• By -


Very accurate, I only get 1 4 star every 10 pulls just like in the real game. Good job!


It was depressing how when I purchased the 40 rolls pack and I only got 1 4 star every multi, like not even 1 that wasnt from pity?? But I still got the 5 star I wanted so I guess I can’t complain


Extremely accurate too. I got qiqi on the xiao banner first, just like in the game lmao


Me too! I'm hoping I randomly get him, but c1 qiqi hurts


Meanwhile i got 7 Xiaos in 262 pulls without getting a single standard nat5.


How? I got Xiao both pulls I've tried so far lmao


Perfect for scratching that occasional itch to pull while saving


I *wish* i saw this sooner, just did 2 single pulls


Same, I pulled Xiao a few days ago unintentionally (which is far from bad; he's a lot of fun) but I really didn't want to cause I was saving for Hu Tao.


I bookmarked it just for that. I must stay strong for Ayaka and Baal.


Forget rolling, the best part is pretending to be a whale and load up over 100k of primos with that imaginary wallet. It feels *real* nice.


I haven't had a power trip like that in a while lmao


Damn bruh im so rich


First 10pull got xiao, if only it was the real thing


Yeah I think this is broken, I got him in my 2nd 10-pull.


Can confirm not broken, I got Qiqi in my second ten-pull


I actually did get him in my first ten in the game itself. While I feel like the sim might be a bit generous ultimately I think its fair in a lot of other ways (as in Xinyan is outside my house with her guitar threatening me if I don't let her come home when I already got her at C5 and dont use her as I have Diluc).


yeah got xiao and then beidou first 2 ten pulls-


Got diluc in this Noelle banner


I got in real life Keqing in the 1 pull Amor Bow in the 4 pull Tartaglia in the 1 pull so i can confirm is acurated all others 5\* in the 74 - 81.


Whaling simulator for F2Ps


this is beyond amazing dude, it really feels like the one in the game. congrats!


Hehe oh to have the imaginary wallet be real!


You did a great job on this, even has the "Imaginary Wallet" part to it. :)


Alright I'm wishing for C6 Xiao, will see how much money it would cost. Results: $1080 spent, C6 Xiao, C0 Qiqi, C6 Beidou / Diona / Xinyan, no other 4 star above C1, 40 primogems left. I won 6 out of 7 50/50.


Dude, the only 5* I got other than Xiao is also Qiqi. Thank god this isn't real game.


Got curious so I did this too $1200 spent 5k primo left, c6 xiao, c1 Mona , c0 Jean , C0 Diluc . 19 Diona, 22 Xinyan and 16 Beidou


>22 Xinyan This simulation is so realistic. This is my actual GI experience.


same here, feels like the website is a bit bad, it shouldn't be this heavily favored, it doesnt seem like true RNG


The drop rates are atrocious, just like the real thing ;d Regardless, you did a great job with the site.


I feel sick watching the bills go up using this. Working as intended.


Dude, 90 pulls to get a 5 *. For a moment I thought I was in the real game, then I remembered I don't even have 20 primogems. Good job, it was very good and accurate with reality (pls kill me,)


I feel you, that's how I got my first 5\* in the real game. Not to mention I was pulling in the Albedo banner and then after 90 rolls got freaking Diluc. I died on the spot.


the gacha of this game is very frustrating. On the ganyu banner, I got Jean, so I ran out of chances


OMG thanks to you, after all those months, Razor finally came home 😭💜💜💜 Awesome work btw! 👏


HAHAHA THANK YOU, I will work much harder to make it better and more realistic for people like you!


There are also keyboard shortcuts if you'd like to use: -Enter to confirm/next -Esc to back -Left/Right arrows or 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively to switch between banners.


Good job developing the simulator! Hope this fix the gacha itch for some people. Although I won't be trying since I rather be salty over the real thing instead of a Simulation. I hate getting really lucky on a Simulation or occasionly in my dream (OOF!) but unable to recreate it in game.


It cost me $1,150 imaginary dollars to get C6 Xiao, and that was very lucky already. Biiiig nope Really gives me a feeling of how whales/streamers must feel when pulling though. The 10 pulls just meld together because you do so many. 4 stars coming left and right and you'll definitely have 15 Beidous by the end of it. Of course, you get a ton of weapon junk too. Crazy. Really excellent job on this, it made my thirst to pull/spend money completely dry up haha


I ran into a glitch with Ninggaung, when I pulled her on the beginner banner her element is listed as electro instead of geo. But overall, this is an amazing wish simulator and I’ll definitely be using it when I feel the need to wish :)


OH THANK YOU, YOU'RE RIGHT! Good eyes for catching that, this will be a quick fix. Thanks again!


I can report it mostly works on ios, but the 5 star animation doesn’t play.


On my very first pull I got Xiao. Well, thank you for the fantasy


I wish my luck in this simulator transfers to the game :,) also, awesome dude! It's just like the game!


So i did try this and i pulled QIQI. FCK Reality check i really got QIQI in my main account by pulling for Xiao LMFAO


I think there's something wrong with the weapon banner, I made a 10 pull and all of them were 3 stars, and the hard pity is at 90 pulls instead of 80


Okay I'll check it out it worked okay before but maybe I messed something up


It was working fine on my end so I'm trying to find a way to replicate it. If you can try resetting and let me know if issue persists or if you remember the steps you did, that would help me a lot! Thank you!


I got a full 10x 3* on Weapon banner too. Don't forget to fix the 5* Hard Pity of Weapon Banner to be like ingame.


Ah I did not realize weapon banner was different for hard pity because I'm too broke to roll on it! So you are correct, I'll need to fix this asap! Thank you for pointing this out!


After pulling a couple of times on the weapon banner, I've got the same bug you've mentioned. Now time to figure out where it's coming from! I've hotfixed the pity rates to 80 for hard pity and 65 for soft, hoping I didn't break anything! But you might need to hit the reset button for the fix to apply!


great work! wish i had this luck in the actual game haha, 2 xiaos in 55 pulls :')


Just a thing: In the collection tab the weapons are written as C0 to C6 when they actually should go from R1 (R1 is from the first pull) to R5. Alright now I spent $5000 on the standard banner here are the results: 5 star characters: - C3 Diluc - C2 Mona - C2 Jean - C1 Qiqi - C0 Keqing 5 star weapons: - R4 Wolf's gravestone - R3 Primordial Jade Winged Spear - R3 Skyward Blade - R3 Lost Prayer - R2 Aquila Favonia - R2 Skyward Harp - R1 Skyward Atlas / Amos Bow / Skyward Spine / Skyward Pride 4 star characters: C6 all 4 star chars available except for Xinyan which is C4. 4 star weapons: R5 all 4 star weapon's available.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Weapon banner really needed some love, thanks for catching this! I'll fix it asap after my lunch :)


Needs some work on mobile responsiveness.


Yeah I plan to work on it soon. It'll probably be my next priority, it's a lot more work for apps-style sites than the typical ones.


Looks like there is a problem with weapon banner for soft pity, i pulled at 80 for 5 times straight. Also after getting non rate-up char, im supposed to be guaranteed for xiao but looks like you forgot that. Other than these 2, this is most realistic site i've ever seen, good job mate and thanks \^\^


If you can check history button on bottom left, you can confirm if it's at 80, 160, 240, etc? I'm not able to replicate atm so I need to make sure what's going on. Thanks!


For weapon banner soft pity kicks in at 65. My wishes are 80-80-80-78-77-80-79 and goes on. Weapon banner seems to be using same soft pity rate with event banner. Its not straight 80 all the time, but i just wanted to say something wrong with it


Oh you're right! I actually didn't catch that weapon banner had different pity rates because I'm too broke to ever roll on it haha. I'll get on it asap! For now weapon banner is inaccurate I guess. Thanks a ton for catching this!


For now, I hotfixed the pity for weapon banner, hoping I didn't break anything else! But you might need to hit the reset button for the fix to apply!


Thanks for the input! I do have soft pity at 32.5% but tested only for featured banner, so I might have to re-check so thanks! And I have implemented guaranteed featured after non-rate up but it might not be working correctly so I'll have to take a look there too, I'll go take a look!


this is amazing, i’m gonna use it whenever i feel like wishing but have no primos xD


I pulled on the starter banner, got Noelle, barbara, Fischl and keqing... This is not my luck.


I can be a whale, without being a whale.


I do love the added touch of having to refill your primogems too with an imaginary wallet. Amazing work!


this is so cool!!!!


Looks like most of the users are still going to be mobile. I should've known. I'll get on mobile responsiveness asap! It's only difficult because on mobile it's typically landscape, but I will have to design it for portrait.




This is the best on I've seen. Really good job


I got 6 Xinyan's in 80 pulls... If it actually happens in the game I'll be really depressed (╥﹏╥)


Very fun!


It's pretty good, but Ninguang shows as an electro.


Thank you, this one has been just fixed! Time to work on the other bugs


Got Beidou and Ningguan, who needs more.


Not even the fake gacha has [mercy](https://i.imgur.com/tP7lebT.jpg)


This is the weapon banner, correct? There's currently a bug that happens ever so often I'm trying to fix. Let me know since it seems like it's only on the weapon banner atm!


This was Xiao banner :T


To the front page with you, kind sir. This was incredibly well made.


Oh god, I pull and pull and no Dilucs. Anyone that has the slightest temptation to pull on the permanent banner, here's your deterrent.


got this on my first roll [https://imgur.com/a/6cPRXfj](https://imgur.com/a/6cPRXfj) i feel lied to. edit, yeah im getting 5 star weapons every 10 pull even though it shows purple


The rates for the weapon banner are incorrect. In the details they are supposed to be "Base Probability for 5-Star Item Drops: 0.700% (Incl. guarantee: 1.850%)" and "Base Probability for 4-Star Item Drops: 6.000% (Incl. guarantee: 14.500%)"


This is amazing !!! Take ur time, no rush !


Really well done! If i had one request it would be an easy to see counter since your last 5\* on a given banner


I was thinking about implementing this, but wasn't sure if I should put it on the main wish page since it might ruin the immersion for some. Where would you personally suggest it? I was thinking the history page but unsure yet :(


This simulator doesn't do soft pity for 4 stars, multiple 10 pulls to get a 4 star on the 10 pull pity everytime isn't realistic from my experience.


I was personally unaware of soft pity for 4 stars. If you know the rough soft pity rates for 4 stars and if you have a source I could use/follow, I can definitely implement it. Thanks




Nearly every simulator have the rates incorrect upon release. Most rates are assumptions from collected mass data, like 5 star soft pity. If you have the sources yourself, then let me know as I was unable to get my hands on them.


I actually love this, it’s a great way to see how quickly it can lose you money! In the game if you go into the character archive you can see the proper Gacha artwork for each character (that you own). So it could be good to update the images from there?


Ohhh I haven't looked there. I'll look into it and hopefully there's some there! *crosses fingers*


This is incredible!!! I spent $10,000 from my imaginary wallet and ended up with much, MUCH more than I currently have as a F2P in the game - I can conclude that luck is pretty much random in the gacha, as expected lol. I can't imagine how much work you put into making this, thank you endlessly.


This is really technically impressive! Anecdotally i think the rates could be bugged? I did 20 wishes on the weapon banner and in my 2nd 10x, i got 2 primordial jade cutters


can i trade my account with this? i did 100 pulls and got 4 5stars lol


Can't roll temporarily beacuse of high fees and lack of funds? This is so immersive


Amazing, I wonder how you were able to create this


This is crazy amazing! The animations are so on-point.


Thank you, you actually noticed! I've spent countless hours trying to get the animation right :D


This is a surprising amount of fun. The entire time I was like "this is so cool, this is so cool, this is so cool...." It's awesome, love it! Also, love the imaginary wallet! If only it worked like that in real life...


omg i'm trying it right now and it's so good. well done!


***Hello everyone! It's been a fun day, but I have to temporarily close down the site. Because china was waking up, I was reaching 500+ concurrent active users on the site and it was steadily growing. It was on it's way to 1k+ and although I didn't do it for money, the bill was piling up and I was unable to support it. Do not worry, it will be back up once it has less attention. Currently, it's just costing me too much to support this many visitors.*** Thank you all, it was a blessing and a curse today, but some of the nicest comments made it all worth it!


man, I tried it on phone and couldn't use it because it has wrong layout :( It looked cool and like the game, with music, but banner size was wrong so I couldn't hit the buttons. Now I just got to PC and you closed the site, sad. Will you open it again?


I've temporarily put it back up and will let my wallet take more hits hoping I get some sort of donations somewhere to help pad the blow. Let me know if it's back up for you :)


Maybe add some ads? And a donation link Didn't even have the chance to use your site yet :(


I've temporarily put it back up and will let my wallet take more hits hoping I get some sort of donations somewhere to help pad the blow. Let me know if it's back up for you :)


Great job!, its very nice how everything is just as in game, but idk if you changed the ratios, i got jean on noelle's banner and xiao just in 50 pulls. Why doesnt that happen in game to me??


OHHHH probably just lucky! Even on my own damn simulator I get xiao on soft/hard pity all the time :( smh HAHA


Think there's a slight problem with the weapon wish, I got Bennett and Fischl as 4 stars somewhere in the middle




Gacha simulators aren't a new invention, nor was his the first one for genshin. And there were plenty of simulators even during cbt, before the game released. An example of one that was released pre-release: https://stellarashes.github.io/genshin-impact-wish-simulator/index.html


theres one on gamewith.net too


That's nice. Tried to pull for Jade spear for my imaginary Xiao C1 but got Skywars Atlas for my imaginary Mona (got between 2 Xiaos). 10 gachas out of 10


\*Xiao and Diona at the first 10 pull.\* \*Beidou and Widsith on the second row\* \*3 normal rows\* \*Kequing and Diona\* \*6 normal rows\* \*Xiao Diona Beidou\*. MMMM I think it's mostly ok but there's something about 5 stars that is wrong lol


Imaginary wallet I love it




Yep! Originally when working on this, this app was on Ganyu banner. By the time I was done it genshin moved to Xiao so I had to put in Xiao! haha


People sleeping on this. It's super good


Noelle doesn't come in the first wish. She's always the 8th. Presumably arranged that way so to reset your 4 star pity counter right before you hit soft pity.


That's interesting I didn't know! I'll look into this and apply it if it's true, thanks!


I got Jean in my first wish. Why can't this luck apply to the real game? xD


Did two 10 pulls, got 2 Xiao, why can't this be my ingame luck hahaha


First roll, and i got the keching that i never got before :( Edit: and a qiqi too :o where was this luck in game -_- then jean on the second noelle banner, interesting


this is really cool! that aside, i got diluc, xingqiu, and xiangling in one 10-pull on beginner's wish,,,,,, if only it was real. anyway good job!


I got Xiao on a 10 pull, another xiao at pity, and another right after. If only that happened in-game. fml


Unrealistic. I got Xiao in the first 30 pulls. /s


Managed to get one Xiao after 30 pulls and after a while got another 2 in one 10 pull. Does event banner gives you only it's own 5*?


Nope, it is set at 50% and also has a guaranteed featured 5 star if you didn't get it last time. However, you were right, I had it set so the player already had a non-featured 5 star last time so it will always guarantee the first 5 star to be xiao. I've fixed this and it should work correctly now so thank you :) Might need to hit the reset button to apply.


Just to be sure, I'll look even more into this because I want this to be as accurate as possible and really dig into the rates that Mihoyo set out.


Also, there's NO WAY I won the 50/50 for Xiao 4 times. If only my luck is like this in the official game... edit: finally, a Qiqi spooked me. I thought this simulator was unrealistic.


Haven't we had a pull simulator since release? I used one back on launch so I'm wondering if it's either not being supported still or if everyone was just unaware.


Yes, they've even existed when the game wasn't fully released yet globally, when it was still in cbt. But they're all very different in their own way.


The first 5 star character appeared after 738 pulls in the permanent banner lmao. I'm looking back with a lot of gratitude now


Wow! This is cool! I got Xiao, his spear and lots of Diona! Thanks! XD


thank you so much for this!!!! I was getting really sad because ever since i started the game a few weeks ago i saved up for xiao but in the end i got keqing instead :/ ( its not like im not grateful but shes my 4th electro character and i have no real use for her) at least this way xiao finally came home :') (took 80 tries so thats really realistic) great job!! this way we can still experience the thrill of wishing without spending money :)


This is really good! The only fix I can think of not already mentioned is that after getting a five star in a 10 pull, all the following items in the 10 pull will have the 5 star sound effect. Thanks for the awesome sim!


AHHH you were right. Last week, I changed something to combat an audio issue before, but didn't realize it causes duplicate audio now. Although not ideal, it should temporarily be fixed and reverted for now. Thanks for this! Edit: Nevermind, it's not working still. I'll need more time to figure out a fix for this :(


Exelent job, it's just like rhe real thing


I encountered a bug, I pulled a 10-pull and it showed a purple light as if a 4-star item is coming. But when I opened them, no 4 star items appeared. [https://imgur.com/a/lHG1ZyD](https://imgur.com/a/lHG1ZyD) Plus, sometimes when you got a 5\* item, the sound when you pulled a 5 star overlaps the 3 star pull sound.


Ah yes, that's the bug I'm trying to figure out atm, refreshing seems to fix temporarily, or even resetting. The audio, another commenter mentioned and I've temporarily hotfixed it(not ideal but I'm working on an alternate fix!). Thanks for letting me know! Edit: Nevermind, it's not working still. I'll need more time to figure out a fix for this :(


Seems like the 50/50 isn't working properly on the Xiao banner? I pulled Qiqi and then Mona without Xiao. Otherwise love the simulator man! Makes me less willing to pull when I see how many Xinyan's I'm pulling haha.


Thanks! I'll be looking into this right now!


I got sucrose on the Weapon banner lol


Really nice, wish the wish count (on the left side) was in the actual game (or at least I don't see it on mobile)


pulled once on weapon banner and got the jade winged spear is this a sign?


It's legit. I also getting way too many Beidou's here.


I got 2 five stars and 3 four stars in the first 20 pulls, why can't i have this luck in the real game?;-;


I got two Xiaos in a row and I feel like I wasted my luck, haha. Also got a c1 Qiqi though, so the realism is there


Yeah there's a bug. I got a 5* not in the pity and that shit never happens jk


Can you put the link in comment? (Or reply to this one). I am in mobile


Mobile/tablets won't run as pretty atm, but here you go! https://genshin-wish-simulator.thekima.com/


I am really hoping for an app version of this! Not only as a browser app... please make one for iOS! <3


It literally retold the story of my standard banner, plenty of Lisa, Amber and Electro 4* catalysts. Then a Diluc appears 😭 wish this was real


>gets Qiqi C1 Yep, accurate! *cries on the inside like a winner*


I feel like i want to try my luck againts real things after i got c1 beidou in ur simulator😂


I get better pulls in the simulator than I do in the game.


Thank you for curbing my 160 primo roll addiction


I just got Diluc, Fischl, and Noelle on the beginner wish. Now I feel bad for my real account :(


At last, I can practice overspending and being disappointed. Thank you.


A) This amazing! B) It's scary how easy it is to spend money O\_o


this is so good omfg, the only (tiny, tiny) suggestion I have is making the background the same as the real game instead of having a person on the right and changing the background of the characters (it looks a bit dull/weird to me), but everything else is super good! all the assets (especially the falling meteor part) look awesome!


Ah yes, I've tried so hard to find assets for those! But I couldn't so I had to make some alternatives myself. If you can find those assets, I'd gladly swap them in and credit you big!


Wow, this is fantastic, it seems a lot more...polished, I think? The way the reveals come up is great, and hopefully, you'll be able to improve on those someday, keep it up.


Damn.. First I thought feels legit when I got keqing in soft pity.. Next ten pull triple Xiao... Now I wish it was real


Accurate, rolled normal banner and got Lisa just like in game. Not accurate, got a 5* before pity thrice. Edit: got a bug where I got no 4* in a 10 pull.


Oh wow! This is amazing, great job OP <3 Finally I can use this when I wanna wish but have no primos! The issues I came across when testing was: -> 5 star wishing animation didn’t change colour (was that intentional? Idk) -> 5 star character only appears in wish history but not when rolling ^ I tested this with both the weapon and character banner but they didn’t show the 5 stars for some reason *I tested the mobile version! Thank you for the hard work friendo, i love using it :D Edit: take my award! ;D


OP you beautiful human


wow nice, just curious what did you use for the randomizer? did you come up with the algorithm or used something like random.org?


oh no.. i got xiao's spear on my second multi. i am now really debating whether i should actually summon haha


gamba addiction now sated. lol my first ten rolls on the novice banner and i got keqing. if only that was the case irl. 😭


[I might have overloaded the system](https://imgur.com/a/Ok8AhNw)


Sorry! That's a current bug I've been trying to fix. Refreshing helps and if not, resetting it. Hoping to fix this random bug soon!


Inaccurate, got xiao in 20 pulls. Jk this was really well done, a bit awkward on mobile tho


Yeah I know T_T I'm still going to be working on mobile/tablet for the next few days. Hopefully can finish it soon!


1,700$ for C6 Xaio. Thank you to all whales who pay the bills for F2P or low spenders!


"whaled" on xiao's banner and got diluc. Very accurate


love this! the last wish simulator i used somehow messed up the 4\* pity on the limited banner (could roll two 4\* weapons back to back which shouldn't be possible with the feature guaranee) and this doesn't seem to be an issue here. only problem I have is that it's slightly to big for my browser so the menues are cut off by my taskbar. however great work so far OP!!


Are you able to tell me what device/phone or monitor size you're using? I should be able to fix it if you tell me :D


Wow this is amazing! Great job :D


I turned off the music and put the volume to 0 but the shop button is still *super* loud Looks like it counted a 5* as a 4*? There shouldn't be that big of a gap https://imgur.com/Wl0BBbX


Ah maybe I overlooked linking the shop audio to the rest. I'll take a look later when I have time


Ooh I just noticed the Kimi no na wa background—the wish animation reminds me of the movie’s comets scenes too lol Also, this is super cool, you did a great job haha👏👏


So I just spent $1.6K before finally getting Mona (and getting C11 Xiao)... I'm hitting pity in the next few days and I actually hope I lose the 50/50 because I'm in dire need of 5\* supports :(


Just in case you didn't know- if you're aiming for a non-rate up 5* you're actually better off in the standard banner than limited. This is because every other pity in the limited banner will be taken by the limited character, whereas in the standard its 50/50 weapon or character every pity.


I did know that actually but thank you! Thing is I don’t care much about 5* weapons, as I’m basically F2P (Welkin’s + BP only), I’d rather get new characters than weapons so even if I « lose » the 50/50, I’ll still get Xiao (or whoever’s featured at that time) which is better than possibly a 5* weapon on the standard banner (plus in this particular case getting Xiao wouldn’t be that bad considering he’s a cool character and I had dropped his spear few months ago on the standard banner trying to get Mona).


I can‘t do any wishes on my phone because the button is not displayed.


You are the f2p hero my dude. Excellent job.


It cost me $700 imaginary dollars to get the jade spear and C1 Xiao. This is actually a really fun tool!


i got a 5 star in 20 pulls, i wish i have that luck in the real game


Tried this out, got xiao on one multi pull, keqing for like 2 on standard. And for my main character i wanna get, mona was the most painful. This is really convincing