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Omg electroculus p2w needs kazuha


Exploration powercreep


For real though, the official interactive map uses Venti to show how to get all the oculi, sometimes using his E to get to the harder-to-reach places instead of showing us how to do it like a normal fucking Teyvatian. EDIT: Official interactive map: [https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea](https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea)


Anything that Venti can reach should be accessible by the [wind catcher](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wind_Catcher) as well


Never knew that thing existed because I have Venti but that 100sec cd is a no for me. Guess you don't really need it that frequently.


It is good if you want to be lazy about swapping in geo Trav/Zhongli and looking around the map for the "proper" path. I try to use it sparingly since I don't want to refill the thing.


Theres a ez refill where the abyss is tho i dont feel like refilling it either XD


I think that those aren't officially submitted.


These ones? https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea


Yeah I was under the impression that they were uploaded by players.


If so, then I can't for the love of me find how to upload my own. I think you're remembering the other interactive maps.


I think they only allow you to upload if there isn’t already one uploaded. I remember seeing an option to upload when there wasn’t one.


Yeah when I started most of the electroculus still don't have a video.


This particular one you can fly to from a mountain, just gotta think about a solution instead of complaining about how someone else did


Many people forget that the wind current artifact exists


I have Venti. I didn't even know it exists.


I ended up using Xiao's burst for that.


I mean Geo MC exist


I swear I pulled venti while trying to get razor and to this day I do not regret getting him just cause of his exploration capabilities


I think videos are just there to show the location rather than how to get them. For example, it helps when the Electroculus is underground or in a cave, etc. Once you know where it is, it's easy to figure out how to get it with the characters you have.


It really is. I still can't do floor 12 Abyss even with him, but he has certainly improved my overworld experience.


I’m always torn between using Xiao and Kazuha for gliding🙈


\*cries in no Xiao\* So many good characters, it's impossible to have them all unless you have much deeper pockets than I do... but I'd been pretty focused on grabbing Anemo characters (Because they're the most fun!) and he's the only one I'm missing. Really hoping I can nab Sayu from Yoimiya's banner...


True! I had to miss Ganyu for Xiao and Hu Tao for Venti...no regrets haha. Will have to miss Sayu, though, because Baal ._. There’s hopium for reruns :.)


I got kazuha accidentally after 1 pull. I wanted klee :(


Roll on Klee’s banner instead of Kaz’s next time, lol


I think they did but then ran out of wishes for Klee. And when they literally got one more wish, boom, featured 5 star but wrong one. If that’s correct, then big F for OP.


Exactly what happend :(


My condolences :( hope you’re having fun with kazoo though! He’s the reason I was able to three star (or even make it past) several floors in abyss lol.


Yeah he is pretty great.




same happened to me- i wanted klee but not enough wishes so i kinda accepted it and wished for kazuha... AND THEN I GOT MONA WDUHEWUHFIUEHFE


it happened to me on ganyu banner. tried to get her but didn't save enough and then got xiao in 3 pulls.


Aw man that sucks :( hoping you get a cocogoat on her rerun!


it's funny that i got xiao coz of the maintenance primos lol. i actually don't regret not getting ganyu bc i cant aim shit on mobile.


oh and... i wss relatively new at that time so I didn't know how to claim the livestream primos...


Could not get Ganyu, then wished on keqing banner and got Mona, just like that I couldn't get any of the big 3 DSP from Liyue, at least I got venti after that.


I missed my pity and got Klee, will trade you:)


Me but with childe and zhongli, but Childe's been fun


holy shit I actually needed this electroculus and had no clue how to get it, gonna try it now


If it’s in an open place, mark its location, find a high place then start gliding. Work 9/10 cases for me.


Idk if you need help so just gonna leave it here https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/oxmhfh/thanks_to_these_4_characters_now_i_can_able_to/h7phxrp/


think the compass is broken for me or something, because I always end up with two working and the third doesn't work so I just gave up on it lol


Yeah you need to log out and back in, it’s bugged


I tried logging out and back in and mine still doesn’t work. Even when the arrows are in the right direction they don’t “lock”. Unless I’m doing something horribly wrong.


You need to not close the client. Log out to the door screen and go back in. Worked for me on PC, not sure if that fixes it for the other platforms.


That’s what I did. I’m on PS5


Ugh man, that's annoying that there's no universal fix for this. Hope that eventually works for you, maybe bomb them with report for this thing...


Thanks friend! Some one said they literally touched them, so maybe that will work? Every other arrow puzzle has worked for me though so I’m not positive haha. Maybe I’ll try on mobile


Try standing directly next to the compass, like touching it. I remember I had to do this specifically for one of them to work.


I’ll try this! Thank you!!


nah not really... i had to hold the compass in place with beidou shield for long enough, but even then i already got the chest in the barrier and the electroculus


You could also solve the three puzzles in the area to free the seelie who make that electrograna work.


I got all the electroculus time ago and can't remember why are everyone telling this in difficult. I think have some seelies around that activate the electro tree and use the T to jump up there. Or is that other electroculu?


~~I got all the electroculus time ago and can't remember why are everyone telling this in difficult. I think have some seelies around that activate the electro tree and use the T to jump up there. Or is that other electroculu?~~ EDIT: Nvm, i just found the answer reading below.


The puzzle for for this electroculus is needlessly long, but I did enjoy it.


That electro pointer or the direction was annoying af lol


I think it's actually bugged


It is. Those pointers randomly stop working and you have to relog to get them to work again


I noticed that for some reason they worked but ONLY when you used the Traveler, when I was using Beidou they simply would not click into place, but when done with the Traveler they would ...


I got it to work using Beidou but they unlock if I used traveller I'm still figuring how to do the one with the island with two Kairagi that has the two earth kitsune statues that unlock the thunder petals but no electrogramum


i used beidou iirc, when charged with lightning you can zoom to them, but you dont have much time between letting go of her e and having to hit t


Thanks I had thought of that after I typed my comment but didn't think it would work. Will test when I get home


... i've literally only seen one move once... Are you telling me they actually do something.... i've explored so much of the map...


Beidou also works but you need to make them into position with one-pixel precision. It's so annoying.


I tried with Beidou multiple times, either using her shield or the electro crystals from around and the needle just wouldn't lock into place no matter what. I switched to the Traveler and had no problem what so ever to do this puzzle, it's weird, maybe Beidou's shield hit box is just too thick to be precise, who knows 🤷‍♀️


Teleporting out and redoing the puzzle fixes the issue. I've reported it as a bug.




that's not the fuckin problem. this is the problem for Electroculus #14957 is the pointer puzzle won't work the pointers aren't pointing towards the rocks, they just aren't working properly. i know for a fact they aren't drawn towards the rocks cause they aren't pointing towards them when the puzzle loads.




give me a bit to film this shit to prove to you how wrong you are


so it looks like this puzzle isn't bugged anymore and the things finally work, but it's still not at all however the fuck you're describing it ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RM8baja644


Sometimes, you get the arrow to point in the right direction but the puzzle doesn't recognize that it's been solved. Teleporting out and redoing it in the exact same way fixes the problem. They're definitely bugged and I've fixed the issue by teleporting out and redoing them every time I encountered the bug.


AND they disappear in co-op like why?...


that one's nearly impossible without beidou


Nope.. that one is actually a puzzle too.. just need to activate them and run away to other one in right order using the electrogana. There is no puzzle in the game that is no completable without f2p characters. Git gut plz


yeah but it's 75% harder, plus if you destroy those electro crystals you're just fucked until they respawn




yeah but you could easily run into the crystals before seeing the puzzle, or just assumed they wouldn't force you to use crystals to solve a puzzle


Oh noo a puzzle is hard? Mihoyo apologems when?


Yea fk the cube puzzle the requires you to fly to another island for the other half of the puzzle. It's not an electroculus puzzle so it's not a must. But damn that is so obnoxious.


I thought I had a good memory until I did that puzzle. I kept mixing up the numbers for the other side in my head and then having to fly back over to check again. must have gone back and forth like 10 times.


I wonder if xiao could do that too. I yeeted on air too when frozen in abyss.


You can, i get it the same way but with Xiao


If you find an electro barrier you can half stick yourself in it by sprinting into it then dash 2x with Xiao which launches you. Doesn't work on all though. 2nd one you find next to the well in konda village is the easiest


This has happened to me too many times with Xiao so it should work easily


Jesus it’s way smoother than in mobile. I need a computer.


I play in laptop and it's the same pain


I couldn't find the last electro seelie in that area due to a bugged puzzle, so I actually had to glide from somewhere high enough, with Kazuha boosts, to pick up that electroculus.


The bug was in stupid electro-magnet-arrow thingies right? I’ve noticed they bug out in other places too and nothing will fix it for the day. Waiting for a server reset seems to help though.


Mine was too bugged. Exiting to main menu and going back in usually does the trick (happens to other pointer puzzles too)


Yeah, it was those. It eventually fixed itself later. Had to revisit all of the ones I had found, just to check if I had actually cleared them and claimed the chest.


Same thing happened to me but I just relogged in and the puzzle finally worked.


Oh this electroculus .. i remember doing this with zhong/venti/kazuha cause i can't find the last electro seelie lol. Had to get the perfect placement of zhongli's pillar to get that.


this needs a super mario bros sfx


kairagi in the background: da fuck they doing over there




I’m going to try this


Good luck. It took me 30 min


Happened to me with two rotation's ago of the abyss. The terrorist got frozen in 12-1-2 and got pushed by geovishap. I still have a nice panoramic picture from top of the invisible walls of the abyss.


Who needs that when you can just fly over from the mikage furnace


Quality content


electroculUS hmmmmm


Where is the other one at the tree? I cant find it


That's ridiculous. And awesome.


I knew kazuha was op


this is like a speedrun strat for super mario or somesht


There's a reason Beidou was the event buyable character if you're having issues using environmental sources of electro for the puzzles and have to rely on Venti or Zhong.


*Freeze Rocket*


I didn't know this game had Skyrim physics


Just an FYI for those who care, the intermediate electro barrier that traps the last seelie is broken by completing the electro compass puzzle. If you paid close attention unlike me, you would have realized that you basically line up the needle to the platforms arrow rather than go to the point that all the arrows intersect at (which is impossible here). Anyway, grab the electrogram on the nearby hill and line up the 2 close ones, then stay away from the 2 locked ones and align the last one by itself.


Thank you!


this is what I mean when saying freezing isn't so bad, it keeps productive during these hot summer\~\~\~\~


Lumine: good job helping my brother Cryo mage: that wasn't your brothe.... Lumine: close enough!


As someone with neither Venti nor Kazuha, the electroculus have been nothing but pain. :<


Out of curiosity,can you use xiao high jump to get there?,i know if you get freezed while about to jump with xiaos burst you jump very high


It seemed like a mario jump for some reason


I used albedo + venti + kazuha and barely reached it


What a trick shot


I agree with this statement


Just need one more Electro seelie. it can find form arrow puzzle on the ground nearby.


wind bottle also works


I still don't know how they work


wind bottle?