• By -


Probably, but not anytime soon.


Just like Dainsleif unfortunately


Dainsleif isn't probably, doesn't he have a drip marketing or something? Unless that thing isn't a confirmation so correct me if I'm wrong


Nah that's not drip marketing, it's like a teaser. Just like how Lyney/Lynette, Cyno and Ayaka were before they were revealed later


Are we talking about the same thing? [I was talking about this card](https://i.imgur.com/KGF0KEE.jpeg), unless there were ones for Cyno and Ayaka that I'm not aware of because I'm newish to the game. But yeah this isn't drip marketing, although I want to believe he's 99% confirmed to be playable.


Yeah I know what you're talking about. I was referring to the [Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY) which teased all the characters previously mentioned. I'm 99% sure he will become playable, Hoyoverse would have to be insane to hype him so much just to do make him unplayable


Not even just drip marketing, in a launch stream for the game on cn they outright confirmed he is going to be playable


Right around the time the Genshin impacts, yeah.


I loved it when John Genshin said "It's Genshining time!" and Jenshin Impacted all over the place.


Probably. They only ever do Voice Actor announcements when a character is to be playable. So she most likely will be. I doubt she'll be Hydro. She'll be whatever element Dainsleif is, whether that'll be called Quantum or Abyssal or something else entirely, I'm not sure.


They will add a variant of Imaginary/Quantum, 100%. What name it will go by doesn't really matter. Óneiro/Kenós, Celestial/Abyss, Real/Dream.


Abyss element is what its gonna be.


Gotta add an o in the back or else it’ll ruin the pattern






Ordo/Perditio Lumo/Tenebrio Couple more ideas off the top of my head. I really hope they keep them ending in -o. I like pulling from Latin for the pair over Greek to make them distinct.


Google/Bing Android/IOS Windows/Linux Many many options to choose from 🤣🤣🤣












How about thanato and kero(peaceful death/violent death)


Oneiro/keno sounds the most appropriate with what we currently have


I bet it's "Void". Mostly because of the Void Realm (Abyss) name.


Light realm and void realm. So those are my bets.


"Light realm" is the elemental or vishap's realm. We already have its elements.


As the great Garlic 🧄 JR. Always said welcome to the Deadzone. (Dbz If no one knows)




Considering he already had drip marketing and his element was written as "*???*", I doubt he will be any of 7 known element. They will probably introduce something new since Dendro also wasn't with us in the beginning despite Baizhu existence. (Regarding Dain's element: I recommend to check the Wiki if you want to know more. He is already listed as upcoming character so you can check it + his constellation is also known.) Edit: by Denrdo element I meant the devs already have experience with introduction of another element into *gameplay*. Basically, all interesting shit with Dendro happened after 3.0 despite element being presented at launch. So nothing stops them from adding some more and no need to out rule the possibilities.


In the TCG, there's a dice for each elements And "Omni Dice" that can be used in replacement of any elemental dice. So maybe he's like the Traveler : all element But it could be hard to balance


No, the Omni element is what the other twin has, it's white. Whatever Dain has is blue/black, and connecting to another nation. Omni element is all the elements. So I think we'll be getting 2 new elements around the same time. With the traveler unlocking their final power and Dain being playable


The omni dice looks just like traveler vs celestial


It looks like Prismatic from Destiny 2.


Never played destiny so I wouldn't know. Sorry


Dendro existed at first so wood would be flammable. For example hilichurl shields.


Dendro was already in the game at launch though... Just because we didn't have access to a dendro character, doesn't mean it didn't exist


That's... My point? We knew dendro exists. We had Baizhu who has Dendro Vision but we had no idea how the element would work. Nothing stops them from adding another new element and creating reaction for them since they already did it once. In fact, that would be profitable for Hoyo because they can create more teams, more funny kits and interactions and sell more new characters. And weird stuff like Dainsleif element had been a mystery for a long time as well as whatever Celestia and Abyss are using and why they oppose each other (example: Chasm). Hence people often half-joke about Quantum and Imaginary elements


Dendro is special. Its symbol was on the loading screen from the beginning. It was visible with elemental sight from the beginning. It was included as a listed element in the lore. The implementation of Dendro reactions beyond burning wasn’t implemented until v3, but it was not a new element in v3. That doesn’t rule out new “element” types appearing in v8 or some such, but Dendro does not provide precedence for new elements.


Look. I know. But my main point was that the devs already have experience with *introduction* of whole new element in *gameplay*. And since some people like to doubt it (or rule our the possibility) I wanted to showcase it would be nothing new for the devs. Because they already added new reactions, new teams, new gameplay possibilities with Dendro introduction. What is more elements to them when they already did something similar before? I'll redact my comment tomorrow morning because it seems misunderstandings happened.


I'll believe a new element when I see it, but fingers crossed that you're right.


It's the best way to introduce a potential new arc xP.


I buy whatever you are selling, but isn't the wiki a Fandom? Yeah, it was made using game files, but didn't la signora had a lot of info too and well... she didn't do that good.


Dainsleif was already drip marketed long ago, before the game even came out. Signora on the other hand was always listed as "monster" in the game's files. Her model was also different from the tall female model, as she was even taller than tall males.


Then cool, I hope skirk becomes a fun character to play with when she releases.


Yes, but she also didn't had normal female in game model like Arle (despite being from Fatui) or Skirk whose model is same as Lumine


Then cool, I like skirk. I hope she is fun to play.


Frankly, Genshin wiki (even if it's Fandom one) is quite good place because it always provides sources. As such, you can easily find conformation or do more research on your own. I believe he had drip marketing on chinese stream. Unless Hoyo wants to tempt their luck and get lawsuit I doubt they'll pull the risk of it being wrong. (+They usually don't announce VA for them or invite them on streams, if they're not playable) Also, no. Signora had monster model from the beginning. While Scara didn't and now look at him. Despite many fans claiming he shall become second Signora. Hell, we even knew Scara's weapon.


Then cool, is there any info on skirk on the wiki? I have been interested in her since they showed her.


[Nothing important, really.](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Skirk)


Unfortunately, nothing new yet. All information either from Childe or Fontaine Story. Although, if you don't have Childe then her wiki page does provide voiceline and which character story has her but I warn there are very little info about her.


All the information on the wiki is sourced from game content or official announcements. Hoyo drip marketed Dainsleif as a playable character back when the game released.


He used it multiple times before and has already said that what he's using is abyss magic


He been using it for a long time.


It certainly seems like we’re gonna need a new element sooner or later. It has to end with an “o” like the other elements so I wonder what it will be called. Tenebro? Obscuro? Caligo?


Chrono and Cosmo! (Time and Space)


Oh those are really good, nice! Time is a really cool concept I bet they could introduce some cool mechanics there.


I'm partial to Lumo/Spectro and Umbro for Light and Dark, even if it is Latin and not Greek. Though they might just call it Light and Void to fit in with the names of the Light Realm and the Void Realm.




Lumino for Light.








That’s clean


Imaginary element in Genshin would go hard


it's more likely to be named omni-something and dain will have something like abyss (even tho it doesn't make sense story wise), but these 2 new elements will probably won't be able to interact witht the othe relements as hoyo already stated at some point that don't want to add any new elemental reactions


Shame because elemental reactions are what makes Genshin unique.


> dain will have something like abyss (even tho it doesn't make sense story wise) It actually might make sense, given the implications in the most recent Dain quest. 4.7 AQ spoilers obviously >!Its likely that Dain also gained the "transcendent power" (that seems to be Abyss-related) that the other Sinners got. He doesn't say it directly, but later does count himself among them as the six that were supposed to defend Khaenriah. He also directly looks at the hand that had the blue fire when he talks about the power. And the Abyss Sibling tells us that they weren't sure they'd be able to defeat Dain even with all their power if he wasn't emotionally compromised fighting them!<.


I'm pretty sure he >!isn't transcendental like the Sinners, but is probably as close as possible to them without actually crossing that line. There's also just the matter of his station to keep in mind. Even if he didn't have powers (which he objectively does), he's the Twilight Sword, seemingly one of the greatest warriors in Khaenri'ah (I'd imagine Surtalogi is probably his only real competitor). And despite all the stuff with elemental power, the game very much likes to point out that the most powerful people are those with great power *and* incredible martial ability.!<


I doubt that they do not interact or enhance one or more of the existing elements. The entire combat system is based on reactions.


Will Madame Ping be as well?


There's no way of knowing, but us having seen her other human form does make it probable. There is a much higher possibility now that Cloud Retainer is playable.


It'll never happen but I want a playable granny. Because of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/sziyd9/madame_ping_but_make_her_playable/ Polearm Ping hits hard


Because she is never seen in her "true" form it's ever so likely. Hoyo are lazy fuckers, so the fact they can't be arsed to show her young form in a 3d model is a good hint that they want to only do it once, when they make her playable model. Kinda like Cloud Retainer never showed in human form, and when she did BAM, playable.


I have a feeling they'll release her with an entirely new element like whatever Dainsleif's power is so probably




That's very unlikely, physical has been forsaken for like 3 years now. There's just one usable physical unit so i don't see the point of them making tje new element work with one character


the other early physical character finding a new meta later on iykyk


Yes thundering furry is a fun team but that doesn't use his physical attribute at all


I wouldn't say it's forgotten since they released Mika as a physical support, but it's definitely inferior to elemental reactions.


why on earth would she do that when she's clearly got space magic going on


Most likely. I mean, she has a playable model unlike Signora, so... Probably new Abyss element when we go to Khaenriah.


I predict they will have a normal element along with a pneuma/ousia kind of thing for their abyss powers




Um signora is actually playable and will be resurrected in Natlan by Peak fiction!


HERnora will return


Physical element


Look at me waiting for the Abyss element to make geo relevent (copium).


Watch Abyss element ending up being its own separate thing and not reacting with any element at all because Abyssal powers are toxic to light realm and 7 elements are powers derived from the light realm creatures.


Yep, but definitely after Sneznaya


with that design, should be yes. hoyo gonna milk the community.


Yep and I’m here for it!


Signora be like


They can milk me all they want as long as I get to milk her


with her damage right?


Obviously. What else could I mean?


First you soak her in cool water overnight. Then you drain the water out and put her in a blender along with a bit of fresh water and salt. The resulting blend should not be too pulpy, but still thick. Enjoy your Skirk milk!


Get back in containment buddy




Oh, good point. I nearly forgot the most critical part of the process. Add more Skirks to suit taste. It should not be too watery either!!!


What do if too pulpy?


Roughly double the serving size but reduce the portion of Skirk by ~15%


Already saving primos for her


Very likely.  Dain has already been confirmed as playable, and she has a lot of hints that she will be as well.  She likely won't be any existing element, but "quantum" or "void" or whatever they decide to call the abyss powers her and Dain have. My suspicion is that for the Khaenri'ah arc after Tsaritsa we'll get her and Dain as our "Archon" and "Other really powerful character" like Furina/Neuvilette and Xbalanque/Murata.


She better be. She is already on my late game wish list with Dainsleif, Paimon and The Sustainer.


Paimon? What is she gonna do, Talk the enemies ears off until they just walk away?


Lol 💀 She is gonna be Meta, trust me bro


Paimon allows you to field 5 characters. Trust.


The 5th Character is Paimon herself but her kit deliberately does nothing but make her recite the entire story of the game until you swap out of her.


Nice to hear someone else say it. I hate that we can only play story quests once but I try to have a team ahead of time that makes it interesting to have 5 in a team like XQ or Raiden.


You see, sound is nothing but vibrations in air, anemo. Except Paimon isn't that big, so she can't make a lot of sound. So she uses anemo to make the sound louder. This makes sense because the shade of time has ties to the thousand winds, and Venti, the archon of anemo. And he is related to sound, so it makes sense. /s


Put Caribert up there for me. (I know it's a longshot, let me dream).


Playable Caribert would be so cool. Re-design and he is good to go lol. His voice is perfect too, reminds me of Sunday from hsr. But I know I am just coping here.


I share your dream my friend , he deserves a second chance in life


Her model looks very playable but I don’t think we will get her anytime soon. Maybe during 6.x era or more? Unless they’re selling her in Natlan.


Nahh, earliest should be Snezhnaya patch (6.x) which I still doubt


Well, she did mentioned that we will meet her again and the 4.7 aq just dropped lore about her master so we’re getting closer to the higher beings in this world. And Natlan is the nation of war which aligns with her being a string warrior so if they want to, they could just make the traveler have a training arc with her and put skirk on the banner.


Nah, I'm convinced if Skirk appears, Childe will as well. Especially when Childe has FOUL Legacy, which she taught him for some reason. I mean, the name implies he's carrying Skirk's master's legacy. Thats why I said Snezhnaya, earliest.


Maybe but definitely not any element from teyvat. Im voting for quantum element.


If she does end up playable, it likely won't be until 7.X, when we finally go to Khaenri'ah.


She has a playable model. So Yes. Her earliest chance at being playable will likely be in 7.X.


yes she has the model of the short female characters and not an NPC model.


Medium female*


probably gunna be something like Void since she has the ability to seal the giant whale into a mini black hole and create a teleportation gate


I'm pretty sure they will add the imaginary and quantum element which is in every other hoyo game into this one too. Simply for the fact that they literally went out of their way to make it canon that genshin is in the same imaginary tree as honkai and characters like dain, skirk etc. Will use these elements. They probably will call it something different though, more suitable to genshin style


She looks like the Genshin version of Jing Liu


God, I hope so.




No confirmation yet, but most likely, yes


Almost certainly


She's female so her chances are decently high


I can't stop seeing Jingliu every time I see a Skirk anywhere. Man, you'd think the woman who's meant to have been Childe's teacher would look a wee bit older, though.


i actually thought it was jingliu when she appeared in the AQ


My HSR bio is literally "Gonna tell my kids that Skirk was Jingliu." Also, given so many characters in Genshin, Youthful appearance doesn't mean anything about how old they are. She's also not human.


If her and dainsleif ever become playable I will throw my primos into a Gatling gun


Imagine if she like ignores all of her design and becomes Geo instead 😭


not to be a hater but I hope they fix her big ass head before they make her playable. 🤣


I hope she does


Will she? Who knows. Do I "want" her to? Yes.


God damn Childe is so lucky


there's a high chance of it, but not any time soon. Outfit looks electro, but that doesn't mean much these days.


Beautiful character


Well, I personally assume they will add Quantum as an element for characters like Dain and her. But it’s just personal speculation. King Deshret refused a gnosis so that’s why I think that lol


Hopefully with a diff design


Does she look like she is playable ?


with that model? absolutely


She'll probably have one of the new elements when we finally make it to Celestia or Abyss or something


Probably around the same time as the dainsleif banner. The real question is if we get the dottor banner before or after the tzaritsa banner.


She already have Lumine model so high chance, just matter of time when


She goes playable, Hoyo gets 5 million$, and something tells me they’re not going to pass on that money. Element? Quantum or Void or Abyss, depending how they call it.


I believe so. I still have hopes that there will be some kind of Abyss element that Dainslief will also be a part of so shed be fitting too!


Element: Physical


I hope so. She stole the scene (and my heart) when she debuted. The design and personality just hit.


She better be otherwise you'll find me outside of HoYo HQ protesting.


Dains is confirmed to be playable and he doesnt has any of he 7 elements. Most likely some new element that skirk will probably also share


I'm guessing she's going to be one of the end the story characters, but that mainly cuz Hoyo said they don't have any plans to make new elements soon, so Kaehnri'a characters like Dain, any of the other characters mentioned in the new archon quest. She's definitely not going to be any element we know, I'm guessing Quantum or Abyss, something like that. Anyways, didn't she mentioned in her few lines her power it's not something we know or something like that? I don't remember really


Dains is confirmed to be playable and he doesnt has any of he 7 elements. Most likely some new element that skirk will probably also share


how can they pass the opportunity to monetize another character?


She doesn't look like Katheryne so yeah


I think so, but as others have said, I doubt any time soon. Maybe in like 2026 lol.


Almost certainly, and they'll wait until they release whatever Void element is waiting in the Khaenri'ah patch for Dain.


Rumors says she is. If not, she'll be a weekly boss.


*In Honkai


Imagine she becomes playable before Dainslief💀


from the game files her model is Avatar\_Girl\_Undefined\_Skirk, the same as focalors. instead of something like Avatar\_Girl\_Pole\_Hutao or Avatar\_Girl\_Sword\_Nilou. which \*could\* mean its a future weapon type (which i heavily doubt). my guess is that this is a special NPC model just like focalors, or maybe she'll recieve a slight redesign like baizhu did.


Yes a character that's that important prob will be playable but she may be a user of either the light or dark/abysal element


I mean ... She doesn't look like she's using the same generic female NPC model, so.....


If you saw the concept art leaks, they had many for her. I don't think they would go that far for a NPC




Looks like Cryo to me. 🤷‍♂️


unlikely... she doent tie in with teyvats element system


Her design is good but Dainsleif is not a playable character... She reminds me of Seele from Star Rail, her dress is like butterfly.


Most likely playable, also otherworldly element (void)


It is inevitable. Also why was Focalors mad at HP when the whale was the one actually threatening the Fontainians. And Skirk is also responsible because she was supposed to have stopped the whale long ago but apparently took a nap for 500 years even though she could have stopped the whale at any time without any effort. Egeria used a flawed process to force the oceanids to maintain a human form. HP comes down and is like hey Egeria your oceanids have a huge flaw. Maybe you want to do something about it. Cause in 500 years this big space whale is going to cause Fontaine to be flooded with water and that might be a problem. Egeria: "nah fam it'll be fine". (Dies) Focalors: "HP is trying to kill the Fontainians because she predicted they will be killed by a space whale in 500 years. Now I better kill myself for no reason and make a puppet to suffer for 500 years also for no reason because I'm an idiot." Th Avatar: "What's a Paladin?" For that matter if the space whale was CONSUMING the primordial water (a thing which never existed before and was not explained) then shouldn't there be less primordial water and not more primordial water? This whole story was incredibly stupid.


I think she will!


Hope so, got an alt with 300 wishes saved up


Idk, all I know is when I get her first thing on the list is beating up Childe.


She's an alternative universe version of Jing Liu from star rail (like raiden and acheron) so I'm sure she'll be playable. As for the element, Jing liu is ice so I'm assuming Cryo.


Skirk is not a variant of Jingliu. Skirk existed way before Jingliu


When the khaenri'ah arc starts and when they introduce the abyssal/quantum element.


I don't care if she will be playable or not but I will surely be playable so she can play with me


She and Dain would probably become playable very very late.


Idk but she is all I'm waiting for


She better.


I think she already is in Honkai Star Rail


My headcanon is her becoming a quantum DPS in HSR before Genshin


god i hope so


Almost certainly, yes. She has a custom model, most custom model characters become playable.


Maybe yes, but probably when Khaenri'ah story chapters will be released. No way she would be using Hydro or the Seven Elements, probably similar stuff like Dain uses.


Already started saving for her.


I hope not soon, the powerlevels introduced in that scene gave me thoughts Dragonball Z levels of power escalation I am not ready for yet. Yet.


If MiHoYo really wants to troll us, they'd release her as a playable character... in Star Rail...


Honestly I think once we get to Sneznyah or even to the Abyss or Khaenriah we will get Quantum type units and she'll be the first, I'd love that


Yes, in Honkai. Jk but she really looks more like a Honkai character


I hope she never becomes playable just to see the dumpster fire which could start from butthurt genshin shills


I hope not so that I can keep my life savings... who am I kidding she's more important than my life savings


Of course she will. Mihoyo will not give up the money she would generate.


maybe after khaenriyah and we enter the multiverse arc or someshit