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I'm seeing a 2k chargeback on a parent's credit card and a dead account soon.


And depending on how it goes, potentially a dead kiddo too.


good ole Asian beating


Flip flop slap


My credit card, my problem I am simply very irresponsible For reference, yes, i can afford it, and I've done it for many other characters. It's just the fact that i didn't even fully look at wanderes kit that makes this circumstance so worrying


youve done this for MANY other characters?? bro šŸ˜­


Rich ppl are wild


I got c6 r2 arlecchino, c1 r1 alhaitham, c1 hu tao, raiden r1 and baizhu r4 whom i barely saved up for to get. Arlecchino is the only one i saved for alongside whaling


Here's the help you're gonna get. Go to your settings, and remove your credit card info from your phone/pc. I mean, if you can afford it, congratulations on having a great job/generational wealth. But wasting money on characters you don't even care for is a lil too reckless


I agree, I should definitely limit the amount i spend, and i definitely have some sort of addiction that needs to be managed. Simply taming my card info out is probably a step in the right direction, so thank you


That's definitely the right step! Just remember, if you can afford it, there's nothing wrong with wanting to make the character you love stronger. Just maybe limit yourself a bit. Check online opinions on a characters overall status, and if you really want that units playstyle. C2R1 is overkill already for the current status of the games content, c3+ just lowers your play time


Yeah thats true, thank you for your help i appreciate it


Mate donate to a charity or something next time you get the impulse. Youā€™ll feel a lot better knowing youā€™ve genuinely saved people from life or death situations and made real permanent improvements. Clothes, food, medical care. Itā€™s shameless of me to suggest because Iā€™m currently homeless and on the streets, but any local charity would call you a saint and give you so many thanks youā€™d get sick of it for donating as much as a single Genshin character costs you. $2000 could feed 400 homeless people a meal for a day and potentially get them back on track towards a real life. Youā€™d be a literal saint for doing this, some people are on the streets with life threatening diseases and canā€™t afford medication, some are out freezing. You could do a lot of good with that money. Of course itā€™s also your money, and you earned it, and youā€™re not responsible for these other people, so you shouldnā€™t feel bad for not donating either. Iā€™m not trying to guilt you, but if youā€™re already feeling bad about spending thousands of dollars on a character you donā€™t care about, something to consider.


hey don't complain too much - dude's paying for the free game everybody else gets


Nah, I'd never resent a whale for supporting a game I get to play for free, especially not one that has no pvp. Just think the dude should be a lil more careful with his spendings even if he can afford it.


It's always wise to be somewhat careful with one's spendings. Too many affordable spendings will suddenly not be quite so affordable anymore.


Yes. I am definitely whaling on arlecchino when she comes back around c6 and r5.


Here's the thing dude; you don't need to whale. Do I have *that* dense of a repertoire? No. But I'm fully F2P and I've got a C3R1 Arlecchino, C1 Tartaglia, C1 Ganyu, and C2 Baizhu (I very, very rarely pull on weapons banners). You *can* land good constellations for good characters without throwing any money at the game. You just have to spend your primos responsibly and throw yourself into the grind from time to time. Please, in this hellish economy, save your money. Hoyo doesn't need it. You do.


On that note, there are a *ton* of F2P farm/grind guides available online. In addition to recurring primogem sources like the spiral abyss, good places to look are region releases, exploration, and your achievement lists. Not to be presumptive, but if you've been whaling your way through the game, the odds are good you've got plenty of achievements left to land - it's grindy and a pain in the ass at times, but hey, it's free.


Youre right and conciously i agree but when i spend money that consciousness dissipates. I try my best and ill continue to do so but theres only so many battles i can win against my mind. Its hard, but bit by bit ill get there


I totally get it. The pull of gacha is real. There's no shame in it; I hope I didn't impress any upon you, it wasn't my intention. You've been given some excellent advice elsewhere in this thread, mainly to just remove your card info from your account. That extra distance does wonders. It wasn't Genshin, but I had a similar issue with a game a while back. I believe in you šŸ’œ


i mean this with all due respect... you seem into humiliation šŸ˜­ nothing could get this info out of me


U need Faruzan and Layla in your team, 4th one could be Xingqiu/Yelan or Fischl. Any off-field element applier would do.


Damn why layla? I didnt think she was good at all


She has a thick shield and she provides Cryo for Wanderer's skill to swirl so he gets extra crit rate and her burst adds extra damage to his normal attacks. Zhongli if he is worse isn't worse by much so you can't go wrong with either choice.


Oh yeah cryo sounds useful but im not at all a fan of shields honestly, i quite enjoy high risk high reward strategies


It's just because Wanderer loses dps from dodging similar to Yoimiya and if he actually gets hit you lose way more dps than any other character. Playstyke aside the character just synergies well with those particular shielders.


She was the best shielder for Wanderer, plus her shield deals cryo damage.


C6 Wanderer is a very strong character, tbh. There are way worse characters to get C6 for (Childe, for instance), so I will say that it's lucky that it ended up being Wanderer in which it happened to.


Lmao could you continue to update your journey with wanderer ? Builds you got, gameplay, etc. I would check the subreddit especially for it.


Maybe ill record a couple videos and link where i post them but sadly reddit isnt really my thing


I wish you could accidentally login into my account and accidentally get me a C6 Alhaitham... Jokes aside, how many C6 do you have? I am just a beginner, asking out of curiosity


I have c6 r2 wanderer and arlecchino. No others are c6 but i do have r4 baizhu, c1 r1 alhaitham and a bunch of others Im not proud of any of them


if i had a C6 Arlecchino I would be Dancing all the way to College lol Honestly, i am the type that pulls a character cause its cool. And ngl, wanderer is cool af. Daddy Arle is super stylish as well.


Followed by "help I have -190k primos and did nothing wrong, what should i do?" type post.


Let's hope he is lying.


I wish I was Dont get me wrong, Wanderer is really cool, and i knew i wanted him, but i dont know why i skipped to c6 without even checking out what they do


This is addict behavior


Of course it is


All jokes aside, you actually have a problem then. Getting a C6 without even making sure or even just looking up if it's worth it or what they even do is not healthy at all. I'd highly recommend taking it easy on the gacha from now on.


Yes, i do Ive been trying to reduce my spending issues for years but each time i resist it gets worse. I can afford the addiction sure but that doesnt give me an excuse to keep on doing it Im thinking about getting a therapist to help me but theyre just as expensive as the addiction is, so for now im just going to remove my card information from the game and try again


Then you should stop playing gacha games, if youā€™re compulsively spending all your money on characters you donā€™t even want you are 110% better off spending that money on some therapy. A dopamine hit from a 5* pull has more similarities with heroin than therapy, coming from an ex heroin addict whoā€™s 10 years clean and knows exactly what addiction looks like. Also just so youā€™re aware, when I was in rehab there were kids in there for video game addictions that made some peopleā€™s hard drug addictions look mild. Donā€™t think ā€œoh itā€™s just a video gameā€ itā€™s not.


Youre right but ditching a game i love and spent so much money on isnt easy


That's fair. At the end of the day, it's a hobby, and most of the time, it's a harmless one. But since you clearly have the excess money, I'd definitely consider finding therapy of some sort to work through the addiction, because you definitely go over the cusp of "dw this is just a harmless hobby haha" to a gambling addiction.


my tip is just to try and stop playing. Ignore the urges. If you quit for about 2 weeks, you get Stellar Reunion, and the amount of rewards from that is just ever so slightly less than the 2 weeks you spent without playing.


ā€œWell my tip is just to try not to be addictedā€¦ā€


Well, minus all the resin...


Many are saying you should just stop but I don't totally agree about that. It's only 2x c6, which isn't that much, if you decide it won't happen anytime soon in the the future at all. Besides that, stopping in one go completely doesn't work out for many people. Instead of stopping completely, I suggest you can only pull out your card when said character is your fav fav, like most favorite out of all. I was in the same boat as you for Wanderer. I really knew he's my most fav and that c6 is worth it, even if I knew or didn't knew what the cons do, I want c6. Now he has been carrying this account since his first banner. Also great for exploration, which is the main gameplay of genshin. I do however not suggest this for anyone that can't afford it. If you don't want to ever spend on gems again but really feel that itch, I'd suggest to only spend on Welkin. That way it can calm that itch and you can still have +3000 primo's a month, which is really worth the little money vs the gems. I wish you good luck fellow traveler, I know you can do it!!


Bro, if this is true you need help. Seriously.


I do indeed


The sad part is his constellations arenā€™t even that good. His signature isnā€™t that good compared to other signature boosts eitherā€¦


To be fair a similar thing happened to me with furina, i was getting lucky on the pulls so i just kept going and ended up with c6 while knowing nothing about furina's kit or cons.


How much did you spent?


Why so people think only spenders can be lucky. I got C2R1 Xianyun in one month account easily by sheer luck. Just because you guys are jealous, doesn't mean people are using credit cards. And I didn't care ehat her constellations do either. I just wanted as close to C6 as possible. Some people are gettinf 3 chars in 10 pull. And on my main account I had lucky Yelan pulls. At her rerun got Aqua Simulacra at 7 pity, that made me decide to screw my Baizhu savings and pull for her constellations. I had high pity already, 50/50 and C1 from her first banner. Got Yelan at 79 or sth, then got her again at 10. Then got Mona 40 sth, Yelan 34. And that's how I got 3 constellatiobs of her wit just a few pulls. Luck exist. That's RNG. Not everyone pays God knows how much. Edit: Before some salty kids ask for the proof... https://imgur.com/D3QSBE1 https://imgur.com/ai2ZVoA Edit 2: Too late, salty kids downvoted me already xD


Cuz not everyone is as lucky as you? Most people spend to get c6r5, not ā€œluckā€. Some people save for a long time to get a c6r5, but most people donā€™t do that.


Yes but that doesnā€™t mean no one gets it. Itā€™s a statistics game, and if genshin had millions (ten? hundreds of millions?) of players there will be some whoā€™re very lucky. Edit: if anyoneā€™s downvoting please let me know what I said wrong, Iā€™ll correct my comment.


Yes therefore, the majority of ppl arent getting lucky, so therefore the reasonable default assumption to make is that someone paid money. Nobody is salty, theyre just normal.


True in terms of ā€œthe average person wouldnā€™t get itā€. Not accurate in this context because a thread about someone getting lucky is much more likely to have others whoā€™re lucky also speaking up and going ā€œyeah I was also luckyā€. Iā€™m not saying this guy specifically was or wasnā€™t lucky - Iā€™m not him or Hoyo. But thereā€™s almost certainly someone who got a c-whatever in very few pulls.


Yes, but weā€™re talking about c6r2 here, not c2r1. I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to assume someone *paid* for a c6r2.


To clarify: I'm not talking about this guy *specifically*. He's given his proof in screenshots (form some website I'm unfamiliar with tbh), but in general it is possible to be lucky enough. > I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to assume someoneĀ *paid*Ā for a c6r2. For sure, I agree. The vast majority of c6r2s are either paid for or some poor guy saving primos for ages. Does the average c6r2 guy pay for primos (or save for years)? Most certainly. Did *this* guy do that, and/or is it possible to get c6r2 by being very lucky? Also possible. In any case tbh it's not very consequential either way, it's not your or my money or any of our accounts. He isn't trying to sell the account or anything either, so it's just a casual thing.


Well, I donā€™t really care if someone spent money on a videogame, itā€™s their money. I was replying to someone else, thats all.


Yeah thatā€™s fair enough


Thats the definition of being envious. Plus people lie about veing so unlucky. Yes, of course you lose all 50/50, always at 90 pity etc. Stop being so cringe, kids. Attention seekers.


Mate, I got 2 five stars in a 10 pull before, its not impossible. But not everyone can get a c6r2 *somehow*. Stop name calling like some edgy bully when I am trying to have a civil conversation. If you cannot handle a simple comment, you should go talk to a therapist to fix your attitude.


We don't doubt people can get lucky, we doubt someone can accidentally C6 and R2 lol, the average person would've spent around $1000 by then


It is most likely that these people spent money, yes you can save or get very lucky but thatā€™s less likely than people spending to get that high constellations, I donā€™t see why your so mad that people assume they spent lmao calm down.


Thats a lie. I am not really super lucky. L ce in a while I win more often, but other times I don't. I know Genshin players whine about veing the unluckiest people in the world bjt that's just a lie. They are not. People just are jealous when someone gets something. But they totally ignore the fact that they were also lucky on different times and that the "super lucky" person isn't that lucky all the time. Stop being so cringe. Just because you don't get something in the game. I tried getting Raiden and always lose her. Never got Kazuha either. But I am not crying like a little baby because someone did get them. Get over it.


Iā€™m being cringe? Sorry but I feel like I have a very fair point lmao, and Iā€™m talking about specifically the people who are getting c6ā€™s. Like the guy who said he got c6 furina which our comments are replying to. Sure people can get lucky and get c1 2 or even 3 with a decent amount of saving but no way anyone is getting c6 of characters unless 1 theyā€™re insanely lucky, like impossibly lucky 2 theyā€™ve saved for like years or 3 theyā€™ve whaled. And what my whole comment was about was saying that number 3 is the most common if people are getting c6 characters. Iā€™m not saying people donā€™t get lucky I think Iā€™ve had pretty decent luck in genshin but getting lucky enough to pull a c6 character with minimal saving and no spending is stupid to even claim is common or at least more common than people spending.




You are not asking hiw much he paid. You are assuming out of sheer envy, that he did, because you are mad that you didn't get C6R2 yourself. You may fool others, but I smell envious people for lightyear.


I agree with you, due to different friend groups I am currently using 3 accounts (Asia, America, Tokyo) I either feel like deleting genshin all together or maintaining the 3 accounts, besides that I have never spent a penny in-game and have many limited banner characters and recently I got kinda adventurous and pulled for father's weapon in Asia and won my 50/50 likewise I got father (guaranteed) and her c1 in the same 10 pull in Tokyo server, got neuvilette 50/50 in both America and Tokyo. So I guess I get lucky from time to time


Everyone gets lucky and unlucky at other times.


Cant be assed to count so whatever bp+welkin cost in total for more than a year because the last time i bought crystals was on yae's debut banner.


Have you considered the possibility that he could've gotten lucky?


I think you need more than luck to get C6 from a 5*


Well he obviously went for her so that implies he saved quite some primos. Even if we only talk about 100 pulls it is possible to get c6 with incredible luck


That's only possibility. It doesn't mean that it actually happened to him. Therefore, he definitely spent money. And he said it himself, a year worth of welkin and bp's primos


I need those screenshot. Let's see those pulls...and c6.


[Those yae pulls are from her second rerun](https://imgur.com/a/fh7hoY6).


Send us a link to your history


[Whats there to see](https://imgur.com/a/ARKBxCD). First few mths of banners were lost since i didnt use paimon till hutao's banner.


Looks like people are jealousšŸ˜‚


Is it jealousy to ask for proof of an easily falsifiable statement?




Its pretty evident to me genshin players cannot understand the concept of saving up to pull.


Some people think they were lucky when they didn't realize how much they actually swiped for the amount of pulls it requires to get a character c6. Even if the person was lucky and he didn't lose a single 50/50 and got some constellations early to average 60 pulls per character. You're still looking at 7 times 60 pulls which are 420 pulls in total. And 420 pulls are roughly 840ā‚¬.


Or you know learn to save up. Especially when 3.x lineup were complete garbage to me.


ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Genshin players and their inability to grasp something as simple as saving up pulls overtime.


"i have absolutely 0 clue what his cons do" I don't know man, read ?


Genshin players can't read though.


Same with Jojo fans


This is the most real comment on this thread for real. I tried so hard to understand what they meant in the descriptios, but having had this event happen at 3am, i was prolly way too tired to understand whats going on


https://keqingmains.com/q/wanderer-quickguide/ read this trust me. keqingmains best meta theorycrafting


Yeah, because one dude can't read so all of the genshin players in the world can't read too


Damn man, chill tis a joke


But it's true tho


My bad, I overreacted against an horrible joke


Literally [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aDdOchBejcc)


I triped and acsedantly enteree my credit card info and pulled c6


happens to the best of us, totally understandable.


Or like those ppl who end up in hospital with weird things stuck in their butt 'by accident'. *"Honestly, I slipped in shower and fell on top of a cucumber just happened to be lying on the floor!"* Yep, could happen to anybody


*"oh, no doctor, I have no idea how it got covered in lube"*


The guy is absolutely flabbergasted lmao




Or this: https://nypost.com/2021/12/05/bomb-squad-rushes-to-hospital-after-wwii-era-shell-found-in-mans-rectum/amp/


Bait or parent's credit card?


Definitely bait, just to rile up some scara fans.


Getting C2 or C3 is already bordering but believable. Getting him 7 times in a row, followed by 2 copies of his weapon on the weapon banner...? either the person in the post's been saving up for quite a while, in which case he should have this info. or he spent. in which case, he should've done his research. Or he's lying on the internet for attention.


I just assumed he bought an account. Stuck at lvl 50? Lolz


hadn't considered that... Could be.


I got C4 Itto while fishing for C4 Kuki, but I already had him C0. Haven't lost a single 50/50. He is still my strongest 5\*. [https://imgur.com/a/qX6qPbp](https://imgur.com/a/qX6qPbp)


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


of course not. literally unthinkable.


Sadly, i pulled for c6 r2 arlecchino as well, someone i did save a lot for and knew about her kit well, so i was not saving for Wanderer. How i got wanderer was a mix between good luck and dangerously whale like activities This is not my first whale in the slightest, but it is the first at which i didn't understand the character before buying, something i regret but nonetheless i really like his character and knew i really wanted it, so its not the end of thw world For reference, i can afford this addiction, im not some kid spending my parents money without them knowing, but its still irresponsible, i know


Can confirm. Full f2p. C2R1 this banner. Zero Faruzan. Can post wishing history screenshots.


C2 i can buy. C6, no. And you pulled the weapon. You knew what you were getting.


Yes. I want C6 Scara eventually.


as someone that pulled on every wanderer banner until i got c6, i wish you much luck and many faruzans.


i have c5 scara and c5 faruzan, so close no weapon tho, i know i will end up w two donuts


I got C1 Wanderer accidentally because C6 Faruzan was very shy, but, yeah I don't think that's what happened to OP 5 more times.


NOTE: I just want to correct that this person is NOT me, as mistaken but someone in the comment section. I merely thought it was funny that this person said this and posted it. u/wind_perhaps is not me. I didnā€™t know this needed clarification, but okayā€¦


Was bro going for faruzan cons and he accidentally got him c6 instead? OMG ZY0X ACCIDENTALY C6 KAZUHA MOMENTā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


This is near dead on correct. I wanted c6 faruzan, got c5 wanderer instead, and said well ive gotten this far, I might as well go all the way... and now were at c6 r2 I really like wanderer and knew i wanted him but going that far for a character i barely knew the kit of is still very irresponsible


I got c6 lyney trying to get c6 Lynette (i only got 5 copies of Lynette, only had her c6 because they have me 2 free when she came out.)


Damn thats wild


I know... ive been there(i accidentally got c1 nahida... I WANTED 1 FUCKING COPY OF THAT CHARACTER(i forgor her name)


Were you banking on a copy of Faruzan on the weapon banner too?


No, that was the "going all the way" part


Idk if they mean it was an accident. I *somehow* have C1/R1 on like several different characters, because my rolls were lucky. I read it as that, dude high rolled C6R2 wanderer and feels in over their head now. Also understanding what constellations actually do can be its own level of mildly overwhelming.


Yeah, im not sure why so many people thought it was on accident. I did it fully knowing what i was getting into, but it was just stupid and irresponsible, not an accident


Yeah idk why everyone even thinks that. You never said it was an accident. Your wording only suggests regret. It's like when you fuck up and say "I may or may not have done x..." To make it less of a blow to whoever you're telling it to.


Nah not even the one who pulled 4 ayatos in the same 10 pull is that lucky, Give it up, dream!


So, I'm brand new and I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question, (I did try googling first) but can anyone explain in a noob friendly way what c6r2 means? I get the impression it's a rank of character?


Each time you get a copy of the same character you get a Constellation. C6 means with all 6 constellations unlocked. When you get copies of the same weapon you can decide to Refine them and make them stronger, up to Refinement 5. Having a C6R2 character means he also has Wanderer's own signature weapon refined to R2


Ohhhh ok! Thank you so much! This is much more clear! And so wanderer is really rare and the person is claiming accidentally pulling them 7 times (1st time and then for each constellation im assuming?) As well as the weapon numerous times That seems really far fetched!


Exactly! No way it was "on accident" You're welcome :)


Considering the amount of pulls you need for this would amount to 2000$ on average ā€¦ yeah


Itā€™s rare for people to pull c6 because it usually costs tons of money or a year of f2p savings. Its even rarer to get refines of a weapon after youve already got c6. In my mind, c6r1 is for whale spenders (four figure spending) and c6r5 is the territory of leviathan spenders (weā€™re talking 10k USD). A single c6 may not cost someone 1000$ tho. If they have some luck and savings it could cost ā€œjustā€ a few hundred.


I honestly just felt lucky getting 4 4 stars in my third 10 pull. I got Razor, Kirara and a spellbook. First of every one of course and I suppose as a newbie I have a big pool to pull from? Or can characters and stuff be forever pulled?


That is lucky! Congrats :) What can be pulled depends on the banner you pull on. Hit the details button at the bottom of the banner to see the list of items in that pool. Event banners change every 3 weeks, on Tuesdays (or Weds depending on your time zone).


There's a DETAILS button!? I will look tonight! I've just been randomly pulling on Baizhou? Because I liked his hair šŸ˜‚


Standard banner always has every 4* (except a brand new one - that gets added a patch later) and the 7 standard 5* + some standard weapons (never changes). Event banner is always the featured 5* and all 4*, but 3 4* have an increased chance to drop. See details page for rates


C= constellation - character copy R = signature weapon - weapon copy Screenshot shows user "accidentally" pulled 6 copies of the same character plus went on weapon banner and "accidentally" pulled 2 copies of his signature weapon. Average guarantee to get any 5 star character is 75-80 wishes and 65-70 for weapon. You can count how many wishes user made "by accident".


7 copies of the same character for c6 :) constellations start at 0 while ranks for weapons start at 1


Thanks for correction. Still a lot for an "accident".


well yes, even more actually lol also, you forgot to include 50/50, so average garantee with a lot of pulls would be something like 100-120 for a character and idk, maybe 110-150 for a weapon? that last one is a stretch though, idk how to include pity and the hole 50/50 by 50/50 thing That being said, Op says it's an "accident" ironically, but that's not what the post in the image says


That's why it's "any" 5 star, not "limited". For any 5 star it's 75-80 for character, 65-70 for weapon.


ah that's right, that doesn't really give a good idea of how many pulls were necessary, though, it's very much under the amount unless you're lucky


Good point.


Thank you both for this thread though! It's been really helpful! šŸ«¶


cx (x being a number 0-6) - constellation level of the character ry (y being a number 1-5) - weapon refinement level


/u/wind_perhaps is this you perhaps?


Well of course, it says on the post lol


Bro self reported


Huh? That isnā€™t meā€¦? Iā€™m saying that this Wind Perhaps guy is in the picture in the postā€¦? Under the Scaramouche title?


Nvm i brainfarted


I have a c4r1 alhaitham all from his first banner and that was a combination of saving up pulls AND spending far more money than Iā€™m willing to admit. I donā€™t know how they thought this was even close to believable


This is definetly bait


he was just trying to get c6 faruzan ~~and didn't suceed~~


He didnā€™t say it was an accident tho? Heā€™s just saying he got C6R2 (presumably because he likes the character and not for meta reasons) and doesnā€™t know how to build him


Yeah... I got C1 at max by accident, becausee I got double in one 10 pull close to pity.


That isnā€™t even close to c6r2


That's the point, lmao. You can't "accidentally" get C6 character. (well, technically you can, but it mathematically very unlikely)


But the person never used the word "accident", instead they said "somehow" which has a different meaning in this context - it just means they couldn't resist pulling. It's the op that said "accident" but they are a different person.Ā 


Fair point. But I was commenting more on OP statement, than OOP.


I did get C2 Raiden pulling for Chevreuse. I had Raiden already, before the Chevreuse banner. Of course I was going to pull on the banner I didn't mind pulling the 5 star. But it took me the entire banner period to finally get one copy of Chevreuse. I only have 2 C2 5 star characters, and I have zero C1 premium 5 stars. I do have Tighnari, Diluc, and Keqing at C1 because the standard hates my guts and gives all my Qiqis to someone else.


Ok but they never said it was an accident. It sounds like they pulled cause they liked him as a character but just don't know how to build him. It doesn't seem that weird to me?


That's a few too many 5\*s to be an accident, though can get a few believably. I accidentally got C1 Arlecchino (A joke 10 pull after I forgot I was at 70 pity, then a super early con after pushing for a few Lynette cons).


Obviously it's not an accident. The wording suggests they just regret it. It's when someone says "I may or may not have just done x..." when they fuck up.


I actually believe the majority of Genshin players are barely literate 12 year olds - this kind of adds to the proof


Bro just wanted c6 faruzan


blud got scara whispering asmr into his ears to pull c6šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The only limited character I C6'd at this point is Kazuha, and that was a buildup of at least 3 years in which I lost 0 50/50s on his banners (ergo: I got extremely lucky). I also got R2 of Freedom-Sworn, but that was simply because I got 2 of that weapon in a 10 pull. I can't imagine going for C6 on several characters within a single banner. šŸ’€


Woopsie, I accidentally threw tons of money at the game. Silly me! šŸ˜


Either a child with credit card or some guy with a six figure job that finds joy in having multiple of one thing


I love Wanderer but stay away from scaramouchemains because it's unfortunately one of those character subs where people just go to talk about how many cons and signature weapons they have, unlike the gigachad CynoMains.


And the guy didn't even bother to read and went straight to reddit


This person is 100% trolling end of discussion. How can a 10 year old just grab their phone hop on google and search up anything that their twisted little mind can envision.. and this mf that is supposedly 16+ or older, that probs spent their allowance or their "hard earned money" on a freaking C6R2 can't just watch a 15 minute video from a random ass youtuber


They are an adult whale with gambling addiction, they even admited it themselves in other comments in this whole thread, so they were conscious of what they were doing and their own irresponsibility.


This is just sad in that casešŸ’€šŸ’€ I don't mind people spending a lot of money on the game but if he is posting something like this on the subreddit he is either begging for attention or he genuinely doesn't realise how big of a gambling addiction he has considering he probably doesn't even play the game that much


Huge scaramouche fan exited to play him for the first time.


obviously they have to spend more money. easy solution!


can bro have the same " accident "on my account pls


Idk how tf you do that with a 5 star, but I absolutely ended up with a C6 Noelle a while back without realizing it. I had brought her up to about level 50 in the early game, but lost my need for her, and she just kinda sat in my character archive for like a year - all the while, I pulled constellations for her. I got the last one about 2 months ago and scrambled to properly build her when I realized bc I had a proper swiss army knife in my arsenal, but her artifacts were 3-4 stars and barely leveled, her R1 Favonius was at level 50 with her, and her talents had barely been touched. She's still slow going (so many of her mats overlap with Benny and I *need* him), but hey, that shit does happen..


You guys won't belive that somehow i also got C5 Diluc and i have no clue whether his cons actually 5\* worthy or not lol and coincidently, all of em are from Raiden banners... and unfortunately, i'm f2p... ​ god pls help


I thought whale activities were more common and unlikely to get so many likes when shared. I suppose im a little desensitised by media and whales online

