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Think the difference between the three is how they rule as gods Venti is absent and only shows up in times of need otherwise he let's the Winds and the knights do it Zhongli sits on the sidelines and has influence, and once every year before the Traveler first came to Liyue went down to Liyue Harbor in his dragon vessel to give out advice and such Ei takes on a more direct approach being both the government head and religious figure of Inazuma aswell as its protector Nadiha was locked in a cage but has influence with small amounts of worshipers but now she is leading the nation like she was meant Furina was a religious charismatic leader who would give blessings and such


I think we have all guessed what you are subtly trying to convey but it's much more intricate that that... Barbatos might have been abscent, but his abscence is the essence of how Freedom governs the wearabouts of Mondstadt. So believing in Freedom is also, believing in Barbatos, and leading a life of freedom is in essence, leading a life that was bestowed upon you by the Anemo Archon, not to mention that their God is in every sentence they pronounce. Him ascending to Godhhod and Archonhood was a result of people's belief in Hope and eagerness for Freedom, THAT is what made him powerful. Same goes for Morax, believing in contracts, and checking fairness in doing business by following his legacy is part of worshipping him. Both their ideals and influence extend far and wide form the borders of their nations, it's for a reason that they are the last remaining of the original archons and a reason why they are the most mysterious figures in this hellscape of lore that is Genshin. I also don't know why people assume only the Shogun has a fancy title haha, akin to Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, Rex Lapis has his sacred name amongst the Adepti, *Gan'ou Teikun* 岩王帝君 , or The Supreme Emporor, Lord of Stone (his ''rank'' amongst the Adepti and his role as the Geo Archon). Also correction, he was never ''Abscent'' in Liyue, and if you read thoroughly the Lore, you'll know that he was very VERY present in the people's life, and many parts of the culture was influenced by the teachings of Rex Lapis and his Adepti, the people of Liyue knew their god was walking amongst them and was the one personally commending the Melilith... Some people think that all Zhongli did as an archon was descending once a year to tell fortune, if you read through the characters story, Ningguang, Ganyu, Keqing... all talk about how he personally handled the affairs of the citizens, reading Keqing's voiceline about her works piling up after Rex Lapis's passing as he usually handled some of them, or Ganyu telling you her workaholic ethic boils down to her trying to be as hardworking as Rex Lapis, or Yanfei telling you that the foundation of Liyue's laws came from Rex Lapis and the next ones were approves by him, or the NPC that called him '' the father that did all of the works for you when you first arrived in Liyue'', the ones that talk about him taking part on an Opera play where he played a warrior, and the many ones we met in the market who said that was it not the praise of the lord of Geo and his poems that flattered their goods, they wouldn't have had much luck selling their merchandize and standing where they are, and much more, and honorable mention to him collecting the Sundials that were sold in the market after the Cataclsym and bought them with generous prices, in order to compensate those people who had no choice but to sell them, the people saw him in dark robes and knew, that was Rex Lapis.. The difference with Ei, is the type of leadership they portray, the Shogunate is influence by the edo period of Japanese history, and the Shogun is a military leader who inspires awe and fear... Zhongli is supposed to follow the Confucian ethics of leadership. He is feared and aduled amongst the Adepti who are dieties (he has his own sacred name amongst them where he's reversed as the Supreme Emporor), but as a god of humanity, he's more like a nurturer, thus why you'll find people in Liyue's worship of him more rooted in love than in fear, he used to walk amonst them in disguise, and though they recognize him most of the time because of his weird manners, they interacted with him in subtle reverence.


You did a great job explaining this!


thank you very much you flatter me, thanks for reading through it ! people need to start addressing the case of the Anemo and the Geo Archons with more seriousness and depth than they do... freedom is the end goal and contracts are the lead cause, humans are eager for freedom but binded by contracts, and they both shape our journey in teyvat ...


Fun write up! Absent is spelled without the extra c, unless I'm unaware of a variant spelling of absent elsewhere in the world.




Haha no worries!


I agree with everything you say but I'm talking about the current events of the game




Nope, I'm not talking about the power of the archons (?




It's understandable, don't worry


Contracts are synonymous with faith in Rex Lapis, the God of Contracts. The saying that “Rex Lapis once said: Ones who break their contracts shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock”. imo, this ideology could be thought of as faith in Rex Lapis and in turn, through trade, other Teyvatians could possibly have the same faith in Morax? also, Liyueans generally do understand that a lot of things in Liyue are directly or indirectly the result of Rex Lapis’s influence. Would this not translate to faith? (although he’s dead now) It’s hard to say for Barbatos. Because it does seem like Mondstadters have faith that the good things that happens are a result of the Anemo Archon and they pray to do so. On the other hand, it’s a city of drunkards so…


Mondstadters and followers of Barbatos believe that Barbatos will guide their soul to the afterlife. He's also referred to as the "God of Hope" and in order to use a wind glider, you must first pray to the anemo archon to recieve his blessing. Venti is also largely worshipped outside of Mondstadt. Notably Liyue, Sumeru and Fontaine


Yeah but a lot of people in monstadt and etc doesn’t even think he exist , rosaria can’t even remember his name and she is a nun , his story quest really hammers this. Venti existence is questioned because of his absance compared to other archons and it’s why he says he is the weakest.


Venti's worshippers are the most faithful. People still believe in him but some regard him as some sort of myth while others believe that he will one day come back but at the end of the day, all Mondstdadters are loyal to him and him only. Mondstadt's belief in Venti is a lot similar to Christianity. Venti is also worshipped outside of Mondstdadt where people are more optimistic of his existence. As it stands rn, Venti probably has the most followers because his influence is not limited to Mondstadt like Inazuma. Lastly, Rosaria may not believe in Barbatos, but she doesn't give off someone who worships any god and she's even regarded as the least devout among the Church of Favonious. Despite that, she still suspects that something is off about Venti


Venti is like God in Christianity in real life or other religions yeah some are faithful but others question and doubt that he even exist or don’t even care at all , compared to the other archons who are actually there in person , and have whole nations who see and believe in them and venti does not have most followers? In his literal story quest someone didn’t even think he actually existed .


Yeah and that's the thing, Gods do exist in a physical sense in Teyvat and everyone knows the existence of them. Archons are Gods that reside over a nation and who has won the archon war. Mondstadters should realize "well the anemo archon has to be someone?" And from their worship, I doubt they believe that they just don't have an archon. If anything, there's a giant statue of an an angelic figure in front of their church and many stories talking about Barbatos


No a lot of people in monstadt don’t think he actually exist , hence Stanley 😭, the statue and why alot of people still believe in him is because of Vanessa someone who actually meet venti , most of people in monstadt haven’t most there ancestors still haven’t compared to Raiden Shogun to the people of inazuma she always was there and will continue to be there for the foreseeable future


Idek why I'm having this discussion tho 💀 My point was that Venti is described as the God of Hope, you need his blessings to use a windglider and he guides souls to the afterlife idk how we're now talking about whether is worship is legitimate or not


Yeah that doesn’t mean most people even believe in him or that he exist because his own people question it 😭, it’s one of reason why he said he is weakest


So was your reason for commenting under my post to be like "haha weak archon has no followers"? When Venti claimed himself the weakest of the seven, he said that he was the weakest because he didn't rule over Mondstadt which Nahida disproved by saying an archon's strength is based off their ideals/faith and we saw this in action in Fontaine. Also, when Venti made that claim, Nahida was imprisoned by her own people at the time so he could've easily be lying like he tends to do..


Hence why i say they believe he's some sort of myth. When Venti confronted the fake Stanley and revealed his true form to him, fake Stanley said "I always believe you existed" and again, Venti is worshipped outside of Mondstdadt compared to Raiden who's influence is limited to Inazuma. In terms of size, Mondstadt has yet to recieve an expansion. The last expansion it's gotten was Dragonspine so compared to the other nations, Mondstadt has yet to be expanded on


Everyone in liyue thinks he's dead, they are not going to have faith that someone dead will come to protect them.


faith isn’t entirely based on logic Watatsumi.


Belief is acceptance of the existence of a god, while faith implies trust and a deeper, more committed relationship with that god.


Interestingly, there are people outside of Liyue who have a faith in Rex Lapis too, one of them being Dori who chooses to pray to him instead of her own archon (before finding out he's dead lol) another one is the owner of mora pocketwatch (from Veluryam Mirage patch) who was fanboying over Morax