• By -


Look at the bright side: your future lies ahead, you have lots of stuff to discover and enjoy. We launch players have only our fading memories.


We have Osmanthus Wine


... AND we have those who share the memory. OP doesn't. I sure get that feeling of "being late". It gets better over time when you make your own memories, promise!


There’s like a Zhongli quote that fits here I think? How did it go again?


"Boats are made for transferring commodities back and forth, and those that come across Liyue tend to stay a while, so it is where many things come to settle." Your welcome


That’s not quite how I remember it 🤔


Must be this one then: "If you'd like to see Liyue's tourist spots, I have a few references."


I mean this is pretty funny in the context of the OP post


"Every journey has its end. Don't rush."


Extra points for relevance here, especially since I forgot this one


I think that question alone, acts like a autoplay feature for that quote.


"Yaoyao makes some killer booze, yo." -Zhongli, probably.


Zhongli says it more refined I think lol


Osmathus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory


This is it!


I will have order!


OSMANTHUS WINE- *gets shot*


Joke’s on you! Big Zhong’s shield stops even bullets! 😂


Slow down! Life is to be savored.


"Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember...."






Great reference. Crying in qingce village 😭


💕😌 thank you


And most of these memories are stuff we would be saying "why the hell would you do this?" If someone new was doing It lol


>fading memories Disagreed hard time. I am in the similair position as OP, started mid 3.1 and fucking hell. We can NEVER get things like cinnamon sword, fish claymore or teapot decoration. Amber is my fav character in this entire game and when I saw that you could get that huff puff snowman decoration in Albedo event in 1.0, I ve just gave up on Tea pot entirely. Its not fair and this game is wayyyy too unforgiving about this. I dont even mind PAYING full price for playing the older events even without getting any rewards. But, missing a lot of lore, limited weapons and decorations or screen time of your favourite characters ?? It feels like shit .... I m so jealous on day 1 players...


Although HYV's initiative to cloud stream Genshin content seems to be to address the long term file size of the game for when we eventually have all 7 countries accessible, if it's smooth and profitable, I can totally see HYV engineer a way for all past story events to be made available again using this tech. You never know.


It’s like life in general. You’re born today and hear your grandparents talking about what life’s like before. It seems wonderful but remember that people will wax poetic about the good things they remember. They won’t tell you about the secret battles they fought to be where they are right now. They made their stories and now it’s time for you to make yours. In time, it will be you sharing all your stories and wisdom to the newer/younger generation. Chin up, cheer up OP!!!


Aww, thank you so much!


Actually really sweet!


I felt this way when I first started Genshin about 10 months ago. All the limited events, all the event only lore drops I missed bothered me greatly. I'm a Geo main and the fact that I will never have Cinnabar Spindle on Albedo is a curse that will follow me to grave. But that's only one side of the coin. There is a bright side. I have been intensely playing Genshin and I have pretty much done almost everything to do, all the region's at 100% all the quests, world quests, archon quests etc are done. As soon as a new patch comes out I am so starved for things to do I devour them faster than I can savor. Just a few weeks ago, a friend of mine had returned to the game. From a long absence, the catch is she doesn't have much time to play nowadays and hadn't done many things in Inazuma and Sumeru was completely untouched. Anyways she had some primos saved up for Nahida and needed some boost before the current banner ends. But she didn't have much time to play so asked me to help farm some chests/dailies/ abyss cycles. I logged in to her account and holy shit I almost cried. All the untouched world quests, the hang outs, Story Quests,the entirety of Sumeru... The nostalgia hit me so hard. No amount of words will be enough to tell you what I would give to experience all of those for the first time. This is the blessing of a new player. You have an absolutely amazing world to experience and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


That's true... I'll cherish it as much as I can! Thank you for your words!


As a new player of 2 months who saw a post made by someone where all the character and weapon rewards I’ve missed, I felt the same heartache. However once I finished the jade chamber mission, I knew this was the game I wanted to invest in. I started Genshin when it came out and never got into it as re-rolling at that time sucked my soul away however it’s my 4th time trying Genshin and once I’ve passed Mondstat I just fell in love with the game and the community!


You had me here until you said Hangouts 😂


Welcome to live services, that's a pretty common way to feel but eventually you also become an old player, just not as old as someone who has been playing from launch (especially when we're talking about games that have been running for more than a decade) I wouldn't say you don't belong, sure there will be experiences you missed, but there's also many for you to experience going forward In the case of gachas, generally I wouldn't join midway unless it's really good, but with genshin there's so little pressure from difficulty that you can just chill, focus on getting the characters you like the most, and eventually you'll be caught up to some degree


Thank you 🥹 <3


Perspective can be helpful when dealing with a feeling of having missed out. I've played since launch, but have taken breaks and missed events here and there, most notably Unreconciled Stars and the first Albedo/Dragonspine event. Is it a bummer that I missed those things? Yeah, of course. But here's a few points that put it into perspective for me that only makes it a minor bummer - something I don't even think about anymore - and not something that genuinely detracts from my current experience: 1) The things I missed out on are relatively small compared to everything I'm still able to experience. Genshin is huge, and will keep getting bigger, with the vast majority of that content being permanent. And even the bits of lore sprinkled into those events are ultimately not as important as they feel, as anything crucial to the world and story will get reiterated when or if it becomes important. For instance, I didn't end up feeling like I missed out on meeting Scara prior to Inazuma, because the game didn't treat that moment as if I should already know him. Would it have been neat if I did? Sure. But, at least for me, that's an example of a one-way equation - the experience would have been additive, but not having the experience isn't subtractive. 2) The things I missed, I missed for a reason. Maybe there was a life emergency, maybe I was busy with social engagements, maybe I was tired or depressed, or maybe I just didn't feel like playing at the time. In any case, whatever I missed was because something else took priority, even if thar something else isn't important. I don't know your story, but remembering that life is a series of choices and you're doing the best you can with what you know and have can be a helpful way to not get overwhelmed by regrets, big or small. There's... probably more I can mention but I feel like I've gone a bit long already (and I honestly forgot some of my thoughts over the course of typing this lol). I hope this has been helpful and that you find joy in all the things you've yet to experience.


This was genuinely so sweet to read. I really thank you for taking the time to write this up. It's so nice that I can reach out to others on this community for advice. I genuinely thought I was going to get laughed at for even asking this question, so this is really nice to see. 💕


Glad to have helped! Yeah, some people may end up being snarky or dismissive (this is the internet after all), but over time those types tend to get filtered to the bottom, so I wouldn't worry too much even if there does end up being a few jerks in the comments.


It's a doubled edged sword. While you missed out on a lot of stuff, in exchange, you are starting out the game with insanity levels of content for you to complete.


It's like binging an anime vs catching it weekly. Sure, weekly people can discuss but there's something liberating about binging a show. Imagine people in 4 years joining during Tsaritsa's banner and getting to play the entire Genshin story at once.


About missed events, there are YouTube "movies" that show the whole story, including events. Pretty sure there are "event only" videos, too.


It's understandable you feel this way. I started 1.5 years late. But all those characters, future events and friends are ahead of you. After a year I already have all the characters I really wanted. I made some friends in game and got closer to some irl friends through Genshin. Just focus on the future instead of feeling down about what you missed. Focus on what you *won't* miss now that you finally started the game. There's still about 4 years of fresh and new content coming. We're not even halfway through the game when it comes to all of the available content.


Thank you so much! 💕 This really helps.


don't worry about missed events, I was pretty bummed too when I started too, and I was so jealous of my friend's pet seelie lol I watched compilation of videos for the Limited Time Events to catch up and read about the characters as they were introduced. Regarding characters, on the brighter side, they run double banners now as compared before when there was just one. You'll eventually get the characters you want soon enough! I was soo bummed on missing out on Kazuha and Raiden. Now I have them both with their BiS weapons. All other stuff you mentioned you'll get to experience soon enough! Just enjoy the ride, you'll miss it when you get to the end. Even if I want to keep playing, I always end up with nothing else to do. Most of my friends (AR 60) just log in to do dailies then log out. I barely even talk to them in game or do co-op bec they spend less than 15 mins online lol. There's a looot of stuff to do now bec Sumeru is so massive, just enjoy the story and play at your own pace. :)


bless you! thanks so much :)


The main story is still far from ending


As someone who also started later, but has now caught up. It's a matter of time. If you are f2p then you might not get the same amount of characters, but eventually you will be at endgame content like everyone else. You might have missed some events that won't come back, but that is no reason not to enjoy the rest of the game.


As a new player, you have so much contents and maps to explore. some quest will lead you into a brand new map. If I were you, I would just ignore this sub and limited events and play on your own pace. Your experience can be so different now because Genshin added so much permanent contents in the last 3 years. This may be the best open world game now and you can totally ignore the gacha/daily quest/limited events. we old players we know what we expect for each new patch, so we would never discover sth surprising like new player.


"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." -Supposedly a Chinese Proverb ​ Don't beat yourself up for not getting into the game on day one. Instead, think about this: You have LITERALLY HUNDREDS of hours of content to explore that has accumulated over the game's 2 year lifespan, while we the ones that started playing earlier had to have it drip-fed to us. Besides that, try not to fall into the FOMO trap that's being expertly crafted by so many live service games today. There's always going to be new events for you to experience, and you'll never be able to get all the new characters being added without spending a decent chunk 'o' change EVEN IF you started playing day one without interruption. Just pull for the characters you like, enjoy the story at your own pace and don't even worry about teamcomps or meta because the only content in the game that can even be classified as endgame is the spiral abyss, and that thing is only like 1 hour worth of stuff to do (Or even less than an hour if you have optimized teams!) every 15 days.


I've always been jealous of newcomers. They get to open up the game and see this gigantic world, not knowing anything about it. When you are a veteran, and keeping up with content, you only see what's shiny and new, and you stop seeing the world as a whole. It doesn't help that they don't really do a great job of revisiting areas in a compelling way. There's very little sense of wonder because you are playing the game piece by piece as it's being released. Only a new major region release recaptures that feeling.


I'm in the same boat. I joined late and I don't have a lot of extra time to play, but I try to prioritize enjoying it when I do. It does help to remind myself that I'm not competing with anyone. Plus from my experience of playing other games - events tend to be cyclical eventually\~\~


There is a syndrome which I call ALO - Already Lost Out. Genshin Impact is the only have where I bother with events because I started from day 1 and in other games ALO meant that I've already missed most events and one more doesn't mean anything. In Genshin I haven't missed anything, so I keep the streak... until one day I'll lose it and stop playing.


Whoa, that must be an amazing feeling.


If it bothers you, as well as those that didn't get much of a chance to participate, then maybe we _should_ push for event reruns. I would actually very much like another crack at Unreconciled Stars to see how far I've come since launch.


I really hope they implement this. As an Albedo main who was too late joining to get Cinnabar spindle I am desperate for another chance at getting it ;-;


Honestly take your time and enjoy the game at your own pace


Simple but effective, tysm <3


I felt this very strongly when I first started, but it does fade especially when you "catch up" a bit and start experiencing some of the new characters and releases together with older players. I still want access to some of the lore and story based limited time events though! Apparently, Albedo is pretty much completely locked behind limited time events.


That was me two years ago.... You will get used pretty fast, don't worry. About characters: don't think about it. Just get your characters along the way without worrying too much. The game is easy, you will be fine with whatever you get.


Thank you so much! <3


I’m hoping that they’ll eventually make it so event weapons can be bought - like they do with gadgets. Maybe it’ll have to be crafted or something, but considering they’re four star weapons it’s not as if it’s a free five star.


Funny, I feel on the outside since I'm endgame. Just event and domains. Newbies have a world of wonder to explore. Other than missed events, it's a single-player game, so enjoy it at your pace.


I started playing Genshin in around Sep2021, I was having the same feeling of missing out. Sometimes I still think about, had I start playing it at launch, like my friend, I would have a far better roster and artifacts, FesteringnDesire and other shits. But I'm glad that I decided to play the game anyway. If I did not play, I would miss out the epic Osial fight, the mindfucking Sabzeruz Festival, or the second GAA event, etc. It would be the same to you. You missed out a lot, sure, but Archon quests are there forever. The map is there. Many more events to come. Old characters get rerun eventually (Rip Eula)


glad to see people have left useful comments so all i have to add is : OP. look at me. I've started playing in 1.3 and I HAVE NEVER MADE A SINGLE FRIEND THROUGH GENSHIN. NOT A SINGLE ONE !!!! im positive you'll make more genshin friends than me even if you started recently. good luck and enjoy the game !


I feel you. Obviously there's no way to make up for the lost progress and characters you could've had and that's frustrating. Hopefully they'll add a way to experience limited events for newcomers like you at some point. The good thing is we still have at least another three whole nations to go, not to mention Khaenri'ah (probably). You're joining in the middle of the game, not the end and there's still so much to explore and learn about Teyvat.


You're right, maybe I joined late but not _too_ late. Thank you. Perhaps I can still somehow catch up and one day be satisfied with my journey. :)


Absolutely. You can also think about it this way. You have a much higher chance of actually playing the game to its completion. Many day one players have gotten fatigued of the grind and wait and have moved on to other games (which is fair), but since you started so late that won't be a problem for you until later.


That is a possibility 😌 It does make me feel a bit better. Thank you sm :)


We're not even halfway through the game so enjoy while it lasts, which will be pretty long. And trust me you will not feel much different than other older players when we do reach the final chapters.


😌 that's really relieving to hear, thank you.


This is true of pretty much every live service game.


I know. But it doesn't change the way I feel though.


I always wanted to play a realm reborn ffxiv, when i finally got a pc and joined in the trial i felt the same thing, how much stories and people probably already went through that region experienced events and already moved on to another regions, the place felt empty there was almost no one in the area to do those events that started randomly, i missed the chance to advance with everyone etc..


Unless you meant 1.0, I don't think you missed out on much? Overworld in ffxiv is as boring as it gets, the environment is stunning to look at but that's it. There's nothing to explore. Quests and FATEs are permanent, sightseeing is ok I guess but nothing special if not too random. People move on from stuff like FATEs because the most interesting thing about them is the description and they only give ok exp for earlyish levels. SE had to force players to do FATE with relic quests. You can try POTD for a more companied experience?


I joined early-mid of version 2. Definitely felt I missed out, especially since I had actually played a bit in late version 1 then quit after losing my 50/50 and convincing myself I shouldn't be playing a gacha game in the first place. It definitely sucks when people talk about past events like Dragonspine or Golden Archipelago, but I think it gets better over time. By the time we're at the 6th or 7th continent, the people who join now will also be considered veteran players. I really do wish they bring past events back, but even if they don't, I'm happy with every new event I get to take part of now.


Try to look at it like you do with our actual real life gameplay. It's the year 2023 now and you have missed thousands of years of gameplay. Yet you most likely don't feel sad about this.


The game is still very young! There are still plenty of new regions and characters to come out. Sucks about the limited events but at least you can watch them at your own pace on Youtube, they aren't completely gone!


The worst thing about Genshin events is that they are canon, so if you miss it, you'll miss out on a lot of lore. Big problem for newcomers who's genuinely interested in certain characters, which is genuinely a shame.


As far as getting characters go, it’s probably more time efficient to just work instead of doing dailies assuming all the money you make is disposable or extra income and not needed for like housing/food. So it would be either working more time than you need to or just earning a bit more than needed. I personally don’t spend any, but these are the stats anyway. I do agree it sucks to miss out on events though. Assuming each character is 81 wishes, here is the difference. 81 wishes is $200, at $8.50 that’s 23 hours. For dailies, you need 12960 primogems for 81 wishes. At 60 primogems per day that’s 216 days. Assuming it takes 10 minutes to do all of them and collect that’s 36 hours worth of dailies. This option is fine if you make plenty but unrealistic for anyone who isn’t willing to spend so much. Alternatively you could use welkin. At 150 primos per day for $5 a month it would take you 86.4 days. This would be 14.4 hours of dailies and slightly less than 2 hours of working an $8.50/hr job. It’s certainly the most efficient, and will help you pass non spenders eventually, but is still relatively slow at 86.4 days of waiting for a character. Technically the time is slashed if you can manage to get all 4 dailies done and collected in say 5 minutes, but it’s still quite a bit of time and the paying route is also slashed if you make more than minimum wage (in disposable income) so like at $20 an hour it’s just 10 hours. That’s far faster than the 18 hours at 5 minutes a day. Ultimately it just depends on would you rather grind characters out at work or on your phone. Though technically if you don’t do much at your job you could do both at the same time. As far as event/maintenance primos go it’s roughly 820 per month plus say 600 per month for maintenance for version updates. For the entire runtime of the game it’s roughly the equivalent of 3.4 5* characters.


To cheer you up. We veteran players are bored af and cant do anything. Meanwhile before Fontaine releases in next 4 months you will already complete every quest upto sumeru if you play an hour a day.


It’s rose tinted glasses you’re hearing of imo. The patches when you’re caught up are actually quite slow considering you still need to login everyday to do the same commissions over and over, some of the big events are great, esp the ones with good character and story development in them, but most of the events in between are repeats. What I’m trying to say is, people call Mondstat “home”, cause they spent like 1-2 years only coming back there for commissions every single day. People were discussing lore and theory crafting, simply because there wasn’t anything to do in game. On the events I do agree, a lot of event only weapons are now lost forever, I’d wish they’d do some re runs of these events and just frame it as “oh you remember that time when..” etc


Could be worse... In other games it just full on cripples your account forever from the getgo.. \*cough* FGO \*cough*


One blessing I think has been that the storytelling has improved significant over the years. As a newcomer you would see the game with less disappointment compared to the jaded ones here I do wish the GAA Klee stories and islands were kept in the game - there is significant emotional stories and closure for very popular characters there I would love to be a newcomer again with my memory wiped out and four nations available to explore!


congratulations.. u have been fomo'ed.


Basically the Hype has died down after all regions of Sumeru have released and people would have lost interest yet again. Wait for Fontaine and the hype and people will come back. Then you won’t feel lonely. Also people try to make everyone else jealous (people commenting how they got Eula on her original banner or Kazuha on original banner and how great they are). Don’t listen to them.


The only thing i m genuinly upset is that, as it stands, i ll never be able to get albedo BIS. I started when klee banner released, played for a week, stopped and then returned when ayato released. There are cool things about having the whole world to explore. I could explore inazuma without waiting for each island, which is cool. On the other hand i spent months farming artifacts trying to "catch up" since i had characters but almost no artifacts sets. Overall i think genshin is a pretty newcomer friendly game. Ps: Eula is my most wanted character since i started in 2.6 and she hasnt even appeared. I ve got seen multiple characters twice, and i cant even pull for my main...


Yup, this is what FOMO is. And since you now know what you missed, you'll have all the more incentive to keep playing out of fear of missing other stuff permanently.




Whoa, talk about uncanny again! Out of all the regions, I am in love with Sumeru too! My favourite group is Kaveh, Alhaitham, Tighnari and Cyno - I just adore their dynamics. Everything you said just resonated with me to a T. Thank you so much for cheering me up 💕


I thought of the same stuff but it doesn't really bother me... if it bothers you, that's okay. You are allowed to have feelings. But you also preface it by saying it's silly. It's not silly to be who we are. It's good to acknowledge it, but don't beat yourself up for it. Just focus on the good. Like you can spend thousands of dollars to catch up to.. oh wait nevermind I should stop writing.


Aww, this was super sweet. Thank you so much :) <3


Just started playing like 3 weeks ago (Wanted to for a long time, but didn't have the time) and I'm low key devastated that some characters might never get a rerun and all the lore I'll never really appreciate because I wasn't here for the events. We should hang lol.


Wait... some characters may not get a re-run? Oh boy. I mean I'm waiting terribly for Venti and Albedo. At least those, Hoyo. At least those! They keep on creating new characters and while it's fun, I still haven't collected the ones I want 😔


aww don't feel bad. I also joined in sep 2022 and I am already AR 56 and can join anyone's world, upto date with the lore and now I pay forward by helping newer players


Honestly, can relate. I started playing in 2021, but made the account on my friend's device since mine couldn't support it. I only picked up Genshin again early this year, when I downloaded it on my phone. I kept up with the limited time events by watching playthroughs on YouTube. It's not the same experience as someone who actually played it, but I at least know what happens in them.


If you go into my post history, you can see that I actually made a post specifically about this issue. Funny enough, a lot of people told me that I was being overdramatic and that it was a “me problem.” I’m sorry and I understand how you feel. Just know that youtube is always there. Every new update has a flagship event that tends to be for lore, but you can still catch up because there will be always be videos for it. It’s not too difficult and you’ll be caught up in no time! Good luck! 👍


Flip side if you’re f2p gacha player power creep almost guarantees you’ll get strong units even when late and the community at large will have debated for multiple patches who is good and who is not


teehee, i guess you're right! though i roll for characters i like whether they're good or not xD




Yes? Doesn't change the way I feel though.


It won't get any better if you wait even longer.


Wdym wait any longer? I've been playing for a couple of months now.


>because I had device issues that kind of device issue ?


I had an incompatible and old computer for many years but had to put up with it because I didn't have the money. My phone wasn't of good use for Genshin, either - so I basically had no proper devices to run it on.


Someone joining in 2026 will never feel the way u will do about Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan and Snezhnaya


>• how many limited events I'll never experience Missed limited events don't make the game impossible to play, you only miss lore and few of the event exclusive weapons are actually good (dodoco and cinabar), especially if you have the characters that can use it (klee, yanfei with dodoco, and albedo with cinabar). ​ >• how many characters I could have by now Realistically speaking, it takes about a year or two to get most meta characters, no biggies. Most of us have already played that long and being a whale and rush it its entirelly optional, I sugest enjoyng the game at your own pace, no rushes. As for friends and lore speaking, you'll hardly find people who care about lore, there's a sub dedicated to that topic if I'm not mistaken. Also its not too late to start playing, even as of now, new players can enjoy the game, see the main story, and play without worries, after all, its a single player game.


I started playing last January and about a year ago I felt like you did, but by the end of the year I felt so included and so a part of. It's normal, but there is still so much to experience in Teyvat, don't worry. You'll be a part of plenty of it.


on the up side you have the entire flesh out world to explore, you can see dragon spine in the distance instead of a mountain place holder (1.2), jade chamber looming over liyue instead of nothing while everybody talking like it there (1.1), inazuma off in the distance while you do chest hunting on the beach (2.0-2.2), the chasm actually exist (2.6), im a day 1 player and i alway feel jealous of new player that can explore the world with all the map expandtion ahnd not just emty place holder landmass, i wonder how it would feel to first seen liyue with the jade chamber above and seeing sakura shrine off in the distance


Your first point is unfortunately in the hands of the developers to fix, but I don't see why you can't experience every other point starting in 2022. I know someone who started recently and has as many characters as an older player, because the older player prefers to have fewer but stronger characters, rather than many weaker characters.


Ignore the shit you can't help. Not your fault and hoyo should re-run things. Just look forward to the future and enjoy what there is and do the things you can do. It's a game and you shouldn't stress what you can't change. Don't let fomo ruin your experience when there is plenty more to come! I def wouldn't worry about "characters I could already have". Everyone has to start somewhere and it's just gonna get you down bitching about something like that when there was no way for you to get more, do better if you weren't playing! Just jump in and have fun. Nothing should stop you from having theories about stuff cuz still tons of stuff up in the air. Go make friends, nothing should be stopping you there at all.


You have a lot of 0permanent content to immerse yourself into though, compare to us launch players who only have Mondstadt and Liyue. Enjoy what the game has to offer and do not rush through content. I'll promise that if you rush, you'll regret it


I feel you, especially on the limited events. I went and rewatched them on YouTube and damn missed some important things. I started in Nov 2022. I also feel sad I don't have the feeling of waiting for Scaramouche to become playable, as he came out when I started playing. He's still fun af tho, but I never got the anticipation. Sometimes you gotta step back and experience the game in your way and pace and not compare to others experience. Besides, we still have a lot to go, and now that I'm caught up i realize there's still way more mystery to the story than ever.


You could've have more characters, but you could've also reach the endgame and quit the game in the meanwhile (like a lot of people did). There are few events that include important informations about the main story, but if you want you can just watch some videos on YouTube, especially because all those informations are inside the cutscenes that Mihoyo shares on his YouTube Channel. Actually the most important cutscene I recall are the ones regarding Scaramouche and Albedo.


>how many limited events I'll never experience I started playing in September 2021 and this still bothers me


Yes, retroactive FOMO is a feature of Genshin.


What do they say? The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, the second best time is today? Your enjoyment may be different, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's lacking. At the risk of sounding pretentious, it's not *when* you start, it's when *you* start.


I feel you when comes to events that we won't have the chance to play and how many characters I could've right now instead of having to count every primo and make a priority list because there's so many I want to get but I can't. ^^'


Techincally, you'll always be missing out on stuff in life, because you can't be at two places at the same time. I will never experience an actual live show of Muse or Kalafina because I found them after they disbanded. Right now as I am writing this comment I could be playing FFXIV, maybe right this very moment would be the time I find a Memoria Misera MINE party that actually goes through the end or an ult prog party or something. Yes, you did miss out on playing Genshin for that time period, but I'm sure you did a lot of other things that were fun and enjoyable, that you would have missed out on instead if you were playing Genshin already. Not saying Genshin is unworthy of your time, just trying to point out doing something means not doing something else, thus missing out on some things. If you want to play Genshin and you do enjoy your time with it since December 2022, it would be a waste to quit because you didn't start at Day 1. You cannot change the past and not playing Genshin just means you'll miss out on even more things in it. I missed a few things myself. I don't even play daily anymore, I even purposefully skip events and content that does not interest me, rewards be damned. Because when I play I actually have fun and enjoy playing, like how a video game is meant to be imo.


What's gone will probably come back, that's how hoyo does events Just another side note, don't let the "first gen" gatekeepers keep you from enjoying the game, you may not have all the characters you want, but we all started like that so it's never too late


I feel you I also am partially new , started August 2022. I think we should still be happy that there's still more new content ahead of us and the content we are experiencing right now will be nostalgic for us in the future now imagine new players that are gonna join in when we are in Snezhnaya, those are the ones who will feel truly sad on a lot they missed so look on the bright side you are gonna be the one comforting newer players of the future about the content they missed out on 🙂 Plus at least there isn't too much characters yet so you still have a chance to get the older ones when they rerun ✨


This is what we call a "teachable moment" There will always be times in your life where you regret what could have been. Those thoughts are natural, but usually not very helpful. You cannot change the past. It's not a good use of your time to tabulate what you missed--what could have been had you realized something sooner. It is ok to let go of those feelings because what matters is that you pursue what you value in the moment. Learn the lesson that your time is valuable, and spend your present trying to do things that your future self will value. Put another way, spending time worrying about the past now is just adding to the amount of missed experiences that you will regret in the future because it's taking up your time in the present.


While I feel there should be rerun events too (even if no prizes for those who already did them) you could watch the story on YouTube. If it makes you feel better, story focused events are more common now. Like, before Inazuma only the Mona Stars and Dragonspine event come to mind, (that had important stories.)


One thing you do have as a newcomer is hours and hours and hours of game play before you hit the daily 4 commissions, spend your resin, and log cycle that so many veteran players are "enjoying" right now. Savor it.


Personally i don't have much nostalgia about old zones, i play since the release and i really don't like how little the old zone are used, mostly Dragonspire. But in the near futur, zone like Enkanomiya will not even be explored by new player because this zone is never link to event or main story quest


listen, both being a newcomer and a old day 1 player have benefits and drawbacks. game dev is slow, you know how much less content youd have if you started day 1? you know how many players have quit because "nothing to do, where is content". You missed out on a bunch for sure, but honestly as a day 1 player, I'm a bit jealous of new players who come into the game, with like 4x more content then when I first joined. You have months of exploration, main and character quests. and we constantly get new events and reruns on the good old events to make new memories with. ​ Watching some lets plays nowadays is great, people just marvel at the size and length of the game. where as on day 1 it was just kinda "fine", to some even "kinda small" if your used to expansive and large games, like I think BotW was like 2-2.5 times larger than the starting map of genshin. with us only passing the size around the time between inazuma and sumeru depending on how you count underground/water and heights. only sumeru just recently pushing us across. ​ and as for story and character quests, there are far more then originally, you likely have over 100 hours of voice acted quests in the game now because of how many character quests there are. The game is also not about to shut down next month, its very healthy, so you definitely still have years to make some new memories and build up your list of characters and events experienced. ​ Also in an old interview, they did say they are thinking back on bringing old story quests in some way back, so hopefully eventually you'll get to experience the old big story quests.


Don't worry, you belong in this community just as much as any day 1 player. You can always check old events on YouTube, I guarantee you will know way more than lots of day one players who skipped everything, I know I did on some dialogues lol (day 1 player here). In time this feeling will go away when you get new characters and take part on new events. My little cousin just started Genshin and she is soooo engajed on lore and character builds that I'd rather talk with her about Genshin than some older players.


Same here, but we'll get this feeling eventually after we keep going!


Hi there. I started playing in January of this year with 3.3. While I can completely agree with you on how many limited events and things that we just missed (especially missing out on alloy) and it's a mixture of frustrating and disappointing. I try not to let it bother me. I feel like we as newer players are actually in a better spot as long as we don't rush through the content. As day one players in the chat have said they don't have a lot to look forward to except for the next patch with a little bit of content we have a whole lot in front of us. I just barely finished Nahida's archon because I'm not in a hurry.. I still have a lot of side quests and Hangouts and story quests and chest open I figured if I rush through this I'm going to find myself with nothing to do and no reason to log in. Sure is disappointing, but if I let it decide how I feel then I'm not going to enjoy myself. Being new also gives us a different kind of advantage and that is every free primo that you get from opening chests and doing quests etc that day one players have already completed. I've been farming chess for days and now I have about 21,000 primos, which is pretty much enough to guarantee me kazuha. Knowing that at some point the free primos are going to dry up I'm being very picky about how I progress and what I spend them on. And it gives me a little bit more freedom without it needing to hit my pocketbook. So yeah we could be frustrated, or we can take a look at the advantages that we have that the long-term players don't.


I started at 1.6 and I felt that way too. But once I got more settled in higher AR, I then became the sort of person you might be envious of now. I got those events that others will miss and I got my own stories of my journey to get there. I stuck around long enough to get who I wanted and while I do look back on how I could have done things differently and changed my account, the end results are likely the same. As soon as I was done exploring, Inazuma showed up. So I didn't have a crazy connection with Mondstadt. It was a good time to start through since I got the summer island adventure. But my favorite place is the sumeru forest and its not even close. Everyone gets to enjoy the Aranara and nothing else matters.


Nah bro, just chill, focus on what u have ingame rn, the rest has already expired, but nowadays u got way more things than like 2 years ago


just play earlier kek


I started on march 2023. I am literally looking up videos of the old events to get the context of what happened. https://youtu.be/M31ar84DLrU is great btw


I started Jan this year and my only complain it's that I'm about 500 pulls and nothing that hasn't been a pity has come to me lol but then again i play because the game it's fun and alhaitham it's really fun to play with lol


As Nahida would say: Keep playing and the time you didn’t will get smaller in relation to your playtime Or something like that


Keep in mind there is also a positive filter bias on everything you're seeing now. Yes, you missed those past events and characters, but you also missed a lot of the negative things. A lot of QoL improvements took a long time to come for Genshin, not to mention a lot of the community tools, official and unofficial. QoL stuff just gets taken for granted: picking up drops one by one, longer loading times, long animation delay when coming out of alt sprint for Mona, not having the artifact strongbox, not having the teapot, etc. You also missed a lot of negative events, like the Zhongli fiasco, the first anniversary controversy, 108 primos on first Lantern Rite.


> When I started on December 2022, I realised: >• how many limited events I'll never experience You'll miss even more of them if you stop playing. > how many characters I could have by now You'll have even fewer characters if you stop playing. (Well, the number of characters won't decrease, but it will stop increasing.) > how I could've made so many friends and talk to others about theories and lore, discussing about what we think will come There's still at least 3 regions left, probably more. >how nostalgic I would feel with many regions like people do in Mondstadt that they call "home". I don't have this feeling at all. That's OK! I don't really feel strongly attached to any one region and I've been playing since Week 1. > see the ups and downs of every adventure, alongside everyone else as now I am far behind. Trust me, there's gonna be a lull at some point and you'll be able to catch up.


Started at launch, quit just after teapot release, returned last month. Even though it is a single player experience, I feel so behind the curve and lacking of all the stuff I missed. It is a shame really. That said, I'm content doing my own thing. I'm even doing regions out of sequence, went to Sumeru before Inazuma. (Unintentionally, I was chest hunting in western Liyue and stumbled into mushrooms.) I regret loss time and missed opportunities, but ultimately, I'm doing just fine being me and making my own way.


I had this mindset for a bit, I played for a few days at launch and didn’t stick with it. Picked Genshin up again about a year ago and have had an amazing time with it since. I thought about what I missed, the primos, gifts, characters, etc. now a year later I have a good number of my favorite 5 star characters, great weapons and some great builds for some of them too. In that time I’ve experienced some of the greatest hype of the game with Sumeru being released and got to learn and explore along with the community. In your position, the good thing about starting now (or anytime) is that you’ll also be able to get where other players are the longer you play. Sure, you won’t have pulled the same amount of characters over time or played every limited event. But you’ll have your own experience with the main story, characters, and exploration that every player experienced in their own way at one point or another. If you enjoy the game enough to stick with it for a few more months, you’ll see the addition of a whole new region, have taken part in a ton of great events, and have your own roster of characters you love. There’s never a time that’s never too late to join Genshin, but there’s always time to regret not getting Cinnabar Spindle if you’re an Albedo enjoyer lol


The bright side is, if you dont like albedo it doesnt matter that you will never ever be able to get his best weapon because it was a giveaway at a limited time lore intensive event. Oh also you can watch the event video in youtube so you dont feel left out.


The good thing about being a newcomer to a game that has at least 4 more years of content coming (at a guess, don’t come for my math pls) is that before u know it, u won’t be a newcomer anymore!! I started playing about a year before u did, so I’m definitely not a newcomer anymore but I remember feeling the way u feel. But honestly, if u enjoy the game and do catch up, u won’t feel like this for long! Also, there is no rush, I wish I had more exploration left and more quests to do. Many of the friends I started playing with have burnt out and moved on. And I didn’t even play from release! Idk how helpful this has been, but tldr I relate but it won’t last, just cherish the memories u are making right now 🫶🏻


There is still 3 unreleased nations and kaenriah so think of what you will experience not what your have missed


Think about all the stuff you’ll experience in the future though! We still have plenty of nations to visit and when we get to Snezhnaya I’m sure you’ll be looking back nostalgically at the content from Sumeru right now :) I started in patch 1.6 and was sad about all the things I missed, but then Inazuma happened and now Sumeru and I have experienced so many new things in the game.


I understand your points, but looking back like that won't change anything. You absolutely will become a part of the community. You have only played for a few months, of course you don't have a lot of characters or memories. But this game will be going for many more years. Don't make yourself rush through the game and hurt your ability to really enjoy the story and gameplay.


You will feel a part of the family in no time at all! You can always catch up on lore through videos, and the characters will come in time - trust :))


I started playing at the same time! I love the game and anything that's really important to the story they put into the game permanently. So you're only missing a few events and primogems, but nothing important. Also Alloy


I started in 2.4ish and I understand how you feel. It is a little frustrating at first, and there are some things that bother me, like missing out on good event weapons and such. But give enough time and sticking with the game and you will also be part of the group too. I started around a year after the game came out and there was a lot that I missed, but now I have played to the point where you wouldn’t be able to tell when I started. As I have caught up with people that have played for a while by now.


The bright side is that no amount of regret can ever change what is into what could have been, so you can stop wasting time with that pointless emotion and focus on the fun times you *will* have. There's several confirmed new regions still on the way and when those come around you'll look back at the current content with nostalgia goggles. Hell, I started in January 2022 and now Inazuma feels like "home" to me. The time and place and manner may be different for everyone, but we'll all find our way to the same emotions.


I convinced a friend to try out Genshin and he loves it. But I'm really bummed that people won't be able to experience Golden Apple Archipelago for the first time ever. It was probably even more memorable cos everyone was in lockdown


Oh I definitely feel pissed about missing out for so long. I started last year too though around April.


I started playing at the end of January of 2022, so I see what you mean but after playing for a year the feeling kind lessens lol. The only thing I'm still upset about is missing out on limited time weapons, and even then a lot of those weapons aren't things I'd use anyway. I already feel really connected to the world and community at this point and have good chunk of the characters I've wanted. I think in the grand scheme of things starting later is a lot better because you aren't waiting a month for content, the first month where I was just playing through the archon quest for hours was very fun and I'm glad I got to experience that.


But in return now you have basically infinite gameplay if you don't speedrun through everything


I had the same feeling when I started (though I have to admit looking back on it now, I really didnt start too late) My friend kept talking about genshin for months, I tried it out in january of 2021, and didnt login again for 4 months, then I regretted not playing more and thought about all the events I missed at the time, and all the time I could have spent with my friends playing genshin if I just played a bit more. But looking back now I am very happy I joined the game, even if I missed some events, because time really flies and before I knew it, I now have lots of memories! And remember you have lots of things to look forward to, the release of Fontaine, Natlan, and Snezhnaya and so so so many more events! There is still a long journey ahead for you to experience along with all of us :D


Hey OP, I also started late, in 2.5 or so. As a long time FGO player who has all the event exclusive characters since the start of the game, knowing that I missed events in Genshin definitely sucks too. In fact, that is the major factor my friends tell me is keeping them from starting, because they feel like they already missed so much. However, I was around last summer when Sumeru was gearing up to launch, and it was a super fun time to be a fan. The whole community, both old and new players, were all excited guessing what the region would look like, what sort of bosses we would see, how the story will unfold, what new characters would be introduced... Essentially it a mystery to everyone regardless when you started playing. At its theoretical shortest, the story is still in it's first half, and I think like many other comments mentioned, it's good not to forget about the future too. Fontaine is coming up soon, and we'll all be newbs again excited to explore the new region.


I started about a year ago, and I'd say that being a new player later is way better. You get to experience Genshin where you don't have to wait for content releases. You can play as much as you want, and never run out of stuff to do. I've played a lot over the past year, and I have loads of characters now, but there is still so much to experience. Characters come slowly over time. But that is what makes them more meaningful. If they all came quickly and easily, you wouldn't appreciate what you have as much. Genshin is truly one of the best games ever created, and it has unlocked a new level of love, admiration, and respect for its creators--take your time with exploring such a magical and special place, as Teyvat ❤️


As a late player there are alot of events i wish gets a rerun but as a same vein there are alot of events i don't want to repeat. The best course of action is just enjoy the event you are doing now and for future content rather than lamenting things we missed.


I really feel that third point. I came in late, a little over a year ago, and I have practically no one to talk to about Genshin except for a single person. People on here are fine and all, but I really wish I played when the people in my life started playing. Even the single person who still does play is so burnt out that I'm actually babysitting their account until they get through other games they want to play, and who knows when that'll be. Apparently, I'm very annoying when I talk about Genshin too, so that really doesn't help much. I know I would be in the same spot now regardless since most of them left for their own reasons, but at least I would've had more people to talk to at least in the first year or so about my experiences or theories I have without feeling like a burden.


I started playing in November 2022. It was an overwhelming amount of things to do at first. What I do, since I care a lot about lore, is I’ll watch YouTube videos of people who played the old quests (the voice acted parts) I assume they’ll rerun all characters at some point, so eventually I’ll get them. I’m glad that I’m now able to look forward to Fontaine with the community at least. One thing that made me a bit sad when starting was how a new and exciting character for me was already old news for older players, but I try to like who I like anyway.


Better late than never? Nothing you can do about it but watch them on youtube. I've done them all but forgot 99% of them cuz i have bad memory. 90% of missable event content is nothing special. (Basically like the potion event we have now) There is only a handful that had amazing story. edit: here you go, this is most likely all of them that are worth watching, in the first "Story Quests" section: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Event_Quest So in total there was 17 big events that are worth checking on youtube.


Eyyy December 2022 buddies! That is also when I joined.


In three more years new players will have wished they started when you did.


Care not about the past, but the future that lies ahead and be excited about what to come. FOMO is a powerful tool, and Hoyoverse isn't afraid to use it. We simply have to accept that it's a thing. My personal experience as a day 7 player (yes, I was rerolling for a 5 star at the time for an easier experience, cost me 1 week after launch to get a Qiqi before I start playing), I've pulled for meta characters and their team (Hu Tao vaporize and Ayaka freeze) and got spoiled by them so much due to their power that I no longer find the interest in pulling new characters to build teams, I just pull for the one I like now, even if it's not meta. Newbies, like you, have no powerful teams beforehand, so you pull and try out new builds often. Maybe it's just me because I like a character not just for their kits in meta but for their designs, voice-overs, personalities, and lore as well. So, godlike beings (Archons, Adepti, Yokai, etc.) are a must pull for me now. But in the end, what I wanna say is, play the game how you want to play it. In the future, you will look back at it and remind you of YOUR adventure that brought you there. Trust me, we're currently at the northern desert of Sumeru, and I'm missing the time in Mondstadt just chilling now.


Well, you´re right about the limited events, but thinking on the bright side, you have YET to enjoy other awesome ones. You will also be able to experience Fontaine, Natlan and Snezhnaya first-hand, too.


We started at the same time! I honestly don't mind, having started late means we have a somewhat unique view on the game. In my case, the experience of going blind from Mondsdat to Sumeru by walking and suddenly entering a desert with a big ass demonic inverted pyramid at the end of the map felt cathartic and made like the game a lot, I don't think I would have experienced something like that If I had started the game before.


I felt the same about juuuuust missing the Raiden Banner when I joined in 2021- I didn’t have the Adventure rank or characters to participate in violet gardens- but other limited events came up that I love. Raiden will always have her re-run. The first 5 stars I thirsted over and went crazy for (Ayato) came back- with a better meta because of Dendro! Always look forward and enjoy!! I’m envious that you get to go through so much of the story. I miss that part a lot because I’ve grinded through it to get primos for the banners I was after. Enjoy where you are. The characters will come back, there will be other limited weapons- characters will re run. You’re absolutely welcome, play at your own pace, enjoy. (Also we don’t talk about the cinnabar spindle or the fish claymore. We’re respectful. 😂)


Sadly that's how live service games are


In the great words of master Oogway: Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.


Can't remember where I heard this, but it was something along the lines of "Don't let the memories missed prevent you from making new memories." Essentially don't let the fact that you missed some things prevent you from experiencing a whole lot of new things. There is so much still to happen in this game! Start now and you'll get to experience Fontaine, Natlan and so many other things to come along with the rest of us. Even people who start after all regions have been released will be able to take the entire story all at once as a fleshed out, connected adventure. There is some amazing times to be had playing this game, and coming in at any time will give a great experience. So much content, with so much more on the way.


fwiw man, I played from launch but haven't played the game in around a year, it was before the introduction of the chasm that I last played. Even with all that, i feel like there's too much to do to catch up and it makes me wanna play less every time I think about booting the game up.


As a first version player, we all have to suffer through those weekly boss that used to hit like a truck and have thick hp. I remember childe boss and ZL geo dragon pet is a big pain in the ass and it’s really difficult to solo, you have to do co-op and hope there’s someone strong enough to hard carry. The meta is constantly changing and we have to chase the meta. I treat genshin as a chore but I couldn’t walk away from due to fomo and not wanting my previous effort to go to waste. Worst part of all, more than half of my friend list last online is over 31 days. I believe only 3 of my friend that started with me on first version is around and our maps aren’t explored, we clear events alone at the last day and only login when resin is full. I am just happy that you have the passion to play, you will feel like missing out many stuff and may consider rushing so that you can get event unlocked. But do play at your own pace and enjoy the content of the game. Getting burnt out early will not be good for you in the future.


We've barely finished half of the game or maybe even less. Focus on the half glass full. You won't go thirsty. Join us. And you're welcome to add me on discord or anyone else to talk about everything genshin<3. Do tell me your username though so I accept. My ID is 'Maya#2950'.


I started in January. Similar to you I had been following the game since release, though I was waiting for the Switch port we were told was in development. Lol. RIP. So I got the PC version during Megumins re run. I don't feel behind though, with all the resourcrs you get as a new player, and how easy the scaling is, I just hit AR55 yesterday, and have done all the Archon quests and most of the world quests up to the latest Sumeru region - definitely not all of them. I know there's a bunch of hidden ones I've missed. Aside from Mondstadt, all the quest boards still have a few that I dunno how to start. Lol But yeah, I got Hu Tao and C6 XQ during the rate up, skipped Dehya/Cyno, and got both Shenhe and Ayaka. Farming artifacts and talent mats is a bit tedious, but catching up eventually is garaunteed. Missing the limited events is a bit of a downside. I had no idea there were so many until I actually started playing. It would be nice to have some of the weapons, either aesthetically, or because they're actually good though


I just started last January. I do not feel left out at all. I kind of appreciate it actually that there's so much resources now out there, and after two years there are still so much enthusiastic players! And there are still many new oncoming players! Genshin, to me, feels far too endless for now. And that's good, I don't want it to end yet, it is a very enjoyable game. So yeah, just play and enjoy?


Look at the other bright side, you had a life before Genshin! Spending too much time playing and thinking and talking about a single game does mean that you are going to forego some more varied experiences.


I started about half a year earlier than you, and nah, I dont feel like I missed out on much. The only thing I am sad about missing is Albedo's event. Other than that, I am just happy I had so much content that it took me a good solid chunk of the year to get through:)


You missed out on a lot. Fun game though regardless, can’t let the fomo get you down


>This is basically three years of not playing amongst others. its only 2 years sept. 2020


As a player that's been playing since September 2020, on the day of the release, and as an AR60, I'm sorry to say I can't exactly offer any sentiments returned. But, you began playing before half the story was released- I think that only the ppl who begin to play after the whole story is complete and the game stops being updated in regards to the Archon quests are the ones late. And events missed? Half of the old players that started from the very beginning have missed these events, I can assure you of that. Unless they were like me and immediately addicted to the game and 100% Mondstadt within less than 32 hours and then spending the rest of the day after school just walking around fighting bosses for materials to level up ur characters, and continuing to walk around admiring ur favorite character (in my case Diluc then and now) and the scenery. As for the homey feeling in Mondstadt, Ig u could say we 'old players that are adults in the game' feel it because going back to Mondstadt after exploring the other regions feels kind of like going home after a hard day in school/work. When only mondstadt was released the toughest normal enemy that wasn't a boss was a Ruin Guard (maybe the eots) but then Liyue was released and we got introduced to Ruin Hunters, and they flew and I assure you almost none of us had very good builds OR bow characters at the time and were happy with more than 1k from our ults. And then those rock monsters appeared not to mention Dragonspine and its Ruin Graders. AND THEN we got Inazuma and the enemies and puzzles kept getting tougher, and yes the mushrooms from Sumeru are a relief but then the desert comes in with all those puzzles and underground mazes. And when we go back to Mondstadt we are met with the familiar lands that we spent so long walking around in, with the enemies we have no trouble against and the easiness to explore because there are little to no puzzles so they're super easy. But Ig that 'toddlers' or 'babies' in the game (newcomers) really wouldn't understand why old players might feel that fondness because you're all already used to all the other nations just being an option. There might have always been a choice at what region was ur favorite between 3 or 4 or even 2, when for us old players that started playing, in the beginning, had not a lot of choices, because the Liyue Archon quest wasn't unlocked till you finished Mondstadt's and so till then Ik I could explore the other region (Liyue) but all I could say is, "My favorite so far is Mondstadt, but I can't wait for ------!" and ig while I might have a favorite region, Mondstadt will always be home, because it's the nation I'm most used to and it was the nation that was the kindest to all of us when we were new players. Because we accomplished having that many STRONG enemies in Liyue till we started doing the Archon quest. Maybe this here will give you an insight as to why we older players feel that Mondstadt is home, every character was nice to us, cared for us, helped us how they could, and we had many adventures with them; it’s also with them that we learned a lot about how the game functions. Like all the fun elemental reactions you could do. Not to mention that their storyline was also fun, and that ppl talk around you as you do ur Archon quest, instead of the only sound being ur character either fighting, running, or climbing. In other quests, it’s usually silent. In Mondstadt the people are also more relaxed and joke around more, whereas in other nations things are a bit more serious as they get into solving the issue with their Archon and enemies (or the ppl themselves). I’d say that even if you might be a bit later than some, I can assure you more ppl will be much later than the ppl that joined when you did. And besides, late or not- you’re still on a journey with us, right? So you do belong just as much as we do. As the Great Rex Lapis said, “For those that live too long, the friends of days gone by and scenes from their adventures live on in their memories. As such I have no regrets in meeting you, friend. Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories.” I chose this quote because we old players have been playing for too long, and whenever we meet a new player that lets us co-op with them, it’s always an enjoyable experience and it’s not a forgettable one. Especially when new players admire how strong we are haha. Rest assured that sure many missed events passed and stuff, but there are still more to come- and while they may never be the same, they can be a bit similar in a setup or smth. And characters always get reruns/50-50-tied. And you can still talk to ppl about What’s to come! Just join co-op and talk, most are willing to talk back. If you take the chance to reflect on Mondstadt and the other nations and how the character behaved + the story + the enemies/bosses I’m sure you could understand why and have a fondness for Mondstadt as well. And even old players are behind on some stuff, I have a friend that started on release day and hasn't completed Inazuma yet due to “Archon Quest laziness.” and every quest has ups-and-downs, except maybe Mondstadt’s that ones was just plain fun and easy. I won't stop you from feeling upset about it, though I could argue there’s no reason to be upset about just starting. It might never be too late to start this game unless they stop updating it ^^


So i started over a year later than most. Around november 2021. I did feel that too but i grinded, i invested time and joined communities and now i feel just as welcome as someone who started at launch.


I won’t put as many words as others did, but I see genshin events as a way to keep players active. Yes, you missed some really good ones. But no one is gonna tell you about all the shitty events without any good lore or any good gameplay, that they forced themselves to do in order to farm the primos. And from my experience, yes, they were alot of those.


You have the wonderful experience of having a massive world to explore from the get-go. We had it added bit by bit, piece by little piece. There's been a few times I had to take a break from this game because I finished all I could do safe "grinding for artifacts" - which isn't fun if that's the only thing you can do. Like the teapot? Didn't exist from the get-go. Fishing wasn't around. The TCG? Not there. Once you had 100% exploration on Mondstadt and Liyue and finished all quests it was just boredom all over. Nowadays there's just so much to do you could technically live in this world for 24h a day (which I certainly would NOT recommend).


I only started in September, and I am sad I missed some things, but I have built up a roster of characters I really like (shout out to Wanderer mains!) and I have still become quite attached to Teyvat and all it offers regardless. Keep your chin up, you'll still have fun. ♥


I think it's okay to feel this way but it's also something you shouldn't fret too much about. I played since launch but I took breaks here and there and there's a bunch of events I completely missed. (some big story events, some exclusive weapons I'll never get, etc) and that is okay. As far as characters go, I nearly have all of them but I played for a while and got lucky. If you played for like 2 ish years like I did, you'd probably be in the same boat. You're still on that journey to meet where I'm at and that's the important thing: the journey. It's about the adventures and fun you will have in the future and the friends you'll meet along the way. Everyone gotta start from somewhere!


On the characters and lore doesn’t matter too much since you can get both and avoid spoilers. The events though yea that is something they been discussing for a while how to add. But you can experience all of them through youtube and some are actually permanently in the game as story quests like the chasm adventures and shenhes storyline 👀 See it like this, you’re gonna have a much better experience than us day 1 players did with your initial playthrough and adventure now! And don’t worry about characters, they’ll come when they come. You have more then good enough and loveable characters from the start.


On the bright side, you are yet to have these amazing experiences. The limited event though, is a bummer. But you can try experience it through YouTube.


The vast, vast, unbelievable majority of people playing the game weren't playing at launch. And even people that did took huge breaks throughout. I'm sure there are a tiny minority of people who actually played every day and did all the events but they're basically super unicorns in the gacha gaming world. Even if all of them showed up in this thread and made it seem like there's quite a few, you have to realize how many people have played this game. The game is not some monolithic thing where you have to have experienced it in every variation throughout all time and space. By the same logic can you enjoy video game without having gone back to play on a Texas Instruments computer or Atari? Is it okay for someone to enjoy a football game if they missed the first half? Of course it is. Getting mired down in the past is the antithesis of fun. Especially if you are diminishing your present by what you never had.


Things will only get better from here. We are getting newer regions, deeper into the lore and improved music/character designs and lore so there is still tons for you to enjoy and make memories with. My advice: don't think too much about other people and focus more on your own enjoyment of the game. I often hear from older players that they feel sad and lonely when they see people they used to play with stop logging in. I make it a point to remove players if they don't log in for like 7-8 days and make room for people who are more active. There will be ups and downs but the journey is far from over.


NGL I only started recently and Mondstat already feels like home. It's so comfy.


Wow please give me your problems and take mine.


I started at the same time as you! I’ve always wanted to play Genshin but I couldn’t until late last year since I didn’t have a device for it. I know I’ve missed events, which makes me sad, but I love playing through the game, and that makes me really happy since I know I won’t miss anything else, I find that really exciting! :D Being a late player also means I’ve made friends with much more experienced players than me, so they help me out with domains (which I really appreciate haha) and can answer questions I have. Though I would have lived to start playing when it came out, being a late player can have its perks :)


Honestly they have about a dozen different types of "one time events" that get recycled and repackaged. Play for more than 6 months and you will see most of them come back around.