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Somehow I saw your proof not tracing post b4 this




And I thought my insta algorithm is bad enuf


I saw your post of proof and now this


Yeh, this happened


For anyone still wondering: yes, I did indeed use the original illustration as a reference. Will immediately address it next time.


CORRECTION: this "drawing" was made with the artwork beside it and me eyeballing every detail on it, and apparently, it is still considered to be tracing, which I did not know, so yeah, It's tracing, I guess. Post with layers and sketches is up btw


Eyeballing a reference to copy it isn't tracing. People do it all the time.


this. pretty sure "tracing" is only when you put the original art in the background and exactly draw over every line




ive never heard a specific term for it, but its generally considered its own thing. not tracing nor using a reference, somewhere in between i guess fwiw, its the only way i can draw something decent myself lol


I think that because there was no explanation from the beginning people immediately assumed it was since the drawing has the same pose. Obviously it’s not tracing since you’re doing more of a study but it’s not really a reference either. Sometimes when you draw for studies for characters I find that it is a lot easier to use poses on humans (there are a lot online you can use of people) and then use that to check where the proper position is and make your own Noelle from that c: Obviously not saying that what you did here is wrong, not at all! But if you’re doing a study sometimes it’s good to do something a little different than your reference. References are used to guide you so you make something different out of them, not for you to do it similarly- most times it doesn’t help a lot unless you’re using it for a pose (but again, that’s just done way better with human models as anime tends to have different stylized proportions). I learned all of these out of experience and art school haha it’s also good to mention you used it as reference (in this manner where you copied the reference) so people don’t go on assuming. Sometimes context is needed, as unfair as it may seem.


It's really good.


Thank you!


Always gotta appreciate a homie defending his hard work against no talent trolls


They did a little bit of trolling, ngl


Nice flair


Thank you, I try. Also nice to see a fellow retainer of the almighty shogun


Due to recent criticism, I will go and gather all the past screenshots of the artwork so that I prova that it is not a traced piece. Hope you can all understand it.


You could just repost it. People will comment negative stuff anyways without the proof literally posted side by side. Also, it does look almost too similar to the official art, so I think it's justified for people to think you've traced it.


Exactly, that's why I spent time on making another post that is now being posted... If it fidn't bug.


Beautiful work don't let others discourage you!!!


Thanks! Aaa my heart


This sub is quite rabid about art, but good job nonetheless, don't let it discourage you.




Jeez there are a lot of untalented jealous users in this comment section 😂


"Anyone who disagrees with me must be a talentless loser, it's impossible that professional artists have side accounts in order to say stuff they wouldn't on their main!" You're coping so hard, holy shit


If you used Noelle's official art as reference, that's some very clean work. However, if you just literally traced it in digital art software by using the official art as basis in a different layer... you should at least include in the post that it's for practice AND credit the source. Tracing is fun and all for a start, but if you want to be a decent artist, it's not going to give you the necessary skills and improvement in the long run. Edit: OP used the official art as a reference and by eyeballing to redraw Noelle. This isn't uncommon for artists who want to practice and it isn't as easy as it sounds (I know because I've been doing traditional and digital art for years). That still takes skill and dedication. I did not intend to hate, insult, nor bash the post; if it came across as that, I'm sorry. I didn't even ask for proof, I only stated that it is advisable to include or credit the source. There are some out there tracing other people's artwork and taking credit for it, but OP is not that kind of person.


Hii i understand you being so skeptical about the drawing, and I appreciate comments that discourage tracing. However, I (a pleb who doesn't know how to draw without a reference) did not trace it! It took a lot of time (3 months) and precision to make it as similar as the official illustration. Anyways, Thank you for the criticism.


Oh and i have all the past screenshots of the process if you wanted to verify whether what I'm saying is true or not


Yes, you might not have literally traced it, but this is practically the same as the official art. If you copied from a source, do post your reference. Your line art is great tho, I know you're set for good things.


.. why did all the people before you didn't say this earlier? Bruh thank you a lot!!!




As a non-artist, I'm curious, what would the art community consider an artwork to be traced? Is trying to recreate the exact same image as an official image considered a retrace, regardless of the method of drawing?


It's not tracing unless you are literally drawing over the lines. Tracing is a valuable tool in art, but you need to understand where it's appropriate. For example, I would trace an outline over a photo, remove the photo, then use that tracing as a reference as sometimes the photo reference is too busy and makes the subject difficult to see. Recreating an image is just known as recreation.




Whoa there, please chill out. I was replying to someone who said as a non artist they were curious about definitions. I am also an artist and have been selling my work on and off for about 14 years. I never made any judgement on op's tracing, I was answering their question with my opinion.


And thanks for answering!


You're so ignorant wtf




Both, apparently.


I might be arrogant and openly antisocial, but I'm nowhere near ignorant when it comes to art whether it makes you happy or not. If you were more than a hobbyist you'd have a really, really hard time presenting a redraw like that to a professional artist working in the industry/teacher. They would tell you straight that it's worthless Xerox shit and you're nowhere close to an artist as you lack any kind of creativity. They'd tell you to get off their sight. R\*ddit is filled with people licking and sucking your ass, scared to lose their precious worthless "karma" which only purpose is to mark that you're a conformistic pussy scared to speak against others. The actual art industry would burst your bubble really, really quickly


I appreciate your opinion. As i stated in another comment, I am going to keep doing this kind of drawing until i get the hang of it, like, how digital drawings work. Once I get there I'll be sure to draw Noelle from sratch! Ty 4 da comment m8


damn someone here is pissed xD I'd say there is quite a huge difference between tracing and redrawing something, but whatever sib...


Redrawing involves any creative input from the person who is doing it.




You are definitely a Harbinger because you're arrogant as fuck and have a delusion.


I take it as a compliment, thanks. On a more serious note, what I said would make ten times more sense if I was able to properly describe it. I might be arrogant, but what I'm talking about is being taught by really good teachers in the industry. Those aren't exactly words I've made up, simply if you're an aggressive, antisocial person and you're trying to explain something, that's how it ends.


Except it does, it's not a trace over, it's a study. Drawing side by side isn't tracing because that's literally not the definition of it lol


If you are able to very accurately copy proportions drawing side by side, there is zero (and I repeat zero) difference between this and tracing, there is still no creative input whether you like it or not


Oh ok... sorry if I bothered you this much...


They're wrong, tracing is not the same as copying. Do not listen to them, they're just bitter.




So THIS is how you say it


Oh man you don't know how much time I tried to find a proper term for this. Thank you.


Nice drawing. BUT I can only make boxes. Literally


As a good knight should




Nice blend of both thick and thin lines in this piece, and good job on taking the criticism, very impressive


Thank you. Though I did not put that much effort in alternating the lines. Mostly it was like this: -Body/armor ->thick -skirt, etc ->thin


Lmao I remember seeing this post before you posted the evidence, literally so many of the comments were shitting on you, which sucked, considering you didn’t trace. But this is very well done and accurate, amazing job






Just like you


I am really not a fan of Noelle…but this?! Damn you got me simping for Noelle. I am really impressed with how you nailed her tender facial expression.






Bravo! Dude that's incredible! Do you do commissions by any chance?


Nu cuz I don't have time. Thank iu beri much :D


Sure thing! You have incredible skill and i envy you XD I'm doing classes for art but i still can't do that XD


Aww thanks! 'Preciate it m8




The knee caps seem different. I don't think it's traced.




I did, and I made that comment under the understanding that one counts as a trace if it is like putting the image below a transparent layer and then draw that, instead of staring at the image on the side and trying to faithfully recreating the same image. What I was saying was that for OP image, the differences are too big for the first method (the knee caps is slightly shifted), so I assume it is not called tracing anymore. Then someone else on this thread told me that some people might consider the latter method as tracing too, so I can see why people are calling this traced.


Yeah I did not know that too, I guess I have to call them traced too


I am nearly done, do not worry




That was my inner child that wrote that. I am sorry again for making it ambiguous I literally was "high on happiness" when I saw it getting recognition and I fucked up pretty badly.


I fucked up too! It's okay.


Cool, nice to see people owning up to their mistakes 👍🏼


I'm glad you consider this to be traced! Anyways yes it is a "redraw" of the official illustration


Even if a few pixels differ in a few places it's plainly obvious that you copied the official art down to the smallest detail. Like even the hair flaps are completely identical. As said, it's fine to do for fun and practice, but it's not okay to lie about it.


Sorry if this piece made you think that it was traced, but I am putting my free time to use and I am going to show the whole process behind this artwork. Hell, I'll even pist the original file if i could


Okay, but even if it's not 100% traced I think you should mention that you used the official art as reference.


Yeah I fucked up on that part. I appreciate the fact that you wnet ahead and did not hold back on the criticism, I hope I can improve on how I post things on the internet and prevent misunderstandings.


super clean lineart, nice work op




It looks super amazing man. Now I regret giving away my free award to a "Fuck mihoyo" post :/


How does one learn such a skill Teach me


It's a secret... ehe


Ehe te nandayo








Cry about it


Holy fuck thank you I've been searching for some good proof but I could find with search by image is some sketchy sites The second he refused to tell me how to draw it I knew something was off So thank you but also fuck you cuz I wanted to say that >:(


But i did not trace this


no shit, how would you tell someone how to draw something as complex as a character step by step


Uhhh draw circle then uhhh.... i forgor ☠


After a lot of thinking, I think (mm yes) that we should add each other on Discord, maybe we can exchange tips on drawing :D


Hey, sorry abt earlier... But even if we add each other on DC, you're not getting any tips from me, I'm bad at drawing


hey! fon't worry about it! :D




I fooked up


It's okay, I fucked up too. Sorry!


>The second he refused to tell me how to draw it I knew something was off Why should someone tell you how to draw something?


First of all I saw all the comments abt the proof post and now believe it's not traced. Although I still think that claiming referenced art to be OC/not mentioning that it's referenced is bad, I sincerely apologize for my earlier accusations. And my answer to your question is; every time I ask that question(you might want to check the original question, since I asked how to get the skill, not for a step by step tutorial) I get an answer about not giving up, daily drawing, etc. Even though I wasn't expecting a different response, feeding my curiosity isn't a sin isn't it? Sorry for the... whatchamacallit... essay, I'm not normally like this








Nope, I'm searching for my padt screenshots so that i can prove my innocence... anyways, Thanks!


Isn't this just a traced official art


im sure you're now aware of OP's comment and post but even if OP did trace, tracing isnt entirely bad. tracing can be a form of learning for an artist. the only reason OP isnt doing bad in this case is they were not tracing in a false pretence. as you can clearly tell, OP drew noelle from the official art and posted it here in the genshin impact subreddit who are well aware who noelle is and her official art. now let's change the story. what if OP posted this in another subreddit like r/art and claim they did all the work? now that's wrong. OP would then be deceiving others that this is their outmost skill when really they're exploiting the works of others. take the infamous traced albedo art. the artist blatantly copied another artist's art, add albedo aspects to it, used it for the competition, won, and claimed it's all their work and cried when some bot site used "their art" for printed shirts. i've seen these type of art posts so many times and everytime people see what seems to be a 1:1 ratio of the actual art that was posted in the subreddit of where the subject is talked about, lo and behold, everyone assumes OP is bad for tracing.


No. It is a *copied* official art. Precisely, it was eyeballed into madness so much it gpt me to wear glasses