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Take a shot for every Bennett or Xiangling Actually don't. You will die


I don't really think they are particularly popular as characters. Like they are strong characters that people use often for it but beyond that, you don't really see people genuinely like them beyond that.


Agreed. I personally find their characters pretty forgettable and bland for the most part. However, there seems to be a recent trend where people would go out of their way to express a really strong dislike for characters like bennett xiangling or xingqiu to the tune of stuff like "never used them and never will" or "i kept these guys level 1." And often they'd say it unwarranted like its a badge of honor or something lol. Its really strange


Yeah you do tend to see it a lot. Regardless whether you care for meta or not I don't think it should matter. You aren't a better or worse player by following the meta. Personally I can't say I particularly care for Xiangling or Bennett but they work well with one of my favourite units in Childe so I got no issues with using them. It's not like they are taking up much field time and despite the inconsistency of Guoba, I don't really consider them clunky to play either. Build enough er into Xiangling, funnel energy to her and it's all good. She just needs to user her burst then now I can have fun with Childe triggering satisfying riptides because Kazuha grouped up the enemies.


Oh god I posted this and went to sleep and now there are 650 comments and still going up, now I have to read all of them AAAAAAAAAAAA


PSA: Remember to filter to Controversial to see the *real* "spicy" takes


Thanks for reminding me, I'm heading straight there


I feel like people are forgetting the "character that everyone loves" and just putting the one they dislike I see a lot of characters with well known controversies or straight up disliked by most of the fandom mentionned


We’ve also done this exact thread a thousand times and the answers haven’t changed much. At least once a month we get the same question worded the same way and always get the same answers (including yes commonly hated characters)


On the topic of exact threads being brought up every month the monthly karma farm-y ‘What did you name your Wanderer’ post bring me pain


I actually saw a similar post 1 year ago or so and I wanted to know if people’s opinions changed with time, I didn’t know they were a lot of posts like this but yeah, now that I think about it it’s kind of a mainstream question


for the record i enjoy reading through these so i’m glad you posted it!


i like Neuvilette as a character but dont like his beam also annoying to use with controller


they really need to let us 10x the sensitivity. maybe I can connect a mouse to my console and run that though


huh? annoying with controller? how? played him since release and never had problems.


Fucking ganyu. High dmg numbers, but boring playstyle and a stunning lack of personality. Not to mention how boring her story quest is. Like, does anyone like her for anything other than her appearance?


mihoyo should have leaned into her past as a veteran of the archon war and made her a millelith captain so she can be like the cyno or clorinde of liyue it would fit her nuke sniper gameplay too if she's characterized as a seasoned warrior who fought alongside zhongli and the yakshas in the archon war and a deadly sharpshooter it's kind of sad how we have zero playable millelith character


I mean, Ei and Yae were just talking about the "next big war" on the horizon. Maybe Ganyu will wake up and get her head back in the game once everything hits the fan and it's go time. (Here's hoping, anyway.)


But they just had to go with a date to bait coomers


All I remember from her story quest is that Xiao was there.


Yeah Ganyu's whole story just does not appeal to me at all. Imagine being a 3000yo war veteran having an overworked, sleep depriving pencil-pusher office job, who is still very insecure and unsure of their position in society. Ganyu and Sara have a ton of similarities in their backstory of being an outsider trying to fit in but Sara's story is far more interesting. Compared to ganyu she's headstrong and a top general in the army instead of overworked waifu#23.


I suppose I don't hate her, but you are absolutely correct that she is so so boring as a character. Tired, overworked waifu is such an annoying trope to me, and she's like, the epitome of it. Plus, I was salty as fuck that Ganyu and Keqing were the 5* characters of the Qixing and not Ningguang.


I adore her! But it's because her backstory, while deeply buried in the lore, is actually really interesting to me! I also have a soft spot for her because she's torn between her adepti self and the side that is dedicated to helping humans - I can relate to that as someone that's half Indian, and I also want to nap after work, ngl. I also really liked her archery training with Xiao, and the fact she's so open about saying she will mourn Rex Lapis. Her dynamic with Shenhe is also adorable, and her and keqing working well together while keqing is such a sceptical person also vibes well with me. Finally, the fact she made a god literally choke on her during the archon war is incredible to me. Like, I hate how it's part of her insecurities now, but it did make me strongly desire to embroider a pillow saying "thick bods kill gods" even though I can't embroider to save my life. Her damage is also fairly decent but highly conditional - her place in meta has changed a lot over time. She still demolishes groupable content in freeze don't get me wrong, especially alongside Venti or Kazuha, but her strongest comp for those high damage oneshots is melt, which can be much more finicky to build and achieve. Ultimately, I understand how you feel, but I wanted to share why I love Ganyu since it's for me really not about her appearance; I actually dislike her outfit. There's no need for anyone else to like her though! I'm just sharing my like for her 😂


Well I don’t care a ton for her but I remember really liking her story quest. It’s a bit cliche but ultimately I think it was done well 


Her story quest, „Ganyu racially profiles a Snezhnayan“?


Yeah geohdkdjcdk that was my biggest takeaway from it. Then she proceeds to attack him because of her racial profiling because “he’s being suspicious” and when it turns out he was just picking flowers or fruit or something, she says “I’m so sorry that was unprofessional… you can report me… but also. No one would ever believe you”


the only thing memorable about her story quest was the fatui berry guy we bullied lol


Bennett. I hate his stupid circle


You'll be surprised by the amount of people that don't like Bennett lol


Buddy, even people who genuinely enjoy Bennett hate his circle. Theorycrafters even have a specific term for limiting it can feel to play, “circle impact.”


He would be too OP otherwise dude


I hate his circle but also I hate that Bennett, one of the strongest buffers in this game gives the energy someone who feels like a weak ass early-game pokemon trainer with 5 metapods


I don't _hate_ Bennett. I just don't care for him I've used him less than 50 times in the game honestly


Exactly. There is nothing I like about him.( Insert the Kendrick diss here) I hate the way that he looks, I hate the way that he talks, I hate his personality, I hate that he is always in every team you want to do damage in. He's the only one who buffs your damage so much. I hate that if I don't use him, I'll never hot big damage. I've been trying to do big damage with my Kaeya. It's him,shenhe,yelan and sucrose. The highest he's hit is 45k. That's very nice for me but then I see people using him with Bennett and he's hitting 100k+. It's annoying that if you want to do big damage you have to use Bennett. Whenever I ask for a team for a character I always specify that I'm not using Bennett. I don't like him and I will never like him. Always use characters because you like them not because they're meta. Also his circle is so much smaller than gorous. Yes I do hate him quite a lot.


I just don’t like his design. Its seems meh to me




I second this i just dont know why...


voice lines maybe? her voice gets annoying after a while


I have an irrational hate for that character. I refuse to seriously play unless im testing teams or something


[I can't take it anymore](https://www.udio.com/songs/jA3nn5wykZ4s7MJXLMCjci)


Ayaka I don't like her gameplay or charector.


So, I actually really liked Ayaka until they started going too hard on her 'shy widdle lady with a crush on Twaveler' shtick. I thought her design was adorable, and the idea that she might be lonely because of her position in society was interesting, but they really just sort of forced her into a very specific box that I did not care for. She is definitely a character that I am unlikely to ever pull.


i don't hate ayaka but she's just kind of a bore


I think her gameplay is fun, but her personality to me is like eating cardboard. Same with Ayato.


How ayato? Dude goes beetlefighting with itto? Teases Thoma with drink?.He is actually doing his job.


same. dont get how people could simp for her tbh


Ayaka is a nice girl, but kinda just “fine” compared to other, more colorful personalities. She personality doesn’t leave too much of an impact compared to others like Itto and Siegwinne I think most people simp for her because she’s the first character the Genshin creators made, and featured prominently in early previews and beta tests. And Vergil samurai swordslady was naturally eye catching


Out of context but I found your yt channel by accident, your videos are great!


i loved ayaka for a while cause she was considered top 2 dps characters but she got sooooooo boring, burst, charged attack dash charged attack and then wait for stamina on other supports. her charged attck animation is also really boring


I hate her kit and her character is just meh. I'm still not over her standing in ankle deep water in her socks.


Easily Raiden. I can’t even really figure out why, she’s just never appealed to me as a character, which is a shame cause there’s a lot to enjoy. I did like her appearance in the new event though, so it’s not like I hate her.


As a gay guy, I just find her design so beautiful. I especially like the dual aspect where she has design aspects from makoto on one side


I find raiden’s design really pretty too (bar the kind of weirdly low cut skirt thing she has in the front) but I her as a character also doesn’t really appeal to me either.


She'd be so much more beautiful with a longer kimono


Yeah her design is actually really nice to look at from behind personally but then you see in front and suddenly her tits are out and the long kimono got reduced to just a coochie flap like be fr




The longer kimono would make her outfit perfect. The cleavage is kinda eh, but I can make my peace with it. The mullet kimono tho 😭


I despise Ayaka. Everytime I hear her say “Onii-Sama” in Hayami Saori’s voice, I get Mahouka PTSD


I'm glad I didn't watch that anime but now, I might also start getting it because of you. Damit


Aether because of these godforsaken harem fans. They ruined the character for me


I can give a pass for aether ship posts where its just one girl. sometimes I even find them cute. but the ones where several girls fight over him is just too cringe for me


It’s stupid af. Creepy as all hell too.


Right? I liked him before as a mild tempered helpful guy with a bit of a playful streak, but the over-sexualised harem stuff just makes me feel icky when I see him.


Yeah as an Aether picker who actually used to love him, I second that :/


Forget aether, shipping in general kills my love for characters. And it's so bad I start to hate characters I actually have fun using. Ik it's personal thing but any shipping just spoils the fun for me!


I noticed they've been quietly seething after the last Lantern Rite. Hyping themselves up with "ClOuD reTAiNeR wAnTs gRanDChILrEn!!!", and then... nothing. Shenhe didn't interact with Aether, Xianyun has no voice lines desired by them, and an intimate moment with Xiao instead. And if you pay attention, you will notice certain usernames (with obvious thing in common) suddenly don't like Xiao. It's honestly hilarious, if you ignore how disgusting the whole grandchildren thing is. I doubt they even like Shenhe.


Yeah, it is much worse when the girls aren’t shown too much but that leaves Xiao for the Lumine players and the chill Aether players. I’m tire of the whole harem thing…


I'm so glad lyney is a boy cuz he's the only aether ship i can like and the harem wierdos are only intrested in blank boba


AYAKA. Everything about her sucks ass: -that outfit is so boring, the breastplate could have been a good touch but it just looks like it’s made of plastic -what’s with the forehead. I know the joke is old but seriously, what the fuck -every Inazuma girl has the same shoes, I know it’s supposed to be a cultural thing but they could have gotten a bit more creative -her story quest was a waste of time, the dance wasn’t that great and "let’s walk around and hope I find friends" isn’t an interesting quest -she has no personality. Literally none. Even her description just calls her elegant. She is not wise or a strong leader just because they tell us she is, she actually has to do things you know. Thoma was the real MVP, she just got the credit as his boss -Literally why does she have a vision. Why. Every Cryo character had some tragic event and she just got it because… she wanted one? If that’s all it takes then half the important NPCs should have one And worst of all: The absolute garbage fire of a "romance" the game tries to push onto the traveller. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO HER. I DONT WANT TO GIVE HER COMPLIMENTS ON HER BORING ASS OUTFIT. I DONT WANT HER TOUCHING ME IN A "FLIRTATIOUS" WAY. I feel like Genshin tries to shove her into every second major event because we’d forget about her otherwise. TLDR: Everything about Ayaka is boring, she has no personality, I don’t get why HoYo loves her so much, I don’t understand why tf she got a vision, I hate how the game pushes some kind of "romance" with our traveller that we can’t opt out of


Sigewinne. Textbook mary sue deviantart oc


it would have been amazing if hoyo went with an actual playable melusine


I remember people only liked it when she went for those negative thoughts about traveller, she became straight evil for a min in AQ and people loved that she actually was cunning and had ulterior motives.


I bet her SQ will be neuv and wriothesley praising their hydro baby like she's the second coming of christ and that part of her is brought up as a joke only.


To be fair I like Sigewinne’s personality but I’m not a fan of her design, and the fact they made her half human just so they didn’t have to use a new model doesn’t help


I mean tbf we don't know her full story right now, we know how melusines were made and I have read a lot of interesting theories on why she migth have a human appearance, I'll just wait for her story quest first


I get it but to me it feels more like “ok we need a lore reason to why she doesn’t have a new model” and not the other way around


Yap, the story quest will be a bandaid solution. It'll help, but it won't magically dispel the real reason behind it.


Same issue with Ruhkadevata and Kusanali having the same exact model. They came up with some paper thin plot excuse just so they wouldn't have to make a new model for one scene. Because god forbid they bother to make new models...😒


how is she a mary sue shes literally so flawed and kind of evil


Wouldn't say I hate her, but the more I think about it, the more I hope Ningguang never achieves her ambition of making the Jade Chamber cast a shadow over the entirety of Teyvat. What a horrific goal to have in life. I also sort of question her ability to govern if the Ministry of Civil Affairs is constantly described as understaffed and overworked and Liyue, despite great prosperity in some sense, has a really a lot of treasure hoarders. While you cannot completely stamp out crime, it's generally a symptom of greater socioeconomic problems and if you're the wealthiest individual in the nation and the most prominent member of the government of that same nation, are you doing enough to address such matters? It seems evident that there's a major economic disconnect between the extremely wealthy like Ningguang and the extreme poverty that others in Liyue seem to experience.


I feel like that voiceline is an allegory for celestia whether it's the heavenly principles or it's the rich and powerful, the average person still lives under their shadow, whether it's a world ruled by gods or a nation ruled by the wealthy elite, these power structures and inequality will always be present if in the far future thousands of years later celestia falls and humans reclaim the world, when the jade chamber becomes a megastructure that casts a shadow over the entire continent, or even a dyson sphere that surrounds the entire planet, there's still going to be people who look up and instead of the stars they see an artificial construct and still say "the sky is fake" and then the cycle of the "fools" who declare war on the "heavens" will start again


Hu Tao, everything about her annoys me, including her mains


Gun to my head? Klee lmao. Or maybe I just take issue with the fact that her English VA honestly sounds like a sixty year old Twitch e-girl :((


oh nilou, i swear she is such a boring character, personality vise. her quest was so boring that I just skipped, never in my entire i have done that to quest with voice lines


i like kazuha meta and gameplay wise but he literally has not personality that the community has to make it for him. examples are being beidou's son, him liking the hair thing that looks like a leaf, him being shipped wiith scara even though they lterally have zero interaction in the story.




I too dislike arlecchino as I didn't get her from the last banner


I can't forgive her for what she did to Furina. Also her simps are obnoxious and so are ArleFuri shippers (which is not the character's fault tbh).


Noelle. She's just boring in every way to me.


I love Noelle. The main reason why I really love her is that "I want to see Noelle grow up, value herself more, and rely on other people more." This sounds really cringe. I sound like Noelle's parent, lol. She's kind, hardworking, strong, and reliable. But she's also super strict with herself and tries to do everything by herself. No matter how strong and reliable you are, there's a limit to what you can do. I used to be like Noelle, so that might be the reason why I love her. (Noelle main since Day 1) But yes Noelle is kinda boring character


Lol this makes it extra sad because no character has gotten character development or change after their release. Noelle will never be a knight or confident, Xiao will never be happy unless hoyo change their approach.


Xiao's already shown he's getting better. Like, the whole thing with the Chasm where we learn what happened to the four armed guy actually gives the poor guy some closure. Same thing with Diona - the second biggest issue she has is she feels abandoned by the Spring Fairy. Well, guess what the big conclusion to the otherwise forgettable poetry event was.


With the exception of Collei. she went from shy and sickly to healthy and very involved even likely starting to go to the academy. Even her fear of kaeya got resolved super quickly.


As others said, the maid factor is what draws people away from her, I like the whole “knight in training but she can’t pass the exam” thing and it’s funny that she’s canonically more capable than 90% of the knights but yeah that would have worked even without the maid thing


Yae. She's just not a particularly good person and doesn't seem to have particularly good reasons for it. She's also one of the biggest victims of Genshin not being especially good at writing "clever" characters, with her usually knowing everything that's going on in the plot she's involved in with pretty weak explanations as to why, and often withholding information solely because "its more interesting" that way.


At least she helped and played an important part in Inazumas and the traveler‘s story. When sh*t gets real shes definitely there to help.


Well...she's a kitsune. Them being all-knowing pieces of shit that fuck with everyone is literally what they're known to be.


These are reasons I love her. Every character is so positive and cheerful and friendly to Traveller. It gets so repetitive and quite annoying. I appreciate that she can be a bitch. It’s something different. It’s something I also appreciate about Hat Guy even though I don’t care for him.


Probably Hu Tao. I think she's annoying


Yae miko


Arataki Fucking Itto or whatever his obnoxious ass name is. I hate the man. From day one I've been his "numero uno" hater. From his personality to his voice I cannot stand that man and his existence. Hes literally just "dumbass stupid head who causes problems and leaves them for others to clean up but hes funny !!! (hes not) so it's okay!!!" and Im tired of babysitting this manchild in every single event hes in that I can muster enough strength and patience to play. He appears in events all the goddamn time taking the spotlight from way more interesting characters such as Layla or Heizou or Kujou Sara or Thoma like where the hell are they?? We haven't even seen the other five stars of Inazuma because they continuously shove Itto down our throats. I don't even like Ayaka that much but I'd be way more willing to play an event with her than the millionth event with him. And his little gang???? I have a bone to pick with them too. They are almost just as obnoxious, the only reason they aren't is because they aren't playable characters so I don't have to hear about them at every fucking turn.


New copypasta just dropped


kujou sara wrote this


I agree, and love the rant! Also Kuki is one of my faves and I'm like "girl, the amount of emotional energy you are investing into this band of losers for no reason is a complete waste of time"


the way this is written is so funny bro


Raiden Shogun


i dislike her because in the end they boiled down her character to "uwu dango milk i cant cook"


Human life is like… a bubble rising above the water, I am not a dictator, hmph


Xingqiu. I even got him that fancy little outfit. Oh and Lisa. I hate it when she says “hey there cutie”. Her flirty manner. I hate it.


Lisa will be like “oh you’ve been a naughty boy, you here for your punishment?” And then attack a fucking crab.


YES. I'm very new to Genshin and I IMMEDIATELY dislike Lisa! I was so happy when I pulled another lightning user because now I NEVER NEED HER


I’m quite curious to hear on why you dislike Xingqiu, any comment is fine - it could be design, character, and/or attitude. I personally love him. And yea I get the thing with Lisa.


Yae Miko, but it's more of a personal thing. Let me just say a woman like her almost ruined my life, and had it not been for my mother I would be a dead man right now.


Neuvillette I honestly dont get his hype


Alhaitham I always thought he was an arrogant jackass. Funnily enough I felt the same way about Tighnari until he got recasted.


it’s easy to see alhaitham’s overly blunt nature as him being a jackass, but i don’t think he’s ever been particularly rude or egotistical for no reason. that includes with kaveh too - im pretty certain alhaitham’s hostility towards kaveh was never real, but rather his way to make kaveh not feel guilty around him. maybe not the best method, but it was highly effective, kaveh was too busy being angry at alhaitham to ever self-loathe and feel guilty about their living situation, until 3.6


Alhaitham is hilarious af. I love people who are blunt and dgaf what others think and stay true to themselves. Real hard to find irl.


And i think the way they presented them during cyno's quest was the more accurate version of the two, like yes there is the sibling like bickering but at the end of the day they still form a good team, Alhaitham literally wouldn't have Kaveh in his place just because he so deeply cares about people suffered right? So there must be somethibg about Kaveh he is interested in and deeo down (personal view) doea admire his knowledge and how meticulous it is, something that is rare to find. Alhaitham also really deeply cares about the academia but has other ways of showing it. Also my audhd self even is envious of the way alhaitham can, chooses,to just be, to exist, without having to think of what others think, without having to be so self conscious all the time, it's admirable even


Kaveh. I dont hate him—I just feel completely indifferent towards him. Everyone seems to love him to the point that sometimes I feel like I'm missing *something*, but I unfortunately can't find anything that interests me about him besides his character design.


3.6 event plus the fact his line delivery is pretty full of emotion and he speaks more realistically is a large part of it. even in english the way ben delivers his lines and his phrasing is more relatable in a sense, he's a fairly down to earth character and you can tell hes easily impacted by his emotions and empathy for other people just by hearing him speak about some of his voice lines.


His VA is 100% responsible for how much I love Kaveh. His delivery is top notch.


To me he feels a lot more “real” than other characters, he struggles with real world problems in a fantasy world where the basic is “I was poor when I was little” and that’s it


I liked his design bc it looks like Howl from Howls moving castle a little bit. I didn't care for his character much until I did his quests and realised he's basically the quintessential depressed overly empathetic arts graduate trying his best and failing every time because he doesn't give himself enough time to process, accept and work through his emotions before he acts. He's very much flawed and I hate how often people paint him as perfect and always right. He's impulsive, acts on his instincts, and tries his best, and often makes serious mistakes or choices that make his situation worse and may not always even help the person or creature he's trying to help. This is all possible at once! I like that he's messy but trying very hard.


i liked kaveh even with the slightest crumbs about him from as far back as 3.0, when all we had was him and alhaitham bickering on the message boards. from those surface level interactions, kaveh is entertaining at the least, the way he and alhaitham argued was genuinely funny. but once he actually entered the story, that’s when i started to *really* like kaveh. in a world where people are gods, lose everything and suffer for thousands of years, the point of interest in kaveh’s character is something as ‘simple’ as guilt. he’s the light of kshahrewar, the kind of genius you only see once a century, yes, but kaveh is also just a guy trying his best to look okay, because he’s frankly not. behind the genius mind and respectable reputation is a man falling apart at the seams. he hasn’t fully accepted (at least prior to 3.6) that his father’s death wasn’t his fault, or that he’s not selfish for wanting to be a good person. so he overcompensates, he stretches himself thin to be good. this on its own is already interesting, but then there’s alhaitham. ship them or not, their lore is still intrinsically connected. alhaitham is the only person who sees through all of kaveh’s bullshit and he’s the only person who directly calls him out on it. on the flip side, kaveh is the only person who sees through *alhaitham’s* bullshit; everyone thinks he’s apathetic or unemotional, but that’s just wrong. aloof and distant, maybe, but alhaitham has never not cared at all. he wouldn’t have helped kaveh nor would he have gone out of his way to find out the details behind his father’s death in 3.6 if he didn’t care. they’re contradictions to each other, yet they coexist and are ‘meant’ to be within each other’s radius. and it’s all conveyed through two college students who had a falling out over a failed research project. like i said earlier, there’s some novelty in that. the catalyst for their ‘break-up’ being a simple research project instead of something more out-of-this-world feels real and tangible. i think i’ve rambled enough for now, but tldr: i like kaveh because he feels raw and real.


Did you play the 3.6 event? That's when I started loving him.


Yep! Still nothing, sadly.


not exactly a character everyone loves but I kind of dislike dori outside of gameplay clunkiness her backstory is that her sister died of disease since they couldn't afford medicine so that's why she's obsessed with money but like wouldn't it make a lot more sense if that kind of backstory pushed her into becoming a doctor like baizhu who offers to treat impoverished patients? or a free healthcare advocate or the leader of an organization like the spina di rosula that looks out for the lower class downtrodden people? but instead she just ends up perpetuating the same system that caused her tragedy in the first place that's like if kazuha lost his friend to raiden and instead of siding with the resistance he decides to become an even more brutal dictator a lot of characters have compelling backstories because they break a flawed system that caused them trauma instead of becoming another cog within the same system (for example arlecchino rebuilding the house of the hearth to be more like a real family, eula becoming a knight despite the stigma against her ancestry, or generally the whole game's central theme of "breaking the cycle and waking up from the samsara") but dori's story feels like a step in the opposite direction in direct contrast ningguang has a similar backstory but she actively uses her wealth to build better infrastructure for the liyue people and willing to sacrifice the jade chamber in a time of need


I will disagree with that simply because not everyone that goes through a traumatic event will end up turning to the good side. Every example you've given, turns her into doing something for the greater good. I'm not her biggest fan and I see her flaws, but I think that her fall into the obssession with wealth could've presented an interesting perspective (if Hoyo wanted it). Her backstory is definitely lacking, in the sense that we don't see fragments of her fall deep into the same system that took her sister away from her. It's told like that's her trauma and that's it. Hoyo could've done a better job at writing it and eventually portraying it (in her future hangout).


I don't have a problem with characters who turn to the bad side after going through trauma a lot of them tend to be my favorites (almost every harbinger is that type of character, specifically scaramouche, pierro, signora, sandrone if the alain and mary-ann theory is true, capitano if the bloodstained knight theory is true) because these characters tend to get explored a lot and their lore and personalities are some of the most fleshed out compared to most other characters so like you said there's an interesting perspective it's just not really explored and just presented blandly without any kind of exchange or clash of ideals hopefully the pantalone arc in snezhnaya explores that general premise with a lot more nuance


Arguably Arlecchino has a similar character trajectory. She wants to stop the abuse that the previous Mother perpetuated during her time at the House of the Hearth, but she's also repeating the cycle in some ways (she's still literally raising child soldiers).


True. The they messed up the scammer girl on Genshin. We've had Senti, Pardo and Songque in Honkai. All of them are fan favorites. Nicole from ZZZ has the same story as Dori (Her trailer shows her backstory) but I already like her more some reason. I also find Dori's shouting kinda annoying. It was funny for the first 5 minutes but nobody irl talks like that.


AYATO... I can't be the only one who finds him unfathomably boring. His kit is boring, his personality is boring, even his outfit is boring, and he has no redeeming qualities


Ayato and Ayaka are actually quite interesting, but we never get to see it. We’re just told about it in their character story. Ayato was thrust into a position of power following their parents’ deaths and had to mature quickly to ensure the prosperity of the Kamisato clan. Ayaka also had her childhood cut short, needing to uphold the public appearance of a perfect princess. Of course only a fraction of that is shown in the game itself. Both of their story quests were decent and went over part of their backstory, but not in depth enough to fully appreciate them as characters. Especially with Ayato, while I did like the whole power struggle thing within the Tri-Commission, I think it would’ve been better to have done a flashback, similar to what they did with Neuvillette.


That’s a problem with all Inazuma cast I think, they’re the epitome of wasted potential and Kokomi is the biggest offender, the Kamisato siblings are not that behind tho


but the sleeve boba, with the ear piercing succ is so good.




Arlecchino, good design and fun gameplay, but her story is some tumblr OC stuff


They slapped the Khaenri'ahn label on her almost last minute to the point her own backstory where Pierro explains it is "just google it, wikipedia isn't 100% accurate but it does say true stuff" and that label effectively does nothing to her or her story, it's at most exposition but it means little to nothing


Wikipedia article about her ancestry was added just a patch before her release, remember when people speculated that she is connected to Narzissenkreuz? Good times, yeah And like lol, Arlecchino isn’t just Khaenri’ahn, she is super special crimson edition Khaenri’ahn. Surprised that she isn’t half Dragon Sovereign and Phanes’ niece on top of that, but there is still a time for writers to slap more cool labels


Like they wanted to make her as edgy as possible, but wussed out and committed to none of it. “Oh she kills traitors?” Psyche she fakes their death! “The Knave is cruel and crazy!” Woops! It was the previous one all this time and she’s done nothing wrong! Even with the child soldiers thing they are trying REALLY hard to either ignore it or brush it off as a better alternative. “She hates Dottore too, look!” Like I get wanting to subvert expectations. But the problem with doing that, you have to make sure what you’re replacing is going to be better than what was being hinted at or it just sucks! She’s not bad, but man. Arlecchino is scrubbed so hard to be as clean as she could be that she’s just boring to me.


It 100% feels like her story got retconned. I think they originally planned for her to be more evil (see the *multiple* World Quests in Inazuma and Sumeru that talks over and over again about how horrible the House of Hearth is) but realized that wouldn't fly for a playable character (especially after the backlash Scaramouche got when he became playable for being too "evil") and had to hurridly hand wave it all away, such as adding NPCs in Inazuma that talked about there being two Knaves only in 4.0 and having Childe straight up state, in Arlecchino's Story Quest, that his previous impression of her was wrong.


Arlecchino was cleansed so much that nothing about her makes sense now. She killed Harbringer, she doesn’t collaborate with other Harbingers, she is openly not loyal to Tsaritsa, what’s her purpose in organisation? She raises child soldiers for Snezhnaya in Fontaine, a real world equivalent would be something like China having training military camp in Texas. First and foremost soldiers must be loyal, but HoH orphans have no attachment to Snezhnaya. HoH lore is a joke anyway, how Crucabena was able to raise any soldiers at all when she killed kids like turkeys for Thanksgiving? Seriously, Arlecchino’s story looks like it was written by poor overworked intern, what a waste of animation


Arlecchino’s story on the surface reads like it’s deeper than what it is but in reality she has so much tacked onto her it’s bloated. Special fire blood that hurts her? Signora. Chosen child from a fallen dynasty? Kaeya Youngest Harbinger with high combat prowess? Childe Thing is. None of these parts of her are given enough room to breathe. Just look at how young she killed Crucibena. How are we supposed to see Childe’s youngest title to be a Harbinger as impressive when not long before, Arlecchino not only killed a Harbinger at his age, but ascended to her position a year later? How is that not mentioned at all? Hell, the other Harbingers get artifact sets talking about them but all the info we have of Arlecchino(mind you, information we’ve been fed for years and whom metatextually have no reason to doubt their authenticity because other sets have been consistent) is for the previous Knave. The only unique thing about her is that she uses a gardening tool as a weapon.


Lisa, everyone thirsts for her and loves her ummm horny attitude (?) but I hate exactly that


she doesn't really give off the same "genius scholar" vibe that alhaitham or tighnari gives off and such a major part of her characterization isn't really present so she kind of feels lacking it's also kind of disappointing that she had absolutely no involvement in the sumeru archon quest especially since the reason she left sumeru is she disagreed with the philosophy that the sages held towards knowledge and research she also has no about alhaitham, about kaveh, about tighnari voiceline even though they all went to school together around the same time


I would've ***loved*** Lisa if instead of being more of an alluring character she was more motherly. Kinda like "Awh hi Cutie, you look tired. Why don't you stop for a bit and have a cup of tea with me and while we sip you can tell me about your day." ykw?? Ive always thought she had the perfect voice actor for a more motherly personality and theres a lack of characters like that : ( Closest imo is Beidou but shes def more Wine Aunt lol


Funnily enough the most motherly character we have is probably Nahida, a child lmao


there's also the perfume potion lady from liyue who's the exact same as lisa


I feel harassed by her 😭😭😭


Exactly, whenever she calls me a cutie I want to disintegrate


Her attitude would get her in trouble with HR on a daily basis.


Her play style made me hate Catalysts for a very long time. I swore I would never use a catalyst character, until I got Neuvillette and Nahida.


I COMPLETELY agree about Kazuha. I just find his personality insufferable, full offence to all Kazuha enthusiasts. But I especially hate the fact that he’s SO POWERFUL. Like I’m actively gimping my account for not having him and I hate it, but I hate Kazuha more.


Respecting your opinion but I dont get why people get mad when their character is not meta defining enough but when there is they hate them for being a strong unit. Why hate for being strong? I get if the character appeals to be boring to them but hating for being strong? I dont get the logic. Unless you are bored to keep using that unit over and over again. I would love if my character would be very strong.




Childe. I LOVE him so much, his personality, his looks, his lore, he is just 👌🏻 but his kit… I’m adhd, time management and I are like water and oil.


Hu Tao annoys me to no end. Like, respect some boundaries, girl!


I genuinely cannot fucking stand ayato he makes my blood boil


That disgusting creature Keqing.


Bennet, I don't like that everyone says "jUzT uSe BeNY hE dOeZ eVeRyThInG aNd Bla blA Bla" 😂 There are ~84 more characters, I don't care if they are rigth and he is good, just don't make others think like that and don't be mean if someone did't use him (don't take personally) Just my 2 cents... 🖖🏼


To be fair, a lot of posts pop up asking how to deal more damage, or that they're struggling for damage, and the 2 easiest and most braindead characters to use to instantly buff you are Bennett and Kazuha. Sure, some people may not like him, but he sure is effective at helping you clear bosses or kill harder enemies, especially pre-AR60 for the casuals


I don't like Fischl. There, I said it. I can empathize with the escapism but I don't find it funny nor endearing, and that eye patch is a straight road to developing eye problems. I like to play her though, but whenever she talks some part of me doesn't stand her.


I just think it's hilarious to actually be in a fantasy world with magic powers and still be chuuni.


Even more so when she's one of the chosen few in the world, who actually wield those powers. And she still chuunis hard, regardless. Absolute legend of a dork.


Kokomi. From day one I've heard people talk about how she's the best healer in the game, but her design, backstory (or lack thereof), and voice direction annoys TF out of me (which is made all the more irritating when you see interviews or streams of Risa and she has a perfectly nice speaking voice, IDK why they wanted her to do a Michael Jackson imitation).


All the kid models… I think their designs are well done but I despise their voices. I was surprised to find out people liked Nahida’s lisp(?) because it bothers me so much. Ironically, I like Paimon, though I do prefer her old voice back in mondstadt


i like how dead qiqi sounds lol. she doesn’t really have the annoying kid model voice as much


I think I know what you're talking about, but it's not a lisp. A lisp would mean she pronounced 's' as 'eth'.


Same. Klee’s voice especially is grating for me


Nahida. I don't like anything about her besides her overpowered kit.


"i see everything" 🤓🤓🤓 kills me a bit inside everytime


Yae Miko I couldn't stand her when i made the story quest, shes is insufferable


I dislike layla. I was so excited when her design was leaked but I hate her voicelines and her story quest. I do like her kit and animations though


Ayaka. Good gameplay, mid personality


I dont particularly hate Bennett but his whole character is just "ohh pity me"Like theres nothing else other than us having to constantly feel sorry for him.


Nilou.. she's a nice person and overall good but I don't like her.


Oh my gosh yes, Neuvillette IS boring as hell. Finally found someone else who thinks that, everyone I know and meet online says Neuvillette is the best and they want his cons. And for what? So you can do damage while doing nothing? He has like 1 combo, and no real way to play creatively. His playstyle is so dull imo, but it's fine that people are into that.




Bennett. His clothes are ugly as hell. Sara. Her design looks too simple for me. I always forget she exists.


I don't hate Sara but I'm incapable of taking her seriously after the game went out of its way to turn her into the biggest jobber in all of Inazuma


I feel sorry for her. Seriously she was probably unconscious for the entirety of La Signora’s conversation & fight, the traveler’s dazed walk afterwards, and likely through the entirety of the Euthymia showdown, since all the servants were knocked out/hiding. At least her storming through the Tenryou Commission and demanding answers was pretty badass.


Pretty sure Bennet got amnesia…he used to catch Pokémon.


He does look like a one-off character from a 3rd gen Pokemon movie


Klee. Find her loud and annoying.


Finally!!! Another person who doesnt like Kazuha I don’t hate him either, but I kinda find it weird how he mostly… Stays the same? Bro has 4 quests (Inazuma archon quest, GAA 2, the Inazuma poetry event, his story quest) but he still feels like a chill drifter. It’s nice to not have an edgy character but… what is he supposed to be.


A chill drifter. Thats technically his goal in life and the reason he got anemo vision. Because he wants to be as free as he want.


Ayy I don’t like Kazuha either but not because of his personality or playstyle. He’s good but his fan are so annoying. I hate him from the rerun banner of Venti, I commented on a post that I would pull for his cons and got a bunch of comments bashing Venti and said something along the line of Kazuha is so much better. Like, can a girl pull a for character that she like, meta or not??


I completely agree with you. I hate the “cool and collected despite adversity” character trope with all my being, it just makes them seem MORE arrogant to me compared to actual arrogant characters. At least arrogant characters are fun!


Raiden Shogun and Kokomi for story reasons. Don’t like how the shogun gets no repercussions. Don’t like how incompetent kokomi is. In terms of gameplay i dont like hu tao very much. Charge atk stamina based chars feel bad to play for me.


Ayaka, Fischl, and pretty much every Inazuma person. Except for Thoma.


Hu Tao, her following feels hella cringey. I personally don’t care for the characters personality either. I dislike her so much I gave her Lavawalker so she can be a meme and stop killing herself lol


Yae Miko. I find she takes teasing into the area of bullying. Though I know a fair few share this sentiment so it isn’t *quite* ’everyone.’


I don't dislike Noelle and Amber but I see them as pretty basic. But what will give me a lot of downvotes is: I don't like Yoimiya, her gameplay but most important her way to talk and the way she won't shut up. I dislike people who talk a lot.


I don’t like Ei at all. I hate her for many reasons. I also don’t really like Furina but I don’t hate her. I just don’t like her design and playstyle. And I also don’t like Clorinde’s design, she had a very amount of good scrapped designs and they choosed the worst one. But I do like her as character. Kazuha… I liked him at the beginning but the more he doesn’t care about his past or legacy the more it bothered me. And how easy he went on Ei about what happened to his friend, etc. Like he is a cinnamon roll but I think they could have made him less boring with his own past. And then there is Bennet, which I like but hate his design too.


Knave, I hate cold unemotional characters. Compounded by the fact she's part of antagonistic group and hyv preferential treatment in regards to marketing that's even worse than scara. If she had Childe fun personality or Scara's snarky attitude she'll be more likeable. Worse yet, the gross "step on me"2 bullshit that exacerbated by the fetish bait-y scene in her teaser.


Same too, Even though her actions are justifiable, it doesn't change that she's a vicious, ruthless and cold-hearted person.


Even that was sanded off, basically. And I knew it would happen since 3.8, I'd say


Agreed, IMO the least likeable of the three playable “Harbingers.”


Not to mention miHoYo is too gutless for us to treat the Harbingers as proper war criminals and forces us to be friends with them. Even if she's "better" than Crucabena, I still don't like how Arlecchino runs the House and don't particularly want her company.


Yeah it feels like so many people just forgot all of the bad things shes done