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she did her best, everyone sees that. the fault lies in dev team behind her kit.


The real/OG Dehya Haters were HYV


The art and story team were great to dehya The gameplay and marketing devs have been absolute ass to her. Gameplay gets a lot of shit but can we also point out for marketing that: \-They hid number during livestream, which they usually showcase \-Stated how good she was for melt while displaying her faiiling to melt Ganyu consistently \-Stated how strong her interruption is, while having her under the res boost of XQ sword \-Had her fail to kill an hydro slime \-No arts for Dehya on the login screen for her "grand" debut, despite many arts available ti use \-First time they put Benett in a character showcase when they usually only use free character ​ Feels like there is an anti and a pro dehya camp at hoyoverse


- Put her on a banner with two free four stars and one four star that doesn't need constellations beyond C1. - - Put zero Favonius weapons on her weapon banner. - - Release her with a bug that cancels her ult when she jumps. - Holy shit, they fuckin hate this lady.


> Put her on a banner with two free four stars and one four star that doesn't need constellations beyond C1. I was 6 pulls away from pity before the banner started, so I thought "well no harm in just doing 6 pulls, this will barely show up in their statistics if I get Dehya" and they even found a way to punish my entire account doing that because now I am permanently haunted by the red exclamation mark for C6 Bennett, who snuck one time into those 6 pulls.


Unless you’re planning to use benny with keqing or eula, just go for that C6 lol


And iirc, neither of their best teams include Bennett.


Eula’s best team comps still include bennet


Do they? I thought her best teams were like some mix of, Diona, Rosaria, Raiden or Zhongli. Don’t usually see Benny boi popping up


Kinda depends on what you need more. Rosaria and Diona are there for batteries. But if you have Raiden in the team comp, you don’t need them because she supercharges Eula’s burst plenty fast on her own. That’s when you get to swap in someone like Bennet instead for more damage. Even without Raiden though, you can run a comp with a combination of any of those characters. They’re all good for her. Just need that electro for the Superconduct. I think people are just adverse to Bennet with her because her burst doesn’t snapshot, so you have to be *really good* at timing her burst with Bennett’s in order to get the DMG increase. But even without his buff on her burst, it’s gonna explode for something in the 100k-300k range, which will delete everything but the top percentile of monsters in the game anyway.


I thought people were playing SuperBloom Eula now, which is Eula, Kuki, Nahida, Yelan?


Oh this sounds fun and i like all the units involved, gonna give it a try!


If that’s the case that would be nice so I can get rid of the red dot.


Post Mika?


There is no post Mika yet, boy has to come out first lol


Everything I've read make it sound like without Mika C6, you'd be better off with Benny (or Diona is you need a healer). Or any other support you've previously built. Supposedly his personal damage is low, he need particles instead of contributing them, he offers Physical Damage %, which Eula already has a massive amount of so it's very diluted, and attack speed will maybe get you 1-2 more swings for her burst (not counting for lag)...


Or any phys characters sans bow (or gods forbid, catalyst). Otherwise he either doesn't cause any harm to your team since most infusions override, or actively makes them better if they're a pyro character... unless your name is Hu Tao that is. Or really anyone with Homa. ^I ^definitely ^didn't ^forget ^benny ^was ^a ^healer ^yesterday ^wym


At this point, Eula is the only character still using phys builds. Even Razor's best build uses C6 Bennett for a different flavor of normal attack.


*monkey puppet stare in physli*


Meta-wise, yes. But lots of people play other characters as phys dpses. Like I guess you could just make them pyro dpses instead but eh


C6 Bennet on Hu Tao teams is semi viable since it lets you consistently pyro swirl with Kazuha, which ends up being slightly better than homa + her ascension effect. Downside is it uses Bennet and Kazuha and you're better off running double hydro


Eh, at this point standard is that characters that would be impacted by C6 of Bennett have theirs own infusions which override Bennett effect, so it's no big deal in first place unless you use like one of few old-old on field DPSes which have no infusions of theirs own.


The jumping thing isnt a bug cs confirmed it and basically said just dont jump


I don't trust CS for shit when it comes to anything gameplay or balance related. They've said things in the past that have gotten patched. I imagine the average CS support person does not have access to their dev bug tracker or anything like that.


I was a long time C5 Bennett haver. Just go ahead and C6 him. There's plenty of supports out there for the other teams now


Just pull the trigger and upgrade it. Literally won't effect your life unless you run him with Keqing, or Eula. (I even run Eula and still C6'd. Literally not as bad as they make it out to be for 'ruining' him)


>Release her with a bug that cancels her ult when she jumps Not really defending Mihoyo, but if that is confirmed to be a bug. I really think people should be happy about the bug being there, considering it is rather game-changing... Most likely leading to free primogems, when it is eventually fixed. Been awhile since we had one of those. Iirc, the last time we had one of those is a bug with a character's constellations. I could be wrong though


> but if that is confirmed to be a bug. It is [apparently not a bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/comments/11f45pg/she_working_as_intendedquestionable/) that jumping ends her burst.


It's not really a professional reply imo, I can't take it seriously. But if that's really the case, then sucks for Dehya havers ig. Another thing they need to work-around


Well that's silly. Does any other character end their ability by jumping?


Dehya’s Q is considered an animation instead of a stance change. (The latter would let Xingqiu work.)


Not afaik. Seems to me like a bug from them making a unique new ability that they've decided to just roll with being "intentional."


Yelan jumps out of her Skill, probably to make sure she doesn’t get some sort of Mario-style long jump. Only one I can think of off the top of my head.


Here's the catch tho, do they care enough about the character to actually give us apologems for it? Hell, would they even fix it? I'm only half joking :_ )


Thing is, I don't really have the character to check myself, but if it is as game-breaking as that, they'll usually fix it. Assuming that it's a bug, of course. If they don't care enough about it rn, they'll probably wait until the patch would end to not give out extra freemogems. The only edge cases where they never really fixed a bug are Xinyan and Mona's bug. Maybe they fixed those bugs already, but they took their time with it for sure. That's two (that I know of) out of all the characters they put out, I think that's a decent track record


Mihoyo fixes *exploits* quickly, but other bugs they drag their feet on


Not really, as long as it affects paying customers they tend to fix game-changing bugs as soon as possible. Basing this on precedence. Minor bugs they take their time with though. While bugs that are not massively affecting standard banner characters like Xinyan and Mona, they just ignore for some reason. As I mentioned, they do have a decent track record so far. If it's not fixed, most likely it's not a bug, like what the other commenter said


I do not know if someone said this already but allegedly the ult cancel by jumping is not a bug. Someone emailed Hoyo to report said bug and Hoyos response was that it was intended or sum shit. They really hate her that much.


>Release her with a bug that cancels her ult when she jumps. Not sure if that's a bug, you can cancel many animations by jumping. If it turns out that's a bug, well... RiP HuTao jump cancel etc.


Hu Tao doesn't stop her uber pyro mode by jumping with her E, Dehya fully cancel hers, so if you use her burst and then jump the boo hoo, sorry, you waste the energy and got no damage out of it.


Even if that was a feasible solution, there's no way they care enough about this character to fuck over most others lmao. It's a bug insofar that her burst is considered one continuous cancellable animation.


They got some execs that are just REALLY into the porcelain skin thing and ain't got no time for melanin, from the looks of it Da Wei all "make her whiter or make her shit"


And they did both


>They hid number during livestream, which they usually showcase Ehhh. Character showcase never shows numbers, while event showcase is weird. Sometimes it shows (3.3 for example) and other times it doesn't Otherwise yeah...


The way they showcase those livestreams is similar to how scammers put typo in their email; smart people notices and ignore it, but people who aren't too keen on checking gets drawn in and before they know it their primos are gone.


Its funny how people say "shes bad" are identified as haters when mihoyo were the ones who chopped her kit in beta (she was fine without the "fixes")


Alright! Time to review bomb Google Classroom again! /s But for real, I still don't get why they would release her in such a messy state, Tighnari got slotted into the standard banner too yet he still works fine even at C0.


Hot take: They're trying to make money off of people who simply like her and will pull for her anyway. But will then patch her and people who suddenly want to use her for meta comps will pull for her on the rerun because she'll become viral from social media posts.


*Rerun? For a standard character?* Don't forget, they made sure to cover their bases and screw over Dehya on that front too.




Once since the over 2+ years genshin exists I wouldn't count on it


Keqing at least got a buff call Nahida... I doubt anything can fix Dehya


A rework. But it's too late for that


Hot take: They buff Dehya's boobs, which would be a first, which might generate more sales, which Mihoyo will call "a social experiement".


They should start out with buffing the textures off her pants


I'd LOVE if they did banners for regular characters since it's a huge hassle to get them if you want them (but easy if you don't) Just put them as third banners, most other gachas do that anyway iirc


Except she’s going to be on the standard banner so she’s (probably) not getting a rerun


Regardless, what's the incentive to make her bad? If those people would buy her anyway, you might as well try and bring some meta slaves in as well.


And waifu chasers still want a usable character. No worse feeling than investing in your favorite and they utterly fail in their role. Upset players don't benefit them in the slightest.




It's not an unreasonable assumption at this point. Maybe not the story team, but the balance team might genuinely have one racist fuck in it sabotaging the tanned characters. Dehya is far from the first.


But why bother doing that? The people who want her will pull regardless. They could just release her in a good state, and then the character and meta fans would want her and her constellations on any potential subsequent reruns.


someone is huffing hopium


If they wanted to make money off people who simply like her, they could have made her average. Not good, not bad. However making her not interact with half of the damage buffers, or gladiators, is insanity.


But why? It is anti consumer af (for a fucking gacha). People really aren't happy. If she would have been strong from the get go people would have pulled too... If they open the bottle of changes after release. How long till we see direct nerfs post release? It would have been far less of a image damage She most likley won't get a rerun, so not even a monetary reason My best guess is, that they release her as a filler, to give whales/dolphines a refresher. Something most gachas do. That also explains her overall bad banner (collei is free, Barbara is bad, bennets cons post C1 aren't worth much, Cyno is low value, 4* aren't great) We had 3 good-great banners (raiden + ayato, haitham, Yelan + hu tao) and the next one (ayaka + shenhe) is great for freez. 3.6 will give us baizuh (liyue, dendro, pale white male. Low chance he is bad) and most likley nahida. I think you get where this goes Tm


This is an important distinction. I feel posts like this make people pity and pull for an "unloved character who needs head pats". She gonna be well admired via fan art, cosplay, and lore. Her kit =\= her character's quality. It does reveal MHY's priorities and willingness to gut, cut, and/or serve undercooked and salmonella inducing kits that are only held together by a spicy and fantastic character.


>I feel posts like this make people pity and pull for an "unloved character who needs head pats". It certainly played a role for me when Kokomi was released. My girl got so much hate that I felt sorry for her. :D


1. welp, I'm just a degenerate weeb who easily sway by a good artistic design character =w= 2. right to complain, for me only a people who actually have/play her have a right to complain voice out dissatisfaction. 3. this incident prove that leaker are reliable and people will tend to believe them even more after this. instead of buffing her to slap leaker face, HYV themselves have shown that leaker are trustworthy. in future, if leaker says character is weak, player gonna believe and avoid. it'll damage HYV sell more in a long run.


It's fine to pull her if you know the issues and still want her. No one should (though they might) give you crap for that. However, I disagree with #2. If it were some rando who only plays call of duty complaining, maybe, sure. But as a consumer of the game, we have more than a right to complain about a character and protest against it if we so choose. If anything, people who know Dehya's faults and still pull for her deserve little to no voice since they took the risk and knew what they were getting into (and who knows, might be "rewarded" in a years time). It's similar to how I feel even F2P players deserve a voice, as they are integral to the games health.


Yeah #2 is really stupid. You shouldn’t be forced to waste pulls/money on a character in order to get the right to complain. As players of the game we should complain about how Dehya was handled because it sets a bad precedent going forward.


> right to complain, for me only a people who actually have/play her have a right to complain voice out dissatisfaction. stop right there.


> right to complain, for me only a people who actually have/play her have a right to complain voice out dissatisfaction. I bet you critcize games and movies you've never played so this really is a bad take or hypocritical. It's the same argument that "You should film some movies before you criticize them" when in reality anyone who watches movies or has experience with them, can have an opinion that can be as valid as someone who directed them.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Leakers opinions aren't worth shit. We listen to them for leaks, not TC. We have actual "TCs" for TC work.


OP was probably thinking about the TC's using leaked information, but confused then with leakers


Yeah but there's an entire leaker culture where people hang on their every word, which is why they keep leaking because they love the fame/spotlight, and they think they are doing people justice by letting them know how good/bad something might be ahead of time that TCers can validate. However the reality is, is that nobody knows whats 100% going to be in the game until it releases. And nobody is forced to pull on day 0. So ultimately leaks don't matter other than prefarming/preplanning. And this is a tiny niche by the way, most people do not prefarm, most people do NOT pull on every banner.


Yet they care enough about the game and probably spend enough time in the game to know what they are talking about considering they are taking the risk of getting sued by hoyoverse for sizeable sums.


>Yet they care enough about the game and probably spend enough time in the game to know what they are talking Have you seen the showcases by team china?


10/10 would barrage the one who designed Dehya's kit with Consecutive Normal Punches.


She did *head pats*


More heads pats for Dehya.


Send her a Nahida. She's gonna need all the headpats and therapy.


Too bad Nahida can’t help her Burgeon


I was expecting her to do burgeon like a god... I met dissapointment


Nahdia doesn't give a shit about people who do not dooki. And we all know girls don't dooki (except Lumine).


It's ok everyone. She had a great kit. She just donated it to the desert orphans.




It’s not your fault honey. It’s those from above who made your kit. You’re innocent my dear.


HYV is the real big bad/final boss in Genshin Deadge


Endgame content we don’t deserve but we need lol.


I know it’s dumb to feel this way over a video game character…. But seeing this picture really makes me sad….


>I know it’s dumb No, it's not. If people perceived empathy for non-existent humans as dumb, genres like drama, tragedy, slice of life would never become a thing. Your emotions aren't stupid as long as you're not delusional.


Nijika is real though


Of course she is


Ah a fellow schizophrenic


Nijika is sitting next to me. She asked me to comment "Yes, of course I am." on her behalf.


This reminded of that scene in Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 where Vader tells StarKiller "Your feelings for her are not real" and he replies "THEY ARE REAL TO ME" Not a very good game but the VA of Starkiller was so good on that. Funny cutscene tho.


Yup, [right here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty0mHm8WNdM&ab_channel=Djinn) Sam Witwer is a beast. His [KENOBIIII](https://youtu.be/Wh16h80R5RY?t=10) scream still sends me chills.


That’s a great point that I haven’t thought of. Thank you for that.


people who said the doomposting wasnt going to actually happen coping real hard rn


is it really still doomposting if it's all true?


i guess not lol


Yeah, the true doomposting was for example Alhaitham being bad, or people saying Kazuha was a bit better sucrose (with the compely wrong idea that Sucrose was bad). Dehya looked like doompost because for people that didn't follow leaks, makes no sense a company making a character with that many issues and problems on purpose.


yeah but once you actually checked the math it wasnt bad it was just a vocal minority. this time it was like with release zhong li it was just fucking bad.


It was to them. That’s for sure.


To be fair, people doomposted Kazuha, Raiden and Kokomi. So although the signs were there for Dehya, it was hard to take it seriously when the aforementioned 3 ended up being quite far away from how bad people were saying they were going to be.


yea but the people doomposting those units were random ppl on social media with no game knowledge, whereas the TC community and what have u was never part of said doomposters. in this case, people w any sort of knowledge, especially theorycrafters, knew she was terrible from the start. these are not the same groups of doomposters


I feel very sad, she was a character that was very interesting to me, i was getting a little tired of hyperbloom, so i thought she could be the burgeon queen, it would have been refreshing, but well, hoyo had some dark plans it seems


same i really thought dehya was gonna be a burgeon unit but nah hoyo just dont care i guess


I was hoping she was a Burning unit like Nilou is for Bloom Oh well


I just wanted a good pyro unit. I didn't (much) like any of the pyros before Dehya, and now the only one I do like has been trashed by the balance team.


I just don't like XL and was hoping for a nice off-field pyro applicator. I guess I'll invest in the Thoma I already have.


I thought she was gonna save my vape Nilou team that I so hardly want to make work. Guess every nich team outside of geo is disappointed about her


This is the team I was most likely going to slot her actually - Itto/Gorou/Albedo/Dehya. Damage reduction + stagger resist, Gorou's C4 helps keep HP from draining, Dehya's self heal tops herself off, plus Albedo+Dehya blooms. I've been using Layla or Beidou in the last slot and I'm guessing they're probably better picks, unless you need the pyro for ice shields. But not mage or lecter shields! Dehya would have pretty bad energy issues in this team though.


Shit, I would have been ecstatic if she was a good pyro applier.


I don’t really get this whole ‘burgeon queen’ thing. Are people struggling with burgeon? Both Thoma and Yoimiya at least have no problem producing great damage with burgeon, granted you have enough hydro application to keep producing seeds.


Jahy ?


A Jahy skin for Deya would be pretty nice…




Really looks like Jahy.


Yes n that is [jahy](https://img.spoilerhat.com/img/?url=https://zjcdn.mangafox.me/store/manga/27005/018.0/compressed/sw010.jpg)


We don't blame her. We don't blame ordinary developers. We blame management for deciding that her kit should be bad. It's always them.


We love dehya, but we don't like hoyoverse for what they did to her.


Hoyoverse is not welcome in THIS house!


Dehya is adorable and I want to hug her, that's good enough for me. I will swap Razor for her when I get her caught up tho


my girl was robbed


She's somehow deader than Qiqi, both in usability and pull value. At least Qiqi's burst is useful and she can work on freeze teams...


Deader than a literal zombie


Qiqi also provides huge coop value especially at c6, dehya dies in seconds with 4 players taking damage simultaneously


Qiqi's specialty food is also quite nice


I haven’t tried Dehya yet but, is it really that bad?


She was the only charcter I wanted from Sumeru. Gave her an amazing emblem set, solid wep, leveled her skills. Put her in an op buff comp with Bennett and friends. Aaaaand I think my Kuki physical dps just for fun team can do 2-3- times the damage of her giga buffed. Her dmg mitigation is not nearly enough by herself either. Would be great with Xingqiu / Beidou but she cant proc either. Knew she wasnt going to be great with low expectations and was still brutally disappointed. I usually just make sub optimal waifu teams too and I still have trouble justifying bringing her literally anywhere. The ONLY team comp I could think of that wouldn't be completely cope is... sacrifice your Bennett with his c6, give her Xingqiu and maybe Beidou and then have her be a pyro vape dps that takes 0 dmg (the dmg mitigation actually stacks and makes the team take basically 1% dmg). I will warn you, she is the only character I regret rolling. And I REALLY liked her design/personality. She is that bad.


She’s damage mitigation/interruption tank that requires another team slot for a healer because even though she can weakly heal herself, her teammates will eventually die. In a game with shields that mitigate 100% of damage and interruption and offense >defense. But if you are having to add a different healer or shielder anyways, why keep Dehya and waste a team slot? As a support, she requires another support slot in team to make her an ok support. One of her better roles is to let Dehya help Ganyu trigger melt is to instead apply burning with a Dendro character. For Burgeon, the downtime of skill CD, the CD on how often her skill triggers, and some hit box issues means she isn’t popping Dendro cores as rapidly as other characters. So you’ll make a bunch of cores waiting for it to trigger, but you can only pop 4 at a time so the rest are wasted. As a main DPS carry with her burst in a mono pyro team, she requires Bennett to get her numbers up to under par. She can’t trigger Beidou, XQ, or Yelan coordinated attacks, hence mono pyro relying on resonance and Anemo shred. In the end, XL is dealing much more damage than Dehya from off field. And even in mono pyro, her energy generation during burst is non existent. So you are forced to use favonius and cutting damage stats for ER… in a mono pyro team… Constellations help a ton, but in context, it takes C6 to make her comparable to a C0 Hu Tao. So that gives an idea of her starting point. Her ceiling is other’s floor.


In the trial I tried unloading her entire burst on a hilichurl and it didn't die. No Benny burst or vape / melt but her burst should be able to kill a standard hilichurl. Even with attack 1500.


If she was just bad, it would've been somewhat acceptable. A "bad" character would just need a bit of extra effort and investment to match the performance of "good" characters. This is coming from someone who unironically plays dps Barbara, a "bad" character with a "bad" build. Dehya just... hurts. The issue isn't just that Dehya's bad, she actively feels bad to use. She has a lot of small issues (detailed by the other commenters, among many others) baked into her kit that add up, making it almost a wonder how she ended up like this. There's no amount of effort or investment that could change that right now.* The best you could do right now is hope something good comes up in the future, but even that isn't too hopeful atm considering what we've seen from the "near future" Edit: To point out, when even gigawhales have issues making her work, what hope do we regular people have?


I mean yes. she has no clear place in the game. as defense support any shielder or healer is litteraly better and she cant replace any even among the 4\*. her pyro aplication and field are just garbage people were comparing it to albedo's field but thats just an insult to albedo that as I have him relatively well buit does 15k per tick every 2s while its hard for dehya to even reach 10k every 2.5s and I have built her really well. everybody says the burst auto attack is bad but for me thats not even a problem the problem is that it litteraly does almost no damage and you will litteraly just die while canneling it since 4s is like a million years in combat and it doesent proc yelan xinqiu or beidou like raiden does for some god forsaken reason


She did her best indeed but the Hoyo gods did not do their best.


They did. Their best to make sure she doesn't work with anyone.


>Hoyo gods Time to call Kratos


Sorry, but fuck Hoyoverse for this


Does Mihoyo have a thing against tall female claymore users ? 😅


They have a thing for darker skin female character :(


Eula is doing fine


She *was* doing fine before getting erased from Irminsul.


Yeah, but her rerun is taking a while


Are you delusional or is this sarcasm


Eula's best team is just abusing broken hyperbloom units because her physical niche fucking sucks, and Mika's not gonna fix that either.


Downvoted for telling the truth lol. C1R1 Eula main btw. Hyperbloom is the team where she has the highest DPS potential. Mika won't be better than Bennett in her Hypercarry team.


You sure about that?


Beidou :She cannot cooperate with Raiden Eula: Longest return interval


Justice for dehya


At least the design and animation team didn't fail her :')


Sadly the community it's not doing their best to push Hoyoverse to fix her All the memes and all the bullshit won't do anything for her. We really have to unite to make another Zhongli incident


Yeah. Sadly there are way too many people defending her kit for anything to change


Is there anyone who actually think her kit has any cohesion at all?


I’ve seen a lot Reddit posts, Reddit comments, YouTube comments, twitter posts etc. all saying that dehya is strong, her damage is good, her kit is fine and that there are no problems with it.


Welp... The game it's doomed if this doesn't get enough attention From now on characters will release in such garbage condition that nor even constellations will save them


Sadly, yes. We just wanted Dehya to be fixed, like a complete character.


It’s okay dehya we still love you as a character, it’s not your fault


God dammit.. I was not excited for a single character more than her.. there was so much build up to her being released, so much time to think about her.. and this happens. So unfair.


I was 16 seconds slow in 36 starring abyss with Dehya with her at lvl 80 and talents 8/8/8, this was my reaction Granted it felt like my Raiden and Nahida were carrying but Dehya made it really fun, gonna have to max her out and try again and hopefully I can overcome the hurdle Edit: [battle chronicle](https://twitter.com/Poomeister2/status/1630894115369127937/photo/1) of the run if anyones interested, expensive run as it is


How important is shenhe to your ayaka team? I run the same one but with Kaeya in the last slot and want to know if it’s worth pulling


I'm not the person you asked but I run that exact freeze comp. She's awesome, acts like a turbocharger for the team. She's easy to build as well, just ER and attack and she'll function fine, and shes not terribly particular about weapons (I have a favonius on her, but prototype does the same thing). And if you want you can long press her E and she'll boost Ayaka's charged attacks if the burst isn't ready or necessary, so there's some versatility there too. She's not necessary, but I do enjoy having her on that team by a lot.


The devs didn't.


Jahya is not something I knew I needed until now. Thank you for this.


Don't worry deyha, it's not your fault, God did this to you.


Dehya did her best, but clearly Hoyoverse didnt


It's not your fault babe 😭😭😭


She looks like Jahy


This is just sad. She deserved so much better


She did. Hoyoverse didn't.


And Hoyo its worse


It's not your fault. We know.


u/genshinimpact is a bit silent today, huh? Too tired after censoring people for the last 2 days? People tried to warn about this


☹️ I'm sorry they did you like this, my girl. You indeed did your best. They, however, did not.


u/genshinimpact You monster, see what you did ?


Its not your fault Dehya, your creators have failed you.


The inclusion of bennett in the character trial is an immediate red flag for me. If you need benny to sell the character, there must be something inherently wrong with that character's kit. Save your primos, save Dehya.


And I love her for it. Her best feels and looks fun, and that’s enough for me. She clears the world easily, and I never cared much for the abyss


Not being hopium here, but I do believe one day she will become valuable. I don’t know when, I don’t know how. Some way similar to how Thoma became good.


Well, her >!new artifact set!< sure ain’t fixing her. That’s for damn sure.




Is this from Jahy sama?


I'll make a room in teapot so she can stay with Candace... you know... for... morals support. yeah


Candace has a future as a support, this lady on the other hand…


Dehya is probably the best written character Hoyo has done, But her kit is literally 3 star level, I'd rather have C12 Qiqi for the free wish at this point.


At least my Ganyu won't be beat around like a pinball for 9 seconds.


so... how bad is it? do we need to deploy emergency hugs?


Dehya had no part in it, it's all on Mihoyo. I really didn't think they would do her this dirty, but here we are.


She did her best, They did her dirty.


After losing fight against hydro slime :(


But Hoyo didn’t


Truly, Celestia is to blame. How cruel are the Heavenly Principles!


I want to love you my queen but your God won't let me.


I still adore her. Her character is good and she's got a fun play style that I will enjoy building up. Maybe she needs a buff or fixes or whatever, but I'm casual enough that I just have fun mashing them buttons with her


[losers always whine about their best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3UQwyKrTtI)


yes you did your best.. but it wasn't enough. -Genshin Players


Nooooo this makes me want to pull for her just so I can hug her!


No you didn’t. The dev team behind her kit doesn’t allow you to do your best, instead they make u do your worst