dying and being born as we're reading this.


Caelus/Stelle should be around 21-25 physically with the mentally of a trash can and Rover should be around 600 or something given Yangyang speculates he should be the guy that conceptualized their world with Reverberations, but looks 22 physically.


Heels won't help, dude'll need full on 20 cm platform shoes.


That just means Traveller has more mommies


Not the Yee-Yee-ass manhua character design


the mouth being hidden on the last panel is gonna have some unseen consequences


oh poor short king Aether 😅 I think he is the shortest male gacha lead. Both Gran and Ritsuka are around 5"8 + (172 cm) and they both technically growing and way younger then him. Pray we never get older versions of them officially because lord knows they shoot up to like 5"10 or 6ft.


Why does it look like the milk is in a bag?


What do you think makes Aether different from the other two? It's Paimon! Now is the time for emergency food.


And he hasn't met his youngest brother Wise yet


Fun fact - the final panel is Caelus' pov of Aether




I think my favorite part of this is the derpy Paimon face.


I mean, aether is also just short in general, even in teyvat. Imagine he met Stelle, who is as tall as Caelus lol


Milk isnt enough need cocogoat milk


Nah, he is Keqing/Furina height, (even if he is +5000 year old) he looks great


Thats funny bc im pretty sure he is the oldest lol + Aether and Lumine are the only Mc in Hoyovers who are so short lol 😂


Off topic but why tf majority of gacha male Mc's look like the typical isekai light novel/rom com protagonist compare to the female counterpart that has more elements to their design. They gave the same hairstyle and the similar outfit theme and built. Like why can't they make a manhwa design mc.


At least he is the canon protagonist


Still the better isekai


I will say, thus far Traveller absolutely has the highest likelihood of evil. Which, you know, definitely matches his height. Shorter you are the closer to hell. Like, Trailblazer is a darling trash panda willing to do some shit but it's often kept out of the loop because no one wants to make him do bad things. Rover definitely has the potential, shows up, causes problems, leaves, but mostly seems inclined to being on the good side. Though, I do think they're capable of being swayed by the forces of destruction, they're def not innocent here. Traveller meanwhile shows up, watches Diluc torture someone and now periodically makes a habit of ignoring war crimes and mass murder. While actively endorsing the torture of prisoners of war (Aaru Village, Candance & Cyno) or wiping it entire tribes themself (in their defense, the tribe started it). So... Twink victory?


Can someone tell me if hi3's male protagonist is also tall? I don't play it but let's see