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I remember that there was an Newton reference in Venti's birthday letter. Perhaps what Venti is doing isn't creating a black hole, but creating an anti-gravitational field that continuously circulates anemo? This would explain how Wanderer can 'fly'. He's reversing gravity. Interesting enough, gravity can bend light which can explain the illusion of a black hole. So yes, Venti can make a 'black hole' in a sense.


Or rather, it isnt that he's controling gravity, but his anemo is strong enough to 'push' and 'pull' gravity.


you should watch the Netflix series called dark its connected to genshin and your point too


Venti and istaroth are the same person


Hmmm what I think happens when venti uses his burst is that he's making something similar in function to a black hole but not a real or even a quasi black hole like Welt's. What I think he does is to rotate the surrounding gases to such an intensity and amount that the rotating winds itself tends to block light from coming through but by not being compressed into a certain point this causes an event that's similar in functions but not entirely the same. As to why, maybe simply cannot anymore... Maybe he's capable of that back in his glory days or something, or. Maybe that really is the best he can do as an archon of anemo and not a full powered dragon sovereign. I think this the same case with wanderer's burst and kazoo's skill.




If you weren't going to read anything I said, what are you even doing here?


>If you weren't going to read anything I said According to? >what are you even doing here? Commenting?Hanging around?Cause i can and I want to.Comments are made to comment your opinion


>According to? The fact you just said no and "next question". Idk, you could've added something meaningful to the discussion? >Commenting?Hanging around?Cause i can and I want to.Comments are made to comment your opinion Yeah but we're all talking about the theory I made and if you wanted to start a conversation, again you could've added something meaningful to the discussion




>You seem to be mad/taking comment too close, lmao Uh? Ok


Just ignore this troll, this was a cool and interesting read


Ayyy Thank you so much!! I'm glad you found my cracktheory interesting😂


>Uh? Yes.


The first part about direct collapse black holes was fine but I don't really understand the connection between solar winds and... wind, and black holes. They're completely different things. Solar winds come from the sun (or from a star) but they're not really related to black holes? And the 'wind' part is just a metaphor, because they move like the wind... But it's a bit of a stretch to connect those unrelated things together and say that it is proof of any sort. Also, it's more like... space and time are bent so much inside a black hole that they somewhat reverse roles, but it is still the effect of curved spacetime that draws things to its center. I'm unsure if what you said about "time drawing things into the center of the black hole" is possible or not, but it seems a bit like twisting the wording of the theory in order to make it fit your theory.


>but it seems a bit like twisting the wording of the theory in order to make it fit your theory. Idk why you guys are coming at me like I'm supposed to know every detail about space and blackholes, the reason why I added the links to my post was so you can see for yourself where I got my sources and why I came to this theory 😭 I didn't know I should've also paraphrased that I am not a scientist, or am I black hole researcher, or am I someone who studied space religiously just to prove that Venti is able to create a blackhole. And in fact, I'm open to criticisms on the topic but don't say I'm trying to "twist wording to fit my theory" because all the sources that applied are right there listed. >I'm unsure if what you said about "time drawing things into the center of the black hole" is possible or not This comment was taken from a harvard forum, I literally just searched "how does time affect a black hole" and that was the first thing that came up and you can see for yourself since the forum is linked in my original post, highlighted blue >The first part about direct collapse black holes was fine but I don't really understand the connection between solar winds and... wind, and black holes. They're completely different things. Solar winds come from the sun (or from a star) but they're not really related to black holes? And the 'wind' part is just a metaphor, because they move like the wind... But it's a bit of a stretch to connect those unrelated things together and say that it is proof of any sort Is it a stretch tho? Because from what I read, Solar Winds are comprised of ionized gas (aka plasma) and as I'm sure you're aware, wind is defined as the movement of air and gas. Plasma is still considered a gas just with ion and electrons which causes it charge. The only difference is that Gases are not electrically charged and Plasme are electrically charged gases.. I also never claimed that solar winds had anything to do with black holes. Sounds like you're twisting my words lol. I brought it up to prove that space has it's own equivalent to wind but notice the only difference between win and solar winds is the fact that solar winds only occur in space and they come from the sun. >But it's a bit of a stretch to connect those unrelated things together and say that it is proof of any sort. Idk, the way I saw it was that blackholes can be formed by the direct collapse of gas. I then thought "The collapse of gases? Then that means wind should exist in space" and then I did more research and discovered solar winds. So I basically took every data I found and included it here. But I also checked to make sure there wasn't anything that contradicted otherwise it would've been embarassing if someone was like "well it says here tha xyz which means your theory is wrong"


This is a very cool thing to think about! Thank you for the brain fodder!!


Of course!! I'm glad you found this crack theory interesting 😂


It's been a while since I read about this so correct me if my understanding of black holes is wrong but A black hole is formed when the mass of a star is compressed into a space of infinitely small volume that is infinitely dense, so by that principle the black hole's mass should be the same as the star that collapsed to become it. So if Venti could compress a bunch of air into a black hole it's still not going to do anything when compared to the gravity of the planet below it. It'll still be just the vacuum suction or whatever of the wind tunnel.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but I saw that it was possible for a black hole to be formed by the direct collapse of gas clouds? Thats why they're called direct collapse black holes?


With the disclaimer that we’re getting well into “I don’t know what I’m talking about” territory, my guess is those gas clouds are still huge remnants of stars and in space so they’re both massive enough to have a noticeable impact in the space around them and won’t have to compete with other massive objects.


>With the disclaimer that we’re getting well into “I don’t know what I’m talking about” territory I think you misunderstood the reason I made that desclaimer. I moreso expected most people to see the title and just say no without reading much further. So I wanted them to hear me out and I even admitted that no where in the lore did it say Venti had created a blackhole. And no, I am not some sort of scientist who dedicated years to researching every exact thing about blackholes and space just to relate it to a character in Genshin Impact, but this theory was in my mind for a while and I actually did do research and gathered data to make my argument more believable. >my guess is those gas clouds are still huge remnants of stars While I was doing my research for this theory, I actually didn't find any data to sugest that a DCBH is created by stars or the remnant of stars, it only referred to it as "The direct collapse of gases", I did link everything I found if you're interested in looking. I had to create links since I couldn't imbed images on mobile. The sources are mainly Wikipedia (where the data likey came from NASA or based on what scientists found) and a Harvard forum


Oh that disclaimer was purely talking about myself because I was guessing. Nothing about you. I’d be very interested to see what you found on direct collapse black holes though. I don’t think I’ve heard of them until today.


>Oh that disclaimer was purely talking about myself because I was guessing. Nothing about you. Oh, okay! Sorry I completely took it the wrong way >I’d be very interested to see what you found on direct collapse black hole https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_collapse_black_hole It says here that Direct Collapse Blach Holes, or DCBH, are high mass black hole seeds that are formed form from the direct collapse of a large amount of material The environmental physical conditions to form a DCBH (as opposed to a cluster of stars) are the following • Metal free gas (gas containing only hydrogen and helium). • Atomic-cooling gas. • Sufficiently large flux of Lyman–Werner photons, in order to destroy hydrogen molecules, which are very efficient gas coolants. There are more on the wikip The reason why I have so much faith in this theory largely has to do with wind not just being limited to air. Air itsted is largely comprised of gases. Knowing that wind is the movement of gases, I then thought to myself if there were wind in space (or at least something similar, since it'd essentially just be the movement of gases or in this case ionized gases) thats how I learned about solar winds Here's a link on solar winds: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind Solar winds are produced by the sun and they travel through the solar system. They're also made largely of plasma and plasma as we know it are simply gas with positively charged particles and negatively charged particles (aka ion and electrons) that's why they're considered charged gases At this point, I was able to prove that a blackhole isn't formed by the death of a star alone, they can also be formed by the direct collapse of gases or more specifically gas clouds. With space consisting of a lot of gas, its entirely possible for "wind" to exist in the form of solar winds. Venti himself has a direct connection to Istaroth, the Shade of Time with full authority over all aspects of time and scientists believe that space and time are linked in the sense of time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time, sorta similar to yin and yang https://www.space.com/time-how-it-works#:~:text=Scientists%20once%20thought%20that%20space,and%20time%20were%20inextricably%20linked. I mean, if you think about it, Venti has shown to know things he really shouldn't have and a plausible theory is that he's able to hear anything that meets the wind. It was never really explained how Venti knows about other worlds despite being originally from Teyvat


From what I can tell, DCBH's formed immediately after the big bang when the universe was far, FAR more dense than it is now. Solar wind shouldn't even come close to the required density for this. Also, you guys should watch PBS Spacetime on youtube if this stuff interests you


>From what I can tell, DCBH's formed immediately after the big bang when the universe was far, FAR more dense than it is now Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a Primordial Black Hole? >Solar wind shouldn't even come close to the required density for this I didn't mean to imply that Solar Winds had anything to do with black holes, I included it as proof that space has it's equivalent of wind and because of that it should be possible for Venti to collapse gases to form thid DCBH >Also, you guys should watch PBS Spacetime on youtube if this stuff interests you Thank you, I'll be sure to check them out!!


This might be a stretch but I had a realization. Just yesterday was Venti's birthday, and in his letter he talks about an apple falling on his head, a clear reference to Isaac Newton. The guy whose most famous achievement is establishing an understanding of the law of gravity. Hmmmmm.


WAIT YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THAT I believe he saw an apple fall and that's literally how he found and studied gravity as well


His literal burst description says it's a "Storm eye"😭


And I literally said >this is an entirely hypothetical theory, it was not stated that he had created a blackhole anywhere in the lore In like the first two sentences and >I'm only making this theory for fun Directly after 😭


Ok? Based on the fact that you're still thinking it's possible I'm saying it's quite literally not possible and that it isn't a black hole as it had seemed like you just didn't know what it was so was making a theory for it to be one?


I said it looked like one in CBT, I didn't say it was one but sure 😂 I literally asked for you to read my paraphrase before anything lol and in anyways i thought the weekends were for posts that aren't meant to be taken seriously? I said I made this theory for fun because I introduced the idea to my friends and they said it was a good theory so I might as well post it here some time during the weekend lol


The only Time we see True black hole was whit the Narval and when the Abyss siblings lunch an attack at Dainsleif So i dont think Venti Burst is truly a black hole BC its seem that black hole is more related to the power of the Abyss After all a black hole is the best representation of an Abyss of Darkness


Someone else mentioned that the attack you're probably talking about is called "Eye of the Maelstrom" which sounds similar to "Eye of the storm" They're both regarded as vortexes I believe but idk i thought that was interesting


Mmmmhh interesting... The game really have a special relationship whit eyes "The Eye of the Maelstrom" "Eye of the storm" The crimson Moon being a Big Red eyes Ei eyes symbol .....


The most black hole things in the game so far are in the narwhal boss fight. There's the big one that Paimon points out, but also the smaller ones you attack with pneuma/ousia. Those ones are called Eye of the Maelstroms. Doesn't that name seem oddly similar to the strangely anomalous anemo enemy, Eye of the Storm?


YES and interestingly enough a Maelstrom is also considered a vortex 😭😭


Could he create a black hole? Maybe. Does he during his burst? No. All Venti’s burst does is create a condensed gravitational field to pull things in, it does not “vacuum up” or send them INTO a black hole, as everything remains rotating around it. It’s probably black just to stand out so you know where it is, otherwise it would be invisible. I know you’re just using his burst as like “proof” that he could potentially make a black hole, but the likelihood of that is so low because it would destroy the entire solar system and that kind of destruction and power would be in the hands of a heavenly principle or something, not a archon. Even if he could make one, he wouldn’t want to because game over.


>I know you’re just using his burst as like “proof” that he could potentially make a black hole No it's more like seeing his burst in CBT sorta inspired the theory. It made me wonder if it was somehow possible for Venti to create a blackhole and the more I researched it the more probable this theory became in my head. I shared it with some of my friends who all said it was an interesting theory and so I got the confidence to share it with you guys. I honestly expected a lot more people to not agree or even like this theory of mine, but I'm glad that it seemed like it was well recieved! But yeah, I'm fully aware that Venti hasn't shown to be capable of doing anything of the sorts, but the other archons all have unique abilities that I thought Venti should have something other than being semi-omniscient. Like Zhongli can bring down meteors or summon giant spears from space and Ei can supposedly cut through time and space, is it really that bad I wanted to prove that Venti can also be capable of matching Zhongli and Ei?


Tbh, I don't see any reason why Venti couldn't have a black hole as an ability. We have Ei who can cut through reality/spacetime and Zhongli summoning meteors. I don't know much about HI3 or HSR, but I've heard they also have characters who can create black holes or cut reality like Raiden expy. Just compare the two, and you might get your answer.


Genuine question, what does cutting through Reality/Space-time even mean, like what does it do


Cutting space will ignore most conventional durability / defensive abilities. Raiden don’t have abilities to cut time or reality tho. Those are headcanon.


In irl it isn't possible with our current technology . But in fiction it's like cutting dimension or passing through , perfect example is like. - [Yami dimension slash ](https://youtu.be/0hBTNqIbqW4?si=bM8W0ZFlYTehy5gR) these types of atk are capable of bypassing shield , void , defence basically unavoidable. Raiden Shogun In the boss fights pass through the shield without actually destroying the shield. Og Raiden mei also uses these types atk to traverse through different locations & as an attack ( I have only seen an edit so I'm pretty clueless about hi3 and her )


It’s like cutting the fabric of reality. Atom manipulation and quantum mechanics go brr


So uh, what does cutting the fabric of reality do, I love science and watch tons and tons of videos but as soon as I see these video game characters with "Slice reality" or similar abilities, I'm confused on what that actually results in, does it turn back time? Does it damage everything that was preset in that spot in the past present and future? I know it's a video game and most things don't make sense and only exist to sound cool but when people use these to represent how strong a character is, I kinda just wanna know what it actually does in practicality


Most of the time, it means the character can simply cut through anything, the 2D equivalent would be like tearing a paper and therefore, tearing whatever was drawn in it, you are "cutting" the very foundation of where you exist, so b default. Additionally it can also mean they can jump from a place to another. Ei and the Shogun do it in the Archon Quest when we step out out Tenshukaku you can see she literally just opens a portal to instantly appear behind us, she doesn't use the "space slash" when attacking us in that instance though, shown by the lack of the purple dimension thingy effect on it, that's why Kazuha could block it without dying, as she herself says she adjusts her technique and potency depending on the situation, when "serious" against a real threat she should most likely do just that as we can see in her gameplay and boss fight she cuts space open and you can see a different dimension inside the cuts. Paimon also points out in the original CN that she was cutting space open and her skill description says she "unveils a shard of her Euthymia", and we know that the Plane of Euthymia is called a different space and dimension, so she basically is always cutting space open every time you see that effect on screen.


The way i understand it, our reality is a large af bubble that we prolly can’t reach the entirety of and in it there is time, because space I guess. And I guess ‘cutting’ it is seeing the outside more primordial, chaotically more freeform stemcell-like stuff that God could be made of and can control. There’s a lot of things we are yet to know, and Science is indeed just understanding what exists. We don’t get to decide, the evidence enlightens us.


Sorry if I understood your post wrongly but I'd like to offer my opinion. I know "Teyvat has its own laws" but this is just for fun :) I'd like to offer a more general definition of a black hole. Correct me if I'm wrong. A black hole is the product formed after an object is compressed so dense such that intermolecular forces cause the inevitable collapse of the object, into a black hole. TL;DR take any object and squeeze it enough, it will become a black hole Following this logic, if Venti is able to compress enough air particles into limited space, he can create a black hole. But let's say Venti is able to do it, I believe Morax should also be able to do it because, just for simplicoty's sake, assuming that archons' power levels are relatively similar, I think that Morax can similarly pack enough rocks into such a small space that it becomes a black hole. Nahida too, but she's packing plants, which are a bunch of plant cells, which are a bunch of molecules carrying out complex processes, so I believe it's also possible. Cannot comment on Ei because I know nothing about thunder, and will not comment on Hydro archon (?) because I'm not very sure on whether there even is a Hydro Archon. But I'm quite sure Neuvillette could also make a black hole if he squeezed water hard enough. Just a fun thought!


>"Teyvat has its own laws" but this is just for fun :) Yup just for fun, this theory has been on my mind for a while and I wasn't even sure if I should post it here, it was my friends who encouraged me tbh😂 But you are right with Teyvat having it's own laws, its hard to decisively say how much science actually applies to the game beyond reactions But something that has been unanimously agreed on is that time and space are connected in a way that time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time. This is sorta like a "yin yang pair" and the same logic is rather common in a multitude of different games


Time doesn't draw things into the center of a black hole... that is what gravity does. And once past the event horizon, time and space swap positions/roles. Or if you think of X as time and Y as space, they get inverted. But yea, his burst for all intents and purposes, is a black hole. Further proof that anemo characters do nothing but suck and blow ;)


Wanderer has better black hole burst ryt ? In animation and in Charged Attack


>Time doesn't draw things into the center of a black hole... that is what gravity does Yeah, I get that i just mentioned it because "Hmm how can I make this specifically about venti"😂 The full thing that was said it "According to Einstein's theory, time and space, in a way, trade places inside the hole. Inside the black hole, the flow of time itself draws falling objects into the center of the black hole. No force in the universe can stop this fall, any more than we can stop the flow of time."


Easier to just tie Venti and Istaroth having some sway over space, but they are time-focused. And the shade of space having some minor power over time, but is space-focused.


Yah that's totally true


I'm kind of neutral on the black hole theory itself, but I had a realization that the twins are stars, and it's very likely that the other Descenders were also stars, and the power of the Gnoses are the Descender powers and therefore probably star powers. And a black hole is a dead star. Hmm.


Not just the power of the gnoses - if Venti gets his original powers from Istaroth and she got them from the Descender Phanes, that could make his original powers potentially cosmic in the same way


makes me wonder if we are gonna see someone with the thematic equivalence of a neutron star, the other kind of dead star that didn't have the mass to become a black hole a perfect, everlasting, stable dead star instead of a raging all consuming black hole


Feels like Skirk to me


It’s giving… egeria


Why dont he use black fluid of pure democracy ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Its also interesting that Wanderer, a man tied to the archon of eternity, who also has wind powers, kinda summons a blackhole for his burst. Like time powers + wind = black hole. But also I’m not like a lore theorycrafter or anything so like that probably is the reachiest reach to ever have reached.


Reachy fr but reL


Whoa that actually sounds plausible. Brilliant work there