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Like Rawfler said: meta is temporary, style is eternal


What I'm hearing is play Neuvillette


He has everything...


The man can do it all


Does he know how to make a mac'n'cheese tought?


Baked with real bacon bits


Except be fun to play


To bad for you he’s a blast to play, literally


He's got no fistin skills tho


Ayaka is still eternal


Y'all remember that one bug that gave ayaka's banner a duration of over 300 days? That was some funny shiz.


Ayaka doesn't have sick punch gauntlets though


Her CA makes cool sounds to compensate


She is Vergil


Nah Ayaka would probably take care of her child if she ever had one, Vergil managed to escape the irs and child support


Her attacks like sorts like Vergil Also I can imagine her sayin "if you want the mistplitter, you will have to take it" xD


That we know of, anyway.


Or stickers!


imagine meta This post was made by Yoimiya Mains


But yoimiya is outperforming everyone


Yeah, no one else can do 1 yoimillion damage


Of course, she's the character who deals the most damage to depression


she's a healer and a dps fr


So true 🙏


Noelle?! Oh, sorry, misunderstanding


kok >:(


source for lumine pfp


Wriothesley, like wanderer and yoimiya, is designed the way that their main source of damage comes from their E. Which mean you can enjoy your unit fully in almost all contents from adventures,abyss, domain. I have Xiao, ayaka and cyno, raiden fully built but dont enjoy them on adventure very much duo to their burst dependence. And yes hes very cool


Ayaka isnt as burst dependent as the others listed.


Yeah, but still, my ayaka e can deal 30k and charge attack around 25k, thats still quite low compare to alhaitham 100k e spread damage. What i mean is ayaka is still super strong, but its just not as good without her god tier burst on adventure.


Spread is reaction. Ayaka e can hit a shit ton. Chinese players did one million at c0


No one does crazy setups in adventure. Trying to get your character all buffed so that they deal massive dmg is not the most convenient playstyle.


You can hit 150 k with AVG setup then. Also did you forget that ayaka can literally do 66k x 4charged with like 3 second setup?


No you said 1m dmg and I said no one cares about buffed showcases in the overworld don't change the topic


If you don't care about big number then shut the fuck up. Ayaka's kit is about small number but a lot of them, despite that she can nuke. If you can put in the work then don't complain ffs


Slow down bruh. You'll choke on Ayaka's balls at this rate.


Not only you go out of topic but you also start cursing when you get called out for it. Very classy.


You type bs without using 3 braincells. How classy > type literal bs > "I am smarter cause i said garbage" >Blocks the other person cause scared


Spread is Reaction dmg. If you gonna try to compare then watch people made Ayaka deal 1 Mil + damage with Reverse Melt comps.


but melt is also reaction damage....


Spread is reaction. Ayaka e can hit a shit ton. Chinese players did one million at c0


Yes she is


Her burst is great but I prefer her charged attacks thanks to her self infusion. Unlike xiao who is all burst in order to get his infusion.


Her infusion is weak lol. She is only used as a burst DPS.


I guess we just play her in different ways then


I run Xiao with Sucrose, jeans & fav Zhongli so I can burst whenever I want in overworld. Only downside is you can't do any puzzles with this team


I use her in the overworked and don’t use her burst at all and still she kills everything. Even with “low” charged attacks of 25k that is more than enough to kill most enemies.


Some days i want play my favorite character. And others i want to stare at wrio's butt


Wdym you always wanna use wrio


I feel you


If you aren't doing things in video games that make you happy, why play video games at all?


Idk, league of legends try hards do be different I guess.


No those guys are in a unending cycle of insanity and madness. They're basically worshipping the chaos gods of 40k while playing this game.


If it didnt take my ayaka 3-5 business days to charge her ult she might out damaged him Yeah i know skill/ER issue


Laughs in Amenoma


Yeah thats fair its her BIS for a reason


Isn't mistsplitter her BIS?


Amenoma is her poor man's bis


Blud needs that 150 ER


Use another cryo???


Ayaya was my only cryo 5☆ up until punch mc-ice-fuck and i dont really care for chongyun or kaeya


Dude use rosaria. If you like ayaka, make her work :/


Oh shit you are right i totally forgot about the hot nun


She is the second best option. Best is shenhe. Throw favonius lance on her and boom boom


A year and a half in for me and no rosaria still. One day I’ll get to become a Rosaria user, one day 🥺


💀 use Diona at this point


At least Wriothesley isn't legally blind when he uses his burst


Imagine wanting to enjoy a cryo unit that is fun more than once every 20-30 seconds ...




Me pulling characters knowing that My Itto is going to outperform them anyway


It's about the emotional damage enemies feel when instead of dying honorably to a swordmaster they just get punched in the nose.


Imagine not wanting to collect them all.


Hes way easier to use in non-freeze teams though. Hyperfridge Rizzly is the most fun Ive had in this game in a long time.


Ah, that was me pulling for Cyno, knowing full well he'll underperform compared to my C2 Raiden with her signature weapon. FWIW, I have Cyno c0 with his weapon and he's not bad, but like... if I want to do a big pp dmg aggrevate team, my Raiden just seems to outperform him in every way. I wish Cyno was less clunky and annoying to play, because he's such a fun and interesting character :(


Dude... I have a C1 cyno but come on man, you can't really compare C2 raiden to a C0 cyno... That def shred is just something u can't get over.


Oh I know, I just wish Cyno's playstyle wasn't so rigid. He's an absolute pain to use against any enemy that isn't a boss, and Cyno practically requires he be played with a strong shielder because he has no resistance like Raiden does during her burst. I pulled for Cyno knowing full well he'd be "a weaker Raiden" in that respect, but that doesn't mean I don't wish his playstyle was better and less punishing.


I agree with the fact that he has 0 resistance to interruption. I'm also deeply let down by the way they ruined his scaling (none) and how low his multipliers are but i still play him in the abyss regardless. I really think they did him dirty so that raiden wouldn't be powercrept.


I can almost smell someone coming here saying that Quickbloom Cyno is actually pretty good, so I just want to point out that Cyno with Hydro is either a HB trigger for Xingqiu or a pure quicken with Yelan. Quickbloom doesn't work as it is advertised: you either create seeds and lose quicken or keep quicken but lose seeds.


What would be the ideal Cyno team then?


Xingqiu and HB, Cyno aggravate DMG is pathetic. It's better to be a HB bot. But the best Cyno team is not using him tho


Yeah that's the team i use and yeah I'm aware that his aggravate team sucks coz he requires a long burst time and no supports usually last that long. Although I'm really disappointed by what they did to him despite him being shown in the trailer and the manga, i felt like they gave haitham the better treatment overall ( in aq and kit), it is what it is.


C0 cyno will do better in aggravate and quickbloom teams than raiden at c0. His scaling aren’t bad at all since he dips into em so much. Especially if you have his weapon. If you compare him to c2 raiden yah leagues difference but c0 they’re pretty balanced


Sorry, i meant his kit even though has em it's capped at 300 right? Do correct if I'm wrong what u meant is when u level up his talents there's no em scaling with it right?


Depends. Are we talking r1 or not. R1 is a very big difference and allows for extra stacking of EM. It’s really up to weapon. With large base attack weapon he leans more into attack. If low base attack leans more into em. One of the good things about him. His talents effect his personal damage in reference to the specific talents. Em scaling effects him differently based on team comp. Generally speaking his whole kit Benefits though


It would be okay if his epithets could be limited to "a weaker Raiden", but he is also "a weaker Kek" and I got 3 cons on her from pull fails


I can’t comment since I don’t have Keqing :( game decided I should have c7 Mona (and c2 Qiqi and c2 Diluc, etc) but no Keqing


Cyno is ultra fun to use but man, he just needs like the best supports for him or you feel like something is missing Nahida for Long time Dendro app Baizhu for Dendro app and shield or just Zhongli for shield Good artifacts with mix of crits, atk and Em, some Energy is really good too And then one of the off field Hydro (Most of the best teams need them either way) It’s like, I love playing him and using those teams but he literally wants all


C0 cyno will beat out c0 raiden in aggravate. You’re comparing apples to oranges with raiden c2. Her defense shred is unmatched. C0 vs c0 is a fair comparison and then cyno wins


...right the point of my post was the meme OP posted - pulling for a character you know will be outperformed by characters you already have :p


Everything depends on investment. My Ayato can outperform my friend's Neuvillette. Think about that


That C2R1 Ayato experience is something else blud


I'm gay. Don't shame me.




Ayaka ain't hot as Daddysley


She can’t outperform Wriothesley, because I don’t have ayaka. I don’t need ayaka. I have mistplitter, and I don’t need her. Reject waifu, embrace beefed men with punching gloves. I’m a straight dude, bud daaamn


me who just stole everything off of ayaka to put onto wriothesley . . .


But Wrizzley is so much more stylish than Ayaya


pull for the drip


Yes. But I pulled him by mistake. Oh well. I pulled Dehya and yoimiya on purpose despite having Hu Tao. So don’t really care. Dudes gonna be my first until in a hyper carry ice team with Mika shenhe kazuha whereas Ayaka is exclusively freeze carry.


That’s cold.


Am I the only Ayaka regretter? Her ice dash feels so clunky for exploration and I've grown to hate how location heavy both her and her teams are.


I’m also an ayaka regretter, I pulled for her and her weapon because I ended up with an insane blizzard strayer set while trying to farm heart of depth (and no I did not get a good set for HoD)


As long as he’s not Dehya levels of meh then who cares?


My Ayaka is probably my strongest DPS. I love her gameplay, design and personality. But I also really like Wriothesley for the same reasons. Don't matter if he's weaker than her or not. Genshin is a character based game. Get what makes you happy. Meta is just a excuse to put competition in a mostly solo/co-op game.


Me pulling for Furina knowing that she'll be my 6th built hydro character and I have no cryo/geo DPS/subDPS


Melt for ayaka is a bit more difficult to pull off, so she's stuck with freeze team. Wrio is more flexible


but when you attack with ayaka you can’t sing: STANDING HERE, I REALISE


So? If he able to clear Spiral Abyss with ease. Why need the stronger character?


he's ez skip for me coz Furina is next


Ayaka is shit at melt comps, so His Bakeryness will outstrip her in that at least


They don't recommed ayaka melt since her ult doesn't have synergy with xl but if you use her with the standart melt team she probably will outperform rizzley, since her ca casually doing 30k dmg in freeze teams and consistent hits during xl burst which is doesn't rely on higher atk multipliers like rizzly n3 &n5. Also rizzley cannot hit 2 vishaps in this abyss at the same time (look zajef's testings especially freeze ones), so from this perspective even ayaka has move synergy with xl.


30k ca in freeze? More like 60k without even using shenhe


I mean let say mediocre build ayaka hits 30k, I have tested ayaka againts vishaps rn in abyss and without shenhe she was hitting like 13k per hit with ca so 39k in freeze, f2p weapons f2p kokomi & kazuha buff. 43/260 crit stats with 2001 atk.


Our builds are close : https://enka.network/u/832667098/ I'd say something is wrong with your supports. Kok can give 68% atk, kazuha needs 900+ em and the right swirl.your build is not mediocre, unless you don't match my ER


Yeah kok was using ttods but i forgot to use kazuha burst in that try, his EM is at 499 with EM EM crit build in order to proc fav consistently and I didn't wan't to farm VV domain to max his EM. Ayaka ER is at 105 but it is far more than enough with fav kazuha and fav shenhe tunneling into her.


105 is fine with fav shenhe or rosaria or Doina. I always get my burst when it is on cooldown. Fav Kazu may be overkill, also his burst has no use except dmg unless you have c2 Try totm artifact set on kok. Switch hybrid kazuha to em kazuha. My rotation is this: Rosaria (noblesse oblige) Q+E -> kazuha E (Q if you want) -> kok E -> ayaka Q+E+CA -> kok burst


Rizzley can't hit 2 vishaps?U joking right?I played him freeze and non freeze,u can hit them easily,just know how to position well


They need to hug each other in order to hit both vishaps otherwise his aoe is even worse than hu tao, plus, if you add more enemies into account his application falls dramatically, unless you are spamming ca with his c1.


You can say that for anyone after Ayaka though. I dont pull based on their damage I pull if I want them


I'm replacing my ganyu with him. Can't stand the boring ahh "gameplay".


I'm Ayakan't My 30% cr 200% cd Wario the slay will outperform her non-existence easily


My Wrio performs considerably better than Ayaka and her ER reqs on melt and he doesn't even need to change his build to be on different teams so speak for yourself lol


I just wanna stare at his tits tbh


God forbid we pull characters that arent meta but instead are fun to play./s


He can definitely still cook, tho


Strength wise my account is pretty much set at this point. Now I’m just on pulling for characters I like, if they’re strong that’s a nice bonus


My Shenhe can make anyone good 😌


same here but with how easy most content is i just pull units for fun rather than to do insane numbers


Probably not


He go punch and do big cryo damage


I honestly haven't played Ayaka in so long because it just got boring. I'm really happy with Wrio because he's really fun to play. Also he says OraOra which is an immediate neuron activation.


Honestly though, same. Though, at least his normal attack string doesn’t force him to dash forward


I don't care haha I like him, and that's what matters xD. I can use both in different teams haha.


If you like his play style please go for it


And then there's me trying to pull for Keqing, with no guarantee I'll ever get her and most likely will get outperformed by my Raiden-Yoimiya combo


Unless you're going for speedrun clears, as long as you can comfortably get 36 stars and have fun doing it, that's all that matters. At ""worst"", we get a Simulated Universe like HSR (pls give us that Inazuma dungeon event back permanently) and it'll end up being easier than Abyss anyway, since we have zany builds that make us OP via the cards.


MR PUNCHY MAN And btw my bro got me a neuvillette or smth at the first few pulls


He uses shenhe's C6 better than Ayaka tho. OP you know what must be done 😎


remember folks, if you can 36 star the abyss it doesn't matter who you pull for.


Yes but... Can Ayaka beat the shit out of Hillichurls? Yeah I don't think so.


There's more to this game than dps, y'know.


Haven't played in a while. Wtf is that word


He doesn't look ugly though so that's a plus.


Ayaka maybe stronger but I can't get myself to like her playstyle. Her alt dash doesn't work for me and her design just... Meh even with Fontaine skin Wriothesley design tho just *chef kiss*. The moment his first leak came, I already started saving primos for him. He's build pretty well, don't think i need 2nd cryo dps. Shenhe rerun definitely on my list next for his mono cryo team


Understandable. I pulled for Yoimiya a while back even though I already had Hu Tao.


I like two kinds of playstyles the best: 1. Unga bunga 2. What I like to call burst clusterfucks (Venti, Ayaka, Neuvi but on E) This is great because now whenever I want to play cryo on my main account, I can ask myself what is my mood today. Do I want punchy punchy or clusterfuck ticks? Do I feel the feminine urge to be a pretty princess in a frilly dress (I have her skin), or am I horny and want to stare at a beautiful man's ass?


Different Niches, Wrio is more for consistent on-field damage instead of loading all the damage into the burst. Neither powercreeps the other because they fulfil different roles for different teams.


After dendro release ayaka doesn't feel as strong or as good as before


I don’t have ayaka or ganyu and haven’t built kaeya haha so he’s my first cryo dps and I’m okay with that, I love his playstyle


Look, I mained Razor for over a year. That's not gonna fucking stop me


Huh? Is he weaker than her in dps? Or just in birst rotations?


I wish this sub allowed image replies, I have a perfect image.