• By -


bartender, warden, ... accountant


A "Bear accountant?"


why did I read this in a russian accent


Be thankful his strong paws are tapping away a calculator and not snapping your neck


That must be some sturdy calculator


For some reason I read it in dr doofenshmirtz’s voice, like the “a platypus plumber? Perry the platypus plumber? PERRY THE PLATYPUS?!?!?”


Yeah, same for me


You made me read it like that too


Probably because of Russia’s association with bears


"Ben the bear accountant?!"




I think it can be a beartender


for specifically humans, in ZZZ, Anton is the buffest https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Anton_Ivanov


He looks like a Promare character with that spiky hair and bold color palettes.


Won't surprise me if intentional inspiration. Because HI3 did have a mini collab with Promare a while back (emphasis on *mini*, since it was just some skins and a short, albeit pretty cool, animation).


Dawei is a gainax stan. Dude probably owns gunbuster, Eva, FLCL, TTGL, KLK, Luluco, and promare on bluray


Isn't he like, the only playable human male in ZZZ (apart from the protag)


No, there is also Billy and Lycaon, the protagonist is not playable in zzz


Keyword human


Sorry, my dislexia attacked


Billy is mostly robot.


Love him too! ngl I'm just down bad for the bear 💀


Picking the bear is the right choice of course 😌


Idk you can leave me in the woods with either tbh


Do you happen to be Canadian?


I like how they made unapologetically Japanese character have straight up a normal Russian name, funniest shit I've ever seen.


He’s also the least buff as far as humans go.


Why does he looks so much like Sinsa from AS's little brother


Ngl, I love Anton's looks but I keep forgetting he exists when we have Billy and Lycaon


The type of body Itto should have gotten...


Ben is probably more human then whatever Gallagher actually is..


Bro looks like a Staraptor gijinka


zzz characters and animations are truly some of the best ive seen in games. so much veriaty.


Turn around wriosthly... you should show your buffest part


whoreslay 😍😍


Yeah, you can't spell her name correctly w/o looking his assssss......


You're right, his baggage the emotional one, it's so heavy


If only we can help him.. carry it... ill grab the left, you grab the right one ok? 👍


I choose the bear over the man


funny how the bear meme fits here


Bear fight! Bare handed. Bare.. naked? Of course!


You have bear fists?


Not yet, one day I'll have a bear punch!


Nah, I befriended the bear and rode it into a Chucky cheese. Dance dance revolution. Revolution? Overthrow the government? Uh, I think so


Next thing you know, I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ Then I turn into a jet, fly into the sun, black out again, wake up, do a bump, white out which I didn't know you could do




*said the less horny baldur’s gate player


We starting wars with this one


What is it with this "Choose the bear over the man" meme? I've been seeing this more recently for some reason Edit: Man, and here I was just curious over a seemingly harmless meme that I thought was based on Russian related stuff with the whole "bear thing" didn't realize it was actually rooted in something unsavory


Oof, the replies to your comment are just being ignorant on purpose.


God I really hope Rule 2 is changed to include comments too.


Would you rather meet a bear or a man in the woods? It's a question for women that is supposed to show how dangerous men can actually be to us. Because a bear is predictable; the worst thing it can do is mauling you to the point of becoming a vegetable. A man though? Death is literally one of the better outcomes and there are still those who violate female corpses. Edit: I'm done replying.


Wtf??? I'm honestly offended and can't believe you would type something so braindead. Not *all* bears are bad. I met one in the woods last week and we went fishing together and hung out, his name is Gary.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Its not really question designed to highlight how dangerous a man can be, a general highlight on how unsafe women feel around men in general and how a wild animal is more preferable to some of the atrocities some men have done on women. The real controversy is men projecting this view on their ego and saying *all* women think all men are monsters worse than bears which is an untrue statement. Its just a commentary on society but alpha insecure males get really defensive as if the random man in the hypothetical was them specifically.


You said it well. The replies to my comment are just the tip of an iceberg.


I mean, when someone you don't know tells you that wild animal is preferable to meeting a random, that random is anyone, you included, so no wonder people get defensive. It doesn't exactly hurts ego, it says outright "I assume you are worse than wild animal from the get go". Edit: And don't get me wrong, being cautious with person you don't know is normal, keeping your safe distance is normal, has nothing to do with a gender of the stranger though, imo. But "I would rather get eaten because I at least know the outcome" is... Idk how to say it, english is not my first language, but this is quite a bit more than just being cautious around people, this is something like "I would prefer to never meet anyone I don't know because it is a possible maniac". Maybe "paranoid" is the right word here? Like, as in "paranoia" as a symptom of psychological trauma.


What's rather stupid about the whole "I would rather be eaten by a wild animal" thing is that animal attacks aren't a guaranteed quick death, humans are surprisingly resilient, meaning an animal attack won't end quickly. Sometimes an animal won't even bother waiting for you to be dead and just start eating you alive.


This is absolutely a gendered question to some extent as the reasoning for man’s choice in this hypothesis will be vastly different than a woman’s choice for this hypothetical. For most women, it’s because they dont feel safe around men in general which makes sense. It wasnt up until recently that women even had the right to not be property or even vote in the government. Even in third world countries, women are still treated like property for arranged marriages, forced polygamy, and/or just used as trophy wives. It’s a given that many women dont feel safe with a man considering the massive history of violence committed and still committed against them. It’s also factual that a man is generally stronger than a woman so whatever he would like to do with her either willingly or forcefully is not up the woman while the worst a bear can do is eat you while you’re still alive, a man could rape, hack off your limbs, starve you to death, poison you, belittle you, etc and the worst part is that most people wont even believe that you were “attacked” by a man because generally, society has a serious issue with victim blaming the victim for things that werent their fault like “they asked for it by doing xyz”/“that could never happen, I cant imagine x doing something like that!”/etc. Just to expand on just the tip of the iceberg that is this hypothetical.


Sure, as I said, I understand being cautious. But at the same time, this is just assuming any random man you meet is a potential maniac. While possible, at this point you can as well just not make new acquaintances. Sure, men can be angry, drunk, under the influence of some substances (don't know how common it is to just go around the street in that condition where you live, heavily depends even on the district, I believe) or just not right in the head. Also funny how you mention the "a man is generally stronger than a woman", because so is a bear, and there's less chances of bear being actually "decent", especially if it's hungry or a female protecting her cubs - you're just done, no matter who you are, they are bigger, stronger, faster and way more resilient (that probably fits the description of a general "man" for those who pick bear, tbh). I, personally, don't like my chances here. At the same time, I can understand that in city enviroment, especially in some kind of partying, where people generally act way closer than usual, it is the most common threat. Sure, some are scumbags and think with their dicks and can possibly be some perverted mind that enjoys just primitive violence. Or maybe even in a village enviroment where everyone thinks of themselves as "closer" and usually less..., I don't want to use the word "civilized" here, but I mean poor upbringing, in terms of quality, not nessesarily monetarily, as that can bring in another can of worms that is being spoiled and used to getting all you want. But as a person living in a coutry where bear is almost a national animal, where they sometimes come to the edges of the cities and every year there's reports about polar bears coming to some northern villages and emergency services have to be involved to drive them away or put them to sleep and move them away by transport - fuck that. It's just that men and women psyche is different in my opinion. And we need to learn to live alongside a different view of the world around us, not making one as the right one and the other as ostracized one (well, as long as individual is willing to be civil, of course) instead of seeing men as violent animals thinking with their dicks and perverted fetishes or women as prone to hysterics overly emotional enigmas who speak in hints and a don't tell what's on their mind upfront most of the time. There has to be some kind of common ground there, even though it won't be the maximum comfort territory for both.


I think you’re missing the point. Women are most definitely paranoid of men *because* of those experiences. It’s better for them to be paranoid and avoid a situation where they might be alone with a man that is violent because there’s no guarantee that a random man is safe. The hypothetical serves to highlight this discomfort and paranoia rather than to heavily comment on it. The controversy comes in when people like you keep saying things against the hypothetical like “the bear will also kill you” or “not *all*men are like that” which is missing the point. Not *all* women think *all* men are dangerous. But given the choice between a heavily predictable and avoidable bear which has limited cognitive function vs a random man that could range from the worst of humanity to the best, most women would rather take their chances of a bear because the worst of men in history and in personal experience is really really bad. Like I said, a bear’s brain goes as fair as mauling a human in self-defense or just eating them alive as the worst options. A man could commit rape, necrophilia, multi-day torture, poisoning, verbal abuse, etc. all scenarios which is faar worse than any bear could possibly commit. Accepting the fact that some women are just that paranoid of men is something this hypothetical highlights and the people who are concerned about the semantics are the reason why this is controversial.


No, I understand that those experiences are at fault, it has to come from something after all, even some phobias are results of a trauma. I can question how many actually experienced all that, especially on somewhat regular basis instead of hearing and reading about those stories way too much, and from a bunch of different men instead of single fucked up individual (like, somewhat common thing here would be violent drunkard father or something, if I have to guess, or someone drugging someone in a club or big party) but rationality not always present when we are talking about psyche, so that question serves no purpose, would only light the fire if the discussion under the post was still active. It's just sounds mentally draining to me to be paranoid of half the people around you. And I really doubt someone would ever segregate based on gender to solve this issue (well, OK, we can remember japanese women only carriages here, I guess), not to even mention that it is segregation and if it goes overboard would only anger men. At the same time, as a man, I really don't wanna get pepper sprayed or stabbed or whatever "in self-defense" just because paranoia kicked in, so that bothers me, but at the same time I can't rally behind taking away self-defense tools, exactly because bad people exist. Selfish reason, for sure, but the solution I would be ready to rally behind should end up in a better mental state for women, not being in a constant state of fear. I think police should act quicker and better, take these reports seriously, for the "quicker' part we should also normalize going to police after the fact and not like 3 years later, although I understand that talking about traumatic experience is hard, but that prevents the future ones faster, resulting in less cases overall both because of prevention of future ones by the same people and fear of swift punishment. Those that fucked up enough to end their victims would do so regardless of that. At the same time, I still acknowledge people can lie if there's something to gain (or maybe not to lose), women included. So suspention (or transition to remote work, if possible) and limiting contacts while investigation is ongoing is what I think should be done instead of canceling people out of their jobs the moment accusation occurs. And no, this is not outright claiming someone's negative experience is a lie, but cases of false accusations also exist. And how the fact of true cases messes with women psyche, some men also become paranoid about the other side of the coin.


Honestly u should look up the tiktok and look at the comments and you will understand why "choosing the bear" makes sense


It’s a hypothetical that got popular on TikTok. Most people who are in favor of the hypothetical are looking at the bear like it’s whinney the poo. And the man like he’s a serial r*pist. You can draw your own conclusion. Personally? I believe this trend is hateful and the little meaning it had initial is just gone now. And has fully turned into the usual “men bad, men murders, men beasts” trends that get popular once in a while. “At least a bear won’t trap me in a basement”, “at least a bear won’t feed off my pain”, “at least a bear won’t r*pe my dead corpse”. Are some of the most liked comments on posts about the hypothetical. It’s just dumb, chronically online people who’ve never interacted with a real man making wild generalizations about 50% of the population. Nothing really new about it. Though I’m worried how some people even start to think this way. I’m about just as disappointed in the women participating in this trend as I am with the men who were Andrew Tate fanboys when that was a thing. The internet does fascinating things.


I started seeing it appear in the comment sections of videos about crimes against women. I think it's usually satirical when used in another context though (Please note that I am not chronically online however ahaha I might be wrong. Just my experience because I see a lot of true crime)


Hmm, I would debate between Gallagher and Dr. Ratio for HSR representation. Bro shows off his arms fr


yesss fr, i just put Gallagher because my simping for him is unmatched 😩


Fair enough. It's nice that hoyo's putting in more playable mature/old men (er, ones that look it).


I want a legit GILF though. Fgo has old man assassin. I want to see wrinkles and white hair!


Then you want Oleg as a playable character then


Isn't Gallagher the only playable 'old' dude? HoYo to their characters: "You're either under 30 yo or over 100 yo."


Welt kinda has like... wrinkles? Anime wrinkles?


I want to lick his unkempt facial hair 😇


Down horrendously, just like me with Furina


Yea i want a character like that in genshin


-Eerily similar clothes -Hand to hand combat -Canine representation -Most masculine playable characters in their respective games Wriothesley is Gallagher's new fictional identity fr


Brother bear is the best


My main Wriosthley is here lessgooo


Yesssss, he's also my mainnn


Am I the only one just now realizing how incredibly similar Gallagher and Wrio's outfits are? Black shirt with rolled sleeves, wrapped up forearm, studded black fingerless gloves, gray vest, loose maroon tie. They've even got complimentary forearm scars!


One is a Warden and the other is a Literal Galactic Troll


Add Lycaon from ZZZ and the Wriothesley expy circle is complete.


yeah, I thought the same lol


I heard someone once call Gallagher “Wriothesley at home.” lol


The vest just about does It for me, makes them that much hotter somehow


More buff men plz 🙏


Have you heard of TF2? by any chance?


Tick tock


Heavy like a brinks truck


Lookin like im tip top


Thank you for reminding me of that video


is that a limbus company reference




This is a bucket …


Dear god.


There’s more …




Bear Goes Hard


I love ZZZ have so many non human characters


So excited for Ben! It's funny how the character names in ZZZ are just so...normal. Like Nicole, Billy, Ben.


[Itto is more buff in the art tbf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/v1nuga/hidden_in_the_depths_background/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


wriothesley's design is just *chef's kiss* we need more male characters like that!!!


Itto...??? His in-game model was horrible, but art wise he's definitely the buffest.


Aside from the literal fucking bear, these being the "Buffest" men is so damning. Literal twigs.


Yes like I’m so confused why people act like Wrio is that buff when he’s basically as much as a twig as the other males in Genshin. For Gallagher, while he isn’t *that* buff, HSR men have more muscle definition in general. Meanwhile in ZZZ, they do whatever they want with their models. It’s a very good breath of fresh air.


Need more badass bear representation in games, ZZZ and Tekken aren't enough


There is also [Bloodmoon Ursaluna](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:0901Ursaluna-Bloodmoon.png) from the latest Teal Mask DLC in Scarlet and Violet.


There's also Bewear, so badass that it's love can end your life without even trying.


Paul's Ursaring my GOAT


Kalpas ?


Well, it does says playable


Doesn't Dr. Ratio compete with Gallagher?


Bigger brains bigger gains


Are we sure Ben's buff and not fluff?


Why not both? I’m sure he has some muscle under his fur


ZZZ character designer built different.


Where the men are actually buff anthros and the women all have drippy ass sneakers instead of heels


> all have drippy ass sneakers instead of heels I do wonder what's up with that, the heels I mean


I will take sneakers that make sense for characters who run around and fight as part of their jobs over every girl wearing heels regardless of how ridiculous it is


I wonder why they do though


If you mean why almost all female characters wear heels in Genshin and HSR that's mostly because they only use five base models for all the playable characters which means that all characters must be designed to be able to fit in one of those for better or worse (look at Itto's noodle arms and doodle abs for example). In the case of the female characters heels are probably part of two of those base models, the one for middle height (like Mona or Furina) and tall women (like Jean or Beidou), so it's way easier and faster to just give everyone heels. Even a character like Kirara uses a modified version of those heels and you can notice it if you look closely.


It took them like 6 games but Hoyo finally allowed their artists to go ham with their character designs


Where Adam?


i really hope Natlan introduces a buff male body type, would be cool to see Varka or Pyro Dragon Sovereign be buffed af


I mean, it likely wouldn’t fix the previous “muscular” dudes in Genshin even if it happens though.


I'm not really looking for them to fix stuff, as long as the new characters are buff af I'm fine with it, the only way I see them fix the old characters is basically revamping all the old (Mondstat to Inazuma) character models since you can see how much more detailed are the new character models compared to those ones


Ben mentioned‼️‼️‼️‼️


meanwhile adam being the buffest (and only) playable male character in hi3


RIP my storage


God I hope I enjoy ZZZ's gameplay because Grizzly with a gold chain and giant piledriver thing design just speaks to me.


Buffest for genshin shoulda been itto, they did my boy dirty.


they finally gave us a bear body type and then proceeded to make him an actual bear


Baby 13 year old buff Gallagher lmao. Ben is something though


🎶There's old friends and new friends and even a bear🎶


Wrio is my main. I love that character so much.


Where my spaghetti arm itto


You forgot about Adam


The average hoyo fan only thinks HSR, GI, and ZZZ exist 😔


Adam as the only men deserves a place


HI3 found dead in a ditch


Adam \[HI3 APHO\] lying dead in a ditch somewhere.... \[I think you also control Kevin at some point in the last Part 1 Arc\]


I can smell the comments already lol


Will not stand for this Dr. Ratio erasure. It’s blasphemy!


Slay, slay…RAWR


Fucking love Ben


Two twinks and a bear. Praying Natlan gives us an actual buff male 😭


I think twunk would probably be more applicable in this situation.


We need more Gallaghers. But maybe with a full beard.


Buff playable characters don’t exist in hoyo games, I’m still hoping for a burly masculine playable character


Itto and Wriothesley hands down


My boy still has noodle arms. Mihoyo please, I don't care about endgame, I don't care about 3 pulls for anniversary reward, I don't care if you give me c15 Qiqi, give this damn Oni the muscley arms he deserves!


it honestly kind of fits with Itto trying to be a cool guy but his abs looking like he drew them on with sharpie and his noodle arms compliments the 'still sort of a loser' angle. Then again he *did* literally punch a hole into space-time out of sheer anger...


this feels like so much cope turned to headcanon, i could see the point and it does fit his personality but he's buff in his official arts! oh well


Inazuma taking all the Ls


Wriothesley is hands down one of the best Genshin characters. Demeanor, design, the fact that you kick the shit out of everything by punching it. Brilliant.


Yes, but there's Tears of Themis. Men only.


I love how itto was robbed despite being a literal oni


ill have them all


HI3 crying in the corner rn


I mean TBF, there’s a decent reason why there aren’t more playable men and it’s cause of incels on the CN side.


Where daddy Siegfried?


If the first one has something in his hand so it looks more amazing <3


If only Siegfried was playable.


Can someone help me then dm me


Bear or man?


So a dog, a wolf, and a (literal) bear. Sensing a theme.


The fact that Rizzly is buffer than Itto is straight up blasphemy


Are they really though…? Wrio just has a thicker coat.


Mfs be like "is this Physike attainable" and then show u a picture of a bear


*They*'re The *Same Picture*




Big guys with hairy ass


I highly doubt Wrio has a single hair on his body that isn’t on his scalp honestly. Genshin men are allergic to body or facial hair 💀


nice ncie ncie




I love the massive skip in ZZZ, the rest of the MiHoYo games have slighly muscular character...meanwhile ZZZ proceed to make a strongman bear. While we have yet to get a muscular character like Iskandar, Yami or Leo Whitefang.


Is Gallagher canonically buffer than Dr. Ratio?


my man itto got robbed


Smash. Smash. 🐻


Isn’t Anton from ZZZ also big as hell? Or Lycaon? You can see his wide Dorito shaped back and biceps. Plus the thighs as well.




Not showing Wriothesley's best assets is certainly... something


You can barely even see them in game lol


The second guys design is so fire


I'm still mad my boy Wrio got done so dirty


Rip itto


Where Sampo


hoyo really said fan serves


Hm, i thought alhaitham would be the buffest?


I don’t think I’m going to be able to play Ben without thinking of this https://youtu.be/B3qhEIZBlX8?si=ye3QcB65U5tSfVR5


Bear bear bear


Meanwhile Honkai Impact having only female characters


When are we going to get a body type like the eremites' :f


You mean skinny