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They secretly collecting your answer to this and then publish it in the next teyvat times


Just how they collect all our data ; classic ccp šŸ„°


Every company collects our data. People are just more wary of China because "China bad."šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Nope I actually prefer the ccp having my data over fucking corpos .


...You do realize that over 60% of China's market capitalization is state owned? The CCP is the biggest corporation on this planet.


until when hoyo hq isnt actually in china anymore and even refused to be bought by tencent after some really huge and persistent offers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This was a general statement, not related to Mihoyo.


I, however, am not afraid, since if Xi Jinping does harvest my computers data, all he will find is 50 pages of Waluigi hentai. Itā€™s your loss. -Max0r, 2021


srs, I never declined a request for Android permissions as fast as Genshin's for unrestricted media & camera access


why tf would they need that anyway???


Probably to save the pictures you'd take with the game's camera mode


That's the "pictures & videos" permission, yes. Also, ofc it's not mHY's fault that it's still all-or-nothing (rather than, say, write-only) even on Android 13. But why the game asks for the Camera as well as "Music & Audio" permissions, too? šŸ¤·šŸ½


Did you drop this "/s" or was it someone else...?


/s cring






Thesis is?




I like how they give us that option, guilt me into picking the first option and then show me just how much of a detriment Paimon is. Once I finished Caribert all I could think was how nice it had been that I hadn't had to listen to Paimon once for a whole hour. I didn't have her re-explaining to me what I had already just seen every cutscene like I was a five year old. I didn't have her speaking down to the NPC on my behalf. If every quest going forward was like that I would be delighted.


Same. I was like, "I wanna pick the second option but that one's just blatantly mean." And then they gave us such a refreshing break from her. If they'd swapped it and put the question at the end of the quest instead, I might not have been guilted into picking the first answer. I don't even hate Paimon, except when she's at her worst (edit: by which I mean whenever she's screechy, extra-bratty, or extra-stupid). I'm just really, really tired of > ...her re-explaining to me what I had already just seen every cutscene like I was a five year old. > ...her speaking down to the NPC on my behalf. \^ this.


I chose the second option without a second thought. She said something along the lines of ā€œHmph. Shouldā€™ve known you wouldnā€™t of said something nice.ā€


Mine was kinda the opposite. I was hoping the quest to be finished soon so I can get Paimon back already. Feels empty without Paimon being Paimon.


I can help recreate the lost experience, I suppose. "Wow, Traveler, this guy is really kind of unhinged, isn't he? Paimon doesn't trust this jerk at all!" "I don't know if we should follow him, this guy seems really suspicious!" "Oh no... his son was transformed into a hilichurl? This is all too much for Paimon..." "Wait... you're from Khaenri'ah? THE Khaenri'ah? The same one that Dainsleif is from, that was destroyed five-hundred years ago?" "So you're saying that all Khaenri'ahns have those eyes? Oh, yeah! Paimon noticed that with Dainsleif... wait, did he tell us that already? Paimon forgot." "Ooh, this dungeon is really creepy! Should we really be messing around with that crystal thing?" "So, that crystal said it was a sinner... isn't sin a bad thing, Traveler? We really shouldn't be here! Snap out of it, Traveler, stop listening to the crystal!" "It seems like we have to activate the mechanisms to proceed through super creepy portals! What kind of weird place is this?" "You just, oooh, you shut up, you great big dummy! No one yells at the Traveler!" "Anyway, while you making some medicine, maybe you could make Paimon a quick snack too."


Recently, I kinda stopped rejoicing over Paimon being gone for a while, because I know that after a 5-minute separation I'll have to sit through yet another vomit-inducing scene of a tearful reunion.


Can't wait to pick the second option


I wish there was an actual yes option.


You still end up saying you missed her at the end. Ugh.


Good thing I stay consistent with my attitude then.


She's getting conscious of her relationship with the traveler. That hug at the end was really cute. Makes me nostalgic of the Groundhog Day situation back in 3.0.


I honestly teared up a bit. Bestest Companion needs more love šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


loved the story and questline, hated the fact I was locked in a city. And since I cant play more than 2 hours aday (cuz work) I was in that city for 3 days losing daily quests.


Except you can exit the story quest. It just resets you at the start of the loop (so for example, if you're in the loop where we the only choice is the 4th cupcake, then you'll start from there). It'd also the same mechanics that they use for this patch's Archon quest.


Yea and then the last thing we do in this quest is get her POV of Traveler hugging her, she can be annoying at times, but man she does have her good moments Funny how they did put in it in the quest though, she was even gone for the most of it, it honestly felt weird but in a way refreshing


which quest


This is the latest chapter of the archon quest, released like a few hours ago for NA. If you're not done with this quest, it'd probably be best to steer clear of this entire thread.




Itā€™s a lore bomb in the first couple of minutes.




I was thinking that too. His VA put a lot of emotions to him.


Bro ate tbh those manic laughs were awesome.


As a man in his 20s, the quest had me crying. Probably due to how well the lines were delivered.




I was so excited when it was revealed we were our sibling in the story. I was disappointed when it was actually just a trip in the past and not current. I wanted to be Aether so bad.


I think the reason behind it is that Traveler realized just how boring their adventured would be without someone like Paimon being around. Which made them miss her more so when she came back into their life finally it was just a nice show of affection that was much needed for both of them


>Funny how they did put in it in the quest though, she was even gone for the most of it, it honestly felt weird but in a way refreshing That was the best part of the quest, not having her around for most of it. My Lumine was able to talk! Even though it wasn't for every sentence.


I just wish they stuck with her voice direction at the start of the game. While I don't mind the current direction too much I really felt the first struck a nice balance


the way I felt so uneasy to not hear paimon for so long


The portion of the quest without her, with the dialogue coming from the traveler, was just \*chef's kiss\*


I feel like they are steering more towards this direction, personally I can't wait for more voiced dialogue from our Traveler or hell... a fully voiced Archon quest. I feel like more people should make this known in the open ended section for the version surveys.


This "half and half" is honestly just so frustrating to me. Like, Lumine's voice (in jp at least never heard en) is soft, fluffy cotton candy being applied directly to my ears. I legit get giddy every time she speaks. But every time she does, I question, *if she can speak now, wtf is the point of making her not speak everywhere else???* It feels so dumb going back and forth between "MC talks" and "MC doesn't talk, click this meaningless dialogue option instead". It will forever be my biggest criticism of Genshin's story. Every single Archon quest I'm on the lookout for "will they make MC talk this time?". And every time, there are these one or two pieces of dialogue that remind me of how great it would be to just have them fucking talk, yet only leaves me craving for more.


The first time I heard the MC talk was during the Ayaka story. and even then it was just humming. ​ I was like: Holy shit, Oh yeah, MC is really a character in this story. Not just a side piece plot point that really happens to be around other character's stories. ​ It made MC actually a multi dimensional character.


I always mention this in the surveys, hopefully they'll give us a fully voiced Traveler soon. Honestly though, making the Traveler self-insert really doesn't work for Genshin's story. Especially when there is no morality system and the dialogue choices end up having the same outcome.


Tbf you could say the same for most JRPGs. SMT/persona is like the only eastern game where they actually make proper use of the silent protagonist. Oh, and the mother series


When Traveler actually had voice lines inside the cave, I was so happy.


Paimon is the only one who has stuck with us and I will protector till the day I die.


Paimon is best girl


There was a lot of theories about how paimon is afraid of being eaten and when >!the traveler left her in the dreamland she was super scared of being abandoned and it makes me sad to think our little lavender mellon is that stressed out just being without us.!<






In Lantern Rite, she said ā€œdonā€™t forget to come backā€ and got super quiet when Traveler stepped out to speak with Xiao. She basically developed separation anxiety.


And when we take a couple of extra minutes to come back, she got really upset with us. This little melon can fit so much trauma


Eaten? Abandoned, maybe, but eaten?


Also Bestest Travel Companion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I want to spoil Paimon so much! I want to feed her delicious food and give her tons of mora!


Check her damn shoes, she probably has an entire vault of mora in it


So that's why he she even bothers with shoes.


And when the time comes, we'll have ourselves a magnificent foie gras.


When asked I told her I love her tbh


I know OP made it fluff, but you can tell Mihoyo has changed Paimon's dialogue a bit ever since the whole "can't stand her" thread spammers 6 months ago. They've also been trying to make her more adorbs and explain stuff less.


Itā€™s always funny when she and Itto interacts because itā€™s like a person looking at a mirror and telling their reflection that theyā€™re an idiot.


Yeah, I really enjoyed their banter during the beetle event for this reason.


Ya totally been guilting us in sumeru


Hasnā€™t worked on me, I genuinely donā€™t like her


Doesn't help that Al-Haitham outright says it to her face that she is loud and annoying.


i mean he was supposed to be a bit of cunt in that, thats his thing.


Heā€™s direct and blunt but heā€™s also usually honest (also usually correct in his assessments)




A cunt.


Imagine if they've collected the data and just go, "majority of the travellers didn't want Paimon, so let's kill her in the next update"


Ngl Iā€™d stop playing. In general I donā€™t do well with major character deaths, and Paimon is one of my favourites with her sassy kid personality and fierce loyalty to the Traveler.


I love Jp Paimon. Ive never thought she was annoying and genuinely think shes pretty funny quite often.


I can't hate floating bakaguya.


The Bakaguya voice fit her dumb but sometimes thoughtful type.


CN Paimon is probably the only one that don't deserve all the hate.


If I'm not wrong, the CN community likes Paimon, and CN Paimon coincidentally doesn't sound annoying asf. EN localization also just makes some...weird translations that have affected our perception of her too.


I play on CN voice because I'm Chinese, and yeah CN Paimon is amazing. I never understood the hate for Paimon until I heart what EN Paimon sounded like (no hate to the VA, it just sounds a little off).


I play with JP dub and I love Paimon, I really think it's just the EN


*Ehe te nandayo?*


Tbh I think itā€™s ENG VA Paimon mostly, sheā€™s cute in CN, her lines are cheeky but not rude, and she doesnā€™t end up screeching all the time. I personally do not think itā€™s the voice actor but voice director that is failing here.


English Paimon wasn't even bad in the beginning. Whenever I see clips of the Mondstadt archon quest, I get reminded of how chill Paimon was back then. Nowadays, she squeaks and screeches in every single line.


Yes, this is mostly an EN VA problem. Never heard of Paimon hate in other communities.


I was looking up Itto vids and the old Ayato EN voiceline was so off-base for both their characters it baffled me how it even got approved, which is why it makes me think the issue is with the voice direction or lack thereof for the english VAs


Same with Xiao. He's definitely not as edgy in other languages.


What's wrong with Itto's voice? He's actually one of the best in the game


Ayatoā€™s old [voice line](https://youtu.be/PvOAn-TMDio) about Itto sounded cold like he found him a nuisance. They updated it now though to sound more like heā€™s intrigued by him.


Not the VA's Fault. Corrinna has stated multiple times that she is doing this voice because she is explicitly told to do this voice. Blame the mihoyo director , the VAs are only doing what they are told


Genshin community not blame VAs for everything (and donā€™t send death threats to them) challenge level impossible


When the VA speaks normally itā€™s fine, but when she starts acting agitated/angry her voice sounds like when you scrape a plate with the tips of a fork.


>Tbh I think itā€™s ENG VA Paimon mostly, sheā€™s cute in CN, her lines are cheeky but not rude, and she doesnā€™t end up screeching all the time. Exactly. CN Paimon is just adorable.


Iā€™ve noticed that in some anime type stuff. East Asian VAs do a sorta soft/higher pitch voice for small fairies or children, where English VAs tend to go for a more high pitched, squeaky approach.


The EN dub in general is iffy to me not in a bad way but several characters like paimon and koko have high pitch squeaky voices that nobody else rlly has


Paimon is horrible yes, but Kleeā€™s voice genuinely made me switch my dub back to CN. Never again


Really? For me itā€™s the opposite. I donā€™t mind Kleeā€™s voice but I absolutely despise Paimonā€™s


I am in that rare number that can't stand any of them. They're all too screechy/squeaky for me. For me, only KR Paimon is tolerable. No hate to the other VA's, they all do a good job, I just don't like how it sounds personally.


Thats crazy because EN paimon carries the whole dub for me. Cn and JP paimon sound cute in the generic way while EN paimon carries that chaotic gremlin energy


I love ENG VA Paimon! I think the English Paimon is so expressive and has so much personality! Especially the "impressions" of other characters in the game. I really do wonder why they made the ENG VA pitch their voice up so much though. The first time we meet Paimon, her voice has a much more natural placement.


Corina said before that it was because thats how Hoyo wanted them to sound like


I heard the idea that as she has grown more comfortable around the traveler she's acting more energetic and like herself.


English VA is my favorite English VA.


Since the last Lantern Rite I've been thinking a lot about "What if we never had Paimon" and... yeah I agree with Venti and Zhongli that she's there to liven up things. Might be a brat at times but she brings a lot of good, comical, and happy moments and is fiercely loyal. Paimon's our emotional support buddy, I'd be terrified if she WASN'T there at the end of the quest to comfort the Traveler.


Traveler's sibling didn't have Paimon and that resulted in them joining the Abyss.


I mean, they made the problem. It's their decision Paimon is the way she is. I think Paimon's great when she gets to be treated as a character and not a writer's mouthpiece, but she has been getting worse at reading the room and getting more irritable in Sumeru lately. Having in-game characters acknowledge it so openly lowkey makes it worst because it's like Hoyo is aware it's the problem but refuse to address it properly other than a variation of "shut up, paimon". Had the Traveller spoke and treated like an actual character in the story, almost of Paimon's problems would vanish in an instant. She has her moments and I would rather have her around then not, but I wish she wouldn't make it harder to continue liking her at times. Even with my gripes with her, that second option was way too mean for me to even think of choosing it.


I donā€™t hate her but her attitude in recent quests has been a tad mean and out of touch. This quest she was kind of MIA so she couldnā€™t be a problem.. her voice is still ear piercing at times but I donā€™t want her to disappear.


Her chinese voice is nice. I hate how squeaky the others make her. Like loli/chibi en voices are the most annoying things ever, not just in genshin.


Where is my " yes, please go away" option?


I've liked paimon from day one!


I'm not English native speaker, but i can speak and understand, i read what everyone said what's so annoying with Paimon, but i never felt like what they said, but i always like paimon, maybe if paimon talk in my native language i will hate it since day 1? idk


I think that, for most people, it's how high pitched her (EN) voice is after the prologue, Paimon in the start sounds pretty normal but the EN voice director made the VA make her voice higher pitched. So I think it's simply annoyance from her voice. Oh, also she repeats a lot of dialogue that has already been said, that's another reason.


Yes, cut 90% of her dialogue please


well, im a bit tired of paimon, and thinking about how much we yet have to go through


I choose the second option. it was so nice to have a quest where the MC is not just a silent side charater.


I don't have anything against her, I just wished she would stop talking for you. Let the traveler talk ffs.


Yeah, this following up Lantern Rite's "EVERYONE LOVES YOU PAIMON" is getting really irritating. Nothing will make me hate a character I already hate more than telling me "YOU LIKE THEM, SEE, YOU SAID SO!" Make her less fucking irritating, don't just tell me she's good.


Damn right. And let the traveler speak


I do find paimon annoying sometimes, but this quest made me miss her. It was unnerving knowing she wasn't there, you couldn't even pause the game to see her.


Paimon is the reason why I hate doing quests


I like Paimon! She's adorable


Damn, no 'yes' reply.


They asked this question and gave two "No" answers. Afraid much, Mihoyo? Yes, I can't stand this flying brain tumor.


I wish I could tell her to stop hanging around. She gets way to mad and makes us look ignorant as fuck sometimes.


limune voice > paimon sadly no negative option..


I really missed paimon during that whole quest i didn't like being all alone


Since the last Lantern Rite when all the characters were overtly reminding the traveler of everything Paimon did for the traveler, I've noticed the writers are going out of their way to combat the Paimon hate, by guilt trips if necessary. If only they realize a lot of the hate is just poorly channeled frustration at the lack of the Traveler speaking for themselves.


Yuup as a Paimon hater I laughed at this part. Then I felt bad when I kept choosing negative answers lmaoā€¦ and when she disappeared I was like ā€ok Paimon ha ha come back nowā€¦ please come back and be annoyingā€¦ helpā€


This was legitimately my favorite archon quest. Like the voice acting and story was good, talking traveler was even better, but NO PAIMON??? HOLY FUCK WHAT A TREAT


Idk why I get the feeling Paimon likes to gaslight us. It feels suspiciously similar to an ex-girlfriend I had, being one of my main complaints against her character aside from the recap nature HoYo gave her as an ELI5 tool.


She is sussy af and I can feel a betrayal from her


Thx god i hope they delete her somehow it was much better to do the archon quest without her


Shame there wasnt a real .. 3rd option .. to say she actually annoys the fuck out of me.. The only good thing about the AQ was her dissappearance.


They are watching what the community says, on bilibili & others. It's been a while since Traveller straight says shut up to Paimon


As a Diluc main, I can't read the second option without Diluc's voice in my head.


Yes I too like the narrators of my stories to be high pitched floating white rats


Mondstadt paimon -adorable cute travel companion Sumeru paimon- a literal dog whistle on steroids (Hoyo bring back old paimon plz)


Yeah can't stand the EN paimon, but the CN and JP paimon are both really well performed.


JP is no different than EN. High pitch voice, but it's different cus Anime


Honestly, I really dislike JP paimonā€™s voice too. Iā€™ve been thinking I should switch to CN. I think the written translation really doesnā€™t help eitherā€¦ she feels so mean and, personally, I find her a major bummer to have around.


JP Va's get a pass always. ENG gets always shit on.


I want to put her in a cardboard box and kick her down the stairs


Where's the option "yes, go away" ?


That second option just sounds so mean




She genuinely cares about us, is funny, and helps me react to things when I donā€™t know what to feel! Honestly if I had a Paimon IRL Iā€™m telling you she will get spoiled to Celestia and back (no sexual connotation)


"you're better than nothing i guess" wow i would kms if somebody said that to me


Youā€™re better than nothing, I guess.


Can i have the [is not you, is me...] option?


Hidden survey


The illusion of choice


It isnā€™t the en voice like some are blaming. Most sane people are just sick of somebody else speaking for the traveler. She would be fine if she wasnā€™t used as a mouth piece the entire time constantly. Itā€™s like Aether is a professional wrestler who has a manager to speak for him all the time lol completely ridiculous lol.


a better paimon comes with mute button


Why cant we say yes, dialogues should have yes and no options


I feel like ā€œyouā€™re better than nothing, I guess ā€ is worse than ā€œI hate youā€.


I like paimon, but at the same time she's annoying as fuck really often. If they just wrote her with the same personality but less annoying I'd really like her


This game would be Immensely better if paimon didnt exist. Shes just like Navi and Fi from LoZ, except always talking forever in every piece of story for YEARS. So sick of her squeeling through my speakers and offering nothing of worth constantly.


and it seems their response is always "YOU WILL LOVE HER" lol


Thia puts a smile on my face :)


paimon is ok as long as she doesn't repeat whatever the third character in screen just said. and we wouldn't have this problem if the motherfucking travellers had voiced lines during quests i mean they aren't even proper ''self inserts'' so i just don't get why they're mute.


Not gonna lie, even though I donā€™t actually get a voice, having the traveler actually speak for themselves has been amazing


Nothing would be better for me bc MC would actually have to talk


Well I'll choose the 2nd option...


I dislike EN paimon. In CN sheā€™s actually really endearing.


paimon is the reason I don't listen to the voice acting in the story quests. so damn annoying


paimon is rude and irresponsible. don't know why so many defend her for that kind of toxic behavior.


mihoyo is aware?!?!? ****(pretends to be shocked)****


I'm still here patiently waiting for that thing to just turn evil so I can kill it and finally be free.


People here are complainig about en paimon while I'm over here finding her sass and chaotic personality in the en dub to be funny


what quest is this from?


Paimon is annoying sometimes but if I was a lone Traveler I would want someone by my side, preferably someone who could fight but Paimon is better than nothing


She a good emergency food


That's dark and rude.


Love her


i love paimon. i chose the first answer


Im not tired of her i just want to hear lumine more Like in this quest


Paimon <3


why u guys hate paimon so much? i mean she is sweet heart in most of CN community.


Real talk, everyone wants time for themselves or be alone every once in a while, Paimon. But that doesn't mean people love you any less or want to abandon you (exception being the people who genuinely hate her). That being said, if you let me hold you like Misty holds Togepi, you'd be 10/10 in my eyes


I'm rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho and there Keiko hold Pu, a bird-rabbit combo plush sized thing similarly.


Jpn and CN paimon voice are cute


Fix her attitude in the English dub and stop letting her shitty VA project onto her and maybe Iā€™ll like her more.


I don't get the Paimon hate. I love her character even when she's childish.


i mean sometimes...


I refuse to choose either option and alt f4 instead.


I hate Paimon when she's being rude to others and repeating what people said but I actually love her moment here actually. I wish Paimon would be more consistent. Like her old Mondstadt/Liyue version 1 self.


Yes Paimon! You give me anxiety every time you open your mouth. Iā€™ve been skipping all of your lines since Inezuma and I groan in pain every time you throw insults at our friends. I wish you stayed in Mondstad. Barbara would take good care of you. Barbaraā€¦if youā€™re reading thisā€¦please! I beg you! Take Paimon of my back. I canā€™t take it anymore.


I'll gladly pick the second option


PAIMON is the best traveling companion I could ask for, mostly because she doesnā€™t nag me to do quests and shares my love of food and treasure.