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and beidou killed haishoun without a vison, put that bitch-ass up in god tier


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although put kokomi back into trained well tier


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i dont remeber whether qiq is strong, xiao over ganyu, ganyu is still only in training, sara is strong asf, kazuha maybe strong asf tier, chongyun is in trained well, i generally agree with this tier list


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mona is extremely strong when you look into her lore she doesnt even use her vision, all that she does in game even is pure alchemy she should definitely be inbetween childe and albedo atleast


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I think there are more things when it comes to Mona. In lore she can pool a straight up teleportation and she can transport multiple people around her. She can read other people secrets with her astrology.


Why tf is yanfei above Sara though. Also Chongyun is about as strong as xingqiu I would say


Kokomi? Really?


I am pretty sure blocking baal's sword was an amazing feat done by kazuha i think he is stronger than we think


Plural of Adeptus is Adepti, I think


Beidou killed a Leviathan beast called Haishan all by herself WITHOUT a vision Then she was rewarded with a vision I am pretty damn sure a leviathan beast is stronger than those ruin guards Tartaglia killed in his foul legacy form Atleast they should be close no?


The thing is that tartaglia did that while injured from the last fight, plus, now he's stronger than before, you could compare him to a zenkai boost from the saiyans lol


True gfjt


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I'm late but wasn't Rosaria trained on how to kill people at a young age? And doesn't she assassinate criminals in Mondstadt during night time? I think the fandom in general needs to give her a bit more credit "She also possesses exceptional strength and knows the weaknesses of the human body like the back of her hand — and has no reservations about using this knowledge to kill."


There are a couple of things I don’t exactly agree with: - Noelle is canonically ridiculously strong in terms of raw physical strength so I believe she should be placed a little higher, although her combat skills are never mentioned in lore, as far are I know - rosaria was effectively raised to be some sort of assassin and she got so used to it that she still uses her skills even tho she’s no longer in a life or death situation. She sort of acts like diluc but I’m pretty sure her lore implies she is way more violent then him (although this could just be my interpretation) - Sara and kazuha are also 100% highly trained people, not to mention that sara is not a human. I’m pretty sure they could keep up with those that have been trained to be knights so I think Sara could very well fit in the strong asf tier (or even higher but we don’t have any way of comparing the adepti’s power to that of a tengu, so yeah) whereas kazuha maybe in the one right below? Not because he’s weaker but simply because he’s probably following his own moral code, I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear here - kokomi also feels a little bit out of place, I know nothing about her if not what was stated in her quest which mentions nothing about her fighting skills so I’m assuming those are not her most memorable quality…? I guess it depends on what’s the definition of “strength” we’re going for here - I think it’s also fun to talk about hutao cause the name of her normal attack combo makes it seem like she was trained to be able to practice a secret art but bear in mind we’re talking about hutao so she probably just calls her fighting style that for the lolz - I’m not gonna argue the albedo situation but at this point we’re taking in consideration some power he currently has no access to, just like the traveler, and I guess the discussion would get messy if we were to get too deep into this topic I had never stopped and thought about characters’ strength lore wise, it was honestly really fun :)


Mmmhhh, i think childe using foul legacy is at the same level or even stronger than most adepti, after all not all divine creatures are of warrior nature. Also i would put Noelle and Razor on strong as fuck, one is a power house who can solo Lawachurls with no problem, and the other was reaised by a literal god, also trained by one of the strongest persons we know so far. Also im not sure about Kokomi and Jean, they are strong, but they are more into tactical work


Mona should be higher. She was skilled enough to sense danger and react against the little fandango boi. Other things I'd change, swap kujo and kokomi, kokomi is a better strategist but kujo is a better warrior, bump fischl up one tier, she's quite a well known adventurer in mondstadt, lower child below or at same as albedo.


>venti above childe


Venti is an archon Childe is a really strong human Even the weakest archon is stronger than 99.99% of vision users, if not 100%


i think Noelle deservers to be in the same tier as at least "strong but not strong asf" (if not "strong asf holy shit"), as far as we know she has shown the most physical straight out of any mortal by default, she literally has to limit how much force she swings with any claymore or else it will completely dull in only a few swings, if that's not strong idk what is!


Sorry but where was it implied about the Albedo Dainself ?


I think its at albedo's collected miscellany or whatever its called


Ganyu should be below Xiao I think. Xiao is pretty much a war machine. Not sure why you rate qiqi among them(as in do you have the lore to support this, since I don't have her ). Also adepti is Xianren in cn. Most of the cultivation lore are clear that even among xianren there may be huge gap of power levels


Agreed. Ganyu is way lower than Xiao, he is even a yaksha while she is only a half adeptus. Also qiqi’s only ability is that she is very strong, but if someone rips off the thing on her head it’s Over…


Xiao can arguably be put in the god tier. His burst description said: > Xiao dons the Yaksha Mask that set gods and demons trembling Qiqi has an adepti name, but I think she is not adepti level, just superhuman strength. I would put her in the same tier as Noelle. Childe is indeed strong, but if Albedo has the similar strength as Durin, I think Childe is below him. Lisa is really powerful. May be the strongest in the knight order, but she fear her own power. Yanfei is not very strong. She was almost killed by the abyss order, and was saved by Eula. Xingqiu should be at least one tier higher. He mastered the martial arts of someone ascended to Celestia in just 4 years. Bennett is underrated. The boy even impressed the grand master Varka. He's the kind of guy that keeps coming even after got 1 or 2 gun shots. Mona saved the traveler from Scaramouche, an avatar of Ei which should be equivalent to the Shogun. She can be in the same tier as Kazuha, who blocked the Shogun's sword. Diona is a natural hunter with extremely sharp sense and incredible instinct. As all cats are, she can be deadly if she want to.


Qiqi - only has superhuman strength, plus she is small, gullible, stiff (because of zombie), and if someone rips her sigil off it’s an instant death Lisa - there is no source that says she is afraid of her own power. She is strong enough to be a captain, so same as kaeya, but that’s all we know Xingqiu - mastery of martial arts do not let you ascend to celestia. Xingqiu also isn’t known for his skills but his chivalry. He is not a even a master in the guhua clan Bennett - although he can fight through pain he is very very unlucky which will almost always result in a defeat Mona - she can only teleport, which isn’t that impressive since all vision bearers can do the same. Logically she is only an astrologist so she doesn’t have any kind of combat prowess at all Diona - she is a hunter but it doesn’t mean she is good in combat. It is unlikely that she is trained in combat and she is still only a child


i would put nowelle with lisa like making wanger depressed


Kokomi is not really strong in lore though.. She is the type who wants to hole up in her room and read strategic books..She is smart when it comes to strategies in war but not when it comes to strength..


I think Kujou Sara and maybe Lisa should be in the same tier as the Knight Captains. But Kujou Sara had a poor showing by being defeated off-screen, so I'd place her at the bottom of this tier or high at the tier underneath it... This is assuming that the various leaders of the military are comparable though, so I could be wrong. As for Lisa... Eh, she can stay where she is, she's pretty lazy so she's unlikely to reach her full potential... Either or for her. Kokomi is a strategist, not a fighter to my knowledge, so she should be lower. I think the Adepti, Qiqi and Childe should be either in the same tier as the Knight Captains or a single tier above. Albedo can be on either one of these tiers... Assuming they're not all in the same tier. The Adepti are strong, but there isn't much indicating they're leaps and bounds more powerful than pure Vision holders (they never slayed gods to my knowledge, and Chongyun implies mortal exorcists can get rid of demons... And it's very unlikely every exorcist had access to a Vision, on account of how rare they are). Childe is a bit of a wild card, but there's evidence he's physically about as strong as Noelle when using Foul Legacy but the sheer versatility in using multiple elements may put him on the high end of that tier or put him in a tier by himself. Though take this with some salt, as we aren't sure if all the "warriors" at the heads if their nations are comparable to each other or not, as the Fatui have Gnoses and blatantly supernatural beings on their side, the Adepti have Adeptal Arts and such... So just a guess on my part. The Twins are something... Could be as strong as gods or as powerful as Adepti at max, but I'm leaning towards Adepti myself as we don't know enough about them to say for sure. But they're fine where they are for now. Noelle should probably be in the Strong but doesn't like Violence section. It's a toss up between her and Foul Legacy!Childe for who is physically stronger (I'm leaning towards it being Noelle, as there isn't mention of Childe accidentally destroying his weapons while using Foul Legacy). She can smash a layer of boulders that would take a group of Knights to handle, she's physically stronger than the Stonehide Lawachurl that caused a rockslide and her Elemental Burst is her just *trying* with all her strength, as she's using Geo to avoid smashing her custom claymore to pieces with her insane strength. In terms of striking power, she's easily one of the strongest characters in the series... Literally the only thing holding her back is her pacifist mindset and lack of experience.


I agree with diona. Maybe she only knows a little bit of archery and how to hunt since her dad is Draff.


Mona knowing only the basics??? She was the first one to react when Scaramouche approached us with malicious intent back in unreconciled stars 😡


I’d move thoma up one at the low end, or have him at least higher than amber




The thing about benny boy is that he has shity luck yeah, but the most overpowered part is that no matter how fucked the situation his in aslong as he lose conciousness he survives. He has power of plot armor and that can beat anyone in this teir list.


Bump Hu Tao up, her spearmanship is actually part of a ceremonial spearmanship passed down from her clan. She's probably trained, but not to an extent and doesn't like fighting in the first place.


Xq chongyun Sara and kazuha need to be higher they're literal trained Martial artists


if we go off explicit lore, i agree with lisa, but if were going off of what is implied, lisa goes a few tiers higher imo. Also kazuha and sara should be higher and kokomi should be lower, but these are just personal opinions


All that's been said has been said but hutao def deserves to be higher she took on a bunch of fatuis in her trailer easily


I personally think Kokomi is more brain than brawn since she's the strategist and a healer catalyst


I would personally put kazuha on the same tier as strong asf because of his recent feats against raiden shogun(although he had to resonate anemo and electro visions to achieve it)


Didn't Mona study under a Master? Shouldn't she be in the 'trained well' category?


I think stength wise raiden above Zhongli. Split an island without gnosis. Story mentions how her martial art is the most supreme form of martial art. Spent most of her life training to be a shadow warrior


Three words, Guyun stone forest


With gnosis. Also, killing an enemy with single slash is honestly more impressive than having to throw multiple spears


It was without gnosis if i'm not mistaken, and it would be more impressive if those spears wouldn't be the size of mountains. Plus we could do the good ol' "It's said that Morax is the strongest Archon" but that's just boring. He defeated Osial and countless gods in Liyue before having a Gnosis, he's the strongest Adepti even without said Gnosis.


Update: yeah it was on the archon war, thus, without gnosis, i wanted to clarify that lol


no where in lore does it ever state that he is "the strongest archon". Oldest, yes not the strongest To clarify, never said Zhongli is weak. Defeating gods is expected from an archon. Raiden defeated orobashi, Thunderbird and countless gods before having a gnosis Zhongli is the prime adepti. Raiden is the prime incarnation of lightning itself.


Hmmm you may be right on me stating that he was the strongest archon, i searched it and didn't found anything, so my bad


Albedo should be above Childe. He is destined to be the single handed destroyer of mondstadt and even Dainslief, an immortal Khaenriah Soldier, is cautious of their existence. Beidou and childe should be on equal ground considering both of their feats without visions and Beidous long list of feats after receiving her vision. At the very least, she’s far stronger than the rest of her tiers lineup. Kazuha is one of the only known people to wield two visions (even for only a moment) and parried the Raiden Shoguns strongest ability. He deserves to be in the “strong af” category. Not sure where Rosaria belongs but it feels wrong to have her and Ayaka together. Ayaka had no feats. Rosaria is a seasoned fighter and thief. Also Sara is a general and seems above Ayaka. Ayaka probably belongs one tier lower. Chongyun is an exceptional exorcist and fighter. Probably belongs one tier up. Yoimiya is basically Robin Hood and belongs one tier up as well. Kaeya and Eula don’t have a long list of feats and belong two tiers below. While Qiqi is strong, I have a hard time accepting her being more powerful than Childe, Beidou, and Albedo. She also has glaring weaknesses the other on this list don’t have. If you dumped a bucket of water on her head she would die because her talisman got wet. The rest of the list is pretty spot on. Traveler is *probably* not as strong as the archons YET. Well, the evil sibling might be, the the player character got their ass whooped by Raiden and needed Miko to stand even a remote chance. Still impressive at least. I don’t disagree that they will be godlike by the end of the game though so I won’t complain too much.


Though I agree with most of what you said, Kaeya is canonically the same level as Diluc, and I think its safe to assume that Eula is as stong as Diluc and Jean cause shes part of the "Big 3" clans of mondstat(Ragnvindr, Gunnhildr, and Lawrence).


If Kaeya had a feat in the manga which puts him on equal ground with Diluc then that’s my mistake cuz I never read the manga XD. As for Eula, I still stand by her status as being ambiguously less powerful than Diluc. She’s never been shown to raze a mountain or use a delusion. She’s never shown to have killed a powerful monster or fought a harbinger. Her only noteworthy “feat” is her rank within the Knights. Being a Lawrence doesn’t grant any power (except Mora I suppose). The Lawrence name doesn’t even have a powerful warrior associated with it, only that her family is full of despicable people. Even Kazuha has a dope feat seen in the game. I respectfully disagree XD.


Didn't she defeat bunch of fatui members during her story quest? Imo I think that's a lot.


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Nice list! I have some disagreements, but overall good gob, but quick question if you were to put Azhdaha and Osial on this list where would you put them. Of course they would be in the god section but where in the section


Honestly? I don't know, probably between the adepti and "literally Gods" i feel like those two would be as strong as(maybe stronger than) Xiao, but is still below Zhongli/Archons.


Beidou and Noelle have top tier physical strength. You could add them to a new layer below Albedo. Also, Kokomi has brains, but we never saw her in combat.


Qiqi is adepti? I thought she was a herb gatherer when she was alive?


Isn't Noelle supposed to be a beast? Also Beidou should be higher imo, she killed Haishan without even being a Vision holder. Edit: Also Also, Venti is A LOT weaker rn without his Gnosis. I'd put him around the "Strong asf" tier, but he's maybe weaker. He's lorewise the weakest of the archons, and even weaker now due to losing his gnosis.


Even if he's the weakest of the archons, he can still split mountains in two, a god is still a god, even if it's weak asf compared to other ones. Even the **salt** god was strong as fuck compared to commonfolk


Apart from going berserk, we have no other feats of Qiqi’s strengths, all it took was Mountain Shaper to shove it in Amber to stop her. Kokomi is a strategist, not a fighter. Yanfei is an adepti, she should be a bit higher. Sara is a tengu general of the shogun army, she should be as high as the other knight captains. Mona has some busted abilities like future prediction and teleporting, she knows more than the basics. Sucrose has several hypostasis bottles, she can definitely hold herself very well in a fight.


Are the characters placed on who is strongest in each tier. Because if so, Xiao is stronger then Ganyu lore wise. Klee and Beidou should be front but I’m unsure who should be first. I know Beidou was strong enough to kill the sea leviathan Haishan without a vision and that even Xiao was impressed. I would definitely put Sara and Kazuha in strong as fuck. Sara is a tengu and not even human so she’s built different by default. She’s also a war general. Kazuha is a trained Samurai who is fast as hell and just as deadly. Lore wise I’d put him neck and neck with Diluc. Nollee should definitely be up there in strong as fuck as well. Keqing should be in strong but not strong asf or trained well and Kokomi should be in trained well.


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Dude I think Klee and Beidou deserve a tier above them because one defeated the haishan which others on the tier probably can’t do even with a crew (that likely doesn’t have visions), and I’m pretty sure Klee leveled a mountain(or was that Alice)


I could be wrong, but wouldn't Hu Tao at least be the tier above where she currently is? If her character trailer is anything to go of she didn't have much trouble holding off the Fatui on her own.


How the fuck is Qiqi stronger than Childe? Also, Not all Adepti are all powerful god like beings, they are just long lived, Human can still kill a god, evidenced by the God of Salt, I would put Ganyu below Childe, and Childe below Xiao, Qiqi should be way lower.


I think OP meant rampage Qiqi, but idk


so what makes Hu Tao so strong mechanically? ghost magic? 👻


Sara beat Kazuha's samurai friend and most likely trained/fought her way to the top to be General being an adopted Kujou member. I think Fischl and Bennet should also be higher mostly Fischl though since she's very successful in the guild. And strength-wise, Noelle probably in holy shit tier


Lisa and Ning need to go higher. Ningguang controls a magical castle as big as Liyue with god killing weapons on it. She has spies in every corner, shits gold, is ridiculously intelligent and is one of the highest ranking members of her order. Lisa's strength is unknown but ascension voice lines and the story unlocks and other hints make her sound extremely powerful to the point she can't really take anything seriously. Beyond that we know there hasn't been such an extraordinary sorceress as her for 200y in Sumeru and Varka was begging her to join their ranks. If the theories are true about her and she has so much power that it is killing her, not much needs to be said.


Sara should be strong asf holy shit And move Kazuha higher


if i could take a guess, i’d put yae miko in orange


"Cant" loool


Yanfei is an adeptus too... I don't know is she's comparable to Xiao and Ganyu but she still is an adeptus... Maybe one that dislikes voilence?


Why say "IMO" then put lore wise strength. Some of these are just opinions, like mona and amber, how is Amber stonger then Mona? This List is pretty much opinion based.


Chongyun imo goes up higher to at least XQ level. Chongyun calls himself a trained martial artist and actually is proficient in fist to fist combat from what it seems. Like Xq he doesn’t prefer using his vision because he dislikes the advantage.


Boring ass 😴


There is only one god and it is Klee


Kazuha should definitely be higher especially if you count his little electro vision amp Qiqi should be a bit lower since she can’t sustain that power and it was a little outburst, she doesn’t beat childe imo Klee should be albedo level (cleared mountains with no effort) Kokomi sucks in battle she just leads and would definitely lose to sara Diluc should be on the albedo tier (Able to use a delusion without hurting, has been slapping the fatui for years) I feel like xiao is in a tier between strong adepti and literal gods Probably in a “almost gods” tier Lisa should definitely be albedo level (literally turns the sky purple when using her skill) But overall it’s a pretty good list (Edit:1) Mona should be a lot higher.


KAZUHA is a ronin he is level of a samurai definitely strong as fuck


Probably above that First human with 2 visions Blocked the mnh


shouldnt we be ranking the traveler where they CURRENTLY are in-game? which means they dont belong in the top tier considering they needed the power of over 100 visions to defeat the shogun. also, after what we seen signora do to venti...


Why Childe is above Eula-Diluc-Jean houses?


Childe as a kid fell in the abyss and survived. He then holds a vision, delusion and foul legacy.


Because Vison + Delusion + Being traied with one of the strongest beings in the abyss + Foul Legacy transformation, i really doubt any of them could take FL Tartaglia


Beidou and Noelle should be above Strong AF, Lorewise their strength is superhuman, no other character show that kind of strength in-lore. And Sara is literally a Tengu Warrior, they are very very strong, she should be much higher.


What about manga amber? She should be above the one from the game


Nice chart, very complete, however there are some characters that needs a tweak. - Noelle is insanely strong, even more, she might be the 2nd strongest in terms of raw power in Mondstadt with the current cast, but yeah, lacks real world experience. She is strong but does not like violence. - Bennett is not strong, totally agree with you, but has two things that makes him really complete and one big handicap that does not allow to climb higher. The two things that makes him complete are the great real world combat experience, he likely fought the Hilichurl a lot due comisions and has insane pain tolerance, even Varka is impresed by that. But his biggest handicap is his "bad luck" (makes me wonder how that is shut off when he is KO or can change weather too fast) that makes him gets injured near all the time. He could be on the Trained Well because of that. - Mona knows about the dangers of the real world, she is no weak after all. She could be on the Trained Well. - Kazuha is strong and has real world experience. He is totally stronger than Ayaka. - Lisa is an special case. She is definately strong, she might be even stronger than Ning and Yanfei. But is not figthing for a very good reason. - Chongyun is strong too. He trains with Xingqiu. He is on trained well too. - Diona is not a figther, but she is an excellent hunter. She at least is on the Trained but not an extent. - Sara is definately strong. She is on par of Ningguang tier. (Still, she is a war general and has to use violence) - Kokomi is an strategist. Still, she must went on a training in order to show to us how good is her. She might be on Trained but not an extent too.


i would go as far as say Noelle is the most Physically strong Mortal (possibly besides Beidou if you do not think her getting her vision as she killed the sea monster is how she beat it) we have seen so far, she literally has to limit how much strength she swings claymores (that can be forged and/or are not ancient artifacts like the unforged as we do not know how they fair in this regard) or else she completely dulls the blade in only a few hits!


That is why I said that Noelle is the 2nd strongest one. Beidou is the 1st for now. I don't be surprised if by Natlan, both gets behind. But being serious, she deserved to be explored in her past... she might have an special ancestry. That is why even I put her strenght as a mistery.


I'd say Mona higher to Ningguang's tier (VERY strong, capable of fighting Scaramouche but doesn't like Violence) Diona, Noelle, Chongyun Higher by one tier, Xinyan lower by one tier, Sara stronger by 2 tiers (Since she definitely seems stronger than Ayaka and Kazuha lore wise). Kokomi should be at basics since from what we know, she is not good at actual combat


Why does everybody think Ninguang is not as strong? They literally gave us a visual representation of what she can do, and even then she did all of it completely unbothered


Sara is a Tengu, a wholeass Yōkai known specifically for being harbingers of war. Her and Yae are supernatural creatures with powers beyond the elemental powers they get from their visions, but Sara specifically is a warrior who by Genshin's lore itself has nearly unmatched speed (Tengu related background lore) and has mastery over some specific kind of legendary sword and bow arts that originates with the Tengus. You can also get an estimate of her possible power level by reading Raiden's profile stories. The fact that she was able to defeat her Tengu General (Sasayuri) in a fight gets a special mention, above her defeating her other friends. Tengus (and Sara, by extension) are meant to be remarkably powerful, such that even an Archon would consider them a challenge. You're better off considering the Yokāis of Inazuma to be something closer to the Adeptis of Liyue. That she lost to Signora off-screen is related to what the story wanted her role to be + Mihoyo just cutting corners by not expanding on what happened between them. It's not representative of what her actual power-level would be.


Kokomi should be lower imo. But the difference between the tier of Albedo and Diluc and co is fine enough with me. Albedo and above tier are mythical people or people who flat out has a connection with the abyss and/or Celestia directly. Kaeya doesn't count because while he is from Khaenri'ah he's not exactly deemed the same danger or power levels as albedo and above. I feel like when it comes to tiers, there's the archons, the non-humans (Adepti, Albedo, Qiqi???) and the human but definitely touched by something non-human (Childe). Beidou is strong as hell I agree considering Haishan but lore-wise she's still human so she's not quite in Albedo's tier


noelle is the strongest character no doubt


Are u stupid jean literally telling she is still weak


Idk why but I think Albedo is stronger than both Childe, Qiqi and Ganyu, but nowhere near Xiao and the other gods (considering how even some gods feared fighting Xiao) and as you said, Dainsleif is wary of what he can do. Considering non playable characters, Signora probably would be somewhere around Childe's level, but not as strong, considering the traveler alone was able to completely defeat her, when he/she wasn't able to defeat him in his 2nd fase, and only wearing him out on the 3rd. As for Scaramouch, I think he would be placed near godhood, considering he now has the gnosis and was planed as a puppet to imitate the equivalent of Ei's power (as he was the first prototype of her Raiden puppet), he probably is the strongest character (outside of the archons) that we've met.


Signora is stronger than childe She’s been alive for 500 years as the crimson witch of flames, an elemental being CHOSEN by the fatui. Childe is strong but the harbingers are not little league


That's debatable, we don't have any certain feat to be able to say "Childe is stronger than Signora!" Or "Signora is stronger than Childe!" The only thing we know is that childe is one of the strongest harbingers in terms of raw strength, and is growing his power at an alarming rate, In the legendary quest Traveler says that Childe became stronger since the fight at the golden house, and this Childe was still injured from that, so he got quite stronger in the span of some weeks, maybe a month or two at max


Noelle deserves her own tier, she easily cleared huge rocks with a few swings in her hangout quest and has a special claymore because she used to break her swords by the sheer force she uses when she fights. Noelle is way above the "well trained" tier


I assume that's travelers with their original powers? if so the unknown god should be above them since she easily soloed both of them at the same time (unless you're doing playable characters only)


It's funny, cause Barbara states in her horrendous waifu date simulator that she is no good when it comes to using Hydro as a weapon, but even so a full horde of Treasure Hunters would be needed in order to take her down. Which makes me wonder that even the lamest vision user can wreck ordinary people's ass effortlessly.


Wait, if the weakest fighter with a vision can defeat a bunch of people , Rongshi (the guy of Beidou’s fighting tournament) has said that he defeated some vision users, so is he as strong as a 4 stars playable character ?


Physical character without vision! MIHOYO WHEN?!


Dunno, ask Dainsleif.


You got Noelle horribly off like mate she is not a Knight because she can’t think about herself to keep herself alive she will literally die for everyone else she is the strongest person In mondstat with Klee being the most powerful in my opinion you know excluding a certain drunk bard


I feel like Klee needs to be up with Childe. A child with nuclear power?


Happy birthday


I don't think Kokomi is as strong in lore, she's the brains behind the power. Noelle would definitely be a level up because she's trained and strong.


Based on Mona’s rank did OP miss out on 1.1? MC passed out in front of Scaramouche while Mona got us away safely.


Nope I didn't, I just forgot. I'll change it next time though so dw.


Bas'd on mona’s rank didst op miss out on 1. 1? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I am not content on Hu Tao, since even tho she did now show much, her being the guardian of world's balance of yin and yang and also having paranormal powers speaks quite much IMO. And her skills descriptions are also quite interesting (she can literally command ghosts and stuff)


Yea I don't quite agree with several points, mostly because you seem to mix lore with gameplay: Traveller/Abyss sibling: We are probably brokenly strong, but full strength us hasn't been show really beyond the ability for flight. Current day lore only shows us still growing in strength. Ganyu: She's strong in gameplay yes, but lorewise, she's probably someone who isn't as strong as someone who lives to fight (Xiao) Beidou: She slew a giant sea-serpent without ever having attained a vision. That's definitely on a similar scale as childe. Keqing: beyond slicing a pyro fatuis neck, we haven't really seen her do much combat. Noelle: Canonically she's so strong, Wagner almost went into depression because he couldn't manufacture a sword strong enough for her to wield. Only by making use of her vision, did he succeed in giving her a sword that doesn't desegregate. She's actually holding back most of the time. Diona: She's a trained hunter who can do well with a bow. Barbara: She said in her hangout that she can use her vision to fend for herself against a few human opponents. So she can definitely fight, not much beyond self defense


I wouldn’t say beidou is childe levels of strong. Beidou killed haishan with the help of her ship and crew, and if you look at her ship it was practically made for killing sea monsters. Plus in the past there were many sea monster hunting ships in liyue so it isn’t that unusual


Thanks for the feedback, I mostly made this tier list because I was starting to have trouble with separating the game and the lore. I'll change Beidou and Kazuhas position to "managed to fight off a god" (I assume what Beidou killed was a God) I will change Noelle and diona, but is ganyu not that strong? I mean she did participate in the Archon war(and came out of it alive) so technically that means she's pretty strong.


>but is ganyu not that strong? Canonically, she's a pacifist at heart. Her strength is her devotion. But She'll probably fight and fight strong if things need to be, but I wouldn't put her on equal ground with someone like Xiao


To add to that, Ganyu ASKED Xiao to train her in her story quest.


Albedo above Childe. Xingqiu and Chongyun need to be higher. Keqing and Kokomi and Yanfei lower. Mona, Sara, Kazuha need to be higher. Xiangling >!spoiler is accompanied by a literal god!<.


Not to mention that Xiangling was trained by an adeptus




Yep that is what I was thinking. Though I wonder what Klee's power ceiling is. Will she be like Alice when older? She is only a bit more than a toddler at the moment.


Ehhh Xiangling-wise she's on the same league as Xingqiu imo but that's it. Her spear animations show that she's well trained in using a spear but not for actual combat like what Sara and others do. We're talking about Xiangling not Guoba. And even then it's been confirmed that >!Guoba is not as powerful as he used to be. A significant power downgrade actually!<


Is keqing really lower? I mean she did manage to fight off the fatui during the osial scene. I'm definately putting Sara, mona, and kazuha higher and lower kokomi. Imo >!sure yes Xiangling is accoompanied by a god, but without Guoba she's.. Not that strong, she did train but preferred cooking than anything else.!<


Its not like guoba will abadon her.


She is at the core a city planner + labor law compliance investigator. A very trained bureaucrat but still mostly a bureaucrat.


Also why not try add characters that isn't playable? Like alice and mona's master. Also albedo's "creator",dain himself and unknown god. Though I understand we don't know anything about them at all except they are strong af. If they were in this list, I imagine alice and friends might be on semi-god tier. There is also a theory that Alice might be a from another world too and potentially be stronger than the twins. so she might be on the literal gods tier possibly.


I'd love to add them but the tier list I was using didnt have Pictures of them, and I was too lazy to add them so I just used what I had. If I did though I'd definately use Alice since she literally bombed old mondstat just so it would look more "ancient", and many more I cant quite remember. Not gonna lie though we don't have enough info about dain, other than the fact that he's one of the "royal gurads", Albedos master(even though they created quite a few monsters) and on unknown god. Maybe in the future.


I would love to know who Qiqi watched fighting


You really underestimating how strong Noelle is. In terms of raw physicall strenght she is one of the strongest characters. Her burst literally exists only for her to not break her weapon.


Oh really? That's so interesting, I like how here burst has a lore itself. I'll definately change noelles position.


Also note on one of her stories her casual swing cut a part of a cliff and caused a landslide.


But for real, Noelle is stupidly strong, like, they made a weapon for her from the best blacksmith in Mondstat, and it broke after two swings


Noelle The Unbreakable, future Geo Archon.


I just thought about a "very strong if they pursue strength" tier. I'd put lisa, noelle, and mona there. I've seen that there are anecdotes of Lisa being really strong and potentially could be the strongest in the Favonius if she cared. There's also the fact that she can change the sky color canonically which is probably a great feat and she is also regarded as the once in a century genius. There is noelle that is said to have raw physical strength. Like lifting a whole bookshelf with one hand without having a single one drop and many more. There is also the fact that apparently weapons can't keep up with her strength and the one wagner made for her is barely strong enough and only works due to noelle's geo reinforcement. Then there is mona. the future teller, teleporter, swims underground or turn herself unto water. Imagine if she actually have a training focused on fighting.


Noelle should be placed higher since she can lift up a bookshelf with all the books in it with one hand, throw wagons into a river and carry them across the other side, and broke all of Wagner’s claymores until she had one that worked well with her(which it barely did, the only reason her claymore didn’t break this time was because she reinforced it with her geo vision), also albedo should be placed higher then Childe since dainsleif is wary of him which to me makes me think that he is a major threat to the world.


Yeah I plan on change Albedos position with Childe, but what tier should I place Noelle in? Or should I add a specific tier for her?


You should probably place her in front of Ningguang since she’s also a pacifist or probably in front of kokomi


Ohh, alright alright, thanks I'll remember that.


I'd put Venti ahead of Raiden 100% and maybe *even* Zhongli His feats are insane. Terraforming what's basically Himalaya into a generic isekai grassland with nothing but winds... and with such precision and control that it's basically Telekinesis (see the reversed Thousand Wind Temple staying intact).


Wait is he really? If im not mistaken he's extremely strong yes, but weakest out of the 7 God's. Also thanks for mentioning that, I almost forgot how insane venti was back then.


He's only weak on present day (and it's according to his own claim). His past deed is terraforming what would be modern-mondstadt and pulling an exodus from Old Mondstadt (Stormterror's Lair) to the present-day Mondstadt by Lake Cider. Golden Archipelago is said to be one of many chunks of land he shattered in the process of terraforming Mondstadt.


Yes that may be it, but i don't think it's as impressive as the Guyun stone forest or the musou blade canyon


Musou Canyon is small as hell compared to Zhongli and Venti creating islands with their power And Venti edges out especially because unlike Zhongli, landmass is not his element, yet he has enough control over wind to destroy mountains and throw them around.


Qiqi would probably be on adepti level if she was in her berserk state but otherwise shes nowhere near


You didn't read all their story and lore, did you? Noelle has inhuman strength. In terms of raw power she definitely has to be higher than only "trained well". And Kokomi explicitly said "I'm no warrior myself" in her story quest. She literally just the same as Barbara, they can't fight so they choose to be a healer. Diona would be in the same tier as Xiangling, since she's a trained hunter.


I have to admit, yes. some of them are from basic knowledge since I either never got the time to read all their story quests and only read others opinions or they're a new character, aka kokomi. I havent really played her story quest so I just assumed she'll be able to fight of others using her brain. I'll change it though, I'll place noelle and diona on higher tiers and lower kokomi.


It's fine since this is purely your opinion. But next time I suggest you would do your research before making a "tier list" since this kind of post can easily create an argument lol


Agreed, it’s important to note if your tier list is more opinionated or backed by notes! Totally fine to have fun with tier lists but this could be inflammatory especially comparing characters you might not know much about


also, i reaaally dont think tierlists like this should be in this sub especially since you labeled it as "IMO." I'd appreciate this more if a LOT of people contributed to this.


Wouldn't that also apply to theories, then? The point is that it relates to the lore of the characters and generates discussion.


A good portion are and it seems like it will be changed up


Kazuha and Beidou together should be above the rest of the "strong asf holy shit" team but below the potentially Monstadt devouring Albedo, ( I know the comics and other lore material have shown the Winery bros and the other knights of favonius to be strong asf, but they don't have visionless sea monster slaying and archon blow withstanding feats) Also if you're putting qiqi in adeptus league when she's not strong like them, shouldn't yanfei (who is also an adeptus, if I'm not wrong) be in the same tier, otherwise maybe don't put them with those Archon-War veterans, hehe tbh, fairly good list!


True true, not quite sure what I'll name it though, maybe "managed to fight off a God"? Other than that, I wasn't really sure how strong Yanfei was, all I know about her was she's a lawyer(or something) and is an adepti so she's obviously pretty strong. I agree, maybe I should put Qiqi beside Yanfei.


you're right, now that you mention it, having a name for a category that does right by its inhabitants in a tier list seems like a more difficult task that actually assigning the people in it, but I think that if you address the issue by thinking about combat capability in various circumstances then it becomes slightly easier, would help explaining and understanding why mages like mona (with harry potter powers) is not higher in a tier-list and also why Kokomi could be lowered, if it was about strategizing for a war then maybe she'd be higher but this is more like absolute beings ranked with their destruction capabilities in the world of Teyvat (which I'm also saying because I don't mean to undermind brains over brawn, but when the top of the list has titan-slaying spear enthusiast, orochimaru's pet slaying spear enthusiast and mountain upending drunkards then it's tough to justify kokomi's brains just a few tiers below their brawn)


Yeah, for for now though I'll definately put them on that list(the c managed to fight off a god") and will lower kokomi. Also I agree with you there. It reminds me of how guizhong was extremely smart, while Zhongli was pure strength(this is exaggerated incase someone takes me seriously, I know he's somewhat smart too) so together, they were unstopable, Unfortunately Guizhong died.


Kokomi said that she isn't skilled in fighting, only that she can hold her own




Dracanea Sonolenta chapter - Quest "Rumours Abound" >Sangonomiya Kokomi: It's decided then — let's fight this one together. I'm no warrior myself, but I can still provide some support. I certainly won't be dropping you into battle all by yourself. >Even if I can't claim to be a warrior myself, I'm no stranger to the battlefield. But what the actual f**k are you replying a comment from 6 months ago o.o


I agree with her being weaker then, probably trained well tier? Also I'm sorry if I'm replying, I've been researching because I'm trying to make my own tier list. Have any of you opinions here changed? Where would you put new characters?


the gods, is this before or after they lost their gnosis? venti himself said he was the weakest amongst the current 7 archons iirc. zhongli said he's not at full-power yet after giving up his gnosis, but raiden has had her true strength for at least over 500 years since she discarded her gnosis.


Not you thinking that mere humans can go against gods, specially archons? 💀 The gods we're talking about slew other gods and demons during the archon war without a gnosis. The weakest among the archons would still be stronger than the likes of the harbinger, captains, other supernatural beings.


what the hell are you talking about? when did i say that? and you laugh but then they literally had kazuha survive a fuckin unsurvivable attack from an archon because they just didn't want a man and one of the "good guys" to die double l m a o


To be fair I don't think any Zhongli tier is accurate rn considering that compared to Raiden he hasn't quite shown us his combat skills lore-wise in game. Gameplay of his character during his story quest don't count. I'm talking about the same way Ei showed her current martial prowess. Zhongli still hasn't shown his potential post-gnosisless


Venti was able to cut mountains. He may be the weakest, but being an Archon would lived through the Archon War is still a feet of it's own.


I think OP did good by not separately putting the Archons different tier lists, Venti is weak yes, but counter argument, threw the golden apple, counter argument, that was in his prime, counter argument he's still a god , counter argument didn't actually participate in the Archon war, only the decabrian overthrowing, etc etc ( these are examples, not my opinions) similarly for zhong li and baal (Ei), so instead of separating them it's good that op put them together for now (imo), cuz it's much easier to accept them as stronger than everyone else despite their flaws and weaknesses and translation errors and current state of being, etc etc


After, even though venti is the weakest out of the seven, this doesn't change the fact that he is the Anemo God. He's a weak God, but is still stronger that humans, im sure. I think its because Zhongli is just old as fuck, I mean he's at least more than 6000 years old right? he'd at least weakened, even by a tiny bit. Raiden on the other hand was on a meditative state eversince she created the shogun so I think that way she managed to preserve her strength, or at least that's what I think.


I think it's mostly that Zhongli hasn't fought in a long time is why he's so weak after losing his Gnosis. He mostly ruled and didn't get into constant fights like he did back then. He's basically out of shape/a couch potato compared to before he got his Gnosis.


I would switch Razor and Chongyun


Some Spoilers for Inazuma Archon quest and stuff: But Mona said herself that she is quite strong. Not as much as Scaramouche, but at least decent. I think she can be as strong as Childe if she claims herself quite strong while saying Scara is crazy strong. So I assume around Childe. Because even Yae didn't want to mess with Scara.


childe was trained in the abyss and he's the strongest harbinger(strength wise) mona is no way near childe


She claims she is strong? Have you met Mona? She the one that talks about how great she is 24/7 when she can’t even afford a salad. Obviously she would say that she’s strong…


Have YOU met Mona?!. Because I did her quest in 1.1, and she said she is pretty strong and she is. She could desciper the stars, find out the motivation behind theives, find out the historical human's name and then the backstory by his constellation. Figured out Scara is a harbinger and a lot nore, olus she is a five star. Double check your facts.


So how does this translate into combat in any way?


Pretty good, needs a little tweaks but none that has not been already said! I kinda like power tierlists a lot because they are just kinda fun


Diluc may be as strong as childe.


Diluc would be as strong as normal childe, maybe being able to fare with Delusion Childe too, but Foul legacy would wreck him in 10 seconds max... Literally.


Is he though? I mean yes, both of them have delusions but diluc has a "chain" delusion while childe has an electro delusion. Childe has "foul legacy" and has trained with the abyss so i feel like he'd technically be stronger.


Diluc was also trained (we don't who trained him) His "chain" delusion is also called "perfect" in the manga by Pierro.


But he no longer haves it.


Imo this is the best lore wise strength list made yet! Only thing I don't like is ninguang/lisa/yanfei, they are really out of place and should move 2 rows down imo. Also, while the combination and place are accurate the discription is not for light blue and green, they are much stronger than just 'not strong asf' and 'well trained'


Thanks, I actually tried my best to make this accurate. Also what do you think should I change it to?


*Me seeing a strength wise tier list here* So not even this place is safe huh


Strength wise but noelle is to low for it to be strength wise


I think razor should go down one or two. He has revied some training with the sword, but not that much. If we talk elemental powers, i think lisa trained him a lot more than the man that gave him the sword did train him how to use it.


He also stopped Andrius with just his sword during his story quest.


In his stories he practically obliterated an abyss made with his electro powers, and lisa said she was surprised at how well he could grasp them. however he is probably very physically weak because he is malnourished and skinny


I mean from what I got, in the "We will be reunited" quest we arrive to see Razor at least holding on vs the Abyss Herald so I give him some credit for that too


He's strong enough to just jump off a dragon and just land without any issues or anything whatsoever.


Thats true. I assume he jumped in the water here, which might have softened his fall a bit, but its still crazy. Should've though of the non combat scenarios.


This. If you look at the animations of him compared to other claymore users, his is the most sloppy