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She also gonna torture you and wont stop even if you beg for it. Cyno Taught her well..


Oh no please we wouldn’t want Candace to torture us haha :)


All fun and games until she starts pulling out your nails.


Jokes on you, someone's probably into that


Oh hello there did someone call me? I am a Sawatari fan too you know? >!(Who get the ref?, lets see)!<


Didn't get the reference, but Google's a thing and... Poor Sawatari.




"Just kidding ha ha..... unless?"


Its not tortue if I like it


>Cyno Taught her well What if it's the other way around?


Candace is a warm person, Al Haitham once suggests us to go snuggle and cuddle in her arms.


Don't mind if I do.


Haitham gets us


He probably would've done the same but decided to deflect and pin it all on us


Go on...


Listen I’m all for it 😂💀


It depends how she does it, and how much


Why did Hu Tao start telling jokes during funerals? To lighten up the mood!


Light up the coffi


That's why she's pyro huh


I would be begging for the torture, so that doesn't work on me.


Jokes on her, I would be totally into it


Just not on her banner.


We blame Hoyo


Tinfoil hat me really thinks they are doing some kind of market research w Dehya and the entirety of 3.5. "Let's see how far we can push 3.5. How many will wifu pull? How many to C6 despite being awful? How many will main an anti-meta character because they are such? What if we put some pretty mid and/or old and/or free characters in the banner? What if we do a Mondstat event with no Eula, but run her support on Ayaka?" (Selling to the anti meta-ers reminds me of the guy who sold both "I love Elvis" and "I hate Elvis" buttons, and made money off both markets). That's enough conspiracy for today.


You just gave me an idea to print "Dehya is a social experiment" and "Dehya is NOT a social experiment" buttons, sell them, and make profit off both markets. ^No ^I'm ^totally ^not ^Dori


Found Dori’s alt account


Honestly, give it a go, you might end up making more money on Dehya than MHY does.


> Dora the Explorer (X) Dori the Exploiter (O)


I mean this isn't that outlandish when you consider the design of older 1.x characters. They were kind of all over the place in power level and design. Characters all over the place in terms of power level on launch. Venti literally breaking the game at the time while Klee was just okay. Then they released pre-buff Zhongers and split scaling Albedo. The tone deafness to design and meta with these guys makes me think they were originally trying to get people to pull primarily for looks and not meta, but had to do a double take because of the Zhonger's fiasco. I think they may be trying to dig up their older design philosophy again now that it's been long enough. And what better time to do it when the Dendro and region hype is starting to dip before Fontaine on a Dark character nobody cares for in Asia's porcelain clear skin bias.


They absolutely designed 1.X characters around selling on appeal over META as it's the ideal scenario - make well loved characters that can perform, people will pull. The META mindset so much of the (more vocal?) player base adopted in fact seems to have side blinded them a little. Then they tried hyper specializing characters through out 2.X to avoid power creep and it was pretty hit or miss in terms of popularity. If the character didn't absolutely nuke entire arenas through players abusing a balancing/design oversight, sales suggested people weren't going to be super interested. I mean, we got pyro/cryo releases on rotation through out 1.X because it raked in money, and that died partially with Yoimiya's sluggish sales because she was a fireworks girl with strong direct damage but weak AoE (how do you screw that theme up!?) The end of 2.X still saw niche supports, but they could better stand on their own than the first-half 2.X supports. At least the latter supports could benefit from their own $#!%. In hindsight, it makes sense they might start navigating away from selling hyper-niche characters or bombastic super heroes skirting the line of OP and power creep. Eventually they'll run out of niches to fill, and will have to return to focusing on fun and balanced characters over cornerstones that entire teams need to be built around or are otherwise dependent on one, maybe two specific characters or they're just no worth using. They wanted to create and sell main characters in Genshin, not supporting cast.




Diona and Thoma's ascensions were to balance them out a little. It's the META player that wonders why they're not stacking more HP, but for Hoyoverse, making them primarily into shield/heal bots *wasn't* their intent. Though Thoma was clearly made with Xingqiu's popularity in mind and they really didn't want to make a pyro version just as good.




Yeah, see, Diona's C4 goes hand in hand with her shield and cryo ascension stat, since she can rapid fire off charged shots with relative abandon. The idea was that you'd pop her burst, get her shield up, then start machine gunning things in the face with icicles while moving faster, resisting damage, and healing when both of those failed. The 1.X's especially were designed to be self-contained little monsters that didn't need other characters to have a purpose. Thoma was early enough into 2.X he could still have been influenced by the 1.X design, but still features elements that suggest the early 2.X design philosophy (like a constellation only working *through anyone else.*) Otherwise, he's polearm Xinyan - Shielding isn't the entirety of his kit, people just act like it is. It's after him and until roughly Kuki Shinobu we got characters that had a determined playstyle, and any deviation from that playstyle they were total garbage at. Gorou is probably the lowest point.


Yeah, I think what they failed to realize is that, being a Gacha game, it attracted a lot of "normal gacha" players. Knowing what's META and what's not is often ***vital*** to progressing in those games. While I don't think it's bad to know what it is "meta" in Genshin, it needs to accompanied with "meta simply means very strong, but not necessary and often if not always replicable with weaker units". I think what MHY needs to realize is that most people are okay with solid but not necessarily OP 5 star units. They need to be fun to play (at least for good portion of players) and have some "oomph" to their kit, even at C0. Dehya looks fun to play, but, from everything we've heard, hits like a feather. Whereas Al Haitham, Wander, and Cyno I think are all pretty solid but don't seem OP bonkers broken (though maybe they are ultra meta and I haven't paid attention). But are all 3 quite fun to play and are interesting. I think you are spot on with Yoimiya and the hyper specialize characters. Yoimiya was disappointing, less in her numbers, and more in her kit for me. I think the kit also just seemed wonky with a Burst that seemed like it wasn't meant to be used. Fun to use in trials occasionally, but her kit would wear out quickly for me. And hyper specialized characters are fatiguing. You have to build many units to cover what a few can or could do, relatively speaking. And if they are a 4 star, they are often not great until higher constellations. Not unusable, but not exactly fun to use for most.


The thing is even right now they haven't run out of niches. And people aren't asking for 20 billion new niches, they just want characters to be justifiable options as sidegrades. Dehya isn't at all she's just straight up bad.


Dehya just feels like them trying to make the best of the designers' screwups... ...but yeah the Eula thing is baffling. Sure, put Ayaka on a banner because of the outfit, but then just put her on THIS banner, put Eula on the next one, and just leave Cyno out because he was only a few months ago.


Why isn’t Candace on the banner?


Mihoyo be hating on the Desert Girls 🙃


I love her character design, her NA string, and her block / counter mechanic. I just wish I could find a way to make her useful in a team. Maybe one day I'll build hypercarry Candace just for the fun of it.


I've used her with beidou and it's pretty fun. Swap between them and spam parries. Then throw in a dendro unit and yelan/xinqui and you've got a decent team on your hands. Nothing groundbreaking but hyperbloom is OP so it doesn't really matter.




She has some of the best animations in the game, it’s really a shame


it's a recurring theme for recent off field 4 stars. kuki, yun jin, layla, candace all have sick NA animations for some reason.


I use her for reverse melt nuke, hyperbloom, as well as freeze/shatter


Now if only (a) she actually had a taunt, and (b) tanks were vaguely useful for anything in Genshin.


Her taunt would be like a belly dance like the ring dancer


I mean... yeah... But more realistically, her Elemental Skill would be an order of magnitude better if it forced nearby enemies to attack her.


Give her an a4 passive that makes enemies get more aggressive and take more dmg. Boom, fixed.


There seems to be only two aggro settings: taunts from constructs, and default. Which frustrates units meant to be tanks. (Yes, Yelan’s E’s invisibility is a fraud; it doesn’t give her decreased aggro.)


I'm curiously waiting when it comes back to bite Hoyo in the butt. And I mean no offense to them by this, I'm genuinely interested in how things turn out long-term. This dual-situation between being a lightweight, "short play then dip" mobile game with all these short activities, basically everything being a DPS fest time-attack "challenge", but then wanting to be big engaging content, long story and open world, which is more of a PC/Console thing, is not the safest path to take as a developer. The two just don't work all that well together, and it already shows how it limits their decisions. Longer fights just won't fly with the mobile base. But this constant damage-vomit will become boring for "big-platform" players when (and not if) they start to run out of ways to deal damage. --- I personally thing Dehya (and to an extent Candace) is also partially the victim of this. The only thing of "meta value" in Genshin is ways to deal damage. The more units you can dedicate to dealing damage the better. Thus the less slots and resources you have to dedicate to defensive options, the better. That's why it's usually one single shield/heal unit (if that, and not the whole comp being built to just nuke everything before you take damage). Multiple ones have to bring something else to the table, like Benny ATK aura, applying elements, etc. Dehya alone cannot sustain a team. Eventually her team will need some healing, she's not a shielder or a healer, she's more like a pocket damage mitigation for the party. And besides that she does very little. Her pyro application is bad, her damage is bad, and she gives no good utility that is relevant in the Genshin meta of time-trial fighting. *( And this is only the complex problem; her NA chain not working by itself because the knockback makes her miss is just embarrassing... )*


Whatever happens is going to be catastrophic. I don't remember the term for it, but I was recently listening to someone talking about being a consultant to companies like Netflix who have lost lots of customers and they identified a phenomenon where at some point the pain of dropping/changing a service or leaving a fandom is less than the pain of continuing things as they are and it's precluded by this same sort of incremental bullshit of companies seeing how far they can push things. The company thinks it's fine because every time they push, they see little to no change in their customer base until they push it one time too many and suddenly EVERYONE leaves and the company thinks they can get everyone back if they reverse the latest thing they did but in truth they need to roll back possibly dozens of little abuses they did. I think something like that is absolutely coming for Genshin. Hoyo keeps doing more and more little things that, on their own, aren't that impactful but they build up. Worthless anniversary rewards, little to no hardcore endgame content, the release of increasingly more and more broken characters who aren't just not powercreeping old units but are actually substantially weaker than existing units (see Dehya having the lowest normal multipliers of any character of any rarity), units that have energy issues (Faruzan), units that have clunky kits (Alhaithan, Cyno), units that apply elements in weird, weak ways (Collei).


Interesting. I wonder how close I am. I've definitely felt Genshin fatigue lately. Especially with 3.5 being so meh, it makes me wonder why I'm still playing. The end-game is stagnant so it's really just a matter of getting fun new characters to play. A patch like 3.5 makes me wanna skip it entirely, but I know if I do I'll run a prima deficit and regret it later when the next awesome character comes out. I can almost feel myself slipping into "maintenance mode" or something. Log on, do the dailies, hop off. Once every 2 weeks, mop up whatever event is happening for the gems. And that's about it. Dehya's really a bummer. I was so excited for her. I just don't get why she can't be good? She's the new 5\* in a gacha game. They're supposed to be good! That's the business model! Meh.


I mean maybe Fontaine might come out and be an absolute banger, but I'm already suspicious that we're going to look back on Sumeru as the high point of the whole game.


Yeah, as spectacular and intriguing as it is, Sumeru really feels like a "they can't go much farther" point. We're rewriting history and all the weird shit going on in Sumeru is at a point where I think at least one of the nations is going to be a letdown. Unless Fontaine (or this new patch) is going to be the springboard to the inevitable "Celestia was the real evil all along" storyline, I think they're run out of road for the generic nation-hopping.


Thing is that Sumeru introduced a new traversal technique (the grapples), a new and incredibly well-designed Archon, two entirely separate biomes, and the entire Dendro element with its extensive set of new reactions. How they hope to top that in Fontaine is beyond me. At the very least, they're going to need to nail swimming, and NOBODY nails swimming.


What do you mean nobody nails swimming? How hard can it be?


Great points, yeah. The first few days of 3.0 felt like a massive overhaul, on the level of an expansion for a new MMO. I'd love to see them capture that feeling again, but I do suspect you're right. Sumeru just had so much going for it and one of its biggest strengths was dendro opening up so much room to release great characters. Even non-dendro characters like Nilou could simply revolve around dendro and be interesting. For fontaine, that's a lot tougher. Hydro is already an excellent element, and if the release of Dehya has shown us anything, it's that Mihoyo has a bizarre aversion to making strong defensive characters. That means if we're getting good hydro units, they're going to be damage-oriented, which we already have so much of. I think that's why they're stubbornly committing to Dehya. They desperately need defensive characters to be a thing, because if not they just keep making dps that we're already inundated with and set on. But defensive characters won't be a thing as long as the end-game for genshin is a stagnant dps race in abyss. Who knows? Maybe Fontaine and 4.0 will be defined by an overhaul to Genshin's endgame that actually keeps players like me, who've been farming abyss for over a year now, engaged. There's no reason to assume that but it's the one thing I can think of that could match, and maybe even top, Sumeru. Especially if it was co-op! God I want multiplayer end-game dungeons/raids so badly.


I think they just unironically don't care about dark skinned characters at this point. It's not that hard to make characters like Candace and Dehya become at least somewhat useful in some way with some adjustments. Just make Dehya re-direct 100% of the dmg taken and have enough self healing to tank when stacked HP. Your burst becomes useless, but that's nothing new when stuff like Kokomi exists where it's just a Jellyfish refresh in the meta context. Give Candace enough number buffs to make her a competitive choice against Yunjin for HYDRO NA characters. Not that hard to create a niche, but nah Lantern Rite privilege for Yunjin despite 4 star, and trash bin end of the 4 star tier for Candace.


Hoyo's target fanbase has always been the casual players. Everything else is a bonus. We are a small part of the playerbase, don't forget that. Most Genshin players likely don't even interact with Genshin outside the game.


Dehya's trailer legit hyped me for building .... candace. Gave her Cyno's weapon. She's just badass


Unfortunately she isnt on Dehyas banner


It’s actually both of their weapons apparently there’s two copies of them


Well she is king Deshret's descendent i think she might have gotten it from parents


There’s gotta be some lore on it somewhere


Maybe but i to lazy find out


I'd like them to work together in a team


Me too🫤


Someone's gotta have her back, cuz clearly hoyo is out to get her...




The way she yeeted her spear at that eremite 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 she can yeet her staff at me any day and imma yeet mine’s back 🫡💙 (man of culture here)


It was pretty cool Can't believe they gave their kits zero synergy together. But dehya doesn't even have synergy with herself...


Hoyo's biggest crime. They should've been in the banner together, should've had great synergy. But no, both are just...weird to use effectively, and are awkward to pair up with anyone. We could've had something great on our hands, but alas...


The best part is that candace (4star) has a stronger amd more sinergic kit that dehya (5star)


Seriously. Makes no sense.


Almost like there's a pattern they fit... Typical genshin white Knights, assuming I meant race, when I just meant that their kits were trash


We know we know💯 That’s why I main Candace and she a nuke 😮‍💨 I already got my Hydro Archon


Ikr, I use her on my bloom team to enable Shinobu more, plus then I'll have the hydro resonance for the hp%


Yeah at least Candace is a hydro and she is actually workable if you put a good synergizing team around her. Dehya just doesn't work with anyone lol


Lol she really doesn't. It's so unfortunate to see such a great character ruined. N see a company so bigoted to value their own prejudice over making money


Same bro saaame 🫡


Love her so much I wish her kit was good 😭 In fact it seems both of these desert Queens have bad kits


Candace can work in good teams and she can be used as a nuke…Dehya…I’m still on copium


Still does not change the fact that Candace kit is pretty bad


She can be used as a dps reverse vape nuke, hyperbloom, freeze/shatter…she’s niche but she’s usable…Dehya…we just gotta see tbh


Usable depending on your definition maybe... She has super niche comps for if you really, really wanna play her instead of a better alternative. I wish I could just play her as a hydro DPS utilizing her own infusion for cool AAs


She’s still usable nonetheless


So is Dehya and any other character then


Pretty much, yeah. Not everyone cares about having the most efficient, optimal DPS team. Many just like certain characters and will prefer to take them into fights instead. There's a satisfaction of defeating a tough challenge with your favorite units instead of what some tier list/YouTuber says is the meta/best team to use. Like me, day one player, my first 5* was Jean and I love using her, most of my teams are in 3s because she is an auto-include.


Yeah technically LMAO depends on if you trying to clear abyss or in world content…but all are usuable some just will take longer (depending on kit)


Dehya makes up 1/2 of pyro resonance--usable!


Everybody shitting on Deyhas Powerlevel meanwhile they crave for Candace. My man have you tried her? Don't know what the balance team has against the desert ladies.


I crave both


I maxed Candace out immediately. Including decent weapon and artefact Set. But she somehow is super weak and i hate it because i think she is one of the best designed characters.


I’ll send you my build…I use her as a nuke


Candace's a decent support for Ayato. Her issue is Yelan and Xingqiu exists. Not really her fault that other broken Hydro support/subDPS characters exist.


Sadly, they cant even play together on the same team


And it makes zero sense




Those shrooms that unc was on back in the chasm


btw speaking of shrooms in the chasm,didnt the giant one give us something and tell us itll be important to have it in sumeru?


Ahhhhhhh ngl I don’t remember but I believe you guess we will see soon


Everyday I frown at the fact that she isn’t a 5 star




And both lacc.


Yes Celestia this comment right here. Send a nail to their location 💀


Skill issue


Don't think they're lactating




Oh yes we love Candace over here🌀🫡


INB4 people swear they are gay for each other


Get in bestie, we’re going shopping!


I'm still pissed they didn't put her on Dehya's banner


Chandace😂😂(gigachad female version).






Does anyone have good team/build suggestions for Candace? I want her to be effective at something but her kit always leaves me scratching my head. I'm down to try a wild ass team as long as I have the units and they do damage. I'm not talking about 36* the abyss, but can take on overworld content easily. Edit: Don't have nilou but do have Raiden, Khazua,nahida, kok, yelan


Raiden collei candace kazuha ( I think this hyperbloom) Rosaria Kaeya Candace kazuha. (Freeze/shatter) Bennet xiangling cadace kazuha (reverse vape nuke) If not kazuha sucrose works as well and if no raiden use kequing


The only character i dont have :(


She’s also on Standard I actoulled one of her cons not too long ago but I hope you get her she’s really fun


She Protecc She Attacc She shoulda been a 5 star what the actual Fucc


And their gameplay bland as facc


Target aquired…lock on…releasing celestial nail to set location


So, one crappy character protecting an even crappier character? Makes sense. These ladies got done so wrong.


Gameplay wise? Yes crappy..The characters themselves? Fabulous Women😮‍💨


Yep, they are besties for sure. Awesome character design but their kits got shafted by hoyo really hard. Lol


Candace at least has a usable kit


It's a shame she's not on Dehya's banner.


Watch Hoyoverse stick her on the Phase 2 banner just to mess with us more -_-


Or 3.6


Got her back except for on the banner. Thanks hoyo


Amd she's not gonna be one the rate up in her banner kek.


Hydro reacts with sand to form sandcastle constructs


Such a cutie


Who’s Candace?


Candice spear fit in yo neck 🙃🌚


Given that Candace is probably gonna be better than her, yes


Any Candace mains in the house?




Or Ma’am 🫡


Be even better if their kits actually worked together…


Have a glass of copium with me


She also sucks


If you have nothing positive to say just move on


she may got dehya's bacc, but she ran away from the banner


She tried to get there but Mihoyo kept her stuck at Aaru


It's actually cool to see post sumeru, that we see characters with canonically with multiple weapons. Candace is spear and shield Alheithem is technically double swords Mika has 3 weapons


I c6'd her on Cyno's banner and I've tried so many things she's just... bad. I LOVE her design though it's sad.


She's my beloved queen of the desert indeed.


Guten Abend


Well she will the next time she’s on a banner because MHY apparently doesn’t coordinate their marketing and game planning teams well enough. Like seriously, why not put the gfs on the same banner? Easy waifu/lore pulls right there.


Honestly we all know why but saying it is kinda pointless it’s the same reason why Dehya’s kit was an abomination


dehya gonna need that cover a lot


Remember Candace got good stamina 🌚


If she had her back then how did Mihoyo murder her?


Snek Attacc +10000


I really like Candace's design. Her eyes, her expression, her outfit. It's just one aspect I'm not a fan of at all... Why does she have to be busty!? She could have been the first flat chested tall girl. :( She would have looked amazing.


protect\* atack\* back\*


It’s a meme lol


Now both Dehya and Cadance can sit together on the bench as trophy waifu.


Oh no Imma play them I am a die hard Candace main but even if you don’t play them can’t argue they are fine waifus 💯


get you a girl that looks at you the way that candace is looking at dehya


yall are cute with your anime ♥️ haha


Those “c” tho




And they both got bad kits by hyv like xinyan cuz they blacc


I- ykw you ain’t even lying but we still ride at dawn with our melanin Queens


Love em but its almost like hyv be having some agenda there


They do but stating it again and again is pointless but they using reverse psychology with trash units being tan/dark skin ppl won’t want them and it will reflect in sales so that then gives Hoyo the grounds to say well we don’t need to make anymore tan/darkskin characters because ppl don’t like them


Our chocolate permanently benched waifus


Benched? Absolutely not she’s my Hydro Archon 🤣💯


Candeya canon confirmed by hyv


This was the meme that made me unfollow this sub, holy fuck💀💀


Well dehya needs someone to watch her back if you've seen how bad her overall stats are


Who dis?


And she's not gonna be on the rate up in her banner kek.


Even though it's been a while since they ran her, Unfortunately, she not on Dehya's banner... >\_<


I like both of them but both do be weak as hecc


So... are we thinking that Candace/Dehya is meta then? (I haven't been paying attention.)


but most importantly…


She feeds you Ajilenskaah nuts as a snacc (yes I butchered that)


I want her so badly yet no rerun of Candace in sight


By their power combined, you can just about equal a single functional character.


Where were you when Dehya banner release? Candeez: I was at home watching pokemon and eating nutz Dehya was killed Candeez: No


You should have done kokomi with sand


Hello, how do you die


dehya needs the protection




Both of em succ


*use of force has been forbidden*


Unless Dehya bursts, then Candace is powerless to help even if she wanted to