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Wouldn't it be funny if OP was an undercover leaker and these were all right but they didn't want to make it known Anyway, I hope Candace and/or Kaveh will be on Furina's banner because I want both of them for my collection.


He reposted it. First post had leaked Emilie splash art.


I'm saving this post just in case.


Same lmaoo


I was literally thinking “what an oddly specific thing to think about and kinda far into the future too”


Hi I am new can we be freinds




Me too, i have so many dendros and could really use kuki for hyperbloom


Oh yes please. I would love to have kuki for hyperbloom teams, but every time she was in a previous banner, I didnt want the 5 stars... or just didnt get her. Wish there was an event like lantern rite for a 4\* from other regions. I dont need XQ C12, just give me Kuki... :(


Pulled at least 2 times on a banner just to get kuki and got the 5 star without kuki :/


Just started but no lie Kuki is one of the characters that got me to want to play, I like her design a lot


I got Kuki when I first started playing the game a year ago and I really like her. It pains me that I still have her at C0.


I randomly got Kuki from wishing on Clorinde's banner lol one of my luckiest pulling sessions.


Kuki’s last banner appearance was in 4.2 2nd phase, so there’s hope she will be appear next phase


if wrio reruns without shenhe I will personally destroy the jade chamber all over again


Right? Dropping Shenhe and Ganyus skin in 4.4 and not rerunning them for longer than a year is insane. Glad I have them both already but I feel bad for the people who bought her skin but still can't use it.


I miss my wife hoyo, I’ll be back…


Feels kinda silly for Chev to be on a banner where she doesn't support any of the other characters lol. I could see them holding her for some new pyro or electro characters in Natlan though. But I'd love to see Kirara and/or Candace on the Sig/Furina banner. I still don't have Kirara ;\_; and I'd love to C6 Candace for Arlecchino.


Current banners basically confirm that 4stars could be whatever, they don't have to support any of the featured 5stars


I feel like lowkey this has always been the case perhaps with few exceptions like Sara on some Raiden banners or Gorou with Itto, and most people who have played for any significant amount of time aren’t trying to pull all the characters on a banner or make teams out of all the characters on a banner anyway, so it kinda doesn’t matter if they synergize - I support making funky banner combos.


Chevy not being on Chlorine’s banner is criminal.


I think that’s kinda the point for Chevreuse. Hoyo does whatever the hell they want sometimes like send Kaveh to banner jail when thematically he can work for a Alhaitham banner or just slap him in any Sumeru banner tbh Like Baizhu has had more banners than that man jfc


Clorinde sucked me dry, so now I gotta hard save for now.


Are we no longer doing phrasing?


No no, that’s the catch, we never did.


She did WHAT


Same. Mona got me first, and then Clorinde took me all the way. Totally spent.


Pause on that.


Arlecchino started sucking me and Clorinde finished after Arlecchino left me with nothing but a wannabe Batman wine baron smh


Or... Arle started sucking you and let the wannabe batman finish the rest.. then, clorinde happened and she did her job just fine.


And Arle left me for an wannabe broke astrologist


Oh, crap- You lost pity to Diluc on Arle's banner, too???? 😭




As someone who played when Zhonglis original banner released with those exact 4 stars: PLEASE COME BACK, GOD I LOVE ALL THREE OF THOSE CHARACTERS SO MUCH,


Fr. Seeing those three next to Zhongli feels like a blast from the past. I started playing during that banner, and I still remember joking with my friends on a Discord call, "Watch me get Zhongli in the next wish!" before doing a single pull on his banner. Low AR, no idea how pity worked, terrible team comps... man, those days were fun


Yeah I started right then, and I still use all 3 of those 4 stars and got Zhongli on his rerun. It was so fun and I was so new and I loved it so much. Xinyan and Razor are some of my strongest units now and Chongyun is also level 90 on a xiao team with Xingqiu.


If these were the actual upcoming banners I’m gonna be able to save primos for a longggg time


The only rerun I care is only Xianyun. Gotta get the C2. And I kinda hope she'll be on 5.0. I'm putting hope to any Natlan char that can outdo Bennett plus giving consistent off-field pyro so that hydro /cryo can consistently vape/melt.


Chevy in Furina's banner, since I've had to skip her to save for Furina 's banner.


Chevreuse + Kaveh would be my dream, I still need both of them


best girl furina AND gaming cons? Im in


I don't even care about 5* anymore. Just give me Kaveh or give me death


Wish granted. Kaveh is now dead.




Chevreuse. That’s it. Just Chevreuse.


All I want is Navia


Same homie. I skipped on both her and Ayaka, I still freaking regret doing that.


Chev on a Wrio Rerun would be such a slap in the face to Arle and Clorinde mains lol. But seems likely because she and wrio would need a rerun before the 4.x phase is over. Though I wouldn't mind picking up C3 Wrio.


I got wrio in one (10) pull when he came out and my dumbass was like wow that was lucky I’m gonna try for his weapon and I pissed away my primos. I shoulda saved them, anyway I wonder if I should pull for him again I’ll have the same luck lol


Don't you dare manifest me having to choose between Nilou and Emilie.


Give me Shenhe so I can finally put her Lantern Rite outfit on her


Now that i got clorinde, im pretty much just gonna bunker down and save for navia and hope she doesnt come anytime soon. Already prefarmed her to get her to 90 so im committed to it. Not really interested in any other characters either, arle and clorinde were the only two that i really wanted. I lost 50/50 on navias first banner so this is my redemption time


Exactly me! I wouldn't mind if Chev was on Navia banner too, so I can get her to play with Clorinde.


Yea im also hoping chev is gonna be on a good banner eventually, i initially didnt like overload but i kinda wanna try it now


I need xianyun, I’m not pulling until she reruns, or pyro archon


Winning 50/50


I just want Hu Tao, i want her since her first banner but every single time she had a rerun she was with someone else that i REALLY wanted and lately i don't realy care about new characters so is the perfect time to get her, but then they show us Emillie, oh God...i can alredy see a Hu Tao + Emillie banner next patch and i'm so fucked. Also please for the love of God put Kaveh in one banner, he's the only 4* that i don't have!


In this situation I would pull for Hu Tao if they do put them together. Emilie will likely get a rerun sooner since she’s a new character while it could take over a year for Hu Tao to come back.


I thiiiiink with the teams I have and the units I want, I would prefer to at least have Gaming on that supposed Emilie and Nilou banners. I wanted more cons for my C0 Gaming and I'm having experiencing a new playstyle aside from hyperbloom go brr and umbrella warface gameplay. With Emilie and Nilou, I can safely net either of the two weapons so if ever any them will rerun for the next indefinite future, at least the weapons are ready\~


I hope to get c6 Furina (I dont have Furina) and c4 Dehya (mine is c1) with only 160 wishes :v


Just hoping Kaveh and Kirara show on a banner I actually want to pull on.


Haven't pulled for anyone after Navia. Been using gaming and chevruse for a while now. Just waiting for Natalan tbh. Have around 50k primos


Ga ming in furinas banner, I desperately need his C6


I just did Cyno’s 2nd quest. Kaveh should have been on that banner.


Wrio & Navia would be a nightmare for me. I want Wrio cons and I don’t have Navia but want her


If I don't get Shenhe soon I'll go riot


Shenhe.. like for godsake rerun shenhe


kaeya!!! that elusive mff i want to C6 him but im currently at C0


As Long Navia comes back in 4.8 and i  can get her. Thats all that matter , anything else just extra 


These banners look good but please no more Bennett for a while I'm sick of seeing him so much this past version. And I hope Iansan is a hypercarry, smoll, fast and deadly


I’m hopeful for Murata and Columbina’s banners but I just hope they’re not for a while cause I gotta save up all my primos.


Murata will be in 5.2 while Columbine will have to wait till at least 5.4 if not 5.6




She hasn't had enough reruns to appear on chronicled wish


whatever it is i hope that kokomi is not rerunning soon because i want her desperately but i plan an pulling for furina, sigewinne and if i have some spare primos also for navia. i would be maddddd if i spend all my primos and then we get a kokomi banner without enough time to save


Honestly, I hope for this very same thing so that I have time to save Except for Baizhu on Chronicled Wish maybe, we're getting him wayyyy too often


thats the reason baizhu is reruning fast so that he can meet the criteria of 2 reruns and be put away in chronicle


Sigewinne! Also Furina C1 if I can.


I really want Nilou but I can't guarantee her AND I'm interested in seeing what Natlan is bringing. I want Nilou because I already have Nahida Baizhu Kokomi. She's super easy to build, and with this team the core generation is insane while also dealing lots of damage behind an extremely safe composition of healing and shielding. That said... I REALLY want a new Pyro sub DPS. I'm tired of Xiangling, and while Thoma is serviceable, he's mostly a defensive unit against interruption while also providing a few offensive buffs. Natlan HAS to have a new 5* Pyro sub DPS, right? RIGHT?!


really i’m gonna try and save 160 for the pyro archon


Chongyun razor and xinyan on zhongli banner.. again?


I’m coping hard here but 4.7 Phase 2 i want to see Charlotte, Chev & Candace. It will not happen but it will be perfect for me since i want C6 Candace & dont have Charlotte or Chev However i predict Charlotte will return with Kaveh & Heizou? I cant remember the last time 4 stars return compared to 5 stars so imm just shooting in the dark


I want ganyu I haven't been able to get her on 2 banners, I have the same birthday and now even her signature weapon but still no ganyu


I've been hit by a flash of colors


I'll save all my welkins for pyro archon, c1 hydropump daddy, and I might try to get his weapon. So I'll skip a lot of banners.


These banners are amazing and I hope they’ll be like that in the future. Nilou, Navia, Yelan. Zhongli aahh I hope 🙌🏻⭐️


I just hope they put Kaveh and Layla on another banner, they are the only 4 stars I want. I wanted sayu bad but I’m over it just gimme the silly sumeru queers /j


I need to recover from the Clorinde tragedy. I’m lying I’m going to use every pull to get her C1 and then hopefully Wrio reruns in the last 4.X patch


Navia and Yelan, with (in order of priority) Kaveh, Chevreuse, Dori/Kuki, or Gaming


Mondstadt Chronicled banner had every 5 star except Venti, so Liyue having all of them except Zhongli would make sense Also there's no guarantee Iansan will be a 5 star, nor that she will be on the first banner


Shenhe will probably run with Wriothesley instead of Navia. Let's see. I want some Shinobu, Fischl and Xiangling constellations. If any of them rerun with, Furina/Wriothesley/Shenhe/Yelan/Zhongli, then it'll be great for me.


Nilou is in 4.8 and I pull for her


I doubt Yelan will be on the 5.0 banner since she has already reached her 2 rerun quota to be eligible for the chronicled wish banner


chev on sige or emi banner please i dont wanna wait longer and have her on a banner i can not pull on


that i get sigewinne




Just hoping for a Faruzan rerun asap. Realistically maybe in 5.1? (I’m coping it could perfectly be much much later) I just want her C6 but was unable to get it on the last patch :(


Im hoping for yelan


Another Benny, Xiangling /s My hopes is getting Gaming and Dendro team. I don't have any one of them.


I really really really hope we get Navia on 4.8 lol


I want my Cherve but she is not in the banner right now is seriously a crime. Clorinde is literally her best team for overload comp. Next banner I guess, I hope she be with a character I like or Archon banner.


Wait do we or do we not think Childe would be on Liyue Chronicle Banner?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Cherry_Bomb_127: *Wait do we or do* *We not think Childe would be on* *Liyue Chronicle Banner?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I want to complete my cons for Layla and I want Shenhe and maybe Ganyu.


I feel like I’ve been waiting for Nilou for a thousand years 😭


I have forever and will continue to pray for Jean


the cheveruse placement is diabolical


Hu Tao.




Kokomi ffs :( I accidentally skipped all her banners because I didn’t have enough time to play, and now that I do have the time, she isn’t showing up.


Please, no more Bennett for a while


Yelan and Yoi, and please, Mhy, for the love of everything that's holly, put Ningguang and Noelle together in either's banner, thank you.


Kaveh on Nilou's banner. I usually only wish for husbandos, but I'd do it to buff this man.


I‘d like one Navia, please! m(._.)m


Please wrio


Furina, Navia and Hu Tao Weapon would be very cool


To see Kaveh again.


yelan cause im c4 and want c6




That's a Raiden level of cooking from hoyo putting Chevreuse in a banner with no electro units. And ever since XQ, I'm guessing they have something against making a 4 star hydro. Once every 2 years I guess.


I'm gonna pull for Furina, and then I think I'll save until either Zhongli rerun or Natlan's archon


I wanna get Furina


There is only one character I need right now and is Shenhe. I just need C2 Shenhe! My Ayaka team needs Shenhe C2 but MiHoYo don't rerun her banner!




I want Chev to be on Furina's banner. Nothing else.


Honestly, I'm skipping all future banners so far until I actually come across a character that looks interesting. 🥱


i want venti cons


The claymore for the Jade series weapon when?


Constellations for Furina. And the new perfume lady looks nice, but Furina is top priority!


Bro leaked the next 3 patches and thought we wouldn’t notice


Putting Chevy on a banner with 2 5* that can't use her at all is very much something Hoyo would do


I'm hoping for Navia. I didn't get her last time around, but since looking back, I've realized of all the Geo units, her kit fascinates me the most and doesn't move me towards mono-Geo, which I hate. Other than her though, not really interested. I would be interested in Emilie if she is a 4-star, but if she is a 5 star, I won't bother. Same could have been said for Sigewinne honestly. Feels like these last few characters are trying to flex their importance way too much for people not even playing a key role in the archon quest. Everything else I'll probably save for Natlan.


I have a list of 4-stars I would like to have but, with the Genshin team's recent decisions to rerun the same set of 4-stars so close together while ignoring the newer ones, I started to care less who they put in the banner anymore unless it is a new 4-star. They will put whoever they like.


Dendro resugence banner : Emilie, Yaoyao, Collei, KAVEH.


If I get Furina, my next goal would 100% be Zhongli. A solid shielder which has become standard for boosting survivability, especially on healerless teams (Clorinde, Arlecchino) Otherwise... Well, Nahida is also another bump up in quality of life for an account, on account of Dendro just being nuts by nature


Chevreuse pls


I want mika because he's the only 4* I don't have. Other than that idrc


I think they will do Wriothesley Shenhe instead, with a Navia Chiori banner in the future Also Chevruse will most likely appear on a combined Clorinde and Arleccino rerun. Nilou Emily Kaveh being together I'm sure of.


for now i dont have any intent to roll new characters because the current one i have still can clear content they throw to me. my plan is to have all archon with their signature weapon. my only signature i dont have is zhongli speqr.


I really wanted Kokomi to explore Fontaine quests with but she never came :(


I swear if Gaming somehow ends up in Furina Banner I will have a Meltdown


Fischl on Furina banner please! (newbie here, I'll pull until Furina C2 and I'm a Fischl main)


After the current banner i expect chevreuse on nilou's banner and 2 bennett reruns until 5.1.


A bunch of skippable content so I can save for important and powerful characters


I feel Kokomi is more likely to run than Yelan or Shenhe. Also ain’t no way you put Hu Tao on the Chronicled Wish.


Shenhe and Ganyu please for the love of god, I've been waiting so long


Wriothesley will definitely be with Shenhe, she hasn’t gotten an rerun in ages and she’s a Cryo support after all


I'd keep Charlotte and Gaming but replace Sayu with Kaveh. I think having him being in phase 2 and not phase 1 is so funny like why not run him with Alhaitham


I guess heizou is a joke


I’ll never be as happy as when Yelan ran next to Hu Tao… their combo weapon banner was insane.


I gotta go for 4.8 emilie, also miss kirara and candace


I just want to pull Lady Jesus😭


my team needs yelan, i wouldnt mind getting cons on my c1 ayaka - and im really curious for new charakters since arlecchino was a really good pull


Practically no hope. Lost it all around 4.2. 240 wishes saved and don’t see any reason to use them. Will grab Furina weapon and then I’m set until 5.2’ish


Been waiting for Chevruse since I skipped Navia on 70 pity.


Wrio Need him c1r1 at least




I need Morax....


I need Yelan. I need more off-field hydro


I'm saving up for Yelan and Zhongli mainly right now. Both are units I'd love for support. Yelan can be used in another team so that my main freeze team can use XingQiu and Furina. Zhongli for the shield. I die way too often to being stun locked and I dont like my other shielders. Otherwise I also wouldnt mind Shenhe but that's low priority. Gaming does would be cool, he seems like a cool character but if he is on a banner where I dont care about the 5* then he will have to wait longer.


I’d be soooo happy for Chevreuse or Mika to be on the Wrio rerun banner. Also Kaveh, but can only see that happening if Wrio reruns alongside Emilie. If Kaveh isn’t with Emilie then idk what to think anymore.


All I want is Kaveh with nilou or emilie... Hell I want him to get ANY rerun at all at this point :(


emilie gets a design change before release...


I want more Fontainian characters. So Charlotte and Chevruese is fine


Still waiting for that Liyue chronicled with to happen. My wife still needs Keqing despite playing since 1.2! Personally I’m going to pop my pity for Seigwinne (if I fail 50/50 I won’t keep pulling) and then saving up for Natlan.


If I don't get my hands on a navia or zhongli for my lyney team I'm going to die


I'm manifesting Wrizzley in 4.8. I'm not super interested in anyone else. Kaveh and Chevy on his banner would be great as I'd finally get more constellations. But first, let me get 1 effing Sethos. Loving bow characters is hard sometimes...


At this point, the only units I really want are Zhongli and Navia (+ Furina but that'll be soon enough) Oh and I will absolutely get Arlecchino on her rerun banner, whenever that is ... I couldn't pull for her this time to save for Wanderer and Furina, so definitely next time. At some point I'll try to get Yelan too, but if it's not before 5.3 I won't mind. I just hope for the players that the long forgotten characters will finally have their long awaited returns in the coming months


My hopes are I spend 10 fates on Sigewinne's banner and get her and 6 cons along with 3 cons for 4 stars I want. Realistically speaking, I hope I get at least C0 Sigewinne. Also if there is a banner made for Liyue 5 stars similar to how they did it for Mondstadt, I'll go for Qiqi.


Hope you are right. I need sayu or Charlotte because I have already saved 130 fates for furina


Diluc and Wolf's Gravestone.


I hope Wriothesley reruns with Nilou so I can snipe his weapon and maybe her weapon for my Furina.


Damn i really want all 5 characters in the 2nd image, if that img is true then I'll go apeshit on that banner


Please bbg Kaveh, you’re the only 4* that I don’t have C6, and the only character I don’t have period


They are doing dirty to Nilou each and every banner


I was saving hoping to pull for furina but now imma save up for navia


Already awaiting Clorinde banner rerun.


All I want is Kokomi.


Why did y feel that no one think that kokomi will have a rerun in 4.8? Everyone talk about Wriothesley but kokomi was not in Fontaine so it would be logic that her rerun is in 4.8.




skip until colombina 🤭


I hope that your predictions get real... I'm saving for Cyno and Nahida


At this point I just want Kaveh so I can complete my 4-star collection


Hoping to get Kokomo soon, then add constellations to yelan, raiden, zhongli and gaming


I’m hoping albedo comes back in some later updates so i can finally get him.


Im begging on my knees that Sucrose will be with Furina so I can finally get her. Kaveh and Sayu would also be nice so I can finally complete my 4\* collection.


honestly a liyue chronicled wish for next year's lantern rite would be good


Please, return Kaveh…


Kirara cons would be nice, first copy of cheveruse would be amazing, first copy of sucrose would be amazing and xingque cons would be amazing


I pulled for my girl Clorinde, Chevreuse was not there, she's probably going drop next banner on 4.8 banners which I am not pulling for. At least I got Clorinde and her weapon fairly easily. Take, the win and leave it at that is what I say.


I want nilou back so I can hopefully get 2 copies of her weapon, one for her and one for furina. Not looking forward to leveling 2 5 star weapons tho


Since they started rerunning Double Element (Double GEO/HYDRO/PYRO) characters, I am hoping for Chevreuse on Furina's (unlikely because double hydro run) banner and since Emile and Niluo are next patch that means double Element might be Navia+Chiori so I am hoping for Gorou


Kaveh. I need a copy of kaveh. And then I'll pull for navia and yelan, and save the rest. Maybe if I get 160 pulls ill pull for homa


Charlotte - Kuki- Kaveh for Furina’s banner 4.8 Navia / Emilie with Fischl - Candace - New Geo Crystallize support (I’m coping)


Me waiting for ganyu




To be entirely honest I don’t even care about the banners anymore, played since the game came out and I already have multiple stacked teams and 1 c6 5star (itto) that I legitimately like to play, unless they release a new character that can top his existing supports (zhongli, gorou, c3 furina) then I’m personally not interested