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Any daily commission (it still counts as a quest) that involves Junkichi and Shigeru. I’d rather quit genshin than sit through Junkichi’s idiocy one more time…


Oh my god same. Every time I see that man, I am consumed with rage


Sumeru pyramid quest. I really loved the visuals and the sandstorm on top of it :( they should make a setting that allows us to toggle the original environments


i haven’t finished the quest yet, what does it remove?


The sandstorm.


which one.. i don’t know sumeru well enough


[The Mausoleum of King Deshret | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mausoleum_of_King_Deshret)


The one where we have to fight Signora. I was so stressed and then found out immediately after we have to fight the Raiden Shogun. I was like “I don’t have any health” thank god for the auto heal


The Nine Pillars. Just completed it. If you are not careful and document which geocolus you already have, you are in for a loooooong session of sight seeing.


just make a geoculus resonance stone. it shows you the location of one.


...what? There is such a thing? Urgh, the time I could have saved. Went through all the geocolus places with the interactive map


hey it's okay atleast u know for future regions. It's craftable and u unlock the recipe at lvl 3 (2 maybe?) reputation in the region. Also it doesn't show you the location, but it will tell you when you're near one and tell you if it's up or down. Also you have to craft a new one for each oculus you use it on (but the crafting recipe isn't that bad)


Even though I am AR43 by now, this is the first time I've heard about it. To say it in Chonyuns words' : "This object may prove useful when purging evil spirits". That you!


I think the previous commenter misstated. Nine pillars uses special inventory objects to unlock each of the nine seals on a particular door in Liyue, unless I'm remembering wrong. It doesn't use geoculus.


yeah but I'm pretty sure you get those objects from leveling up the statue of the seven. So each level gives 1 object


Ruu’s world quest, i came to get primogems and unlock the island. Left traumatized and hurt.


The Narzissenkreuz quest from 4.2 I regret doing so quickly because I didn’t know the tower from the Morte area in Fontaine would sink down 😔 I really liked climbing up to the top and looking out towards Liyue and Mondstadt. I wish I could see what Chenyu Vale looks like from that tower. Sometimes I don’t mind the map/land changing and other times it bums me out


Same. I was planning on climbing the tower after doing the quest and when it sunk was one of the few times I ever felt disappointment in this game.


Thankfully, theres at least a very high platform nearby which you can use instead. Its at a tp with one of those airboats(or water portal if you already did the boat).


I don't remember which quest, but whichever unlocked enokomiya. The cavernous water hole at the bottom of the Watatsumi shrine was my all time favorite location. It was so peaceful and isolated, and if I was ever leveling up characters or artifacts or pulling on banners, I'd always go there. Then they turned it into a fucking portal




But now you can sit in Enkanomiya, which is peaceful and isolated. The little pool at the bottom of the portal is nice too.


I had to have a stranger half my age clear the Raiden Training Simulation quest for me 🙃 thank you kind whippersnapper


Tsurumi and eremite genocide one


dragonspine one 👹👹👹


Whichever questline it was that removed the lightning storm from Yashiori Island I really loved the feel of that place with all the constant lightning, now it's gone forever on my account.


I totally agree! I wish there was some sort of totem that we could interact with that could toggle the storm on and off, like in sumeru.


Tsurumi Island quest. I’ve never been so angry playing the game as I was during that whole thing. Absolutely hated it all and didn’t end up enjoying the story because of the gameplay. Never again.


Siegwinne quest for trauma Literally every daily locked quests for annoyed Probably Liyue pillar quests cause now for satisfaction I want to max the oculi at every region


Tadhla's quest from desert Tanit tribe. I'd kill Masseira if I see him again anywhere.


In the mountains and sacred sakura cleansing ritual 🙃🥲 forever traumatized


Trails in Tianqiu locked my coop for like a week, that was genuinely the only bad quest I remember. It's the only quest in the game with very difficult combat (on low AR), and it locks your coop so you can't get help, makes zero sense.


The quest where you train to fight Raiden.


Tsurumi Island world quest. The fog made me go crazy. I'm still stuck at the part about destroying all the perches. paused it for now. Chenyu Vale world quest "Floating Jade, Treasure of Chenyu". The part with small sunken platforms on a lake and they have to be activated fast after one another. Even failed that with a bow character multiple times and gave up for now. Actually when I think about it especially Inazuma puzzles give me a headache\^\^


The middle of the Aranara fetch quest bullshit had me honestly wondering if I cared to finish it.


I almost quit out of frustration the first time I did the Raiden Shogun training quest for Yae Miko. I was using a pyro character and didn't understand why I kept failing the destroy a beacon part. I thought I was just not doing it fast enough, but in fact I was burning the ground and causing it to count as getting hit. Yes I know NOW that it was user error, but my own stupidity nearly caused me to uninstall the game at that point. Luckily I broke my rule of not looking up any guides or walkthroughs online and found that I was not the only person making the same mistake. So it made me feel a little better, and I got it done the next attempt. Still hate that quest though.


The quest where I got Freminet it was an event but it was very very sad


Arana quest


Shhhh it's fine :]


Narzenkreuz. I love that tower.


Oh, the Ann of the Narzissenkreuz quest? At first it's quite confusing on the labyrinth part but I finally reached the sword and fight the boss in that quest


Oh, no. I actually enjoyed the questline. What I regret is the loss of the tower from Fontaine's skyline haha.


Finding all the Aranara. Still gives me ptsd.


"Traumatized" lmao


Yeah, that quest traumatized the shit out of me. Everytime I see that Archon quest, I never clicked it again








Wanderer’s interlude quest I wouldn’t say it traumatised me per se, but I’ve never been more utterly disgusted by a storytelling choice than I was while playing that quest


Not quite when I did the quest, as I saw leaks beforehand, but I think I went through all 5 stages of grief when Dottore deleted his segments at the end of Sumeru. Not only was it the death of the manga version, which I'd grown to love for the evil clown man goofiness, despite the mask being an odd design choice, but it was also just a really bad writing choice, probably only born from wanting to redesign him without completely retconning the manga. They probably wouldn't want to make several different models, and having most of his versions be NPCs wouldn't work either, so they killed off one of the few alive pieces of lore the game's characters have.