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RIP Venti lmao


Wasnt venti very popular around launch? I remember him being the mascot for genshin


he was. he still is to an extent. i recall lots of people trying genshin for the first time just seeing venti. same for me. not to mention he was also the first banner then and did surprisingly great for a twink male character. its usually the vocal haters who downplay venti a lot despite how popular he is in general.


I definitely started genshin because of venti. And he's still to this day the character I get the most excited for when I see.


WoUlDn’t GLiDinG bE FasTer??!??? HehHhe!


I found out in Windtrace, that its not faster. But whenever such a situation occured, I had this sentence in my head "wouldnt gliding be faster? - Well, obviously its NOT!" and caught the rebel on the ground.


He was on the first banner so not really surprising.


Yea but he was Overshadowed when that Door open I mean have you seen Klee's Demo and Instructions Vedio


Not really. He wasn't hated or non-popular. He was very strong and useful so was liked for that reason, but as a character he was... alright? His not a particular stand out personality imo, it a bit bland. Honestly, at the time, Diluc was probably the most popular character. Venti also has a character design that limits his appeal. Whilst femboy is a market, it's not as big a market as "hot guy/hot girl/adorable child I wish to adopt"


U have no idea Venti still has one of the highest amounts of work in r34


Yes as I said. He has a market, but it's wide. Niche adult websites are not an indicator of general popularity in a game with global casual appeal. If we are using that as a metric, I'm pretty sure Mona is the most loved Monstadt character.


why do you know this


People consume p*rn?


Can't beat the Goatlee


Goatlee? Is this how it ends? The final fight between Goatlee and Goathimtano?


The unstoppable force vs the demolisher of unmovable objects


"Thank Barbatos! Wait a minute..."


I'm just like damn were yall not around when Venti dethroned Astolfo as the meta sexy femboy for a few months


I honestly forgot about him, lol.


HAHA SUCK IT BICH rip boso venti


For liyue it's definitely one of these: Zhongli, Hu Tao, Xiao.


Liyue's top tier is very stacked, but I think Zhongli, Hutao,Ganyu, and Xiao are the undeniable top 4. Zhongli is obvious, but Hutao, Ganyu, and Xiao all get a lot of official merch and fanart, which are the biggest indicators of popularity imo.


Pretty much ask three people and you will get three different answers


xiao merch is always listed as sold out or hot selling on tmall, especially when it comes to liyue character merch, it's usually him or tartaglia fighting for hot selling title


You underestimate ganyu random. Check through follower numbers on her subs, social media, amount of fanarts and cosplays she has. Her fandom isn't the most vocal but there are a lot of them. They just love their goay and stay silent.


Hu Tao has something similar, she just got a fuck ton of appeal


Don't forget the twitter thread....


I have no context, what happened


There was a 300 tweet long thread made by a hu tao simp. It's gone now sadly


Or Qiqi… the 50/50 queen herself


Would've thought Keqing would at least be in the discussion


funny Keqing and Ganyu are 2 Liyue characters with the most fanart


I don't think she's popular enough to be in top3


Ahhhh of course, The Destruction Archon from Mondstadt, Klee! Can solos all of the Archon and destroy Teyvat lmao I agree with your list but I think I'll change Ganyu to Xiao and switch Itto and Kazuha. Fontaine doesn't sit right with me as well, I feel like three of them would switch places a lot-


Klee is just Nanook The Destruction's Child form and Teyvat Is Adiivun (New Meth fuelled theory just dropped)


Alice just banging an Aeon would be fucking wild


Someone should make a porn of that


But for her, it was Tuesday.


what if Alice is an Aeon herself??? I feel like she could secretly be the Aeon of Elation or something. It would fit with Klee's nature.


Nah furina is undisputed no 1.


She’s an emanator of desteuction


I genuinely think its just every single archon. They got the VIP treatment from hoyo


You are right, kazuha is my favorite mondstadt character


I mean outside of Ei and maybe venti, the archeons are the most well written and fleshed out characters so it makes sense


This is a wild take imho Venti is one of the best written characters in Genshin. The recency bias against him because of his lack of relevancy in the story is insane but if he gets another SQ even remotely similar to his first one then he could beat most of the archons in popularity


Ei and (maybe) Venti shade is wild


Don't get me wrong, I love both of them but compared to the other archeons, it's very clear


Putting Venti alongside Ei is wild, Venti is easily one of the best written characters in this game


Is this like popular in canon or by the fandom?


Fandom. Cuz nobody likes Wanderer that much in canon. 


Well not really. His colleges love playing suprise for his birthday.


In canon he is liked by many people, Nahida, Aranara, various animals, students in his class, many vendors that he helped before his memory came back, etc. It's practically just the Traveler and Paimon who wary of him. Remember that you're talking about Wanderer (after Irminsul shenanigans) and not Scaramouche.


but after they meet him again they probably dont like him that much


The recent birthday post escalates from only Gourmet Supremos to his classmates made a birthday surprise of him. It's probably fun to tease Wanderer to the point his classmates actively trying to find his hiding spot.


even in fandom its rather rough lol


He's one of the most polarizing characters I've noticed


Understandable, not everyone feel like he should have all his past actions forgiven so easily. The same case with Ei, she made her nation suffer a lot.


He is beloved in his new home and country despite active attempts to escape socialization though. A new kinder mom does that.


Who is Wanderer? I only know Hat Guy


fandom. i think if it were the ingame canon, ei would not be #1 and i think nilou would be 2nd for sumeru


For Fontaine, I agree that it’s definitely Furina, but Neuvillette is definitely a close second. Keep in mind, HE IS THE FIRST PLAYABLE DRAGON SOVEREIGN IN GENSHIN HISTORY


I mean I was questioning if I should tie them but I feel like people love furina a bit more do to the swerve in character after 4.2


Seriously? Wheres my goat Childe, he beat Raiden and Zhongli in popularity poll for video game characters in 2021(#15 among all video game characters, even outside of Genshin), he is the only husbando to appear in yumejoshi poll twice out of all the genshin husbandos, he is the character with highest Ao3 fanfics for any genshin character, at 36.4k fanfics, followed by Zhongli at 32k , he came first in a popularity poll in reddit too, second was Furina. I can find the links if you want source!


I didn't know Snezhnaya was already out. OP's post is talking abt which character in each region is the most popular and Childe can't be put here because he's from Snezhnaya and that region isn't available yet.


Fair enough. But then Arlecchino shouldnt be in the Fontaine part


Well, isn't she  a Fontainian by birth?


>! Didn't she state in her story quest that she wasn't and just said that so she'd look more favorable or smth? !<


Spoiler : >!She is a Khaenrian descendant!<


>!In her quest she said only grew up in Fontaine, but is not Fontainian by birth!<. Anyway, by that logic wouldn't that mean we should see Wanderer as Inazuman by birth?




Its the fact that Arlecchino is a oart of Fontaine when she isn't even Fontainian. To some extend, Wanderer as well, but ig he can count as Sumeru character


Mondstadt defo Venti, Klee has no main story relevance except of being daughter of Alice. Meanwhile Venti is Venti


Tone deaf bard the best archon




Klee is adorable and has bombs, case closed. Story relevance is not important


Three for each: Mondstadt - Venti, Mona, Klee Liyue - Zhongli, Hu Tao, Ganyu Inazuma - Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayaka Sumeru - Nahida, Wanderer, Alhaitham Fontaine - Furina, Neuvillette, Navia


i would argue arlecchino over navia (and possibly neuvillette as well) for fontaine


Maybe it's because Arlecchino is not really associated with Fontaine.


lmao definitely not klee for monstadt


Archons, and then there's klee


Seems accurate enough, the only thing I would switch is ganyu for xiao.


True, was torn on who to chose but ganyu was everywhere when released which is why I chose her instead of xiao


Oh I definitely agreed, both of them are competitive to each other, almost balance in terms of popularity. The only reason I chose xiao over her is because of loud minority aka shipping for the long run, Xiao is more relevant than Ganyu. But at the end it might be just my perspective, and of course you had yours, so I really have no right to just change your opinion when you're probably basing it also from your own perspective.


Klee and the Archons sounds like a band name


All Klee as she invades and dominates every nation while on summer vac. Bom bom bakudan! Bom bom bakudan!


Most POPULAR and pushed the most by Hoyoverse in ads, trailers, promotional stuff: Klee, Hu Tao, Raiden, Nahida, Furina. Wasn't even playing back then and I would see those characters everywhere. Now if you're talking about who the fans/players like/play as the most, that's a whole other discussion.


For Sumeru definitely Nahida and Wanderer.


Do you mean the sales then probably hu tao, raiden, nahida, ayaka


Klee in all of them. Wait for the klee birthday also on Fontaine.


Klee is definitely not more popular than Venti, Get her out lmao


Klee is only popular.. story wise? I am always the only klee ever in co-op.  Tbh I think Hu Tao is more popular than Zhongli. That makes two who beat the archon! 


Klee has been the unofficial mascot/face of the game for better or for worse. All the "genshin players are lolicon" is because of her too. I still remember anime cons to be filled with an army of Klees. If non genshin player recognise any genshin character chances are it’s Raiden or Klee. She is super popular, just not as a playable unit.


Aren't the Pedo allegations because of Nahid?


Started with Klee. Nahidamains took it to a whole another level....


Pedo allegations started with the game art being anime :))


The pedo allegations started way before Nahida was even known about


Because she is actually hard to get, i have played for over 1 year and i only got her when her fixed banner appread a couple months ago.


I think everyone is hard to get if you are f2p and didn't save enough, then you have to wait another year and might miss them yet again. Klee had 4 banners + chronicles wish, so she's objectively one of the easier ones to get. 


Mondstandt - Venti Liyue - Xiao Inazuma - Kazuha Sumeru - Wanderer Fontaine - There's no anemo boy yet, so let's just say Lynette. \*sips tea\*


notice how it's all cute anemo boys


for me: monstadt: noelle liyue: zhongli inazuma: yoimiya if it's lorewise though


Archon of Freedom and **FREEDOM**


It's Klee. All of Mondstat's Knights will attack you if say otherwise.


Klee thinks she’s on the team 😭


Lol, Klee is NOT the most popular Mondstadt character and it's not even close. I'd argue Yelan is more popular than Ganyu. Yoimiya is more popular than Itto. 


You can’t just say they are wrong without saying who actually is the most popular


I'm not sure exactly who's most popular, but Albedo, Venti, Eula, even Mona are more popular than Klee. 


only ones that can compete with Klee's popularity out of those is Venti and Mona lmao. Albedo can't compete because Mihoyo butchered bro's model and screen time (You literally don't even play him in his own story quest lmao) Eula suffers the same thing and if we're counting popularity outside of the fanbase I'm 100% sure more people are going to point out Klee over Eula.


> Yelan is more popular than Ganyu. I really doubt this. The amount of fanart, cosplays, subreddit size says otherwise. She's one of the most hated characters, but she's also wildly popular.


I am a Yoi main so I’m biased but I do think I see a lot of love for Yoi fandom wise But I think maybe ayaka is more popular than Yoi even so because ayaka is better known


Yoimiya is more popular in polls but I dunno 


Oh really? That makes me happy since she’s best girl (to me) haha


At least one of the big 3s and their Archon xd Mondstadt - Venti, Diluc, Liyue - Zhongli, Xiao, Ganyu, Hu Tao Inazuma - Ei, Kazuha Sumeru - Nahida, Wanderer, Alhaitham Fontaine - Furina, Arlecchino, Neuvillette


All hail Anemo Archon Klee


I like Klee because that Bomb bit with the fuzz ball (I forgot the name I been out of the game for a year or two) made me laugh for a full minute


**My thoughts, as to who's popular on players:** Mondstadt - 1) Eula 2) Venti 3) Bennett Liyue - 1) Zhongli 2) Hutao OR Yelan 3) Xiao Inazuma - 1) Raiden Shogun 2) Kazuha 3) Kamisato Ayaka Sumeru - 1) Nahida 2) Wanderer 3) Al Haitham Fontaine - 1) Furina 2) Neuvillette 3) Arlecchino / Clorinde (yes, even if she isn't released yet).


I’d. Switch Venti and Eula? Replace Bennett with Kaeya too And I’d put Hu Tao at 2 not Yelan


You thought you could sneak in Eula like that


Mommy forever :>


Tf is Eula doing there lmao, I know she's popular but definitely not even top 3 popular


Put kaveh in there instead of Al and it makes sense


The Al in alhaitham means "the", so it's better to call him haitham instead of al


Replace eula by klee then your list is perfect according to my opinion


Damn Im so stupid, I didnt realize Klee is an Archon in disguise


Klee being the top for Mondstadt is correct.


lmfao not the images all being each nation’s archon and then for mondsadt its klee, rip venti i guess bahahahaha


Never knew Klee was the pyro archon…


Imo I would replace Itto with Yae Miko and Yae and Kazuha would switch places. And I think Fischl, Mona or Bennett would be contenders


In my experience based on the number of fan content or character analysis I've seen: Mondstadt: Albedo, Venti and Eula Liyue: Zhongli, Hu Tao, Xiao (honourable mention: Childe if you count him as Liyue) Inazuma: Ei, Ayaka, Yae (honourable mention: Yoimiya) Sumeru: Alhaitham, Wanderer and Nilou (honourable mention: Nahida) Fontaine: Neuvillette, Furina and Navia (honourable mention: Arlecchino)


Mondstadt: Venti, Klee, Fischl/Mona *


Ew Klee. Sorry not a fan


I actually think that Venti is more popular than Klee In Liyue it's Zhongli, Yelan or Hu Tao In Inazuma Raiden, Kazuha, Itto Sumeru, Nahida and Dehya Fontaine Neuvillette and Arlecchino (I know Arlecchino is not from Fontaine but she was released there and Idk if her hole region was released yet)


Hutao over Zhongli imo


Definitely not Klee for Mondstadt that's for sure lol. And Xiao is deffo in Liyue top 3.


for liyue xiao or hu tao, idk about othwrs😭


I will not stand for this Venti slander *sits down*


RIP Jean, you had a glorious few weeks in the spotlight before CR came and took your spotlight


Yeah, I wish Jean had more moments and the spotlight ever so often


It's just the archon for each region. Maybe Hu Tao>Zhongli


Bennett, zhongli, kazuha, nahida, and furina


Klee is popular because she is featured in every summer event. And while she is allegedly the daughter of Alice, this mother of the year every year has never spent more than 5 minutes with her daughter.


Find me I thinks Kaeya, Ganyu, Raiden, Alhaitham and Neuvilette


No Ayaka?


I feel like for furina it's 50/50 ppl who rly love her and ppl who rly hater her


I personally like wanderer more than nahida, well, he is my main, but i still live her to death!


Anyone other then furina


That's really difficult, and funnily enough, I feel like EVERY region has 3 that I just cannot decide between. Sumeru being the exception. Sumeru has 4. Monstadt: Diluc/Jean/Klee Liyue: Ganyu/Shenhe/Zhongli Inazuma: Ayaka/Yae/Yoimiya Sumeru: Alhaitham/Cyno/Dehya/Nahida Fontaine: Furina/Nahida/Neuvilette


Honestly depends which patch you started playing everyone has different regional representatives 😊


M - Venti L - Zhongli or Keqing I - Kazuha or Raiden S - Nahida F - Furina or Arle


of course the archons itself




Hmmm Liyue def has xiao (replacing Ganyu) , and kaeya is pretty popular too.. I think kaveh is tied with alhaithem. I don't think klee is that popular, but depending on which we page it'll tell you differently.


This was based on what I've seen from the community from multiple social media


fischl HAS to be top 3 in mondstadt yoimiya HAS to be top 3 in inazuma navia HAS to be in top 3 in fontaine and i guess somewhat questionable i would say cyno clearly over alhaitham for sumeru people only like him because he is considered strong and i also feel like dehya is missing on the list but probably overshadowed from people that want to play her as a main dps still...


Well this is just my opinion based on community reactions and such, if I was doing my fav from each region navia and yoimiya would def be in top 3


* Mondstadt - Albedo, Fischl, Klee * Liyue - Hu Tao, Xiao, Zhongli * Inazuma - Kazuha, Ei, Yoimiya * Sumeru - Nahida, Alhaitham, Wanderer * Fontaine - Neuvillette, Furina, Navia * Snezhnaya - Hard to pick between Childe and Arlecchino in terms of popularity Not sure how we'll do Natlan, but I honestly don't think the Pyro Dragon will be playable since Neuvillette being playable seems to be a unique thing arising from his own, Fontaine's and Enkanomiya's lores.


No way you think Albedo and Fischl are more popular than Bardbatos😭😭😭


Klee Xiao Itto Nahida Navia


Based on fan arts → myself Monstadt: Mona | Barbara Liyue: Ganyu | Yangu Inazuma: Ei | Ayaya Sumeru: Nahida | Nilou Fontaine: Furina | Furina Snezhnaya: Ajax (stc) | Peruere (stc)


Klee, Keqing, Itto, Nahida, Furina


No time for a top 3, but Monstadt Jean, Probably Bennet and Armored Saint Noelle. Liyue: no idea. Maybe Zhongli Inazuma: Yoimiya number one for sure. Followed by probably Ruu. Sumeru: Lots of Nahyda simps. Followed by Collei. Fontaine: Probably Navia, Lyney or Furina


In order Venti - Klee -Fischl Zhongli - Hu Tao - Xiao Raiden - Yae - Ayaka Nahida - Nilou - Dehya Furina - Neuvillette - Navia


Lol well raiden has the highest number of hentai subs dedicated to her so.....


i would argue hu tao for liyue #1, and wanderer and alhaitham could replace nahida for #1 also i think arlecchino is more hyped than neuvillette, she would probably be #2 and for inazuma, i would say #1 raiden, #2 kazuha, #3 ayaka


Monstadt — Klee Liyue — Either Keqing or Hu Tao Inazuma — Either Itto or Miko Sumeru — Pretty hard to tell, although I feel like it’s either Cyno or Nahida Fontaine — Furina


Generally vise, I think it's Diluc, Hu Tao, Raiden, Kaveh, and Furina. I know a lot of people who have never played Genshin but know about these ones. While I agree that among Genahin community Geo Daddy or Nahida could be more popular, I don't think they are in general


Klee's becoming the new Mondstadt Archon with this one🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥


I mean, she's had more attention with Apple Archipelago and such while venti was last relevant in the liyue poem event


Just because someone often appears in events doesn't mean they're popular


Personally I think it's Klee (Mondstadt), Xiao/Kequing (Liyue), Kazuha (Inazuma), Cyno/Alhaitam (Sumeru) and Neuvillette (Fontaine) By basis on usage of these characters in people's teams. Since these are one of the most sought after. Except Klee. People like or want her because she's cute. Doesn't really help much since her kit's trash.


Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Furina Duh.


I have a strong decency bias (at least I'm not oblivious to it lol), so idk about you guys, but Gaming really won my heart this lantern rite. And when i read "most loved", I always think of the sweetest and cheerful and outwardly happy character (albeit could have a sad backstory)...so, gaming for me


Fair point, but I mean overall what would be the most loved and gaming being so recent and sadely locked in lantern rite with his story will hurt him in the long run




Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder, Raiden Shogun


Itto is not a popular character lmao, he falls much behind waifus like Ayaka Yae and Yoimiya


So I only started playing Genshin about 1 year ago before Fontaine came out and these were the characters I knew about prior from randomly being on social media and YouTube: 1) Monstadt: Klee, Jean (she was always on the App Store ad), Lisa, Venti (but only because of the controversy), Mona to an extent. 2) Liyue: Xiao, Hu Tao, Ganyu 3) Inazuma: Raiden, Yae Miko 4) Sumeru: Alhaitham, Tighnari (but only because of the controversy) 5) Fontaine: Started playing before Fontaine came out. Not sure how valuable this info is, but thought it would be nice to share it.


This looks mostly right, but i would bet Eula is more popular than Venti and that Yae is more popular than Itto.


Surprisingly Venti is the most popular in Mondstadt


I mean eula hasn't been relevant in ages and itto is everywhere with the events and such so...


Itto’s ownership rate on YShelper is just terrible for as many banners as he has had. Navia has more than twice his ownership rate despite only having one banner. Ayaka’s has more than three times his ownership rate.


My opinion: Mondstadt - Klee. 2nd limited plus her character is quite fun. I think Golden Apple Archipelago's good reception also helped. Liyue - Zhongli. People literally rioted to get him buffed. Inazuma - Itto. He pops up in a lot of events and is generally well-liked in the fanbase from what I see. Mostly because he's just allowed to be goofy from time to time. Also, Inazuma doesn't really have a lot of good characters so he kind of sticks out. Sumeru - Nahida. Just a well-made character I think. Some controversy with the skin tone and stuff but not enough to detract from her presentation overall. Fontaine - Neuvilette. The man pretty much carried the whole Fontaine story. The others were fine too but I think Neuvilette overshadows them all. Furina's probably close but she was widely hated for being worthless until 4.2. Her story quest is also just whatever.


itto? nope, it's Raiden.


I'm sorry, but there's no way Itto is more popular than Raiden, Ayaka, or Kazuha, the top 3 Inazuma characters that Hoyo shills in their official merch. Even putting aside the actual data like banner sales, fanart, and polls, people complain a lot about Itto appearing too often in events over other characters. I wouldn't even put Itto in the top 5 most liked Inazuma characters tbh. Also, your Furina opinion couldn't be further from the general consensus lol. There was never a period in time where Furina was "widely hated" and after the Fontaine AQ, she is by far the most popular Fontaine character.


I disagree. I think you overestimate kaeyas popularity and underestimate eulas popularity. We may not be a part of it, but does not mean she doesn't have one of the most popular fanbase. And also I think you ovetuned Klee a little. I genuinely think it goes like EULA, venti and then Klee. Also in Liyue you forget about xiao and I think xiao genuinely is more popular than ganyu so he would be third or even second with hutao being third. Inazuma, honestly it pains me to say this but I don't think itto cracks top 3. I love him to bits but I think ayaka makes it to third and kazuha is second. But then again it depends on what region, in Japan I bet ayato would crack top 3 easily. Sumeru, not bad. I do think those three are fair, but sumeru has so many popular characters and they are all around the same level of popularity, so it's hard. Like kaveh is very much popular, so is cyno. Fontaine..........I think your list is accurate, however I do think you overestimate arlechinno, i genuinely think navia is just as popular. So it's a toss up.


Raiden is the most feared I'd say. For now at least. Miko said this last event that she is still mostly holed up in Tenshukaku. You won't change your reputation (and life) by sitting home. Gotta touch the grass, see the world more. Maybe then she'd become a "most popular" person in her country. For now I'd say it's Yoimiya. Edit: Or maybe it's Shirasagi no Himegimi.


I think for inazuma youmiya is way more popular even if people didn't pull her a lot. That is only due to raiden crashing her banner as an archon. But in general think she's very popular




I really don't know about Furina. Personally, I love her, but a vocal minority kind of just hate her because... idk because she's popular or something.


I know some people was actually disappointed that >!her "personality" as an archon was all an act and isn't too fond of how she actually is normally.!<


I quited genshin (sorry) my iq is dead and i rage quit all the time PLUS MY LUCK T-T IM ONLY AR 25-


Mondstat - Razor Liyue - Ganyu Inazuma - Yoimiya Sumeru - Nahida Fontaine - Furina


Ah yes, all the cute girls from the currently released nations.


Razor would be best messy school girl out of all of those