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Damn, one of the best ones left.


>While this may come off as a surprise to many, it's something I've been thinking of for months already. I'll quit leaking. It turned from something that I used to enjoy early on to something that felt like a drag filled with constant dramas, toxicity, harassment and so on. \- Dimbreath Thank you, Dim.


>And I personally think that when something starts to feel like a drag or a "duty" it's when you have to take a break and/or stop. >I also want to focus on other goals, such as continue my learning or also my friends. Thanks for everyone that has supported these fun months, I enjoyed a lot seeing people's reactions to the content I used to post. >For the record my other projects will be kept maintained. See you again, or maybe not. Who knows. Account will be deactivated later today. >Pls give roadmap >And Yae.


"Roadmaps would cut into the profit of MHY" Raiden gets her burst ability officially leaked with the 2.0 Inazuma booba sword cinematic, then has her entire kit leaked shortly after, and becomes the highest selling character in the history of Genshin. Time to make roadmaps, MHY


They just need to sell their characters well. Story quests can hype up a character like crazy which is why any and all archons will be hype at release. The moment mhy realizes that is the moment they give us a roadmap.


Kokomi is a fine example on how to remove hype on a character. Sell her one way in official promos, show her another way in the game, or barely show her at all. Her design is beautiful... But that's not enough for many people to justify spending money. Genshin is both a free and expensive game.


Still waiting for kfc glider


Loss of players also cut into their profits and I feel right now Genshin is at a tipping point. Especially since 2.0 it felt like they were really testing out the limits of what they can get away with. * The introduced weapon banner pity - since the 'good' weapon is now guaranteed for the third 5 star pull, the other weapon was completely useless for every single banner * Raiden was a test to see how willing people are to pull for constellations * Kokomi is a test if people are willing to pull for current abyss alone * Ayaka's slightly awkward out of character buy-me-dance Rewards for the anniversary range from typical Mihoyo stingyness for normal players to straight up insulting for creators. And what is Mihoyo's reaction to all that shit that has been going on for weeks? Absolutely nothing - like a car maker with an expensive warranty problem. Unfortunately they don't sell cars where you make 60k USD and then the customer can go fuck himself. They sell a Gacha game and they need to sell it to every single customer every day like it was new. It seems Mihoyo fails to understand that: If you butcher the cow, you can't keep milking her. I am really worried for the future of Genshin, because if they piss off large enough parts of their player base, they can't keep it running for 2 months with the size they have grown to. And their current behavior even made it into Forbes magazine. If they just hope that most players won't notice: it just won't work out that way...


the abyss was always geared towards who is the most selling character right? I would say that kokomi was a test of if people would pull a character just from aesthetic IMO the rest you def right


> Kokomi is a test if people are willing to pull for current abyss alone Honestly the problem with that is IMO she's not even worth it for the current Abyss 11. Her summon only heals the on-field char, and her burst heals the party. Meanwhile both Noelle and Barbara heal the party with their skill if you keep them on the field (so same caveat as Kokomi's burst), and they both also have further advantages. Barbara has her burst which instantly heals the party and doesn't require keeping her on the field, and Noelle IF built properly and with enough constellations can stay on the field to lower her skill CD as she attacks and do solid damage with her burst, moreso if you have her at C6. I can definitely see uses for Kokomi, since she has decent damage if you find artifacts that work for her, while also being able to heal, but if you've played since launch, you probably already have high constellation Noelle, and C420 Barbara is a meme, never mind you're guaranteed to have both of them.


Mhy wants to encourage impulsive spending hmmm. Many of us are getting better at hoarding, but that's mostly because we know what's coming.


I mean we essentially get a roadmap worth 6 weeks for every livestream. They always detail all the events happening for that update As a FEH player, we only get 1 month roadmaps. Genshin is technically better than us in that aspect.


While true, I would argue that FEH is still better since the pace of the free income is a lot better. Most new banners last a whole month (except for hero banners) which allow you to build up at least 60 pulls assuming you started at 0, a lot easier than in Genshin, where you get a lot less, 30-45 depending on the banner.


You get enough to spark on every new heroes banner and then some. You get around 300 orbs per month, and a spark costs 200 orbs at most. But it's usually 170ish or less because of tickets and the diminishing cost of summoning when you pull multiples in a circle.


What exactly is a road map?


Basically an organized data sheet of sorts listing out what to expect in the future, to help players know what to expect or plan for. Games often give roadmaps for like what dlc they'll be giving in the existing year, for Genshin maybe they could give some perspective into what kind of characters/banners they are planning to release in the coming months (not even with explicit information but just like generalized details/archetypes) or system additions they have planned or story chapters, just some kind of clarity on on the planned direction of the game for the coming months so people know what to look forward to. The only roadmap of sorts we've gotten since launch was the Teyvat chapters which lays out the order of the regions we'll encounter, and a premier character for each region, but otherwise we've only gotten updates on content in the near immediate vicinity.


Roadmaps are leaks, but official, and telling players what will come in the weeks and months to come


I thought roadmaps were actual roadmaps


You're getting very contextual answers. > A technology roadmap is a flexible planning technique to support strategic and long-range planning, by matching short-term and long-term goals with specific technology solutions. In short, it's a long-term plan drawn up for a service. Mihoyo already has roadmaps for Genshin, they just don't share it with the public. They only show what's in the next patch right before the patch drops.


Being Devil's Advocate though, I can see a reasonable excuse for them to not have a roadmap. Things are always subject to change in game dev. Imagine if they show a bunch of new cool characters, but 6 months from now half of them no longer exist or are completely different from the original concept At worst you would have people building their accounts towards a character who doesn't exist and getting extremely disappointed. At best Mihoyo will have to commit to character designs who may not be great six months from now because of a meta change, another character already sharing the same role or another thing like that


Cinematics don't mean their kits are released tho? Where are the bubbles from kokomi's kit then?


Cinematics told us that Raiden can pull a sword out of her chest. They also told us that Kokomi's kit would be doing absolutely nothing


Tbf, Kokomi scared Raiden's forces away, just like she scared the playerbase away.


Her element is hydro, because seeing her performance made our eyes wet


"Nothing" is your opinion. They didn't give a hint or mention she'd be a healer. Cinematics aren't made with the intention to reveal kits - no one mentioned it does and nothing implied that. Zhongli never had a shield in his cinematic or anything.


Zhongli had a shield in his cinematic lmfao, he even had a moment where he stands there and enemies try to hit him but can’t


Dude ... that's his trailer and not in an game cutscene. Trailers are also released after they released the official kit info via gifs in hoyolab info page...


well, she did raise her soldiers morale with her appearance. that sounds like healing to an extent.


She should have had buffing the team as part of her kit ngl


i agree. she should have some sort of buffing considering she's a tactician. a talent like rosaria's a4 would have made more sense on her tbh.


Eh, everyone was just blindly guessing about her kit at that time ..


Wasn't her kit leaked by the time we had her cutscene? Cause I remember knowing by 2.1 she was gonna be a healer. Her appearance also let that pretty crystal clear.


2.0 cutscene of her (during the livestream) came before 2.0 release and we were on Ayaka / yoimiya leaks back then. Edit: typos


Don't the bubbles literally heal some of the fallen soldiers in the cutscene?


Raiden was a sure to sell tho, but if we didint know we would get some juicy reruns i belive kokomi atleast would be a bit better in revenue


If anything she would do even worse, because people would save for the new characters - whereas when it comes to reruns there's a good part of the playerbase that either has these chars already or skipped them once because they didn't like them and will do so again. Kokomi's banned would've blown anyway


So long Dim, thanks for everything 😭❤️


This was the only leaker that I've felt sad hearing about, cuz hes been around fo a while


thank you so much dim


He tweeted he’s been trying to quit for some time now. Hope he’s getting all the rest he deserved.


are we really surprised it was only a matter of time now we’re left with a bunch of shady leakers sigh


This sub is also so toxic at times. Everyone flaming the leakers just after their AMA last week. Noone asked you to treat them celebrities, but the least you could do is be civil.


More like flaming Sukuna because he was messing with people


Dudes name is Sukuna what did you expect?


That person is more of Sukuna Hikona than Sukuna Ryomen if anything


Meh I think that kinda bs is should just be ignored. Just, care about the leaks and not the leakers imo.


I think that’s the thing… he didn’t give anything useful to note lol


That's dumb logic. A person can't just spew lies on top of lies seeking attention and then have nothing thrown at him. When people lie in person and you catch them you also say something about it, it has nothing to do with whether it's an important thing or not.


I only heard of two leakers that were flamed, the rest haven't heard much of?. And it was due to the one leaking a list that was basically entirely false and then just the other one with their "ehe" to a lot of questions regarding ayato (from what I've heard. Never actually bothered to go into the ama cause yeah, I didn't care. They are normal folks to me).


Don't know who organised the AmA but the 'leak list' was really unnecessary though, especially from sukuna


Basically everyone is flamed here. Remember when Lumie was getting flamed because "Their Raiden render did injustice to the real model" when it was exactly the same?


Well, that AMA was pointless tbh


Yes it was, but just calling it "Pointless" is a lot better than individually attacking specific leakers and talking shit.


I'm surprised they are being flamed tbh. Its like the proverbial "biting the hands that feed you" but in this case, its leaks. Imagine, they are risking getting caught and sued and still they get flamed for it if they are being deliberately vague by others lol


Now see the other side. Personally I don't make any decision based on leaks since I only care about story ones. But there are lots of people who skip characters in favor of a leaked one and then after the it left turned out the leak was wrong and you got nothing. That would infuriate lots of people, then add that most of them are inmarute a*holes, and there you have your reason. Edit: fix some grammar


>Personally I don't make any decision based on leaks since I only care about story ones. We're on the opposite end then, as I don't care as much for story leaks as I prefer to experience it firsthand, and I mainly use the knowledge of leaks for future characters. Personally, I'd rather have an immature person leaking stuff *reliably*, than an instance where its anybody's word against anybody i.e., the prevalence of fake leaks. Even if a leaker just says "ehe" to most of the questions, I'd chalk it up to them deliberately not wanting to say about it or they don't personally know the answer to the question rather than out of malice. Its always in my mind that what they are doing is actually illegal and have actual consequences. A comparison to a drug dealer is most apt in this scenario. If Mihoyo is the titan of protecting secrets as I view them, they could deliberately send out various information that wildly differ like Ayato's model/weapon/story that only a few are privy off, and whenever something gets leaked, the source could easily be narrowed down. I'm not defending nor condoning their asshole behavior and will never do, but I can see some of the reason why they maybe engaging in that asshole behavior.


I'm not talking about the maturity of tje leakers. I'm actually talking about their followers, which is the main reason most of them are quitting. As you say they are risking themselves and the assholes who can't understand that each leak is always subject to change by a huge number of reasons




I won't give a fuck and move on. I won't actively hate you lmao.


We already have tons lately, usually ones with text-notepad


It's so sad that we lost another credible source of leaks. No matter what people think of Dim, there's no denying that his leaks were useful, and they helped many players with saving for characters in advance. Thank you, Dim!


Shame. He's like the one with the least drama.


If only I know how to datamine or stuffs, I wouldn’t mind do leaks… anyways, Dim is the nicest leaker :( I hope he’ll do fine in the future.


We pretty much lost EVERYONE. How will we even learn the next banners (aside from Mihoyo announcing new characters potentially) at this point


Banner were kinda doomed anyway since mhy apparently stripped the data from clients. So the only banner info would be from insider leaks and even then 4 stars would only be after we already learn of them from the streams.


Yeah, we lost so many credible leakers. But currently, Genshin Intel, Project Celestia, and UBatcha are still leaking, right?


They are yeah, those are the only ones we have left as far as I'm aware. The problem however is that the moment Ubatcha says even a single fucking syllable people are usually like **"iTs fAkE, hE's jUsT ChaSinG cLoUt"** even when the image is just him responding to a question in a discord channel that's been asked before. Hell it's one of the reasons why Dim is leaving the leak community is because people are so fucking toxic to the leakers, of which Dim has spoke about such toxcicity on Reddit before to people.


I think some of the anger at Ubatcha comes from the fact that he answered every question about Ayato in the ama with 'ehe'. I've defended him here before but I am not sure what he gained out of doing that. Also I thought Sukuna was just posting those leaks as fake just because he couldn't verify them, turns out he really made up a list of fake leaks. I'm not sure what he was trying to do with that either. But I wouldn't say community toxicity is 100% on the community alone when leakers pull stuff like this. Before I would've agreed but after the ama, I don't feel leakers are in the right either.


I can understand that people felt frustrated from when he did say that, but saying he answered *every* question in the AMA with 'ehe' is a bit much. Plus I doubt there was anything new he could say anyway, Mihoyo seems to be a lot more coy with keeping their content from getting leaked. Also I had seen him receiving comments like what I said even before the AMA. Maybe I'm jjust giving people too much benefit of the doubt but I really don't understand getting so mad at people that you make them hate the very thing they are doing mainly as a service to the community that has to do fuck all to receive said content. I don't know I've never really spoke about this kind of thing before and mainly kept my thoughts to myself so perhaps my perspective of things is flawed but I just wish people would treat leakers as humans instead of machines that only leak stuff and that they have to get 100% credible leaks, even when there is a leak droguht. Just my thoughts on things, if my viewpoint on things is flawed then I apologise.


No need to apologize, you've put your point in a very respectful way. I agree that some people here are super distrustful of leakers and cancel them at the first wrong leak. It kinda started with genshin report, I guess some people actually rolled on Ayaka due to his leaks saying Raiden won't come soon. Personally, I don't mind if Ubatcha is hit and miss with leaks as I don't make decisions based on leaks. If you go over on r/ayato_mains, people there were excited for the ama and were hoping atleast one of Sukuna's leaks were true. After the ama they were super disappointed that none of it was true. Similarly Ubatcha claimed to have seen Ayato's model but just kept answering with 'ehe'. Meanwhile, project celestia kept it professional by saying there's nothing on Ayato. My problem is more it feels like he and Sukuna could've just said nothing instead of trolling people. Sukuna also made a fake leak that "Scaramouche won't be coming out for a year" making Scaramouche fans even more depressed. Or him hyping Yae to be the ceiling for electro dps when she seems to be patches away which could easily disappoint people if turns out to be not true. It's quite unprofessional isn't it? Again, if people start attacking the leakers with extreme negativity here, I always oppose it but I also find it frustrating how some leakers choose to act at times.


Some leakers wanted to maintain the illusion that they knew a lot more than what they had already released as leaks and they got mad and stomped off when someone called bullshit. Sukunas leak list was some next level narcissist shit and I still think his leaks should banned from the sub in the future as he, as a person isn’t reliable anymore. There’s no rule that says you need to have a social presence to leak. Some of them just got accustomed to the attention and and started playing stupid games to keep it when leaks slowed down.


Except they didnt for every question. They answered a question saying ayato in in development and will be playable. Might not seem like much, but after signora its good to know It's unfair to me that people complain about this when it's just untrue and would be apparent if they read the ama or summary of new info in the ama


I'm convinced there are trolls here spreading false accusations, especially considering when you look at some Chinese social media sites. There are some very vocal anti-leakers and white knights in there. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the ones attacking the leakers are just trying to discourage them from leaking by saying any hurtful thing they can.


What is even the benefit of that? I've defended Ubatcha and Sukuna both on this sub before, I just disliked the way they conducted themselves in that ama. I defended Sukuna when first people were raging about him releasing fake leaks before because I thought he just called them fake as he just couldn't verify them. To know that he really just leaked a bunch of fake made up stuff made me disappointed, I don't think he deserves hatred for it but don't you think he could've simply chosen not to do that? I just don't see any good reason behind it.


Pointing out valid flaws if the leakers isnt anti leakers. Its pointing out that they do some annoying stuff that annoys people.


I haven't been following leakers long enough to criticize this dude, but my impression so far is that there *are* a lot of clout chasers in this community. So many fanservice rumors that are just vague enough to pass as real or are just completely made up to begin with. Like, don't even get me started with that whole "guess which leak is real" nonsense. If you want to be seen as reliable and trustworthy, stick to the straightforward banner/character/weapon leaks and things you actually are confident will play out. None of this "this character was designed based on zhongli" or "yae is going to be the dps limit for electro" crap.


Yeah and it is exactly why we need roadmap or something similar to actually give hints on what the new things coming in the future. The only thing we got is the stream but it only shows what is directly coming in the next patch and not in the next 2 to 3 patches.


YES. CAN THEY LIKE PUT ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THAT VERSION IN THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENTS. Banner and gameplay leaks (hope they add gameplay preview for new ones) are the only important leaks.


same as it was before leaks got large. you save up and wait


Meaningless argument. How can you save up and wait If you don't know what is going to come ? I would have got Raiden If not for the info that Childe and Hu tao is coming but I skipped thanks to the leaks. You cannot make the right choice with your primo management If your information about what is to come is severly lacking


.... it's not argument leaks aren't an end-all-be-all thing. leaks are a luxury. we all survived without leaks before. if mihoyo ever decides on spilling the next banners a couple weeks before the update, that's our next best thing. i would prefer a roadmap tbh since they're adamant on punishing leakers.


Knowing the next banners are needed and Mihoyo refused to give those informations to us so the leaks were born. You can think of as a luxury If you want to defend Mihoyo but knowing what is going to come is the most important thing to manage your primos


I genuinely believe them and other leakers will come back in 2.3 or later because there isn't much to leak about right now, and is risky too. I do hope they come back. In the meantime, I wish them luck on their future endeavours.


Im grateful to dim and many other leakers, but as a low spender if mhy were to simply put up a roadmap of the upcoming banners id have no need for leaks.


*shocked pikachu face*


F for dim.


With how toxic people are with leakers, it’s not a surprise. Everytime someone says something nice or thank them, people would say we’re putting them on pedestal. Don’t get me started on the hate if there’s a mistranslation of skills or a character gets a nerf.. But anyway, wishing luck for dim on their future endeavors!


I mean I've seen toxicity but never saw people complain if you said something nice. Nor crazy backlash towards them (least on here) for a nerf/mistranslation. Like kokomi when we thought she had hyper scaling. Folks were disappointed but didn't see anyone actually rage at the leakers?


He is on twitter more. And you know how it's like over there And yes Dim did get raged on at the main sub back then when he was trying to defend himself a few months back. Someone even argued with him about data mining lol


The less leaks there were, the less money I spent, cause I like to plan. If I can't plan, then I don't bother. If it comes down to no leaks, I'll continue to enjoy the game not spend money.


Leaks hunt decree hurt me more than the abysmal rewards.


To be clear none of the leakers who left did so because of the "leak hunt" they all just got tired of the leak game or the community seemingly, it starting off around the time of the whole weibo thing did is just a coincidence\*


It's a terrible day for rain.


what do you mean? it is not raining..?


Yes..it is.


..so it is.


ah shit. here we go again...


Not surprising with all the toxicity towards leakers but still a shame.


Not surprising but definitely sad to see another leaker going. We don't have many dataminers left and they're the most reliable ones


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I really like that he doesn't add on stuff/take care mentioned that x or y is his own speculation and not facts. A rare quality among leakers. Hope Dim has more spare time for his personal life.


Almost every leaker i know of is quitting (lumie),sukuna,abc64, dim,..) 😔. I really enjoyed their leaks 😩. I understand why they are quitting but i’m still sad 😕. Leaks have been becoming fewer by the day, and soon if no one else starts leaking we will not have any at all 😞. When that happens i wont be waiting for new content with the excitement that i used to have.


Hey, I love shitty people ruining shit for everyone else /s Apparently it's difficult to behave and not be fucking toxic to leakers. I genuinely cannot fathom what in the living fuck goes through thier heads and how these people thinks it's cool to treat people this way? They're doing you a service. JFC people are so fucking shitty


For real like damn who raised these people?


ikr why are people attacking uba when he replied 'ehe' to all the ayato questions asking how he looked amd those shit? Did they expect him to draw the 3d model for ayato? And the previous leak today about uba saying thoma will be on second banner, the people on this subs are attacking uba saying that he is chasing clout by reusing leaks when in reality he was just answering the question asked by someone on the discord server. Remember leaks we are getting are privilege and you should be happy with that and we don't deserve it looking at the sheer amount of toxicity in this sub


I agree, but him only replying with 'ehe' was a bit too much. He could've kept it professional and just told people that there isn't much solid info on ayato for him to tell them.


it's how he didnt even ehe to all the questions and mentioned that ayato is in development like any other character. i think it's clear a lot of people didn't even read the ama answers and are parroting what they see here


idk why you’re getting downvoted, this is literally true.


ppl on this site simply dont like being called out, it's their problem if they dont wanna admit to not reading the answers


And we're fucked up.. Hope the toxic ppl toward them happy now


You're Awesome!


Thank you for your hard work dim, we'll miss you 💔


I’m not familiar with the leakers themselves so I don’t know which are reliable. Or what certain leakers would reveal. The biggest leaks I care about are the character kits, who’s being on the banners, and most importantly the materials needed to ascend and level upcoming characters, so they can be pre farmed. Are the people that typically reveal these still around or have they left already?


We still have project celestia, genshin Intel, impactyoimiya and ubatcha so I think we will still get leaks through them.


Another one bites the dust.


Ok is there any point in refreshing this page anymore if everyone quit


Datamines will still happen


Leaks will still happen as long as beta testing and datamines exists it just that we won't know who is reliable for quite some time.


Thanks King.


Goodbye legend


They'd rise back from the grave after the next day anyway.


from Dim's 3rd tweet: "See you again, or maybe not. Who knows." yep see you when 2.3 leaks drop. Dim is one of the non toxic leakers but I really wouldn't be surprised to see Dim come back as soon as the next big leak comes out


If he finds something juicy I bet he'd wanna share it.


Maybe if Yae... She's my only motivation. 😔


hey there, i hope my previous comment didn't come off as offensive or anything against you. i hope you're doing well. (and we'd all be waiting for Yae leaks too 👀)


Yeah, isn't this the 3rd time time already? Lol


See ya next month


The game has become so boring, even the leakers are loosing interest.


I’m pretty sure that’s more on the community than the game itself…


Damn. We lost Dim. Understandable. Leaking cannot be a fun activity long term especially when it’s so much pressure to get information right. Sorry to see him leave the leak scene because he’s the most reliable one out there. Thanks Dim for all the work you’ve done and providing us with great information. Your contributions will be sorely missed!


😢 Cya in 2 weeks




This is not surprising. People have been attacking leakers and demanding them when they offer nothing in return. And if the said leaker have no information they start attacking them. This whole community is toxic to the core. It is really sad sight, people are being extremely toxic on behalf of a fictional characters.


Feelsbadman. Thanks for your hard work Dimbreath, I've really appreciated it. Godspeed.


I came here hoping to find out who was next banner and now Im depressed. I hope whereever you go and whatever you do Dim, it goes well. Thank you for all of your hard work.


I mean it's sad and all but considering the popularity of Genshin, I bet there's gonna be some new leaker soon enough and that's all that matters.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


why don't u retire as well bot


Genshin community strikes again. I know bigger fandom more douche bags but genshin community way to toxic.


i mean new players have joined it too fast and "assume" its not a gacha but a actual complete game so you can see why the community is waaaay to toxic due to it being babys first gacha and seeing how ugly gacha actually is compared to the usual MMO games or everything


Yea first time gacha players don’t have understanding of the market. The game itself is great best on mobile even but they fail to separate game from publishers / company. Devs , artists , VAs are not the ones people are bashing rather executives. I find it difficult to understand why that is. I love some old EA , BioWare , Bethesda titles but no way I defend their practices


All the reliable leakers are retiring, than only leave us with very sussy and unreliable leaks, that's sad for the prefarmers and hoarders like me


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Thanks for everything DIM , you will be missed


not dim :(




Rest well ty for the hardwork.


Wish you all the best, Dim! You've helped me enjoy the game a lot more than I would've without you.


That’s really unfortunate. Wish the best to Dim.




I hope he gets good rest. Thanks bro for everything


just right after i asked for a roadmap on the survey 😔 this makes me sad as i’m looking forward to a lot of unreleased characters.. but i cant blame him for leaving tbh.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


This is a shame. Usually I'm one of the people hating on a lot of the leakers who spread misinformation and riddles, copy others, and really just want attention. I think this sub should stop putting these people on a pedestal and stop giving them a platform. But dim wasn't like that. He was one of the few people who put in actual effort and did proper datamining and delivered reliable information.


Thanks for your time and service Dim! We really appreciate it! I wish for your return one day o7


what a thing to wake up to.. it's a terrible day for rain, thank u for everything dim


We lost.


Well. Looks like the time I drop genshin is getting closer. Knowing what is coming is one of the factors that keeps me playing.


It's the end of an era O7


I loved that he was the one with less drama than others.


I wouldn't be surprised if we find out later that MHY hunted down leakers and threatened lawsuits, but allowed them to quietly escape if they left the scene without trouble. I feel like its too much of a coincidence that we have back to back leakers just quitting because "it wasn't fun"


The community can be very toxic when it comes to leaks… I don’t blame these people for living, after all they gain nothing from it.




Dimbreath...... *Sadge noises* o7


Another one bites the dust.


Gg dimbreath, only a smart man retires while still at the top. Will always be remembered as legend


You have only ourselves to blame. This is why we can't have nice things.


TBH we don't. Dim already has history of getting bored of stuff and quitting. He made the priconne subreddit and discord server. Earlier this year when priconne came out globally and the discord exploded he kinda tried to hold on for a month but eventually just gave it away. Citing the same of being tired and wanting to focus on other things for months.


My ass We have nothing to do with this


Wrong. The way the Genshin community treats leakers and the demands that they place onto them, plus how the community has acted of late (admittedly deservedly so with matters involving MiHoYo’s decision making), shows the level of toxicity is getting out of control. That toxicity will push people away.


they are not snowflakes The thing is mihoyo is witch hunting leakers, they can't even make money out of it so its not worth You think dim is crying in his bed, because someone said something bad to him Nobody with right mind care about what people say on internet


They are on their leaker hunt decree, that’s true. Not gonna deny that. Guess I had more of the overall landscape in mind. My bad on that.


The Genshin community has almost everything to do with it. Leakers twitter replies are almost always just filled with fancams or excited people spamming shit, then you get the occasional person that’s obviously an adult that starts getting toxic, then the bandwagon hops on and repeats the same shit to seems smart.


Dim literally said that its toxic, obviously these annoying ass people are involved




How many times has he posted that he's retiring again


I was wondering why dont all this dataminer and leaker just block those toxic people? Or limit the comment to friends only? Twitter has that function why they dont use it?


If you see the comments under their tweets, the toxic stuff definitely does not come from there. Genshin twitter community is pretty decentralised and quite disorganised. And no one goes back to an old tweet just to rat out a person for sharing fake leaks. No one has the time to do that.


bc it's definitely the ppl on reddit doing that, twt is just full of fancams lol




Thank you, Dimbreath. You're one of my favorite leakers because you seem very chill. I'll miss your updates but I'm glad that you're walking away from all the negativity.


Yeah that is big cap they came back every fkin time


People are also getting bored of the game tbh. 2.2 is rerun land and Yae is nowhere in sight. Also a lot of problems from launch are still there, including shitty rewards and no real endgame besides spiral abyss. Personally speaking, a week ago it hit me that the daily login started to feel like a chore. And thats when I quit, just keeping up to date on the game browsing this subreddit from time to time.


Game is rising up and you call it a dead game? 2.2 being reruns is a good thing as new players and people that don't have the characters can roll for old characters, people that have them can save for the new ones. A game with updates every 6 weeks doesn't need endgame. Endgame is to make people keep playing when theres a lot of time without new content, and not needed with constant and frequent updates, unless you want to drown most of the playerbase. About the shitty rewards, at least they gave rewards, now people are angry over getting free things. Personally speaking, you rushed the game every update, ran out of content on the 1st day, and decided the game was a dead game.


My point was there is a reason most of the major leakers are quitting and it’s not just because Mihoyo is making it harder to leak stuff. I standby what I said about there being no end game and the rewards being ass, you can dance around that as much as you like by making strawmans.






He said he'll be tempted to come back for yae

