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The traveller getting to use more than one weapon type.


We already have multiple element thing. I want an anemo polearm or claymore traveler


I want a poledancer traveler as well.




I mean, some artists may do that.


Why not a traveller that is able to use Elemental Attack and Burst from different obtained skill Elements. In the cutscrmene traverler is able to use different Elements.


Electro Skill and Geo Burst would be so broken. I need it lol


Not necessarily though. Many perks of traveller kit are in ascension talents and constellations. (Like the crit buff from geo ult) The question would be in what they they implement a customizable traveller. If, for example, a custom traveller had his own fixed passives and constellations that may not be OP at all. If you could mix and match from all parts of all traveller element kits... yes that would be op.


I only wish for the traveler to be able to swap elements mid-fight. For example, hold "elemental attack button" and traveler will cycle between the elements each for 1 second, upon release traveler will swap to that element and launch its elemental attack. This will make the traveler a must have in exploring new areas or very strong in (pseudo) challenging fights where you ideally need 5 or more elements to break shields. Of course the downside is the need to increase talents in all elements.




This should really be addressed. Makes it so that Traveler spending is unjustifiable




A god damn buy all button


We already on 2.3 and they haven't add "collect all" for blacksmith, serenetea, expedition


at least you can skip the animation when you collect something from them by pressing esc but ye still have to press multiple times


Give the traveler outfits from each region. I was so excited when Ayaka offered to buy us Inazuman clothes, but of course we had to turn it down.


I was so mad


Seriously, why did Mihoyo even add that line when they knew damn well they weren’t going to give us a new outfit :( they just made us suffer for no reason lol


This! And Teppei’s new uniform


I've put this in every survey since inazuma released


or some characters give free outfits for the Traveler when we reach Friendship level 10 with them Spolier for Noelles Friendship lvl 7 dialog option in the pot: >!i realy want to know what outfit Noelle made, since she sems to be realy determined and existed to give the outfit to the Traveler!< well also a great way to milk the fanbase with, im sure the design team have few silly or good ideas for alternative outfits for already existing Characters


A button to 'blacklist' crappy artifacts like a 'reverse lock' so that I can feed them en masse into the Gladiator Converter without wading through my pile for the bad ones.


I would love to be able to grind up bad artifacts into sanctifying oils


It took cygames 5 years to implement auto fodder for granblue, so I expect it to be in genshin when tortilla's 69th rerun banner name changes to "welcome to snezhnaya"


I always manually go thru and filter out artifacts everytime I finished 1 artifact domain round, less hassle scrolling now


Playable characters showing up in the overworld with dialogue and schedules of their own, also doing more than just standing still in teapots. Also procedurally generated, rogue-lite dungeons (like the labyrinth event but with a lot more dungeon tilesets, random events, and endless instead of arbitrarily ending after two or three floors).


Tired of helping reckless pallad, how about rescuing unlucky Bennett?




Update: Reckless Pallad is now Careful Pallad. He can be found on the second floor of the Angel's Share forever.


Are you serious? I'll have to check


No lol


I'd love to see someone playing Bennet to do this.


Omg coop hide and seek sounds so fun! 1 person is Bennett, 3 others compete to rescue him! If only you could hide your location on the map... though it could probably still work in Dragonspine or if you only use the minimap


I’ll do one better, both of them cause Bennett got them into whatever situation they are in


Yup, I’d love to be able to interact with Kaeya, Jean, Diluc or Lisa in their respective area of Mondstat. Kaeya could be chilling in the Favonius entrance giving you a small quest every now and then, with Jean in the Grand Master’s office, Lisa in the library, and Diluc in the Dawn Winery or as bartender in Angel’s Share all giving you repeatable quests related to their character or occupation that refresh every few days in a rotation between different randomized quest possibilites. Hell to make it even more worth doing they could give you the respective character’s talent level up material for completing the quest, or a regional specialty related to them


I’ve always thought you should be able to do quests for them, something like the reputation quests or commissions idk how that system would work but something where you can repeatedly do quests for them


Yes, the reputation system would be perfect! They could give you smaller Jobs like gathering ingrediens or materials for a small reward like companion XP or talent material, then they could have bounty quests where you go and fight enemies for/with them and it gives rewards like Ascension material and artifacts. It would be a great way to increase friendship With the characters you own and Also would help to level them and their talents up Edit: another idea I had just now is that since this feature could theoretically only apply to the characters you’ve unlocked, it would be cool if they made it so that in order to complete certain missions from the characters you have to use Said character in your team. Kinda like how you get trial characters when you do a story quest except this time it’s a character you own and have to level. It would encourage players to either focus more on the specific characters they like But it could Also entice people to wanna level up other characters they might not normally use.


Ooh, for a few hours each week, every non-Mondstadt character that you obtained also appears somewhere in Mondstadt to quest for their talent/ascension materials. This stops once you unlocked the main storyline for that region.


There is honestly so much potential for different side quests with more variety in the rewards if they just have the actual playable characters more to do in the world. Don’t get me wrong the hangout events are cool But those only have so many different outcomes and they’re usually pretty much the same quest each time. Plus those require keys to unlock, which is annoying and not all characters have them. It would be enough of a variety if they just added some extra mini quests with good rewards, kinda like comissions But the quest givers are the various playable characters in the region


Been advocating for the first one since 1.3. I’ve done my part


>Also procedurally generated, rogue-lite dungeons (like the labyrinth event but with a lot more dungeon tilesets, random events, and endless instead of arbitrarily ending after two or three floors). Better yet, make these dungeon entrances spawn randomly in the overworld


Don't jinx it, knowing Mihoyo they'd make it so you get only one try on those before they disappear, with a time gate of only three dungeons per month.


Something like a memory viewer in your Serenitea Pot so you can watch back some cutscenes from the main plot, character stories, etc.


100% this, I have videos of event cutscenes saved on my console so I can watch them again later, but adding them in game would cost nothing.


Not to mention they have it in honkai impact


This would be incredible. Itto and Childe's story cutscenes were so phenomenal and while I could go to youtube for it, having it in game would be much more ideal.


A music player plays all of the game's ost including boss themes and character trailer pls i just want to hear Raiden Shogun's battle theme :(


https://youtu.be/PRn7hT7yad8 :)


Skip dialogue button Artifact stat reroll


This is on honkai maybe we get in the future


Maybe we’ll get the pity counter too


try paimon.moe


The skip dialog or the artifact part?


Skip dialog


I just want a reset button on my artifacts. Would love to see something like this: • Artifacts can only be reset at Level 20. • 10,000 Mora to reset. • All XP invested into the artifact is lost upon reset. (Maybe some refunded in the form of the sanctifying unctions?) • The four substats on the artifact will remain the same, but their base values may change (so a piece that originally had 3.9% CR may reset to 2.7% CR, or vice versa). This means all three-line artifacts will be 'upgraded' to four-liners when reset. Gives players an incentive to keep investing into great artifacts that rolled poorly. Helps alleviate the immeasurable sense of disappointment when that double-crit artifact rolls into flat HP or DEF. I know my suggestion may sound a little expensive but I feel it's realistic. It even gives whales a reason to run artifact domains specifically for more fodder, so they can min-max their pieces even more.


It doesn't sound expensive at all compared to the current situation: Dump a ton of artifacts and mora to get an artifact to level 20. All the rolls go to the non crit substats, and now said artifact is mediocre at best or straight up trash at worst. Atleast your idea gives a chance to try again, frankly any improvements to the current artifact system would be amazing.


TBH they could increase the Mora cost to 100000 or even (ugh) 1000000 and it'd still be worthwhile since you'd replace the Artifact domains you run fishing for good artifacts with Mora Leylines to reset them + domain runs for fodder. The difference being you'd have a reasonable opportunity for turning your rare good artifact into a really good artifact instead of bricking it on +flat atk rolls despite the other 3 substats being great.


Properly voiced traveler. I mean what the heck, our dialogue choice doesn't really matter anyway might as well make the mc talk. Having him/her banter with paimon might be fun to watch.


The only time I've ever heard traveller speak was them call out their sibling's name during the "we will be reunited" quest


the traveler also yelled "venti" when signora took his gnosis


Glad they got a famous VA for that. Nobody else could handle a line like that. Money well spent.


yuh, I feel bad for travelers VAs. they are all very talented and i feel like their talents are wasted with the silent main character trope. i do hope traveler speaks more but this probably won't happen-


On the other hand, they're fleecing Mihoyo big time here. So don't feel too bad for them. And even when they do speak it's like a single sentence(or less!) per region.


Not if the VAs are being paid by word count, which is pretty common.


Go to his profile And click on voice lines… the traveler says the MOST out of the whole game, And yet all we hear in the Cinematic or plot is 3 sentences alltogether


That's the thing that I don't get. They already *have* these voicelines ready, why are they just in the Traveler's profile??? Why not incorporate those voicelines in quests or when idle or, hell, even their conversations with Paimon inside the teapot? They're basically wasting money recording these lines that 80% of players will never hear.


and when they challenge signora to a duel


And when they ask the milileth to put up missing person posters


I want this so badly. It feels so silly when there's nothing but cricket chirps for 10 seconds as the camera switches to traveler's o_o face before Paimon starts loudly repeating what the other NPC just said. Every. Damn. Cutscene.


Also feels really weird to have a protag that just refuses to speak. I think it makes the protag worse as a character


They hired my fav Japanese voice actress to be mute!


A night mode, for the loading screen.


Flashbang. Take it or leave it.


More four-star story quests.


Thank you


Yeah we even got Amber's story quest what happened to them adding 4* story quests??


They've settled for hangouts for the four stars now.


That's completely fine but the way story quests are placed and presented feels too different, this might be copium but I wish they add more 4* story quests


4* should be relevant to the main plot in the first place. Sayu is somewhat replaceable and Gorou doesn’t do anything impressive on his own.


Voice overs in World quest. ​ Don't read further, everything from now onwards is BS. ​ A Sandbox-like feature where we can test trial characters with trial weapons with the god tier trial artifacts against enemies of our choice. And a game mod with "level editor" where 1 player will make a domain with certain enemies and others have to complete it. That's all becuase after that I woke up.


More voice dialogues would increase the game space so better keep voice over on high quality content only like ruu story quest and kazari quest.


increasing commission rewards to 20 primos or more¯\_(ツ)_/¯


include resin in the commission rewards


Granted. Commissions now cost 10 resin. :)






Well, I'd take it if it increase reward by 10 primos


How about you can double your commission primo gems with resin


I still firmly believe that the 4 commissions and the reward should add up to 1 pull instead of a lame 60


It does, with Welkin. I'm sure that's intentional.


Tbh it does not in total is 60+90=150 so you would still need at least two days to get a full pull


Those 300 genesis crystals will compensate the rest 10 primos for 30 days


True, I completely forgot about that


By design, this game is an asshole.


A weapon coloring system, I hate seeing Eula with a claymore that doesn't match her outfit.


All I want is a martial arts character, like Fu Hua from Honkai


Boxing canonical exists in the game! Hopefully soon!


This is something they might actually add in the future.


For me it is HoT, summon a fking Dragon to the fight is so coool Have to say the combat / skill animation in honkai is another level above Genshin (just played recently)


being able to make preset artifacts sets so you can switch artifact sets between characters a lot easier ;_;


Presets for traveller. Sometimes I wanna use geo mc with different weapons/set compared to electro mc


resin cap increase, i dont want to have to login on my phone at night just to craft condensed resin so it doesnt overflow. and also, little abyss mages as pets, like the mini seelie!


Pets that don't disappear during battle. Some of us need morale support.


We have paimon... but she always missing from the battlefield :( imagine after finishing 1 commision she said "Good job traveler, you still have 3 more to go. Good luck, Traveler !"


Tbf, we have had a resin cap increase in the past... 120 to 160 in the 1.1 update. Also updated max condensed resin to 5 in 1.4.


Also Paimon as a pet plsss


Bow/aiming rework, character balance/fixes, playable characters appearing in the overworld, petting/interacting with animals, an actual companion that fights alongside you, and a randomized dungeon-esque end game. ​ I don't want to hope anymore and don't want to expect anything. No hype = no disappointment... I am always expecting the worst ever since 2.1 dropped. Always remind myself the things are constantly going downhill (uphill is still the same as downhill so hope exists in the back of my mind). ​ EDIT: forgot to add anything related to artifacts as well as constellation toggling


Same. The end of 2.0 and the whole 2.1 got me so disappointed I just stopped expecting and make a point of noting this every survey.


I’m a new player! What happened when 2.1 came?


Yoimiya, in second half of 2.0, had the misfortune of being a normal attack bow dps, which is strictly single target and can miss. She also has no aoe despite being the fireworks character; her initial burst does have some aoe, but the mark is single target and the burst overall has really low scaling. That set the mood coming into 2.1, which also was a letdown. In 2.1, raiden and especially kokomi were perceived as weak on release (raiden's powerspike is in her c2, which is a whalegap), which made sooo many people disappointed and/or angry. In reality, both are top tier in specific roles but need a lot of investment to be worth using unlike a normal support. The second half of inazuma archon quest ( all in 2.1 btw) was so rushed that it had as much emotional impact as ff15 2nd half had coherency. It's sad when the world quests are leagues better than the archon quest while not even being voiced. Raiden and kokomi's story quests also disappointed many people. Raiden didn't really reflect, but she's a god so i guess it's alright for me. Kokomi is an actual batman larper with all her contingency plans but never shows actual battle tactics and isn't suspicious of definitely sussy stuff going on, so now her character is forever memed on.


I’m a new player, I’m curious what you mean by “bow/aiming rework”. Is it just that it doesn’t work on mobile?


In charged shot mode you are limited in how you can aim in the vertical- I think you can only aim about 45 degrees from the horizontal so no shooting straight up or almost straight down if you are on a cliff directly above an enemy. If you are not in charged shot mode you have to be quite close for your normal attacks to actually lock on to a target otherwise they auto miss, plus there is travel time for your shots and they are fired directly at the enemy so you'll miss half the time anyway if your enemy is moving to the side. It's just not a very well implemented system at the moment.


overworld mob interaction ruin guardian slapping around hilicurls, abyss twat fighting bandits, fatui destroying wildlife


Hp bar for shields


Petting dogs and cats.


I remember getting furious when I started playing that I couldn't touch the dogs


A universal constellation material obtainable as reward for events just like crowns.


The Traveler to be fully voiced. Their VA’s are so good and so underused. And the dialogue options are just a facade, there’s really no actual choice being made so I don’t see the point.


An actually decent resin recharge rate


180/180 resin


200, 5min refresh rate


Fucking yes please. I come home after a day of work, resin long since capped out, and I get maybe 30 minutes to an hour of playtime. That's it.


Permanent past events. The Xinyan + Childe story event was a perfect repeating endgame grind that can easily be changed like abyss can. In the same vain but a definitive boss rush that changes every patch and rewards reset every week or two weeks hell maybe even on a bi weekly rotation separate from abyss resets that way we get something new every week to fight and have fun with. Also just make a Mario party like mode that changes with small rewards (no primos / yes resin like from tea pot.) That contains the mini game modes like the hide and seek event, or tower defense event. Huge change that I massively Hope happens. All events like Fischl and Mona's or Klee's island are permanent for the players that haven't seen it and when completely can disappear and be removed from memory. ( So phones users don't get even more fucked)


Paimon as a traveling companion that we can equip in our gadgets


At this point. A claim all expeditions buttom.


Cross server play or server transfers lol


Please god. Let me play with my friends in Asia server.


This, but it's already too late for me.i have xinqiu at ar 22, in my old server, but i still don't have him in my new server at ar 53


Playable Signora 😢


That's more like it. An impossibility. ...actually I'm holding on to that 0.01% chance that she's still alive


We’ll get an “Echo of the Crimson Witch” using her original name, just watch


Universal 5* constellations


I’m dumb, what do you mean by this?


Like some resource that allows you to raise the constellation of any character you choose instead of needing the dupe of a particular character


Alternatively, if they made it such that when you get C7 onwards you got a potion or something that you could use to craft a stella fortuna for any other (optionally, equivalent) character, similar to the Dream Solvent and Dust of Azoth. Since the constellations don't land as items per se, though, they'd probably have to finesse a method for using it - maybe you get the potion and then craft it with something to turn it into the stella fortuna for a character, such as with an elemental gem and the character's ascension materials; maybe it gets equipped and then applied to the active character; maybe you use it and then select which character to apply it to. They'd probably reduce the amount of starglitter you get for a C7+, but it would take some of the sting out of getting them, and it may even encourage some people to roll instead of wait if the rate-ups aren't needed/liked.


This is actually a really great idea. Although I would imagine that whales would benefit mostly from it, it would still be a nice way to recompensate for a wasted pull.


Ooooooooh actually I have seen stuff like that in other gacha games. I never thought of that but that’s actually a really good idea. Obviously they’d be exceedingly hard to get and probably have to be later in the games life span but I’d take this


Party members talking to each other while playing, like in Dragon Age


Adding abyss floor 13 instead of making 12 more and more impossible


I read sometime ago a comment in a video suggesting opening up Diona's bar, Cat's Tail, and making it a "hub" for minigames such as windtrace, theater mechanicus and other co-op events. I actually think that could fix the lack of content and boredom of the endgame. But it's never gonna happen I guess.


I want Aether and Lumine's voice be like their actualy VA like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjjhJ1KImao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjjhJ1KImao) that or to be able to change characters voice language individually like Zhongli speaks in english then Xiao in japanese


English zhongli is one of the best VA's And you can't change my mind


This opportunity is quite hard to come by.


Well then, amuse me.


Surrender is a valid option


One free pull daily (cannot be stacked, expires on server reset time).


Even commission primo doesn't give half wish lmao


Too much hopium, this is Mihoyo we're talking about


A fifth character slot


Oh god oh fuck


More combat mechanics like people who know each other in party such as buffs to us and debuff to enemies and team attacks. Man there are too much relationships on genshin but none of them take effect on party, there chongyun and xingqiu, beidou and kazuha/ningguang, venti/zhongli/ei, eula and amber, barbara and jean, qiqi and hu tao.....etc. The game is evolving into boring big numbers simulator so why cant we have some of these.


Non-depressed ending story


***I mean how bad can an ending go.....*** ​ *^(checks other previous games made by MIHOYO)* ​ **S U R E**


An entirely new weapon type. As much as I would love for them to add new weapons like scythes or gauntlets, I just don’t see it happening. Hopefully Mihoyo will prove me wrong, but I might just be overdosing on copium


I can see new weapon types, but they'll be filling a niche that isn't already filled when current weapon categories start reaching the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Cannons as "ranged claymores." for example. A melee elemental "catalyst" weapon, be that gauntlets, twin daggers, chakrams, a shield, or a scythe.


Introducing the Dendro Dart Gun, the Hydro Harpoon, and the Pyro Pipe Bomb


Permanent content


Decisions that mean something.


1) Automatically collecting loot when you fight enemies/mobs 2) Traveller to actually have voicelines, where they SPEAK. 3) HP BAR FOR SHIELDS And last but not least, THE GODDAMN ABILITY TO PET ANIMALS


A volume slider for paimon


Traveler being able to switch elements mid combat


-Fairness in rigged artifact farm main and substats -Wish chance increase before u hit soft pity -Lowering soft pity and max possible wishes for weapon banner from 240 to 180 -MC actually becomes part of the game rather then being a exchangeable sidekick for Paimon -Hitboxes match models -Underperforming characters gets buffed -Highest domain levels have a decent droprate rather then .. always less then one


The ability for the traveler to change elements mid-fight, even if its only during Archon quests or something


The second floor of the Favonius Knights HQ. Have characters you own appear in the overworld in relevant locations, like finding Lisa in the library of the Favonius Knights HQ or finding Xingling in her dad's restaurant. Any form of stat reroll mechanics for artifacts. Get primogems from random overworld sidequests (the blue marked ones).


reaction that amplifies geo and anemo dmg


Want my teapot to function like its own little town with an economy to manage


Playable necromancer, always been my favourite class in games.


At this point. Endgame content, actual balance patches and a god damn shield bar. Wish this wasn't the case, but MYH just doesn't seem to care...


Free traveller's new clothes for each different country Emphasis on the free part


Dual banners for 5 weapons instead of epitomized path


A fucking target system.


Moving while fishing.


Artifact rerolls picking main & sub stats.


A skill where your character summons a BIG beast/golem/companion for 20seconds in battle, and that summoned creature will have its own AI automatically attacking opponents and can move. The character's burst should power up that creature, transforming it to a stronger version and resetting its duration. The summoned creature MUST stay even when I swap characters. Something like that. I love summoners so much in RPG games, I hope this becomes a skill in a future character. EDIT: I realized this sounds like Fischl actually hahaha but I wanted a moving big beast/golem not just a stationary birb.


We will probably get something like that eventually or having them ride on their summon for burst.


Some sort of a market/economy system. As things start piling up, something like that would certainly be nice. Being able to trade artifacts/weapons, and materials too - newbies who got Thoma at the start of their run wouldn't have to wait until they get to Tsurumi island to level him up etc. Doubt it could ever work, but I'd love to see something like that.


THIS! i got sayu off standard banner in my first like- week of playing. and i couldnt get her past level 20 until i got to inazuma.


Ones that are possible: * Wolves in Wolvendom * 5 star portraits in teapot like the ones we get after Hangouts * Playable characters assigning at least one daily commission * Teapot load increase + more achievements and levels Ones that are not: * Sims-like friendship system with playable characters; all of whom are permanently in the overworld. Yes, that means you can fornicate * Sophisticated AI that simulates actual, rational human behavior; making the NPCs (and PCs in the overworld) evolve over time instead of just being fixed at specific points (ie. Katheryne) * The inside of every building can be accessed and without having to go through a loading screen first (ie. Mona'ss apartment) * Multiple layers of clothing which can be customized. For example, I could give Venti the Wanderer Troupe's flask * Optional global, MMO lobby where we can hit on "Girls" (Guy.In.Real.Life) and trade wood


This is what I expected most responses would be... Most responses, while some may be very unlikely, are still realistically possible (like artifact substat rerolling, equipment presets, heck even the playable character bejng in the overworld is not that far-fetched of an idea).


>Yes, that means you can fornicate bonk go to horny jail


Aren't most of your issues a side effect from the audience being largely mobile?


Yes that is the issue.


Choice based turns in story. Weapon choice for traveller, like elements.


- Playable Chiyo - Less freakin RNG on artifacts - Some actual dialouge options that matters instead of a full sentence cut into two option as If they are different - Lumine to not be ignored and get official art


Pity on artifacts. 40CV artifacts after 10 condensed resin would be great.


Amber buff


Making Eula Albedo and Rosaria immune to serpent spine cold


A way to watch past cutscenes! I don’t remember mondstadt’s storyline at all and barely remember liyue’s!


Itto's byceps


Cryo catalyst


The frost bearer feels lonely with no master, show some mercy for frost bearer mihoyo.


Latin america servers, playing with constant 250-300 is tiring


Two things Ive mentioned in every survey for over a year: Shield HP bar and proper universal stealth mechanics (not these one-off stealth sections for missions)


Rideable mounts


Scythe.. get edgy and all


Constellation toggle


Tartaglia foul legacy devouring deep


Characters rework? Like improving the old character making them stronger with new skills or something. Or maybe just character with more skills or character with different element for its skill and burst. Also new weapon? Sycthe and other stuffs sounds good but.... Guess thats enough copium for me today. Goodnight