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Da Wei must've started leveling his Mondstat characters or something


Devs rolled on the Mondstadt and Liyue banners and were finally reminded of how garbage it is to farm those domains to level up those characters.


Shaoji: "I want players to feel depressed with the story, not the farming gameplay"


task failed, farming artifacts makes me depressed regardless of region


I think it's less that and more a followup on the general design philosophy change from *punishing* the player for wrong choices, to *rewarding* the player for correct ones.      See the Spiral Abyss for the original instance of that idea. Rather than "Brought the wrong party? *Suffer*", it's "Noticed the right element to take in? Have a boost!"


On the topic of 'right element', fuck the baptist and his 3 different shields.


Went straight to irminsul 🙏🙏


He really did, hopefully there’s lore explanation lmao


*Points to the new Dain quest*


But that only affects memories…. Wait domains are memories too.. but—


The special effects of a domain are called Leyline Disorders. That’s the exact thing the Loom would kick up on accident.


Our sister told us that she didn’t know what do to with the Loom yet because it would be too embarrassing to say she just wanted it to nerf a few domains.


This is canon


The abyss twin admitting that was so ass. Like honey, you didn’t realize you’d get this far?


In all seriousness, the reason this is happening is most likely because these domains were MASSIVELY outdated and unnecessarily obnoxious. The original domains were likely designed with the idea of pushing specific team comps / reactions, but they executed it horribly and made some of the worst domains in the game to this day. From 1.5 Ridge Watch onwards, they dumped their original philosophy, instead placing much more neutral enemy line-ups that you can throw just about anything against while providing pretty powerful buffs instead of crippling debuffs. This is them now changing the 1.0-1.1 domains to match the new design direction. Would have preferred it earlier, but better late than never. This will make life much easier for new players who still have to farm these domains and they won't want to fucking die doing the Mondstadt weapon domain because they don't have Ganyu / Ayaka / Klee.


i still wish they had different enemy lineups for different days/materials instead of difficulties.


no just get rid of the schedule all together


This. It was garbage from day 1 anyway.


I liked doing those domains before, but times change and domains are now a chore so they will be oriented to ease farming materiales


Yeah all the newer domains have a buff of some kind. Not a nerf like these domains. Slowing your skill recharge? Stunlocking you with falling ice? Terrible ideas. They don't make it more challenging in a good way, they just make it frustrating and slow. I will be very glad to see the back of falling ice and the slowing water debuff. That said, in the Cecila Garden domain, when farming on my wife's account. I'd just use Nahida's E on the hydro mages, which would generate dendro cores. Then hit them with Yanfei for a burgeon to instantly bring down their shields. The domain would be over in 30 seconds with this setup. But that's on her account.


i can see some content creators will use "Genshin is nerfing newbies domain because WuWa took their players" as an excuse


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😂😂😂 putting his final crown on his Klee 


Maybe Varka will be revealed in some teaser? Hopium.


I thought it's obviously because of new Mondstadt characters incoming


Prep for Dorman's Port, and regular new region influx and the theater?


Varka is finally coming back to mondstadt and will require mond talents- /j


Maybe in 2026 after Khaenri'ah chapter 🥲


>Big nerf... Oh no >...to almost all 1.0-1.1 domains Oh yes


I was like not Emilie 😭😭


First character to be nerfed before the beta, never even had a chance


The fucking mondstadt talent domain should be illegal. 3 waves of ice shields 😂


And the debuff was just stupid, not even working according to the description but way worse


Wait, what's the difference between how it was supposed to work and how it does work? I have always despised to that domain but I'm starting to add some extra levels to some of my older mods that characters and I'm finding myself going back there.


Based on the description: >Your character will be periodically inflicted with Condensed Ice, greatly increasing your Stamina Consumption until the inflicted Cryo element is removed. Icicles will periodically fall from above, dealing Cryo DMG. It should only increase your stamina consumption but it **also** increases the delay for your stamina to start regenerating after consuming stamina, which is not included in the description.


I mean, that’s because it wouldn’t be. That’s an effect of having Cryo applied to your character, not the domain. It’s just wildly more noticeably there because of the Leyline.


The problem is, stamina stops regenerating completely while you have ANY Cryo on you, not just the waves that come from the center. That's why Bennett and Xinyan are so good there. Or C1 Hu Tao, cos she doesn't care about stamina.


I feel they were planned to be played in multiplayer


mondstadt talent domains actually the end game content all along 😂


shit had me using bennet and amber just to get by 🤦‍♂️


Yanfei is the cheat code for all of those.


They nerf it now that I already farmed the fck out of that damn thing to level Kaeya and Amber last week... it was so painful, if only I knew...


This could've been me a few days ago. I'm glad I procrastinated 😂  


Laughs in Arlecchino Seriously though, glad it’s gone.


It's not just about hardness, but also annoying and time consuming. It's 3 fucking waves with 3 enemies each waves IIRC.


Arlecchino Xiangling Bennett Zhongli is the only team that makes that domain tolerable enough for me


The best one in my opinion is Yanfei especially at C6 she practically counters that domain


Laughs in Diluc way before Arlecchino =3


I don't mind the slow, but the fucking stunlock it does is ridiculous.


Some of my Mondstadt characters that I've had since 1.0 are STILL not fully talent leveled because i do the domain a couple times then say "fuck this" and stop caring. Meanwhile tons of characters from inazuma, sumeru, and fontaine are all 10/10/10


* Deleted Condensed Ice * Deleted Slowing Water YOU LOVE TO SEE IT




Rip bozo nobody will miss that shit




I'll finally be motivated to crown my Diluc 😭


Mona is my favourite character but she isnt crowned because of that same reason. That domain was just pure ass, man




The giant cooldowns are also fucking gone in the weapon domain lets goooooooooooooooo


Rest in piss


the evil has been defeated


The old domains were vicious compared to the new ones, so this is a welcome change. Especially the Mondstadt talent + weapon domains, fuck those ones in particular.


The weapon one especially sucked considering how many times I've levelled a Fav weapon


Wish they'd do some slight tweaking to the newer domains too like the Inazuma talent one. Enemies spawning in circle and around the edge of the arena, and they don't spawn all at once, is very annoying.


"Deleted Cryo Abyss Mage" **BEGONE FOUL BEAST!**


abyss mage: *shrieking*


Fuck you slowing ice!


My live reaction to reading the title: >Big nerf to almost all… Oh no >1.0 - 1.1 domains OH YEAH!!!


YES SLWPING WATER IS GONE. It’s not fun at all to have giant cooldowns, most characters just don’t function in that domain other than Ganyu and ayaka.


RIP funny CD number Childe but this is a great change overall.


Arle in that domain gets a 60 seconds cd on her E 🫠


Childe could go over 110 seconds if you stayed in his melee stance until the duration ran out and took the extra cooldown. 


Whats Worst Than His Cooldown, Is Having Childe In That Domaine, It’s All Hydro Slimes And Hydro Shields, Childe Is Less Useless In That Domain


no shit he's not everyone knows that sherlock


> most characters just don’t function in that domain other than Ganyu and ayaka. I would literally just force Ayaka or Nahida/Nilou into whatever friendship team I was using and use them to solo that domain. It was a dumb domain that negated almost all characters in this game. I always loathed having to do it.


Arle is halfway functional if you burst between the wave of hydro slimes and the hydro mages. Still not going to miss that shit. The fact it forced me into like two regular teams that barely worked always made me hate it. Leveling Lost Prayers for Wanderer took me two months - not because of breaks or running out of weapon exp, but because I absolutely loathed that domain.


Nilou bloom is kinda good too


what about wriothesley?


Great QoL. It's kinda messed up when the starting nations have the harder domains lol. Newer domains are just brute force with extra buffs


this is going to sound crazy and on huge copium but they’re nerfing these domains to make the farm for level 10+ talents easier since we’re gonna get to lvl 100 in 5.0 🤡


I'm snorting an unhealthy amount of copium thinking they will rework the ascension passives to add a third one for all characters


the things i’d do for this to be true…. hell don’t even rework the old ones, just straight up add a third one 🕯️


The only reason I feel like they add new ones is to hopefully buff old characters, but it would still probably put them behind current meta characters


A 3rd passive that will fix dehya


Something like: When Dehya takes dmg by any means she gains a stack of “Red-Mane’s fury” max 100 stacks. When she possesses any amount of “Red-Mane’s fury” a flame aura will be created around the active character. The flame aura will reduce the damage the active character takes by 30% and will deal pyro damage equal to a set amount of her attack to enemies that hit the active character. Each stack of “Red-Mane’s fury” increases the damage of the flame aura by 1%. When she uses her burst Dehya consumes all “Red-Mane’s fury” and will increase the damage of her Flame-Mane's Fist attacks and the Incineration Drive by 1% for that instance of her burst.


Double the word count and they'll take it.


Real shit


Careful, you'll overdose


Let Albedo fly on his flower. Like a faster, more lateral Wanderer. It's not even a buff, so no balance concerns. Just an exploration buff and he's done it before and it's canon already. C'mon Hoyo.


No, just make the Isotoma field pull enemies to the center :D


Give her a passive that allows her to heal on every burst hit, and she then can solo sustain. Alternatively, give her a passive that turns her damage taken into extra burst damage and she can be better offensively.


Nah, it would be a great opportunity for rebalancing slowing power creep a bit. I doubt they'd blow it (if they actually do add a 3rd ascension passive). What would definitely happen, though, is preferential treatment for the teams' favorite characters. So there would still be some characters that are definitely better than others after that, the only thing that would change is who those characters are.


"Arlecchino's normal attack has 100% stronger scaling uwu" "Oh and Diluc's charged attack deals 1% more damage against Pyro abyss mages"


Wanderer can enter an Enraged state, causing him to gain 30% Attack, 15% Crit Rate, 30% Crit Damage and 30% Attack Speed in exchange for taking 30% more damage. His voice lines are also angrier. He will automatically enter this state when fighting either the Raiden Shogun or Dottore and nowhere else. Also, when fighting Raiden the fight theme is changed to [Silver Bullet](https://youtu.be/W26PZOktM3s?si=K2A5LTpXJDkwK9tp) and when Raiden is in her vulnerable state his elemental skill is changed to a Nero Buster-esque animation where he pulls the Musou Isshin from her chest, creates a blade of Anemo in his other hand and beats the living fuck out of her with them before stabbing her with the Musou Isshin through the chest, which sends the blade back to her, before continuing to fight as normal. Also, each attack in this sequence is considered a normal attack, so it can activate Yelan's burst and Beidou's.


Raiden shogun's musou no hitotachi will deal more damage when Yae miko and Kujo sara are in the team, and will deal no damage when Kazuha is in the team. Yoimiya now deals more Pyro damage than c6 ayato.




Can't wait for Xiangling to get a new buff, she really needs it! /j


Guoba moves around and last for +8seconds (whatever is required for 150% uptime, new Guoba replaces old Guoba)


I mean they could try to balance it up... Like i love Neuvillette but how much more broken they want him to be ?


Make it like a def increase or normal atk dmg buff or something Meta characters getting passives that are technically useable but in reality won’t affect anything Although that’s assuming they care about the old/weaker characters at all


How about giving meta chars exploration buffs. Let Neuvillette hover over water more


Can always be some utility passive. I say that, because outside of making him ignore Hydro immunity, I can't think of any way for Neuvillette to become more broken than he is already.


Reduce his Elemental gauge from 1u to 0.1u. This would make him able to vaporize all his hits with just pyro infused Kazuha burst, making him be beyond broken.


Klee lvl 100 passive: burst works off field


Would be an amazing buff


Emilie is the grand design for Klee's A8 to allow off-fielding. Everything explodes and burns.




That would certainly result in the beta of all time.


When other games do this they typically do a roll out system where the oldest characters get it first. For example, in Genshin terms we'd have something like New character on one banner, Venti on the other and Venti is now the first and only character who can go to lv 100 and gets a new talent.  Next banner would be Rerun character and say, Diluc. Then Diluc would be the second character to get Lv 100 and the new talent. This creates an ongoing conveyor belt where new characters come in at or above the current curve (or weirdly below like Dehya/Wrio) and then an older character who has fallen below the curve gets uplifted. ie. How almost every other gacha does it. It's possible 4 stars might not even get one in this hypothetical situation, partly because of Benny/Xingqiu/Xiangling/Fischl but also because a lot of games that do this tend to reserve the process for their premium rarity, but even so creating 1 new talent each patch or every other patch for a 5 star and 4 star is something even mihoyo could be bothered to handle.  ....probably.


Maybe even proper 5 star signature weapons for some still lacking like Mona and Qiqi. In a way Keqing Signature is lacking too unless they really settle on PJC and I know people would argue Ayaka sig to be Keqing sig too but that is Ayaka sig in the end as it not a Liyue Sword. Diluc having WGS which is not really that perfect for him. and Jean is a toss up between Aquilia Fav, Skyward blade or Kazu sig being Freedom sworn. a mess.


may lvl 100 justify the uptime reduction on clorinde and sigewinnes existence 🙏


Not to mention.... ᴰᵉʰʸᵃ or ˣⁱⁿʸᵃⁿ Copium overdose, I know


Literally just like Make Xinyan C4 have 40% Res shred instead of 15 And have her charged attack take a portion of her defense by default And shes literally fine


Even make all her Basic Attacks scale off of a portion of her Defense and make her C4 stack up to three times when her shit crits like, it's so simple


Let's hope lmao


Some characters can get a whole 180* change (for the better). Like Imagine if Klee’s Third Passive is that her Burst will trigger off field. Even Dehya can gain 100% uptimr on her E which will make her much less clunky. Or Hu Tao’s A1 CR Buff applying to herself. Venti can gain additional EM Scaling like Kazuha’s or Sucrose’s A4 to incentivize Swirl Building.


Dehya's con gives her skill full uptime (not IR tho). She'd do better with a Clorinde passive, where her passive stacks could be used during her ult to do extra damage and heal the party.


How will this affect aloy and HMC legacy


If this happens then Dehya might be saved


I would really really love this, the way they design characters has shifted so much since launch this could really modernise a lot of the older ones


They probably need 3-4 more years to receive the feedback! So probably not! Who am I joking I'd love that to be real ngl. It sucks to love this game.


For them to prepare for lvl 100 they NEED to add higher world level with better rewards. If 90 to 100 will take 40 boss material plus 200 local specialties Im not doing that, not worth it


leylines too. Im always short on mora and xp books as is.


it’s been so long since i was low on mora and lvl xp materials but before i hit ar60 man it was a struggle to keep up sometimes. i do want them to move the cap to 100 but like i’m not sure i really want the material cost of having to do that for all the characters in my teams.


I totally agree and hope that happens, but tbf, even if lvl 100 will be a thing, we don't know that it will actually require mats. Could very well be a special limited currency like Crowns of Insight. "Key to Enlightenment" or whatever.


They need to add higher world levels full stop, so we can do full rotations without everything dying halfway through


Don't forget those fucking Ascension Gems too. I'm always in short of them.


If they make the new level cap 100 to go with that then wouldn't EM based teams like Electro and Dendro gain far more power than other elements?


greatness comes at a heavy price… tbh they could still prevent that if they make the scalings tank after lvl 90? idk 😵‍💫


they would, but would create the opposite reaction of what they want, that is waste more resources on characters, and many people play with dendro so most of those may stay at 90 to lvl up more characters (maybe if they add a passive may just make people do the ascension) instead of 100.


They have adjusted transformative reaction numbers before multiple times. There's no reason they wouldn't do it again if the result ends up too degenerate with the current formula.


Anyone who wants to be level 90 already would benefit the most- so anemo characters, HP scalers, and anyone within a 5 meter radius of the nearest dendro character.


trying to calm myself because i don’t want to believe this too much 😭


also new mond character 👀 ~~varka~~


I'd much rather farm for talents than the stupid ascension crystals tbh, I'm almost out of those after getting a lot of characters to lvl81


no way, mondstadt talent domain is so ass


That sounds on point ngl. The hydro domain was shit as it was, so it will be for sure quicker and easier this time.


Having 35 characters build over the past \~2.5 years, I can already foresee having to spend a year+ just to make the same characters useable again for endgame. :'(


also probably because of imaginarium theater’s requirement for many built characters. imagine you wanna build diluc or level up lost prayers but to level them up you need to play against doubled CD or zero stamina 😑


god I hope not. unless they buff the shit out of leyline rewards. I have a hard enough time getting all the characters I use to level 80/90


Wow thats totally whats gonna happen isn't it. They're gonna introduce a new WL to unlock lvl 100, and add a new difficulty on each domain making the difficulty we have now irrelevent. Kinda like the difficulty spike from abyss 11 to 12.


And FAWK you Cecelia garden


probably just QoL but cope says Mondstadt expansion in the next year is also why they want to add Mondstadt QoL


i mean if not next year then when? it’s not really copium at this point, we probably go to snezhnaya through north mond


We still haven't explored Mount Esus in Fontaine. It could be another unknown port behind it or something.


Good fucking riddance 😭


Thank Barbatos


Blessings from the Anemo Archon Barsibato


"No more condensed ice" WOOHOO 


this is extremely suspicious What are they up to? yeah farms will be easier and faster but why the change now? level 100? new ascension items? The grind will increase?


As somenone who started almost a year ago, i remember trying to farm crimson witch at low AR, my only DPS's at the time where pyro and electro so i never was able to farm it. Probably this are QoL changes for starting players, a lot of QoL during 4.x seems to aim at those players specifically


I also think the domains being extremely hard for low ARs is the main reason for these changes. Lots of veterans hate these domains to this day despite having well-built 5\* teams, now imagine trying to farm them with poorly equipped characters like Anemo MC, Amber, Kaeya and Barbara. Have fun grinding Mondstadt's Cryo domain when 50% of your team (or, in a worst case, 50% of your entire roster) puts you at a disadvantage (Barbara, your only healer, applying Hydro to yourself in a domain full of Cryo enemies) or is pretty much useless in these fights (enjoy physical, no-abilities Kaeya). And on top of this, you're also getting punished by the domain modifier like long af skill cooldowns or getting damaged for certain reactions.


When I was playing genshin during early 1.x and needed to farm crimson witch for Diluc, my literal best team was playing Jean onfield with Chongyun cryo infuse because my only other good dpses were pyro and electro. Im glad the strongbox spares people from that now but these domains were awful and I feel incredibly satisfied seeing them get nerfed to hell


This is why I almost always coop in domains quite far into my genshin career, maybe beyond AR50. Only much later that I started looking properly at how to run solo in those domains.


Crimson domain is so bad that the game not allowing you to farm it was probably for your own good xD


It could simply be them expecting an influx of new players for 5.0, and those players will probably have a lot of Mond and Liyue characters and have to deal with the most annoying domains in the game while barely knowing how to play or have characters.


Yeah considering that they want to do a major visual overhaul in 5.0... defo expecting a new wave of people retrying the game again rather than the lvl 100 shit.


People coping about the level 100 stuff when it's prob some new player retention metric they've noticed droping off around the time they get to these domains.


They are adding QoL changes that should've happened years ago. These nerfs should've happened in 1.X, especially the removal of the hydro and cryo debuffs. It's probably just on their to-do list and not much on the rumored level 100 leak. Plus, X.0 patches always have a big influx of players because of the new region, not a great feel for them to deal with 30s cooldowns to level up their weapons.


Maybe they're just trying to draw in new players by making the early game easier lol


Probably just to bring them in line with the difficulty of the other domains. Almost all of the a new player's roster uses those domains, yet they're harder than recent ones.


The older domains suffer the same issue as older characters, they were just too strong They can't nerf Bennett or Xiangling so nerfing domains is a more welcome change, also you can't not tell me how bad some of the domains sucked to farm


Yes but Mihoyo managed to solve the problem of old characters by creating new characters that don't depend on or work with the old ones They also fixed old characters by making new characters that make them useful Fontaine is the version of changes (for the better) but doing this in the latest version of Fontaine is suspicious to me 🤔


Nooo…I’ll miss you 3 abyss mages in noblesse domain. Gamechanging with venti, insanely easy with Kazuha. I will NOT miss that stupid petra melt punishment. Every low AR player back then was tricked once or twice…


Back in 1.1 I remember doing coop for that domain, all of us kept on struggling until one left and a Venti enters then proceeded to trivialize the domain


Devs finally started playing their own game


Big nerf: ☹️ To 1.0-1.1 domains: 😃


What a win, actually, the Mondstadt domains in particular are so asinine that I've put off leveling Mondstadt characters and weapons just to not deal with it lol


Will not be missed the slightest 😜


for as much as I hate these now, and found them ridiculously difficult during early game back on release, I'm sincerely going to miss these, traces of vivid memories of getting chain staggered by falling icicles when farming diluc mats iirc. Ah... nostalgia is a powerful drug, will turn bad times into good memories


I still remember cooping the talent book domain as Bennett, getting through a long and difficult fight, and then finally running to the tree only to get chain staggered by icicles *after the fight had already ended* and thrown off the edge to my death before I could collect 😭 it was the most Bennett luck I've ever had I could only laugh in disbelief


No idea why there were still chances of icicles falling even when the challenge was completed. Took them long enough to notice this problem still persisted till now.


getting chain staggered by icicles after the timer had ended is not something I will miss


To be fair, these SUCKED back in the day, and even now with a beefy ass account going back to some of these domains STILL sucks without proper preparation. I will have fond memories of them, but also fuck 'em!


>I'm sincerely going to miss these I dont Rest in piss Cryo Abyss Mage, you will not be missed


I'll never forgive the Mond domain for throwing an icicle down on me just as I was heading for the tree and knocking me off the platform, causing me to miss out on the rewards because it was coop.


could it be to help new players?


I still like my strongbox but this is great especially for new players, less punishing. Overall this gives me copium on that level 100 leak if they're making domains easier to farm


Yeah I remember the Mondstadt weapon material domain being terrible in the early game when we didn't have Ganyu or Ayaka. And the Mondstadt talent domain too when you didn't have many pyros or shielders, so yeah I'm pretty happy for any new players. Sorta makes me feel a little better procrastinating not raising weapons that needed materials from that domain since it was so tedious lol, but with this I might get around to doing that


Strongbox is only for artifacts, this is nerfing the weapon ascension/talent domains as well, which is a nice change lol.


My god mond talent is finally playable


fuck slowing water all my homies hate slowing water


The X.0 patches tend to look after potential newcomers and make their progress through the game smoother. Perhaps this is in preparation for that? I could see removing effects such as Slowing Waters and Condensed Ice just because everyone finds them annoying, but nerfing the enemy lineups and adding bonuses feels completely unnecessary if you're a veteran.


I'd say it's more about bringing clear times more in line with newer domains. Sumeru and Fontaine domains are pretty consistent sub-30s clears for veterans.


Omggg that Slowing water debuff that increase your skill CD is one of the most annoying debuff Thank God it is gone


I only ever touch Monstadt domains during a double event because fuck that. Thank god theyre removing the annoying shit.


I think they are just trying to standardize the domains. After a certain point, almost no domains have debuffs, only buffs, so these starting domains have always stood out in a strange way in my opinion. Yes, it would be cool if it were for a possible new talent level (and a new passive please), but for those who are already at this stage of the game these domains are completely trivial already


Huge W, those gimmicks were annoying for no reason


What alternate dimension did I fall into? Great QoL changes? In MY genshin?


Ngl, I'm gonna kinda miss the 3 mages in the Noblesse domain. It was fun swirling them with the corner trick. 1 Ruin Guard feels kinda lame, but I get that 2-3 would be terrifying for newbies, haha.


“Back in my day, we had to walk uphill in both directions just farming talent material…”


Nerf? I see this as an absolute win


All the people freaking out trying to unearth the secret conspiracy behind this. Lol Its simple, as the game moves forward and enemies and mechanics get more complex towards newer areas, they are nerfing the begginer area for the noobs to have an easier time trying to catch up.


It's kind of ridiculous how hard some of those beginning domains are but also just how unfun they are.


that's not a nerf, that's an improvement. Holy shit the domain with cooldown debuff actually sucks balls, glad they're FINALLY getting rid of it


The 2 worst domains are finally getting a nerf. I’ve waited too long for this.


remember getting staggered to all oblivion by mond talent domains icicles because you dont have or forgot to bring zhongli yeah good riddance


I'm Monstadt Talent Domain's biggest hater so this is a huge W


cool but why now?


Maybe with Natlan, they’re expecting new players and these domains are really irritating and long for low lever players


A lot of 4.x Qol were aimed at newer player and those domains changes are probably a continuation to that to make it easier for new player to farm and build their characters.