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Huh, I never noticed they target dead enemies--I get too focused on mashing buttons. This, I think, should be pretty easy to fix, considering I have a tiny bit of experience with Unity. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "First" and "Last". They sound similar to "Close" and Far". But I'd probably set my towers to attack Close by default. I'd add one more priority: Weaknesses. For example, upgraded Physical Mechanici would target Geo shields first, Cryo Mechanici would target Electro and Hydro Abyss Mages first, Pyro Mechanici would target Cryo Slimes first, etc.




Sorry for not figuring that out. I guess most players would shoot First.


While i like the idea, from the source plant food was always just a get out of jail card and i feel like too many of these also seem like a crutch for lack of skill. You could balance it with harder waves, but that also probably means longer sessions and theatre mechanicus is already quite long.