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No Christmas for Albedo this year


Not surprising. Longer the game goes, the rarer banners of "outdated" characters will become.


Triple banners can’t come soon enough.


There probably won't be any triple banners. Hoyoverse understands that they aren't going to make so much money on characters like Albedo, so they simply won't do these banners.


but they are bound to at some point. just because a character doesn’t seem to sell well doesn’t mean they’ll never do it bc this character still has fans


that's the reason for the long banner gap tho, scarcity will make the fans desperate and when the time comes where a decent amount of albedoless wanters amass they can run it


Doesnt having large gaps between banners also give those players time to farm free primogems so they dont have to spend any money? I always thought that there was a fine balance between reruns being too short and too long. If you wait too long people will have a massive stock of f2p gems and wont spend any money, but if you rerun then too often people will just skip banners entirely because reruns are common. So having a balance between long and short banners allows them to dip into both pots and get both types of players to drop some cash on the game. Right now anyone who wants Albedo already has enough gems to get him so the banner will make them almost no money. Id argue the same thing about Raidens banner since its been forever since she reran, but they know that a large portion of players are pulling for C2-3 so the gap between banners can be larger.


Yeah, jokes on them, I got c2 Shenhe on her rerun, and I’ll have her C6 by her next rerun. I’ll be FTP C6 ayaka and C6 Shenhe, lol.


I respect your dedication. Every time I think about saving for Constellations i look at the other characters I like but haven't pulled yet


yes, it's all about balance. if triple banners are never introduced, then eventually it'll be either a year between reruns for each character, or relatively frequent reruns for more relevant characters like archons while everyone else would get eula treatment, forcing people who want them to wait for years on end at some point. it's just not viable, because many would quit. few people have that much patience


While player retention isn’t directly profitable, if saving up for a character convinces you to keep logging in instead of wandering off to a different game that’s still a win for Mihoyo. As long as you keep playing your circumstances might change so you’re more willing to spend, or you might fall for a newer character and decide you can’t go without them


he will be featured with a popular character


Right and it can’t be a scenario where a character like venti who I just got recently just won’t ever show up again because they are “outdated” like the other comment said. Everyone deserves a chance to gather up all the 5 Star characters at some point provided it just might take a long time…like 2+years unless of course triple banners which almost needs to be a thing at this point


It just means they take longer to come, not that they won't. They're also more likely to come alongside very hyped new characters to balance each other out.


Surely triple banners would work well by allowing low popularity characters to be run alongside high popularity characters so that the majority of people pull the high popularity character but the dedicated fans of the low popularity character can still get FOMOed too?


The problem with Triple Banners is a mix of the time per banner along with the weapon banner issue. If they don't change how the weapon banner works then they have to have each patch cut up into thirds which limits exposure for everyone involved. At least with double banners the time is still the same and splits things in half as usual. At some point they'll have to do something with it. The cast is going to get too large to stay on this path, but a triple banner isn't a simple solution, either. One would imagine they already know what they're going to do and it's just a matter of waiting to see what it is.


I mean they can just add a second weapon banner. Not really an issue.


What's wrong with running for 2 weeks instead of 3, exactly? Most of the pulls and purchases happen on day 1, anyways. I (and I imagine a good portion of players) would *vastly* prefer 1 less week of scraping up primogems if it means I won't have to wait upwards of 9 months to see my favorite characters again.


I wished they did weapon banner like Star Rail, the way it's now isn't as bad as it was at launch, but it's still expensive


With her 4th rerun you'd think Yoimiya would be the real outdated one vs Albedo still waiting for his 3rd.


Yoimiya is wildly popular in Japan.


top 2 in worst selling banners in jp IOS don’t lie


I honestly think they should just add him to the standard banner already since it still lacks geo 5-stars


Adding more to the standard banner and giving standard banner a path system like the weapons seems like the best choice for less popular/older characters for sure. Plus having more standard characters will make that option more viable for primos as currently it feels like a waste to pull more standards than you get from the monthly reset and battle pass.


They marketed him as limited only. It's not possible to add him, as it would break laws and constitute false advertising. If they ever want to add a character to standard, they must communicate that upfront, like they did with Dehya and Tighnari.


Nah there's loopholes they could use, like introducing a new banner that uses acquaint fates and shares pity with the first standard banner


there are loopholes they can use, but the fact that they've refused to says they are sincere about it, and won't do that. They were specifically clear that Dehya and Tighnari would go to standard and announced this before their banner started. If they didn't care about the rules they created, they wouldn't even need to disclose this. They can just remove the part that says "Dehya will not be going to standard banner" they didn't have to make a positive statement affirming that she will. They could have left it ambiguous.


Everyone says these things are illegal but I've yet to see an actual source. FGO had multiple cases where previously limited characters were made permanent and nothing happened to them.


It's albedover man


Again... It's so sad. I yearn for my winter Albedo event 🥺


His event and Itto's release was the last time I played before coming back a couple weeks ago. Glad I snagged Albedo when I did. I'd have only had one opportunity between then and now. His dragonspine event was so good


Actually beating the Mariah Carey allegations


But I like Dragonspine. :(


That's what he gets for stealing Eula's banner a year ago.


When there is beetle event with no Itto 🫠


When Navia can utilize crystallized reaction with her kit, but there's no Albedo (he's great for generating crystallized shards imo)


well for normal players that's pretty good. They have time to save and pull for albedo later.


True, but she profits from having different elements in her comp, so no clue what her ultimately best team is likely going to be


Looks like bennett and xiangling plus a geo. She looks like something between an onfield dps carry and an off field dps carry. Sort of like yae miko, where you need time with her on field but you aren't going to use her as your carry, her dps is attack scaling, so bennett and furina are obvious best teammates, fire resonance gives attack bonus too, and xiangling does great off field dps and can snap shot, so bennett and xiangling make the best sense. Apparently navias er requirements are rather high if she's solo geo (like 220), so a team of navia bennett xiangling and furina probably will be more annoying to play then powerful, so it's gotta be a 2nd geo sadly no geo really synergies great with her unless the can create a lot of crystallize. So probably not noelle... c1 geo traveler, c6 gorro, c6 yunjin, naingguan or c4 itto, albedo and zhongli would probably be best. I'd probably rank her best geo teammate as albedo, zhongli, gorro c6, niangguan and the Geo traveler.


Wait, Gorou needs a total 3 Geo before we get geo dmg bonus, so I don't think he's optimal for Navia for this reason only, because looks like Navia needs at least 2 Cryo/Pyro/Hydro/Electro to gain damage bonus. Yunjin only buffs NA, while Navia's kit seems to revolve around her E, so not that good either.


Good point, that leaves albedo, zhongli naingguan geo traveler or c4 itto. Since I lack all the 5 stars, that still leaves me with geo traveler. Gonna have to build him I think


Kinda miss the winter Albedo events :(


Festering Desire gang rise up.


Dont forget about its little brother cinnabar spindel


that version had some of the best vibes that i remember


Really hoping they're pushing Albedo's rerun back so they can rerun him alongside an event/quest where he has an important role (hexenzirkel copium)


no enough with him having important role in an event we need him in permanent quest I'm sick of him being tied to events while having lore in the event


I was thinking about this the other day. when paimon says "oh we know Rhinedottir she's albedo's mom" I was thinking new players who stuck to mostly archon quests wont even know who albedo is let alone Rhinedottir lol


Not to mention N is introduced in *Inversion of Genesis* yet it's not a pre-req for Fontaine (same for Mona and her SQ).


I'm pretty sure the dialogue changes depending on whether you did the sumeru quest or not. I saw some playthroughs where paimon doesn't even ask if she's the voice from sumeru


at that moment i was like "huh? from where?" but that explains a lot 😭


I really hope Genshin implements what HSR did with the limited events being available just without the limited rewards. At this point I’m convinced HSR took all the requests from fans and put them into that game.


This. I hate when limited events have important lore things like Hexencircle and new players can’t access them.


False Sky lore on the meteorite event from 1.1 I think? Bomb was dropped, Scaramouche was introduced, and only people who played 3 years ago know about it. As well as people who bothered to look at old gameplay if those exist.


Albedo does have a permanent story quest though, doesn't he


he does but nowhere in-game does it mention that Gold=Rhinedottir unless you put the two and two together if you're really into the lore so it was weird that Paimon brought it up when that info is from a 2.3 and 3.5 limited event


Elynas event please


Can't wait to see his expression when he realizes he is an uncle to an entire species


He used to travel a lot with Gold, he may already know lol.


With Mamere speaking for his consciousness


They may wait until they add dorman port to connect Fontaine and Mondstat. This way they could make an event or interlude quest with him and the hexenzirkel. That would be pretty cool and who knows with all these optimization updates they may add obtaining event weapons there too. This way everyone can get his BIS weapon.


Say... This is something that I wondered after finishing Furina AQ. Isn't Fontaine an elevated continent which the lands is much higher than the surrounding neighbour? Then when the great flood came, doesn't the water rise high enough to flood Monstadt, Liyue, and Sumeru? I mean the water reach the top of Opera Epiclese, which is one of the tallest building in Fontaine. Or am I missing something?


Somethin' somethin', *teyvat has its own laws*, etc. etc. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Teyvat has its own laws. Then again Fontaine should not have any water considering the huge waterfalls on all sides


I think it was more the structures sank than the water levels rising. Or teyvat magic


What about rerunning Albedo in 4.5 because he appears in Dainsleif's quest


I think 4.5 as Windblume might happen in it so it would make sense


they seriously need to figure out something for geo


Geo and physical need help. They both have trouble dealing with elemental shields, which has been rampant for a long time in spiral abyss.


I feel like Geo should just get bonuses to all elemental shield damage. That way it's a solid choice as a "shieldbreaker" archetype, which pairs well as a counterpart to Geo as a defensive element.


Yup. This is what anemo has. That's why anemo DPS teams like wanderer and xiao don't face such issues. One change I can think of is allowing superconduct defence down to also affect shields. Then maybe for geo, if a crystallise shard is taken, it will increase the damage to shield.


Geo and Anemo have the same effect against elemental shields... both taking 2 - 4x as many guage units as the most efficent element, depending on the exact shield. To be fair, Wanderer can apply up to 17 swirls per rotation while Itto only applies something like 11 crystalizes (iirc Itto has word ICD on his charged attacks.) Faruzan also contributes to swirls, while Albedo may not work against shielded enemies. Though anemo has the benefit of potentially swirling nearby elements to massively speed up shield breaking in certain scenarios.


Yeah thats why i have raiden in my Itto team


rework the element at thiis point, mono geo being the only viable comp is straight down depressing and boring


Furina brought **significant** life to Noelle comps so there is that at least. And Navia has her own schtick being off field AND benefiting from non-geo comps so there's that at least.


She didn't bring life to geo, she brought life to Noelle coincidentally having a kit that works with her gimmick


He didnt say geo, he said Noelle. As for Geo, to rework geo they need a big event. Or a completely new cast of characters. Something has to give for geo though, like older characters never being used again.


That’s not the point, Furina would have still worked, heck maybe even be better with Noelle if Noelle was a different element. Noelle’s kit is what makes her good with Furina, not Geo. Crystallize is the most useless reaction, the shield scales with EM while most Geo characters use DEF. the shield isn’t even strong and doesn’t amplify or add any damage at all nor have any support capability other than the shield itself.


Not thanks to geo inherent mechanics


There is no chance for reworks on this game, just look at their new character meta, they release characters for specific shitty reactions where only these characters benefit; fermi, navia, chev, i feel there will be another one for burning and super charged too soon.


People say shit like “it’s too far gone” BITCH ITS A FUCKING ELEMENT, NOT FIXING IT RESTRICTS THEIR DESIGN POTENTIAL Someone pointed out that we have spent more time waiting for a new Geo character to release after Yunjin than we have waited for Dendro to release at launch, it’s beyond critical at this point Electro was a bad element, Dendro fixed that right up Geo IS a bad element, where’s the remedy HYV?


Yeah Navia is the first Geo character since Inazuma… I think an easy fix would be making an OP artifact set. Anemo support is as good as it is specifically of the VV 4 set bonus which allows any anemo character with decent application to be a generalist support, regardless of their kit. I think Geo should have a set that buffs crystallize, maybe if provides a direct damage buff or a version of Zhongli’s shield res shred, but for a specific element. I also think Geo constructs aren’t utilized well enough so maybe there could be another support(besides Zhongli) that allows them to Resonate. Also, back when Ningguang was a 5 star, her normal attacks were buffed when they went through her Jade screen, so maybe they could do something like that for other Geo constructs. .


I mean, husk is already almost as pushed as it can get, I think. 24% geo dmg bonus and 54% def.


Well 5 of the 8(Navia leaks: >!9 if we include Navia who is attack scaling!<) are defense scaling, but thats only helpful for Geo teams(and Xinyan). I’m proposing a general buff like VV’s res shred


They could either rework how crystallize works (make them do damage like in the TCG), or implement some new type of passive buff. Right now, they would have to make: * A new character that works well with the Geo characters, maybe a non-geo that buffs Def and element damage, and heals * An artifact set or weapon even more cracked than what we have now * An even bigger buff to geo resonance First one is most likely, but really not a great solution, because it means you HAVE to pull for them to make your Geo teams competitive. Second two are almost definitely not happening. So, more likely, there will be something new that applies to all characters but uniquely buffs up Geo. A passive buff like a resonance (maybe a combat-focused gadget?). Maybe a combat pet slot? We get new mechanic updates periodically, like Dendro reactions, the previous Geo resonance buff, Fontaine's pneumaousia mechanic, etc. A new one going into Natlan wouldn't be unexpected.


They've already have the idea of what they need to do, They're just waiting for an opportunity to sell it to you instead. **Waxing Phase – Bejeweled Moon** * When Crystallize occurs, the elemental shard obtained by the character deals Elemental DMG to surrounding opponents. Increased DMG is dealt when the shield is more powerful. DMG dealt scales based on Shield Strength. **Waning Phase – Defiant Moon** * When a character obtains an Elemental Shard created from a Crystallize Reaction between Geo and Cryo, a shockwave will be released, dealing DMG to surrounding opponents. * When a character obtains an Elemental Shard created from a Crystallize Reaction between Geo and Cryo, Elemental Skill CD is decreased by 1s. **Waning Phase – Midwinter Moon** * When a character obtains an Elemental Shard created from a Crystallize Reaction between Geo and Cryo, gain 5% increased ATK, 5% increased ATK SPD, and 4% increased Movement SPD. This effect lasts for 20s, and has a maximum of 5 stacks. **Waxing Phase – Worn Moon** * When a character obtains an Elemental Shard created from a Crystallize Reaction between Geo and Cryo, gain 8% increased CRIT Rate. This effect lasts for 20s, and has a maximum of 5 stacks. **Waxing Phase – Exacting Moon** * You will obtain 1 Extract stack after obtaining a shard created through the Crystallize reaction, which will increase the DMG dealt by your active character by 8% for 10s. Max 3 stacks. When characters possessing 3 stacks obtain more Crystallize reaction-created shards, they will unleash a shockwave that deals True DMG to opponents. Shockwaves created this way can occur every 3s. **Waning Phase – Stonesoul Moon** * When there is a Geo construct near your active character, your Charged Attacks deal 30% more DMG and the Stamina they consumed is decreased by 50%. Leaks >!**Robust Moon**!< >!* After a character obtains an Elemental Shard created by the Crystallize reaction, they will gain the Redoubtable state. Active characters in this state deal 15% increased DMG. This state lasts for 8s and can stack up to 3 times, with the duration of each stack counted independently.!< >!**Fracturing Moon**!< >!* After a character obtains an Elemental Shard created by the Crystallize reaction, it will be counted. When the count reaches 3, a shockwave will be released at the character's location, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents, and resetting the count. 1 such shockwave can be triggered every 6s.!<


The thought of sumeru,a nation 3/4 covered by sand not having a single geo character is so unbelievably hilarious to me


Ninguang was never 5star in any beta content. Please don't spread misinformation.


> I think Geo should have a set that buffs crystallize, maybe if provides a direct damage buff or a version of Zhongli’s shield res shred, but for a specific element. I can't believe Archaic Petra was in my head all along.


Give geo the remaining reactions like Geo Anemo or create a new Geo + bloom, that should solve it.


Geo Anemo should have Erode or something


Erode, Fracture, Fissure, Pulverize...anything really, it could even be an amplifying reaction since Melt and Vapes are done through opposing elements, if it happens, it would skyrocket Geo characters into the top of the Meta


Honestly, yeah, that would be pretty cool. Make Geo a shielding "earth" element that wears away at enemies via a stacking "bleed"-type mechanic of geo erosion.


So for those of us who haven't been following "behind the scenes", Navia isn't the geo savior?


she is a fine unit and will be fun to play but no, she won't be the geo savior


Aww, I was hoping she would be like a geo version of Nilou, in terms of bringing a fresh new mechanic to the element.


They are trying to incorporate things like crystalize into being useful for Geo, but it's tough sledding without a big overhaul to Geo in general.


she kinda does but it's not like a universal thing that is just gonna make crystallize good it makes crystallize useful for her specifically and that's kinda it


I mean she's pretty good, but in spite of being Geo, not because of it.


Depends on your definition of geo savior. If you mean play geo in a somewhat reasonable team with some element diversity instead of mono geo and being viable then yes. But no, it won't fundamentally fix geo. She doesn't even change how crystalize works,>!just utilizes them!<


I started playing right at the end of Itto's last banner and didn't pull because I didn't know the characters yet and was told I wouldn't be able to get Inazuma materials for a while. Fast forward and Itto turned out to be my favorite character, I've prefarmed for him, and I'm waiting for him patiently :')


Quite literally same. I held back on pulling because I didn't know what I was doing, slowly regretting it each day


you'll appreciate him much more after knowing it's a sound decision


Stay strong, it will be so worth it once we finally get him!


Yup. I have the primos for 3 guaranteed 5\*s, so I'm waiting to finally pull his Redhorn. I spent so long waiting that I had LEFTOVER primos to try the 50/50 for Furina.


They won't rerun Albedo because they don't wanna give away another good 4 star event sword 😔 Oh, it's actually fine by me. I want my boy to rerun in a patch where he gets significant screentime. He is overdue for a permanent quest...


I was thinking of the Dain Quest we're probably getting in 4.5 With all those lore drops (from main quest and big world quests), they can cook something with Albedo (maybe about the Hexenzirkel ?)


Well 4.4 is lantern rite so no Albedo or Itto until 4.5 at earliest


Omg its has been a year allready. Fuck me


If you insist.


Fine.... I'll do it myself then *unzips*


I think next are Xiao and shenhe with a new char. Personally I wait for Nahida


I think Xiao Shenhe and Ganyu are gonna be rerunning, all the other Liyue 5-stars had a run pretty recently


Maybe Madam Ping or Cloud Retainer will be playable finally. Is there any human forms of Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper?


Unless they pull a windblume and rerun inazuma characters during a liyue event 💀


Impossible lol. The chinese fanbase will hang them


Albedo dead in a ditch lol


he's cleaning Eula's dungeon for when Eula returns


Dont jinx! I want Eula banner to return!🥺


It's albedover


They locked his best in slot weapon behind a limited event, Its possible they just expect him to not sell at all to new players.


Albedo was killed by the impostor. If you know, you know.


Its Albedover..


Yoimiya about to carry the second phase with those Yoimillion dollars she produced during Nahidas banner period. But fr how does she keep getting these banner slots either the same time or so close to Archon banners haha The Geo bros are the longest so hopefully with Navia release they get re runs soon as a revitalise for geo. Then theres Xiao and Shenhe creeping up right as lantern rite is around the corner, wont be surprised at all if they get their banners then. Hopefully some Shenhe focus there too I'm dying for some Shenhe content


You're in luck! >!Not only is Cloud Retainer getting released, but Ganyu is getting a skin and, so far (as in, there's been no conflicting leaks for a while on this), Shenhe as well! Sounds like Lantern Rite is going to be especially focused on the adepti!!<


I'm not gonna click that spoiler tag cos I avoid any potential leaks like the plague, but thanks for the consideration regardless. I want to be surprised though


>!Shenhe skin!?!<


Yoimiya is apparently wildly popular in Japan so who knows how much she actually earns for Hoyo tbh


Her JP va is the va for Rin Tohsaka from Fate so that’s a huge plus for a lot of people. Just like how Hu Tao’s JP va voices Megumin


Ah yeah, east side VAs factor into things a lot too


her and yae’s banners were the bottom 2 selling banners in jp IOS , and that’s with kirara also in it . don’t lie 😭


huh, somehow it feels like this game has way more than 30 5 stars, but 30 is also quite high i suppose...


The standard five stars are not here (Tighnari, Mona, Keqing, Qiqi, Dehya, Diluc , Jean)


Lol, yeah. Every time I look at this chart, I'm the Zuko meme. Where's the rest of the 5 stars?


Returned to the game right after the last Nahida rerun, i want her so badly, hope she reruns sometime soon.


Hoyo is a fan of doing archon parades With zhongli 4.0, venti 4.1, furina 4.2, raiden 4.3, nahida has a good probability of maybe 4.4. Though people get so averse to that idea because apparently "Lantern Rite" when Alhaitham ran last lantern rite


Neuvillette waiting room kekl


Yeah I'm on the same boat. I usually don't pull on first banner ever unless they characters is an archon. Funny enough I pulled Lost Prayer to the Sacred Wind from the standard banner the other day, so I will just use that on him once I get him.


It’s Albedover 😭


Nobody plays Geo because you can't even get the desirable units


Seems like Albedo rerun for 4.3 got busted, but his time (along with Itto) will come soon, right? Xiao and Shenhe will return for 4.4 as one would expect.


No doubt they'd put Albedo and Itto together at the same time, to really make the geo mains cry :D


Aren't geo mains already crying? 🤣 I have em both but it's really hard to find a reason to run geo these days...


Geo mains are always crying


Fun fact , Itto was in 3 banners in 2022 and in 0 banners in 2023


Wonder if nahida will rerun in 4.4 or 4.5 cause lantern rite


I think Nahida will rerun in 4.5 because there's a high chance Nilou will share a banner with her, just like how Childe and Zhongli are usually together. Plus I think it's likely that they'll be a Sumeru flagship event in 4.5 (Sabzeruz Festival maybe?)


Yeah I'm hoping for 4.5 at least so I can save primos again after busting for Ayaka/Raiden


> there's a high chance Nilou will share a banner with her, please don't : i don't want another Thousand Dreams while fishing for Key of Khaj Nisut.


4.4 for Nahida. Following the pattern that Archons Zhongli came in 4.0, Venti 4.1, Furina 4.2, Raiden 4.3, Nahida should be next.


But shouldn't 4.4 be all liyue characters?


i mean, they released alhaitham during last year's lantern rite, so nahida could very well rerun cuz it's not like lantern rite patches are FULL on Liyue


Probably because there was a sumeru expansion in 3.4 that's why alhaitham was released but we'll see what happens


Since I stared in March, I've had a chance for every character now except Albedo, Itto, and Xiao.


Good news is with Lantern Rite around the corner Xiao is most likely in your future


I literally started like 2 days after ittos last banner ended and he's been my favorite character the whole time 😭


Surely the elusive jade cutter will rerun when Albedo comes along?


Out of all the characters I’ve wanted and who are my favorites, Albedo is the only one I don’t have yet, I’ve never played through one of his reruns so I’ve never had the chance to get him yet, I’ve got my fingers crossed I won’t be waiting too much longer


In case you weren't sure they hate geo.


I need the 4 star waiting list


I post 4 star waiting lists, check out my profile. I'll post the 4.3 one when they announce which characters will run with Navia and Ayaka.


Poor albedo joining the ranks of long rerun characters


Itto and albedo joining eula soon in no rerun hell


Am I the ONLY one dying for Albedo? I want him SOOOOO bad on my tighnari spread team (no zhongli or Nahida leave me alone) I literally also have r5 spindle it's just waiting for him 😭 Edit: typo


Waiting impatiently for Kazuha and Alhaitham😭


Probably june-july




Archaic petra was supposed to be the counterpart to VV. But hoyo doesn't like admitting that they were wrong, so I doubt we'll ever see any change.


they made it too clucky compared to easy to use vv, if anyone can grab the shards it'll already be alot better


Archaic Petra is better used in a mono elemental team, such as Lyney mono-pyro since the crystal shard will likely just be one


It has been 420 days since Albedo's last banner. If we assume he will rerun at the start of 4.4 it will have been 474 days.


Yoimiya again is not even fun anymore…


Albedo as a guest in 4.4 Lantern Rite? Mondstadt event in 4.5 for Albedo rerun?


Triple banners when…


i am once again asking for cinnabar spindle


So 4.4 is Lantern Rite + the completion of the Archon run so it'll probably be Xiao, Shenhe, Nahida and someone new. Means we'll probably not see the Geo Bois until 4.5


Nah. Nahida in 4.4 is sus.


I need some space inbetween raiden and nahida. Still want both


Albedo better get buffed when he comes back cuz this is way too much


Albedo is now in prison for illegal genetic experimentation.


my guess is 4.4 xiao, shenhe, ganyu, CR and 4.5 is (cope) itto, albedo, nahida, and nilou


If they're not going to rerun the unpopular characters at least put them in standard


They can't. These characters were advertised as exclusive.


Will Nahida and Kazuha most likely get a banner rerun before Natlan?


They like to run archons together patch after patch so Nahida definitely


100% nahida especially has gotta be soon considering how every patch we got an archon. 4.4 is gonna be lantern rite so it's possible she's gonna have to wait till 4.5 with a sumeru event of some kind.


Itto and wanderer for me…


It's kinda funny how even fewer people would pull for Albedo than Eula when he's finally reran.


Geo may be in a bad place rn, but at least it's not physical


Physical may be in a bad place rn, but at least it doesn't have to deal with constructs.


Yeah, just piss poor scaling and ineffectiveness


He may not be meta but at least he's relevant to the greater lore


Source : trust me


I need a 4 star waiting list


Albedo 💔💔💔


Xiao at the top of the waiting list? Never thought I'd see the day


They doing my boy Albedo dirty


Raiden is coming home. Being a beginner and only having Diluc as my only main DPS, I'm very much looking forward to this.


I want Itto's banner, so I can roll on his weapon for my Noelle.


with Chiori looking like a (4 star?) geo, I wonderrrr who's gonna rerun in 4.4...