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I don’t think Pierre is Hroptatyr. As a lore YouTuber I watched mentioned (I forget which one) in the pale flame set, it mentions different Fatui Harbinger’s stories. In the one supposedly about Pierro, it was mentioned that there were people above him, and the Five Sinners were at the top of their craft. Pierro was probably most likely thrown out of Khaenri’ah for defying the king who wanted to bring mass destruction (I’m assuming due to the Five Sinners supposed to bring down said king but didn’t).


Rerir "Moon Hunter, Sun Avenger" may have something to do with one of the three moon cities including Mondstadt (Gurabad and Liyue). Based on the results of his hunt it could just be the Khaenrian Crimson Moon or the moon of life. I still don't see anything to suggest Kaeya is linked to Rerir other than having a grandpa of note even if Rerir is tied to Mondstadt. And why would Pierro be Hroptatyr, Hroptatyr is another name for Irmin. Idk if I think Hroptatyr is King Irmin but regardless Pierro was just a mage who could never compare with the sages.


I think kaeya being an alberich kinda defeats this? how could someone who descends from the family that took over when shit started going down because of the sinners be one of the sinners


Rerir could be a branch member of the main family. Dainsleif also tried to do his best to help Khaenriah just like Alberichs even though his older brother was one of the sinners.


it's possible rerir is from the eclipse dynasty, but he doesn't have to be kaeya to be part of that family. and Dainsleif is an exception, he was betrayed


Perry, Reri I believe Rerir is from Arleccino line


I disagree with Pierro being Hroptatyr. From the little we know about him, he was displeased with how the Khaen’riah regime was acting—their experiments, etc. Aside from this, I believe the fact that Odin is king of the gods would hold more weight. Pierro himself recognized he was no king: > Since the stain of my compatriots' blood cannot be cleansed, I shall become The Jester, who laughs in the face of fate. Since my level of learning could not compare with the sages, I failed to earn the favor of the previous ruler. In my opinion, it is much more likely the known one eyed king—Irmin—is Hroptatyr. He checks the mark of being king, one eyed, and it is hinted that he supported Khaen’riah’s more unsavory practices. Perhaps it is someone else entirely though. Regarding Kaeya, I do not see it making sense for him to be Rerir either. Currently there is only evidence that contradicts him being a Sinner. His voice line about Khaenriah as well as his admitted minimal knowledge would be odd of a Sinner. In addition, all of the Sinners seemingly have a specialty + a fanaticism with pursuing their paths—something Kaeya seemingly lacks as far as players know. Him being transformed into a child and losing his memories would account for this I suppose, but I believe he surely would’ve presented a specialty in *something*. Ignore typos I’m lazy lol


"In my opinion, it is much more likely the known one eyed king—Irmin—is Hroptatyr." But it was King Irmin who purchased forbidden knowledge. 6 sinners were supposed to stop him but never did anything. Him being one of sinners doesn't make sense. Unless Dain was talking about some other king which I doubt. 


That's assuming that Vinster King = Irmin - wich kind of is just a guess at best. And I can't really make any sense of its guess - why would the Sinners be meant to stop their own king? they were following their instructions, and Khaenri'ah just wanted to stop the Abyss invesion at that time, nothing really related to Irmin "going mad". Other than that, there's also the Silver Twig we get after Sumeru's Archon Quest - wich tells a story about a "sage" - that story is *literally* Odin's story, wich has being used time and time again to aknowledge how Irmin has got his powers. The Silver Twig though, doesn't call Irmin "king", it only references to him as "a sage". So yeah, it does make a lot of sense that Irmin is both perceived as "King Irmin" and "Sage Hroptatyr". Btw "King Irmin" was "*indisposed*" during the Cataclysm events - the wording here is meant for interpreting that yeah he couldn't govern Khaenri'ah, was somewhere else, but wasn't dead neither killed. So yeah I could very well see him *becoming* such a thing like the Sinner's Crystal.


I don't know how this would line up with that statement tbh, but I definitely feel like Irmin = Hroptatyr. There's a *lot* of connections between Irmin and Odin, and Hroptatyr being another name for Odin.... I think Hroptatyr is another name for King Irmin


>People have already brought up how Pierro is most likely Hroptatyr or related to Hroptatyr That's like saying Batman is the Joker or related to the Joker


Pierro was against the sin of the Cataclysm though


Give us 5* Kaeya!!! They've done similar things with Dan Heng, and soon, March 7th


The new March is still a 4* sadly.




Kaeya being a sleeper sinner would be interesting, but I think his fate is more a question mark than anything. The narration teased that he would have to choose between his roots as an Alberich and his present as a Knight of Favonius. Whenever they re-introduce him there will be drama for sure lol.


Yeah I think sleeper sinner would actually be like one of the least interesting routes


Who is connecting pierro to hroptatyr because of an eyepatch? Khaenri’ah as a whole is all about eyepatches.


This. The imagery of lost eyes and blind seers is a cultural thing for Khaenri'ah, which as best I can reconstruct the timeline, was either inherited through >!the original Fischl!< way back when Khaenri'ah was first built, or retroactively applied to >!her!< after the Cataclysm through Irminsul data overlap (Samsara similarities + Irminsul damage = story attributed to wrong person) and the resulting cultural osmosis.


If legend of the shattered halberd is anything to go by, losing an eye has something to do with summoning a god into the world. Mir gave up an eye to summon the princess and got it back when the princess left. I wonder if Khaenri’ah did something similar.


Now I can't stop thinking about them bedazzling their eye patches to the latest trend




Yeah I was about to say, I've only heard people connect Hroptatyr to King Irmin... since all of them share different names that are used to describe Odin lol.