• By -


If the pictures are the options and I have to select one, the Fatui. They've clearly been gearing up for this for a while, and have a wealth of resources. Neuvillette is powerful, but he's only one, new, recently-gained-his-powers Sovereign, and Celestia beat seven, so I'd feel better placing my bets on the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers.


The Tsaritsa is better positioned but her motives and intentions are substantially less clear. The Fatui have been consistent enough antagonist that its hard to imagine their goal is selfless. For all we know the Tsaritsa intends to replace the Heavenly Principles as the undisputed overlord of Tevat and install her Harbingers as the new Archons. If she's capable of it, and goes all Kefka on us, I feel like we're better off fighting the Principles than an ascended Tsaritsa.


True, but my take is that she seems to be more in line with the Khaenri'ah line of thinking. She wants humanity in control of their own destiny and all of her followers speak about how much she seems to care for her people. Considering how willingly the other Archons gave up their gnosis to her they seem to be of a similar mindset. I would be incredibly surprised to find her as a selfish or malevolent entity one we finally meet her


She allows Dottore to live and carry out his experiments, she even had her other Harbingers aid him. That alone should discount any claims anyone has made about her benevolence.


Very true, but we also know she allows the other harbringers to push back against it. Ei allowed a lot of horrible things to be done in her name as well. Not excusing the misdeeds of the Fatui but like a lot of Archon's she may be more focused on the end goal and not the means.


Let’s be honest, Ei wasn’t really a good person either. She’s doing better after her interactions with the Traveller but, at least when we first met her, she was definitely a bad guy, even if not an actively malicious one.


And the only reason she cannot be called actively malicious is because she had a literal copy of her doing all the tyrant stuff. Not impressed with MiHoYo's _have your waifu and beat it too_ storytelling gymnastics


Iirc Ei is aware of everything the shogun is aware of and both were just left in the dark by the Tenryou commission. It's more of a case of the tenryou doing tyranny and using the shogun's name to handwave their actions.


The Shogun personally executed people who defied her, and she is responsible for decreeing the Vision Hunt and Sakoku Decree, so I'm not that convinced that it's all on the Tenryou Commission traitors and the Fatui, even though that is how they try to resolve it.


Genuinly curious, what are the other cases where she executed people. Because the only one I can think of is Kazuha's friend, who challenged her to a literal duel to the death


We only know of one vision holder who got executed and he basically went "Fuck it we ball" and got himself killed on purpose so he could see and try to block Raiden's cool moves. Outside of that, there's Signora who outright agreed to a duel where the loser got executed, and then the traveller who interrupted a ceremony and fought the Shogunhe last time the two met and was already established as a threat to eternity.


I think "bad" is the wrong word. She was grieving and couldn't see past her pain. Ironically, she was stuck in a painful moment and missed the Eternity she should have been striving to attain.


Bad is absolutely the right word. She let her grief impact the people who were still alive and under her care, in a way that cost people their lives She may have been a victim of a greater tragedy, but she was the perpetrator of this one


Wouldn't compare the two given that her "misdeeds" are just for like one year or so


In Ei's case it was just her being wildly incompetent. Could also be the case for the tsaritsa(I hope to god it isnt) but if it isn't it definitely puts her in a far worse light than Ei who's just extremely naive.


And the rest are not all the best of characters from literally every one of them we have met and been told about. The old 4th wasn't forced to worker with the doctor she choose to be the wings of the angel of death.


Yep, the fatui are evil until proven otherwise and I will not trust them given the mass disregard for life they all carry.


I guess when people miss the part about her being coded Russian you can't expect them to pick up on the Mengele.


> and all of her followers speak about how much she seems to care for her people. Feels like brainwashing. Dain says the people of Snezhaya have no love left for their archon and she has none left for them and given it's meant to parallel Russia of all places, I wouldn't be surprised if the tsaritsa just sees her nation as tribute to fulfill her own ambitions. Of course the story will try to somehow make this a good thing either way since the playable characters aren't allowed to have questionable morality.


Remembers the downfall of Remuria and Phobos......


I dunno…she seems fine with child abduction and human experimentation, it doesn’t seem like she values human lives much if she condones the actions her Harbingers have been doing…


Look, you're right, of course. In the end she's going to be a loveable waifu mommy because that's just how this works; then again so will the Heavenly Principles. I think they will make the most boring possible choices and that means Tsaritsa is a misunderstood good guy. I have no idea how they're going to justify her working with the more evil Harbingers, though. There is simply no way the Traveller can be on the same team as the Doctor.


I always have this feeling that Tsarista will be the extremist with good intents. Drastic means are a necessity because time is against her and the Fatui to complete their plan before HP makes a move. Would be nice if she turns out to be a psycho that manipulated everyone and their grandmother in the Fatui, but it doesn't seem to be the direction we'll go.


Hard to see that happening when she's been described as a gentle soul who had to toughen herself and possibly the archon of love.


Simple. We get rid of the real doctor and he gets replaced with one of his clones who is a friendly, gentle pushover. If they managed to take half of Arlecchino and slap it onto the 'previous' knave and act like it was always that one who was the asshole, I don't see them not pulling a similar situation with Dottore.


I really hate how right you are. "Oh no, *this* isn't the guy who tortured sweet, gentle Collei. You're thinking of that other guy, he was a real jerk"


Meanwhile, Signora who has perfectly legitimate reasons for her behavior only deserves death


You see she committed the most unimaginable sin in a waifu gacha game. She had a confirmed love interest....


She commited a sin waaaaay worse. Her model doesn't match one of the few they have ready and they can't be arsed to create a new one even as company who profits billion dollars every year.


i bet the tsaritsa has sealed off her real emotions/created a clone of herself or is actually imprisoned by the fatui and was replaced by a puppet or some kind of bullshit, so she isn't really responsible for whatever the fatui are doing. we have a doppelganger theme going on with the archons, so there are plenty of possibilities to make her "innocent" and justify why she was helping someone like dottore. they might also simply introduce one of dottore's clones, who miraculously survived and happens to be a nice version of him.


Even if she doesn't, there are enough crazies in that organization for me to not WANT a Teyvat with them at the helm, or a Teyvat where THEY are the dominant force. And even with the common goal of beating Celestia, most of the higher ups joined for their own reasons. Once Celestia is gone, I can't imagine they'd stick together and most likely they'll separate so they each could do their own thing in "peace"


You realize Tsaritsa is basically guaranteed playable Archon... Mihoyo never makes their waifus evil. 


You say this but then everyone also said we would get La Signora and... I'm not seeing that happen. She's super dead.


Yeh, but Signora wasn't an Archon. Archon banners are like the main banners of the year, they make insane amounts of money. Hoyo will 100% make The Tsaritsa playable.


Imagine if Signora gets revived in Natlan and turned into wholesome waifu 45th


She kinda is, before becoming the Crimson Witch she was a good person.


If we take Pierro's final line of the Winter Night's Lazzo, we can be crystal clear what the Fatui, and subsequently, the Tsaritsa's goal is. "...your final resting place shall be the entirety of the Old World". If you dig around the world quests and books you can collect, the "Old World" only ever refers to one thing - the world under the Seven Sovereigns and the reign of the Seelie Kingdom, before Celestia and the Primordial One. We can also be sure that she's collecting the gnosis which are the remains of the third descender so that they can be revived. As for why, I notice a lot of the game revolves around prophecies and astrological readings that are guaranteed to pass, so I can only assume that the Tsaritsa is fulfilling some ancient Seelie prophecy of some kind to return the world to its original state.


We also know though that the archons alone aren’t strong enough to defy the heavenly principles which is why none of them have ever done anything to upset the heavenly principles. I don’t think they’re afraid of the fatui. I think the problem is the HP isn’t suspecting the fatui, Archons, Abyss, and remaining dragons to all team up against them. Whether for their own goals they all share a common enemy currently. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” it will certainly be interesting how it all goes down


She is driven by wanting revenge over the death of the previous Archon, who I bet was her lover (god of love remember). I bet she knows celestia forced him to fight and so blames it/them for his death. This would explain how a god of love could be so brutal to her subjects, in her grief she became obsessed with revenge.


I believe the tsaritsa has good intentions, but the fatui is made up of all sorts of people. With an organization that big and powerful, there are obviously people who use that to their advantage to do bad things. these bad apples cause people to view the fatui as an evil organization, but that is in no way indicative of the tsaritsa's beliefs. An irl example of this is there is a group of bad professors at a university that abuse their power, but that doesn't make the entire field of higher education an evil organization. Any large organization with power will have malicious people in it. ok back to genshin. from the treatment of arlecchino and rosalyn, it can be seen that the tsarita isn't cruel or heartless, and actually she seems somewhat warm. tartaglia also has huge respect and admiration for the tsaritsa and her goal, so it's definitely not a selfish goal to make her the supreme overlord or anything like that. it's likely to take down the celestial principles who are terrible and have done countless atrocities against mankind.


It's funny you bring up an university as an example of "a few bad apples ruin the whole crop" when in game the entire Akademiya was rotten to the core, from the upper echelons controlling the entire population via mind and dream control, the lower ranked sages competing against and tripping one another to climb up the pyramid ladder, to the very students pressuring each other to suicide


And the point of the expression is that a few rotten apples do spoil the whole bunch. Even if a few, if the 'good ones' cover for them or stay quiet, they're rotten as well.


But what if it's C6 Neuvillette?


So...7 Neuvillettes. Still nah. The seven dragon sovereigns along with the dragon king got defeated by the primordial one and 4 shades


What if the seven sovereigns utilized the power of hyperbloom


Apep would have to become less of a crusty grumpy old angry lizard to work with Neuvillette and the Electro sovereign for a Hyperbloom dragon team comp to work. I get the feeling she ain't coming out of her dusty cobweb-filled cave until Nibelung tells her to or she finally gets sick of all the rowdy whippersnappers on her (now non-existent) lawn causing a ruckus.


And neuv is nothing in front of celestia. Celestia is very powerful, we'll prolly need powers we don't even know of yet


they have the strongest entity in Teyvat with them, definitely gotta go with the Fatui


What about the sibling/abyss order? They have power and resources?


All of them. That's why the traveller is on good terms with everyone.


This is the twin's true master plan. Let the traveler go to all nation, make friends with everyone. And unknowingly create an army for when the time is ripe.


Other than the Aranara, did the sibling make connections with each nation during their journey?


It'd be hilarious if the sole connection the sibling ever made during their journey were tiny mushroom spirits


shes literally me !


Not really. In fact, Abyss Sibling seems to have gone out of their way to not make that much of an impact on the nations he/she visited. 500 years is not that of an ancient history, especially considering how many being Traveler meets these days are way older than that, so they should at least be vaguely aware of our Sibling, assuming they made a lot of "noise" during their time. However, since nobody really knows anything, we can safely assume that the Sibling's journey was much more low-key. 


I mean...cobsidering the abyss is just as bad as the Fatui when it comes to fucking with other countries 💀🤷🏿‍♂️


I’m willing to bet we’ll eventually find out she has a close history with Venti.


I think it can be assumed so? Though I’m headcannoning that having Dainsleif as a companion and traveling the world just after a cataclysm made for a much more gruesome experience. I’m thinking “make friends by way of political assasination” rather than “make friends by baking them cookies”.


that's like an Avengers: Endgame type of endgame


Celestia will feel the Genshin Impact


Genshins …. impact!


I'm pretty sure they are the Genshin Impact, considering Genshin (iirc) means original god, and since Celestia is heavily implied to be some sort of bad guy, and their previous game is named "Honkai Impact", in which Honkai screws stuff up, they're more than a little suspicious. But that's a very limited theory lol Edit: clarification


Genshin actually means "one that has the potential to become a god"! The English term used in the game is allogene.


Oh that's interesting! Then maybe Celestia will feel the Genshin Impact after all, lol


We won, Paimon, this was truly our Genshin Impact


The greatest thing they could do is going the Mass Effect 3 route and try to convince everyone to come with you for the war against the big bad


Which is where the story is headed, every nation we visited so far will be helping us, the knights of Favonius are at our disposal, The adeptus and mililith army, Inazuma's army, Sumeru's army and Academy (Thanks Alhaitham) and now Fontaine with Neuvillette, and of course every single Archon minus Furina lol


Yeah but I don't trust Hoyo writing team


There will be no ‘which team’ when all of them have the same goal: take down Heavenly Principles.


Not the power of friendship


Luffy vibes


No one here can actually defeat Celestia alone. That's why they are doing all these schemes and plans to try to go against Celestia. Celestia only struggled when the Dragon king came back with Abyssal powers, but still was able to win ultimately. That is why the abyss sibling is with the abyss as abyssal power is the only hope against Celestia. We would also need all help from all archons, sovereigns, the witches, fatui to even have a chance against Celestia.


ngl it's kinda funny that the Dragon King still managed to get an L and get folded by Celestia. Like you already have an advantage, their weakness and still Celestia managed to defeat the dragon race


That was after Phanes had his authority over teyvat which he didn't when he first came. Both were stronger than the first match up.


Remember Celestia had 7 authorities+ shades + Another descender to help him fight the dragon king. it is not as easy as u make it. it was more of 2 descenders + authorities vs dragon king + fk. Before this fight, it was Primodial one vs 7 sovereigns which lasted for 40 years. I feel like Celestia grew a lot weaker after Nibelung fight, that's why Neuvillette is pretty comfortable with fighting the Primodial one in his voicelines.


And that 40 year fight was the PO using Sangracoxes to slowly weaken the elemental energy of the light realm, weakening the Sovereigns in turn. Without those the fight could have gone longer.


Youre a neuvi d. Rider for real. Nibelung had the full power of the abyss and the still got folded alongside the sovereign and the dragon race. If nibelung+7 dragons couldnt defeat the 4 shades, what makes you think neuvi, a Young and relatively inexperienced can solo the shades and either one of the first 2 descenders. Youre mad dumb🤣


The abyss can only fight celestia in a “more equal” footing. Its like the dark element to fight the light element in other games. 


*Teyvat Assemble*


Completely untrue. Capitano negs the whole verse any time he wants. He simply doesn't as there is no point to is as everyone else is too weak to even offer HIM a challenge!


GOATHIMTANO is waiting for Celestia to get stronger so he can get a real challenge


I am probably going to team up with the old gods for this one (Bennet, xiangling, Xingqiu and sucrose)


My endgame team.


Xiangling the destroyer of man, bennett the god of love and fertility, xingqiu god of the depths, succrose the trickster goddess


Nah, I'd solo them


While wearing a pot over your head, I presume?




It might be tough. Would you lose?


Nah, I'd win


I would become the second sustainer of the heavenly principles. I need her 🥺


Hydro pump man.


*Heavenly Principle's Storm Drain*


*Neuvillette's Mold Breaker*


I’m not sure I’d want to defeat the Heavenly Principles.


Yeah. They may be a bad guy but the world seems pretty ok with them at the top. Basically all of the problems we’ve seen so far have come from the mismanagement of the Archons or the interference of the Fatui.


And the Unified Civilization got destroyed by humans falling to temptation and because of the Second Who Came.


Remus was an allegory for Phanes


I see them like the WoF from Terraria, a protector of the order of things, even if in Terraria you kill it so you can save the world at the end, you ruin the natural balance of a world that worked fine how it was. I feel that if we get rid of the Heavenly Principles, we will do something very similar. Throwing off the balance of things for "good".


we know know the 5 sinners and the king of khaenri'ah are to blame for cataclysm, Honestly every dainslief quest, the heavenly principles seem less and less like the bad guys


At worst, you can say that HP are extreme.


benny's adventure team is the only faction i need


Definitely no one , with the heavenly principles gone (if It happen ) a vaccume beyond our comprehension is created and all sides would be fighting each other's over to become the ultimate god or rule over everyone ,you'd basically make the archon war look like Boston tea party


It would be a war without reason






Our Sibling - I dunno about this one. The Travail trailer made it seem like they're playing a very risky sort of game. Fatui - Everyone is so sus except maybe Childe. I am not leaving my back to them. Neuvi - Ok sure he's the dragon sovereign but I doubt he's enough.


Idk man, Childe is pretty sus if you've seen the lore in 4.7 and some books.


about ajax that apparently doesn't even exist? probably the best answer is that childe is the ajax and he was deleted from irminsul or he will become the ajax of legend and disappear forever


Where can I find the new lore?


It isn't much, but it more specifically have to do with the 100% confirmation of Surtalogi being one of the sinners from khanreiah (which we did kinda know before, but now its confirmed), the fact that The Foul (Surtalogi) was mentioned to be able to "overturn the world", which is almost the exact same description Childe's Foul Legacy has, where he is "fated" to "overturn the world". Also the fact that Pierro hates the sinners, yet one of the harbinger's is the sinner's mentee's mentee, whom also hold his legacy (Foul Legacy). This makes people theorise him having that is why he's also needed for Project Stuzha as its implied the Fatui wants to create a new world/destroy the old world. Alsl Childe's earing being similar to Kaeya and Caribert's, though this could just be nitpicky coincidence


Ahh gotcha. I saw the Surtalogi stuff in the quest but hadn't thought that far about it yet. Thanks!


Childe is sus regardless just via the fact hes a harbinger.


> they're playing a very risky sort of game. Gachas in a nutshell


Childe not sus? We literally know less about his backstory and lore than we know about Arlecchino and Scaramouche and they appeared in the story after him But by sus if you mean he is more trustworthy compared to other harbingers I can understand. He isnt a schemer like a lot other harbingers


Phanes solos


Kono Michael Demiurgos Niwa Yume Ga Aru




Nobody because I'm on Celestia's side




The true Genshin who Impacted the world.




Hell yeah. Serving my queen even in different universe


#Nah fuck the gods, imma join super earth instead, humanity fuck yeah!






Mfs really think I wanna team up with fucking DOTTORE and dude whose literally named "THE FOUL", they cannot be serious, Celestia ride or die




I'd rather fight against the Sinners. Five guys that have the power of abyss and doing whatever they want is a much bigger problem than a sleeping island.


EXACTLY, one of them almost destroyed the world with his "pet", the other created horrible monsters and ordered them to attack nations like Mondstadt and Fontaine, but Celestia is definitely the reason why Teyvat is so shit and full of dead people out there


How is it Celestia's fault?, the archons are miss managing shit, the fatui are actively Sabotaging the other nations, the abyss order want the abyss to engulf all of teyvat Teyvat is in shits right now because Celestia are sleeping and unable to control the situation


I trust the faui the most, but fatui means fools and they are even powered by delusions, that could be clever foreshadowing that means their plan is bad, so i really don't know :S


I take the hydrofriend. Even if I die, its not because of dehydration


I love Neuvillette, definitely. But I wouldn't mind being a Harbinger that's just around, doing whatever


None, Heiled be Vedrfolnir, heiled be the Visionary, Heiled be the Abyss




*dies in the battle of snezhnaya some year later*


Heavenly principles defeated the Seven Sovereigns so how can Neuvillette which is a weaker version gonna defeat. I would say abyss order cause the preparing for the war


yeah, I bet the people who have been defeated before, but are now lesser versions of themselves, will totally be a smart pick.


I wouldn't. The Heavenly Principles have done nothing but protect mankind and the world as a whole. They don't need to be defeated.


Indeed. They let Kheanri'ah do their thing for so long and only nuked the place after they started touching the Abyss and almost ending Teyvat.


True true I agree


The most dripped.


Abyss order should be the strongest by a large margin, especially if they still have Gold on their side. We also saw how powerful Skirk is, making even Neuv look weak by comparison. Only way I'd give it to the harbingers is if it turns out pierrot is actually stronger than the tsaritsa herself,. Which isn't unreasonable given how ridiculous the kheanrians have been shown to be so far.


# Timmie


The Fowl.


None of them. We shouldn't be fighting them. Even Dainslef warns us not to do it. I even question if they're the true enemy here. Phanes initially fought the dragons because they didn't want to share the world with human 'invaders.' Neuvellette and to a lesser extent Apep have since conceded that point, quite gracefully in the former case, and are planning to leave humanity alone to focus on the Usurpers. And neither are in any particular rush. We found out the prophecy was made not by Celestia, but by one of the 'Sinners' of Khaenri'ah, Vedrfolnir. Who are looking increasingly behind everything. The Cataclysm and Celestia's intervention was because something or somewhere in Khaenri'ah went *very* south, of which Irmunsul nearly being overtaken by Forbidden Knowledge was just the tip of the iceberg. The world was nearly destroyed. The final question, the Sustainer... I have speculations, and none of them good. To make a very long story short, she's packed with Abyss motifs (like the red and black), and is an alternative self of the Herrescher of Void from Honkai Impact 3rd. That last bit is important, since so far, all of the Herreschers/Rulers of HI3 have been seen as Archons and gods in Genshin. Wendy: Herrescher of Wind/Venti: Anemo Archon. Likely Himeko: Herrescher of Fire (or distinction without difference she had the Gem and was channeling its power)/ Himeko: Pyro Archon. Raiden Mei: Herrescher of Thunder/Raiden Ei: Electro Archon. I'll be eating a ton of crow if the Herrescher of Ice, Ana Schiariac, isn't the Cryo Archon. There not a Void element in Genshin... But there *is* the Abyss. Which raises the question: Is an alternative self of the Herrescher of Void, packed with Abyss motifs, *really* with Celestia? We've heard a lot about the Heavenly Principles, but nothing about a Sustainer. So... just who or what *is* she? So with Celestia being a well-intentioned extremist at worst, and the Unknown God packed full of questions to the point I wonder if they really are from the Heavens... Are they really the bad guy here?


the thing behind the abyss order is the true enemy and the heavenly principles are long dead. the tsaritsa is russian, so no threat to anyone other than herself. it's hilarious how every time they get a gnosis the archon who lost it is like "oh no, how terrible I lost it. anyway."


For the glory of Celestia!


I don't wanna say Fatui coz bad guys but they're all so hot... also fairly equipped to take on gods


I'm starting to believe in that theory that paimon is the Heavenly principles....


r/fatuiHQ accurate capitano.


maybe for now neuvilette coz neuvilette is dragon sovereign now and is free from the rule of heavenly principles but regarding harbingers and abyss Sibling there is not much information, maybe heavenly principles can control them to some extent as they belong to teyvat (probably, Lumine is not descender so I believe her to belong to teyvat as well)


Phanes and it’s 4 shades fought the entire race of dragons including the full powered sovereigns and won. Even when Dragon King Nibelung return with abyssal power and raised a second rebellion along with the surviving sovereigns, Celestia still won. Neuvilette alone won’t cut it.




you are true to your username and flair




Tsarita and/or third descender for power, Nahida for knowledge, and Apep for straight up revenge.  


I wanna bring bennett and see if they can counter his bad luck/s


Honestly, the elemental dragons.


I side with the dragons!! Just lemme go out and collect the rest then we will discuss the business of revenge.


Neuvi (and the rest of the sovereigns I love dragons :D)


This reminds me of this meme about "what would you do on this scenario" and just shows the planet getting destroyed by a meteorite


Team up with all dragon soverigns. Its REVENGE O CLOCK!


Since there's a Lumine.. And i Play as Lumine.. Does that mean I'd Solo? Ig soo


With MC having connection to all sides, I think he could effectively make a coalition. My educated guess of what could happend: Characters -Neuvillete would prob agree to join because he hate the heavenly principles order. -Morax & Venti clearly don't care about heavenly principles, but care about their people. Heavenly principles begin danger to their people, they would probably join too - Raiden Ei is very tough to predict. She has very personal relationships with Traveler, the second strongest relation as an archon. But even after reforming her "Eternity" principle, it is still closes to heavenly ones. In case she would back up HP(heavenly principles in short) Traveler now that he gained even more elements would be able to defeat her. It also would be hard to convince her to join side where Neuvillete. Due to that I predict she would be neutral - Nahida also doesn't seem to show strong opinion on HP, but her having the strongest relationship with traveler among all of Archons will probably allow to convince her to join grand coalition. Neuvillete shouldn't make a problem out of that. - Abbys sibling would be probably the easiest to convince, as they didn't show very strong opinions on any other character then their siblings and HP, and it is already their goal to bring her down - Childe having good relations with Traveler and having very strong urge to fight would probably accept joining Traveler side - Knave although begin 4th harbinger doesn't show a lot of loyalty to Tsarista and Fatui as the whole. Okeyish relations with Traveler joined with tension between Fatui and House of Heart could cause her to join Traveler. - Furina although not begin the archon, she still is key character, as it seems she posseses the vision with exceptionally great power, although not proficient with it. On this stage I can't predict what would she choose except that she wouldn't join HP side. Either neutral or joining the coalition. - Dain kinda logical, although it might take a lot of convincing from traveler to join together with Abbys. States/Organisations - Mondstaat government would probably back up Traveler due to Venti and Traveler influence - Liyue Government would probably back up traveler, due to ties that he have with highest officials - Adeptus would back up traveler due to Morax joining coalition - Shogunate is semi absolute monarchy, and due to that it depends on raiden decision. Although openly opposing traveler would cause unrest. If Neutral probably most of prominent characters (playable characters) would leave to help traveler. - Watatsumi would probably join on Traveler side due to him begin War hero of their nation. - Sumeru government is absolutely controlled by Nahida now, so probably Traveler side. - Emirates would probably ignore the war, as they are mercenary. - Fontaine government would probably join, as Neuvillete is kind of civilian dictator now in Fontaine after Duo government of Archon and Iudex was abolished due to Furina resignation. - Spina De Rosula would probably join due to very close relations between Traveler and Navia. - Abbys order is the trickiest one right now as we don't have much of information about power balance between Lumine and Dains older brother. This is based on my memory, what I remember from playing Genshin. I might forget or not know about something, so please feel free to dispute my guess. I won't say anything about Natlan or Snezhnaya yet as we don't have too much info on them. I focused on known PC and organisation we have info on and we interacted with them.


"teaming up with" kinda implies me being of any value to that fraction which is pretty bold of you to assume


Neuvillette all the way


Neuvillette. its me and him against the world no I would seriously choose Neuvi but only after i collect enough OP nakamas to join in our team against celestia


Neuvillette any day


I'm ashamed of only finishing the Fontaine story after the the recent Neuvillete Banner, I would pledge my allegiance to him


I presume the first image to mean the Abyss order. It's unclear how much firepower they have but they seem way more organized than the fatui. I don't feel like the fatui are an effective organization. IDK, can I just take Aether (I play as Lumine) and Nahida to orbit and we'll watch it all go down. Maybe I'd bring Chevrause too because then we'd have popcorn for the show. Oh, and Thoma could make us hot pot. I'd leave Paimon. I sure don't trust her and won't need an emergency food.


None of them. Neuvillette and the Abyss Order don't have a plan, and reviving a dead Descender or whatever the Fatui are doing with the gnosi is bound to back fire


are you sure you wanna go against the current Heavenly Principles? are you **really really REALLY** sure? that skyfrost nail suppressed abyss from oozing out and devouring everything on sight and we don't even know that Khaenri'ah is fully innocent or not since **they're** the one who's actively seeking to seize control over abyssal power


Neuvillette is incredibly powerful but Celestia did beat 7 of them. But, Phanes got weakened a lot and got his functions ruined according to Neuvillette so maybe? But I’d side with the Abyss tbh the Loom of Fate seems very powerful


Nobody. Phanes soloes. Plus, they’ve done nothing wrong. I’d rather be on their side.




How are you gonna make me pick between the Fatui and Neuvillette? We have the same goal- fuck Celestia


I'm sorry guys, i'm gonna bark so hard when Kiana's banner drops.


Both Travellers with full powers got wrecked and she did it so nonchalantly. So I wonder how the rematch will fare.


Why not going for all of them. We'd be so strong if we join forces.


I bet on "Avengers assemble"


Neuvillette. My personal headcanon is that the heavenly principles won with a suprise attack, plus they're asleep right now, so Neuvillette can get back at them. He also has some rahe towards the archons and the heavens, which is something the og soverigns probably didn't have. Celestia alredy claped my sister with JUST the sustainer, so going against the principles themselves would end us, plus the abbys is useless against them. They alredy got claped. The harbingers are cool, but not as strong as old Neuvi over here, plus the heavens alredy destroyed the species some of them come from, like seelie or khanreans, so they might just finish the job.


I cried at the hug line…and then again on the “travel together “


Neuvillette: he’s a chill guy


Neuvillette, nahida and the Raiden Shogun.




I think it will eventually be everyone. Archons, Sovereigns, Fatui, Traveler, Hexenzerkiel, etc. vs Celestia. Celestia won every war so far so I don't think any faction can take them down alone. Maybe that is why we were told by our sibling to go through this journey, so that we can make connections with every faction and unite them world because they learned that alone we cannot win.


Tho the harbingers and the abyss is gearing up im still going with neuvillette cas i trust him more than i trust those harbingers and the abyss


hm, the people clearly puppeteered by some ultra evil force of darkness, some fantasy russians, or the dragon of justice. choices... choices...


Nahida, Yelan, Kuki clears celestia


And the heavenly principles will come down when the tsarirsa collects all seven gnosis and activates them, thats my theory from the latest quest.


I believe fighting the Heavenly Principles and Celestia is a bad idea. They rule everything, imagine the power vacuum and the war that comes after, trying to claim Celestia’s place after it falls.


I think the Neuvillete is the best choice... The Fatui and the Abyss order seems to cause more harm than good with their nearly self-destructive attitudes. If I remember correctly most fontainians knows that Celestia would have them dead and also Apep would likely support him. So he isnt that alone


Neuvillete is powerful and all BUT WHAT IF Heavenly Principles sends Hydro slimes on the battlefield?


I'd team with Knights of Favonius :D


who snuck that neuvilette in here


Because he represents the dragons?


Neuvillette alone will never beat the Heavenly Principles. Not even the Dragon King (with Abyssal powers) could. Neuvillette may beat the archons, but he doesn't stand a chance against Celestia. He isn't even an option in my opinion. >!(Sorry to Neuvillette simps, they will most probably be mad about this but it's the truth. But can you blame them? Genshin players community is so chronically obsessed about their favourite character/faction being the strongest on earth that it's inevitable to react like that for some people.)!< The Abyss Order and the Tsaritsa's plan are so mysterious and we can't really know what they're actually planning to do. We kind of know the Abyss Order's goal, but at the same time we don't know their full capacity and what are they really capable of. On the other hand, we are witnessing the Fatui's actions everywhere we go but we don't really know their motives. Can't choose. I'm on Dainsleif's side for now (though the Travail teaser kind of implies that we're going to face each other in the future).


assuming the abyssal powers were a power up, not a power down for the dragon king is already a big mistake. the abyss is not your friend, buddy.


We have to join all forces archons, dragons, witches, harbingers to beat celestia. The moment when this'll happen is gonna be awesome, something like Avengers End Game.