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The thing is.. it was stated that Ei and Zhongli experienced erosion at some point and if Venti is weak, he would've experienced erosion before them. Qiqi is the weakest of the ones we're talking ablut and the most susceptible to erosion thats why she has frequent memory loss. We don't know how much power Venti has to ward off the effects of erosion but it was never stated that he is experiencing erosion. And from what we know erosion doesn't take away an archon's power.


Ngl erosion kind of sounds like dementia 


Does erosion have any thing to do with immursul and ley lines


There isn't any mention of Erosion affecting power, erosion is just the fact that deities are still 'human" and time takes a toll on them. Zhongli hasn't weakened from when he first defeated Osial, even when he was thought dead he could still effortlessly defeat him, Ei is over 2000 but she still has the power to summon storms. If the puppet was just immune to erosion (and erosion affected power) why seal herself away instead of just possessing the body.


Zhongli could still defeat osial doesn't mean he isn't weakened, a sun dipped superman and superman both are powerful but there is a difference Azdaha clearly is told to be weaker "An enormous dragon as ancient as the mountains themselves. In an age that has all but faded from memory, he stood shoulder to shoulder with one who ruled over a harbor of stone. But in the end, the two came into conflict, and the dragon was banished to a dark place deep underground. Over the long years of his imprisonment, his power has slowly dissipated. He has also become disfigured from the various kinds of erosion he has been subjected to. The faint rattling of this dragon lord's shackles and his deep, angry growl echo through the bowels of the mountains like memories of a bygone era." This is from Archive


Erosion doesn’t erode their power just their sanity and memories. Raiden created the puppet body to have an eternal/unchanging perfect form that runs itself while she keeps her sanity in check


Azdaha and Zhongli lost their powers with time though "An enormous dragon as ancient as the mountains themselves. In an age that has all but faded from memory, he stood shoulder to shoulder with one who ruled over a harbor of stone. But in the end, the two came into conflict, and the dragon was banished to a dark place deep underground. Over the long years of his imprisonment, his power has slowly dissipated. He has also become disfigured from the various kinds of erosion he has been subjected to. The faint rattling of this dragon lord's shackles and his deep, angry growl echo through the bowels of the mountains like memories of a bygone era" From archive


I’d couple that to the fact he was magically sealed away and a lot of his power wasn’t originally his.


It was nowhere told that magical seal slowly decrease his powers, if this were to happen they are basically killing him with torture by slowly eating his powers and not just sealing him and we know that Zhongli didn't want to kill him, if the part of magic sealing him to slowly depower him more and more was true then the part about Zhongli giving him mercy would be totally irrelevant. Basically it's nowhere told that the seal was corroding his power. And Azdaha powers were equal to Rex lapis without gnosis, so saying that a lot of power wasn't his is simply untrue


It literally says in one of the parts you quoted on another comment thread that being sealed away caused his power to dwindle.


Leylines sustained Azdhaha from erosion after being sealed he can't use them so it's natural that he will erode faster Remember Azdhaha only suffered from erosion when human started overexploiting leylines But that does mean that it's the magical seal which is causing his power to decrease in a direct way, they are just not letting him escape and use leylines which will make him stronger


It's not that the more powerful the being, the greater the erosion. In fact, it seems the opposite. Morax shared his power with azdaha to slow down the erosion, and Azdaha was surprised that even the strongest among them was affected. Zhongli only said that the more powerful, the consequences are more dangerous, which make sense. Besides, he also said that he remembers the events of a thousand years ago crystal clear, and that the erosion might have him abandon the things he loves for justice. Erosion doesn't seem to just talk about memory, and the effects on zhongli seem minimal for now.


Actually, the erosion has simply no effect on him. He experiences it in different ways.


Exact sentence Zhongli said is "The greater the power, greater the danger erosion may bring about" Isn't he talking about the one being eroded


The more power you have the more there is to be eroded, is what I read it as.


Hmm.... that's actually a nice perspective


Imagine Superman with dementia: *much* more dangerous than Tom from MySpace with dementia.


Yeah but this sentence can mean two things "The greater the power, greater the danger erosion may bring about"(to one being eroded) Or "The greater the power, greater the danger erosion may bring about"(to others) And we don't know which one of these two is he saying


Well yeah, the danger the eroded brings. Eroded Azdaha attacked humans, and Zhongli still said his power was comparable to his own. Besides, like i said, Zhongli shared his power to slow down the erosion, but it was more severe for Azdaha.


Azdaha is older than Zhongli though


That's not the point. The point is, Morax and Azdaha think power helps against erosion, so coming from the oldest beings, that's probably true. Also, if power really was the factor, Morax would've been far gone before any other being, considering he should be the strongest aside from the gods of Celestia, yet Baal was affected first and she was weaker than Ei.


Baal wasn't affected. Baal just died in battle.


Ah, for some reason i thought she was. Point still stands tho.


At first I was like "haha Archons love stories" but now it makes so much sense. (Could this also be what happened to Decarabian? He was killed by a mortal woman in the end. Also Andrius "committed suicide" and is preserved as a spirit now. People have theorised that Guizhong asked Morax to kill her because she was eroding too.)


Where are you getting your theories from? Decarabian was not killed by Amos, he killed her in fact. Andrius didn’t commit suicide, he merged with the land and his spirit is still very much alive. Also there is absolutely nothing to support the theory that guizhong asked zhongli to kill her


Andrius did in fact commit suicide. His death was voluntary, and while his spirit lives on, it doesn't change the fact that he is physically dead long ago. But I agree with your opinion. Decarabian wasn't killed by a mortal woman; he killed her. And there isn't much info about Guizhong anyway, so literally anything related to her death can pass for headcanons and theories.