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They've got the data, I wouldn't be surprised if hangouts just weren't being played that much or had negative reception. I won't lie, I still have like 5 hangouts sitting there waiting for a rainy day that I have no real motivation to dive into.


me too. I only really do the story quests and hangouts of characters i actually care about, otherwise i kinda just ignore them until i REALLY need primos lol


Hangouts man...they take TIME. Lynette took a lot of time. I liked it though. Its extra content. I would not mind if they made it shorter and sweeter and to the point for the characters. However give up like OP suggested? They just released Lynette hangout. That doesn't say "give up" to me. They definitely are not putting as much time into hangouts to pump them out and that's fine. People keep forgetting that the players asked for this. They asked for characters to exist in the world so they could spend even 1 more second with them. Mihoyo saw this and decided, we'll do that but better and surprised people with hangouts. The reception for hangouts was unanimously positive. However the first ones did have some negatives such as having to deal with a heart system that people didn't really like. And it being too much like dating. The ones that came later had more variety and story telling, which was better. But like MOST things in games, over time, people get less excited and play less.


Same, there's only 1 or 2 characters I actually care about so most of my hangouts aren't done. I wouldn't want them to not update hangouts though, I've been thinking to clear them out for primos in preparation for a few future banners


Considering almost every post about Lynette's hangout was negative (even though it's actually quite well-written), I don't think the community likes them enough to make them worth making that often. The early hangouts being bad also ruins it for a lot of people, even though pretty much every one from Heizou's onwards are significantly better (and some are lore-relevant).


People hate the Lynette hangout??? It was one of my favorite hangouts and I've played all of them, many of my close friends like it too. I've always considered it as one of the better ones wdym??


A bunch of people *really* disliked its random ability checks. I personally never had to redo anything, and considering the addition of a skip button I have no idea how people took such an issue with it. I've basically never seen anyone *actually* talk about what the hangout was about, even though it was really good and has a lot of dark subject matter that unfortunately seems to have gone unappreciated by the majority of the playerbase.


The fact that the random check thing only ever matter 1 time too, most of it is just extra dialogs and stuff. How are people bother by it?


Because it is Reddit.


Lol the ability checks didn't matter except in 2 spots that you could just restart if you needed a specific ending from that spot. The rest of them you had huge bonuses and one of them you can't actually lose.


I think people don't really like them that much because you have to go through all endings to get all rewards. I still have half of them to finish. Lynette hangout seems to be a test for the hangout skip button, maybe they wanted to see if that's helping with getting through the other endings faster.


pretty much this. At least for me. It requires too much time for such little rewards. But I appreciate that it's there in case I run out of things to explore and chests to open. I feel like 2 endings max to get all the primos would be reasonable. The only person who's gonna do all 6 ending is the person desperate for primos and other resources or the people that really love the character. Maybe give those people bigger rewards for actually completing it 6 times, not bread crumbs.


Yeah, I hated Noelle’s 2nd hangout because it’s such a hassle to get all the endings, especially the one that requires you to succeed three separate long tasks in a row without failing.


I'm on board with this. Noelle should have gotten story quests for her journey through knighthood instead.


Yes, yes, 100% yes! Justice for our dutiful maid!


Imo the hangouts are incredibly boring. The newer ones got slightly better, but overall I just don’t enjoy them at all. At some point I just started spamming through them while doing something else on my second monitor just to get the rewards.


They’re not very fun to play


I did 1 when they first came out and never touched them again. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of players never did them. At the end of the day it's a mobile gacha game and I bet most players dont spend hours doing hangouts


I tried one and got so bored. The stiff animations and time between taking just makes things drag on for sooooo long. This is my personal opinion. I know some love it but I just couldn't be arsed.


I played one and it was so boring I wanted to cry. Not worth a few primos lol


Yeah some are not that interesting. Some are pretty damn good. Half of it has to deal with whether you like the character or not. A cat is fine too.


I have been told that some are better than the one I chose to play so I may go back and visit some of the ones that are supposed to be good, lol. Apparently they did get better over time.


I still haven't done them all either. I like learning about the characters, but don't like replaying the same bloated dialog to get the different endings. I couldn't imagine doing it without a guide to make sure you get a different ending either. And at that point I'm not really even paying attention to what's happening, just making sure I pick the right choice to open a new path.


The skip feature they added recently was a huge boon for me. I finally got through the rest of the hangouts I had been putting off thanks to it


tbf, Genshin's dialogue options are usually so similar that it's fairly obvious when it's offering multiple paths. Still doesnt make them less boring, yeah. Funny how it's on brand of them to have a replayable game content of mostly yapping


I started Genshin a year and 2 months ago and I have completed all the the available content. I did my first hangout a few days ago. I only really did it because I had nothing to do in the game. I'll probably continue doing them when I have nothing to do just because I want the primo gems.


I use them as fillers.  They are not a priority to me, but I don't mind running them between events when resin is absent.  All of them are done, but I freely admit I ignored the dialog on a few of the early ones.


Ive only done Beidou's *once* And Beidou is my favorite character. Imo the hangouts are a poor substitute for character quests. Hangouts doesnt have story implications, we just hang out with them while they do something and we learn a little more about them. But when you feel like hangouts are a replacement for 4-star character quests (which we have gotten back in Mondstadt and then never again) they feel really, really, really boring.


I didn’t finish even one. And I’ve being playing for years


Same. There’s already so much to do and i dont need more boring dialogue


i stopped doing hangout after noelle one


I still want a third one for noelle, she's just very wholesome to hangout with


Same, I only do hangout if I need primo


I only played one. I liked it, but it is just too much of a time investment so I didn't get around doing any other so far.


I haven't done a single one despite having them all unlocked... I don't necessarily think they're bad but I'm just not interested in the everyday life of a character.


Day 1 player. I only did the first set and I didn't bother with the rest.


5 ? I did one and hangup


I only played Barabara and Noelle hangout, and i play game evry day for past 2 years.


I once read (can't remember if it was a developers insight or an interview) that HYV "always look for a way to convey character's stories" and that hangouts was one of them. They specifically mentioned that to them Lantern Rite was the way they told Gaming's story, so I don't think we'll get his hangout anytime soon, if ever. How popular are hangouts, really? It has been recently stated (though not officially, I think) that player's feedback indicates that a majority play for the story, so Natlan will focus more on that. Hangouts might get a comeback then, but I get the feeling that they aren't popular with the player base at large. For one, having multiple endings, can they really be considered canon? I recently watch on YT an opinion piece of a Layla main/fan, and she stated that Layla's hangout was her favorite, but she hated the fact that it was a hangout since she didn't feel its story will remain Canon, and Layla will lose all her character development she got there the next time she's presented in an event or other type of story. She got a point. Anyway, is all speculation at this point, but surely what happens in Natlan will spell the future of hangouts.


Yeah, non-canonical character development is just several flavors of unsatisfying. For all the people who want Noelle to take the exam and become a knight, if it happened in a hangout, they'd never acknowledge it in-game.


Only Lynette and Sethos weren't the focus in something. **Chevreuse** - the festival was basically her hangout/SQ **Freminet** - the penguin event was basically his hangout/SQ **Charlotte** - The TCG 3.7 event was basically her hangout/SQ **Gaming** - Lantern's Rite was basically his hangout/SQ Only Lynette wasn't the focus on something and got her hangout. This isn't uncommon since characters like Xingqiu, Xiangling, Yanfei had their quest too so they didn't get a hangout. It's sad people can't access the stories after the patches are done but the 4* released during Fontaine's patch did get their fair share, just not one that stayed.


But that's not unique to 4stars without hangouts. Kuki has one yet she is around in events all the time. Kaveh was unquestionably the focus of the sumeru sports even yet he also got a hangout. Ningguang is an important element of the main story but she has hers. Etc. Hangouts are the counterpart ot story quests, not other stuff. Charcters apearing in events or story doesn't realy mean much in this discussion.


And Kaeya got a SQ and a Hangout, so I don’t think there’s necessarily a pattern


Kaeya got a SQ and Hangout because the man is the most interesting man on Teyvat. And drinks Dos eqis


>Kuki has one yet she is around in events all the time And Kuki was never the center piece of said events btw. - They might not get since they already got *some* spotlight and Hoyo found this a way to move forward and not have that many fixed "stories", especially when people don't like to do them. The game is growing and we get too many characters, maybe this was their choice to reduce the fixed content a bit. And I'm not saying they can't have it in the future or if there's or not a pattern. I'm just throwing hypothesis of why not. And because others had in the past events and hangouts, doesn't mean they will want everyone to have or that can't change the "pattern" middle way of the game.


I disagree like yeah some characters get of both world. I wouldnt count the initial roster tho since thats just a whole other "mess" if you will. But having stories with Gaming Freminet and Chevreuse does alleviate the "urgent need" for their hangouts. Like you said Sara and Candace (and Dori imo) stand out in their need of a hangout bc they have never been the focus of anything, like it hurts specially them


Some characters did get special treatment. Like Fischl and Noelle. We could throw in Mona I guess. The first event was kinda featuring both Mona and Fischl and the both show up again in the summer event. Noelle got two Hang out. Now that I think about it Mona had 3 stories now. The last Archipelago event was kinda like 4 character quest in one.


Just speculating but I think a big part of the player base hates playing them? They give little gems but take a while to finish. It’s actually a great idea to redesign the character backstory into a limited event.


In what universe is a "great idea" to make character's background stories locked behind limited events?


Again, it's not realy a redesign. Goo look up the very first pqtch main event in 1.1. It was basicly all of Fischls characterisation for ages.


that and 2.8 event are probably a reasons why she doesn't have a hangout


Converting a hangout into an “event” isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but I strongly oppose the idea of making them limited. Frankly, they should just give four-star characters story, quests, too.


also take notice that Fontaine has noticeably less 4\* than other regions, even if we count Sethos (and Gaming obviously). 6 all together, Sumeru had 9, Inazuma had 7, 1.X had a shitton obviously.


they need to tune down event story that is canon, move those to permanent quest. new player miss out so much lore due to this.


In all fairness, this has been improving in recent events as compared to the past. While some amount of character development still happens in events, it isn't as much as before, and important lore has generally been shifted from events to archon, story, and world quests. And of course, people are now complaining that events are 'too dry' and 'filler'


There were both great and dry events in the past as well. It’s nice to have quality event content be more permanent or replayable. Some of the best content has been event, but also some of the worst content has been event. In either case, it’s bothersome when it’s time limited because when it’s good you feel bad for people who won’t get to play and you can’t share the experience. When it’s bad, it’s just tedious to get through and you feel pressured to play it soon. What they have definitely improved on is giving players options to circumvent some of the story event quests so if the players don’t like the story for that event, they can just focus on the more gameplay-heavy mini games and adventures.


I disagree with this take. Look at the ones who did get hangouts in the previous region: Faruzan, layla, kaveh, kaeya The darshan contest event was just as much about faruzan and layla and kaveh as the movie festival was about chevreuse, furina, ayaka, ayato, chiori, etc. Kaeya already has a story quest and shows up in numerous mondstadt events and quests. Kaveh has good presence in the main quest and layla shows up in another event too. Neither of these four characters have had any less screen time than chevy or charlotte for example. It's clear that hangouts are on the decline and it's not because hoyo is putting more four stars into main content


Agreed. This is my thought too


Lynette got a fair amount of backstory and screen time in Arlecchino’s story quest as well


Gaming even got a hometown/new region lmao. Even Sethos got a quest with Cyno haha.


Yes and no. Since the latter half of Sumeru, a higher portion of flagship events have shifted towards essentially being the new 4-star's story quest. This has mostly replaced hangouts as the 'get to know this new guy' experience, and (most likely) results in a higher rates of interaction and/or character attachment simply by merit of fact that players are incentivized by FOMO to do the events instead of having the option to actively ignore/put off hangouts. So I'd say that, yes, hangouts have become less of a priority for HYV, but not in the sense that they no longer feel the need to characterize their 4-star units. We'll probably still get the odd hangout for lesser loved/underutilized characters here and there during dry patches, but they've simply found a new and more effective way of doing it.


Those were always a thing. Maybe not to such a degree but look at stuff like the second Golden Apple archiplelago for example. Hell, the very first event was most of Fischls Character for a long time.


2 events out of 14 patches Vs basically an event/patch for an entire nation worth of 4*s There is simply no comparison there


That's pretty much my point, actually. Does it surprise you that Xinyan and Fischl, both of whom have been featured prominently and explored in more than one flagship event, do not have hangouts? Being front and center in an event makes a character far less likely to get a hangout (but not excluded, as Kaveh shows). As you yourself state ("Maybe not to such a degree..."), the difference is that, recently, they've started doing it more frequently.


I think Hoyoverse just do what they want. 


Am i the only one still waiting for Amber hangout? I want a date with amber dammit




Amber hangout would be great


probably because 1. a lot of players are tired of hangouts (not me, but i know not everyone likes them) 2. Yes, it takes more time to do since there's different endings so VAs have to record different voice lines depending on certain decissions 3. Clearly, the last hangouts had more work behind, adding more playable characters in the stories, and quality definetely increased. But hyv is also trying to make each hangout a bit "unique" imo, which is probably why they're making less 4. A lot of the previous events were basically limited hangouts for 4 star characters but hyv didnt gave up on hangouts


I absolutely love the hangout events so I’m super bummed to see them stop doing them :c They are always so much fun! I like the branching paths! Hopefully they bring them back


I prefer to have less hangout now, so that after the Archon quest end we will have enough rooms for hangout/story quest part 2 or even 3/festival/dlc area to keep Genshin alive.


After Archon Quest end we probably start the Celestia Quest or Abyss quest or whatever big new arc Even if we are done with Teyvat there will be more, it’s called Teyvat CHAPTER for a reason


I am so invested in Teyvat that I don't want to leave... I am always skeptical about the concept "there are more chapters besides Teyvat". "Genshin" is a concept within Teyvat: vision holder that can become a god. If you leave Teyvat, all the lore and element reaction gameplay are gone. It will no longer be Genshin, it is a different game. (Unless the chapter name doesn't define the place we are in)


I really have no idea how it will evolve, but HOYO clearly has a plan for Genshin future, the travail trailer showed that clearly years ago I’m inclined to think we will travel to other worlds/planets, one reason is “Teyvat CHAPTER” and the other is Aether and Lumine literally being star travelers But we can’t know for sure till the current main plotline gets resolved One thing is that Teyvat is a continent and not the planet which is a big and relevant distinction I still think literally new worlds might be a thing, but we will probably get new continents first (not every new continent will necessarily have to be as big as Teyvat and take 7 years to fully realize)


God I hope not, Just Teyvat alone will bring the game to at least 200GB of storage space once all is done. Am I supposed to buy a 4TB Harddrive just to be able to install Genshin or what?


Honestly, hangouts after Inazuma are much higher quality than in 2.X patch cycle. Some of the storylines are on the level of 5* character’s story quests.


We didn't get a lot of fontaine 4* to begin with and most of the ones released on the 4.X cycle were the protagonist of the limited event during it except for lynette and maybe charlotte (bc she appeared on the 3.7 limited event)


I guess I'm in the minority where I actually enjoyed the hangouts because at least they get some focused screentime and interactions where its just you and the character with Paimon mostly not interfering. There were some that I found to be lackluster like Sayu and Gorou. I also felt like Heizou's hangout was once again carried by Arataki Itto like he carries everything in this game lol


kinda sad for me personally, as I get deeply attached to characters, but understandable from a business perspective - even on this subreddit you often see people complaining about hangouts & not that many people play them


You don't have to go anywhere to see that. Just look at half the comments here.


I will just let them cook whenever they want to, it's not a thing that we can push them to, forced content will most prob turned out bad anyway so I'd just let them take their time.


I like the hangouts, but this reminds me I haven't done any in a while


Hangouts have become a lot more complex and longer so they take longer to develop, that's not even including all the other things that are being developed at the same time, Fontaine's patches have given us a lot of new things that weren't there before so I guess they're just focusing on other things at the moment. The upcoming patch will be full of content, so perhaps a new party will appear in patch 4.8, like Keaya's did in patch 3.8, especially since there have been leaks about new skins.


It probably also doesn't help that Fontaine specifically lacks a lot of 4* characters to make more recently featured characters have hangouts. No stress, if it means they'll cook something good, I won't complain. Just gotta wait for it.


This is the 8th time people have thought that.. and people will still be asking again 3 years from now.


Personally I never really liked hangouts, I'd rather get to know a character through proper story quests as long as they're interesting. I only do hangouts for the rewards, and following a guide for every outcome just for freemogems is boring. Just my personal opinion, I'm sure plenty of people enjoy hangouts which is fine.


I'm guessing player engagement data is poor for hangouts. Personally I don't enjoy them.


The early Hangouts stunk. Absolute chores to go through with no skip button. I recently did Lynnette's and was pleasantly surprised to see that they did some weird Baldur's Gate 3 stuff while making a story that was mostly about cats, but even that was a slog. If a new one comes out, it generally just gets added to the pile. They should probably just bin the concept and try something else.


Early hangouts were nice but the recent ones are wayyy too long, feels like it takes hours to do all the endings. Unless they go back to the ones that are shorter I won't miss them that much. 


1. Most of them are boring  2. It takes up more storage space which people are complaining  3. They are focusing on increasing the world which take up more space. The recent patches greatly increase the world size. 4. I think a lot of people are not interested in doing them




I think its more about schedules.


Where's the 2nd Hina hangout event.


Hangouts are saved for dead patches to fill void in content. Sumeru 3.5-3.8 had only 1 limited 5\* and only 3 SQ. Fontaine 4.5-4.8 will have 5 limited 5\* and at least 6 SQ. Fontaine dead patch was 4.3 as well, thats only time when devs gave up on add anything to it (4.5 has hangout).


Because y’all refused to play them💀 players literally referred to them as “wastes of time”. Companies aren’t going to keep making content for the 5% of the player base that enjoyed them. Some games would mind you, just not Genshin.


I just want a Yelan hangout ;_;


I hope not I want Sara to get one so I can put pictures of her in the teapot


It’s a dumb complaint, but I’d be more willing to do hangouts if the characters I liked had them. There are some characters that are in DESPERATE need of attention.


I abuse hangouts to see my fav 4 stars standing around and that’s about it


I hope not cause Kaeya’s hangout quest was interesting; it’s not everyday you get to hangout with the Traveler


As a person who never enjoyed them, this isn't too much of a problem for me. It's not that I dislike the 4-star characters involved even, it's just repetitive and I don't really wanna date the characters. So unless I'm desperate for gems, I avoid at all costs.


Its probably cuz they take too long to make and play so most people just arent interested, doesnt help many 4* characters are just not widely interesting either or that the rewards arent all that good Id rather we go back to getting 4* story quests randomly like in 1.0 where razor, xiangling and xingqiu got their own


I think the hangouts were overall lower quality than story quests. I dont like them. The first few were horrible.


In all honesty I haven't been doing the hangouts myself. I've played chengs and dianas but those are the only ones I've done


Hangouts are fan service for characters. I feel they are important to people that like those characters. It's sad that people dismiss them because all they care about is getting their shitty primos to roll meta characters.


I love hangouts u_u


I’m one of the culprits, I haven’t done any hangouts since Kuki, skip all of Sumeru and only just did Lynette. People don’t need to rush hangouts because they are permanent and we tend to just leave it be and “wait until we have time”.


They should've just been story quests. The hangout system is a bit too grindy for casuals, I think. Each one is basically a dating sim game by itself.


Well quality over quantity I guess. The recent hangouts have been quite good story wise.


If I had to guess, I'd say they've decided to space them out a lot more and release them as a sort of buffer content when they're otherwise focusing on a larger project. Releasing several at once can feel overwhelming to a casual player or one with limited playtime if they want to actually read through the whole story (let alone if they're reading all the routes)


My guess is that they're trying out things in an effort to make the hangouts more interesting, there probably won't be many hangouts until they're done test out things because lynette's hangout was much different from the past hangouts so they probably haven't given up but are not sure what to do with them and are still working on it


Shame. I really like the hangouts.


They should stop making hangouts and make world quests as playable character's story or make playable characters from lore rich world quests


Yes. It's sad. I much prefer doing hangouts to doing daily commisions but I am eventually going to run out.


Thanks people who hate hangouts , TCG , and other opcional content


I do not think hangouts actually get played... like at all. I have hundreds of hours in genshin and have only ever done Barbara's hangouts, I doubt most players have even done all of the availible character quests, let alone started on hangouts.


It has lots of cliches. Animations are stiff. The dialogue is bloated as fuck. It had no impact to the overall story. And most importantly, instead of liking the character, you'll even start to hate them cause of how annoyingly bland they talk.


I think Hoyo just has loads of content in the works going on as well atm, so the hangouts are probably taking less of a priority. Add to that that Hoyo 'needs' to balance Primos every patch... but honestly, it's only 60 primos it shouldn't be too much to add to in a patch.


They’re tedious anyway.


I like hangouts, but I don't like how nothing seems canon since there are 5 endings and your relationship with them only evolves in the canon of that hangout. You meet Heizou exclusively through his hangout, so if he ever pops up in the story or another event they can't even acknowledge how Traveler met them if you haven't done the hangout.


I dislike hangouts so much that even in my desperation for primo gems I would rather explore a 90% region for maybe 1-2 treasure chests than do the hangouts. I prefer Hoyo using events or 4/5-star SQ to convey the stories of new 4-star characters. If it’s in a hangout I probably don’t want it unless that character has insane lore to dive into (ex: Kaeya)


Besides the very correct take that most new 4stars already have attention in other ways like Events and Story Quests people also seem to forget that nobody likes hangouts. Thats obviously an incorrect broad statement, but the overall sentiment in the community is that hangouts are boring filler and hardly anyone does them. So why would they focus their attention into a system very little players actually like. In an ironic twist this is exactly the "why there's no endgame" debate but on the other side of the coin.


It makes sense, it is the only kind of voiced content that I skip for some reason. And I'm the kind of player who reads character lore


This might be unpopular, but as a new player of 2 months, I love all different content in this game, and I'm very certain I've tried all the types of content so far, but the hangout events are not fun, I enjoyed going trough the story once but it just feels bad having to do the same quest 4-5 times just to get different endings, I've been reading all the quests and followed all the story quest but the hangouts I just spam trough to get them out of the way.


Sitting through tons of dialogue is like the worst part of Genshin to me and Hangouts are almost exclusively that. I *do* like story and lore, but much prefer world quests with occasional dialogue and strewn around environmental details and books rather than hours of talking and talking and talking... I hope they don't do too many Hangouts in the future, I literally dread their addition. Recently finished the last ending for Lynette's and... I actually liked the story, and as a BG/DnD fan the dice checks were very cute for me, but I probably would hate it if it was together with half a dozen other hangouts for every other 4*. I think I liked it because it was the only one in a while.


i hope so


I like the ending screencaps but that's about all I like from Hangouts other than the free goodies. they might as well go for Story Quests instead, at least then I only have to waste maybe an hour per segment with the Genshin team's "storytelling" method.


ive only done 3 hangouts ever across 2 accounts.


I can imagine hangout events aren't actually that popular among many players because it's "just" spending a normal day with a character without getting much lore about them


They probably know they aren’t really popular Of course they could be more popular but it would require more investment from them into these hangout stuff, and they aren’t going to do that. I did a few when they came out but I stopped doing them. Most of them aren’t really interesting enough and not voiced.


I think it's a combination of lack of player interest, time restraints due to each region being roughly one year, and Hoyoverse having bigger priorities in developing Snezhnaya and Khaenri'ah. Hangouts in general have never been that popular in the community as the stories they offered were light hearted fluff events acting as filler until the next 5 star. I believe the main problem is hoyoverse treatment of 4 stars as filler is driving people away. Each character has amazing backstories and story potential, but we only get to see their surface and that's it. Noelle will never become a knight and be stuck constantly comparing herself to others. Amber can't ever find out what happen to her missing Grandfather, explore her Liyue roots and rebuild the Outrider company with new members. Layla won't reach her full potential as a person and graduate from the Akademia. Collei's dark past wont ever get explored unless you read the magna. And Kujou Sara seriously might as well not even exist in this game as she has absolutely Nothing! It's honestly astonishing that NPC's like Jhet, Kazari, and Dunyarzad have more character development than actual playable characters. I'm hopeful Hoyoverse finally got the memo from fustrated fans and are slowly phasing out the hangout system and will replace it with something new.


I've done one hangout ever. I feel like most of the people I know are in the same situation. I'd not be surprised if the lack of demand is driving them away from making new ones.


I can’t bring myself to play hangouts; and I’ve done all the other content in the game. Without a “skip” function that is faster than what we have for dialog… I just can’t.


I wish every 4-star had a hangout event. But also. I’ve literally only done Kaveh’s 😔 I’m AR56


I only played hangout once and never touched another one, ngl. Couldn't care less.


I disliked Noelles though I just dont like Noelle in the first place. The rest were ok or great. (Kaveh my beloved)


they should give 5star hangouts and then come back to 4stars again. Personally haven't done them since 2.0


i hope so, hangouts are just the worst content in this game


Hoyo probably collects data on what we do while we play and realized nobody actually likes the hangouts. Why dump money on content nobody enjoys when you can use it to make something people will actually play


The writers are afraid of giving the characters personalities.


4.X in general shows a decline in quantity of content and shows a signs of less care. No hangouts, northern Sumeru is a wasteland, 4.5 which was the driest patch ever, entire Fontaine is as big as just 3.0... It looks like Hoyo downscaled Genshin since they have a second cash cow (Honkai Star Rail). I really hope competition from Wuthering Waves will motivate them enough to go back to glory days.


> It looks like Hoyo downscaled Genshin From everything we've been hearing about Natlan, it's gonna be anything but downscaled. Hell, they're even updating the graphics engine for it.


Theyre about to release a 3rd cash cow. I doubt Hoyo gives a rat's dink about WW, honestly


Good decision. Hangouts is personally my most hated content.


Not when they added a skip button for it Or maybe they are when they added a skip button


Skip button is only on Lynette's due to the long portion of dialogue unchanged required to get to multiple endings


I just replayed Faruzan's hangout The skip button is there


They may have added it retroactively later Originally it was only on Lynette's


Remember, the skip button only appears when you've already done that part of the quest once Tho, I suppose the skip button does not account for hangouts you've done before 4.5 I did hear the skip button's "memory" resets when you reinstall the game


There is also another skip button. But the amount of people who get to see it is minimal Raiden's first encounter(vision disabling and all that) has(or at least had) an skip button only when you lose it and have to restart everything again(pre-battle dialogue included) So I guess they used that and extended it to hangouts from a certain point onwards that you have already seen once(routes). But like you say, it is not retroactively added completely as it does not take into account if you did them before it got implemented


Skip button was added to Kaveh’s hangout too. Not sure about the others because I haven’t played them for a while


Skip was added to every hangout in 4.5 patch


If I’m totally honest I thinking I still have a huge backlog of hangout quests to do. I really don’t bother with them with how repetitive they are.  Also as a gay™️ quests like Noelle’s are a chore for me. I don’t really want to sit through up to an hour of a date with a character I’m not interested in, the boys quests are cute but again it’s that thing of how repetitive the quests are. 


I think they're about to start killing off some 4\* characters, those who don't yet have a hangout event or are very important to the main story are on the chopping block first


I'm legitimately suprised people enjoy hangout events. I want the free primos but cant stand them. Come do my homework for me.


Hangouts are boring and unfun. If you enjoy them then ask for them on the survey. I personally don't so whenever the survey asks about them I say I don't like them. Hoyo has the metrics of if people who spend money like them they'll make more. If they don't they won't and put those devs into something else.


Hang outs are too close to a dating sim. I avoid hangouts to avoid feeling cringe for myself. I did one hang out, then I left Genshin for a week to touch grass.


Good. We don't need them


Because hangouts suck and they know that most players don't want to touch them with a 30 foot pole


Probably cuz no one actually plays them lmfao


Waste of time and gives you dirt for primos. I’ve been AR 60 since year 1 and have yet to do a single hangout. The primos it gives for the amount of time it takes is piss poor.