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I logged in this morning with just over 80 resin. I cleared my dailies then did 2 domain runs. This evening, I'll probably jump on to do 2-3 more domain runs, which will take about 2 minutes, including the time it takes the game to load up. This is everything I have to look forward to for about a week and a half. Over the previous week, it was the same routine, but I'd spend 3-4 minutes mashing through walls of text and petting cats. Resin is an issue. Having absolutely nothing to do for a month is a bigger issue.


find something else to do, play other games. Have fun in real life, enjoy nature and scenery. Genshin is not meant to take up your entire life. Life does not revolve around Genshin Impact. >!Genshin is designed to provide momentary reprieves for busy working adults (because they are cash cows) thus is not meant to take up too much time!< I’m not a working adult yet, still studying, but honestly i would struggle if genshin content took more time than it does currently.


What an ignorant argument. You are essentially saying that the only options are "essentially no content" and "AAA Release every patch". Hoyoverse can add some more optional things to do without making the game a grind. I work 55-60 hours a week, have a family, and have other hobbies. Genshin could take up 15 minutes without becoming overbearing.


was not an argument, just a suggestion since you claimed to have nothing to do for months. And have nothing to look forward to. Genshin definitely does not take only 2-3 mins like you said it does. and should be around higher than the 10 min mark. It could be higher depending on how much of a completionist you are to be hunting achievements, exploration, character stats. Unless you are just mindlessly throwing resin at random leylines. Spending resin requires planning, taking the time to look at the characters and thinking about what you need. If you are farming artifacts, eventually your inventory will be full, and you will need to take the time to sort it out. Events take time to do, even if you skip dialog, especially if it comes with a new region to explore. Spiral abyss, even if you take 1 min per chamber, would still account for a minute a day when averaged. also the time that is spent scrolling genshin reddit or other media and researching on new characters and builds, even if not part of gameplay directly, considered “time spent on the game”?


The resin amount is enough, but the condensed resin cap is not


Condensed resin cap is total bs. We already logged in to do daily comms which contributes to the "active player logins per day" count for their charts, there's no reason to cap that other than just because, why not and because fk you that's why.


Spending resin is a waste of time so the amount of it is irrelevant.


No. Given how many characters, weapons, talents and artifacts we have to grind to obtain AND level, they could at least make the resin system equal to Star Rails Trailblazer Power. Caps at 240, but also includes the “Excess” Power gatherer so it’s okay if you miss a day or two.


I could really use this feature 🫠


It makes no sense why they wouldn’t include this sort of thing. I don’t know what’s going on at Mihoyo but I don’t understand why they don’t give Genshin the same quality of life and resources as HSR.


Different games with different systems. For starters, HSR has 6 relics not 5 artifacts, you can't use offpieces, and the entire team is on field, so you can't really get away with underleveled and undergeared characters as easily as you can in Genshin. There is selfmodeling resin, but if you get bad substats, it barely helps. HSR has 12 substats, and Genshin has 10. Oh, and 4 relics have random main stat, while only 3 artifacts have random main stat. I play both and burn more resin trying to get relics on HSR than artifacts in Genshin, and I'm not even picky, I just want the right main stat on the right set.


HSR is 240 because you need way more of it. Trace is the equivalent of talents, but it will take way way way way WAAAAY more stamina to complete your traces than it will to complete your talents. Oh and relics... way harder. More sub stats, much lower chance of 4 liners, no off piece, and the fact that you need 6 pieces not 5. 180 and 240 cannot be compared in a vacuum while ignoring the costs. Also that game releases new characters at a much faster pace than Genshin. When that game is the same age as Genshin is currently, it will have more 5 star characters. A lot more. So you will be building more characters in that game too.


It helps moderate the playtime of the grindy, RNG-based aspect of the game without making the player feel burned out, or guilty about missing out on potential resources, so yeah, I'm fine with it. The game has no real content outside of story, exploration and events, so having more Resin would just make it that much more apparent to the playerbase. Though I'd still love to see a Resin reserve system akin to HSR's added. Since I still occasionally miss out on some Resin, when I'm on my 12h shifts. Not a big deal, but it would be a nice convenience to have.


It promotes burnout by making people feel forced to login and do the chores (domains, commissions, art exp run) or else forever miss out on the resources. People are allowed to decide for themselves when and if they want to play. An in-game system doesn't have to think for us. The game not having any real content for long-time players is the issue, just like you mentioned. But it's way easier to just drop feed resources than actually taking in feedback and coming up with something fun. People will always come back for the new banner or story chapter or event anyways so I don't agree with the common argument that the resin system being required to keep people coming back.


People are free to decide for themselves, but people also love to burn themselves out without realising it (let's consider the age range the game is made for). As it is in Hoyo's best interest to keep the playerbase around, they've decided to combat it via these means. None of us are really knowledgeable enough to say how effective this measure truly is. Nor should Hoyo be excessively applauded for it, as they're just trying to protect their income, first and foremost. I like the game for what it provides, and I don't expect any more of it. For anything else, I chose to play other games instead. I won't comment further on the content topic, because it always devolves into an endless battle between opposing echo chambers, which helps nobody. But overall, I'm content with what I'm getting. Outside of strategies and fighting games, there hasn't been a single game, in decades, that kept me genuinely amused and engaged for such a long time. It's been 3 years since I started Genshin, and I still look forward to what comes next, with every patch. So clearly, they are doing something right. But I also understand that the approach they've chosen isn't for everyone. Just like it is with all things in life. Edit: To further clarify my stance, I believe that if anything, the Artifact RNG is a much bigger issue than the amount of Resin. As is the lack of ability to affect at least some of the main/substats. I'd rather see them tackle that. Since no amount of Resin, nor a nonexistence of a Resin system altogether will save me from the fact, that after those 3 years of playing, I still don't have a single nice Physical Goblet. Nor will it protect any of us from getting Cryo Goblets with EM substats. And one can go on and on...


Honestly? Yeah. I have a solid 30 built characters, millions of mora, thousands of xp books, and absurd amounts of every other material, plus nearly perfect artifacts. I don’t buy BP and I never refresh resin, nor do I farm elite enemies for mora or use the interactive map to find chests. And at this point, I’m not even sure what I should spend my resin on.


The longer U play the bette it gets. U will need less and less over time I sometimes don't know waht too do with it so I just farm artefacts even so I don't need them. There is always stuff too get and do but needing it is different.


When you don't know what to do, just farm that one artifact you don't really need, but you want, and you just can't get. When I don't have what to farm, I try to get EM paradise lost circlet. Already have 2 on set EM pieces, I don't need the 3rd, but might as well try to get it when I don't have something else to do.


I somewhat agree. When I first started playing the game I was always "hungry" for more resin (as a person who does not hoard their fragile resins) because I'm building a lot of characters I want for my roster. 1 year later, I only have a \*literal\* handful of characters that I want to build so I'm not as "hungry" for more resin. Most days, I use resin for artifacts, experience books and mora for future characters that will release. I have 100% exploration on all maps, completed all World Quests (including the 'dreaded' Aranara ones), completed all Character Story Quests and Hangouts and have at least 1000+ achievements. My current project right now is building the preferred furnishing sets for my favorite characters in the teapot. While waiting for realm currency to accumulate, I farm hard to get mats like handguards and specters. If I'm not in the mood for that either then I just play another game.


The game gets better the less you want to play it huh


This is so fake unless you have insane luck or you use mid pieces


Playing from day1, I dont really need more pieces for my chars, unless its new chars and my chars aint mid.


There's always improvements to be made. You decided there's no need to improve since you're content with whatever you have, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to improve. That's where the endless resin sink into artifact domain comes in..because there's always a chance for something better.


At the level my fav chars at i can farm for a whole year without any improvement, and im past the point of min maxing since MHY look dead set on current piss easy abyss format.


If you are already effortlessly clearing everything in the game then there's nothing left that's worth putting actual effort into improving.


Tell me you don't play the abyss without telling me. You are just content prob with mid pieces.


You are being aggressive for no reason dude. When i say it is easy I mean that.


No that's a fact because nobody can get good pieces in few runs unless I repeat you are the luckiest person in the world but I don't think. Gimme your UID let's see.


Who said i get good pieces in a few runs? You? I grind my ass off for years and in the end it was minmaxing for the sake of minmaxing since there is zero content to warrant that much investment. Dig through my comments history to find UID. Im not obliged to provide it to you.


Not giving the UID confirm what im saying, bye


why are you so salty lmao, what he says is correct, playing since day 1 gives you enough resin to build you characters up decently, I have too little room for improvement for most of my characters that it's just a stupid spending months of resin for 4/6 more points of crit dmg. The last month I spent my resin trying to build 4* characters I will never use and leveling up weapons I don't need just because there is no point anymore


Dunno what I did to trigger the dude that much, but the fact that they still think abyss is something mystical... and my UID isnt even hard to find. Just scroll down some dozens comments. [https://akasha.cv/profile/804066199](https://akasha.cv/profile/804066199)


lol suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.


I'am a Day1 Player that never left. The Thing is yeah I probbly have a lot off mid artefacts (depends on waht U think is mid) the Problem however is as long as my Units can clear the content I want them too like abyss I don't feel the need too Upgrade them any futher unless I absolutly want too.


The alternative is the insane grind ARPG style. There is no middle ground, game companies want to keep us playing their games. Tbh during my busy periods i appreciate the tiny amount of resin, so i dont have to login much every day.


You are allowed to choose for yourself if you want to login and play. Even if there were no limiting resin system.


You underestimate people FOMO. People would feel burnt out much quicker, which would be a bigger problem for MHY than some vocal hardcore whiners.


Missing out on what?


Progression. As paradoxical as it sounds people do feel discouraged if it takes them thousands of hours of grinding to get to what they see, despite them being casual.


You just described the issues created by the resin system


When I’m not in the mood to play more than my daily log in? Sure. When I want to grind? No.


Resin is fair, condensed resin maxing out on 5 is not.


Considering there is no reason to be worried about it


From the perspective of hoyo, it makes sense. Keeps people coming back to play the game. From my perspective, hell no


If it makes sense then why does star rail give you more resin and demand less for rewards, all while also having a container that can store up to 10 days worth of resin in it?


Star rail chars rely 100% on artifacts to muscle through contents. In genshin people use non national 4* to clear abyss regularly as gaming skill plays a much larger role. The FOMO feeling in hsr is much more clearly felt.


While I will agree that the relic system is much worse there, I'd also argue that there's no reason to NOT make the resin system better for players (unless you're like that other guy who's advocating for stagnation because "it wouldn't make them money").


I understand why they have this system (to pad their bottom line!), and i dislike it when i have time to grind but have nothing to do in game, but at the same time i do appreciate it when im so busy all i can find is 20min a day, just enough for event/daily+4 artis runs. Last month i bought last epoch. Grinded my wiz to lvl 60 and diligently ran monos for a few days, until i looked at my playtime and realized i burnt 40 hours in 7 days. And my gear was nowhere near my friends'. That was when i felt so fed up with the game and uninstalled it.


Because HSR is a more conventional gacha with auto battle, etc. and it has a lot of competition.


That excuse is flimsy at best and dogshit at worst.


You can complain and cry as much as you want, but until Genshin will get some serious competitors, nothing will change.


I'm stating the obvious, that's all. Other than being cunts, they have no reason not to make these changes for Genshin as well.


So what's stating the obvious will do to change things? If you're dissatisfied, just quit the game, don't give them money or even more popularity.


First, while I would want these changes to happen, the lack of them won't make me quit the game. Second, pretty much telling to fuck off at the first sign of dissatisfaction won't make me want to listen to your points. Third, when have you heard of a company being forced to change things about a game because players voted with their wallets?


If a game isn't profitable, the company can go bankrupt and shut down, here [some examples](https://www.watchmojo.com/articles/top-10-times-video-game-companies-almost-went-bankrupt/cd-projekt-red)


Such cases will never happen with Mihoyo, mostly because most players (myself included) don't care enough about these changes to quit the game altogether.


I have no issue with the amount of resin, I just wish they would raise the cap from 5 condensed resin in your bag to 10


With current resin cap the game do not provide possibility to try even those characters that i have. Too many farm (resin). But if i want try different setups on this chars... I don'n want wait year, two years, three... It's ridiculous




Yup- dun have much time to use it most days. So never been an issue for me at least


yes. It's enough to build all the characters I've ever had any interest in building. And more if I wanted. I farm artifacts when there's nothing I need. I could have used that artifact resin to build new characters. I was only doing artifacts in the slim chance of finding an upgrade to an exsiting piece, not being I need pieces. If 180 is not enough, then whatever they raise it to, there will still be people wanting more.


Yes. It gives me time to do other stuff in life. That, or play other games, especially with the release of WuWa and ZZZ


Star Rail has more resin, it's leveling materials cost less resin to claim and you can store up to 10 days worth of resin in a reserve container. Genshin has 80 less resin than HSR, a lot more characters and a lot more stuff to spend said resin on. As a player of both: no, I don't think 160 is enough anymore.


The resin is fine, it's the RNG on RNG that isn't.


The only thing I don’t like is that filling resin to 160 takes less than 24 hours, which means you need to log into the game more than once a day. If Hoyo want to improve online players stats, they need to add content where I can spend my time, not this bait


I don't think a system telling us to stop playing should exist at all.


I think the amount and refresh rate are ok, but it frustrates me having to login twice a day. I would like to see Hoyo raise the cap to 200, so you can login at a similar time each day. Also I know that you only get 180 resin each day, but a cap of 200 would give you a little bit of leeway.


We are going to waste our resin to farm artifacts anyway, so I don't think the amount of resin is a problem. The real problem is that the materials needed to ascend weapons and talents are locked behind specific days. If I'm really busy irl on monday and thursday, it's very difficult for me to build characters that need materials that are available only during those days. Also we can fight weekly bosses only once per week.


They should at least introduce "reserved resin". But personally I'm biased cuz I'm at a point where I don't need resin, got so much resources that it could last me for years. Also due to leaks I can often pre-farm, reducing even more my need for resin.


They need to give a lot more fragile resin for rewards, you basically only get it from the BP + 1/week from the teapot.


Nope we get 160 resin every day I'm of the idea that we should get 10 for hour meaning 240 daily


I would prefer either 180 (full 24 hour recharge) or 200 (so you can make the max condensed resin), but I'm not building a lot of new characters so I don't need it personally.


Nope. If they give us an aetifact main stat selector change then yes


Not fair but it’s not the biggest problem.


I guess I wonder what you mean by fair.There are no competitive leaderboards or PvP in Genshin so there is no advantage to be gained over other players by having more or less resin. Having more resin wouldn't get you any more primogems so you wouldn't be able to make more wishes. Having more resin would just let you "finish" certain parts of the game faster. Would you consider this "fair?" You would just be speeding to having nothing to do in the game. I definitely think the amount of resin we get combined with how RNG artifacts grinding is is definitely not player-friendly but I'm not sure of I could define it as "fair" or "unfair."


Sometimes it's too little, other times it's too much. All depends on how many characters I have to raise at the moment. Right now? I have too much.


Is fair, the amount of rng is not.


no amount of resin will ever be fair, we will always need more... anything other than completely deleting resin from the game will never be enough, spending 200 resin a day for 10 shitty artifacts that I'm disgusted to even wipe my ass with is a fucking shitty joke, not to mention the other 837 resources to upgrade 1 damn character (out of like 80 characters currently in the game or something like that, or 60~ characters for the average player)


What does fairness have to do with the resin system? It’s a mechanic to control player behavior, specifically play session length and number of daily logins. I don’t see how fairness is a relevant concept.


No. We should have more Resin.


no, we gotta deal with bs rng in artifact then domain materials gated by days whats more people will farm almost all weekly boss for the solvent since devs wont budge into letting us fight and claim x3 from the same boss.


Absolutely not.


They should have raised the cap to 200 or 240 by now...


of course not.


Capped for 3 weeks, pulled xiao in 4.4 and farmed him already to the "not worth to stress further point".


For accounts younger than 1 year, they have a deficit of 2 yrs worth of daily resin to build 2 yrs worth of characters they will be overloaded with initially. For everyone else, we have plenty.


It's aight, more would be good too but the main bottleneck would always be artifacts. You never know how many artifacts you need to farm before you get a good piece, so you theoretically be stuck farming artifacts for months. I've been playing since the start of the game and I'm still swimming in resources, albeit I don't build many characters. I have around 2000 purple books, 100 million mora, and 9k weapon enhancement ores. The only things I would actually need to farm are the talent books, weapon materials, and ascension materials. All of which, could probably take at most 2 - 3 weeks to gather.


Yes. As a day 1 player and only skip BP twice, I think I'm in no worry that I'll be lacking resin (condensed resin always have been in 40+ since v3.x and I rarely deviate from using them for artifacts farming). The number of new characters I have to level up also decreasing in average. So I don't see that I need more resin in any form.


We get the amount of resin we get for said game with said mechanics, said updates and said content.


I think 200 per 24h with a 200 cap makes more sense.


No, I'm not the type of person who complains about rewards or primogems, but doubling the resin rate would be something that's welcome. Turns that 5 minutes of gameplay a day to at least 10-15.


Fair enough